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Applying Case-Based Reasoning to

Code Understanding and Generation

Andrew Broad1 and Nick Filer
Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester,
Manchester, England
This paper briefly reviews the applicability of casebased reasoning (CBR) to code understanding and
generation. The paper suggests that case-based
techniques are already common in code understanding
and generation but are seldom labelled as CBR. Some
examples of explicit and covert CBR are briefly
examined. It is suggested that extending the existing
code understanding and generation methods to make
more complete use of CBR may usefully increase the
capability of these methods.

1 Introduction
This paper briefly reviews the applicability of case-based reasoning (CBR) to code
understanding (and its inverse, code generation). This topic is of interest because it
suggests a practical route towards much more powerful software engineering
technology where, for example, reuse and interoperability might be managed
directly, by systems rather than by human operators.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows:
Section 2 introduces code understanding and code generation, and discusses the
motivations for them.
Section 3 discusses the benefits of CBR, and why it is appropriate to apply CBR
to code understanding and generation.
Section 4 reviews some of the existing approaches to code understanding and
generation from a CBR perspective - both those which claim to take a CBR
approach, and those that dont but have some affinity with CBR.

This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Section 5 mentions the Authors current research on constraint understanding,

and points out some future directions for code understanding and generation.

2 Code Understanding and Code Generation

A theme of this paper is code understanding. In this context, code refers to any code
written in a formal language. This often means program code, and so code
understanding is often called program understanding in the literature [1]. However,
there are other kinds of code than programs, such as:
inexecutable formal specifications (e.g. VDM (Appendix B of [2]) and Z [3]);
SQL queries [4];
information models (written in, for example, EXPRESS [5] or UML [6]).
To understand code means to extract knowledge from it. The knowledge
extracted from code is usually at a higher level of abstraction than the code itself.2
Usually, the direction of code understanding is from a lower to a higher level of
abstraction. Another common name for code understanding is reverse engineering
Code understanding has a very important inverse process, code generation (or
forward engineering). This means generating code from knowledge that is at a
higher level of abstraction than the code itself. In the extreme, this could mean
automatic programming [8] - the automatic generation of executable programs from
specifications. Again, though, it could mean the generation of code other than
program code. By analogy to code understanding, it will generally be assumed that
the direction of code generation is from a higher to a lower level of abstraction.

2.1 Motivations for Code Understanding and Code Generation

The motivations for code understanding often relate to software maintenance.
Software evolves, and in order to modify software to meet new requirements, it is
clearly necessary to understand the code. These new requirements may be for extra
functionality, improved performance, improved usability, or simply the removal of
bugs. It may also be necessary to upgrade software to run on different platforms, to
be written in another (e.g. more modern) language, or to use different underlying
A common problem mentioned in the literature [9,10] is that of legacy systems.
A legacy system is an old piece of software, written in a language such as COBOL
which typically runs on an outdated platform. Legacy systems often need to be
reimplemented in more modern languages to run on modern platforms. Also, it is
not uncommon for vital knowledge to be embedded in legacy code without having
been satisfactorily documented elsewhere.


Although pedantically it could be argued that compilers extract knowledge that is at a lower
level of abstraction than the code itself!

