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Many Thai Buddhists know the tantric chant Jinapanjara Gatha by heart and it is also chanted in some

of the forest monasteries of Ajahn Mun tradition. Here is a video demonstrating visually how the
"protective cage" around you is gradually being built through the power of Buddhas, Arahants and
Suttas: ... inapanjara
Jinapajara Gth
The Victor's Cage
Jay'san'gat Buddh
Jetv Mra savhana
Catu-saccsabha rasa
Ye pivisu narsabh
The Buddhas, noble men who drank the nectar of the four noble truths, having come to the victory
seat, having defeated Mra together with his mount:
Tahakar'dayo Buddh
A ha-vsati

Sabbe pati hit


Matthake te munissar
These Buddhas 28 leaders, sovereign sages beginning with Tahakara are all established on the
crown of my head.
Sse pati hito

Buddho dhammo dvilocane

Sagho pati hito

Ure sabba-gukaro
The Buddha is established in my head, the Dhamma in my two eyes, the Sagha the mine of all
virtues is established in my chest.
Hadaye me Anuruddho
Srputto ca dakkhie
Koa o pi hi-bhgasmi

Moggallno ca vmake
Anuruddha is in my heart, and Srputta on my right. Koa a is behind me, and Moggallna on my
Dakkhie savane mayha

su nanda-Rhulo
Kassapo ca Mahnmo
Ubh'su vma-sotake
nanda & Rhula are in my right ear, Kassapa & Mahnma are both in my left ear.
Kesante pi hi-bhgasmi

Suriyova pabhakaro
Nisinno siri-sampanno
Sobhito muni-pugavo
Sobhita, the noble sage, sits in consummate glory, shining like the sun all over the hair at the back of
my head.
Kumra-kassapo thero
Mahes citta-vdako
So mayha vadane nicca
Pati hsi

Elder Kumrakassapa great sage, brilliant speaker, a mine of virtue is constantly in my mouth.
Pu o Agulimlo ca
Upl Nanda-Sval
Ther paca ime jt
Nal e tilak mama
These five elders Pu a, Agulimla, Upl, Nanda, & Sval have arisen as auspicious marks at the
middle of my forehead.
Sessti mahther
Vijit jina-svak
Etesti mahther
Jitavanto jinoras
Jalant sla-tejena
Agamagesu sahit

The rest of the 80 great elders victorious, disciples of the Victor, sons of the Victor, shining with the
majesty of moral virtue are established in the various parts of my body.
Ratana purato si
Dakkhie Metta-suttaka
Dhajagga pacchato si
Vme Agulimlaka
n iya-suttaka
kse chadana si
Ses pkra-sahit

The Ratana Sutta is in front, the Metta Sutta to the right. The Dhajagga Sutta is behind, the Agulimla
Paritta to the left. The Khandha & Mora Parittas and the n iya Sutta are a roof in space. The
remaining suttas are established as a rampart.
Jinbala-sa yutt
Ases vinaya yantu
Bound by the Victor's authority & strength, seven ramparts arrayed against them, may all misfortunes
within & without caused by such things as wind or bile be destroyed without trace through the
unending Victor's majesty.
Vasato me sakiccena
Sad Sambuddha-pajare
Viharanta mahtale
Sad plentu ma sabbe
Te mah-purissabh
As I dwell, in all my affairs, always in the cage of the Self-awakened One, living on earth in the middle
of the cage of the Victors, I am always guarded by all of those great noble men.
Iccevamanto sugutto surakkho
Jinnubhvena jit'upaddavo
Dhammnubhavena jitrisagho
Saghnubhvena jit'antaryo
Saddhammnubhva-plito carmi jina-pajareti.
Thus am I utterly well-sheltered, well-protected.
Through the power of the Victor, misfortunes are vanquished.
Through the power of the Dhamma, the enemy horde is vanquished.
Through the power of the Sagha, dangers are vanquished.
Guarded by the power of the True Dhamma,
I go about in the Victor's Cage.

Here is the longer Sri Lankan version with translation:

(22-gth Sinhalese version & English translation)

jaysanagat vr
jetv mra savhii
ye pivi su narsabh
Seated on the victorious seats, the heroes,
Having conquered Mra with his retinue,
The juice of nectar of the four truths,
Those lords of men who drank,
tahakardayo buddh
a havsati

sabbe pati ht

matthake te munissar
The Buddhas, Tahakara and others,
The eight and twenty leaders,
All of them have stood firmly on your
Head, those chiefs of sages.
sire pati hit

dhammo ca tava locane

sagho pati hito

ure sabbagukaro
The Buddhas are established on the head,
And the Dhamma in your eye,
The Sagha is established in your
Chest, the source of all virtues.
hadaye anuruddho ca
sriputto ca dakkhie
koa o pi hibhgasmi

moggallno'si vmake
And in your heart Anuruddha,
And Sriputta on your right,
Koa a behind you,
Moggallna on your left.
dakkhie savae tuyha
hu nandarhul
kassapo ca mahnmo
ubho'su vmasotake
In your right ear
Were nanda and Rhula;
Kassapa and Mahnma
Were both in your left ear.

