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IPL PROV | Sept.

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(a) Cancellation Proceedings

Sec. 3. International Conventions and Reciprocity. - Any person who is a national

Sec. 151. Cancellation. -

or who is domiciled or has a real and effective industrial establishment in a country

151.1. A petition to cancel a registration of a mark under this Act may be filed with the

which is a party to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to intellectual property

Bureau of Legal Affairs by any person who believes that he is or will be damaged by

rights or the repression of unfair competition, to which the Philippines is also a party,

the registration of a mark under this Act as follows:

or extends reciprocal rights to nationals of the Philippines by law, shall be entitled to

(a) Within five (5) years from the date of the registration of the mark under this Act.

benefits to the extent necessary to give effect to any provision of such convention,

(b) At any time, if the registered mark becomes the generic name for the goods or

treaty or reciprocal law, in addition to the rights to which any owner of an intellectual

services, or a portion thereof, for which it is registered, or has been abandoned, or its

property right is otherwise entitled by this Act. (n)

registration was obtained fraudulently or contrary to the provisions of this Act, or if the
registered mark is being used by, or with the permission of, the registrant so as to

Sec. 160. Right of Foreign Corporation to Sue in Trademark or Service Mark

Enforcement Action.- Any foreign national or juridical person who meets the
requirements of Section 3 of this Act and does not engage in business in the
Philippines may bring a civil or administrative action hereunder for opposition,
cancellation, infringement, unfair competition, or false designation of origin and false
description, whether or not it is licensed to do business in the Philippines under
existing laws. (Sec. 21-A, R. A. No. 166a)

misrepresent the source of the goods or services on or in connection with which the
mark is used. If the registered mark becomes the generic name for less than all of the
goods or services for which it is registered, a petition to cancel the registration for only
those goods or services may be filed. A registered mark shall not be deemed to be the
generic name of goods or services solely because such mark is also used as a name of
or to identify a unique product or service. The primary significance of the registered
mark to the relevant public rather than purchaser motivation shall be the test for
determining whether the registered mark has become the generic name of goods or
services on or in connection with which it has been used. (n)

Sec. 231. Reverse Reciprocity of Foreign Laws. - Any condition, restriction,

(c) At any time, if the registered owner of the mark without legitimate reason fails to

limitation, diminution, requirement, penalty or any similar burden imposed by the law

use the mark within the Philippines, or to cause it to be used in the Philippines by

of a foreign country on a Philippine national seeking protection of intellectual property

virtue of a license during an uninterrupted period of three (3) years or longer.

rights in that country, shall reciprocally be enforceable upon nationals of said country,

151.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the court or the administrative

within Philippine jurisdiction. (n)

agency vested with jurisdiction to hear and adjudicate any action to enforce the rights
to a registered mark shall likewise exercise jurisdiction to determine whether the
registration of said mark may be cancelled in accordance with this Act. The filing of a
suit to enforce the registered mark with the proper court or agency shall exclude any
other court or agency from assuming jurisdiction over a subsequently filed petition to
cancel the same mark. On the other hand, the earlier filing of petition to cancel the
mark with the Bureau of Legal Affairs shall not constitute a prejudicial question that
must be resolved before an action to enforce the rights to same registered mark may
be decided. (Sec. 17, R. A. No. 166a)

IPL PROV | Sept.14 |2

(b) Intellectual Property Rights Violations

Sec. 152. Non-use of a Mark When Excused. 152.1. Non-use of a mark may be excused if caused by circumstances arising
independently of the will of the trademark owner. Lack of funds shall not excuse nonuse of a mark.
152.2. The use of the mark in a form different from the form in which it is registered,
which does not alter its distinctive character, shall not be ground for cancellation or
removal of the mark and shall not diminish the protection granted to the mark.
152.3. The use of a mark in connection with one or more of the goods or services
belonging to the class in respect of which the mark is registered shall prevent its
cancellation or removal in respect of all other goods or services of the same class.
152.4. The use of a mark by a company related with the registrant or applicant shall
inure to the latters benefit, and such use shall not affect the validity of such mark or of
its registration: Provided, That such mark is not used in such manner as to deceive the
public. If use of a mark by a person is controlled by the registrant or applicant with
respect to the nature and quality of the goods or services, such use shall inure to the
benefit of the registrant or applicant. (n)