The process of reengineering consists of a reverse engineering step, followed by

a forward engineering step [7]. Reengineering can be used for such tasks as
reimplementing legacy systems, restructuring existing code, and translating code
from one language to another. Complex reengineering tasks may not be
accomplishable by direct transformation of the code; rather, they may require the
utilisation of higher-level knowledge about the code. For example, rewriting
procedural code in an object-oriented style requires knowledge of the abstractions
represented in the code, which can be extracted from the source code using reverse
engineering techniques [1].
Software reuse [11] is a very important issue in modern software engineering.
On the one hand, there are demands for software of increasing size and
complexity, which is expected to be written in a tight time-schedule. Software is
consequently often not delivered on time, does not meet the clients
requirements, is not adaptable to changing circumstances, and has errors that are
not discovered until after the software is released - an affliction commonly
known as the software crisis (Chapter 1 of [2]), although it has existed since the
On the other hand, there is a rich legacy of existing software components from
the history of programming, in which commonly-recurring software problems
are solved again and again. The idea is that if these components could be reused
in new code, it should improve programmer productivity and save having to
reinvent the wheel.
Unfortunately, software reuse has not been practised as widely as those who
preach it may hope. Some of the reasons for this are:
The components that would be desirable to reuse are often not in a form
where they can be plugged in without modification. They may not be
conveniently partitioned into subroutines that can just be called, or objects
that encapsulate state and behaviour. Their functionality may be similar but
not the same as what is needed in the new system, requiring them to have to
be adapted.
Often, components from legacy systems are written in languages which are
no longer supported on modern platforms.
Human programmers tend to be reluctant to modify code that they didnt
write in the first place, either because they dont understand it properly, or
because they think it would be unfaithful to modify it.
Reuse reengineering [12] is one attempt to address the problem of software
reuse. The idea is to reengineer code to make it more reusable, using techniques
such as:
Program slicing [13], which extracts a subset of (not necessarily contiguous)
statements from a program that meet some criterion (such as contributing to the
computation of the output data). Those statements which are not relevant to the
slicing criterion are left out of the slice.
Identifying objects in procedural code, so that it can be rewritten as objectoriented code which encapsulates state and behaviour and is thus more

conducive to reuse [14].

The code produced by such techniques is then packaged as reusable components for
the future.
The philosophy underlying reuse has much in common with CBR, which will be
introduced in the next section and suggested as an appropriate approach to code
understanding and generation.

3 The Applicability of Case-Based Reasoning

3.1 CBR and Its Benefits in General
CBR [15] is the enterprise of solving new problems by analogy with old ones,
rather than solving all problems from first principles. Essentially, a case consists of
an old problem and its solution. Cases are stored in a case library (or case base). To
solve a new problem, a case-based reasoner retrieves a case in which the old
problem is usefully similar to the new problem, so that the old solution can be
adapted to solve the new problem. The new problem and its solution may then be
stored in memory as a case, which can be used in turn to solve future problems.
In general, CBR offers the following benefits (Section 1.5.2 of [15]):
It should be more efficient to solve new problems by adapting old solutions than
solving them from scratch. A case can be a large, contextualised chunk of
knowledge, which can achieve in a single inference step that which would take a
rule-based system many small inference steps to achieve. A case provides the
glue which holds together the inferences used to derive a solution, keeping them
from slipping into a search space that may be exponential or worse.
Cases can suggest solutions to problems in weak-theory domains that cannot be
completely formalised by a hard-wired algorithm, a set of rules or a general
model, but for which there are many experiences of solving similar problems
(e.g. law, medicine).
In addition to cases that suggest solutions to problems, there can be cases that
warn of the potential for failure, and cases that suggest how to repair failures.
This enables the reasoner to anticipate failures before they occur and recover
from them when they do.
CBR alleviates the knowledge-elicitation bottleneck (Section 9.3.2 of [16]) - in
complex domains, it is often easier to elicit knowledge in the form of cases than
to try to elicit a complete set of rules.
CBR is good for prototyping - experience has shown that a CBR system is often
easier to build and maintain than the equivalent rule-based system (Section 3.4.1
of [15]).
Above all, case-based reasoners can learn from experience (by acquiring new
cases), which occurs as a natural by-product of reasoning (Section 1.1 of [15]). This
enables a CBR system to become more efficient and more competent as it gains in
experience, as opposed to traditional expert systems which are brittle because they
cannot improve beyond their particular plateaux of expertise (Section 1.2.2 of [17]).