kesante pi hibhgasmi

suriyo viya pabhakaro

nisinno sirisampanno
sobhito munipugavo
Behind you at your hairs' end,
Like the sun, the maker of light,
Has sat the one possessed of fortune,
Sobhita, a bull among sages.
kumrakassapo nma
mahes citravdako
so tuyha vadane nicca
pati hsi

Kumrakassapa by name,
The great sage, the eloquent speaker,
In your mouth he has permanently
Established himself, that source of virtues.
pu o agulimlo ca
ther paca ime jt
Lal e tilak tav
Pu a and Agulimla,
Upli, Nanda and Sval,
These five elders have appeared
On your forehead like a bindu.
sessti mahther
vijit jinasvak
jalant slatejena
agamagesu sahit

The remainder of the eighty great elders,

The victors, the disciples of the Jina,
Shining with the power of their virtue
Are settled in your various limbs.
ratana purato si
dakkhie mettasuttaka
dhajagga pacchato si
vme agulimlaka
The Ratanasutta was in front of you,
The Mettasutta on your right;

The Dhajaggasutta was behind you,

The Agulimlasutta on your left.
tn iyasuttaka
ksacchadana si
ses pkrasait
The Khandha and Mora protections
And the tn iyasutta
Have become a roof in the sky;
The rest of the Suttas serve as ramparts.
jinbalasa yutte
vasato te catukiccena
sad sambuddhapajare
To you who dwell in the fourfold duty,
Ever in the mansion of the Fully Awake,
Bound by the authority of the Jinas,
Adorned with the ramparts of the Dhamma,
asesvilaya yantu
By the power of their limitless virtue,
May outer and inner afflictions
Arisen from wind, bile and other humours,
And all other disturbances depart.
jinapajaramajjha ha

viharanta mahtale
sad plentu tva sabbe
te mahpurissabh
In the middle of the Jinas' mansion,
Living on the earth,
May all those great bulls of men
Forever protect you.
iccevam-accantakato surakkho
jinnubhvena jitpapaddavo
buddhnubhvena hatrisagho
carhi saddhammanubhvaplito

Thus uninterruptedly well-guarded,

With afflictions conquered by the Jina's power,
And crowd of foes destroyed by the Buddha's power,
Wander protected by the Saddhamma!
iccevam-accantakato surakkho
jinnubhvena jitpapaddavo
dhammnubhvena hatrisagho
carhi saddhammanubhvaplito
Thus uninterruptedly well-guarded,
With afflictions conquered by the Jina's power,
And crowd of foes destroyed by the Dhamma's power,
Wander protected by the Saddhamma!
iccevam-accantakato surakkho
jinnubhvena jitpapaddavo
saghnubhvena hatrisagho
carhi saddhammanubhvaplito
Thus uninterruptedly well-guarded,
With afflictions conquered by the Jina's power,
And crowd of foes destroyed by the Sagha's power,
Wander protected by the Saddhamma!
a hriy
a hadissu

etthantare a hanth

uddha vitna 'va jin hit te

You are surrounded by the ramparts of the Saddhamma,
Eight Ariyans are in the eight directions,
Between these are eight protectors,
And above, like a canopy, stood the Jinas.
bhindanto mrasena tava sirasi hito bodhim-ruyha satth
moggallno'si vme vasati bhujata e dakkhie sriputto
dhammo majjhe urasmi viharati bhavato mokkhato morayoni
sampatto bodhisatto caraayugagato bhnulok'ekantho.
Breaking asunder the army of Mra, on your head stood the Teacher,
after ascending the Bodhi-seat,
Moggallna is on your left, dwelling on your arm, and Sriputta on your right.
The Dhamma dwells in the middle of your chest.
The Bodhisatta, having gone from Mokkha to Morayoni, has gone to your
two feet, that sole protector of the world.

sabb'antaryabhayadussupina akanta
buddhnubhvapavarena paytu nsa .
All inauspices, afflictions, ill omens,
All calamities, illnesses, planetary faults, and blame,
All obstacles, dangers, bad dreams, and the unpleasant,
Through the power of the Buddha's excellence may these all disappear!
sabb'antaryabhayadussupina akanta
dhammnubhvapavarena paytu nsa .
All inauspices, afflictions, ill omens,
All calamities, illnesses, planetary faults, and blame,
All obstacles, dangers, bad dreams, and the unpleasant,
Through the power of the Dhamma's excellence may these all disappear!
sabb'antaryabhayadussupina akanta
saghnubhvapavarena paytu nsa .
All inauspices, afflictions, ill omens,
All calamities, illnesses, planetary faults, and blame,
All obstacles, dangers, bad dreams, and the unpleasant,
Through the power of the Sagha's excellence may these all disappear!

Here is a collection of Pali paritta chants in the Thai Dhammayut style:
They are accompanied by tantric yantra drawings which are supposed to have a magical protective
effect and are also used for tattoos.

