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I, [name of Corporate Secretary], Filipino citizen, of legal age, with office address at [address of the
Corporate Secretary], being the current Corporate Secretary of [name of Corporation], [the Corporation], a
domestic corporation duly organized and existing under Philippine laws, with principal office located at
[Corporations address], do hereby certify that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation held at
[place of meeting] on [date of meeting], during which a quorum was present and acting throughout, the following
resolutions were unanimously approved:
RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that the Corporation, through its Representative/s identified
hereunder, shall transact with BDO UNIBANK, INC., including its trust department, and/ or any of its branches,
subsidiaries, or affiliates, including but not limited to BDO Capital & Investment Corporation and BDO Leasing and
Finance, Inc. [ collectively BDO] to obtain loan facilities and other credit accommodations, as well as their products
and services;
RESOLVED, FURTHER, as it is hereby resolved, that in this regard, the Corporation shall be authorized to
do the following
1. OPEN AND MAINTAIN DEPOSITORY ACCOUNTS. To open, maintain, operate and manage in the name of
the Corporation, any number of savings, current, time and other accounts with BDO (the Depository
Accounts), and to:

Deposit to and withdraw or make fund transfers from the Depository Accounts, in whatever form and
manner, and in such amount as the Representatives may deem appropriate or necessary;
Receive, accept, endorse and negotiate all checks, drafts, or orders of payment payable to the
Corporation or its order that may require the Corporation's endorsement;
Enroll and use the Corporation's Depository Accounts with BDO to serve as debit account/s to fund the
needs/requirements of its subsidiaries and/or affiliates, subject to existing policies of BDO thereon; and
Close the Depository Accounts and ask, demand, sue for, collect, and receive the proceeds of the
Depository Accounts.

2. OPEN AND MAINTAIN CORPORATE CARD ACCOUNT. To apply, maintain and manage in the name of the
Corporation, any number of Corporate Card accounts of any Card brand / product offered by BDO , including
but not limited to Purchasing, Distribution and Fleet Card, with BDO or any of its branches, hereinafter to be
referred to as Corporate Card Accounts, and in this regard, to:

Authorize BDO to issue Corporate Cards from said Corporate Card Accounts to the Corporations
qualified officers or employees (Assignees);
Fully pay and settle any and all purchases made and/or expenses incurred by said Assignees through the
use of the issued Corporate Cards, including interest and service charges that may accrue thereto,
through any means, including the enrollment and use of the Corporation's Depository Accounts under an
Automatic Debit Arrangement, if applicable.

3. AVAIL OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. To apply for, avail, and/or register for any and all products and
services offered by BDO, including but not limited to:

Products and services offered by BDO's Consumer Lending Group-Credit Card Unit and in this regard,
Apply for merchant affiliation which includes acceptance of credit cards and/or ATM / debit cards and/or other
types of cards for transactions that will pass through BDOs Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals and/or for internet
transactions and/or other payment platforms;
3b. Products and services offered by BDO's Trust and Investments Group and in this regard, to:
i. Open and maintain an Investment Management Account (IMA), retirement fund and other Trust
Banking Products;
ii. Appoint the BDO as the (a) Investment Manager of the IMA, (b) Trustee and/or Manager of the
retirement fund and other managed funds and/or trust banking products and services;
iii. Allow as Investment Manager to directly invest its fund under the IMA and other managed funds and/or
trust banking products and services in government securities, including Special Deposit Account
(SDA), of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and other investment instruments;
iv. Designate members and signatories for the Retirement Committee as well as the Retirement Plan.

Products and services offered by the BDO's Treasury Group and in this regard to:
i. Purchase, and sell securities, as well as to invest in other money market instruments and products
such as but not limited to, government securities and corporate papers including those issued by BDO;
ii. Enter into foreign exchange dealings such as buying and selling of foreign exchange;
iii. Enter into derivatives transactions including but not limited to swaps, options, and forwards;