3.2 Why CBR Should Be Applied to Code Understanding and

Automatic programming in its full generality is an extremely difficult task to
automate. Rich and Waters [8] suggest that the ultimate goal of automatic
programming has three features:
that it is fully automated;
that it is general-purpose;
that it takes a brief and informal requirements specification (written in natural
language) as its input.
They suggest that it isnt possible to achieve all three (at least not with the
current state-of-the-art in artificial intelligence), but that in practice, at least one of
them will have to be compromised to achieve the others - for example:
Semi-automatic programming: the system interacts with a human (as in the
Programmers Apprentice [18]).
Limit automatic programming to a restricted domain (as in the Dj Vu system
[19,20]), rather than expecting the system to solve any given programming
problem in any given domain.
Lower the level of abstraction of the input specification. An extreme example of
this is that compilers were considered as automatic programming systems in the
1950s! A more modern approach would be to use a so-called very-high-level
language, but this tends to be painfully formal, and could even be more difficult
and unpleasant than conventional high-level programming (for example, KIDS
[21] is a clever system, but a great deal of sophistication on the part of the user is
necessary to write the specifications it works from).
However, a premise of our research is the belief that we could move closer to the
goal of general-purpose, fully automatic programming from informal requirements
specifications by applying CBR to code generation:
The main feature of automatic programming which suggests that CBR is more
appropriate than non-CBR technologies is that it is theory-weak. It is very
difficult to formalise how specifications should be transformed into programs,
and this is truer, the higher the level of abstraction the specification is and the
more informal it is. There are certainly plenty of cases from the history of
programming, though.
If CBR could be used to overcome this theory-weakness, it should also be
possible to automate programming more fully. For example, automatic
programming systems such as KIDS [21] have a repertoire of mechanical
transformations that they can execute to transform a specification step-by-step
into an executable program. However, these systems have to be told by humans
which transformations to apply to the specification. This implies that there are
no hard-and-fast rules about which transformations should be applied, but there
are certainly cases that suggest which ones to try.
Achieving general-purpose automatic programming is still going to be a major
difficulty, because it would require the system to have vast amounts of

knowledge about all domains [22]. That implies having a prohibitively large
case library. Analogical reasoning [23] should be able to help, because it would
allow cases to be used analogously across different domains.

After arguing for the applicability of CBR to code generation, it is natural to

consider applying CBR to the inverse problem, code understanding. For either
process, the cases associate fragments of implementation code with fragments of
specification code or higher-level knowledge. The distinction between
implementation and specification is not absolute, but lies along a continuum
between two extremes - a case effectively associates two points in this interval such
that one is closer to implementation and the other is closer to specification.
It may be possible to take a bidirectional CBR approach, in which the same case
library could be used either for code generation or for code understanding - either
the specification side or the implementation side of cases could be matched to the
input, and the other side extracted as output. This suggests that it would be equally
possible, in principle, to extract a specification from code as to generate the code
from that specification.
It may be that code understanding would be more difficult in practice than code
generation, because the implementation code that has to be (partially) matched is
likely to be much bigger and more complicated than the corresponding
specifications. Code understanding is an NP-complete problem [24], but CBR may
be able to avoid the combinatorial explosion this threatens by matching larger
chunks of code and extracting (with adaptations) more higher-level knowledge at
once than if lots of little pieces of code had to be matched.
Another difficulty with code understanding is that the mapping from
specification to implementation often involves the loss of some information which
is specific to the specification, and the gain of some information which is specific to
the implementation. The lost information cannot be recovered from the source code
alone - the reverse-engineering process would have to take other artifacts into
Chin and Quilici [25] complain that plan libraries can never be guaranteed to be
complete, and argue that this means code understanding can only be partially
automated. Their problem is that their plans cover only normative code, and cannot
deal with idiosyncrasies. This approach seems to be inflexible and prone to overspecialising to its examples. It cannot automatically learn new plans from the code
it is given. However, CBR is well suited to covering idiosyncrasies because it can
acquire new cases that are exceptions to the norm (c.f. Section 3.4.2 of [15]). CBRs
ability to learn from experience means that case libraries should become more
complete over time, thus increasing the extent to which tasks such as code
understanding and generation can be automated.

