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That the accused made a statement under oath or executed an affidavit upon a material matter.

(b) That the statement or affidavit was made before a competent officer, authorized to receive and
administer oath.
(c) That in that statement or affidavit, the accused made a willful and deliberate assertion of a falsehood.
(d) That the sworn statement or affidavit containing the falsity is required by law or made for a legal
Material matter is the main fact which is the subject of the inquiry, or any circumstances which tends to
prove the fact, or any fact or circumstance which tends to corroborate or strengthen the testimony relative
to the subject of the inquiry, or which legitimately affects the credit of any witness who testified.
False testimony is given in the course of a judicial proceeding and contemplates an actual trial where
judgement of conviction or acquittal is rendered and not merely a preliminary investigation. On the other
hand, perjury is any willful and corrupt assertion of falsehood on a material matter under oath and not given
in judicial proceedings. It may be committed even during a preliminary investigation as well as in the
making of a false affidavit under oath on a material matter when required by law.

Xxx AND xxx
THE UNDERSIGNED COMPLAINANTS-AFFIANTS xxx and xxx, both of legal age and residing
at xxx St., xxx Subdivision, xxx, xxx, xxx City, under oath, respectfully state:

RESPONDENT. The Respondent in this criminal complaint is xxx, of legal age, married, Filipino, and
resident of Block xxx, Lot xxx, xxx St., xxx Xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, where summons/subpoenas may be
served by this Honorable Office for purposes of preliminary

2. CRIME CHARGED. The herein Complainants hereby charge the abovenamed Respondent for the
crime of Perjury under Art. 183, Rev. Penal Code, the ultimate facts of which are discussed
3. ULTIMATE FACTS. On 14 December 2015, the Respondent executed a Sworn Statement before
Asst. City Pros. xxx of the Office of the City Prosecutor of xxx. A copy of the said sworn statement,
together with the related documents thereto (e.g., Police Referral, dated 14 December 2015; Barangay

Kasunduan, dated 7 October 2015; Final Demand Letter, dated 12 November 2015; and Special Power of
Attorney, dated 14 December 2015) are attached hereto asAnnex A, with sub-markings. In the said
sworn statement, the Respondent charged the herein Complainant XXX for the alleged crime
of Estafa. It was docketed as xxx, entitled xxx vs. xxx. It is undergoing preliminary investigation
before Asst. City Prosecutor xxx.

In Question and Answer Nos. 4, 6, and 7 of the said Sworn Statement of the Respondent, he perjuriously
alleged the following statements of material facts under oath:
x x x.
O4. T Bakit mo e-reklamo (sic) yung taong iyong nabanggit? (i.e., herein Complainant xxx).

- Dahil po sa hindi pag bayad sa akin ng perang hiniram nya na

O5. T

- Kailan, saan, at anong oras naganap ang sinasabi mong pangyayari?

Ganito po yun noong petsang nabanggit at nagkasundo po kami ni xxx na

magnenegosyo kung saan magpapahiram po kami sa kasamahan niyang xxx (sic) at may tubo poi to,
kaya sinimulan po namin ito sa akin po siya kumukuha ng pera at siya ang nagpapalabas, noong unang
buwan at maganda pa ang negosyo namin at bumabalik and puhunan ngunit dumaan na ang ilang buwan
kumukuha siya ng pera sa akin ngunit hindi na ito bumabalik kasama na ang tubo at umabot na poi to ng
halagang PhP326,000.00 at noong kinausap ko na po siya ay puro kanalang PANGAKO NG PANGAKO
X x x.


The aforecited statements of the Respondent xxx under oath were false and perjurious, the truth of the
matter being that the Estafa complaint filed by the Respondent (as Complainant therein) in the
aforementioned case against the herein Complainant XXX (as Respondent therein) was a perjurious,
malicious, felonious, baseless, unfounded and unjust FABRICATION intended by the Respondent XXX:
(a) To collect a loan that the herein Complainants had already paidin full; and (b) To earn unjust, huge
and usuri0us interests and/or penalties/surcharges on the said fully paid loan,without any legal and
contractual basis therefor, and solely for the selfish financial gain and benefit of the Respondent
SAMPAMNG and his anonymous Financier.