iv. Appoint authorized trader/s of the Corporation to deal with BDO, as well as, execute, deliver and
perform any and all agreements, instruments, contracts, documents as may be necessary to effect the
foregoing transactions.
For the purpose of investments or dealings in or purchase/sale of securities or other
documents of title, to appoint BDO as the Corporation's true and lawful attorney, to act for its name and in
its behalf in transacting business directly or indirectly with the appropriate government securities
registry/custodian, a BSP accredited securities custodian/securities registry or an SEC authorized central
securities depository in accordance with the relevant BSP regulations, to do and perform every act
necessary that the Corporation might or could do in reference to any and all corporate and government
bonds, bills of exchange, certificates of deposits, convertible bonds, debentures, promissory notes, shares
of stock, certificates of participation in any fund, and such other commercial paper, documents, and
instruments of any kind or nature.
3d. Products and Services offered by BDO Capital & Investments Corporation and in this regard to:
i. Purchase, and sell securities, as well as to invest in and other money market instruments and products
such as but not limited to, government securities and corporate papers including those issued by BDO;
ii. Appoint authorized trader/s of the Corporation to deal with BDO Capital & Investments Corporation, as
well as, execute, deliver and perform any and all agreements, instruments, contracts, documents as
may be necessary to effect the foregoing transactions.
For the purpose of investments or dealing in or purchase/sale of securities, to appoint BDO Capital &
Investments Corporation as the Corporation's true and lawful attorney, to act for its name and in its behalf
in transacting business directly or indirectly with the appropriate government securities registry/custodian,
a BSP accredited securities custodian/securities registry or an SEC authorized central securities
depository in accordance with the relevant BSP regulations, to do and perform every act necessary that
the Corporation might or could do in reference to any and all corporate and government bonds, bills of
exchange, certificates of deposits, convertible bonds, debentures, promissory notes, shares of stock,
certificates of participation in any fund, and such other commercial paper, documents, and instruments of
any kind or nature.

Products and Services offered by BDO's Transaction Banking Group such as:

Cash Management Services, collection and disbursement services, liquidity management, account
services and retail products, and in this regard to execute, deliver and perform any and all enrollment
forms, notices, instructions and debit authorizations including without limitation designation of e-mail
addresses authorized to transmit files and/or instructions that may be required or permitted under the
terms of said documents; and to give consent to or allow the enrollment, use and aggregation of the
Corporations accounts with BDO for the purpose of allowing the Corporations related companies to
comply with any average daily balance requirement required by BDO, and/or use the Corporations
accounts with BDO to serve as debit accounts, under such terms and subject to the conditions that the
Representatives may in their sole discretion deem necessary or appropriate;
ii. Electronic Banking Services such as but not limited to Business Online Banking (BOB), electronic
payment and collection services, payroll services through Internet, Cash Card services, and such other
Internet-based products and services that are now or in the future be offered by BDO, and in this
regard to execute, deliver and perform such agreements, contracts, documents, instruments and other
writings under such terms and conditions that the Representatives may in their sole discretion deem
necessary or appropriate to avail of said products and services, and for this purpose, for the
Representative/s to designate, enroll, dis-enroll and/or re-enroll: (a) Users (such as but not limited to
System Administrators, Authorizers, and Releasers) of the BOB facility with authority to exercise and
perform access rights with respect to the enrolled Depository Accounts as may be allowed under the
BDO terms and conditions governing the BOB facility, and other transactions that Users are allowed to
perform under BOB; and (b) Depository Accounts in BOB, as well as merchants, subscribers and/or
third party accounts for bills and other payments.
iii. Remittance Products and Services, and in this regard to execute, deliver and perform such
agreements, contracts, documents, instruments and other writings under such terms and conditions
that the Representatives may in their sole discretion deem necessary or appropriate to avail of said
products and services.
4. AVAIL OF CREDIT AND LEASE FACILITIES. To apply for, negotiate and obtain loans, credit and/or lease
accommodations or facilities, such as letters of credit, trust receipts, bills purchases, foreign exchange
settlement lines from time to time in amounts which may be required by the Corporation, which authority shall
include extensions, renewals, re-availments, increases, excess / overavailments, rollovers, restructurings,
novations, amendments or conversions into other credit form or type, and in this regard, to:

Execute, sign and deliver from time to time the relevant loan, lease agreements, promissory note/s,
disclosure statements, lease schedules, trust receipts and any and all other documents pertinent and
necessary to implement the accommodations / facilities referred hereto;
Lease from and/or sell to BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc. (BDOLFI) and/or BDO Rental, Inc. (BDORI), real
and/or personal property (such as motor vehicle/s, vessels, aircraft, equipments and/or machinery)

