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Verily Allah and His angels to prophets bersholawat. O ye who believe!

Bersholawatlah you to respect the prophet and say hello to him. "(Al-Ahzab:

God sent the prophet Muhammad and has specifics and give glory to convey
the message. He has made a mercy for the whole of nature and the leader of
the pious people and making people who can give guidance to the straight
path. Then a servant must obey him, to respect and implement their rights.

With all his service to mankind, then God mentions action proper to be done to
belliau, that is to say shalawat. Allah Almighty says:

"Verily Allah and His angels to prophets bersholawat. O ye who believe!

Bersholawatlah you to respect the prophet and say hello to him. "(Al-Ahzab:

Many opinions about Sholawat sense to prophet sollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam,

and that really is like what was said by Abul Aliyah: "Verily, Allah Sholawat of it
is in the form of praise for the people who bersholawat to him on the side of
the angels are near"-Imam Bukhari meriwayatkannya in Shohihnya with strong
comments-And this is from His mercy specializing a general nature. This
opinion was reinforced by the sheikh Muhammad ibn 'Uthaymeen.

Greetings: It means that the safety of all the flaws and dangers, because the
couple was greeted with sholawat then we also get what we want and what we
feared terhapuslah. So with regards then what we feared to be lost and clean
from the shortage and with sholawat then what we want to be fulfilled and
more perfect.

Legal BershalawatKepada Prophet

The rule of usul mention, as long as the command is to show liability. Given
this rule, God's command to bershalawat in the letter of al-Ahzab can be
understood as an obligation. But here the scholars' opinions differ about when
the execution of this obligation. Some of them said that their obligations are
once in a lifetime. But there is also a saying that shalawat in tasyahhud is
mandatory. As stated by Abu Bakr Al-Qodhi bin Bakir said: "Allah Almighty has
His creatures require to bersholawat and greetings to His prophet, and do not
make it within a certain time only. So let someone who is required to
reproduce sholawat and salutations to him and not melalaikannya. "And there's
also saying that the command in the above paragraph only interpreted by the

Moments That Disunnahkan Reading Sholawat For Prophet

Afham Jila'ul in the book, Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya disunnahkan mentions 40

places to say shalawat. Among these are as follows;
1 - Before praying, as mentioned by Fadhalah ibn 'Abid: "The Messenger
sollallohu' alaihi wa sallam heard a man praying in his prayers, but not to the
prophet sollallohu bersholawat 'alaihi wa sallam, then he said:" This man was
in a hurry "Then he called that person and said to him and to others:" If one of
you to pray (pray), then he shall begin with praise and adulation to God and
bersholawat for the prophet, then pray after that with him anything he
wanted . '[HR Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ahmad and Hakim]

2 - When calling, hear and write his name, according to the word of the
Messenger of Allah:

"Woe to someone who mentioned my name on the sides and he did not
bersholawat for me." [HR Tirmidhi and Hakim]

3 - It is advisable reproduce shalawat Prophet on Friday, as the hadith narrated

from 'Aus ibn Aus: "Messenger of Allah said:

"Verily, between the days of the most Afdal is Friday, then perbanyaklah
sholawat me on that day, because you will sholawat reached me ... ..." [R. Abu
Dawood, Ahmad and Hakim]

4 - When entering and exiting the mosque, as mentioned in the hadith

narrated from Fatimah ra, he said: "The Messenger of Allah said:" When you
enter the mosque, then say: "In the Name of Allah, greetings to the Messenger
of Allah, O Allah to Muhammad sholawatlah and the family of Muhammad,
forgive us and ease for us the doors of Thy mercy. "" And when out of the
mosque so Say it, but (at the end of this piece) is replaced with: "And make it
easy for us the doors of Thy bounty." [HR Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi]

