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Season 8
General Overview
The Women of Grand Prairie League is a player-ran league. This is a travel
league in the Grand Prairie and surrounding areas. The night of play is Thursday Night.
This league is currently sanctioned with BCAPL/CSI and ACS. The league became
established in October of 2011. The purpose of the league is to provide an exciting, and
fun-filled environment for women to be able to play pool with the women of the area.

League Operations
1. Board of Directors The League Operator and President will be held by one
person. The Secretary will be held by one person. The treasurer will be held jointly
by the President and Secretary together. Captains are Player Representatives.
League President and Secretary are voted in. If any Board Member is failing to
complete her job, a meeting will be held to vote on action. Any Board Member is
subject to be voted out of position by majority as we are a player- ran League. Club
Owners cannot hold a position of any kind.
2. Player Representatives (Captains) and Board Members Cannot vote or
make any decisions that will not benefit the entire league. All Player
Representatives are required to attend all meetings, and help run Play-off
3. League Meetings As we are a player-ran league it is encouraged for all League
Members to attend each and every League Meeting. Regular league meetings are
the Season Start-Up Meeting, Half-Time Meeting, and End of Season Awards
Banquet. However, if deemed necessary any member of the Board of Directors
may call a meeting once it has been discussed and agreed upon. Meeting
locations will be determined/coordinated by League President and bar
owner/manager as part of rotating schedule support to bars.
4. League Representative Meetings Also, referred to as a Captains meeting. A
league representative meeting will be called to determine action on an important
issue that occurs between standard meetings but cannot wait. This meeting
requires attendance from all board members, team captains, and player
representatives. The League Operator/President will notify all parties of date, time
and location at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.

5. Dispute Meetings Open to disputed parties, their team captains, and Board of
Directors only. The President will notify all parties of date, time and location, at
least three (3) days prior to the meeting. **Request for dispute meeting must be
requested in writing to the President. Request should consist of reason and names
of persons that are involved in the incident.
6. Club Owners Meetings Open to any Club Owner/Manager that has a team in
the league and the Board of Directors only. The League Operator/President will
notify all parties of date, time and location at least three (3) days prior to the
Board of Directors
1. League Operator The League Operator is responsible for initiating the League
setup and helping the Secretary and Player Representatives in making sure that
the League is ran fairly and efficiently.
2. League President The League President is responsible for conducting all
meetings, providing agenda for meetings, helping out with statistics and
paperwork, as needed, helping with phone calls and the running of the League
tournaments, making policies, and signing checks with the Secretary. Review
monthly financial statements and League documents that are submitted by
3. League Secretary The League Secretary will keep record of the statistics,
financials, score sheets, and take notes of all meetings. The League Secretary will
provide the League with weekly statistics, monthly financials, and notes of the
meeting within one week of the meeting. The League Secretary is responsible for
submitting standings, rosters, and sanction fees to BCAPL/CSI and ACS to their
guidelines. The League Secretary is responsible for purchasing the trophies for the
end of the season and distributes the Award monies at the Awards Banquet. The
League Secretary can and should get any help needed from the League Operator/
League Financial
1. Financial Statements Financial Statements will be available upon request by
any sanctioned league member.
2. Bank Account There is a non-profit organization account setup in the League
name of Women of Grand Prairie. The League President and Secretary will be on

the account. The League President will sign all checks and the Secretary will
disburse them. End of Season Payout monies will be counted and distributed by the
League President and Secretary together. Currently, this account is through Chase
3. League Headquarters All money/score sheets will be dropped off at this
location. Drop off time is before 4:00 pm the immediate Saturday following the
night of play. Late fees will be assessed at the rate of $10.00 per incident to be
paid to the secretary to account for extra time and gas spent. Headquarters
location is determined by League Secretary based on most convenient and reliable
for money handling. Currently, it is at Diamond Jims, 305 N. Great Southwest
Pkwy, Arlington 76011.
4. Returned Checks There will be a fee for any returned checks. The amount will
be based on the current banks return check fee. The current return check fee is
$12.00. The person writing the check will no longer be able to write checks and will
have to submit cash only. No checks from any player should exceed the weekly
amount of $8.00 or $33.00 if a sanction fee is included. If not paid in 30 days,
reported to DA Hot Check Division of Tarrant County, reason for Tarrant County
because League Home Office is located in Tarrant County. Player will be placed on
play probation until check is repaid to league and the member is NOT ALLOWED to
play until there has been a meeting with the Board of Directors as a disciplinary
5. Falsifying Records Any member caught falsifying any league records or score
sheets, this will also include anyone who helped to falsify said records; will be
barred from the league. The player(s) will be barred from the League for a
minimum of one (1) calendar year. If a person, who has been barred, wishes to
return to the League at the end of the one (1) calendar year, she must submit a
written request to the League Operator. At which time, it will be reviewed by the
Board of Directors. Reinstatement of this person must be by a majority vote of the
League. If allowed to return, this person will be at player status only, and will not
be able to hold any position in the League.
6. Embezzlement Any captain, player, or member of the Women of Grand Prairie,
who embezzles monies, will be barred from the League for a minimum of one (1)
calendar year. If a person, who has been barred, wished to return to the League at
the end of the one (1) calendar year, must submit a written request to the League
Operator. At which time, it will be reviewed by the Board of Directors.
Reinstatement of this person must be by a majority vote of the League. If allowed
to return, this person will be at player status only, and will not be able to hold any
position in the League.
7. League Money In-take

