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The Great Arahant

Bahiya Daruchiriya

With the guidance and direction of

Most Venerable Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda
art by Sumathipala & Jothipala

The Great Arahant Bahiya Daruchiriya

With the guidance and direction of

Most Venerable Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda
art by Sumathipala & Jothipala

Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery - Toronto

Page 1

Dhamma Picture book- 05

The Great Arahant Bahiya Daruchiriya

Copyright 2011 by Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery - Toronto

Published by

Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery

11175 Kennedy Road, Markham, Ontario, L6C 1P2, Canada
Tel: (905) 927 7117
email: [email protected]

Page 2

Dhamma Picture Story Book- 05

The Great Arahant Bahiya Daruchiriya

Sumathipala & Jothipala
Mahamevna Dhamma Publications

All rights reserved

To Most Venerable Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda
who opened the path to the Noble Dhamma in
Gautama Supreme Buddha's dispensation.

Page 3

Special Thanks
May all noble friends of Mahamevnawa Monastery Toronto,
who dedicated their time for this English Translation and
painting have the fortune to realize the Four Noble Truths in
this Gautama Supreme Buddhas dispensation

Page 4

Prince Bhiya Daruchiriya, who was born during the time period of Gautama
Sammsambuddha was foremost among arahants who reached Parinibbna after having
realized the Dhamma very quickly.
We can study the life of this great being from different perspectives. One who studies the past
lives of Great Arahant Bahiya Daruchiriya can clearly understand how long and dangerous this
sa sra is. It is clear that, had Bahiya wished to realize the Dhamma in Padumuttara
Sammsambuddhas dispensation hundred thousand eons ago, he could have realized the
Dhamma and attained Nibbna. But Bhiya who did not realize this opportunity, instead
wished to become the foremost monk in realizing the Dhamma instantly in a future Supreme
Buddhas dispensation.
As a result, Bhiya had to travel through this dangerous sa sra for hundred thousand more
eons. Afterwards, during the time of Kassapa Supreme Buddha, Bahiya became a monk and
made a strenuous effort, sacrificing his life to realize the Four Noble Truths. But that effort was
Then, during Gautama Supreme Buddhas dispensation, he was reborn in the name, Bahiya. By
falsely portraying himself as an arahant, he lead his life deceiving people in order to gain their
hospitality. If it wasnt for the help of a Brahma, who was a kaly amita (noble friend) of Bahiya
in one of his previous lives, it is highly likely that Bahiya would have been reborn in hell because
of his demeritorious action that was previously mentioned.
This book was created and is being presented to you with the guidance and direction of most
venerable Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda. It is Mr. Ranasinghe of Polgahawela
Mahamevnawa Monastery who helps us in this work with devoted effort.
We would also like to pay our homage to Bhikkhu Dhammasha of Mahagalkadavala who read
the first ten pages of this book and encouraged us to continue while we were in the process of
creating this book. He is a monk who has always encouraged us by giving guidance and advice
according to the Dhamma.
May meritorious Lokuswaminwahanse, all meritorious monks of Mahamevnawa Monastery as
well as everyone who encouraged us after reading this book realize the Four Noble Truths!
May the Noble Triple Gem Bless you!
With metta,
Sumathipala & Jothipala

Page 5

Other publications by Sumathipala & Jothipala:

!The Great Arahant Pindola Baradwaja
!The Great Arahnt Uruvela Kassyapa
!The Great Arahant Rattapala
!The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Patachara
!The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Isidasi
!The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Baddra Kundala Kesi
!The Great Arahant Bhikkhuni Ambapalee
!Sumana the Novice Monk
!Kisa Gothami
!Chaththa Manawaka
!Masuru Kosiya

Page 6

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

about one
thousand eons

.Meritorious disciples, this meritorious monk in my

dispensation is foremost in having realized the
Dhamma quickly.

Yes! From now onwards I will do good deeds and

acquire merit so that I too may attain the same.

During that time, Prince Bhiya went to see

Padumuttara Supreme Buddha quite often.

Oh! How nice it

would be to be
foremost in
understanding the
Dhamma quickly
under a Supreme
Buddha in the future.

Venerable Sir, please

accept the alms I
offer you.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

My lord, from the merit I gain from offering alms

food to you, may I be foremost in realizing the
Dhamma quickly under a future Supreme

Prince, your
noble wish
will be
fulfilled in the

You will be foremost

in realizing the
Dhamma quickly in
Gautama Supreme

Approximately one hundred thousand eons

from now, Gautama Supreme Buddha will
appear in the world.