The truth of the matter is that: The Complainant XXX does not owe any amount whatsoever to the
Respondent XXX ; and The act of the Respondent XXX of initiating the aforementioned Estafa case
against the herein Complainant XXX, without any legal and factual basis, has caused him to

suffer mental anguish, extreme anxieties, sleepless nights, and besmirched reputation on the part
of the herein Complainants.

The CHRONOLOGY OF RELEVANT FACTS AND EVENTS in support of this Complaint for Perjury as
discussed hereinbelow.


On 20 September 2014 or thereabout, the Complainant XXX was in need of P15, 000.00 for the tuition
fees of his child enrolled at the xxx. He sought the assistance of the Respondent. The Respondent
said he could lend the herein Complainant XXX the amount the latter needed. The Respondent said he
had enough personal savings to accommodate the urgent need of the Complainant XXX. The
Respondent did not mention that he would source the amount from an outside Financier.


On 30 September 2014, when the herein Complainant XXX was ready to pay in full his said P15, 000.00
loan, the Respondent demanded an additional amount of P6, 000.00 as interest on the P15, 000.00
principal loan for the period of ten (10) days. The Respondent alleged that the said amount was being
required by his anonymous Financier. The herein Complainant XXX was surprised by such a statement of
the Respondent because the latter had earlier said that the amount of P15, 000.00 was the Complainants
own personal savings. The Complainants started to suspect the honesty of the Complainant. The
P6, 000.00 interest on the P15, 000.00 principal loan for a very short period of ten (10) days
was usurious, unacceptable, unconscionable, iniquitous, and immoral. Nonetheless, to avoid
unnecessary interpersonal problems with the Respondent, the Complainants paid, via a deposit to the
bank account of the Respondent, to the Respondent the principal loan of P15,000.00 and the interest
of P6, 000.00 that the Respondent and his anonymous Financier were demanding.


As earlier stated, the Complainants paid the Respondent on30 September 2014 the total amount of
P21, 000.00, broken down as follows: (a) P15, 000.00 as principal loan; and (b) P6, 000.00 as interest.
Please note that the said P6, 000.00 interest amounted to an incredible, usurious, iniquitous,
unconscionable and immoral forty percent (40%) interest rate for the very short period of ten (10)
days (i.e., 20 September 2014 to 30 September 2014).


The abovementioned verbal loan transaction involving a principal amount of P15, 000.00 that took place
on 20 September 2014 was not evidenced by any promissory note, contract of loan, voucher,
official receipt, or similar financial or contractual document. It was a verbal loan transaction. There
was no oral or written stipulation whatsoever as to the interest, penalties, or surcharges of the
said verbal loan. Please note, too, that the Respondentdid not attach to his Estafa Complaint any
promissory note, contract of loan, voucher, official receipt, or similar financial or contractual
document to prove his claim against the herein Complainants. What were attached to the Respondents
Estafa Complainant were only the following documents: (a) Barangay Kasunduan dated 7 October
2015 between the Complainant and the Respondent; (b) Final Demand Letter, dated 12 November
2015, which was based solely on the Barangay Kasunduan; and (c) Special Power of Attorney
(SPA), dated 14 December 2015, executed by the Respondent in favor of XXX (his daughter) and XXX
(his sister) on the pretext that he would be going abroad soon.


Two (2) weeks after 30 September 2014 (the date when the herein Complainants paid to the Respondent
the said amount of P21,000.00) -- or sometime in the middle of October 2014,-- the Respondent called
up the Complainant alleging: (a) That his anonymous Financier (whom the Complainant did not identify)
had allegedly rejected the payment of P21, 000.00earlier made by the Respondent; and (b) That the
unidentified Financier of the Respondent was allegedly demanding doublethe said amount of P21,
000.00, that is, a total of P42, 000.00.The Complainants rejected such an unfair, unjust, iniquitous,
unconscionable, immoral, usurious, and unacceptable demand for P42, 000.00.