5. When Prayers corpse

Disyari'atkan bershalawat in prayer after Takbir a second corpse is based on

the hadith narrated by Abu Umaamah ra, that he was told by a prophet
shahabat; That the Sunnah in prayer for the dead is a priest bertakbir, then
read the Book Fatihatul (letter of al-Fatihah) after the first Takbir, then
bershalawat the Prophet (Hadith Saheeh, narrated by an-Nisaa'i and others)

Bershalawat way to Messenger

In the word of God above, God ordered that the bershalawat followed with the
greeting, "Bersholawatlah you to respect the prophet and say hello to him."
(Sura Al-Ahzab: 56) Based on the verse is the main thing is to unite shalawat
and salutations, such as peace and blessings 'alaihi wasallam. This form of
greeting for his shalawat and peace be upon him in general. So not true that
greeted the Messenger of God without being followed by shalawat, or shalawat
without a greeting, like 'alaihis greeting or cor shalli' alaih only.

In addition to the general meaning, shalawat should consist of shalawat and

salutations, Messenger teleh readings exemplify shalawat specifically
mentioned in the hadith, from Abi Sa'eed Al-Hamid-quoted 'anhu, said: "They
asked:" O Messenger of how Our bersholawat for you? He replied: "Say:

‫اللهم صل على محمد وأزواجه وذريته كما صليت على آل إبراهيم وبارك على محمد وأزواجه وذريته‬
‫كما باركت على آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد‬

"O Allah! Give sholawat to Muhammad, his wives and offspring, as You give
sholawat to Ibrahim. Bless Muhammad, his wives and offspring, as You blessed
Ibrahim. Thou art the Praised, Most Gracious. "[Agreed 'Peace be upon]

In addition to these shalawat readings, there are still some other histories that
mention the reading shalawat as taught by Prophet.

Censure for failure to Bersholawat For Prophet.

Given benyaknya messenger services to us, certainly feasible if we pray for

him. Moreover because the prayer was not for his own, but to our own.
Because when we mengucapshalawat, many of the primacy given to us. So
people who do not want to say to the Prophet shalawat tindkan is a brash,
cocky at the same time. At least it was discourtesy portrayed in the history of
Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Prophet said: "The most curmudgeonly person is someone
who, if my name was called he did not bersholawat for me." [HR Nisaa'i,
Tirmidhi and Thabaraniy]

Errors related to Shalawat

In carrying out God's command to bershalawat to the prophet Muhammad,

there are some common mistakes made by Muslims. Among his mistake is
specializing indefinitely by the Prophet to bershalawat. And there is also what
makes reading shalawat contrary to the general rule in Islam. Among the
mistakes were, among others;

1. Shalawat specializes in cataract Rabi al-Awwal. In the month of Rabi al-

Awwal is some Muslims held a commemoration of the birth of the Prophet
Muhammad. Among the forms of warnings is done with emphasis on reading
and berzanji shalawat. These actions fall into heresy, although it basically read
shalawat no command of Allah and the Prophet also sunnah. For ne and His
Apostle never specify the month as the month of Rabi al-Awwal shalawat, as
they did. Unlike the case with Friday, indeed we are commanded to
meperbanyak shalawat reading the Messenger of God.

2. Reading shalawat-shalawat heresy, even polytheism, such as Badr and

Shalawat shalawat Nariyah.

Shalawat already very famous, and even many inside didendangkan nasyid,
namely shalatullah salamullah, 'ala Taha Rasulillah ... this is a mistake shalwat
bertawasul with the prophet, even the heroes of Badr war. Consider shalawat
part of it, "tawassalna bibismillah, wabil hadi Rasulillah, wakulli mujahidilillah
biahlil Badri yaa Allah '(we bertawasul with the name of God, and also the
carrier of the guidance, the Prophet, and also with all the mujahid bertawassul
God, with the heroes of full moon, Yes God .. "

While shalawat Nariyah, is the "cor shalli shalatan we were ...." Mistake, in this
shalawat mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad is the release of all problems
of life, as mentioned in the verses, "tanhallu bihil uqad, tuqdlo bihil hawa'ij
wa .." ( with him (Prophet Muhammad) any bond going out, and all other
needs will be met)

Such Shalawat problematic, but enough poluler in almost all layers of the
Muslims in Indonesia today. When there were attempts to remind them, then
suddenly they are angry. In these circumstances it is angry and then they
accuse people who remind flaw in bershalawat as anti shalawat. This is an
extreme accusation. For the rejected not shalawat correct, but that was
rejected is shalawat incorrect.