The number of Buddhas in this chant has proliferated out of proportion it seems:

Sambuddhe: The Buddhas

Sambuddhe a havsaca

Dvdasaca sahassake
Nammi siras aha .
I pay homage with my head to the 512,028 Buddhas.
Tesa dhammaca saghaca
darena nammi'ha .
Hantv sabbe upaddave
Anek antarypi
Vinassantu asesato.
I pay devoted homage to their Dhamma & Sangha.
Through the power of this homage,
having demolished all misfortunes,
May countless dangers be destroyed without trace.
Sambuddhe paca-pasaca
Catuvsati sahassake
Nammi siras aha .
I pay homage with my head to the 1,024,055 Buddhas.
Tesa dhammaca saghaca
darena nammi'ha .
Hantv sabbe upaddave
Anek antarypi
Vinassantu asesato.
I pay devoted homage to their Dhamma & Sangha.
Through the power of this homage,
having demolished all misfortunes,
May countless dangers be destroyed without trace.

Sambuddhe navuttarasate
A hacatt

Nammi siras aha .
I pay homage with my head to the 2,048,109 Buddhas.
Tesa dhammaca saghaca
darena nammi'ha .
Hantv sabbe upaddave
Anek antarypi
Vinassantu, asesato.
I pay devoted homage to their Dhamma & Sangha.
Through the power of this homage,
having demolished all misfortunes,
May countless dangers be destroyed without trace.

And in this chant the sacred syllable OM (AUM -- Arahato... Uttamadhammassa... Mahasanghassa...)
also appears:

The Homage Octet

Homage to the Great Seer, the Worthy One, Rightly Self-awakened. Homage to the highest Dhamma,
well-taught by him here. And homage to the Great Sangha, pure in virtue & view. Homage to the Triple
Gem beginning auspiciously with AUM. And homage to those three objects that have left base things
behind. By the potency of this homage, may misfortunes disappear. By the potency of this homage, may
there always be well-being. By the power of this homage, may success in this ceremony be mine.
Namo arahato sammSambuddhassa mahesino
Homage to the Great Seer, the Worthy One, Rightly Self-awakened.
Namo uttama-dhammassa
Svkkhtasseva tenidha
Homage to the highest Dhamma, well-taught by him here.
Namo mah-saghasspi
Visuddha-sla-di hino

And homage to the Great Sangha, pure in virtue & view.

Namo omtyraddhassa
Ratanattayassa sdhuka
Homage to the Triple Gem beginning auspiciously with AUM.

Namo omakttassa
Tassa vatthuttayassapi
And homage to those three objects that have left base things behind.
Vigacchantu upaddav
By the potency of this homage, may misfortunes disappear.
Suvatthi hotu sabbad
By the potency of this homage, may there always be well-being.
Namo-krassa tejena
Vidhimhi homi, tejav.
By the power of this homage, may success in this ceremony be mine.

And this is the ultimate protection one could ever wish for:
The Great Universe of Blessings
bhagavato arahato samm-sambuddhassa
dvatti sa-mahpurisa-lakkha'nubhvena
Through the power of the 32 marks of the Great Man belonging to the Blessed One, the Worthy One,
the Rightly Self-awakened One, who through his accumulation of merit is endowed with glory,
steadfastness of intent, majesty, victorious power, great might, countless great virtues, who settles all
dangers & obstacles,
through the power of his 80 minor characteristics,
a h'uttara-sata-magal'nubhvena

through the power of his 108 blessings,

chabba a-ra siy'nubhvena ketuml'nubhvena
through the power of his sixfold radiance,
through the power of the aura surrounding his head,

through the power of his ten perfections, ten higher perfections,

& ten ultimate perfections,
through the power of his virtue, concentration, & discernment,
buddh'nubhvena dhamm'nubhvena sagh'nubhvena
through the power of the Buddha, Dhamma, & Sagha,
tej'nubhvena iddh'nubhvena bal'nubhvena
through the power of his majesty, might, & strength,
through the power of the Dhammas that can be known,
through the power of the 84,000 divisions of the Dhamma,
through the power of the nine transcendent Dhammas,
a hagika-magg'nubhvena

through the power of the eightfold path,

a ha-sampattiy'nubhvena

through the power of his eight meditative attainments,


through the power of his six cognitive skills,

through the power of his knowledge of the four noble truths,
through the power of his knowledge of the ten strengths,
through the power of his omniscience,
through the power of his good will, compassion, appreciation, & equanimity,
through the power of all protective chants,
through the power of refuge in the Triple Gem:
tuyha sabba-roga-sok'upaddava-dukkha-domanass-upys vinassantu
May all your diseases, griefs, misfortunes, pains, distresses, & despairs be destroyed,

sabba-antarypi vinassantu
sabba-sakapp tuyha samijjhantu
may all obstructions be destroyed, may all your resolves succeed,
dghayut tuyha hotu sata-vassa-jvena
samagiko hotu sabbad.
may you live long, always attaining 100 years.
rakkhak devat sad tumhe,
May the protective devas of the sky, the mountains, the forests, the land, the River Ganges, & the
great ocean always protect you.

