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January 2005
Errata to the Fifth Printing December 2004
415.6: Item 2, last line now reads . . . as required for a high-hazard commodity classification as
defined in Section 2303 of the International Fire Code.
Table 415. Column 4, row 8, line 1 now reads . . . Note c
Table 720.1(2): line 6, 15-1.13q: last line was deleted, cavity to be filled with 51/2
insulation minimum 2.58 pcf (nominal).

mineral wool

Table 720.1(2): line 8, 15.1.15q: entire line deleted.

Table 720.1(2): line 2, column 2, item number changed to 16-1.2q, entire line moved down to
become last line in table
Table 720.1(2): line 3, column 2, item number changed to 15-1.15.
Table 910.3: Column 3, row 2, line 1 now reads . . . 0.2 Hc
Table 910.3: footnote c now reads . . . H is the height of the vent, in feet, above the floor.
2211.2: Item 1, last line now reads . . . design strength values.
2211.2.1: 2nd paragraph, line 2 now reads . . . the design strength value shall be determined by
2211.2.2.1: Item 2, line 2 now reads . . . shear value or design strength value, are given...
2211.2.2.2: Item 1, line 2 now reads . . . shear value or design strength value, are given...
2211.2.2.3: Item 1, line 2 now reads . . . shear value or design strength value, are given...
Table 2306.4.5: Footnote a, line 2 now reads . . . due to wind or seismic load. Walls resisting
seismic loads shall be subject to the limitations in Section 1617.6. Values shown shall be reduced
25 percent for normal loading.
2702.2.5: now reads . . . 2702.2.5 Accessible means of egress elevators and platform lifts.
Standby power shall be provided for elevators or platform lifts that are part of an accessible
means of egress in accordance with Section 1007.4 or 1007.5, respectively.
Table 2902.1: Title now reads . . . (See Sections 2902.2 and 2902.3)
3410.6.1.1: last line now reads . . . CF = Construction-type factor shown in Table 3410.6.6(2) if
(AH) - (EBH) is negative.
3410.6.6.1: last 2 lines now read . . . PV = Protection value [Table 3410.6.6(1)]
CF = Construction type factor [Table 3410.6.6(2)]
3410.6.7: line 3 now reads . . . Under the categories in Section 3410.6.7.1,
3410.6.18: line 6 now reads . . . sign the lowest score from Table 3410.6.18 for the building...
Table 3410.6.18: NOTE now reads . . . For Table 3410.7, see page 578.

Errata to the 4th Printing May 2004

Table 307.7(1): Oxidizer row, column 3, 2nd line now reads . . . H-2 or H-3
Page 59, 415.2: FLAMMABLE VAPORS OR FUMES, line 2 now reads . . . flammable
constituents in air that exceed 25 percent of their...
Table 415.3.1: Footnote c, line 4 now reads . . . explosive materials contained in detonator
buildings or magazines shall govern in regard to the spacing of said detonator buildings or
magazines from buildings or magazines containing other explosive materials. If any two or more
buildings or magazines are separated from each other by less than the specified Separation of
Magazines distances, then such two or more buildings or magazines, as a group, shall be
considered as one building or magazine, and the total quantity of explosive materials stored in
such group shall be treated as if the explosive were in a single building or magazine located on
the site of any building or magazine of the group, and shall comply with the minimum distance
specified from other magazines or inhabited buildings.
Table 720.1(3): Last sentence of item number 22 now reads . . . The wood structural panel
thickness shall not be less than nominal 1/2 nor less than required by Chapter 23.
801.2.2: line 2 now reads . . . interior finish or trim except as provided in Section 2603.8 or 2604.
909.5.1: line 2 now reads . . . is the product of the smoke barrier gross area multiplied by...
1015.2: last line now reads . . . feet (122 m) for occupancies in Group F-1 or S-1.
Table 1907.5.2.1: Row 1 under Depth now reads . . . d
FIGURE 2308.12.6(1) changed as shown

E104.3.2: Section reference now reads . . . E104.3.4.

Errata to the 3rd Printing
April 2004

[F] Table 307.7(2): Note j added in title.

