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River Flow 2014

Reservoir Sedimentation

International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics

Despite the mechanisms of reservoir sedimentation

being well known for a long time, sustainable and preventive measures are rarely taken into consideration in
the design of new reservoirs. To avoid operational problems of powerhouses, sedimentation is often treated
for existing reservoirs with measures which are ecient
only for a limited time.

De Cesare

Reservoir Sedimentation

The todays challenge of dam owners and engineers is to

guarantee with adequate mitigation measures the future
sustainable use of the vital reservoirs supplying water
for drinking, food and energy production. Research and
development is still urgently needed to identify ecient
mitigation measures adapted to the main sedimentation
processes involved in reservoirs.
During the seventh International Conference on Fluvial
Hydraulics River Flow 2014 at cole Polytechnique
Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, scientists
and professionals from all over the world addressed the
challenge of reservoir sedimentation in a special session
and exchanged their knowledge and experiences. Invited
and selected contributions, which give an overview on
the latest developments and research regarding reservoir
sedimentation including case studies, are presented in
this book, in the hope that they can contribute to better
sustainable use of the vital reservoirs worldwide.

an informa business

Anton J. Schleiss
Giovanni De Cesare
Mrio J. Franca
Michael Pster


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Reservoir Sedimentation

Anton J. Schleiss, Giovanni De Cesare, Mrio J. Franca & Michael Pfister
Laboratoire de Constructions Hydrauliques (LCH)
cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

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Cover photo: Moiry Dam near Zinal (VS), Switzerland. Courtesy: Michael Pfister

CRC Press/Balkema is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK
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Published by: CRC Press/Balkema
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ISBN: 978-1-138-02675-9 (Hardback + CD-ROM)
ISBN: 978-1-315-73691-4 (eBook PDF)

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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Table of contents







Reservoir sedimentation
Sustainable water supply, climate change and reservoir sedimentation management:
Technical and economic viability
G.W. Annandale

Three-dimensional numerical modeling of flow field in rectangular shallow reservoirs

T. Esmaeili, T. Sumi, S.A. Kantoush, A.J. Schleiss & S. Haun


Meandering jets in shallow rectangular reservoir

Y. Peltier, S. Erpicum, P. Archambeau, M. Pirotton & B. Dewals


Combination of 2D shallow water and full 3D numerical modeling for sediment

transport in reservoirs and basins
G. Wei, M. Grnzner & F. Semler


Photometric analysis of the effect of substrates and obstacles on unconfined

turbidity current flow propagation
J.M. McArthur, R.I. Wilson & H. Friedrich


Advances in numerical modeling of reservoir sedimentation

S. Kostic
Innovative in-situ measurements, analysis and modeling of sediment dynamics
in Chambon reservoir, France
M. Jodeau, M. Cazilhac, A. Poirel, P. Negrello, K. Pinte,
J.-P. Bouchard & C. Bertier
Measurements of spatial distribution of suspended sediment concentrations
in a hydropower reservoir
S. Haun & L. Lizano
Case studies of reservoir sedimentation as a consequence of soil erosion
V. Hrissanthou




The impact of flow transformations and reservoir floor topography on reservoir

deposition patterns in high energy environments
F. Weirich


Reservoir sedimentation and erosion processes in a snow-influenced basin

in Southern Spain
A. Millares, M.J. Polo, A. Moino, J. Herrero & M.A. Losada


Suspended sediment dynamics of Ribarroja Reservoir (Ebro River, Spain)

M. Arbat-Bofill, E. Blad, M. Snchez-Juny, D. Nierola & J. Dolz


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The use of Flow Assisted Sediment Transport (FAST) to remove sediment

from reservoirs in Southern California, USA
F. Weirich


Two approaches to forecasting of sedimentation in the Stare Miasto reservoir, Poland

T. Dysarz, J. Wicher-Dysarz & M. Sojka


Influence of geometry shape factor on trapping and flushing efficiencies

S.A. Kantoush & A.J. Schleiss


Flushing of coarse and graded sedimentsa case study using reduced scale model
J.R.M. Almeida, J.J. Ota, F.R. Terabe & I.I. Muller


1D modelling of fine sediments dynamics in a dam reservoir during a flushing event

