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Request for


Execution of Final Award (Rule


Post-Award Proceedings (Rule


Submission and
Communications/Notices (Rule

The Arbitration Award (Rule

Nomination of Arbitrators (Rule


Arbitration Proceedings (Rule


Appointment and Acceptance of

Arbitrators (Rule 10)

Preliminary Conference/Terms of
Reference (Rule 11)


Request for Arbitration/Complaint
1. Filing
a. Any party to a construction contract desiring to avail of arbitration shall file its
Request for Arbitration in the prescribed form and number of copies to the
Secretariat of the CIAC. (Rule 3, sec. 3.1)
b. The claimant against the government and private construction contract, shall
state in the complaint/request for arbitration that
i. All administrative remedies have been exhausted, or
ii. there is unreasonable delay in acting upon the claim by the government
office or officer to whom appeal is made, or
iii. Due to the application for interim relief, exhaustion of administrative
remedies is not practicable. (Rule 3, sec. 3.2)
c. Non-compliance with the precondition contractually imposed, absent a showing
of justifiable reasons, exemption, or a waiver thereof, the tribunal shall suspend
arbitration proceedings pending compliance therewith within a reasonable period
directed by the Tribunal.
2. Request to answer
a. The CIAC Secretariat shall within three (3) days from filing, transmit to the
Respondent a request for his Answer, attaching thereto a copy of the complaint
and the Request for Arbitration together with the annexed documents.
3. Commencement of arbitral proceedings
a. The date when the Request for Arbitration is filed with CIAC shall, for all intents
and purposes, be deemed to be the date of commencement of the proceedings.
Rule 4 - Effect of Agreement to Arbitrate
1. Answer

a. Respondent shall, within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the Request for
Arbitration/Complaint, file its answer thereto including such counterclaim/s as it
may assert. For justifiable reason/s, Respondent may apply to CIAC for an
extension of time to file its answer. If Respondent fails to do so, the arbitration
shall proceed in accordance with these Rules.
b. A copy of the answer shall be transmitted in sufficient copies to the Claimant and
to CIAC.
c. The Claimant shall file a reply to the counterclaim with CIAC and shall furnish the
Respondent a copy thereof within fifteen (15) days from date of receipt of the
answer with counterclaim.
Submission and Communications/Notices (Rule 6)
1. Number of Copies
a. All pleadings and written statements submitted by the parties, as well as all
documents attached thereto, shall be in sufficient copies to provide one copy for
each party, plus one for each Arbitrator, and one for the Secretariat. (sec. 6.1)
2. Notice
a. Notifications or communications from the Secretariat and/or the Arbitrator(s) shall
be validly made if they are delivered against receipt or forwarded by registered
mail to the address or last known address of the party/ies for whom the same are
intended as notified by the party/ies in question or by the other party/ies as
b. If the Notice to Respondent/Request to Answer the complaint under Section 3.3
hereof is not received by Respondent due to wrong address or because
Respondent has moved out from, or cannot be found at, the last known address
provided by the Claimant, the CIAC Secretariat shall inform the Claimant of the
non-delivery/non-receipt of the notice and require Claimant to provide CIAC with
Respondents correct/new address within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
advice. If Claimant fails to comply, the Commission shall dismiss the case without
prejudice to its refiling once the whereabouts of Respondent/s are known to
Rule 7 - Confidentiality