[F] Table 307.7(2): Note j reads . . . For gallons of liquids, divide the amount in pounds by 10 in
accordance with Section 2703.1.2 of the International Fire Code.
402.7.3: Exception, last two lines now read . . . building shall be separated by 2-hour fire-barriers
complying with Section 706.
406.2.7: last 2 lines now read . . . rated from other occupancies in accordance with Section 302.3.
Table 601: Type II, column B, last row, add a table note c to 0.
1621.1.3: Modified ASCE 7, Section, line 11 now reads . . . system listed in Section 307, shall,
itself, be designed to . . .
1623.1.1: Modified ASCE 7, Section, line 2 now reads . . . system shall comply with Section
714.7 of the . . .
1704.5: line 5 now reads . . . Table 1604.5 and Section 1616.2).
1704.5: exception 1, row 5 now reads . . . 1604.5 and Section 1616.2).
1704.5.2: line 6 now reads . . . 1616.2), shall comply with Table 1704.5.1.
1707.7.1: now reads . . . Special inspection is required for the installation of the following components,
where the components has a Component Importance Factor of 1.0 or 1.5 in accordance with Section of ASCE 7.
1808.2.10: line 3 now reads . . . for each pile type in Sections 1809 and 1810 are permitted . . .
1810.6.2: exception line 2 now reads . . . 1808.2.10, the allowable stresses are permitted to be in- . . .
1908.1: line 2 now reads . . . in Sections 1908.1.1 through 1908.1.7.
2205.2.2: line 4 now reads . . . 341, Part I or III.
2602.7.2: line 4 now reads . . . at an ambient temperature of at least 200F (111C) be- . . .

Errata to the 2nd Printing

June 2003
(Updated April 2004)

*302.3.2: Exception, line 4 now reads ...the fire-resistance ratings in Table 302.3.2...
*Table 302.3.2: Note d now reads ...See Section 406.1.4.
*Table 307.7(1): Note n added in title.
*Table 307.7(1): Note e now reads ...e.Maximum allowable quantities shall be increased 100 percent
when stored in approved storage cabinets, gas cabinets, exhausted enclosures or safety cans as
specified in the International Fire Code. Where Note d also applies, the increase for both notes shall be
applied accumulatively.
*Table 307.7(1): Note m now reads ...m.For gallons of liquids, divide the amount in pounds by 10 in
accordance with Section 2703.1.2 of the International Fire Code.
*Table 307.7(1): Note n now reads ...n.For storage and display quantities in Group M and storage quantities
in Group S occupancies complying with Section 414.2.4, see Table 414.2.4.
*402.7.3: Exception, last line now reads ...complying with Section 705.
*410.3.1: Exception 1, last line now reads ...with Section 410.3.4.
*Section 414.1.2.2 now reads 414.1.2.1 Aerosols and 414.1.2.2 deleted.
*Table 414.2.4: Note i now reads ...i.The permitted quantities shall not be limited in a building equipped
throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
*LIQUID STORAGE ROOM, last line now reads ...liquids in a closed condition.
*Table 503: Group I-3, Type IIB now reads ...10,000
ROOF SLABS (inches)
*907.2.13: Line 4 now reads activated in accordance with Section 907.6.
1007.1: Exception 3, last line now reads Section 1024.8.
1008.1.2: Exception 6 now reads ...Power-operated doors in accordance with Section 1008.1.3.2.
1016.4: now reads ...Air movement in corridors. Exit access corridors shall not serve as supply, return,
exhaust, relief or ventilation air ducts.
1021.3: Line 3 now reads ...smoke detector installed in accordance with Section 907.10.
1405.9.1 has been deleted.
1405.9.1.1: now reads ...1405.9.1 Interior adhered masonry veneers. Interior adhered masonry veneers

shall have a maximum weight of 20 psf (0.958 kg/m 2 ) and shall be installed in accordance with Section
1405.9. Where the interior adhered masonry veneer is supported by wood construction, the supporting
members shall be designed to limit deflection to 1/600 of the span of the supporting members.
*2110.1.1: Exception 1, line 4 now reads ...715 in fire barriers and fire partitions that have a...
*Table 2111.1: Row 2, column 3 now reads ...4-inch minimum thickness for hearth, 2-inch minimum
thickness for hearth extension.