L. Guertault, B. Camenen, A. Paquier & C. Peteuil


Numerical analysis of sediment transport processes during a flushing event

of an Alpine reservoir
G. Harb, C. Dorfmann, J. Schneider & H. Badura
Modelling suspended sediment wave dynamics of reservoir flushing
T.H. Tarekegn, M. Toffolon, M. Righetti & A. Siviglia
Numerical modeling of suspended sediment transport during dam flushing:
From reservoir dynamic to downstream propagation
G. Antoine, A.-L. Besnier, M. Jodeau, B. Camenen & M. Esteves



St-Egrve reservoirmodelling of flushing and evolution of the channel bed

E. Valette, P. Tassi, M. Jodeau & C. Villaret


Sequential flushing of Verbois and Chancy-Pougny reservoirs (Geneva, Switzerland)

E.F.R. Bollaert, S. Diouf, J.-L. Zanasco & J. Barras


Simulation of the flushing into the dam-reservoir Paute-Cardenillo

L.G. Castillo, J.M. Carrillo & M.A. lvarez


Comprehensive numerical simulations of sediment transport and flushing

of a Peruvian reservoir
A. Amini, P. Heller, G. De Cesare & A.J. Schleiss


Sediment bypass tunnels to mitigate reservoir sedimentation and restore

sediment continuity
R.M. Boes, C. Auel, M. Hagmann & I. Albayrak


Modeling long term alternatives for sustainable sediment management using

operational sediment transport rules
S.A. Gibson & P. Boyd


Global analysis of the sedimentation volume on Portuguese reservoirs

F. Taveira-Pinto, L. Lameiro, A. Moreira, E. Carvalho & N. Figueiredo


Reservoir sedimentation management at Gebidem Dam (Switzerland)

T. Meile, N.-V. Bretz, B. Imboden & J.-L. Boillat


Keyword index


Author index



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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9


Despite the mechanisms of reservoir sedimentation being well known for a long time, sustainable and preventive measures are rarely taken into consideration in the design of new
reservoirs. To avoid operational problems of powerhouses, sedimentation is often treated
for existing reservoirs with measures which are efficient only for a limited time. Since most
of the measures will lose their effect, the sustainable operation of the reservoir and thus the
water supply, as well as production of valuable peak energy is endangered. Todays worldwide yearly mean loss of reservoir storage capacity due to sedimentation is already higher
than the increase of capacity by the addition of new reservoirs for irrigation, drinking water,
and hydropower. Depending on the region, it is commonly accepted that about 12% of the
worldwide capacity is lost annually. In Asia, for example, 80% of the useful storage capacity
for hydropower production will be lost by 2035. The main sedimentation process in narrow
and long reservoirs is the formation of turbidity currents, transporting fine sediments near to
the dam every flood season, increasing sediment levels up to 1 m per year. The outlet devices
including intakes and bottom outlets are often affected after only 40 to 50 years of operation,
even in catchments with moderate surface erosion rates. The effects of climate change will
considerably increase the sediment yield of reservoirs in the future, mainly in Alpine regions
due to glacier retreat and melting of permafrost grounds.
The todays challenge of dam owners and engineers is to guarantee with adequate mitigation measures, the future sustainable use of the vital reservoirs supplying water for drinking,
food and energy production. Research and development is still urgently needed to identify efficient mitigation measures adapted to the main sedimentation processes involved in
During the Seventh International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2014 at
cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, scientists and professionals
from all over the world addressed the challenge of reservoir sedimentation in a special session and exchanged their knowledge and experiences. The conference was organized under
the auspices of the Committee on Fluvial Hydraulics of the International Association for
Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). Invited and selected contributions,
which give an overview on the latest developments and research regarding reservoir sedimentation including case studies, are presented in this book, hoping that they can contribute to
better sustainable use of the vital reservoirs worldwide. We acknowledge the support of the
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, BG Consulting Engineers, and Hydro Exploitation SA as main sponsors for the Proceedings and the River Flow 2014 Conference. Further
sponsoring was obtained from, IM & IUB Engineering, Basler & Hofmann, AquaVision Engineering and Met-Flow SA.
The Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (LCH) of EPFL carried out the organization
of the special session on reservoir sedimentation in the frame of River Flow 2014.
Prof. Dr. Anton J. Schleiss, Conference Chairman
Dr. Giovanni De Cesare, Co-Chairman
Dr. Mrio J. Franca, Co-Chairman
Dr. Michael Pfister, Co-Chairman