4 Existing Approaches to Code Understanding and

Given that there appears to be an overlap between CBR and automatic
programming, this section reviews some of the literature in the field of code
understanding and code generation. There have been few explicit attempts to apply
CBR in this field. However, the spirit of CBR is latent in much work in this field,
although the authors seldom claim any connection with CBR. There is thus a
distinction between explicit CBR and covert CBR.

4.1 Explicit CBR Approaches

Most of the explicit CBR in code generation concerns software reuse [26-30]. These
researchers have realised that the retrieval and adaptation needed for reuse
correspond naturally to CBR retrieval and adaptation, although not all of them
automate the adaptation.
Other examples of explicit CBR being applied in this field include the Dj Vu
system [19,20], which applies CBR to automatic programming in the restricted but
non-trivial domain of moving robots to carry components around a plant. Dj Vu
has two interesting key features:
Hierarchical CBR [19]. The process of adapting a solution (i.e. a program)
includes retrieving and adapting cases to solve subproblems - i.e. CBR is being
applied recursively. Hierarchical CBR is particularly appropriate to
programming because programs tend to be hierarchical - the instructions in one
routine can be thought of as specifications for subroutines, and cases for
subroutines can be retrieved dynamically rather than hard-wired into the case for
a routine.
Adaptation-guided retrieval [20]. The retrieval process uses knowledge of the
available adaptation methods so that it retrieves a case that can definitely be
adapted - indeed, that is the easiest case to adapt. This is in contrast to traditional
CBR systems which retrieve cases on the basis of semantic similarity rather than
adaptability (or its superclass, utility - the most adaptable case wont necessarily
yield the best solution).
Mostow and Fisher [31] describe a derivational replay approach to algorithm
design, in which the process of deriving an old algorithm from an old specification
is replayed to derive a new algorithm from a new specification (this is better than
directly adapting the old algorithm to meet the new specification, because there are
major structural differences between the two algorithms, but the processes of
deriving them from their specifications are much more similar).
Melis and Schairer [32] describe an application of CBR to software verification.
In proving the correctness of a piece of software, it is common for similar subproofs
to recur, so it is more efficient to remember and reuse a similar subproof (again,
using derivational replay) than to do every subproof from scratch.

4.2 Covert CBR Approaches

Many of the approaches to code understanding, code generation and related topics
reported in the literature have much in common with CBR, but are not claimed to be
CBR approaches. Our term for this is covert CBR.
An important class of code understanding techniques is based on clichs
[33,34]. Clichs are commonly-used computational structures. There are datastructure clichs such as stacks, queues and hash tables, and algorithmic clichs
such as sorting or binary search.
A system that uses clichs for code understanding has a clich library, which
contains overlays. Each overlay associates an implementation clich with a
specification clich, and encodes the correspondences between the two.
Implementation clichs can comprise both fragments of concrete code and
intermediate clichs (from which further, more abstract clichs may be extracted).
Clich-based code understanding algorithms work by matching actual fragments of
code (and clichs already extracted) to the implementation clichs of overlays, and
extracting an instance of the specification clich of each matching overlay. In this
way, a hierarchy of clichs representing the design of the code is built up.
Code understanding can be bottom-up or top-down:
In the bottom-up approach to code understanding, clichs are extracted first
from the code itself, then further clichs are extracted from those clichs, and so
on. This approach can be prone to combinatorial explosion if every fragment of
code and every clich extracted has to be matched to every overlay in the clich
library, although this problem can be alleviated using indexing [1]. It could also
be alleviated by extracting clichs selectively (according to the purpose for
which they are being extracted).
In the top-down approach to code understanding, the system starts with a clich
to try to extract. It instantiates the clichs it needs to validly extract the target
clich, and so on until it gets down to the level of code fragments that it can
match to the source code. Top-down extraction is useful when the system can
indeed hypothesise clichs to extract.
Alex Quilici takes a similar clich-based approach to code understanding
[1,35,25], although both clichs and overlays are plans in his vocabulary. His
particular purpose was to extract object-oriented design knowledge from C
programs, to aid their translation to C++. His method is characterised by being a
hybrid bottom-up/top-down approach. Whereas Wills approach [33,34] was
wholly bottom-up, Quilicis approach is predominantly bottom-up, but there are socalled implied plans which are recognised top-down. For example, if a plan for
calculating the distance between two points using Pythagoras Theorem is
recognised, it is known to imply the existence of two points. Recognising the points
bottom-up would be inefficient if the system had to consider every pair of numerical
variables in the code as potentially representing a point! Pythagoras Theorem, on
the other hand, is characterised by a very distinctive equation which serves as a
beacon for the bottom-up recognition algorithm to spot.