Rule 8 - Qualifications of Arbitrators

Nomination of Arbitrators (Rule 9)
1. Number of arbitrators
a. A Tribunal of one or three Arbitrators may be appointed to settle a dispute in
accordance with the provisions hereunder.
b. The parties shall submit the name/s of not more than six (6) nominees from
CIAC-accredited arbitrators in the order of their preference for appointment as
arbitrators. The common nominee/s of the parties shall be appointed, subject to
their availability and other considerations.
c. In the absence of an agreement on the number of arbitrators, CIAC taking into
consideration the complexities and intricacies of the dispute/s or the sum
involved, has the option to appoint a Sole Arbitrator or an Arbitral Tribunal.
d. In case of multiple parties, whether as Claimant or as Respondent, including
three (3) or more parties in the arbitration, where all parties are unable to agree
to a method for constitution of the Tribunal within ten (10) days from notice, CIAC
shall appoint the arbitrators.
2. Sole Arbitrators
a. Where the parties have agreed that the dispute(s) shall be settled by a Sole
Arbitrator, each party shall have the right to nominate six arbitrators. If any or
both of the parties fail to submit the names of their nominees within the period/s
prescribed by CIAC, a Sole Arbitrator shall be appointed by CIAC.
b. CIAC shall appoint as sole arbitrator the common nominee of the parties who is
available and not disqualified. In the absence of a common nominee or in cases
where the common nominee is disqualified or is not available, CIAC shall return
the lists of nominees to the parties and ask them to make an agreement on a
common nominee/s within 48 hours. If the parties still fail to agree on a common
nominee, CIAC may appoint a Sole Arbitrator or an Arbitral Tribunal. If CIAC
decides to appoint a Sole Arbitrator, it may select an arbitrator who is not a
nominee of any one of the parties and who is not disqualified and is available for
3. Arbitral Tribunal

a. Where the parties agree that the dispute shall be resolved by an Arbitral Tribunal,
each party shall have the right to nominate six arbitrators from the list of CIACaccredited arbitrators. If there is no common nominee, CIAC shall choose and
appoint, as members of the Tribunal, one arbitrator from the claimants nominees
and another arbitrator from respondents nominees. The Third Arbitrator shall be
selected by the two Arbitrators first chosen within fifteen (15) days from
acceptance of their appointment. The three arbitrators shall decide from among
themselves who will be the Chairman. In case of failure to agree on the third
member within such period, CIAC shall, within fifteen (15) days thereafter,
appoint the third member from its list of accredited arbitrators.
4. Challenge
a. An Arbitrator may be challenged by a party at any time after his appointment but
before the lapse of the original 10-day period for submission of memoranda or
draft decision under Section 13.16, Rule 13 hereof. Any extensions of time to file
memoranda or draft decisions will not EXTEND the 10-day period to file a
challenge or motion for inhibition. The challenge shall be based upon the
following grounds:
i. Relationship by blood or marriage within the sixth degree of either party to
the controversy, or to counsels within the fourth degree, computed
according to the rules of civil law.
ii. Financial, fiduciary or other interest in the controversy
iii. Partiality or bias;
iv. Incompetence, or professional misconduct.
b. A party may also request the inhibition of an arbitrator upon other just and valid
reasons affecting independence, integrity, impartiality and interest.
c. A motion for inhibition or a request for the disqualification and replacement of an
arbitrator shall be treated as a challenge.
d. The challenge, motion or request shall be in the form of a complaint under oath,
stating distinctly and concisely the facts complained of, supported by affidavits, if
any, of persons having personal knowledge of the facts therein alleged and shall
be accompanied with copies of such documents as may substantiate said facts.
e. In case the challenged arbitrator is allowed to inhibit himself or is removed, CIAC
shall promptly appoint his replacement. If the arbitrator concerned is the third

member of the Arbitral Tribunal, the first two members thereof shall select his

The decision of CIAC to retain or replace an arbitrator shall be final.