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2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9



Walter H. Graf, Switzerland (Honorary Chair)
Jorge D. Abad, USA
Jochen Aberle, Norway
Claudia Adduce, Italy
Mustafa Altnakar, USA
Christophe Ancey, Switzerland
William K. Annable, Canada
Aronne Armanini, Italy
Francesco Ballio, Italy
Roger Bettess, UK
Koen Blanckaert, China
Robert Michael Boes, Switzerland
Didier Bousmar, Belgium
Benot Camenen, France
Antnio Heleno Cardoso, Portugal
Hubert Chanson, Australia
Qiuwen Chen, China
Yee-Meng Chiew, Singapore
George S. Constantinescu, USA
Ana Maria da Silva, Canada
Andreas Dittrich, Germany
Rui M.L. Ferreira, Portugal
Massimo Greco, Italy
Willi H. Hager, Switzerland
Hendrik Havinga, The Netherlands
Hans-B. Horlacher, Germany
David Hurther, France
Martin Jggi, Switzerland
Juha Jrvel, Finland
Sameh Kantoush, Egypt
Katinka Koll, Germany
Bommanna G. Krishnappan, Canada
Stuart Lane, Switzerland
Joo G.A.B. Leal, Norway
Angelo Leopardi, Italy

Danxun Li, China

Juan-Pedro Martn-Vide, Spain
Bijoy S. Mazumder, India
Bruce W. Melville, New Zealand
Emmanuel Mignot, France
Rafael Murillo, Costa Rica
Heidi Nepf, USA
A. Salehi Neyshabouri, Iran
Vladimir Nikora, UK
Helena I.S. Nogueira, Portugal
Nils Reidar Olsen, Norway
Andr Paquier, France
Piotr Parasiewicz, USA
Michel Pirotton, Belgium
Dubravka Pokrajac, UK
Sebastien Proust, France
Wolfgang Rodi, Germany
Jose Rodriguez, Australia
Pawel M. Rowinski, Poland
Andr Roy, Canada
Koji Shiono, UK
Graeme M. Smart, New Zealand
Sandra Soares-Frazo, Belgium
Thorsten Stoesser, UK
Mutlu Sumer, Denmark
Simon Tait, UK
Aldo Tamburrino, Chile
Wim S.J. Uijttewaal, The Netherlands
Zhaoyin Wang, China
Volker Weitbrecht, Switzerland
Silke Wieprecht, Germany
Farhad Yazdandoost, Iran
Yves Zech, Belgium


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Andreas Dittrich, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, Chair
Jose Rodrguez, The University of Newcastle, Australia, Vice Chair
Mustafa Altnakar, The University of Mississippi, USA, Past Chair
Andr Paquier, Irstea, France, Member
Sandra Soares-Frazo, Universit Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Member
Subhasish Dey, Indian Institute of Technology, India, Member
Angelo Leopardi, Universit Degli Studi Di Cassino E Del Lazio Meridionale, Italy, Member
Shaohua Marko Hsu, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, Member
Rui M.L. Ferreira, Instituto Superior Tcnico, Portugal, Co-opted Member
George Constantinescu, University of Iowa, USA, Co-opted Member
Mrio J. Franca, cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Co-opted Member


Anton J. Schleiss, EPFL, Conference Chairman
Giovanni De Cesare, EPFL, Co-Chairman
Mrio J. Franca, EPFL, Co-Chairman
Michael Pfister, EPFL, Co-Chairman
Scarlett Monnin, EPFL, Secretary
Gesualdo Casciana, EPFL, Secretary

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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

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Reservoir sedimentation

Tourtemagne reservoir (VS), Switzerland.

