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Paper II
Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All
questions are compulsory.

The objectives of the Preamble of the Constitution of India were first

(1) Adopted by the Indian National Congress at its Calcutta Session.
(2) Spelt it out in the Indian Independence Act, 1947.
(3) Spelt out in the Objective Resolution moved by Jawahar Lal Nehru and adopted by
the Constituent Assembly on 22nd January, 1947.
(4) Spelt out by the Chairman of the Drafting Committee Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and
adopted on 29th January, 1947.


In which one of the following cases the Supreme Court of India decided that There is no
Fundamental Right to Education for a professional degree that flows from Article 21 ?
(1) Balbir Thomas V/s. Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology.
(2) Haobijam Rita Devi V/s. Sikkim Manipal and Technology of Health Sciences
(3) P. Raveendran V/s. Union of India.
(4) Tumnyak Etc. V/s. AIIMS.


Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using codes given below.
List I
List II
(a) Maharshi Avadhesh V/s. Union of India
(i) Organisation of Village Panchayats
(b) Kachchh Jal Sankat Nivaran Samiti V/s. (ii) Legal Aid
State of Gujarat
(c) M.H. Hoskot V/s. State of Maharashtra
(iii) Common Good
(d) State of Uttar Pradesh V/s. Pradhan Sangh (iv) Uniform Civil Code
Kshettra Samiti
Codes :


Read Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and give correct answer using the codes given below.
Assertion (A) : High Court has no jurisdiction over the State Administrative Tribunal.
Reason (R) : Because L. Chandrakumar V/s. Union of India has decided so.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(3) (A) is right and (R) is wrong.
(4) (A) is wrong and (R) is right.




Which of the following statements are correct ?

A. The executive action taken in the name of Governor is the executive action of the
B. The Governor cannot be held personally answerable for any portion of the address to
the Joint Session.
C. The Governor is bound to exercise all his powers and functions on the aid and
advice of his Council of Ministers.
D. The Governor of a State shall be appointed by the President by Warrant under his
hand and seal.
Codes :
(1) A, B and D
(2) A, C and D
(3) B, C and D
(4) A, B and C


The Supreme Court of India while considering the validity of proclamation of emergency
under Article 356, said that the proclamation is subject to judicial review in one of the
following cases.
(1) S.R. Bommai V/s. Union of India
(2) Makan Singh V/s. State of Punjab
(3) State of Maharashtra V/s. Lok Shikshan Sansthan
(4) M. Karunanidhi V/s. Union of India


The Supreme Court of India said that it is not the duty of the court either to enlarge the
scope of the Legislation or the intention of the legislature when the language of the
provision is plain and unambiguous in one of the following cases.
(1) Union of India V/s Deoki Nandan Aggarwal.
(2) A.P. Krishna Swamy V/s. State of Madras.
(3) Dharam Dutt V/s. Union of India.
(4) Express Newspapers (P) Ltd. V/s. Union of India.


The positivist methodology of studying law is essentially

(1) antithesis of normative notion of law.
(2) antithesis of analytical notion of law.
(3) antithesis of historical notion of law.
(4) antithesis of sociological notion of law.


The sociological school of jurisprudence is chiefly concerned with the relations of law to
(1) Contemporary Social Ideas
(2) Contemporary Legal Position
(3) Contemporary Political Situation
(4) Contemporary Social Institutions


Bentham being a practical reformer, a strong believer in social progress, treated natural
law with little respect and opened fire on natural law as expounded by
(1) Cohen
(2) Hegal
(3) Holland
(4) Blackstone






Which one of the following is not a theory of punishment ?


Preventive theory


Reformative theory


Concession theory


Deterrent theory

Match List-I with List-II and give the correct answer using codes given below the lists.
List I

List II

(Kind of right)



Right (Stricto Sensu)









(iii) No-right



(iv) Liability

Codes :
























Read Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and give the correct answer with the help of codes
given below :
Assertion (A) : A claim to recover a time-barred debt is an imperfect legal right.
Reason (R) : The Statute of Limitations provides that after a certain time a debt shall
become extinct.
Codes :




Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).


Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).


(A) is true, but (R) is false.


(A) and (R) both are false.

Who has criticized International law by remarking : ... this pompous law of Nations
which is so eloquent in books and silent in the cabinets of diplomats. ?

Emmanuel Kant


Edward Collins


H.L.A. Hart


J.G. Starke

Who of the following is not the exponent of Dualism Theory ?













Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using codes given below the
List I
List II
(i) Principle of Subrogation
(a) Chorzow factory (Indemnity) case.
(ii) Principle of Estoppel
(b) Marommatis Palestine Concessions case
(iii) Principle of Res judicata.
(c) R. v/s. Keyn
(iv) Principle of justice, equity (d) Case concerning the temple of Preah Vihear.
and good conscience.
Codes :
Which of the following statement/statements is/are not correct ?
(a) There are four main theories of Recognition.
(b) Anzillote is an exponent of Declaratory Theory of Recognition.
(c) Civil Air Transport Incorporated Co. V/s. Central Air Transport Corporation is a
case on Retrospective Effects of Recognition.
(d) Pitt Corbett is one of Chief Exponent of Constitutive Theory of Recognition.
Codes :
(1) Only (a), (b) and (c) are not correct.
(2) Only (b), (c) and (d) are not correct.
(3) Only (a), (b) and (d) are not correct.
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all are not correct.


Under which Article of the Charter of the United Nations the General Assembly may
establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its
functions ?
(1) Article 20
(2) Article 21
(3) Article 24
(4) Article 22


Which of the following statement/statements is/are correct ?

(a) The first Security Council came into being on 12th January, 1948.
(b) It comprises of 15 members (5 permanent members and 10 non-permanent
(c) The Resolutions of the Security Council are binding upon the Members.
(d) Ten non-permanent members of the Security Council are elected by the General
Assembly for a period of 2 years.
Codes :
(1) Only (b) is correct.
(2) Only (a) and (b) are correct.
(3) Only (b), (c) and (d) are correct.
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all are correct.




Under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, the Sapinda relationship extends in the line of
ascent, to
(1) Three degrees through the mother and four degrees through the father.
(2) Three degrees through the mother and five degrees through the father.
(3) Five degrees through the mother and seven degrees through the father.
(4) Five degrees through the mother and three degrees through the father.


Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect ? Answer with the help of codes given
below :
(a) Agnate is a person who is related by blood or adoption wholly through males.
(b) Cognate is a person who is related by blood or adoption but not wholly through
(c) Agnate is a person who is related only by blood wholly through males.
(d) Cognate may be ascendant, descendant and collateral.
Codes :
(1) (a) and (d) only
(2) (b) and (d) only
(3) Only (c)
(4) (a) and (b) only


Answer with the help of codes given below :

A decree of judicial separation :
Does not dissolve the marriage tie but merely suspends marital rights and
obligations during the subsistence of the decree.
II. Dissolve the marriage bond.
III. Becomes a ground of divorce for either party after a specified period of nonresumption of cohabitation.
IV. Does not allow either party to remarry.
Codes :
(1) I, III & IV are correct, but II is incorrect.
(2) I, II & III are correct, but IV is incorrect.
(3) II, IV & III are correct, but I is incorrect.
(4) IV, II & I are correct but III is incorrect.


Match List-I with List-II and give the correct answer by using codes given below the lists.
List I
List II
(a) Smriti
(i) What was heard
(b) Shruti
(ii) Jimutavahana
(c) Dayabhaga
(iii) What is remembered
(d) Mitakshara
(iv) Vijnaneshvara
Codes :





If a Muslim woman is pregnant and the marriage is dissolved by death of the husband, the
period of iddat is for :
(1) 3 months or unto delivery, whichever is longer.
(2) 3 months and 10 days, or unto delivery, whichever is longer.
(3) 4 months and 10 days or unto delivery, whichever is longer.
(4) 3 months and 20 days or unto delivery, whichever is longer.


Which of the following is no longer an important source of Muslim Law in India ?

(1) Ijmaa
(2) Customs and Usages
(3) Sunnah
(4) Judicial Decisions


Read the following propositions and answer with the help of codes given below :
Propositions are :
I : Consent theory makes the divorce very easy.
II : Consent theory sometimes makes the divorce very difficult.
Codes :
(1) II is correct, but I is incorrect.
(2) I and II both are incorrect.
(3) I is correct, but II is incorrect.
(4) I and II are both correct.
Read Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and with the help of codes given below, point out the
correct explanation.
Assertion (A) : In Mohori Bibee V/s. Dharmodas Ghose, Sir Lord North observed : The
question whether a contract is void or voidable does not presuppose the existence of
a contract within the meaning of the (Contract) Act and can arise in the case of an
Reason (R) : Ever since this decision in Mohori Bibee V/s. Dharmodas Ghose case, it has
been doubted that a minors agreement is void.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.
(4) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.