Bhavatu sabba-magala
Rakkhantu sabba-devat
May there be every blessing. May all heavenly beings protect you.
Sad sotth bhavantu te.
Through the power of all the Buddhas, may you always be well.
Bhavatu sabba-magala
Rakkhantu sabba-devat
May there be every blessing. May all heavenly beings protect you.
Sad sotth bhavantu te.
Through the power of all the Dhammas, may you always be well.
Bhavatu sabba-magala
Rakkhantu sabba-devat
May there be every blessing. May all heavenly beings protect you.
Sad sotth bhavantu te.
Through the power of all the Saghas, may you always be well.

Nice illustration of a yogavacara monk from Siam in the Ayutthaya period performing some kind of

Jinapanjara Gatha


(phien ban Thai Lan)

Ban dich tieng Viet: Tong Phuac Khdi *



Cac Due Phat, cac bac thanh thien da uong cam 16 cua tii thanh de, sau khi da danh
bai Mara cung thanh luy cua han: da di den chiec ghe cua su chien thang,

Cac Due Phat nay - 28 vi thuong thu, cac hien gia toi cao khai dau la Tanhahkara tat ca dugc an vi tren dinh dau cua toi.

Phat dugc an vi trong dau cua toi,

Phap dugc an vi trong hai mat,

Tang, due hanh vo lugng, dugc an vi trong nguc cua toi.

Anuruddha (A Nau Lau Da) an vi trong tim toi,

Sarlputta (Xa Lgi Phat) ben phai toi.

Kondanna (Kieu Tran Nhu) phia sau toi va

Moggallana (Muc Kien Lien) ben trai toi.

Ananda (A Nan) va Rahula (La Hau La) trong tai phai toi,

Kassapa (Ca Diep) va Mahanama (Dai Danh) ca hai deu trong tai trai.

Sobhita, bac hien thanh, co vinh quang tot dinh, chieu sang nhu mat troi, ngu 6 khap
mai toe sau dau cua toi.

Truong lao Kumarakassapa (Dong Tu Ca Diep), hien gia vi dai, bac dien thuyet choi
sang, due hanh vo lugng, luc nao cung ngu trong mieng cua toi.
Nam vi truong lao: Punna, Ahgulimala, Upall, Nanda, Sivalr - bieu tugng cho su cat
tuong, hien len giua tran toi.

80 Dai Truong Lao con lai - cac bac da chien thang, de tu cua Due Chien Thang, 80
Dai Truong Lao nay, cac bac co su chien thang, nhung nguoi con cua Due Chien
Thang, due hanh toa sang uy nghi - dugc an vi khap phan tren co the cua toi.

Kinh Chau Bau 6 truoc mat,

Kinh Tarn Tu 6 ben phai,

Kinh Ngon Co o phia sau,

Ho chu V6 Nao 6 ben trai,

Ho chu Uan, ho chu Khong Tuoc va kinh A Sa Nang Chi lap thanh mai che tren hu

Nhung kinh con lai duoc thiet lap nhu mot thanh luy.

Duoc ket boi sue manh va quyen nang cua Due Chien Thang,
Bay lop thanh luy chong do,

Tat ca dieu gay hai ben trong va ben ngoai da duoc sanh khoi nhu gio, mat. . .

Deu bi tieu diet khong con vet tich

Boi uy luc bat tan cua Due Chien Thang.

Trong khi toi song voi cong viec cua toi,

Luon luon 6 trong chiec long cua Due Chanh Bien Tri,

O trong chiec long cua nhung Due Chien Thang,

Mong rang tat ca cac Bac Dai Thanh Thien

Hay luon luon ho tri cho toi trong khi toi cu ngu 6 mat dat,

Do vay, toi hoan toan duoc che chan hoan hao, duoc bao ve hoan hao.

Do nho nang luc cua Due Chien Thang, dieu tai hai bi dep tan.

Do nho nang luc cua Giao Phap, tap the quan thu bi xua tan.

Do nho nang luc cua Tang, dieu nguy hiem bi xua tan.

Duoc bao ve boi nang luc cua Chanh Phap,

Toi song 6 trong chiec long cua Due Chien Thang.

* Chan thanh cam an Su Indacanda da hieu chinh ban dich.



Jay'asan'agata Buddha
Jetva Maram savahanam
Catu-saccasabham rasam
Ye pivihsu narasabha

Tanhahkar'adayo Buddha
Attha-vTsati nayaka
Sabbe patitthita mayham
Matthake te munissara

STse patitthito mayham

Buddho dhammo dvilocane
Sahgho patitthito mayham
Ure sabba-gunakaro

Hadaye me Anuruddho
Sanputto ca dakkhine
Kondanno pitthi-bhagasmim
Moggallano ca vamake

Dakkhine savane mayham

Asum Ananda-Rahulo
Kassapo ca Mahanamo
Ubhasum vama-sotake

Kesante pitthi-bhagasmim
Suriyova pabhahkaro
Nisinno siri-sampanno
Sobhito muni-puhgavo

Kumara-kassapo thero
MahesI citta-vadako
So mayham vadane niccam
Patitthasi gunakaro

