Team Building: Objectives

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Benito IV- St. Lorenzo


My objective in this team building is to let them trust

each other and understands each other.

Human spring Ask group members to stand facing each other in pairs.
Their elbows should be bent, with their palms facing toward each other.
Instruct them to touch their palms together, and gradually start leaning
toward each other, so that they eventually hold each other up. Then, instruct
everyone to move their feet further and further back, so that they have to
depend solely upon their partners to remain standing.

Objective- This activity will help them to learn to trust their partner in any
situation they will encounter.

Mine field This is a great exercise if you have a large room or outdoor
field. Set up a 'mine field' using chairs, balls, cones, boxes, or any other
object that could potentially be an obstacle and trip someone up. Leave
enough space between the objects for someone to walk through.
Next, divide your group into pairs. Pay attention to who you match with
whom. This is a perfect opportunity to work on relationships, so you might
want to put together people who have trust issues with each other.
Blindfold one person, the 'mine walker' this person is not allowed to talk.
Ask his or her partner to stay outside the mine field, and give verbal
directions, helping the mine walker avoid the obstacles, and reach the other
side of the area.
Before you begin, allow partners a few minutes to plan how they'll
communicate. Then, make sure there are consequences when people hit an

Objectives- In this activity they will learn to trust and to

understand each other by planning how they will walk in the

Coin Logo
Begin by asking all participants to empty their pockets, purses, and wallets
of any coins they may have and place them on the table in front of them. If
someone doesnt have any coins or only has very few, others in the room can
share their coins with them. Instruct each person to create their own
personal logo using the coins in front of them in just one minute. Other
materials they may have on them, such as pens, notebooks, wallets, etc. can
also be used in creation of the logo. If there is a particularly large group,
people can be broken up into teams of 3-6 people and instructed to create a
logo that represents them as a team or the whole room can gather to use the
coins to create a logo for the organization/group/department/etc. Each
solitary participant can explain their logo to the group or if the room was split
into groups, the leader can have each group discuss what led to the team
logo and what it says about them. Not only does this activity promote self
and mutual awareness, but it also enables participants to get to know each
other on a more personal level.
In this activity they will understand each other in a more personal way. They
will learn why he or she thinks differently.

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