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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Sustainable water supply, climate change and reservoir

sedimentation management: Technical and economic viability
G.W. Annandale
Golder Associates Inc., Denver, Colorado, USA

ABSTRACT: The paper considers the effects of climate change and reservoir sedimentation on water supply reliability and sustainability. From a global fresh water supply perspective it is argued that river water has the greatest potential for sustainable development. The
known fact that reservoir storage is required to reliably supply water from rivers leads to
the conclusion that provision of such space will become even more important in the future
due to the uncertainties of increased hydrologic variability associated with climate change.
The limited availability of dam sites emphasizes the need to indefinitely maintain reservoir
storage space for use by future generations, thereby ensuring sustainable development. The
current undesirable situation that is characterized by more reservoir storage space being lost
to sedimentation than is added through construction of new facilities points to the importance of implementing reservoir sedimentation management techniques. Historically, its
implementation has been hampered by an incorrect perception that reservoir sedimentation
management is not economically viable. To transform this view it is necessary to acknowledge
the dual nature of reservoir storage, i.e., it can be either renewable or exhaustible depending
on design and operating decisions. Correct characterization of reservoir storage space and
implementation of principles of the economics of exhaustible resources quantifies the value
to reservoir sedimentation management, previously ignored. Sustainable and reliable supply
of fresh water in the future demands changes in engineering and operating paradigms and
changes in the ways dams and their reservoirs are economically evaluated.


Global fresh water supply is in crisis, due to increasing world population, non-sustainable
development and use of water resources and the imminent threat associated with climate
change. This paper provides a high-level review of the potential sustainability of abundantly
available fresh water sources and identifies the preferred source for future development, i.e.,
river water. It confirms the need for storage to reliably supply fresh water from rivers and
clearly demonstrates that the need for large reservoir storage spaces will increase in the future
to reliably supply fresh water from rivers under climate change scenarios. The limited availability of suitable dam sites to develop the required reservoir storage space and the threat
of reservoir sedimentation, which reduces available reservoir storage space, emphasizes
the importance of sustainable development. With reservoir sedimentation being the single
greatest threat to losing reservoir storage space, the importance of reservoir sedimentation
management is emphasized. Indefinitely preserving reservoir storage space for use by future
generations is of critical importance. Viable reservoir sedimentation management techniques
exist, but their implementation has been hampered in the past due to the incorrect perception
that such management approaches are not economically viable. This notion originates from
standard discounting procedures used in economic analysis, which merely represents current
cultural values but is not in compliance with the principles of sustainable development, i.e.,
a desire for fairness between current and future generationsa concept known as creation
of intergenerational equity. By highlighting the dual nature of reservoir storage space it is

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argued that correct use of the principle of the economics of exhaustible resources results
in decisions favoring the use of reservoir sedimentation management technology to ensure
sustainable development of water resource infrastructure.


The two principal and most abundantly available sources of fresh water are groundwater
and river water. Identification of the source with the greatest potential for sustainable development requires consideration of principles proposed by Herman Daly, an economist who
participated in the development of sustainable development policy guidelines for the World
Bank. He proposed for sustainable development to occur that a) renewable resources should
be used at a rate that is smaller than their rate of regeneration, b) exhaustible resources
should be used at a rate that is smaller than the rate of development of renewable substitutes,
and that c) pollution should not exceed the rate by which the environment can assimilate it.
Due to the hydrologic cycle both groundwater and surface water may be viewed as renewable
and both have the potential for sustainable development if the rate of usage does not exceed
the rate of replenishment. Globally, it has been found that groundwater is not sustainably developed nor used. Gleeson et al. (2012) found that 3.5 times more groundwater is globally used
than what is replenished. Konikow (2011) sets average groundwater depletion since 1900 at
about 4,500 km3, which equals the net storage space of all large reservoirs on earth. This nonsustainable use of groundwater is attributed to the large difference between global replenishment rates of groundwater (about 1,400 years) (Shiklomanov & Rodda 2003) and daily usage
rates. In contrast Shiklomanov & Rodda (2003) estimates the global replenishment rate of river
water at about 16 to 18 days, which is much closer to the daily rate of abstraction of water. This
indicates that river water has a much greater potential for sustainable development.


By selecting river water as the preferred source for sustainable development of water supply systems the indispensable need for storage to reliably supply fresh water is acknowledged. Storage
is required to smooth out seasonal variations in river flow, which in some places may also vary
significantly from year to year. Regions with high inter-annual hydrologic variability require

Figure 1. Relationship between yield, annual coefficient of variation of river flow (standard
deviation divided by the mean) and reservoir storage volume (expressed in terms of mean annual
flowMAF) for 99% reliability of supply. Bold line separates run-of-river and multiple-year storage
states (Annandale 2013).