Other Writing About

* Q-a
* Aqidah

Comments (4)

Zahra Syahida on 28/03/2008 03:28 AM said:

subhanalloh. once fitted, next week will show mauludan ana (as the common
event) and the ana had argument about specifically who appear fit sholawatan
mauludan, as one friend ana slh want displays. plan, this would dijadiin
reference to him. I rate him so ill-understood adl adherents strange. such
iklan2 said, do not justify the usual tp familiarize Post .. since knowledge is still
minimal and ana ana still have a lot to read & review the science, what do you
think antum if some say heretical sholawatan well above adl heresy? afwan
jiddan. anyway, thanks for the article.

Zacky direction on 04/04/2008 03:07 PM said:

matter of heresy, wait at Inshallah will be posted

shortly .... but wait

dirga on 08/21/2008 11:35 PM said:

There are important things are left in the above discussion, namely how
shalawat readings that are not reduced and no excess.
In prayer, must read shalawat like this: "cor Shalli AALI alaa Muhammad wa
Muhammad" or something like that ... do not be deducted tuh AALI origin
Muhammadnya. If reduced, surely all schools will be canceled menghukumi
prayers. So ... what is paid on a secret
Contribute a better translation

Previous: Letter (035) Fathir (paragraph 45)
Next: Letter (037) as-Shaffat (Paragraph 182)

Letter No.: 36
Meaning of Name Letter: Yasin
Number of paragraphs: 83 (eighty three) verses
Derived at:
Class letter:
Additional Information:

Ya Sin.
QS. Yasin (36): 1

By the Qur'an full of Wisdom,

QS. Yasin (36): 2

Thou art indeed one of the apostles,

QS. Yasin (36): 3

(Which is) above the straight path,

QS. Yasin (36): 4

(A revelation) sent down by the Almighty, the Merciful,

QS. Yasin (36): 5

in order that you may warn a people that their fathers had never given a
warning, so they are heedless.
QS. Yasin (36): 6

Indeed, there has definitely accepted the word of (the provisions of God)
against most of them, because they do not believe.
QS. Yasin (36): 7

We have put the shackles on their necks and their hands (appointed) to the
chin, so that their gaze upward.
QS. Yassin (36): 8
And We have set before them the walls and behind the wall (too), and we close
(the eyes) so they can not see.
QS. Yasin (36): 9

The same to them whether thou admonish them or thou do not admonish
them, they will not believe.
QS. Yasin (36): 10

Surely you just give warnings to people who want to follow the warnings and
the fear of God, Most Gracious, although he did not see it. So give them the
glad tidings of forgiveness and a glorious reward.
QS. Yasin (36): 11
Verily, We bring life to the dead and We record what they have done and the
marks they left behind. And everything we collect in a clear Book (Lauh
QS. Yasin (36): 12

And create for them a parable, which is a resident of a country when the
messengers came to them;
QS. Yasin (36): 13

(Ie) when We sent to them two messengers, and they denied them both, so
We reinforced them with the (envoys) of the third, then the third they said:
'We are the people who are sent to you-xx. "
QS. Yasin (36): 14

They replied: "Ye are but mortals like us and Allah, Most Gracious, not down
nothing, you are nothing but lie."
QS. Yasin (36): 15
They said: "Our Lord knows that we are indeed the one sent to you.
QS. Yasin (36): 16

And our duty is only to convey (the command) to clear. "

