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Drama Script:

: Rapunzel

The characters
1. Woman

: Kidness, beauty and weakness

2. Man

: Kindness, docile and responsible

3. Witch

: Old, ugly, evil and sly

4. Rapunzel

: Beauty, has long hair, has a good voice and kindness

5. Prince

: Handsome, kindness, rich


: Long time ago


: Palace, garden, tower, forest, cottage


: A long time ago, a husband and wife lived happily in a cottage at the edge of a wood.

But one day the wife fell ill. She could eat nothing and grew thinner and thinner.

: My darling, I have a strong desire of a salad made from that plant. If I dont eat it now,

I know I will surely die.


: Very well, my dear, if you want it you will have it.


: At midnight , the husband climbed the wall into the garden of the witch and started

taking some rampion.


: Rampion, rampion, this is for my darling wife.


: The man took the rampion and his wife made a salad of it and ate it. It tasted so good to

her, that the next day she ate three times as much as before. So her husband knew that he must
once more go into the garden.


: Rampion, rampion, this is for my darling wife.


: When he had the rampion in his hands, he saw the terrible witch standing before him.

Dame Gothel : How do you dare, come into my garden and steal my rampion like a thief! You will
suffer for it!

: Oh, please forgive me! My wife saw your rampion from the window, and she wanted
it so bad, that she would have died if she didnt have some to eat.

Dame Gothel : If youre telling me the truth, I will let you take with you as much rampion as you
want only I make one condition you must give me the child which your wife will bring into
the world; it shall be well treated, and I will care for it like a mother.

: The man in his terror consented to everything. When the baby was born, the witch

appeared, gave the child the name of Rapunzel, and took it away with her.
Dame Gothel : Ha, ha, ha,ha.....

: Rapunzel grew into a beautiful child under the sun, she played in the woods and took

very good care of her long hair.


: (combing her hair) I like to comb my long beautiful hair.


: When she was twelve years old, the witch shut her into a tower in the middle of a

forest. The tower had neither stairs nor door, but near the top was a little window. When the
witch wanted to go in, she placed herself beneath it.
Dame Gothel : Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Let down your hair to me.

: Yes, let me unfasten my braided tresses so that you can climb up.


: After a year or two, the kings son was walking in the forest when he heard a song,

which was so charming that he stood still and listened.


: (singing) Du,du,du,la, la, la.


: Oh. What a beautiful song! Who is singing so lovely?


: The lovely voice came from Rapunzels tower. The kings son wanted to climb up to

her, and looked for the door of the tower, but none was to be found.

: Now what shall I do? Theres no way of climbing up. There are no stairs and no


: He went back home, but the singing had touched his heart, that every day he went out

into the forest and listened to it. One day he was standing behind a tree, when he saw the witch
coming, and he heard what she said.
Dame Gothel : Rapunzel, Rapunzel! Let down your hair to me.

: Then Rapunzel let down the braids of her hair, and the witch climbed up to her.


: So thats the way I can climb to the tower! I will do the same.


: The next day when it began to grow dark, he went to the tower.


: Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your hair to me.


: Immediately the hair fell down and the kings son climbed up.


: Oh who are you?


: Darling, my heart is yours. I have never seen anybody as beautiful as you. Will you
marry me? Will you be my wife and live with me in my kingdom?


: Yes, I will. Youre young and handsome.


: Then it is settled. Well get marry right away! Just let down your hair and lets go.


: I will go away with you, but I do not know how to get down. If I get down my hair,

then how will I get down?


: Youre right! Hmmmmm....


: You have to go now. The witch will come soon.


: Yes, but dont worry Rapunzel, Ill think of something.


: When the kings son was getting down, the witch was already there, and said.

Dame Gothel : Uhh, you have come to take Rapunzel! Now you will never see her again!

: The witch cast a spell on the prince and he wondered in the woods, without seeing a

thing and eating only plants, roots, and berries. Meanwhile, in the tower.
Dame Gothel : Ah! you wicked child! I thought I separated you from the world, and yet you have
deceived me!, and just for that I will cut your beautiful hair!

: In her anger the witch cut Rapunzels beautiful tresses. Then she took her into a desert

where she had to live in great grief and misery. Meanwhile. the prince roamed about in misery
for two years, and finally, he got to the desert where Rapunzel, with the twins to which she had
given birth, a boy and a girl, lived in poverty.

: That voice that I hear seems so familiar to me.


: He went towards it, and when he approached, Rapunzel said.


: Oh prince, I missed you so much! I am so happy to see you that I am crying.


: Two of her tears wetted his eyes and they grew clear again, and he could see with them

as before.

: I can see again! Oh my sweet Rapunzel, what have they done to us! Lets go to my
kingdom now.


: He took her to his kingdom where they were joyfully received, and they lived happily

ever after.

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