I am very happy today. My wish will be fulfilled in

one hundred thousand eons to come. I am so


Prince Bhiya collected

so much merit that
after death, he was
reborn in a heavenly
world and lived in great
comfort and luxury.

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

It was the Kassapa Supreme Buddhas time

After the passing away of Kassapa Supreme Buddha,

because there were ignoble (immoral) monks, the
dispensation was destroyed.

They went to a forest in search of a suitable

place for meditation.


Prince Bhiya, passing away from the heavenly world

was reborn in the human world and became a
bhikkhu in Kassapa Supreme Buddhas dispensation.

Bhikkhu Bhiya was very unhappy. Along with six

other monks, he thought of finding his own

Bhantes, can you see that huge

rock in the distance?

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Lets climb up on to that huge
rock and conquering any desire
we may have for our lives, we
can meditate.

Good point. It wont

be easy, yet we must
not give up.

We will have to
work very hard.


Great idea! But how are we going to climb

that huge rock?

Yes, we will figure

out a way to climb
the rock.

We can cut down wooden sticks from the forest and

make a ladder.

Without hard work,

one cannot get good
results in return.

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

We now have enough

wooden sticks. Next, we
need to find some vines.

Lets all go and collect vines together so that

we can finish building the ladder soon.

Oh! We are very

hungry now. Lets
take a break from
collecting vines and
try to find some

No, we shouldnt stop collecting

the vines all at once. Two of us
can go and collect enough fruit
for all of us.

I remember seeing vines to the north of

the rock.

It is not that easy. All

the vines are tangled

We are so fortunate to have so much

fruits in the forest.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

We have to bind the ladder well; otherwise if it
breaks while we are half way up the ladder, we all
will be in trouble.

We might need more vines

and wooden sticks in order
to bind the ladder so that it
will extend higher than the

When our work is done,

we will all make it to the
top of the rock.


If the height of the ladder is to be higher than the

rock, we will have to lean it against the rock and
build it step by step.

There is still about half

of it left to be built.

After many days of hard work, they bound the

ladder so that it reached above the top of the

Hey, those who are on the

ground! Climb up carefully.

Ha, Ha! How nice! We all made it to the



The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

To reach this place, we worked hard for many days.

We don't need the ladder anymore. Lets push it
down off the rock and let it fall to the ground.

When we gain Arahantship one day, we

will get back down by using supernatural

I agree.

I too, agree.

That means even if we die, we

will not be able to get back

Yes, that
is right.

If you all agree with this plan, lets push

the ladder down.

Yes, I do too.

We all agree.

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Okay then, lets push.

Bhantes, the appearance of a Buddha is a

very rare occurrence. But right now we have
the pure Dhamma.


As everything is impermanent, the Supreme

Buddhas dispensation will be lost very

Let us make the most of the opportunity that we

have now.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Otherwise, we will have to continue this frightening
journey through sasara, forever.

Yes, of course. We agree with your anusasana

(noble advice). From now onwards we shall
meditate without regard for our lives.

All seven of the monks

sat at different places
on the rock and began
meditating with the
intention to attain

After a few days, the eldest monk

eradicated all defilements and attained

My monastic life is
complete. Now
what should I do?



The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Although I have attained Arahantship, the others

are still trying to attain.

Thinking in this
way, the Arahant
went to
Island to obtain
alms food by
using psychic

This monk, he seems new

to our area.

Using psychic powers, I shall go on alms round

and bring back to them, the alms they need.

Very calm and

tranquil is this

May you be well!

This alms food is enough

for all seven of us.

May you be well!

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

After collecting a full

bowl of alms, the
Arahant returned to
the top of the rock
using psychic

From this day forward, Ill take care of all your

needs. Please accept this alms food.

Bhantes, the day we threw the ladder down and began

meditating, did we agree that the one who attained
Arahantship first

Bhantes, it is difficult to meditate in

hunger. I went begging for alms and
brought food.

After taking a meal, meditate comfortably

and attain your goal.

Should see to the needs of the others?

No, Venerable Sir.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Venerable Sir, you have
attained Arahantship due
to the merit you have
collected in previous

If we do not reach our goal, we are

prepared to die in hunger. Bhante,
you may have the alms food you
have collected and lead a happy life.