QS. Yasin (36): 17

They said: 'We were unfortunate for you, indeed if you do not stop (calling us),
we shall surely stone you, and ye shall receive a painful punishment from us. "
QS. Yasin (36): 18

Messengers said: "Deplorable you is because you own it. What if you were
given a warning (you ill-fated)? Nay, but ye are a people transgressing all
QS. Yassin (36): 19

And there came from the edge of town, a man with a beetle he said: "O my
people, follow the Messengers,
QS. Yasin (36): 20

Obey those who ask no reward thee, and they are the ones that receive
QS. Yasin (36): 21

Why I do not worship (God) who has created and that is Him you (all) be
QS. Yasin (36): 22

Why I will worship gods other than Him if (Allah) Most Gracious willed
kemudharatan toward me, their intercession would not give the slightest
benefit for myself and they do not (yet) be saved?
QS. Yasin (36): 23

Actually I would then be in manifest error.

QS. Yasin (36): 24

Actually I have been faithful to your Lord, so hear (confession of faith) me.
QS. Yasin (36): 25

It is said (to him): "Go to heaven." He said: "Would that my people know,
QS. Yasin (36): 26

what causes my Lord forgive me and make me among those who glorified. "
QS. Yasin (36): 27

And We sent not down against his people after he (died) a pasukanpun from
the sky and not worthy of us down.
QS. Yasin (36): 28
There is no punishment for them but only one shouts: then suddenly they were
all dead.
QS. Yasin (36): 29

What big regret of the slaves, a rasulpun not come to them but they mocked
QS. Yasin (36): 30

Do they not know how many generations before them have We destroyed, that
the people (which We have destroyed), it does not return to them.
QS. Yasin (36): 31

And each of them everything will be collected again to us.

QS. Yasin (36): 32

And a mark (God's great power) for them is the dead earth. We turn the earth,
and We remove the seeds thereof, so they eat thereof.
QS. Yasin (36): 33

And We gave him the gardens of dates and grapes and we are sending him
some springs,
QS. Yasin (36): 34

That they may eat of its fruit, and from what is cultivated by their hands. So
why are they not grateful?
QS. Yasin (36): 35
Glory to God who has created all the pairs, both from what is grown by the
earth and of themselves, or from what they do not know.
QS. Yasin (36): 36

And a mark (God's great power) for them is night; We tanggalkan day from
night, so with them immediately in the dark,
QS. Yasin (36): 37

and the sun runs in circulation. Such assessment is the Mighty, the Knower.
QS. Yasin (36): 38

And We decreed for the months of moon-moon, so that (after he gets to the
last moon) he returned as a bunch of old forms.
QS. Yasin (36): 39

It is not possible to get the moon and sun malampun can not precede the
afternoon. And each one circulating in an orbit.
QS. Yasin (36): 40
And a sign (the greatness of God's great) for them is that We bore their
offspring in the laden ship,
QS. Yasin (36): 41

We have created for them and they would drive such as Ark.
QS. Yasin (36): 42

And if We will, We drowned them, then there is no helper for them nor will they
be saved.
QS. Yasin (36): 43

But (We saved them) because mercy from Us, and to give pleasure to live up
to some point.
QS. Yasin (36): 44

And when it is said unto them: "Fear ye that which is before going to torture
and torment that would come that ye may receive Mercy", (they turn back).
QS. Yasin (36): 45

And have no other came to them a sign from the signs of their Lord, but they
turn away therefrom.
QS. Yasin (36): 46

And when it is said unto them: "Spend a party of sustenance provided by Allah
unto you", then those who disbelieve say unto those who believe: "Are we
going to feed to people that if God willed He surely will give him ate, but there
is no you in clear error. "
QS. Yasin (36): 47
And they say: "When (the) promise (the Day of Resurrection) if ye are
QS. Yasin (36): 48

They await but one shouts it will seize them while they're arguing.
QS. Yasin (36): 49