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large reservoir storage volumes to enable reliable supply of water during multiple-year droughts.
Figure 1, based on the Gould-Dincer approach (McMahon et al. 2007) distinguishes between
run-of-river and storage requirements, dependent on inter-annual hydrologic variability.


Global increases in hydrologic variability due to climate change (i.e., more intense and
longer droughts, and greater floods) will have the greatest impact on water supply reliability.
Although it is uncertain by how much hydrologic variability will increase, an impression of
its impacts can be found by delineating how regions currently experiencing multiple-year
droughts might expand. Figure 2(a) approximates regions of the world currently experiencing
on a regular basis multiple-year droughts (two years or longer). Figure 2(b) is an estimate of
how the area of such regions might expand if global hydrologic variability would increase by
25% (Annandale 2013). The figure implies that regions of the world currently using run-ofriver projects or small reservoirs to reliably supply water will require much larger storage reservoirs in the future. For example, using the Gould-Dincer approach (McMahon et al. 2007),
Figure 3 shows that if the annual coefficient of variation of riverflow increases from 0.4 to
0.5, then the yield will decrease from 60% of the Mean Annual Flow (MAF) to about 35%
MAF for a reservoir with a volume equaling 0.25 MAF. In contrast, when using a reservoir
with a volume equaling one times the MAF, the yield will decrease from 90% to about 85%
of the MAF. Yield is therefore much less sensitive to increased hydrologic variability when

Figure 2. (a) Estimated delineation of regions experiencing multiple-year droughts on a regular basis.
(b) Estimated expansion of regions that will experience multiple-year droughts for an assumed global
increase in hydrologic variability equaling 25% (Annandale 2013).

Figure 3. Sensitivity of yield to increased hydrologic variability from reservoirs with volumes equaling
0.25 and 1.00 times the MAF (99% reliability).

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using large storage spaces than smaller ones. Large reservoir volumes therefore characterizes
robust infrastructure, resistant to the effects of climate change.


Sustainable development as defined by the Brundtland Commission (United Nations 1987)

requires fairness between generations, i.e., creation of intergenerational equity. To create
intergenerational equity in an era of climate change will necessitate having available enough
reservoir storage for use by future generations. Not having enough storage will prevent future
generations from reliably supplying fresh water from rivers.
Current trends in net reservoir storage space indicate that enough storage may not be available in the future. The combined effects of a reduced global rate of dam construction since
about the 1980s and storage loss to reservoir sedimentation resulted in a global net decrease
in reservoir storage (Fig. 4). The only way to reverse this undesirable trend is to construct
more reservoirs and to implement reservoir sedimentation management approaches that will
indefinitely preserve reservoir storage space. The limited availability of suitable dam sites for
construction of reservoirs emphasizes the importance of implementing reservoir sedimentation management technology in both existing and future projects.


Multiple reservoir sedimentation management techniques exist and their technical viability
have been proven (Morris & Fan 1997; Sumi 2003; Palmieri et al. 2003; Annandale 2011).
Techniques may be categorized into groups representing catchment management, prevention
of sediment deposition and removal of deposited sediment. Each of these categories contains
a number of techniques, as summarized in Figure 5. Catchment management aims are reducing sediment yield, i.e., the amount of sediment that may flow into a reservoir. Techniques
that may be used to accomplish this goal include reforestation (revegetation of catchments),
construction of check dams, contour farming and warping. Prevention of sediment deposition in reservoirs can be accomplished through bypassing sediment around a reservoir (using
tunnels, river modification, sediment exclusion and off-channel storage) and by sluicing and

Figure 4. Trends in net global total and per capita net reservoir storage (developed from White 2001
and assuming 1% annual loss to sedimentation).

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Figure 5.

Three categories of reservoir sedimentation management techniques.

density current venting. Various techniques can be used to remove sediment that has already
deposited in reservoirs. These include drawdown flushing, pressure flushing, dredging, dry
excavation and hydrosuction. Selecting the right technique is project specific, a topic that is
beyond the scope of this paper.