a. Bar Sponsorship Each bar will pay $70 per team at the beginning of each
season (Board Pay). Each bar will pay $10 per team per week of play
throughout the season (Playoff Payout).
b. Membership Pay Each league member will pay $15 BCA/CSI and $10 ACS
sanction fees each calendar year as required per National Sanction
Requirements to stay current/active members. Each player/team will pay $8
per person per week, or $40 per team, each week of play (Season League
Payout). Each team is responsible for full $40 per week of play regardless of
any forfeits.
8. League Money Output
a. Board of Directors Payout The League President will receive $20 per
team. The League Secretary will receive $50 per team. This comes from the
$70 bar sponsor fee.
b. Banquet - $10 per league member will be taken out for banquet ceremony.
If you would like to bring a guest, you may RSVP him/her for an additional
$10 to be paid prior to the event. (However, due to seating restraints there
may or may not be room for guests to sit at team tables with members.)
c. Team Payout Team standing will be determined by total games won. All
teams will receive a percentage of the money for their standing at the end of
the season. If the season ends in tie then there will be a shootout played at a
neutral location to determine season place finish. $3 will be paid for each
break & run; $2 will be paid for each table run, and $1 for each individual
win. All tournament money will be added together and paid out by
percentage according to the position that team places in the tournament.
d. Top Shooter Payout Top Shooter of the League will be determined by
game percentage with forfeits included. A player must play at least 75% of
the season games in order to qualify for Top Shooter. Top Shooters will
receive: 1st place - $75, 2nd place - $50, 3rd place - $25.
General Regulations
1. Game Rules - The Women of Grand Prairie League will adhere to any and all
BCAPL/CSI and ACS rules. Any exceptions to the BCAPL/CSI and ACS rules will be
posted at the beginning of League Play. All team captains are advised to have a
copy of the BCAPL/CSI and ACS Rules and Regulations Handbooks.
2. Legal Players The Women of Grand Prairie League is not responsible for how a
team obtains its legal players. All players must carry a valid picture ID or be known
by the Board of Directors. If a player is unable to provide a valid ID, that player will
not be allowed to play until she has obtained one.

3. Player Rosters Player Roster maximum is eight (8). All rosters must be turned in
with the applicable fees by the second week of play. A players roster will be given
to all team captains by the third week of play, and also posted on the website of
the League.
4. Open Roster Any team may add a player at any time during the season until the
max of 8 players is reached. At that point, a player must be dropped before a new
player can be added. Once a player has been dropped, she cannot be added back
to the roster later in the season. (She may be able to be added to another team
depending on the circumstances of why she was dropped and must be agreed
upon by the team captains and League President (see #8).) The new player is
responsible for paying sanctions and providing player information prior to playing
her FIRST game.
5. Handicap Players If any player with any kind of handicap needs feels that a
location is not handicap friendly, they need to contact any member of the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors will then hold a meeting, and then discuss the
options to resolve the situation. Until the meeting is held, all matches including the
handicapped individual will be held at a neutral location within the league.
6. New Team A new team may join our league up to one week after the season
begins, in order to fill any open bye places. All new teams and locations must be
approved by Board of Directors and voted in by majority voted of the league.
7. Amateur/Pro Status The status of a player is determined by BCAPL/CSI and ACS
headquarters. If a question arises about a players status, the President will make
inquiries. Each team is allowed, ONE master/advanced player per roster. If an
ineligible player is added unintentionally, no games will be lost or forfeited
because of the player and she will be dropped. NOTE: *If the team replaces the
above player with another ineligible player, it will be a 25/25 game match forfeit.
The player will be removed from the roster and no Master Player will be allowed to
that team.
8. Player Move A player will be allowed to switch teams one time during the
season. If she is to drop from her team, due to personality conflicts, or if her team
has too many players and both captains agree to the switch.
9. 25/25 Game Forfeit There must be at least 3 players present at 7:30 to start
the match (unless captains agree to play with less than three). If there are not and
the captain of the team has not called the opposing captain, the match will be
considered 25/25 game forfeit. The winning captain is responsible for turning in the
score sheet and her teams money. The forfeiting captain is responsible for turning
in her teams money.