including availment of BDOLFI's or BDORI's facilities such as Installment Paper Purchase, factoring, floor
stock financing, assignment of trade receivables and sale-and-lease back transactions.
5. MORTGAGE, PLEDGE, ASSIGN CORPORATION PROPERTY. To mortgage, pledge, assign or otherwise
encumber properties of the Corporation, whether real or personal, as collaterals for credit accommodations
extended by BDO.
6. APPOINT AND CONSTITUTE ATTORNEY-IN-FACT. To appoint and constitute BDO as its attorney-in-fact, with
full powers of substitution, to register the lease, sale, mortgage, pledge, assignment and/or encumbrance as
well as cancellation thereof with any and all appropriate government offices / agencies; The Corporation hereby
declares that the power of attorney is coupled with interest and is irrevocable until all obligations secured by the
aforementioned properties of the Corporation are fully paid to the entire satisfaction of BDO and released in
writing by the latter.
7. FAXED AND SCANNED LETTERS AND INSTRUCTIONS. BDO is hereby authorized to honor and
implement scanned or faxed letters and instructions of the Corporation, which shall constitute
final and conclusive evidence of such letters and instructions and may be admitted as
evidence in a court of law whether or not the originals of such letters and instructions has
been received, pertaining to its Account/s with BDO, and to any other product, service or
transaction (the Transactions) the Corporation has entered or may enter into with BDO
(collectively, the Instructions);
In connection therewith, the Corporation hereby confirms that:
7a. It will deliver to BDO the original copies of each of the Instructions within five (5) banking days from
the date of issuance thereof. Failure to deliver such original copies shall not affect any authorization,
indemnity or waiver contained herein.
7b.BDO shall be authorized, at its sole and absolute discretion, to accept, rely and honor any
Instructions and act on such Instructions without further inquiry. Without prejudice to the foregoing, BDO
may at its sole and absolute discretion, seek such confirmation and/or clarification as BDO sees fit, in the
absence of which, BDO may decline to accept, rely on or honor such Instructions without incurring any
liability whatsoever to the Corporation in respect of any delay, failure or refusal to execute such
Instructions. Such Instructions shall be subject to BDO's prevailing conditions, procedures and cut-off
times. For the avoidance of doubt, BDO may at its sole and absolute discretion and without need to state
any grounds thereof, refuse without incurring any liability whatsoever to act upon any Instructions or any
part thereof and is under no obligation to act on such instructions. BDO may cease to act on all
Instructions in its sole and absolute discretion, at any time and without need to give notice thereof;
7c. BDO shall not be held liable for any corruption or modification of any Instructions arising from any
electronic medium used, the disruption of such electronic medium, or the effects of any computer viruses
and similar programs;
7d.The Corporation understands and agrees that BDO reserves the right to add, vary and modify any or
all of the terms and conditions governing its acceptance of such Instructions and the indemnity granted
herein to BDO by the Corporation, without need for notice and at any time;

The Corporation undertakes, warrants and assumes full and unconditional responsibility to the correctness
and validity of the Instructions in all their respects;


The Corporation hereby ratifies and confirms all Instructions;


In consideration of BDO acting on the Instructions, the Corporation unconditionally and irrevocably renders
BDO, its subsidiaries, its and their respective directors, officers, employees, consultants,
representatives, advisers, assigns and successors (the Indemnified Parties) free and harmless from and
shall indemnify it for and against any claim, liability, cause of action, damages and demands (including all
legal costs) whatsoever in law or in equity, the intention being to completely and finally release BDO
and all Indemnified Parties from any and all liabilities arising from or incidental to its acceptance and
implementation of all Instructions; and


No person other than BDO and any of the Indemnified Parties may enforce the provisions of this resolution
and the consent of no other person shall be required to amend or terminate this resolution or to compromise
or waive any liability arising herefrom.

RESOLVED, FURTHER, that in order to implement the resolutions hereto, any one two all
_________ of the following officers of the Corporation (the Representative/s):




shall be authorized as they are hereby authorized to represent, and transact for and on behalf of, the Corporation
to enter into arrangements with BDO under such terms and conditions as the Representative/s may deem
necessary or appropriate, and to execute, deliver and perform any and all of the agreements, contracts,
documents, instruments and other writings that may be necessary to obtain and/or implement the foregoing
transactions and delegate these functions to their representatives. Provided, further, that the Representative/s are
hereby authorized with full powers of substitution, to receive, for and on behalf of the Corporation any and all of the
mortgaged / pledged / assigned and / encumbered property/ies of the Corporation upon full payment to the entire
satisfaction of BDO of the obligations secured thereby.
RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Corporation hereby ratifies and confirms all that the Representatives
may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents;
RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the foregoing Resolutions shall remain valid and subsisting unless otherwise
revoked or amended in writing by the Corporation duly served upon and received by BDO; and
RESOLVED, FINALLY, that any one of the Representative/s is hereby empowered to provide BDO with a
copy of these resolutions.
After the adjournment of the meeting of the Board of Directors, a special meeting of all the Stockholders of
record of the Corporation was also held on _____________, and by the unanimous vote of stockholders
representing all of the outstanding capital stock, passed and adopted the aforesaid Resolutions approved by the
Board of Directors.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certification has been signed this day of ______________ in __________.

Corporate Secretary
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me at ________________________ on ___________________;
affiant exhibited to me the following:

Competent Evidence of

Community Tax

Date / Place Issued

and is/are personally known to or identified by me to be the same person/s who executed the foregoing instrument
and he/she/they further affirmed and made oath as to the said instrument.
Doc. No. _______________;
Page No. _______________;
Book No. _______________;
Series of _______________.

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