Clichs are naturally also useful for code generation, as overlays suggest how
given specification clichs can be implemented. Clichs are used in this way in the
Programmers Apprentice [36,37], a semi-automatic programming environment.
The underlying philosophy is the same as that of CBR, but the user has to tell the
system which clich to use and how to adapt it - the system is merely carrying out
mechanical transformations, whereas a CBR system should be able to decide for
itself which clich to use and what transformations to apply.
The clich-based approaches to code understanding and generation are clearly in
the spirit of CBR, and share the same underlying philosophies. The key difference
is that clichs do not admit of any partial matching and adaptation, and thus do not
have the flexibility or efficiency3 that a CBR approach could offer. Clichs also tend
to be small chunks of knowledge, whereas cases would tend to be large chunks several clichs could be extracted all at once. That is why Quilici calls his work a
memory-based approach [1] instead of a case-based approach (c.f. [38]).
The field of software reuse is strongly related to CBR (c.f. Section 2.1) - the
terms retrieval and adaptation are part of the reuse communitys vocabulary
(Section V of [11]), but the term case-based reasoning is not in their mainstream
vocabulary. As well as the explicit CBR approaches to reuse mentioned in Section
4.1, there is a lot of covert CBR (e.g. [39]).
Design patterns [40] share the philosophy which underlies CBR - they describe
solutions to recurring software problems which conform to the principles of good
object-oriented programming (flexibility, elegance and reusability). However, in
their current avatar, design patterns are intended as guidelines for human
programmers rather than automatic programmers, although it is quite easy to
conceive of automatically generating particular implementations of design patterns
or recognising them in existing code.
Matsuura et al. [41] describe a system called EVA which derivationally replays
the process of deriving a program from a specification when the specification
changes. It is thus doing adaptation without needing a retrieval phase first (evolution
as opposed to reuse). It is conceivable that EVA could be extended to be a reuse tool
by augmenting it with a retrieval phase, and it would not then be unreasonable to
call it a case-based automatic programming system.
Maiden and Sutcliffe [42] describe an analogical reasoning approach to
specification reuse, i.e. developing new specifications by analogy with old ones.
Analogical reasoning [23] is like CBR except that the case which is used to solve
the new problem can be from a different domain (e.g. a heat flow problem could be
solved by analogy with a current electricity problem, and a situation involving
planets orbiting a star could be understood by analogy with a situation involving
electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom). Analogical reasoning requires a process
of analogical mapping to determine the correspondences between two analogous
situations. Keane [43] suggests that much adaptation is latent in this analogical

The efficiency of CBR is that it should be able to recognise larger chunks at once and avoid
combinatorial explosion. This should outweigh the cost of retrieval, partial matching and

mapping process.