Punno Ahgulimalo ca
Upali Nanda-Sivalr
Thera pafica ime jata
Nalate tilaka mama

Sesaslti mahathera
Etesrti mahathera
Jitavanto jinorasa
Jalanta sila-tejena
Ahgamahgesu santhita

Ratanam purato asi

Dakkhine Metta-suttakam
Dhajaggam pacchato asi
Vame Ahgulimalakam

Atanatiy a- suttakam
Akase chadanam asi
Sesa pakara-santhita

S atta-pakara-lahkata
B ahir' aj j hatt'upaddava
Asesa vinayam yantu

Ananta-j ina-tej asa

Vasato me sakiccena
Sada Sambuddha-panjare
Jina-panj ara-majj hamhi
Viharantam mahitale
Sada palentu mam sabbe
Te maha-purisasabha

Iccevamanto sugutto surakkho

Jinanubhavena jit'upaddavo
Dhammanubhavena j itarisangho
Sanghanubhavena j it'antarayo
Saddhammanubhava-palito carami jina-panj areti.

Bi k an lnh

Bi k an lnh
c Ph g r u co
Vai phi gi X Li Ph
Vai ri gi Mc Ki Li
Trc Ta Tg Php Bo
Sau c c Aa
B phg A a h
Thch v Ph Thi
Cg Thi Vg T i
H r b chu
Do oai c cc gi
T c iu o u
Ri ro cg ai hi
Xi hy u iu a.
Co guy khg k oa ri vi chg sih
Co guy gi khg h h
Co guy gi khg kh o
Co guy gi g h hg a c.
Co cu og c ho khi oa ri
Co cu og c ho khi kh
Co cu og c ho khi kh h
Co cu og h hg a c.

Nu co g ai au kh
Hay hg bg g
Li i hay hh g
Co xi c ha h.
Co cg ho o ha h
Cho b c ai
co au kh hay hg.
Cu ba bh a khe h
Cu i u p rg
Cu u o hh phc
Cu c o hi h hi bh
Cu khp i khg c chi rah
C ri xah i i i.
Nguy chg hh hh qu
Nguy Ph Php hh hh h gia.
Na M Ph Php Tg Ta Bo.

Nm ng Pht c tn th trong mn phi v Pht ny l

nhng v no ?
Xem qua t th v phng hng an to v, nhng ngi theo
o Tiu tha l gii l 5 i ch Pht t qu kh n
tng lai, gm c :
1. Cc k sn (nhin ng c pht).
2. G ga na ma n (cu na pht).
3. Ka sa pa (ca dip pht).
4. G ta ma (thch ca pht).
5. M tri ya (di lc ng sanh pht).

vohinh.tuT. Vin Chnh Thc

Tha gia gy:
19 Thg i 2012
Bi vi:
c c :

Sau y, xin trnh by mt bi kinh o nm ng ca mt tin

bi trc 1960 truyn li nh sau:
b t s pc a qua ra a ra hng sam ma sam bch th qui chia
cha ra.
Nam sam bo to soc ca tolc ca qui tua mc th ro.
Kh rit sa thn na tha ra th sch sa thn.
Na ra th sch tha th qua qui ma nc
X nng binh nhakhe thng but chia gia.
(nim 7 ln bui sng bnh an trong ngy, 7 ln v nuc xi tr
bnh ma, 7 ln nim th ra . . . chuyn chi xu cng qua, 21 ln
v du xc tr bnh, 21 ln nim v th ra bng qua chin s
bnh an, 7 ln ri ngh ngi khng ma qu hay hung thn quy
ph, 7 ln v nc ung kho li, 7 ln v nc ra mt cho
nh dai v ht ngy di, 7 ln v 7 ht go np gi li nht v
vt o . . . i xa c ch nng nh tm thn, ngm nc trong

ming nim 7 ln ri nut v . . . nh n ci bnh bt ca pht

i 1 ngy khng c n cng khng b i l).
Theo nhng c ln tui tng lm chng mn nhn, mn 5
ng Pht ny xut pht t Cao min, c truyn th t
nhng ngi cha, ch c trong cha mi c th th tranh ca 5
v Pht ny, hng mn nhn t khng c php th tranh
ny, ch c cp nhng l khn h thn c hnh nm v Pht,
hay xm ln c th ti trc ngc hnh 5 tam gic cn, to c
u ngn tay, tng trng cho 5 v Pht y .
Trong php tu luyn nguyn thu th hnh gi th php nim
thn mt trong cc t i cho n khi pht sanh ra 1 th r
rng mu sc ,nu c cn thy hnh tng ca n v mnh cn
c s phn bit th c c n chng th nht : -c gc hc
ni mt tc .(cng l cu ch khi cn chuyn php tc)
Khi t s chng thy m n pht sanh ra rt gh gm
mnh lit th c n chng th hai: -bc pah gac ni mt tc.
Ni ra th kh hiu cho nhng ai khng tu nim thn , i
khi l trong vt cht thn ta v chng sanh iu t trung 4
i t nc gi la,qun la mu , t mu vng sm,gi
mu xanh l da tri,nuc mu sc en ng .qun n thy
cc th ny trong ta v ngoi ta y vy (c phn bit ta v th )
l n chng 1n chng 2 l thy th y pht sanh trong ta
v ngoi ng cht ..vy khin c trong ta th ngoi phi

