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This Independent Reseller Agreement (Agreement) is

made this 19-September-2016, (the

Effective Date), by and between XXXX Pvt. Ltd., (Company) located at XXXXXXX (Company) and
Tonse Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Reseller) with offices at XXXXXXXX
Whereas Company desires to engage Reseller to market and sell the products of Company, namely the
XXXXXXXX, and Reseller desires to engage in such services, Reseller and Company (also referred to
herein as Party in the singular and Parties in the plural) desire to define the terms and conditions
applicable to Resellers performance of such services. Company and Reseller hereby agree as follows:

Length of Agreement. The Parties agree that this Agreement will last for a term of one (1)
year, unless otherwise terminated by either Party. This Agreement may be renewed for
successive one (1) year terms at the sole discretion of Company.


Appointment and Acceptance . The Parties agree with regards to the appointment of Reseller
under this Agreement as follows:
A. Company hereby appoints Reseller as one of Company's non-exclusive Resellers to solicit
orders for those products (collectively, Products) as marketed from time to time by
B. Reseller shall identify specific sales prospects, where he/she has contacts likely to
generate sales, within or outside of their designated territory or industry specialty due to
long-term relationships or prior business contacts. In any such instance, Company shall
issue a new Exhibit A to Reseller reflecting such change, which shall, as of the effective
date stated thereon, supersede the prior Exhibit A. Reseller acknowledges and agrees that
it neither has, nor will acquire, any vested or proprietary right or interest with respect to the
Territory, any Company customers in the Territory, or any Company customer lists. Reseller
further acknowledges and agrees that any goodwill accruing in the Territory during the term
of this Agreement with respect to Company or Company Products shall be considered the
property of Company rather than Reseller.
C. Reseller hereby accepts its appointment hereunder.


Responsibilities of Reseller . Reseller shall satisfy the following responsibilities at all times
during the term of this Agreement:
A. Reseller shall use best efforts to provide services, in a manner consistent with the
standards generally observed by a professional in the industry to which such services
performed can be classified, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth.
B. Reseller shall exhibit and conduct behavior in a manner consistent with the high image,
reputation and credibility of Company and Company Products, and shall engage in no
activities that reflect adversely on Company or Products.
C. Reseller will use best efforts to achieve any sales quotas as specified by Company.
D. Reseller will comply with all applicable laws in performance of Resellers duties under this


Scope and Limitations of Reseller's Authority. The Parties agree as follows with regards to
the scope and limitations of Resellers authority under this Agreement:
A. Reseller has authority to solicit and accept orders on behalf of Reseller only.
B. Reseller has no authority to bind Company to any agreements or sales orders.
C. Reseller shall adopt Companys price terms, credit terms, sales programs and other terms
and conditions of sale governing transactions as specified on the website in the Pricing
section or signed agreement with Company. Reseller shall have no authority to modify any
such prices, credit terms, sales programs or other terms or conditions of sale without prior
authorization from Company. Company shall have the right, from time to time, at its sole
discretion, to change the terms of

the Pricing Schedule upon ninety (90) days written notice to Reseller. In any such instance,
Company shall issue a new Exhibit B to Reseller reflecting such change, which shall, as of
the effective date stated thereon, supersede the prior Exhibit B. Any Company Products
ordered by Reseller prior to or during the ninety (90) day notification period will be invoiced
in accordance with the then-current price.
D. Reseller at no time shall engage in any unfair trade practices with respect to Company or
Products, and shall make no false or misleading representations with respect to Company
or Products. Reseller shall refrain from communicating any information with respect to
guarantees or warranties regarding Products, except such as are expressly authorized by
Company or are set forth in Company's literature or other promotional materials.
E. Reseller shall not use Company's tradenames or trademarks or any names closely
resembling same as Part of Reseller's corporate or business name, or in any manner which
Company, in its sole discretion, may consider misleading or otherwise objectionable.