*2211.1: Paragraph 2, line 2 now reads...A, B and C, in accordance with Section 1616, shall be ...
2211.2.2: Item 8, last line now reads Table 2211.2(1).
Table 2211.3: Table notes now read ...a. See Section 2211.3.2, item 2. b. See Section 2211.3.2, item 1.
2211.3.2: Line 3 now reads ...multiplied by the sum of the widths (3Li ) of the Type II shear...
2211.3.3: Line 1 now reads ...Anchorage and load path. Design of Type II shear wall...
2211.3.3.3: Line 3 now reads ...Section 2211.3.3.1, Type II shear wall bottom plates...
2211.3.3.4: Line 2 now reads ...each end of each Type II shear wall segment shall be...
*Table 2306.3.2: Note a, line 2 now reads ...above for nail size of actual grade, and (3) Multiply value by
the following adjustment factor = [1 - (0.5 - SG)], where SG = Specific gravity of the framing lumber.


(Errata Item added 8-12-04)
Figure 1609.6.2.2. Add legend to figure for Interior Zones, End Zones and Corner Zones as follows:

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Errata to the First Printing

December 2002
(Updated November 3, 2003)

CERAMIC FIBER BLANKET: Section reference now reads . . . 721.1.1.

CONCRETE CARBONATE AGGREGATE: now reads . . . See Section 721.1.1.
CONCRETE , CELLULAR: now reads . . . See Section 721.1.1.
CONCRETE, LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE: now reads . . . See Section 721.1.1.
CONCRETE, PERLITE: now reads . . . See Section 721.1.1.
CONCRETE, SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT: now reads . . . See Section 721.1.1.
CONCRETE, SILICEOUS AGGREGATE: now reads . . . See Section 721.1.1.
CONCRETE, VERMICULITE: now reads . . . See Section 721.1.1.
GLASS FIBERBOARD: now reads . . . See Section 721.1.1.
MINERAL BOARD: now reads . . . See Section 721.1.1.
302.2: Section reference in line 3 now reads . . . Section 302.3.2.
307.2: Last line of COMBUSTIBLE FIBERS now reads . . . wastepaper, certain synthetic fibers or other like
Table 307.7(1): Column 2, row 2, line 2 now reads . . . IIIA
Table 307.7(1): Column 4, row 12, line 1 now reads . . . 1e,g
402.4.1.4: Section reference in 1st sentence now reads . . . Section 1004.
402.7.3: Section reference in last sentence now reads . . . Section 705.
406.1.2: Section reference in last sentence now reads . . . Section 705.
406.2.7: Section reference in last sentence now reads . . . Section 302.3.2.
406.3.4: Last line now reads . . . of Sections 302.3, 402.7.1, 406.3.13, 508.3, 508.4 and 508.7.
408.3.3: Section reference now reads . . . Section 1009.9
408.3.6: Item 2, section reference now reads . . . Section 715.3
412.1.3: Exception, section reference now reads . . . Section 1019.1.8
Table 415.3.2: Column 2, row 3, last line now reads . . . Division 1.6
415. Line 8 now reads . . . Section 715

415. Section reference now reads . . . Section 715

415.9.2.2: Exception 2, last line now reads . . . Section 715
505.3: Line 3 now reads . . . Section 1013.3
505.3: Exceptions 1 and 2 now read . . . Section 1014.1 and 1007, respectively.
507.6: Last line now reads . . . with Table 302.3.2
508.4: Last line now reads . . . Section 302.3.2
508.7.1: Line 4 now reads . . . in Table 302.3.2 ...
603.1: Item 15 now reads . . . Nailing or furring strips as permitted by Section 803.4.
705.6: Exception 2, line 1 now reads . . . Two-hour fire-resistance-rated walls shall be ...
705.6: Exception 4.3. line 7 now reads . . . by a minimum of 2-inch (51 mm) nominal ledgers ...
706.7: Section references now read . . . Section 715 and 1019.1.1, respectively.
706.8.1: Section reference now reads . . . Section 1019.1.2
707.2: Exception 2.2, line 9 now reads . . . Section 907.10
707.8.1: Exception now reads . . . Section 1019.1.2
708.1: New item added now reads . . . 5. Elevator lobby separation as required by Section 707.14.1.
708.3: Last line now reads . . . wall shall be at least 1 hour.
710.5.2: Last line now reads . . . the ambient temperature test and the elevated temperature exposure test.
715.4: Last line now reads . . . Section 715.4.8.
716.5.3: Last line now reads . . . as permitted by Section 1019.1.2.
716.6.2: Last line now reads . . . with Section 712.4.2, where exhaust ducts are located with the cavity of
a wall, and where exhaust ducts do not pass through another dwelling unit or tenant space.
*Table 720.1(2): Item 15-1.17 column 3, row 2, line 4 now reads . . .with 2 1/4" Type S drywall screws, spaced
12" on center, wallboard joints covered with paper tape and joint compound, fastener heads covered with
joint compound, ...
803.7: Section reference now reads . . . Section 803.6
803.7: Exception, last line now reads . . . with Sections 803.1 or 803.6.
805.1.2: Exception, last line now reads . . . with Section 803.4.
905.10: Line 2 now reads . . . during construction and demolition operations shall ...