chuyn theo.
Trong i no cng c thn v thuc v th y ,lc y hnh gi
c th thy nghe c bity ch l giao thoa yu t t i
vi 2 n chng ,tm gi y l thn thng cng c ,nhng
khng phi chn thng ca pht php ,ch l din bin t i
m thi .bit bao nhiu l ba ch sanh ra t ch
ny( khng phi do v ngi hay thn no ch ra ht)
o nm ng Pht v vy khng thc s c cc mn ba ch
luyn ,ci pht sinh ra thn thng php tc l xuyn qua
thin nh ,gp tip xc v trao i tha lc lc mnh mun
.Cc tha lc ny nm di dng ch Ba (hnh th in quang
trong t i )
Theo tnh cch ca bn cht ta c cu nim (cng l ch)v
cn bn nguyn cht t i nh sau:
-pt tha vi tu- t, n Thn t.
-a phu tu- nc- thu Thn.
-t ju tu- ho, Thn la
-va ju tu- Thn gi.
Tr li hnh nm v Pht ,ta cng bit l 4 v t pha thuc v
t phng t i,v bt chuyn gia l thuc v nhn thc
thng gic ,ci thng gic ny bit 4 ci i kia ,chuyn 4
ci i kia m t mnh chng thy c chuyn vy .Trong ci

ho i li c t nc gi ,m ho nhiu nht nn gi l hoth trong cc i kia cng y vy !chng c i no tuyt i

ton th ! ti trung tm thy r ht cc din bin ny m
khng mc kt vo din bin y ! cc din bin y tp hp cc
ch Thin -Thn, chng loi v s pht sinh (ba ch)..tng
s rung ca nhn thc cc v ny kh gn gi con ngi qua
danh sc tham-sn sinn c th p ng nguyn vng cho
nhau qua 1 s trao i-tha hip.. y ch l ni l do xut
sanh ba ch trong o nm ng Pht ch khng h l tn ch
thc s ca o nm ng Pht .

Tht ra th khng phi ai cng d dng gi ht nhng gii

trn trong i,c nhng v thy xut gia ln ti gia vn phm
vi gii m php thut khng h st gim,v d nh c v vn
ht thuc(ti cha) lu lu ung ru (c s) lm tnh (c s)
n chay theo k ..nhng gii phm ny lm h khng
chng nhng tng thin cao hn ,ch khng lm mt i
nhng Thn ch h chng,bnh thng nhng gii phm
lm mt i ba ch ca hnh gi l chi th,mng cha m-b
trn,phn thy-khinh bn, n ung tp nham,dm lon(ch
nn vi 1 ngi duy nht m thi )-ma ht nhm nh (li vn
,t th bt nghim)-v tham st hi ,bt ngha nut li
-v d nh phm gii ung ru th ch v A tu la khng tr
gip (h ght ni di v ung ru)
-mng chi th ch Thin xa lnh
-dm vi nhiu ngi th Thn minh khinh b
-v tham n ung m st sanh hi vt th Sn thn khng
chng php .v v
Do vi phm gii b m kh nng ph ch ca hnh gi b gii
hn ,buc lng phi cu nh nhng ca khc nh m binh,ma
qu,h ly .chng bao lu hnh gi s lm vo t o lc no
khng hay !
V nh cu kinh 4 v vua rn :
-qui ru bc khc

- ra bc thc
-xp bya bt tc
-canh ha g tm mc cc
Ai pht tm t bi khn nguyn khng lm hi chng sanh
no,thng khng h b rn cn d v tnh chm phi rn ,
i khi nh k gian thy rn m hong s thi lui,ci y r
rng l do o c cm thu !ngi thng m cn nh vy
hung chi v thy nm gi php tc linh thing!
o nm ng ch pht , ,l o pht c xa , o v pht l
hnh ng trong s hiu bit v t bi,tu thn - ngi v no
thin,l bc hnh ng li tha trc dn mnh thng cm
nhn tnh,sau tin n t gic-gic tha nh li c pht
thch ca hng khuyn bo vy.

Trn y l ba hi 5 ng ca phi lng sc khom cao min.

kinh nm ng pht,knh nh n tri pht thnh thn v n
thy dy.
(mi sng dy c 1 ln cho n 3 ln, c nhiu may
mn,tai qua nn khi,ai thy cng yu mn ,hay gp may bt
t tt pht s phc cc quia-c rc hng sam ma sam but th.

quyt chia chc rc nc sam bol n st cc t.

lc cc qui tu c nut tc t r buc.
rt sc thm mt sa rc thy sc sa tt quch mc nt
sa nn buc th phc kc qua tt.
(ai mi c ngy u m thy nh mun i ra , i ra hi
thi,d trong bng khng c thc n,nh vy l tt lm,v
trc nghip n mun xut ra,th a ra cho n ht, lu ngy
sanh bnh v n hay xi mnh ni lm tm by ! chung l
my ci xui eo theo mnh phi ra i v ch hp vi n !
ai m a phng sanh th c ,nim bi ny 1 ln ri th ,cng
c nhiu lm lm !)