3.10. Please note that the Respondents demand for P42, 000.00 as of 15 October 2014 or thereabout, in
relation to the original verbal loan of P15, 000.00 contracted by the herein Complainant XXX on 20
September 2014, would amount to a huge and unjust interest of thirty-five percent (35%) for very
short period of twenty-five (25) days (i.e., 20 September 2014 to 15 October 2014). This was clearly
usurious, immoral, unacceptable, iniquitous, unconscionable, and unjustified, considering that no interest
was formally agreed upon or stipulated when the verbal loan for P15, 000.00 was consummated
between the Complainant XXX and the Respondent on 20 September 2014. The Respondent did not
present to the herein Complainants at that time and up to the present time any credible documentary
proof identifying his anonymous Financier. Neither did the Respondent present to the herein
Complainants at that time and up to the present time any documentary proof of demand/collection,
statement of account, billing, letter, or any written request or instruction from his anonymous
Financier to prove the allegation of the Respondent that his anonymous Financier was indeed demanding
P42, 000.00 at that time.

The Complainants at that time demanded that the Respondent the name, address and contact details of
the anonymous Financier so that the herein Complainants could personally discuss and explain his
position to the Financier. But the Respondent refused and continues to refuse to this very day to give to
the herein Complainants the name, address and contact details of the anonymous Financier.

3.12. After the said telephone call of the Respondent to the herein Complainant XXX made on 15 October 2014
or thereabout, the Respondent kept quiet for two (2) months. Then sometime in December 2014 or
thereabout the Respondent again called up the herein Complainant XXX alleging that the past-due
interest of the latter on the original principal loan of P15,000.00 made on 20 September 2014 had already
escalated to P100,000.00 as of the date of his call in December 2014 . The Respondent alleged that he
hadmortgaged his house to his anonymous Financier to pay for the said unpaid interest of the herein
Complainant XXX. The herein Complainants, doubting the sincerity and truthfulness of the allegation of
the Respondent, demanded the name, address and contact details of the Financier so that the herein
Complainants could forthwith talk and discuss the issue with the said Financier. They also demanded
copies of any documentary proof justifying the claim of P100, 000.00 interest as of that time (December
2014). But the Respondent failed and refused and continues to fail and refuse to this very day to provide
the herein Complainants such information and documentary proof/s.

3.13. On 7 October 2015 or thereabout the Respondent again called up the herein Complainant XXX, saying
that the former was at that time waiting inside Xxx Xxx I Subdivision near the home of the herein
Complainants, inside his van, and that the Respondent wished to talk with the herein Complainant XXX
for a while about his loan. The herein Complainant XXX agreed to meet with the Respondent outside his
home. When they met, the Respondent asked the herein Complainant XXX to go inside his van for a
more private discussion. When the herein Complainant XXX the van of the Respondent, he was
surprised to see a man who identified himself as XXX XXX, who showed the Respondent a government
ID. XXX threatened the Respondent with the following words:

3.14. Although the herein Complainant XXX, being a xxx national, has no perfect mastery of the Tagalog
language, he understood the context of the threatening words of XXX based on his facial expressions
and hand movements and based on the harassing presence of the Respondent. Despite the fact that
there was no pending formal Barangay complaint against the herein Complainant XXX and despite the
fact that there was no official Barangay summons issued to him at that time, he was forced by XXX and
the Respondent to go with them to the Barangay Hall of Barangay Xxx 5, Xxx Xxx City right that very
3.15. At the Barangay Hall, the herein Complainant XXX told the Barangay officer, by the name of Deputy xxx
, (a) That he had not received any formal Barangay complaint or formal Barangay summons;
and (b) That the claim of the Respondent for P366, 000.00 was baseless, unfounded, untrue, false,
and fabricated.
3.16. The herein Complainant XXX, without the aid of an interpreter, was forced by Barangay Deputy XXX,
XXX, and the Respondent to sign a page of the Barangay logbook, which turned out later to be
3.17. The herein Complainant XXX was misled by Barangay Deputy XXX, XXX, and the Respondent that the
document was only aharmless record or minutes of the Barangay meeting. The contents and the
legal effects of the said document were not explained and interpreted to the herein Complainant
XXX by Barangay Deputy XXX or any Barangay Kagawad or by the Barangay Secretary or by any Lupon
Officer or Member.
3.18. The herein Complainant XXX signed the Kasunduan UNDER DURESS. He was MISLED by Barangay
Deputy XXX to sign it. He was threatened/intimidated by XXX and the Respondent to sign it. He did not
understand its contents, consequences, and legal effects because, as a Japanese national, he has no
mastery of English and Tagalog, although he could understand and speak some simple conversational
English and Tagalog words. He was not assisted by an Interpreter or by a lawyer of his choice. All he