909.5.2: Last 2 lines now read . . . Door openings shall be protected by fire door assemblies complying with
Section 715.3.3.
909.5.2: Exception 1, last line now reads . . . in accordance with Section 907.10.
909.20.2.1: Line 5 now reads . . . in accordance with Section 715.3.7.
909.20.3.1: Last line now reads . . . in accordance with Section 715.3.
909.20.3.2: Section references now read . . . Section 715.3.
909.20.4.1: Section references now read . . . Section 715.3.
Table 1004.1.2: Column 2, row 6 now reads . . . See Section 1004.7
1021.3: Last line now reads . . . with Section 907.10.
1203.1: Section reference now reads . . . Section 1203.4
1203.4.3: Section reference now reads . . . Section 1206
Table 1507.2: Column 2, row 10, line 2 now reads . . . (0.105 inch)
1604.6: Section reference now reads . . . Section 1713
1615.1.4: Equation 16-43, section reference in notation T now reads . . . (see Section of ASCE 7).
1617.2.2.2: Reference to r in notation rmax now reads . . . ?
1617.6.1.1: Item 3, last line now reads . . . factor of 4.
1617.6.1: Add new subsection as follows:
1617.6.1.3 ASCE 7, Section Modify Section by changing exception to read
as follows:
Exception: Reinforced concrete frame members not designed as part of the seismic-forceresisting system and slabs shall comply with Section 21.11 of Ref. 9.9-1.
1622.1.3: ASCE 7, Section changed to and section reference in 5th line now reads 9.1.3
1704.5: Last line of Section and Exception 1 now read . . . Table 1604.5 and Section 1617.2).
1704.5.2: Last line now reads . . . Table 1604.5 and Section 1617.2).
Table 1704.5.3: Column 5, row 12 now reads . . . Sec. 1.2.2(e), 2.1.4, 3.1.6
1805.9: paragraph 2, line 2 and last line of exception 2 now reads . . . provisions of ACI 318, Sections
21.10.1 to 21.10.3
1808.2.23.2: Line 6 now reads . . . Provisions of ACI 318, Section 21.10.4; Exception 2, last line now reads
. . .Section 21.10.4; Exception 3 now reads . . . Section of ACI 318...
1910.4.1: Last line now reads . . . as modified by Section 1908.1.7.

1910.5.2: Last line now reads . . . Section 1908.1.6.

2106.5.1: Section now reads . . . When calculating in-plane shear or diagonal tension stresses by the
working stress design method, shear walls that resist seismic forces shall be designed to resist 1.5 times
the seismic forces required by Chapter 16. The 1.5 multiplier need not be applied to the overturning moment.
2107.2.6: 2nd paragraph deleted
2113.3: line 5 now reads . . . in Sections 2113.3.1, 2113.3.2 and 2113.4.
2305.2.4.1: line 3 now reads . . . requirements in Section 1620.5 or Section of ASCE 7
Table 2305.3.3: Note a now reads . . . For design to resist seismic forces, shear wall height-width ratios
greater than 2:1, but not exceeding 3 1/2:1, are permitted provided the allowable shear resistance values in
Table 2306.4.1 are multiplied by 2w/h.
Table 2308.12.4: Column 5, row 1 now reads . . . 1.00 < SDS
2406.2: Section reference in line 2 now reads . . . Section 2406.2.1

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