Single Player Forfeit If a team is short a player, the team is still
responsible for the full $40 of dues for that week. The win by forfeit will count
toward the players stats and $1 wins; however, the forfeit loss will not count
against anyones stats.
Late Players A player has 15 minutes after the match starts to arrive for a
called game. If the player arrives after 15 minutes, all games called before are
forfeits. The player will be allowed to play any games that have not been called.
This does not apply to the entire team.
Rescheduling of a Match The rescheduling of a match will be allowed if
both captains agree, and the League President is notified. Both captains are
responsible for calling the League President. The rescheduled match must be
played within two weeks of the original match date. The burden of making up the
match in time to avoid forfeit lies with the team that requested the reschedule
initially. No rescheduling of a match in the last two weeks of the season.
Complimentary Drinks and Food Location Owners will provide a
complimentary drink for each league member that is currently playing in the
match. Drinks will be served at the half time mark of the match. The drink provided
will be the drink that the player has currently been drinking. Complimentary food is
at the discretion of the location.
Substitutions A starting player can be pulled, but can only return to her
original line of play. A substitute player cannot be a starting player. A substitute
can start in the second round and can then rotate to any line of play not in the
same round, as long as she does not repeat the same player. A substitution must
be made before the first game in the next round is called to be played. There can
be only one substitute per line.
Back to Back Games In case of emergency and/or work, if any player
requests to play all her games back to back and there is not a substitute player
available, consideration should be given. The captain should request this prior to
the match beginning, unless the emergency is called during the match. If the
captains cannot agree for the back to back games, a neutral Player Rep or League
President should be called. The player that has requested back to back games
must leave the location within 15 minutes of finishing last game. Failure to leave
will result in all her games being forfeited.
Player Barred from Locations If a player has been barred from entering
the club, where the league games are being played, the player will be allowed to
enter, play her games, and leave the location immediately after play. EXCEPTION: If
a location has a Criminal Trespass Order posted in the location, the player will NOT
be allowed to enter. Alcoholic Beverages being served are at the discretion of the
Location Owner.

Watched Shots When a player has requested that the captains watch a
shot, the captains will call the shot. In the event that the captains do not agree, the
game will be re-racked with the original player breaking.
Devices Do not bring phones, music players, headsets, or anything else
with you when playing. Only your drink, cigarettes, and pool equipment. (NOTE:
No cigarettes are allowed at the pool table).

Games Played- If a game is called and played incorrectly during league

weekly play. If the players would have to play each other later anyway, mark
that win/loss in the correct place that they should have played and move on. If the
two players were not going to play each anyway, due to substitutes or what have
you, then game will NOT count and the correct game needs to be played. This
does not apply to play-off race format, in playoffs the game does not count at all
and the correct game needs to be played to stay in order for a race count.

1. Play-off Location Playoff location will now be on a rotating schedule. Playoff
tournament payout will be from $10 weekly team fee paid by bars. Playoff
schedule will be coordinated/scheduled by League President with the bar
owners/managers per rotating bar list.
2. All CSI/BCAPL and ACS tournament rules apply (as we have referees)
3. Start Time: Teams must be ready to start match on time as scheduled. Player
has two minutes to get to the players table once match has been called. Late
arrivals may play forward only. (It is required to have all players present 30
minutes prior to the match time)
4. Devices: During your match turn your phones to silent or vibrate at the team
table. Do not bring phones, music players, headsets, or anything else to the
player table. Only your drink, cigarettes, and pool equipment. (NOTE: No
cigarettes are allowed at the pool table).
5. Player Table: During your game, you MUST remain seated at the players table.