5. Disqualification of mediator as arbitrator

a. An Arbitrator who acted as conciliator/mediator in a case previously brought
before him for conciliation/mediation cannot act as arbitrator for the same case
when brought to arbitration, unless both parties consent to his appointment in
Appointment and Acceptance of Arbitrators (Rule 10)
1. Communication of appointments
a. The Secretariat shall communicate to the arbitrators their appointment.
2. Disclosure by arbitrator of disqualification
a. Upon acceptance of his appointment, the Arbitrator shall disclose in writing to
CIAC any circumstance likely to create in either party a presumption of bias or
which he believes might disqualify him as an impartial Arbitrator. Such written
disclosure shall be communicated to the parties immediately by the Secretariat.
The purpose of such disclosure shall be to enable either party to investigate and
ascertain whether there is a substantial legal basis to file a motion for inhibition of
the arbitrator concerned or seek his replacement.
3. Acceptance or refusal
a. The arbitrator must communicate to CIAC the acceptance or refusal of his/her
appointment within five (5) days from receipt thereof. If no communication is
received within the prescribed period, CIAC shall appoint a replacement from the
list of the party who nominated him/her or, if none is available or qualified, from
the list of CIAC-accredited arbitrators.
4. Vacancies
a. If, at any time during the proceedings but before an award has been rendered,
any Arbitrator should resign, be incapacitated, refuse or be unable, or be
disqualified for any reason to perform the duties of his office, CIAC may, within
five (5) days from the occurrence of a vacancy or refusal/inability to accept
appointment, appoint a substitute(s) to be chosen from a list of alternatives

previously agreed upon by the parties. In the absence of such a list, the CIAC
shall fill the vacancy from the list of accredited arbitrators.
b. If the vacancy occurs after the award has been rendered but before the
jurisdiction of the arbitrator/s over the dispute is terminated under Section 16.6 of
Rule 16 hereof, the CIAC may, on its own initiative, or upon written request of
any of the parties, appoint a replacement from the list of alternatives previously
agreed upon by the parties or the list of accredited arbitrators.
c. The request shall state the justification/s for the need for a replacement and shall
be filed together with the required deposit of arbitrators fees for the substitute/s.
The CIAC may, if it finds it necessary, appoint a substitute/s. If the CIAC finds the
request to be unnecessary (e.g. for Motions for correction of final award under
Rule 17.1; Motions for execution or stay of execution under Rules 18.5 and 18.6;
Motions for relief not covered by the Rules under Rule 19.1; cases where the
appellate court merely directs a re-computation of the award or a clarification
thereof, or other matters which do not entail a re-hearing of the case, or a
hearing on the merits of any issue, or would not disturb/alter the findings in the
final award; and other similar instances as determined by the CIAC), it shall deny
the same, refund the deposit made, and direct the remaining/surviving
arbitrator/s to act on pending matters.
d. The decision of the CIAC on vacancies shall be final.
Preliminary Conference/Terms of Reference (Rule 11)
1. Notice of conference
a. The Arbitrator/Arbitral Tribunal shall set the case for preliminary conference not
later than 15 days after appointment of arbitrator(s) and a notice to the parties
thereof shall forthwith be sent to finalize the Terms of Reference as provided in
Rule 11.4 below, a draft copy of which is attached thereto and to consider the
following, among others:
i. possibility of amicable settlement;
ii. necessity or desirability of amendments to pleadings;
iii. obtaining stipulations or admission of facts and/or documents to avoid
necessary proof;

iv. limitation of the number of witnesses;

v. suggested formulation of issues by the parties;
vi. application for interim relief, appointment of experts and necessity of site
inspection; and
vii. Such other matters as may aid in the just and speedy disposition of the
2. Introduction of the arbitrators
a. At the start of the preliminary conference, the arbitrator/s shall introduce
themselves to the parties paying particular attention to matters related to
professional training and experience.
3. Disclosure
a. During the preliminary conference the Arbitrator who had failed to make his or
her written disclosure required in the previous section shall disclose any
circumstance likely to give rise to justifiable doubts as to impartiality or
independence, including financial or personal interest in the outcome of the
arbitration and any existing or past relationships with any individual or corporate
party together with their respective relatives or principal stockholders/officers or
foreseeable participant in the proceedings. On the basis of such disclosure,
either party may ask clarificatory questions thereon that may lead to a decision to
move for inhibition or accept the appointment.
4. Terms of Reference
a. This document functions like a pre-trial order in judicial proceedings and controls
the arbitration proceedings unless corrected for manifest errors by motion filed
not later than the hearing date.
5. Contents
a. The TOR shall include the following particulars:
i. the full names of the parties, and their respective counsels, if any;
ii. the addresses and contact numbers of the parties/counsels, to which
notifications or communications arising in the course of the arbitration
may validly be made;
iii. a summary of the parties' respective claims;
iv. full statement of admitted facts and documents;
v. the issues to be resolved in question form;
vi. the Arbitrators' full names;