Trn y l ba hi 5 ng ca phi lng sc khom cao


kinh nm ng pht,knh nh n tri pht thnh thn v n

thy dy.
(mi sng dy c 1 ln cho n 3 ln, c nhiu may
mn,tai qua nn khi,ai thy cng yu mn ,hay gp may bt
t tt pht s phc cc quia-c rc hng sam ma sam but th.
quyt chia chc rc nc sam bol n st cc t.
lc cc qui tu c nut tc t r buc.
rt sc thm mt sa rc thy sc sa tt quch mc nt

sa nn buc th phc kc qua tt.

(ai mi c ngy u m thy nh mun i ra , i ra hi
thi,d trong bng khng c thc n,nh vy l tt lm,v
trc nghip n mun xut ra,th a ra cho n ht, lu ngy
sanh bnh v n hay xi mnh ni lm tm by ! chung l
my ci xui eo theo mnh phi ra i v ch hp vi n !
ai m a phng sanh th c ,nim bi ny 1 ln ri th ,cng
c nhiu lm lm !)

Trog h s i c c ch h 5 g..Ch v 5 g.. g

y khc a rog c Cha Qua Thh !
5 g g rog h r o bg c h 5 h i vi hau
gi a xy h cg g i c
i vi hg hy b Ph Tr Qua.. Hay ba hg 1 i
i 5 g h 1 !
V sao phi i o hg v hy cha bh c 1 h
vy hg gi c hy cha r phi i heo hy v i 5 g
gi hg ph vog u hc !
Vohih c bi g h v g b Tr Qua khg

Trog h s i c c ch h 5 v 5 g.. g

y khc a rog c Cha Qua Thh !
5 g g rog h r o bg c h 5 h i vi hau
gi a xy h cg g i c
i vi hg hy b Ph Tr Qua. Hay ba hg 1 i
i 5 g h 1 !
V sao phi i o hg v hy cha bh c 1 h
vy hg gi c hy cha r phi i heo hy v i 5 g
gi hg ph vog u hc !
Vohih c bi g h v g b Tr Qua khg
Cick o expa...

Phn Trm Quan c nghe ni, h thuc h a Tin cng

trong th huyn mn no l Quan Ngi Quan ng g
nhiu lm, cc v trong ngi Chn phm a Mu hay c
my v ny, ng l cc v ct v xc hay l lm thy
thuc dng ny phi v ni gi vong i, i khi l cho
tu hay l trn p hay l cc v y x tr.
Vohinh ko thuc dng , nht l cc v thy l do cc
phn linh cn v xc h phi gi v sau khi cc phn cn
v ni th h s ko cn n lnh trn p.
Thc ra cc php s huyn mn cng u gi vong y
c, Tht Sn l thnh a giao kt l bin gii ca
ng Phng Thn gii vi th o, cc v sn thn p
ch c ht, cn nh Vohinh th thu vong ri giam lng
h, vo 3 ngy cho hng thc th lc trnh din T ri
cho i nghe kinh nghe k cha t miu nh no c
duyn v trnh b thy khc bt b hay cc v khc lm
kh d. i n Trn c x thin h th cung cp tin
bc, lng kh v cm nc gi i, xin n trn cu vt.

Mn phi 5 ng Pht Xim

M phi 5 g ph xi ,g h 5 hh v ph ,4 v c o vg h vai phi ,v r cg c hh

g 1 ch hi, khg c c sa vg , A Sc Ph. Trog 5 v h i v c 1 h h khc
hau ,i ch i v c 1 ih h g rg hu s ,voi ,cp ,g rg v r .5 v hp i
hh h Ta S Quy (g ci v g ch u hau ,ba g c i ui hg ra) . T c
cg gi rog 1 vg ho quag c hh h ci 3 chc h, ho quag y u ,cho
phi Lc Dy ca xi kh sc u vy. Pha b r v goi ho quag y c 6 v ch
hi h v ri hoa cg g ca gi , pha i vg ho quag c 2 chic qu g
hg 2 b .
Tip heo, b i phi c h c c Ma- ga- ha 6 ay, 2 ay b , 2 ay b ai ,2 ay i
h 1 b sih c,1 ko c ch phi vo ,heo h gi ki gi . Ngi o rog 1 a ph,
b i a c 2 ih h k v cp ,gia 2 ih h y u ph ca i g rg
cho - c -gi -a

B r guy h ca ph i Xi ,hg sau y khi qua Vi Na h c bi h h sau: A

Sc Ph v 2 v Ph cui v o i ch c ,hg hg hai r h xug h b phi v c
Lc T Magaha 6 ay , b ri c Qua Th B ..khg c M a rig cho Lc T
h rc.

Nhp g ba v vo 2 ru v 3 v c rg ,o c g ch ci , c c cg r
b cg 1 y uc rog. u i r gi xp bg chp ay h ,hy c kih v
ig ,g g ay v b b ay , i v v vo h ruy i g v khai h v
huy r c h.