The Arahant rested for a

while after his meal and
then moved on to a suitable
place using his psychic

But, we are not in such a

situation. As we pledged, we
will meditate without due
regard for our lives, until we
reach Arahantship.

If that is what you all wish, I will not try to dissuade

you. I will eat this alms food, as it is not suitable to
throw away alms offered to us by people.

The rest of the six monks meditated, without

eating or drinking, in order to attain


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Out of the six

monks, one
achieved the state
of Angm (NonReturner), passed
away and was
reborn in the
Brahma world.

By the power of their virtue, they

were all reborn in heaven and lived
with great comfort and happiness.

They were reborn in

the human world
during Gautama
Supreme Buddhas

The rest of the monks did not attain any

state and died of hunger.

When their life spans in the heavenly worlds

were over

Four of them were born to high caste

families and in royal palaces.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Prince Bhiya was reborn in a palace, a result of the

merit he had collected in previous births and lived a
very happy life in great comfort.

One day Prince Bhiya thought.

This wealth has not

been earned by me.

I dont want ancestral wealth. I would

like to earn my own wealth.

Just like the other merchants do, I must go abroad

by sea and buy cheaper goods. I can bring those
goods back here and then sell them for a higher

But, if I were to do business

in this country alone, it will
be very difficult to gain riches

Dear father, I would like to go to Swarna Boomi and

earn my own wealth, much like my merchant


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Bhiya, your efforts, if all went well, will bring

you a lot of wealth, but sea voyages are

Dear father, it is true that your wealth would be

inherited by me, but I would like to earn riches
while I am young, just like you did.

I hope I may receive your

blessings for this journey as
I am about to venture on.


Havent I more than enough wealth for your


Plus, I want to go to other countries and learn the

habits and cultures of those that live abroad.

In spite of his fathers dislike, Prince Bhiya took a

stubborn decision and went to Swarna Boomi with some
of his friends.

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

The sea voyage is

marvelous and

The same beauty can be seen

when the sun sets as well.

I am confident that I will meet with success on this

voyage. If I do, I will continue such sea ventures for
many years to come.

The sun rise is so beautiful!

Had I remained in the palace, I wouldnt have had

the chance to see this beautiful view.

I will be able to earn

a lot of wealth and
become a multimillionaire.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Ah! Why is this ship

rocking all of a sudden?

I must see the captain and

find out whats happening.

Why is this ship rocking so much all of a

sudden?...Nothing like this has happened before.

Yes, from what I can

tell, this hurricane
might get worse.


So, what
should we

Prince, unlike other days, today the

sea is rough. A hurricane is

Ah! Is this a normal

occurrence during
sea voyages?

All we can do is roll down the sails. This

type of occurrence during a voyage is very

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Oh god!

Prince, hold on
tight to anything
that you can find!

Only now I realize the truth of my

fathers advice.

Now I leave my life in the hands of fate, for nothing

else can be done.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

If I had stayed in the palace I would be safe
and comfortable. See how fate has mocked

If only I could catch

hold of that log.

What an unlucky person I am! Everything

that I had collected for my business has
been lost to the sea.

Craving has led me to

disaster. I am very tired.

Now, Ill never let this log go.

Even my life could be lost in

an instant.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Prince Bhiya, hungry and thirsty, floated in the

sea for a few days. Finally, he washed ashore,
to a place called Supparaka Patuna.

Oh! Where am I?

Oh! I am completely nude.

I cant bear this

hunger and thirst.

It looks like there are

people living in this area.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Dawn is approaching.

I should try to find a

piece of cloth from
around here to cover

No, there is no cloth to be found.

Now, what shall I do?

How am I to
walk naked

There is a lake over there. If it is a lake where

people bathe then I might be able to find a
piece of cloth.

For the time being, I can

manage if I can cover
myself with moss and water


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Oh! What a bad smell this stagnant water has.

But, I have no choice but to cover my body with
moss and water plants.

Now, I must go
to the village to
try and get
some food.

Most of the homes are

still and quiet - people
are sleeping.

The nakedness is
temporarily covered.

If I clean that broken clay

pot, I can use it to collect
some food.

Who is that man wearing an unusual

dress with a broken clay pot in hand?


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

He is going begging for

alms. He must be
someone who has
eradicated craving!

That must be why he does not

even like robes. I am sure that he
is an arahant.