Prices. The Parties agrees as follows with regards to the prices of the product/services under this
A. All prices for the Products provided by Company are in Indian Rupees. Company has the right
to revise the prices for the Products/Services to Reseller upon fifteen (15) days written notice.
Such revisions shall apply to orders received by Company on or after the effective date of the
B. Reseller may set the prices for the Products/services for resale as per the minimum selling price
and the maximum selling price defined by the Company.
C. Minimum selling price of XXXX for the term of this agreement unless revises will be INR XXX
D. Maximum selling price of XXXX for the term of this agreement unless revises will be INR XXX
E. Company will charge a flat fee of INR. XXX per annual license of XXX for the first year. The
cost difference between the selling price set by Reseller and the flat fee mentioned above will
be the commission.
F. The Reseller will be awarded a 10% commission on the first renewal of the license only.
Reseller Product Purchases. The Parties agrees as follows with regards to the purchases of
Company Products by Reseller under this Agreement:
A. Reseller shall purchase Company Products at the wholesale pricing level as specified in the
current Exhibit B.
B. Company will invoice Reseller for Company Products purchased by Reseller. Reseller
understands and agrees that Company will not deliver Company Products to Reseller until
receipt of payment for such Company Products.
C. Reseller understands and agrees that all risk of loss passes to Reseller with each purchase
of Company Products by Reseller. Reseller understands and agrees that Company is not
liable to Reseller for any loss of, damage to, or inability to sell Company Products.


Re-branding of Company Products. The Parties agrees as follows with regards to the rebranding of Company Products by Reseller under this Agreement:
A. Reseller may NOT re-brand Company Products by changing the name of the Company
Products and/or changing logos in Company Products to match those of Reseller.
B. However, Reseller shall not remove any copyright references to Company, nor shall
Reseller remove XXXX" or XXXX references from the email communications of the
Company Products.


Ownership of Intellectual Property. The Parties hereto agree that all intellectual property
rights to Company Products are solely vested in Company. Reseller shall make no claims to
Company Products nor shall Reseller make any such claims in any ideas, modifications to
products, and other deliverables (Work Product) that result from Resellers services pursuant
to this Agreement. The Parties agree that such Work Product is considered to be a work for
hire and shall be therefore exclusively vested in Company and/or automatically assigned to
Company. Reseller agrees to promptly execute any documents necessary for Company to
perfect its rights in such Work Product.


Support of Company Products. The Parties agrees as follows with regards to the support of
Company Products under this Agreement:
A. Company shall provide Reseller with internal product support for Reseller, its employees
and contractors.
B. Reseller shall provide end user support for all Company Products which Resellers sells.