(Ba v 3 vt cm khai thn)

Sau hc r hi ph c ig heo hy ,u khg c c h hy s cho 1 rog 5 cu
khai khu ,xe h ph hp vi chi ca v ph o rog g hh ,u hc r hp xc h v quy i
cc i ch ,va i va c ig

(Ba v l tru cho n)

Tig y c 12 oi i ,i c v quy ,c r bh , php c ,ui a vvc h i
b s. a s hg gi hh gh g c khg hch ghe oi ig y. V khi ghe c, h s
au u ,c khg gi rog s h cg i ig . Nhg ig y ig ch Lc
h quy ,ch khg phi oi ig i Trug hi gii ca cc v v i gp. Ngoi ra, c 1 oi
ig i h - hi ,v gi g c v . C khi gi c v i khg i b ih h
hp vo. Cc h hay v rog h phi y c su ,g x ,ag g .
Giai o r c chg 10 ph ,sau hy s y i c r b phu vo o h hc r
r xug ,sau hc r qu gi rc b ,i gi u 2 ru php v 3 vi c khi
y ,khi u c g rg,c i ,u 1 cho h h ...

(Ba v l tru khai khu)

M phi 5 g coi rg vic x php vo gi ,v phi x u xah ch ,v u sc
h ca ch hi h. C oi x bg sa co so r vg h ch h x 24 ba T vo
g hay gc .
M phi y c y k ha eo khg h b Mi. Dy 12 cg ch si se i ,khi eo h
h cho y ca sa ca ch g , g vi y vai ri qua hg phi.

(Ct tng thng nh thm vo dy ktha)

Tr y hc r s c h c 7 c ch k h 1 c ph h bg ah heo rg hay ch hoc vg
v c i h h h 1 c ph o hy ba ,cao i 12 c c ..

Sau khi hp h hc r c quy x hh hay eo g c c Ma Ga Ha i gc .

(Lc t Magaham)
Phi y ba hay v u e v r giy vg, ba cp cho xi. Mi khi r bh h ch
ig v u xc u c v ay ,v c cho ug ,khg cho ug ba giy .
Sau y i vi a c h vo h phi L Ba Ng i Cu Thi r ,rc h c php hi
g Mi , g Ch , g Ngi v ch v Lc Sau h vo h bih chi s r vog rog
c, i y c h Chh soi i c .
Ti Si G h c 2 chi u ph ri h i qu T v khu vc Ho Hg ,v s cao ay h h
g ai chug c Nguy Thi Thu cch y h 20 . Sau 1 v v h chg qu chi
u, i qu 6, h ba T v ra c g gi h xa, c p hp 5 ba a ui i ra
g 1 gi o i ag g. T h vo vi "ch v 5 b - c ra bu .

(Tng 5 ng)
Ngu gc g phi i Xi o Pai i Kh e ruy qua ,bi 1 gi ph gc Xi ai
Tu ,o cc ch Pai vi rog ba hg c g gi i rog vug h ch ri ca Trug Hoa
ig ch c pha ig gig Xi v Tu i hh c 1 ph v h v h quy v c
ig Tu ,gi g Tiu v .
M phi y u hh i Vi Na v 2 ..
M hp h hiu , s gi h i h s i , sau vi hg hay h a s b
cuc ,v hg o cg phi hy v c v ru ip khg i cho vic i i ,sih ho .
Hai s cp ai ,v h c Ph rog y k ha cg r ch chp. C gi u p heo 10
cg khg hiu i b. C v y khg hiu ch rg v uy ba , a s ba
khg ch , a s uy ig i hg gy 2 c chiu i v 12 gi Cao cp h uy
h rikhg uy rg khi v php h h ba v g ig hi. Tc
v ba sc ch bg ig o i gi uy hg gy .
a s ba b y v sau h c h cc ba ca i ha h V Th, Ph Hi, Qua , Nh
Quag -Nguy Quag, Cu Thi, Thi Thg, Chh soi i c ..vv..c vi ah v v ba v g
ig ph vo. khi v ba ay .. a s ba khc c i s r b h ,khi c c h kh
ui g xi vo ,hi hg vo ba ri cho .

(Khn nhp mn)

V phi y c 1 v ,v 1 rg chi cho hu h hiu khc h cc
phi khc. Nhg cui cg h y b u h h ca Th s h quy v Ta hp c
sah p ,v cc y hay v i ,v cp php rh ao ba bo cho h i r
.hiu gi g hc r chuy sag h gio cc sau y .
T php y vo VN c xa gi M c Ph hay M c Ph c(c). Sau i gi N g
u gu gc ,cho hiu gi ghe g Ng Cg Vg Ph ca Tu !

Lu : Khi c ig khg hy i chy rog gi hay cg gi ,hay khg i

sc ,h c c heo qu h hi. Th khg v xc v chg v vy h khg bao gi c

h xi ba cho ih vi ig h vy !!! cg khuy i v cg chh o i sao
gi chu heo ui y

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