knew was that the said document was a harmless minutes of meeting, as represented to him by
Barangay Deputy XXX, XXX and the Respondent.
3.19. Later, in his criminal complaint for Estafa against the herein Complainant XXX, the Respondent would
capitalize on the said KASUNDUAN as the sole basis of his FINAL DEMAND LETTER to prove the
alleged financial liability of the Complainant XXX. The Kasunduan was an entrapment document used
by the Respondent to document a verbal loan agreement and to evade the degree of evidence required
by the Statutes of Frauds of the Civil Code.
3.20. Aside from the suspicious Kasunduan, the Respondent has not presented any credible document, such as,
but not necessarily limited to, a CONTRACT OF LOAN, a PROMISSORY NOTE, a VOUCHER, a
STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT, or a BILL executed or signed by the Lender and the Borrower: To prove the
financial claim of the Respondent and his anonymous Financier; To prove the veracity of the
computation/s of the usurious, unconscionable and iniquitous interests of the herein Complainant XXX;
and To prove compliance by the Respondent and his anonymous Financier with the mandatory
provisions of the TRUTH IN LENDING ACT in re: the formal issuance by the Lender to the Borrower of
a FULL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT, containing the amount of the principal loan, the stipulated interest
rate, the stimulated penalties and surcharges, if any and other covenants related to the agreed loan.
3.21. After a few days from 7 October 2015, the Respondent made a series of calls to the herein Complainant
XXX, pestering the latter to pay his alleged obligation. The Respondent alleged and stated: That the
payment should be made by the herein Complainant XXX at the home of XXX, vice president of the
homeowners association of Xxx Xxx Subdivision (who was not a party to the oral loan transaction);
That the Respondent would soon leave for abroad; That his wife would soon return from abroad; and That
it would be a great problem on his part if his wife would discover that he had mortgaged his house (and,
this time, allegedly including his van) to his anonymous Financier to secure the alleged obligation of
the herein Complainant XXX.
3.22. Sometime in the latter part of October 2015 or thereabout the Respondent visited the home of the herein
Complainants, accompanied by an unidentified man whose appearance appeared to be suspicious. The
Respondent repeated his demand to be paid, this time, in the total amount of P366, 000.00. The herein
Complainants insisted that they had already settled in full his original verbal loan of P15, 000.00 with P6,
000.00 interest. They demanded that the Respondent show proofs of the alleged liability of the herein
Complainant XXX and the computations of the alleged past-due interests, either in the form of a voucher
or an official receipt or a statement of account or a billing or a promissory note or a contract of
loan or any other credible document. Ignoring the foregoing demand of the herein Complainants, the
Respondent insisted that the herein Complainants pay the total amount he was claiming and that the
same be paid by them at the home of XXX. The Complainants were thus constrained to tell the
Respondent that it would be better for him to file a court case to prove his claim so that the truth would
come out.

3.23. Please note that in the Barangay KASUNDUAN, dated 7 October 2015, the alleged financial obligation of
the herein Complainant XXX, according to the Respondent, was P366, 000.00. It contradicts the Final
Demand Letter, dated 12 November 2015, of the Respondent, which claimed the total amount of P326,
000.00 - or a huge and unexplained difference of P40, 000.00.