Why do these
people worship me
after giving me

Honorable Sir, accept

our offering of alms

Yes, I see. They

have been misled
by my mossdress.

Please come to our house

for alms tomorrow as well.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

After many days, my hunger is now over. I

must go begging for alms tomorrow also.

We should offer all the delicious food we have at

home, and gain a lot of merit.

A lot of people are coming

towards me. I wonder if they
have realized that I am only
pretending to be a hermit.

The Arahant has come for alms

today as well. Wonderful!

These people pay respect to my dress. Im

fortunate to have washed ashore among
such foolish people.

Venerable Sir, we came to offer you valuable robes.

Please accept them.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

I must not accept what they give. Everybody in

this area respects me because of my moss-dress.
If I go among people wearing valuable clothes,
they will not offer alms to me.

Oh, this is hard to believe! Sdhu! Sdhu! Please

stay in this village and do not leave.

Meritorious people,
I am an Arahant
who has eradicated
craving. I have no
craving for clothes.
Take these clothes

We will see to your

needs until you die.

Its best not to accept

these clothes.


I am better off living among these foolish

people, as I will get food and respect for
the rest of my life.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

The water level of the lake has gone down due to

the drought. I wont be able to cover my body
with moss, for much longer.

I can make a dress

out of the bark of
trees as it would
last longer than

As he was wearing
clothes made of
the bark of trees,
the name
Daruchiriya was
added to his

I will have to prepare

another suitable

The dress looks

really good.

Since then, he
was known as
(Bhiya of the


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

I believe I am an arahant. Thats why

these people respect me so much.

These people are fortunate to have a person like

me living among them.

One of them attained Arahantship and attained

Nibbna. I became an Angm and was born in
Suddhavasa Brahma world.

If there are arahants in this world, I am one of

them. People gain a lot of merit by offering alms
food to me.

During Kassapa
Supreme Buddhas
dispensation, six of my
friends and I meditated
on top of a huge rock,
with no regard for our

I wonder how
the other friends
are doing these


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Thinking about them, this Brahma deity was very

sad to see how Bhiya was leading a false
hermit's life.

Back then, he didnt even accept the alms

food brought by his Noble Arahant Friend to
the rock where he was meditating with no
regard for his life.

He doesnt even
know that Gautama
Supreme Buddha has
appeared in the


See how this

ignorant person
collects demerit.
But, he had been a
very virtuous
person collecting
merit during
Kassapa Buddhas

Now, he is in Supparaka
Patuna, deceiving the
innocent people there,
pretending to be an
arahant, receiving alms
food and other
necessities as he desires.

If he continues like this, he will definitely be born in

hell and will suffer a lot.

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

The deity came out of Suddhavasa Brahma world

and appeared in front of Bhiya with a bright
radiance of light around him.

Meritorious deity, who

are you?

Ah! Who is this


Bhiya, Im a deity from the Brahma world.

We were very good friends a long time ago.

One of us attained Arahantship. I attained

the fruit of Angm and was reborn as a
deity in Suddhavasa Brahma world.

My friend Bhiya,
during Kassapa
Supreme Buddhas
time, seven of us
got together,
climbed on to a
huge rock and
started meditating
with no regard for
our lives.

The rest of the five of us who were born in the

heavenly world were reborn in the human world
and are gathering a lot of merit.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

After your life span in the heavenly world, having

been reborn in the human world, you have been
cheating people by pretending to be a hermit.

Nor have you entered

the path to

Yes, Bhiya, in the Northern Province, there is a

very prosperous city named Svatth.

What you are doing will bring a lot of harm.

Bhiya, you are not an arahant.

Meritorious Deity, has

anybody in this world
attained Arahantship?

The Blessed One - an Arahant, rightly self-awakened,

is living there.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

He is truly an arahant and he teaches a doctrine

that leads to Arahantship.

Saying so, Bhiya left Supparaka

immediately to go to Svatth

Even after his long journey to Svatth, he

did not feel the least bit tired.

Meritorious Deity, I am going right now to meet the

Blessed One. May you incur a lot of merit for
showing me the correct path!

Svatth was
of miles
Bhiya was
impatient to
meet the
One. He did
not waste
any time
and finally
arrived at

Meritorious friend, where is the

Blessed One staying these days?



The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

These days, the Blessed One is staying in

Jetas grove, at Anathapindikas monastery.