A question requiring addressing is why reservoirs continue to lose storage space due
to sedimentation in spite of the fact that multiple techniques are available to either prevent
sedimentation or, at least, minimize the magnitude of storage loss. Part of the reason for this
undesirable state of affairs can be found in a common design paradigm and belief that little
can be done to prevent reservoir sedimentation. This attitude results in dam designs that are
not amenable to reservoir sedimentation management.
Another reason is that the economic analysis techniques that are used to assess the economic value of dams and reservoirs do not promote sustainable development. Conventional
discounting techniques merely reflect existing cultural values that place greater importance
on the present than on the future, a position that is in conflict with the tenets of sustainable
To address this issue it is necessary to revert to the sustainable development principles
proposed by Daly, and firstly determine whether reservoir storage space is an exhaustible or a
renewable resource. As already indicated, the limited number of suitable dam sites available for
construction of reservoir storage implies that reservoir storage space may be an exhaustible
resource. However, closer examination shows that this is not strictly true. Reservoir storage
space potentially has a dual character; it can be either exhaustible or renewable depending on
design and operating decisions.
If a dam designer or operator accepts that storage loss due to sedimentation is inevitable
and makes no attempt to develop sustainable designs or implement operating procedures that
will either prevent or minimize storage loss to sedimentation, then the reservoir storage space
is deliberately and consciously classified as an exhaustible resource. On the other hand, if a
dam designer prepares designs facilitating reservoir sedimentation management and an operator implements management strategies that either prevent or minimize the effects of reservoir sedimentation, then the reservoir storage space is classified as a renewable resource.
These deliberate design and operating decisions, classifying a reservoir as either exhaustible or
renewable, have significant implications for the economic analysis of dams and their reservoirs,
thereby determining whether reservoir sedimentation management is economically viable.

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Conventional approaches to assess the economic value of a project entail quantifying its
net present value. This is accomplished by making use of discounting techniques. The net
present value of a project is determined by subtracting discounted future costs from discounted future benefits. If the net present value thus determined is positive, a project may be
viewed as economically viable.
By critically examining this approach it can be concluded that discounting in economic
analysis merely represents current cultural attitudes that value the present more than the future.
This can be seen in Figure 6, which shows the change in the present value of $1,000 over time,
discounted at 6%. The fact that the present value of this amount of money rapidly decreases
over time shows that greater value is placed on receiving benefits earlier rather than later.
Therefore, the economic value of a project can be increased by scheduling benefits to occur as
soon as possible in a project timeline and expenses as far into the future as possible.
The cost to future generations of losing a natural resource (i.e., the loss of reservoir storage
space to sedimentation) is never accounted for in the economic analysis of dam and reservoir
projects. The standard reasoning is that the present value of such a loss, which may occur
70 or 100 years from now, is insignificant. Such reasoning is not in line with the concept
of sustainable development, i.e., it does not create intergenerational equity (United Nations
1987). Forcing future generations to bear the cost of discarded natural resources for the benefit
of current generations is not in line with the desire to establish fairness between generations.
The fact that reservoir storage space has a dual character and the fact that its characterization
as either a renewable or exhaustible resource depends on deliberate decisions by dam designers
and operators invalidates the reasoning common to standard economic analysis.
A deliberate decision by dam designers and operators to accept storage loss to reservoir
sedimentation as inevitable, thereby consciously classifying the reservoir storage space as an
exhaustible resource, demands implementation of the Hotelling Principle (Hotelling 1931).
This fundamental principle of the economics of exhaustible resources (Solow 1974) indicates that the price of an exhaustible resource increases with the discount rate, which has
significant implications to the economic analysis of dam and reservoir projects. If the price
of an exhaustible resource increases with the discount rate, then the present value of that
resource remains constant (Gopalakrishnan 2000). Figure 6 compares the present value of
an exhaustible resource using the Hotelling Principle to the present value determined using
conventional discounting. The present value of $1,000 using the Hotelling Principle remains
$1,000 regardless of time.

Figure 6. The present value of $1,000 using conventional discounting techniques (for a discount rate
of 6%) and using the Hotelling Principle.

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Figure 7. The value of reservoir storage space in economic analysis, based on the current paradigm
and an estimate of its actual value.