Sec. 153. Requirements of Petition; Notice and Hearing. - Insofar as applicable,

the petition for cancellation shall be in the same form as that provided in Section 134
hereof, and notice and hearing shall be as provided in Section 135 hereof.
Sec. 154. Cancellation of Registration. - If the Bureau of Legal Affairs finds that a
case for cancellation has been made out, it shall order the cancellation of the
registration. When the order or judgment becomes final, any right conferred by such
registration upon the registrant or any person in interest of record shall terminate.
Notice of cancellation shall be published in the IPO Gazette. (Sec. 19. R. A. No. 166a)

Sec. 10. The Bureau of Legal Affairs. - The Bureau of Legal Affairs shall have the
following functions:
10.2. (a) Exercise original jurisdiction in administrative complaints for violations of
laws involving intellectual property rights: Provided, That its jurisdiction is limited to
complaints where the total damages claimed are not less than Two hundred thousand
pesos (P200,000): Provided, further, That availment of the provisional remedies may
be granted in accordance with the Rules of Court. The Director of Legal Affairs shall
have the power to hold and punish for contempt all those who disregard orders or writs
issued in the course of the proceedings.(n)
(b) After formal investigation, the Director for Legal Affairs may impose one (1) or






(i) The issuance of a cease and desist order which shall specify the acts that the
respondent shall cease and desist from and shall require him to submit a compliance
report within a reasonable time which shall be fixed in the order;
(ii) The acceptance of a voluntary assurance of compliance or discontinuance as may
be imposed. Such voluntary assurance may include one or more of the following:
(1) An assurance to comply with the provisions of the intellectual property law
(2) An assurance to refrain from engaging in unlawful and unfair acts and practices
subject of the formal investigation;
(3) An assurance to recall, replace, repair, or refund the money value of defective
goods distributed in commerce; and
(4) An assurance to reimburse the complainant the expenses and costs incurred in

Sec. 230. Equitable Principles to Govern Proceedings. - In all inter partes

prosecuting the case in the Bureau of Legal Affairs.

proceedings in the Office under this Act, the equitable principles of laches, estoppel,

The Director of Legal Affairs may also require the respondent to submit periodic

and acquiescence where applicable, may be considered and applied.(Sec. 9-A, R. A.

compliance reports and file a bond to guarantee compliance of his undertaking;

No. 165)

(iii) The condemnation or seizure of products which are subject of the offense. The
goods seized hereunder shall be disposed of in such manner as may be deemed

Sec. 232. Appeals.

appropriate by the Director of Legal Affairs, such as by sale, donation to distressed

232.2. Unless expressly provided in this Act or other statutes, appeals from decisions

local governments or to charitable or relief institutions, exportation, recycling into

of administrative officials shall be provided in the Regulations. (n)

other goods, or any combination thereof, under such guidelines as he may provide;

IPL PROV | Sept.14 |3

(iv) The forfeiture of paraphernalia and all real and personal properties which have

(vii) The withholding of any permit, license, authority, or registration which is being

been used in the commission of the offense;

secured by the respondent from the Office;

(v) The imposition of administrative fines in such amount as deemed reasonable by the

(viii) The assessment of damages;

Director of Legal Affairs, which shall in no case be less than Five thousand pesos

(ix) Censure; and

(x) Other analogous penalties or sanctions. (Secs. 6, 7, 8, and 9, Executive Order No.
913 [1983]a)

(P5,000) nor more than One hundred fifty thousand pesos (P150,000). In addition, an
additional fine of not more than One thousand pesos (P1,000) shall be imposed for
each day of continuing violation;

Sec. 232. Appeals.

(vi) The cancellation of any permit, license, authority, or registration which may have
been granted by the Office, or the suspension of the validity thereof for such period of

232.1 Appeals from decisions of regular courts shall be governed by the Rules of Court.

time as the Director of Legal Affairs may deem reasonable which shall not exceed one

Unless restrained by a higher court, the judgment of the trial court shall be executory

(1) year;

even pending appeal under such terms and conditions as the court may prescribe.
232.2. Unless expressly provided in this Act or other statutes, appeals from decisions
of administrative officials shall be provided in the Regulations. (n)

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