vii. the place where arbitration proceedings shall be held;

viii. the breakdown, schedule of payments, and sharing of arbitration fees;
ix. such other particulars as may be required by the Arbitral Tribunal for the
proper and speedy adjudication of the case.
6. Signing
a. The Terms of Reference (TOR) shall be signed on each and every page thereof,
by the parties together with their respective counsel and the Arbitral Tribunal
immediately after finalization thereof. In any case, the TOR must be finalized and
signed not later than five (5) days from inception.
7. Arbitration to Proceed Even Without TOR
a. In the exercise of the sound discretion of the Arbitral Tribunal, arbitration shall
proceed even without the TOR on the basis of the issues formulated by the
pleadings filed by the parties.
8. Submission for Decision
a. No factual issue being in dispute, the case may be deemed submitted for
decision without an oral hearing and on the basis of documentary evidence
already submitted.
Rule 12 - Venue
Arbitration Proceedings (Rule 13)
1. Order of Proceedings
a. A hearing shall be opened by recording of the place, time and date of hearing,
the presence of the Arbitral Tribunal, parties, and witnesses, if any. The names
and addresses of all witnesses and exhibits in the order received shall be made
part of the record.
b. Quorum - Two members of a tribunal shall comprise a quorum for the purpose of
conducting a hearing.
2. Briefing on Rules and procedures
a. At the initial hearing, the Arbitral Tribunal shall inform the parties of the general
rules and procedures on arbitration proceedings, stressing peculiarities from
judicial proceedings, its strict adherence to time bars, its policies against

postponements and other matters to insure a speedy and fair disposition of the
3. Order of presentation
a. It shall be within the discretion of the Arbitral Tribunal to determine the order of
presentation of evidence. Generally, the party who seeks to enforce a right or
establish a claim shall be required to present its evidence first, followed by the
other party.
4. Evidence
a. The parties may offer such evidence as they desire and shall produce such
additional documents and witnesses as the Arbitral Tribunal may deem
necessary to a clear understanding of facts and issues for a judicious
determination of the dispute(s). The Arbitral Tribunal shall act according to justice
and equity and merits of the case, without regard to technicalities or legal forms
and need not be bound by any technical rule of evidence. Evidence shall be
taken in the presence of the Arbitral Tribunal and all of the parties, except where
any of the parties is absent, or has waived his right to be present.
5. Affidavit in lieu of direct testimony
a. The Arbitral Tribunal shall require the simultaneous submission of affidavits of
witnesses in lieu of their direct testimonies attaching thereto pertinent documents
supportive of their respective declarations. These documents shall be properly
marked for purposes of identification.
6. Adjournments
a. The Arbitral Tribunal for good cause shown, may adjourn the hearing upon his/its
own initiative or upon the request of one of the parties. Adjournment shall not be
more than five (5) working days.
b. Hearings may be adjourned for more than five (5) working days when such have
been suspended due to payment defaults of any or both of the parties. The
Arbitral Tribunal shall order the suspension of hearings upon advice by CIAC of
non-payment of arbitration fees by one or both parties. Hearings shall resume
upon notice by CIAC of compliance by the defaulting party/ies.
7. Arbitration in the absence of the party
a. The Arbitration may proceed despite the absence of any party who after due
notice fails to be present or fails to obtain an adjournment. An award, however,