Deliberate decisions by designers and operators to classify reservoir storage space as an

exhaustible resource, while in fact it can be developed and managed as a renewable resource,
demands recognizing in economic analysis of the cost of losing the resource to sedimentation.
A simplified approach to determining its value may be to multiply the present value of indefinite use of a reservoir (assuming no storage loss to sedimentation) with an economic multiplier of dams and reservoirs. By using the range of economic multipliers found by Bhatia
et al. (2008) for dams and reservoirs, i.e., between 1.40 and 2.40, it can be shown that the
value of reservoir storage space may range between 25 and 40 times the annual net benefit
(Annandale 2013) (Fig. 7). An important implication when recognizing the value of reservoir storage space in economic analysis and concurrently invoking the use of the Hotelling
Principle is that the cost of reservoir sedimentation management is offset by maintaining the
value of the reservoir. This is not the case in conventional economic analysis, where the cost
of reservoir sedimentation management is deemed as resulting in no value, due to the fact
that the loss of reservoir storage space is deemed of no consequence.


Review of the most abundantly available fresh water sources on earth, i.e., groundwater and
river water, concludes that groundwater is non-sustainably used and that river water has the
greatest potential for sustainable development. The use of rivers as the preferred fresh water
supply source requires storage to reliably supply water. This need for storage will increase
in the future due to the expected increase in hydrologic variability resulting from the effects
of climate change. Investigation of the relationship between yield, reservoir storage volume
and hydrologic variability reveals that robust infrastructure is defined as hydrologically large
reservoir volumes. The yield from reservoirs with large volumes is less sensitive to the effects
of climate change than that from reservoirs with small volumes. Therefore, to maintain the
reliability of water supply in spite of the anticipated effects of climate change it is necessary
to have available as much reservoir storage as possible.
Historic trends in global net reservoir storage reveal a negative drift, i.e., currently more
storage space is lost to reservoir sedimentation than what is added through the construction
of new facilities. This negative trend does not bode well for the future. The reduced rate of
dam construction since about the 1980s and continued storage loss to reservoir sedimentation will result in a reduction in the reliability of water supply. The remedy is two-fold.
Firstly, it is necessary to construct more dams to create reservoir storage space. Secondly,

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it is necessary to implement management strategies to either eliminate or reduce the rate of

storage loss to sedimentation. Implementation of such techniques is required at both existing
and future facilities. Future facilities should be designed to facilitate reservoir sedimentation
management, while existing facilities should be retrofitted to accomplish the same.
To achieve these goals it is necessary to change current engineering design and economic
analysis paradigms. Accepting as unavoidable storage loss to reservoir sedimentation results
in a conscious decision by the designer and operator to classify reservoir storage space as an
exhaustible resource. This is unnecessary. Reservoir storage space has a dual character. By
making decisions to manage reservoir sedimentation and thereby either eliminating storage
loss or drastically reducing the rate of storage loss, the same reservoir may be classified as a
renewable resource. Therefore, if a designer or operator deliberately decides to accept storage
loss to reservoir sedimentation as inevitable it is necessary to modify the economic analysis
approach. This is done by recognizing the value of reservoir storage space and accounting
for its loss to reservoir sedimentation by making use of the Hotelling Principle, i.e., the fundamental principle of the economics of exhaustible resources. Implementation of this principle allows quantification of the value of reservoir sedimentation management. Managing
reservoir storage space as a renewable resource is of critical importance to create intergenerational equity, thereby accomplishing the goals of sustainable development and addressing the
uncertainties associated with climate change. Designing and operating reservoirs following
a life-cycle management approach aimed at indefinitely preserving reservoir storage space is
significant for the continued survival of man.

