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Subject: Fwd: DNC Fraud Law Suit: Australian Miners Fracker Oil Board spying on the SEC

and FBI investigations on Clinton Global Initiative I.T Expert Eric Pulier
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

----- Forwarded message from [email protected] ----Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016 22:36:35 -0500
From: [email protected]
Subject: DNC Fraud Law Suit: Australian Miners Fracker Oil Board spying on the SEC and
FBI investigations on Clinton Global Initiative I.T Expert Eric Pulier
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Dear Mr David Watts, Privacy Commissioner

Witness tampering against SEC "Office of the Whistleblower" protected disclosers by a
board chock-full of miners and frackers on a foreign government (State of Victoria
Australia) ethics board during arrests by the IC Unit of the FBI and other global
investigation law agencies;
The board's Resolution Manager said they're got a conflict of interest and therefore they can't
write a cheque or that's tantamount to a confession of their criminal obstruction of justice.
Their whistleblowing came true, and its liable for privacy breaches anyway so where's our
compensation?. Please do your job and investigate (and compensate) all the victims of the
Victorian Legal Ethics Board's "spying" on Queensland anti-corruption politicians and on the
arrest of Clinton Global Initiative's Eric Pulier for international bribery with ex VISA
computer expert Keith Hunter and ex Commonwealth Bank I.T General Manager Jon
Hunter pleaded guilty in June this year. The FBI arrests aren't fanciful, they're very real, and
the legal ethics board is well known to appease criminals and white collar charlatans to hunt
whistleblowers and witnesses in corporate crime investigations.
The ethics board also lied to their Police Minister The Hon. Robert Clark M.P of Box Hill in
Melbourne Australia.
Many people think that the Victorian Legal Services Board are liable under a law called "Part
7" for whistleblowing to witnesses that the board intended to breach the "ECONOMIC
ESPIONAGE ACT 1996" and obstruct justice. The board's whistleblower tip off to the
Victorian Government "Ombudsman" is filed at Parliament's Foreign Bribery Inquiry before

McGarvie "spied" on the anti-pedophile action group's reports to the SEC, Mr Watts. Many
people think you should use your conciliation powers and get victims fully compensated.
Victims really don't care if FOS' Brendan French, CBA Bank's Ian Narev and Gadens
Lawyers are embarrassed.
9,100 members in BankReformNow believe "18USC1512" is an American law that can
extradite threateners on witnesses during the FBI requests for more evidence). We think
threats on witnesses is serious. We think the board's whistleblowers were proper and right to
warn Elliot Sgargetta's groups about the ethics board's spying on the investigations by the
The Ethics Board's Directors are all from mining, oil, fracking and banking executives, and
everything their whistleblowers 'blew' during the G20 Brisbane Australia (Nov 14 2014) to
Elliot Sgargetta and the FBI IC Unit "Stingers" came true.
The goons and the drug trafficking lawyers were caught for unethical and illegal collusion of
the Australian Reserve Bank Market Power evidence in US & 17 States v American
Express, American Express Travel Services, Mastercard Int. & Visa Inc. 15,400,000
Merchants were in fact ripped off by the lawyers as decided by Judge Garaufis and by
Judges Winter Level and Jacobs on August 4th 2015 and June 30 2016. Those
merchants in Amex agreed to accept zilch damages, but the lawyers figured on $2.3
billion. Mr Watts, that is a huge ripp off.
The Merchants in the National Grocers Federation and Convenience Store Association
missed out on billions.
San Fransciso's Attorrney General Mr Herrera and Arizona's Nancy Bonnell are suing the
banks and credit card companies for billions (all thanks to the whistleblowers who tipped of
the SEC Office of the Whistleblower about the local Melbourne "Reserve Bank", your local
mobsters and the mega bank lawyers and the unethical ethics board.
The cover ups were red flags, and the Board blew the whistle to registered SEC Office of the
Whistleblower whistleblowers).
The drug arrests are in the Sealed Search Warrant you have. In fact you have more inside
information than the mobsters had.
Keith Hunter tried to run for Sydney Airport, and finally pleaded guilty to international bank
bribery that affected the computer company in Nevada, Computer Science Corp.
CSC lost $98,000,000 because they weren't told that Ian Narev and David Cohen and many
more knew the things that were whistleblown by the legal ethics board's tips before anyone
else knew anything.
The leaks by your ethics board's whistleblowers were all true.
We don't give a brass razoo if the Ethics Board's cover up causes them to be extradited for the
racketeeting and witness tampering and the threats to those who were not going to hinder
the FBI IC and SEC questions.

Like the other victims, we deserve compensation up to your tribunal limit of $US75,000.
As your ethics board spied on Democrats (and Independent politicians against corruption
who beat Rupert Murdoch's "Liberal National Party"), we're cc;'ing the DNC fraud suit's
avocado group.
Where is our cheque? Spencer Murray and others haven't got their cheques either.
Thank you.
St Jude Prayer Group
CC: DNC Fraud Suit's [email protected],

----- End forwarded message -----

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