shall not be made solely on the default of a party. It shall be made on the basis of
evidence submitted and proven.
8. Closing of the hearings
a. After the submission of the draft decision/final memorandum of arguments and/or
the lapse of the period given for the submission thereof, the proceedings is
considered closed and no further pleadings/papers shall be filed nor accepted for
9. Reopening of hearing - The hearing may be reopened by the Arbitral Tribunal on their
own motion or upon the request of any party, upon good cause shown, at any time
before the award is rendered. When hearings are thus reopened, the effective date for
the closing of the hearing shall be the date of closing of the reopened hearing.
10. SECTION 13.15 Summation - The Arbitral Tribunal may direct the parties to make a brief
oral summation at the end of the oral hearing.
11. SECTION 13.16 Submission of memoranda or draft decisions 21 - If any or both of the
parties so desire, written memoranda or draft decisions may be submitted not later than
ten (10) calendar days from the termination of the hearing or from the date of the filing of
additional documents as previously agreed upon, whichever is later.
12. SECTION 13.18 Period to make a final award - The number of days within which an
award shall be made will start from the date of the termination of the hearing, or from the
filing of additional documents, or from the submission date of memoranda, pleadings,
documents or evidences whichever is later.
Rule 14 - Interim Relief
Rule 15 - Appointment of Experts
The Arbitration Award (Rule 16)
1. Time of award
a. The award shall be rendered promptly by the Arbitral Tribunal within thirty (30)
days from the time the case is submitted for resolution but not more than six (6)
months from the date of signing of the TOR, or in cases where a TOR is absent,
not more than six (6) months from the date of the last preliminary conference
called for the purpose of finalizing and/or signing of the TOR. There shall be no
extensions of time unless approved by the CIAC.

2. Form of award
a. The Final award shall be in writing and signed by the Arbitral Tribunal or a
majority of its members. A dissent from the decision of the majority or a portion
thereof shall be in writing specifying the portion/s dissented from with a statement
of the reason/s thereof and signed by the dissenting member.
3. Contents of the final award
a. Generally, the Final Award shall contain the issues involved, a brief statement
and discussion of the facts, and the authority relied upon for the resolution or
disposition of the issues.
4. Award upon settlement
a. If the parties settle their dispute(s) during the course of the arbitration, the Arbitral
Tribunal, upon their request, may set forth the agreed settlement as an Arbitral
Award. Page 19 of 30
b. A compromise agreement settled by mediation in the course of arbitration or by
direct negotiation between the parties shall be treated as an arbitral award if so
moved by the parties and subject to the approval of the Arbitral Tribunal, after a
summary hearing that the same is not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public order, or public policy.
5. Termination of jurisdiction
a. Except for execution or post-award proceedings, the jurisdiction of the Arbitral
Tribunal over the dispute is terminated upon the finality of the Final Award or
Decision. Where an appeal is taken from a decision or Final Award, and the
appellate court directs a re-hearing or a hearing on the merits on any issue
arising in the case, jurisdiction terminates only upon a final disposition of the
case by the appellate court and/or a final determination of all incidental matters
6. Notification of award to parties
a. Once a Final Award has been made, provided that the costs of the arbitration
have been fully paid to the Secretariat by the parties or by one of them, the
Secretariat shall provide the parties through their respective counsel a copy of
the Final Award signed by the Arbitral Tribunal.
7. 16.7.1 Additional copies certified true by the Executive Director of the Secretariat shall
be made available, on request and at any time, to the parties or their counsel but to no
one else.

8. SECTION 16.8 Filing of award - The original of an arbitral award shall be filed with the
Post-Award Proceedings (Rule 17)
1. Motion for correction of final award
a. Any of the parties may file a motion for correction of the Final award within fifteen
(15) days from receipt thereof upon any of the following grounds:
i. an evident miscalculation of figures, a typographical or arithmetical error;
ii. an evident mistake in the description of any party, person, date, amount,
thing or property referred to in the award.
iii. where the arbitrators have awarded upon a matter not submitted to them,
not affecting the merits of the decision upon the matter submitted;
iv. where the arbitrators have failed or omitted to resolve certain issue/s
formulated by the parties in the Terms of Reference (TOR) and submitted
to them for resolution;26 and
v. where the award is imperfect in a matter of form not affecting the merits of
the controversy.
b. The motion shall be acted upon by the Arbitral Tribunal or the surviving/remaining
c. The filing of the motion for correction shall interrupt the running of the period for
d. A motion for correction upon grounds other than those mentioned in this section
shall not interrupt the running of the period for appeal.
2. Motion for reconsideration or new trial
a. A motion for reconsideration or new trial shall be considered a prohibited
Execution of Final Award (Rule 18)
1. Execution of Award