7. Referees: If you call a referee to watch a shot, the referee will make the call, NOT
the player. Remember: if you do not have a referee watch the table during the
shot, the call WILL go to the shooter. Either player can call a referee to watch a
a. When calling a referee, make it clear to your opponent you are doing so.
b. Allow time for the referee to get to the table and the shooter needs to make
it clear what she is shooting to the referee.
c. ONLY when the referee is watching a shot will the touching rule apply. So
watch the hair, clothing and other dangling things.
8. Forfeits: Forfeits will count as a loss even if it is the tie breaker. A loss is a loss.
9. Conduct: The referees will be in charge of crowd control. If they ask a non-player
to move or be silent, do not interfere; let them do their job. Teams that are getting
out of control will be asked to calm down. Referees are there for all the teams, if
you are having a problem, let them know and they will handle it. Be courteous.
Terms like slow down, take a breath and take your time could be considered
as coaching. And rude behavior will be considered sharking. Cheer for your
team/player but watch what you say.
No coaching. You must know the rules. You cannot ask a player at any time
in regards to the rules. The referee is allowed to interpret the rules during play. For
example: The referee can explain and clarify the rule, but they cant explain to you
on how to make the shot.
Call any non-obvious shots to your opponent. This includes, per rule
handbook, all banks, kicks, and combination shots.
Marking. Watch the tips. You can line up with your cue and measure with
your cue. You must be careful not to make ANY mark on the felt with your cue tip.
8 Ball off the table at ANY time (except on break) is loss of game. Any other
balls will be pocketed and result in loss of turn and ball in hand foul. If on break
then it is a foul and becomes opponents option to spot or re-rack.
Touching the balls while shooting can only be called by the referee, IF she
was called to watch a shot, it will result in loss of turn.
If cue is received from ACS, then the cue will be raffled off and the proceeds
with go to the playoff tournament funds.
1. Tables Location owners will be required to keep tables in good playing condition
as per BCAPL/CSI specifications. Table felt should be in good playing condition. If a
team feels that they are not in good condition, they need to contact the League

President. A determination as to whether or not the table is up to standards will be

made and the Location owner will be given seven (7) days to bring the table into
compliance. If after seven (7) days, the table is not in compliance, the remaining
matches will be held at the visiting teams location until the tables are in
2. Billiard Balls The weight should be 5 to 6 oz. The diameter should be 2 .
3. Cue Balls The cue ball must be regulation ball. No heavy cue balls (also known
as mud balls) allowed.
4. Bridges All captains will be provided with a portable bridge. There must be a
bridge available at all times. If lost, the cost to replace is $5.00.
5. Playing Area Location owners will insure that teams playing will have sufficient
room to play and sit together. During Playoffs, only the team members will be
allowed to sit at the team table.
6. Player Equipment All player equipment must meet BCAPL/CSI specifications:
width of tips: minimum: none; maximum: 14 maximum. Length: minimum: 40
inches maximum: none.
BCA is allowing phenalic tips at this time.
7. Team Shirts The teams shirts are not allowed to show logo for another
establishment other than the establishment that has sponsored your team in the
1. Practice during a Match No Practice Allowed During Match
1. It is a foul if you practice at any time during your match, including during timeouts
and periods of suspended play. "Practice" is defined as any stroke or shot that is
not a
part of your match, taken on any table at the event venue. (AR p. 75)
2. During a match, if the first offense of a practice foul occurs between games
there is no
penalty applied, but a warning will be issued. For second and subsequent offenses
between games during a match, the offended player:
a. Is awarded the option to break if it is not their turn to break. If the
offended player chooses to take the break, the breaking order for future
games is not affected.
b. Is awarded ball in hand on the first shot after the break if it is their turn to
break. The penalty is not applied if there is a foul on the break.
3. In team play, this rule applies to all members of the team that are on the teams

whether or not they are playing at the time and whether or not they are listed on
the score
sheet of the match in progress. Penalties for fouls in team play:
a. For violations by a player who is playing a game at the time of the foul:
the penalty is applied to that players table only;
b. For violations by a player who is not playing a game at the time of the
foul: the penalty is applied to all tables assigned to the match. (AR p. 75)
2. Spectator Coaching The players of the team are responsible for the individuals
that are with them at the match. If there is spectator coaching, the team will
receive the following:
1st offense: Unsportsmanlike Conduct Warning
2nd offense: Loss of Game for the player that is involved
3rd offense: Loss of all Games for that player; except during Tournament play,
then it is loss of match for the whole team.
3. Unsportsmanlike Conduct Any player of the Women of Grand Prairie League
should engage in any activity that would be unsportsmanlike in nature,
embarrassing, disruptive, or detrimental to other players, tournament officials,
hosts or the sport in general. The Board of Directors shall have the right to penalize
or disqualify any player who conducts herself in an unsportsmanlike manner. If
conduct becomes a problem during a match, the captains shall stop play, call the
league president or league secretary and resolve the situation prior to finishing the
4. Physical Violence All players will conduct themselves as ladies at all times. Any
team player that engages in any physical violence during League play, will be
barred from the League for a period of one calendar (1) year. The reinstatement of
this person will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and voted by the majority of
the League.
5. Violation of any rule is a foul and an unsportsmanlike conduct warning
may be issued. A second violation by any team member will result in a loss of the
game. A third violation by any team member will result in loss of all games.
**Exception During Tournaments a third violation by any team member will result
in loss of Match for the entire team**


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