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Nicholas Volleyball Tournament

Lip Sync Battle Competition

On behalf of the St. Nicholas Volleyball Committee, we are proud to produce the Lip Sync Battle Competition. This
is a fairly new addition to our weekend festivities of Volleyball and Hellenic comradery. Below is a list of the rules
and regulations for the competition. We look forward to your involvement and the creative performances of each
The following must be strictly adhered to:
1. Each team may have as few as one (1) individual to as many as eight (8) individuals per team.
2. Each team will lip sync one (1) song. Each song will be a maximum of 120 seconds (2 minutes) in length
and should contain at least one verse and one chorus.
Note: Being that we are Church Ministry, all music must be church appropriate, radio-edited and turned
in via a CD or other file and a word document file of the lyrics of the songs each team will be performing
must be turned in at least two weeks prior to the event for approval by the Chairman. Each team can
select any genres as long as you follow the above stated rule.
3. Any performance that goes over the 120 second time limit will have an automatic 1 point deduction
for every 10 seconds over the original 120 second time limit.
4. All performances shall be family-friendly and church appropriate in both language, costumes and
5. All performances need a minimum of at least one lip syncer.
6. Choreography is encouraged, as long as it is family-friendly and church appropriate, be aware that all
performances will take place on the St. Nicholas Community Center stage on Saturday night, October 15th,
7. Any performance deemed inappropriate will result in immediate disqualification/elimination for the
There will be three judges scoring all performances and they will select a winner based on the following criteria:
Accuracy of the lip sync (25 pts)
Prizes:1st Place, $250 and Trophy
Choreography (10 pts)
Costumes and props (10 pts)
Bonus Points: Level of enthusiasm (5 pts)
2nd place, $100 and Trophy

3rd Place, $50 and Trophy

Pending on the amount of Lip Syncers, we could have three categories based on the following age breakdowns:
Jr. Goya Division Under 14 years old
Goya Division Age 14 18
Adult Division Older than 18
If you should have any questions regarding this fun and brand new addition to this years Volleyball tournament
weekend, please do not hesitate to contact George Spilios at [email protected] or (408) 806-1699.

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