5 Future Directions
Our research focuses on understanding the constraints in information models [44].
This is a special case of code understanding (information models are written in a
formal language, namely EXPRESS [5], which is a kind of code). The project aims
to take a CBR approach to extracting higher-level knowledge about constraints
from the EXPRESS code. The constraint-understanding system is also being
extended to other kinds of code. Many other kinds of code are being considered for
this extension, such as:
other information modelling languages (e.g. UML [6]);
imperative program code (e.g. Java [45] or C/C++ [46]);
machine code;
functional languages (e.g. SML [47] or LISP [48]);
logic languages (e.g. Prolog [49]);
formal specification languages (e.g. VDM (Appendix B of [2]) or Z [3]);
database query languages (e.g. SQL [4]);
scanner/parser generators (e.g. lex and yacc [50] or JavaCC [51]).

There are several motivations for constraint understanding, including:

Supporting human understanding of constraints;
Generating code to check constraints;
Transferring constraints for schema-to-schema mapping, so constraints from the
target schema can be checked on instances in the source repository before they
are mapped to the target repository (Section 1.3.2 of [44]).

A major underlying motivation behind the constraint-understanding system is

comparative constraint understanding, or, more generally, comparative code
understanding. Whereas the current system just builds an understanding of the
constraints on a single input EXPRESS model, the aim of a comparative constraintunderstanding system is to understand the comparative semantics of the constraints
on two models. More generally, comparative code understanding will involve
comparing the semantics of two pieces of code (not necessarily written in the same
A vital prerequisite to comparative code understanding is how to represent the
correspondences between two pieces of code to compare, e.g. how to represent the
structural correspondences between two models. It is clearly necessary to know the
correspondences between constraints in two models before the semantic
equivalence between two corresponding constraints can be assessed. The obvious
solution would be to represent the correspondences between two pieces of code in a
formal, precise mapping language.
A more advanced research issue is whether a formal, precise specification of the
correspondences between two pieces of code is really necessary, as humans can
quite easily see the correspondences between them without needing such a

specification. It would be very tedious to have to write specifications of

correspondences for any code beyond small toy examples in any case. A computer
might also be able to deduce correspondences by exploiting knowledge such as the
meaning of names, expecting to find corresponding substructures in the other code,
and propagating what it already knows about the correspondences to find other
correspondences (e.g. inferring that the types of two attributes correspond when
those attributes are known to correspond).
Another significant research area is the discriminate extraction of knowledge
from code. The current constraint-understanding system indiscriminately extracts
all the higher-level knowledge that it knows how to extract from the input model.
Indeed, the code understanding techniques reported in the literature also seem to
extract knowledge indiscriminately. Some of this knowledge may not be useful for
the particular purpose which knowledge is being extracted from the code for, and it
would be desirable for a code understanding system to avoid wasting its time
extracting knowledge that wont be needed.
One way to avoid extracting unnecessary knowledge from code would be to let
extraction be driven by the purpose for which the code is being understood. Again,
a particular interest is how extraction could be driven by the need for a comparative
understanding of the semantics of the code. For example, once some higher-level
constraints have been extracted bottom-up from one model, the comparative
constraint-understanding system will need to check whether they are implied by the
constraints in the other model. So it could use the higher-level constraints extracted
from the first model as hypotheses, and attempt to extract them top-down from the
second model. This would avoid considering any higher-level constraints from one
model which have no equivalents in the other model, as well as facilitating
recording the correspondences between the constraints in the two models.
In general, deciding whether to bother extracting some particular knowledge
from a piece of code entails some form of meta-level reasoning. Meta-level
reasoning is at a level above base-level reasoning, controlling it (but not performing
the base-level reasoning itself). Of course, for meta-level reasoning to be
worthwhile, the gain in efficiency must outweigh the cost of doing the meta-level
Finally, the code generation side is an exciting research topic for the future.
Code generation as well as code understanding could be achieved using a
bidirectional CBR approach, in which cases could be used both to understand code
(by matching the implementation parts of cases to the input code and extracting the
specification parts), and to generate code (by matching the specification parts of
cases to input specifications and using the implementation parts to generate the
output code). The code generation side could range from simple, restricted tasks
such as transferring constraints for schema-to-schema mapping and generating the
mapping program (see Section 1.3.2 of [44]), to a more general-purpose automatic
programming system.

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