10. Employees and Contractors. Reseller agrees that it will ensure that its employees and
contractors performing services under this Agreement comply with this Agreement, including,
but not limited to, having such employees sign documents assigning intellectual property rights
to Company to the extent Reseller is required such rights to Company.
11. Indemnification. Reseller hereby agrees to indemnify Company for any liability that Company
may incur as a result of Resellers breach of this Agreement. The terms of this Section shall
survive the termination and/or expiration of this Agreement. Resellers obligations pursuant to
this section shall survive the termination/expiration of this Agreement.
12. Taxes. Reseller shall be responsible for payment of all sales, use, and excise taxes relating to
Resellers services under this Agreement.
13. Limitation of Liability and Exclusion of Certain Remedies . Under no circumstance,
regardless of the basis of the claim, shall the total liability of Company to Reseller exceed the
total amount of completed sales from Reseller within the last six (6) calendar months. In no
event shall either Company be liable to Reseller for consequential, special, incidental, or
punitive damages (including, but not limited to, legal costs and fees) from any claim asserted
against Company or by any third Party through any Party to this Agreement. The terms and
provisions of this section shall survive the termination and/or expiration of this Agreement.
14. Confidentiality. During the period in which Reseller is providing services for Company and
indefinitely thereafter, Reseller shall keep secret and retain in strictest confidence, and shall not,
without the prior consent of Company, furnish, make available or disclose to any third Party or
use for the benefit of itself (except as necessary to fulfill the purposes of this Agreement and/or
a Services Schedule(s) attached hereto) or any third Party, any Confidential Information of
Company. As used herein, Confidential Information shall mean any information relating to
business or affairs of Company, including but not limited to; Company, Product, Work Product,
information relating to financial statements, business strategies and plans, customer identities,
customer accounts, potential customers, employees, suppliers, servicing methods, equipment,
programs, style and design strategies and information, analyses, profit margins, or other
proprietary information used by Company in connection with its business. If Reseller is an
entity, it will make sure that the Confidential Information is disclosed only to those of its
employees whose functions require that they obtain access to the Confidential Information to
carry out the purpose of this Agreement, that have been informed of the confidential nature and
obligations of Reseller with respect to the Confidential Information and who are subject to a
general written agreement committing such employees to conduct that would not violate
Resellers obligations listed in this Section with respect to such Confidential Information if such
conduct was committed by Reseller. Resellers obligations pursuant to this section shall survive
the termination of this Agreement.
15. Non-Competition. Competitor, for purposes of this Section, shall mean any direct competitor of
Company operating in a similar manner and venue. For a period of 1 years after the termination
of this Agreement, Reseller understands and agrees that Reseller shall not induce any
customers of Company, whether directly or indirectly through use of third Parties such as
employers and agents, to leave Companys business. Any such act by Reseller shall subject
Reseller and any such third Parties to civil and possible criminal liability.
16. Termination. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement or any Exhibits,
Company may terminate this Agreement and related Exhibits without any obligation, upon thirty

(30) days notice via e-mail, facsimile or hand delivery. Upon such notice of termination,
Reseller shall immediately surrender all Confidential Information (Termination Obligations) and
certify to Company, in writing, that it has performed its Termination Obligations. Resellers
obligations pursuant to this Section shall survive the termination/expiration of this Agreement
and any/all Services Schedules.
17. Solicitation. During the term for this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years after
termination of this Agreement, Reseller shall not hire, solicit, or induce or assist any third Party
in soliciting or inducing any employee or Reseller of Company to leave his or her

employ or cease providing services to Company, as applicable.

18. No Other Relationship or Interest. The Parties agree that this Agreement does not create any
other relationship or legal interest between the Parties, including, but not limited to,
employer/employee relationship, license, title, guarantee of work, or right to use any
Confidential Information, except as specified by this Agreement.
19. Disputes and Governing Law. The laws of India without regard to any conflict of law
principles, govern this Agreement. No action, arising out of the transactions under this
Agreement may be brought by either Party more after the cause of action has accrued.
20. Limitations on Assignment. Reseller may not assign, transfer or sell all or any of its rights
under this Agreement or delegate all or any of its obligations hereunder, without the prior written
consent of Company. Company may assign this Agreement to a parent, subsidiary or affiliated
firm or to another entity in connection with the sale or other transfer of all or substantially all of
its business assets. Subject to these restrictions, the provisions of this Agreement shall be
binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties, their successors and permitted
21. General. This Agreement, including all Exhibit(s), constitutes the entire agreement between the
Parties in connection with the subject matter hereof and supersedes all agreements, proposals,
representations and other understandings, oral or written, of the Parties and any current or
subsequent purchase order(s) provided by Reseller. No alteration or modification of this
Agreement or any Exhibits shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by an authorized
Reseller of each Party. The waiver by either Party of a breach of any provision of the
Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach and any
waiver must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the Parties hereto. If
any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions
shall continue in full force and effect. Any notice or other communication required or permitted
hereunder shall be given in writing to the other Party at the address stated above, or at such
other address as shall be given by either Party to the other in writing. Any terms of this
Agreement which by their nature extend beyond its termination remain in effect until fulfilled,
and apply to respective successors and rightful assignees.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have signed this Agreement as of the day and year first above










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