Then they will be unable to make a wasiatpun and not (yet) be able to return
to her family.
QS. Yasin (36): 50

And the trumpet is blown, then suddenly they were out to get from his grave
(to) their Lord.
QS. Yasin (36): 51

They say: 'Woe to us? Who has raised us up from our sleeping place (dead)? "
This is what was promised (God) Most Gracious and the true apostles (His).
QS. Yasin (36): 52

Is not shouting at all other than just screaming, then suddenly they all
gathered to Us.
QS. Yasin (36): 53

On that day the person will not be harmed one bit and you will not be
rewarded, but with what you were doing.
QS. Yasin (36): 54

Surely the Garden on that day of fun in rushing (they were).

QS. Yasin (36): 55

They and their wives were in shade, reclining on couches.

QS. Yasin (36): 56

In heaven, they obtained the fruit and get what they ask.
QS. Yasin (36): 57

(It will be said): "Hail", as congratulations from God the Most Merciful.
QS. Yasin (36): 58

And (it is said unto the disbelievers): "Berpisahlah you (the Believers) on this
day, O the people who do evil.
QS. Yasin (36): 59

Did I not commanded you, O Children of Adam, that ye should not worship
syaithan? Lo syaithan is the real enemy for you ",
QS. Yasin (36): 60

and you shall worship Me. This is the right path.

QS. Yasin (36): 61

Indeed it has been misleading syaithan great friends one of you. Will ye not
then understand?
QS. Yasin (36): 62

This is the first Jahannam you in threat (to him).

QS. Yasin (36): 63

Get into it today because you were denied.

QS. Yasin (36): 64

On this day we shut their mouths and say to us their hands and give
kesaksianlah their feet against what they earn.
QS. Yasin (36): 65

And if We willed We must have waived their eyesight, and they are competing
(for) the road. So how could they be able to see (it).
QS. Yasin (36): 66

And if We willed robah We must have them in their places, so they are not able
to walk again and not (yet) able to go back.
QS. Yasin (36): 67

And whosoever shall We Extend age We restored him to the incident (it). Do
they not understand?
QS. Yasin (36): 68

And we do not teach the poem to him (Muhammad) and the poetry it is not
feasible for him. But it is nothing but a lesson and a Scripture giving light,
QS. Yasin (36): 69

so that he (Muhammad) gives a warning to people who live (his heart) and so
must be (Penalty assessments) against the infidels.
QS. Yasin (36): 70

And if they do not see that We have created cattle for them the party of what
We have created a power us alone, and they master it?
QS. Yasin (36): 71

And We subjected these animals to them; then sebahagiannya into their

mounts and sebahagiannya they eat.
QS. Yasin (36): 72

And they get to her benefit and beverages. So why are they not grateful?
QS. Yasin (36): 73

They took gods besides Allah, so that they get help.

QS. Yasin (36): 74
Idols can not be helping them; when the idols were in the army prepared to
guard them.
QS. Yasin (36): 75

So let not their speech you sad. Verily We know what they conceal and what
they reveal.
QS. Yasin (36): 76

And if people do not consider that We created him from a drop of water
(semen), then suddenly he becomes a real contender!
QS. Yasin (36): 77

And he makes a parable for us, and he forgot to happen, he said: "Who can
turn the bones, which have been devastated?"
QS. Yasin (36): 78

Say: "He will be enlivened by God who created the first time. And He is Knower
of all beings,
QS. Yasin (36): 79

God is for you fire out of wood to the green, then suddenly you turn (fire) from
the wood. "
QS. Yasin (36): 80

Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth was similar power to create
it? True, He is powerful. And He is the Creator, the Knower.
QS. Yasin (36): 81

His situation is indeed, when He wants something just said to him: "Be!" So
there he was.
QS. Yasin (36): 82

So glory (God) is in the hands of his power over all things and to Him you shall
be returned.
QS. Yasin (36):

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