3 Learning Method Every 21 Century Teacher Should Know

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g questions. Through asking challenging questions learners get intrinsically motivated to start delving deeper to
osedof many different stages starting with asking questions.

1-Inquiry-Based Learning

plex, challenging problems and collaboratively work toward their resolution. PBL is about students connecting d

2- Problem-based learning

3- Projectbased Learning

an instructional approach built upon

authentic learning activities that engage
student interest and motivation. These
activities are designed to answer a question
or solve a problem and generally reflect the
types of learning and work people do in the
everyday world outside the classroom.

How Do You Define 21st-Century


Students demonstrate the three Rs, but also the three Cs: creativity, communication, and collaboration. They
Barnett Berry
Founder and CEO, Center for Teaching Quality

Twenty-first-century learning embodies an approach to teaching that marries content to skill. Without skills, s
Sarah Brown Wessling
2010 National Teacher of the Year

Technology allows for 24/7 access to information, constant social interaction, and easily created a

Karen Cator
Director, Office of Educational Technology

Twenty-first-century learning builds upon such past conceptions of learning as core knowledge in subject area
Milton Chen
Senior Fellow & Executive Director

Increasingly out-of-sync not just with parents, educators, and administrators watching the Internet Revolution
Steve Hargadon
Founder, Classroom 2.0; Social Learning Consultant

Students in the 21st century are more inclined to find information by accessing the Internet through
Keith Moore
Director, Bureau of Indian Education

Get personal

Think outside the classroom


Tap into students digital


Open up lessons

Get real with projects

10 ideas for 21st century education

Help (and expect) teachers to

be students

Expect (and help) students to

be teachers

Work with families, not just


Measure what matters

Power to the student

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