3.24. On 26 November 2015 the herein Complainant confronted XXX at his home in Xxx Xxx Subdivision. She
brought along with her, as her mediators/witnesses, the Spouses XXX AND XXX. Xxx was a past
president of the homeowners association of the subdivision. During the said confrontation, the
Respondent was mysteriously present inside the home of XXX. In that confrontation, herein Complainant
XXX told XXX: That the herein Complainants have been residents/tenants of the subdivision for seven (7)
years; That as the vice president of the homeowners association vested with the legal duty to serve the
common good of the homeowners/tenants of the subdivision, XXX should have taken steps to protect the
herein Complainants as residents/tenants of the subdivision (i.e., as his constituents in the subdivision)
against the baseless and unfounded claim of the Respondent; That at the very least XXX should have
first consulted and heard the side of the herein Complainants when the Respondent first sought his
assistance to collect from the herein Complainant XXX; and that he should not have believed outright,
hook line and sinker, the said claim of the Respondent without first giving the herein Complainants an
opportunity to be heard; That the act of XXX of coercively bringing the herein Complainant XXX to the
Barangay Hall on 7 October 2015, without the assistance of the herein Complainant XXX and based
solely on the personal request of the Respondent -- and without the prior filing by the Respondent of a
formal Barangay complaint and without the prior issuance by the Barangay Secretary of a formal
Barangay summons to the Complainant -- was an unjust, unfair, and illegal act of harassment,
intimidation, and unjust vexation.
3.25. To put an end to abusive and pestering collection behavior of the Respondent -- and solely to buy peace,
without admitting any liability on the part of the herein Complainants and without admitting the validity of
the claim of the Respondent in the amount of P366, 000.00 -- the herein Complainants paid the
Respondent an additional amount of P47, 000.00 on October 15, 2015, via a deposit to the bank
account of the Respondent, hoping that such an amount would finally end the baseless claim and
collection pestering/harassment of the Respondent. But it was not so. The Respondent continues to
insist on his claim of P366, 000.00 by filing a harassment case for Estafa.
3.26. The herein Complainants believes that the Complainant is using the Criminal Justice System as his
own coercive COLLECTION AGENCY. It is the hope and prayer of the herein Complainants that this
Honorable Office would resist the malicious move of the Complainant to use, mislead, and exploit it as
his pro bono personal COLLECTION AGENCY.
3.27. On 26 November 2015, the herein Complainant XXX filed a complaint with Barangay Xxx against the
Complainant and XXX. During the Barangay conciliation XXX apologized to her for his behavior. The
herein affiant accepted his apology, with the hope that XXX would be more discerning as a community
leader in the future.

3.28. On January 18, 2016 at 7:00 PM, the Subpoena of this Honorable Office in re: the Estafa case filed by the
Respondent was delivered by the process server of this Honorable Office at the new home address of the
Respondent at Xxx Xxx Subdivision. (It was originally addressed to the oldhome address of the herein
Complainants in the same subdivision). The herein Complainants was constrained to retain the legal
services of the LASERNA CUEVA-MERCADER LAW OFFICES, Xxx Xxx City, to defend their legal and
constitutional rights, in the interest of truth and justice; to disprove the false, fabricated, baseless,
unfounded, and malicious claim of the Complainant; and to file the necessary criminal and/or civil countercharges against the Respondent.
note the internal contradictions and inadequacies among the documents submitted by the Respondent
in the Estafa case.



In his Sworn Statement, dated 14 December 2015, given before the Xxx City Police Station, the
Respondent claims P326,000.00;


In the Barangay Kasunduan, 7 October 2015, he claims P366,000.00;


In the Final Demand Letter, dated 12 November 2015, he claims P326,000.00;


In the Special Power of Attorney (SPA), dated 14 December 2015, he claims P326,000.00;


Please note that in all of the foregoing allegations no VOUCHERS, OFFICIAL RECEIPTS, STATEMENTS
STATEMENTS were presented by the Respondent to prove his claim.