The Vihra is in the corner,

beyond the shops at the
end of the street.

Here is the Jetavana


Is it very far from


No, you can see it

from here.

What a pleasing environment! All

the trees are laden with sweet
scented flowers.

I can get some information from the monk

over there.

The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Venerable Sir, I have come from far away

to see the Supreme Buddha.

I cannot wait any

longer to see the
Blessed One. If I
go that way,
would I be able
to catch up with

I am Bhiya Daruchiriya. I came from

Supparaka Patuna. It is far away.

Supreme Buddha has gone to the next village

on alms round. He will come back very soon.

I do not know for sure. You might be

able to. Who are you?

I came to know that a

Supreme Buddha has
appeared in the world.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

If you have travelled so far, rest here for a while

till the Blessed One comes back. You seem very

That person is impatient to see Supreme

Buddha. His body is full of sweat due to

Oh! My Great Teacher,

where are you?

No, not at all. We cannot be sure of our life

span. Ill go in search of him right now.

His hands and legs are shivering because of

hunger, but he is not concerned.

Oh! This venerable person is very calm, tranquil and

poised to the highest degree. I am sure this is the
Blessed One Im looking for.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Though I have travelled far, my

efforts are fruitful!

Venerable Sir, I have

been walking for
hundreds and thousands
of miles to meet you so
that I may listen to the
Dhamma that will allow
me to realize the reality
of this life for my long
term welfare.

Oh! Blessed One,

it is hard to know
what dangers lay
ahead in your life.

Venerable sir, I am
Bhiya. Some call me
Bhiya Daruchiriya.

Bhiya, this is not

the time for me to
teach you the
Dhamma. Im going
on the alms round

Or what dangers there might be for mine. So

please, teach me your Noble Dhamma.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Meritorious being,
this is not the
time for me to
teach. Im going
for alms.

Who can say what dangers there might be for

me? Please teach me the Dhamma for my long
term welfare.

Venerable Sir, nobody can predict what will happen to

anyone. So, its hard to say for sure what dangers
there might be for your life.

Venerable Sir,
nobody can
predict what
will happen to
anyone. So,
its hard to say
for sure what
dangers there
might be for
your life.

Bhiya, this is not

the time. I am
going for alms.

Who can say what dangers there might be for

me? Please teach me the Dhamma for my long
term welfare and bliss.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

The Blessed One looked

at this young man
through the divine eye.

Meritorious Bhiya, you should train yourself

thus: if you see something with your eyes, you
have only seen it. Do not collect defilements,
because of what was seen.

With reference to the smell, there will be only

what was smelled. Do not collect defilements,
because of what was smelled.

The Blessed One understood that Bhiyas life

span was very short and decided to teach the
Dhamma in brief for Bhiyas welfare.

With reference to
what was heard,
there will only be
what was heard.
Do not collect
because of what
was heard.

With reference to taste, there will be only taste.

Do not collect defilements, because of what was


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

With reference to
the tangibles, there
will be only
tangibles. Do not
collect defilements,
because of

Bhiya, when defilements dont arise in

reference to the seen

When defilements dont arise in reference to

what was smelled.

With reference to the thoughts, there will be

only things cognized. Do not collect defilements,
because of thoughts. Bhiya, this is how you
should train yourself.

When defilements dont arise in reference to the


dont arise in
reference to the


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

When defilements
dont arise in
reference to

Where there is no you in terms of that, there

is no you there. When there is no you

Through hearing this brief explanation of

Dhamma from the Blessed One, Bhiya was
able to understand the truth and attained

defilements dont
arise in reference
to the cognized
then Bhiya,
there is no you
in that

Bhiya, you are neither

here nor there, nor in
between the two. This is
the end of suffering.

Oh! Venerable Sir, I have understood the

Dhamma well. I have understood it very well.
Let me be a monk in your dispensation.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Bhiya, do you
have robes?

Venerable Sir, I will find

some robes and return

If I can find some discarded clothes in this

heap of waste, I can make a robe.

While Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya was searching

for clothes in the heap of waste, a mad cow ran
towards him.

In a few moments his life will end. It is difficult

even for a Supreme Buddha to change a
persons kamma.

Oh, I hope I can

finish making a
robe quickly.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya

was attacked by that cow
and lost his life right then
and there.

On returning from the city, the Blessed One and

his monks saw the dead body of Arahant Bhiya
on the wayside near the waste.