a. A final arbitral award shall become executory upon the lapse of fifteen (15) days
from receipt thereof by the parties.
2. Petition for review
a. A petition for review from a final award may be taken by any of the parties within
fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof in accordance with the provisions of Rule 43
of the Rules of Court
b. The petition for review shall not stay the execution of the final award sought to be
reviewed unless the Court of Appeals directs otherwise upon such terms as it
deems just.
3. Entry of judgment

If a petition for review is filed from a final award and a temporary restraining
order (TRO) is issued by the appellate court, such award shall become executory
only upon the issuance of the entry of judgment of the appellate court, or upon
the lapse/lifting of the TRO or lifting of the preliminary injunction.

4. Execution/enforcement of awards
a. As soon as a decision, order or final award has become executory, the Arbitral
Tribunal (or the surviving remaining member/s), shall, motu proprio or on motion
of the prevailing party issue a writ of execution requiring any sheriff or proper
officer to execute said decision, order or final award. If there are no
remaining/surviving appointed arbitrator/s, the Commission shall issue the writ
prayed for.
b. Notwithstanding the Commissions disagreement with the substance or merit of
the award/decision, if execution is ripe or proper under the CIAC Rules, it shall
release the writ of execution issued by the arbitrator/s. Hence, once an
award/decision becomes executory, the release of the writ of execution by the
Commission is purely ministerial, regardless of whether or not the arbitrator/s
considered the comments of the Commission, or any of its members, on points of
substance in the award during scrutiny.
c. The writ of execution shall direct the sheriff or other officer to conduct the sale of
property on execution in accordance with Section 15 of Rule 39 of the Rules of
Court. In the case of sale of real property or personal property not capable of
manual delivery, the auction sale shall be held at the office of the sheriff serving
the writ. Upon proper application by the sheriff, with notice to the parties, CIAC
may authorize the sale to be held in the place where the property is located.

5. Stay of execution pending review

a. Execution issued under the preceeding Section may be stayed upon approval by
the Arbitral Tribunal (or the surviving/remaining member/s), with the concurrence
of CIAC, of a bond posted by the petitioner in an amount equal to the award,
conditioned upon the performance of the judgment of the appellate court in case
it upholds the award in whole or in part. Such bond shall be posted within such
period of time, which shall in no case be less than fifteen (15) days, as may be
granted by the Arbitral Tribunal during the hearing on the motion for execution
and the opposition thereto. The Surety Company posting the bond must be
included in the latest list of surety companies accredited by the Supreme Court
and must comply with the requirements set by the CIAC for bond approval,
concurrence, and/or acceptance, such as, but not limited to, the prescribed
Surety Undertaking form. If there are no remaining/surviving appointed
arbitrators, the Commission may approve the required bond.
b. The concurrence of the Commission to the approval by the arbitrator/s of the
bond to stay execution is only for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the
requirements set by the CIAC for bond approval.
6. Effect of reversal of award. - Where an award is partially or totally reversed on appeal,
the Arbitral Tribunal (or the surviving/remaining members, or the Commission if there are
no remaining/surviving appointed arbitrators) may, on proper motion, issue such order of
restitution or reparation of damages as equity and justice may warrant under the
7. Executory Powers The Arbitral Tribunal (or the surviving/remaining member/s, or the
Commission, if there are no remaining/surviving appointed arbitrators) shall have the
authority and power to decide matters and issue appropriate orders which are necessary
and related to the execution of the Award, including but not limited to the determination
of sufficiency of the bond, approval of the surety or bonding company, satisfaction of the
award, quashal of the execution, partial execution, issuance of alias writs, assessment of
properties levied, appointment of a quantity surveyor or assessor, examination of, and
issuance of subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum to banks, debtors of
the judgment debtor and any person holding properties or assets of the judgment debtor.

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