In his Sworn Statement, dated 14 December 2015, given before the Xxx Xxx City Police Station, the
Respondent alleged that he and the Respondentagreed to go into the business of money lending. (Q
and A No. 6).


In his Special Power of Attorney (SPA), dated 14 December 2015, he alleged that his claim was based
on alleged Ticket Purchase. (Par. 1, SPA).


Please note that the Respondent has not presented any proof of his alleged partnership agreement or
business agreement with the herein Complainant XXX to establish a money lending business referred
to in Q and A No. 6 of his Sworn Statement, dated 14 December 2015, e.g., AGREEMENT/CONTRACT,


Please note, too, that the Respondent has not presented any proof of the alleged Ticket Purchaseof
the herein Complainant XXX, referred to in Par. 1 of his SPA, dated 14 December 2015,

5. The herein Complainants hereby submit to this Honorable Office the following additional documents to
support their instant complaint for Perjury:

Annex B xxx Cash Deposit Slip #001281045029, dated 30 September 2014, in the amount of P21,
000.00 paid to the bank account of the Respondent - to prove the full payment by the Complainants of
their oral loan dated 20 September 2014, broken down as follows: The agreed principal loan of P15,
000.00; and The unstipulated interest of P6, 000.oo demanded by the Respondent.


Annex C and C-1 Barangay Blotter, dated 26 November 2015, re: the Barangay complaint of the
herein Complainant XXX against the unjust and coercive acts of harassment of the Respondent and XXX
Due to lack of material time, the herein Complainants cannot submit as an annex of this pleading at this
time a copy of the xxx Cash Deposit Slip, dated 15 October 2015, in the amount of P47, 000.00 to
prove that the herein Complainants had deposited the said amount to the bank account of the
Respondent to buy peace, without admitting any liability on the part of the herein Complainant XXX
and without admitting the validity of the claim of the Respondent. The herein Complainants will
attempt this week to secure from the Bank a formal Certification of its Branch Manager to corroborate the
foregoing fact. The herein Complainants reserve the right to present the said bank certification as an
annex to their future Reply-Affidavit. The said Cash Deposit Slip was misplaced or thrown away by
the housemaid of the herein Complainants, together with other personal papers, when their family
recently moved to their new home addressin the same subdivision. The housemaid mistakenly
thought that those papers were trash and unnecessary.
At any rate, please note that the Complaint admits in Q and A No. 7 of his Sworn Statement, dated 14
December 2015, that he indeed RECEIVED from the Respondent the said amount of P47,000.00.

6. The herein Complainant XXX has REVOKED the dubious, unfair, invalid, and misleading BARANGAY
KASUNDUAN, dated 7 October 2015 (written in Tagalog, which is not the mother language of the
Complainant xxx), the reason being that he was forced to sign the same UNDER DURESS, UNDER THE
MISLEADING AND FALSE REPRESENTATION of Barangay Deputy Xxx, in cahoots with XXX and the
Respondent, that the document was merely a harmless record/minutes of the their Barangay meeting,
7. ARTICLE 183 of the Revised Penal Code provides:
Article 183. - False testimony in other cases and PERJURY in solemn affirmation. The penalty
of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period shall be imposed
upon any person, who,knowingly makes untruthful statements and not being included in the provisions
of the next preceding articles, shall testify under oath, or make an affidavit, upon any material matter
before a competent person authorized to administer an oath in cases in which the law so requires.
Any person who, in case of a solemn affirmation made in lieu of an oath, shall commit any of
the falsehoods mentioned in this and the three preceding articles of this section, shall suffer the
respective penalties provided therein.

WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed that the Respondent be indicted for PERJURY under Art. 183
of the Rev. Penal Code and/or such other penal laws as may be justified/warranted by the facts of
this case.
FURTHER, the herein Complainants pray for such and other reliefs as may be deemed just and
equitable in the premises.
Xxx Xxx City, 27 January 2016.

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