An offer need not be made to all the world which is to ripen into a contract with anybody
who comes forward and performs the condition. It is an offer to become liable to anyone
who, before it is retracted, performs the conditions, and although the offer is made to the
world, the contract is made with that limited portion of the public who come forward and
perform the condition on the faith of the advertisement.
Above statement is attributed to
(1) Bowen L.J. in Weeks V/s. Tybald
(2) Bowen L.J. in Carlill V/s. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.
(3) Bowen L.J. in Lalman Shukla V/s. Gauri Datt
(4) Bowen L.J. in Malraju Lakshmi Venhayyamma V/s. Venkata Narasimha Appa Rao





Which of the following statements are correct ? Answer using codes given below :

Adequacy of consideration is necessary.

Adequacy of consideration is for the court to consider when contract is sought to be
The court will enquire whether consideration was equivalent to the promise which
was given in return.
Inadequacy of consideration may be taken into account by the court in determining
the question whether the consent of promisor was freely given.

Codes :
(1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) are correct.
(3) Only (c) and (d) are correct.


Only (b), (c) and (d) are correct.

Only (d) is correct.


Which of the following statements is/are wrong ? Answer using codes given below :
(a) Claim for damages is debt.
(b) Damages are compensatory, not penal.
(c) Where the plaintiff suffers no loss, the court may still award him nominal damages
in recognition of his right. But this is in the discretion of the court.
(d) In ordinary cases damages for mental pain and suffering caused by the breach of
contract are not allowed.
Codes :
(1) Only (a) and (b) are wrong.
(2) Only (b) and (d) are wrong.
(3) Only (a) is wrong.
(4) Only (d) is wrong.


Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below.
List I
List II
(Mistake as to subject-matter of contract)
(a) Mistake as to non-existent subject-matter. (i) Bell V/s. Lever Bros. Ltd.
(b) Mistake as to title or rights.
(ii) Raffles V/s. Wichelhaus
(c) Different subject-matters in mind.
(iii) Gustavus Couturier V/s. Robert
(d) Mistake as to substance, nature or quality (iv) Sheikh Bros. Ltd. V. Ochsner.
of subject matter.
Codes :







Read Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and answer using codes given below :
Assertion (A) : It is well settled that if and when there is frustration, the dissolution of the
contract does not occur automatically. It depends on the ground of repudiation or
breach, or on the choice or election of either party. It does not depend on the effect
of what has actually happened on the possibility of performing the contract.
Reason (R) : Because Lord Wright laid down this principle in Denny, Mott & Dickson
Ltd. V. James B. Fraser & Co. Ltd.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(3) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.
(4) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.


Which of the following are important cases on maxim Damnum sine injuria ? Answer by
using codes below :
(a) Dickson V/s. Reuters Telegram Co.
(b) Ushaben V/s. Bhagyalaxmi Chitra Mandir
(c) Ashby V/s. White
(d) Municipal Board of Agra V/s. Ashrafi Lal
Codes :
(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (c) and (d)
(3) (a) and (c)
(4) (b) and (c)


Arrange the following cases in chronological order by using codes :

(a) State of Rajasthan V/s. Vidyawati
(b) State of Gujarat V/s. Memon Mohamed
(c) Rudal Shah V/s. State of Bihar
(d) The Secretary of State for India in Council V/s. Hari Bhanji
Codes :
(1) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
(2) (d), (a), (b) and (c)
(3) (d), (c), (a) and (b)
(4) (d), (b), (c) and (a)


A threw a lighted squib into a crowd, it fell upon X. X in order to prevent injury to
himself threw it further, it fell upon Y and Y in turn did the same thing and it then fell
on B, as a result of which B lost one of his eyes. Who is liable to B A, X or
Y ?
(1) No one is liable on the principle of remoteness of damages.
(2) A is liable because his act is most proximate cause of damage even though his act
was farthest.
(3) X is liable because he threw the squib without any danger to him.
(4) Y is liable because he caused the injury.





Read Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and answer using codes given below :
Assertion (A) : In case of vicarious liability a master is held liable for negligence of his
servant in driving his vehicle in the course of employment.
Reason (R) : Municipal Corporation cannot be held liable for the negligence of its servant
in driving a vehicle belonging to corporation in course of its business.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.
(4) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.


Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below.
List I
List II
(Name of Case)
(a) Indian Council for Enviro-Legal (i) Patients consent for the operation did not
action V/s. Union of India.
imply consent to the removal of her uterus.
(b) Ryland V/s. Flecher
(ii) Absolute liability on enterprise carrying on
hazardous and inherently dangerous activity.
(c) Lakshmi Rajan V/s. Malar (iii) Liability for keeping dangerous things on
Hospital Ltd.
(d) Union of India V/s. United (iv) Contributory negligence of driver cannot be
Insurance Co. Ltd.
imputed to passengers.
Codes :


Which of the following statement/statements is/are incorrect ? Answer by using codes

given below :
(a) Mistake of fact or of law, is generally a defence to an action for tort.
(b) Law permits use of reasonable force to protect ones person or property.
(c) Act of God is a defence if there is working of natural forces with ordinary
(d) Inevitable accident is not a good defence if the defendant can show that he neither
intended to injure the plaintiff nor could he avoid the injury by taking reasonable
Codes :
(1) (a) and (b) only.
(2) (a), (b) and (c) only.
(3) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all.
(4) (a), (c) and (d) only.


