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Team Leader Site Visit Checklist

Site Visit Preparation

 Review with Back-Up responsibilities and division of activities/responsibilities
 Confirm Site Visit dates, hotel and transportation specifics; send to team
 Work closely with the command POC on logistics, documents, and to establish a schedule of interviews, etc.
 Prepare Site Visit Team Meeting Agendas (Sunday, off-site/evenings, Thursday-Friday consensus)
 Require completed SVWs, interview list, & document list at least 2 weeks prior to Site Visit (process check).
 Consolidate the document & interview lists; send to applicant (1-2 weeks prior to Site Visit)
 Require Interview worksheets 5 days prior to Site Visit (process check)
 Prepare Site Visit interview schedules for Monday (firm) and at least Tuesday morning.
 Send last minute reminders to the team (what to bring, Sunday’s agenda, Monday’s interview schedule etc.)
Site Visit
 JIT Site Visit Training; meet with command’s point of contact to review/finalize Monday schedule, etc.
 Stay in close contact with the command’s Point of Contact
 Meet briefly with the command’s CO/XO and/or POC at the end of each day on site—how’s it going? Are we
asking the right questions? Is team professionalism meeting with your expectations?
 Stay in close contact with your team

 Stay Flexible
 Every evening review closed-out SVIWs with findings written
 Provide sufficient time for examiners to work independently to summarize and prepare.
 Site Visit Out Brief
 Deliver Executive Summary to Commanding Officer
 Team completes deliverables: SVWs, Results Worksheet, Item Worksheets, Role Model Practice Form(s),
Scorebook, Scoring Template
 Give Scoring Summary and Preliminary Scorebook to Dave King and Charlie Coiro/Michael Brzezicki

Post-Site Visit
 Finalize Scorebook
 Do a quality check on the entire scorebook prior to final submittal to CG-0931
 Work with Back Up to prepare overall examiner Feedback (feedback process)
 Within 2 weeks of Site Visit; call each examiner to discuss feedback (two way)
 Work with Back-up and team to develop process feedback and improvement ideas

Site Visit Preparation

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