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1- Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente

as frases
a) _________ they __________ ecology?
a) Does study.
b) Do study.
c) Do studies.
d) Does studies.
e) Do - studdyes
b)Peter ____________ many books.
a) have.
b) haves.
c) has.
d) hases.
e) hass
c) John and Mary __________ in the lake.
a) dont swim.
b) doesnt swim.
c) dont swims.
d) doesnt swims.
e)doesnt swamm
2- Qual a forma negativa da frase John cries all night.?
a) John doesnt cries all night.
b) John not cry all night.
c) John dont cries all night.
d) John doesnt cry all night.
e) dont john cry all night
3- Qual a forma interrogativa da frase They eat vegetables every day?
a) Does they eat vegetables every day?
b) Do they eat vegetables every day?
c) Does they eats vegetables every day?
d) Do they eats vegetables every day?
e) They did eat vegetable every day?

4- Questo - De acordo com o estudo do Presente Contnuo, analise as frases

abaixo e assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
The women ________________ (wear) black clothes.
Those boys _______________ ( look) at you.
a) wearing / looking

b) is wear / are look

c) are wearing / are looking
d) is wearing / are looking
e) N.D.A
Questo 5- Transformando a seguinte frase: My sisters work so much, para o
Presente Contnuo, ser:
a) My sisters are so much.
b) My sisters are work so much.
c) My sisters working so much.
d) My sisters are working so much.
6- Qual a alternativa que completa corretamente a
frase My father _______________ on the sofa?
a) was sleeping.
b) were sleeping.
c) were sleep.
d) was sleep.
7- Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente
a frase ________ the boys ____________ TV an
hour ago?
a) Was watch.
b) Were watch.
c) Was watching.
d) Were watching
First, let me tell you where Im coming from. Before I saw The Lord of the Rings: The
Fellowship of the Ring, I didnt know the difference between an orc and an elf, or what
Middle-earth was in the middle of. This review is coming to you from a Tolkien-freezone. I
went in to Peter Jacksons movie the first of a trilogy with no preconceptions. I came out,
three hours later, sorry Id have to wait a year to see what happens next in Frodo Bagginss

battle against the Dark Lord, Sauron, and thinking a trip to the bookstore to pick The Two
Towers might be in order. ()
This is a violent movie too violent for little ones and there are moments more Matrix than
medieval. Yet it transcends cheap thrills; we root for the survival of our heroes with depth of
feeling that may come a surprise. The movie keeps drawing you in deeper. Unlike so many
overcooked action movies these days, Fellowship doesnt entertain you into a stupor. It leaves
you with your wits intact, hungry for more.
Assinale a opo correta
a. O autor do texto leitor assduo da obra de Tolkien.
b. O autor do texto tinha grandes expectativas com relao ao filme antes de assisti-lo.
c. O filme fez com que o autor se sentisse tentado a adquirir um livro de Tolkien.
d. O autor recomenda o filme para adultos e crianas.
e. O filme dirigido por Peter Jackson assemelha-se a Matriz.

A descrio da pizza feita pelo personagem do cartum no passa de um argumento

brincalho para a parceira com o intuito de:
a. Justificar sua escolha como acertada para uma dieta saudvel.
b. Convencer a interlocutora sobre a composio nutricional da massa.
c. Descrever tecnicamente e elogiar seu prato preferido.
d. Persuadi-la a optar pelo mesmo prato e acrescentar uma salada.
e. Comprovar que pizza e salada so a mesma coisa.


Why Is Eating for Pleasure so Important?

We are all programmed to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Its the most primitive part of the
human nervous system. So, when you eat, you are seeking the pleasure of food, and you are
avoiding the pain of hunger. But heres the trick: you cant receive pleasure unless you are
aware that you are engaging in it. So, if youre eating food and you are not paying attention if
you are watching TV, talking too much, rushing or reading you will potentially miss the
experience of pleasure. And, if you do not get the pleasure that you seek, the brain often
interprets that missed experience of pleasure as hunger. Youll want more food, so then you will
be wondering: Do I have a willpower problem? But theres no willpower problem the
problem is we are not entirely there when we eat. Were not getting the full experience, and so
we are left feeling hungry.
Extrado de
O texto acima estabelece relaes entre conscincia e prazer. Nesse sentido, marque a
alternativa que melhor representa as ideias desenvolvidas no trecho.
a. Vitaminas no podem ser absorvidas de forma adequada se no nos concentrarmos durante o
perodo da refeio, prejudicando todo o processo de digesto.
b. Muitos de ns no estamos realmente engajados na atividade de comer, devido a uma falta de
fora de vontade para bloquear a ansiedade.
c. Os hbitos modernos nos do experincias de prazer equivalentes ao ato de comer,e, por isso,
no respeitamos as refeies.
d. No prestamos ateno na atividade de comer e, consequentemente, nosso crebro no
registra essa experincia como prazerosa.
e. Estamos programados para buscar o prazer e evitar a dor, mas no prestamos ateno nisso
por estarmos ocupados o tempo todo.

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