Meritorious Monks, take Bhikkhu Bhiyas body,

cremate it and build a memorial to enshrine his
relics in an area that is easily accessible to people.


The Great Arahant Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth)

Venerable Sir, we
cremated Bhikkhu
Bhiyas body
according to your

Monks, my
son Bhiya
was very
wise. He
listened to
the Dhamma
and did not
bother me
with issues
related to

Arahant Bhiya is the foremost monk in

realizing the Dhamma quickly in my

A stupa was built to enshrine the relics that

remained. Venerable Sir, what was his

He realized the
Dhamma very
quickly - as he
heard it, he


Sometimes, people with extraordinary wisdom appear among ordinary people. During the Supreme
Buddha's dispensation, there was a marvelous person of such a nature Prince Bhiya. He lived in Bombay,
India. Back in the time of Supreme Buddha, Bombay was known as Supparaka Patuna. Bhiya determined
to earn his wealth by trade and set out on a sea voyage. Ultimately, he fell victim to a hurricane. With his
ship wrecked, he ended up on the banks of a shore where he began living a life as a hermit. He wore an
unusual dress made of splinters of wood; therefore, Prince Bhiya came to be known as Bhiya Daruchiriya.
He was extremely honest and possessed extraordinary wisdom. Bhiya, very fortunate as our Supreme Buddha
had arisen in the world, was persuaded by a deity to meet the Blessed One. With great determination, Bhiya
walked from Supparaka Patuna to Svatth where he found the Blessed One. The Supreme Buddha preached the
Dhamma in brief to Bhiya while going on the alms round. After hearing the brief explanation of the Dhamma,
the mind of Bhiya was released, through lack of clinging, right then and there. He realized the Four Noble
Truths very quickly because of his extraordinary wisdom. He attained Arahanthood. It was so marvelous, that he
became the foremost person in realizing the Dhamma quickly because he was able to realize the Dhamma
instantly, while it was being taught by Supreme Buddha.
This fascinating picture story of Bhiya Daruchiriya, the person of extraordinary wisdom was prepared by the
Upasakas Sumathipala and Jothipala. This story highlights the value of wisdom.
May they, and all of you, realize the Four Noble Truths in Gautama Supreme Buddha's dispensation.

Most Venerable Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda

Art by: Sumathipala & Jothipala

All Rights Reserved

Mahamevna Dhamma Publications
Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery, Toronto; Ontario, Canada. Tele: 905-927-7117
[email protected]|

Page 49

The Great Arahant Bahiya Daruchiriya

Sometimes, people with extraordinary wisdom appear among ordinary people. During
the Supreme Buddha's dispensation, there was a marvelous person of such a nature
Prince Bhiya. He lived in what is present day Bombay, India. Back in the time of the
Supreme Buddha, Bombay was known as Supparaka Harbor. Bhiya determined to earn
his wealth by trade and set out on a sea voyage. Ultimately, he fell victim to a hurricane.
With his ship wrecked, he ended up on the banks of a shore where he began living a life as
a hermit. He wore an unusual dress made of splinters of wood. Therefore, Prince Bhiya
came to be known as Bhiya Daruchiriya (Bhiya of the Bark Cloth).
He was extremely honest and possessed extraordinary wisdom. Persuaded by a deity,
Bhiya's fortune led him to go in search of our great teacher, the Supreme who had
appeared in this world at that time. With great determination, Bhiya walked from
Supparaka Harbor to Svatth, where he found the Blessed One. The Supreme Buddha
preached the Dhamma in brief to Bhiya while going on the alms round. He maneuvered
his wisdom in such a wonderful way that he was able to completely realize the Four Noble
Truths right there. He attained Arahanthood. It was so marvelous, that he became the
foremost person in realizing the Dhamma quickly among those who instantly realized the
Dhamma just as it was being taught by the Supreme Buddha.
This fascinating picture story of Bhiya Daruchiriya, the person of extraordinary wisdom
was prepared by the Upasakas Sumathipala and Jothipala. This story highlights the value
of wisdom. May they, and all of you realize the Four Noble Truths in Gautama Supreme
Buddha's dispensation.

With metta in the Gautama Supreme Buddha's

Bhikkhu Kiribathgoda Gnnnanda

Art by



Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery

11175 Kennedy Road, Markham, Ontario, L6C 1P2, Canada

Tel: (905) 927 7117 | Email: [email protected]


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