Refusal to answer to an authorised investigating officer could be punished under Section

179 of Indian Penal Code, while giving false answer statement in that process could be
punishable as per
(1) Section 180
(2) Section 193
(3) Section 181
(4) Section 183





Under what circumstances gross negligence could amount to knowledge as may be

required under Section 299 of Indian Penal Code to impose punishment ?
(1) Bonafide belief about a supernatural thing resulting in the direct consequence of
(2) There was pre-supposition that death will result.
(3) Presumption is that the accused had knowledge about the consequence of his act that
resulted death.
(4) When there is clear difference between lower or higher degree of criminality.


Sedition as explained in Sec. 124-A is akin to treason and the offences are against the
State. But certain gestures like cartoons, although may not have wit or humour could not
be penalised because :
(1) It carries only anger or disgust.
(2) The mere act causes dis-affection to the government.
(3) Represents dis-loyality against the government.
(4) The manner of expression is to change the government.


The judicial reforms unfolding the mistry behind medicalisation of consent in rape cases
has an impact of less nuanced understanding by the phallocentric society is based on
(1) Compromise is Rape cases.
(2) Ramification against sanctions of law in rape cases.
(3) Resulting out of love affairs against the societal codes.
(4) Juvenile governance of gender issues.


When a minor leaves her parental house completely without any inducement from the
accused, then what offence it amounts to ?
(1) Abduction
(2) Enticing
(3) Kidnapping
(4) No offence


Which of the following distinctive feature do not relate to wrongful restraint and wrongful
confinement ?
(1) Wrongful restraint is partial restraint of personal liberty while wrongful confinement
is absolute restraint of personal liberty.
(2) Wrongful restraint implies wrongful confinement.
(3) Wrongful confinement requires circumscribing limits while wrongful
representation is boundaryless.
(4) In wrongful confinement there is restriction of movement in all directions, while in
wrongful restriction the movement is not total restriction in all directions.


Rejection or modification of Award may be made by the Appropriate Government by a

(1) On the ground of National Economy or Social Justice.
(2) On the ground of error in the Award.
(3) On the ground of prejudice caused to a section of workers.
(4) On the ground of Quantum of Award.





Read Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and answer using the codes given below :
Assertion (A) : The power to refer disputes to Industrial Tribunals and enforce their
awards is an essential corollary to the obligation that lies on the Government to
secure conclusive determination of the disputes with a view to redressing the
legitimate grievances of the parties.
Reason (R) : Such obligation arise from the imposition of restraints on the rights of strike
and lock-out.
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.


Under the Industrial Disputes Act, the Conciliation Officer has

(1) Legal duty and can summon the parties for an amicable settlement.
(2) No legal duty till some action is taken against the workman and can only persuade
the parties for an amicable settlement.
(3) Legal duty for which a writ of Mandamus lie.
(4) Legal duty coupled with adjudicatory powers.


Which one of the following statement is correct under the Industrial Disputes Act ?
(1) Collective Bargaining agreements are enforceable as a settlement arrived as between
workers and employers.
(2) Collective Bargaining agreements are treated as gentlemen agreement and hence
enforcement depends on goodwill of the parties.
(3) Collective Bargaining agreements are not enforceable until it is approved by the
(4) Collective Bargaining agreements are enforceable only through court of law.


To deter reckless, unjust, unfair or malafide closure, the requirement of a prior

permission for closure by itself cannot be unreasonable restriction on the fundamental
right of an employer was observed in one of the following case :
(1) Excel Wear V/s. Union of India.
(2) Hindalco Industries Ltd. V/s Union of India.
(3) Workmen V/s. Meenakshi Mills Ltd.
(4) Papanasam Labour Union V/s. Madura Coats Ltd. and another.


Which one of the following statement is right ?

(1) A Registered Trade Union can create a separate political fund for the promotion of
civic and political interests of its members.
(2) A Registered Trade Union cannot enter into contract with anyone in its own name.
(3) A Registered Trade Union cannot enter into agreement with its members.
(4) A Registered Trade Union cannot acquire, hold and dispose of movable properties.




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