Annandale, G. 2013. Quenching the ThirstSustainable Water Supply and Climate Change, CreateSpace,
Charleston, SC.
Annandale, G.W. 2011. Going Full Circle, International Water Power and Dam Construction, April, pp.
Annandale, G.W. 1986. Reservoir Sedimentation, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.
Basson, G.R. & A. Rooseboom. 1999. Dealing with Reservoir Sedimentation, Water Research
Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.
Bates, B.C. et al. Eds. 2008.Climate Change and Water. Technical Paper of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, IPCC Secretariat, Geneva, 210 pp.
Bhatia, R. et al. 2008. Indirect Economic Impacts of Dams: Case Studies from India, Egypt and Brazil,
The World Bank, Washington D.C.
Gleeson, T. et al. 2012. Water balance of global aquifers revealed by groundwater footprint, Nature, Vol.
488, August 9, pp. 197200.
Gopalakrishnan, C. (Ed). 2000. Classic Papers in Natural Resource Economics, MacMillan Press Ltd,
Hotelling, H.M. 1931. The Economics of Exhaustible Resources, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 39,
pp. 13775.
Konikow, L.F. 2011. Contribution of global groundwater depletion since 1900 to sea-level rise,
Geophysical Research Letter, Vol. 38, L1749, doi:10.1029/2011 GL048604.
McMahon, T.A. et al. 2007. Review of Gould-Dincer Reservoir Storage-Yield-Reliability Estimates,
Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 30, pp. 18731882.
Morris, G.M. & 1997. Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Palmieri, A. et al. 2003. Reservoir Conservation: The RESCON Approach, World Bank, Washington D.C.
Shiklomanov, I.A. & Rodda, J.C. 2003. World Water Resources at the Beginning of the 21st Century,
International Hydrology Series, Cambridge University Press.
Solow, R.M. 1974. The Economics of Resources or the Resources of Economics, American Economic
Review, Vol. 64, pp. 115.
Sumi, T. 2003. Approaches to Reservoir Sedimentation Management in Japan, Reservoir Sedimentation
Management Symposium, Third World Water Forum, Kyoto, Japan.
United Nations. 1987. Our Common Future, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development Chapter 1: A Threatened Future, Paragraph 49, Report Number A/42/427, New York.
White, R., 2001. Evacuation of sediments from reservoirs, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, United
Kingdom, 280 pp.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Three-dimensional numerical modeling of flow field in rectangular

shallow reservoirs
T. Esmaeili & T. Sumi
Department of Urban Management, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

S.A. Kantoush
Department of Civil Engineering, German University in Cairo (GUC), Cairo, Egypt

A.J. Schleiss
Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (LCH), Lausanne,

S. Haun
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway

ABSTRACT: Flow field in shallow waters, which is characterized by its complex mixing process and inherent dynamic nature, is interesting mainly due to its practical importance (e. g. in free
flushing operation and sedimentation in large reservoirs). 3D numerical models make it possible
to track two-dimensional large turbulence coherent structures, which are the dominant phenomenon in shallow reservoirs flow field. In the present study a fully three-dimensional numerical model SSIIM that employs the Finite Volume Approach (FVM) was utilized to reproduce
the 3D flow field. Various shallow reservoir geometries with fixed and deformed equilibrium
bed were considered. The measurements by Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry techniques
(LSPIV) and Ultrasonic Doppler Velocity Profiler (UVP) over the flow depth were used for
model validation. Outcomes revealed reasonable agreement between the simulated and measured flow velocity field even when an asymmetric flow pattern exists in the reservoir.


Shallow waters are defined as a flow field in which the vertical dimension of fluid domain is significantly smaller than its horizontal dimensions (Yuce & Chen 2003). Wide rivers, lakes, coastal
lagoons, estuaries as well as large reservoirs are the examples of shallow waters in the real life. Flow
pattern in wide and shallow reservoirs with sudden expansion of inlet section may become unstable,
which produces large-scale transverse motions and recirculation zones due to the transverse disturbance because of the high sensitivity of flow pattern to the initial and boundary condition (Dewals
et al. 2008). This type of flows is prominent in the nature and also emerges in various engineering
applications including sudden expansions (Shapira et al. 1990), compound channels (Ghidaoui &
Kolyshkin 1999 and Chu et al. 1991), storage chambers (Adamson et al. 2003), settling tanks (Frey
et al. 1993) as well as shallow reservoirs sedimentation (Kantoush et al. 2008a & 2010).
When large-scale transverse motions and turbulent coherent structures emerge in shallow
reservoirs, the sediment transportation pattern would be seriously affected by the flow velocity field. Subsequently, measurement of 2D surface velocity and vertical velocity components
with high spatial resolution is essential to predict the favorable sedimentation zone. Such kind
of knowledge leads to more efficient sediment management strategies in reservoirs. Also,
assessment of the flow field is necessary to characterize the domain of main jet flow, reverse
flow and eddies within a shallow reservoir.

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Kantoush (2007) presented a comprehensive review of experimental tests in shallow reservoirs with transverse flow motions in symmetric channel expansions. The observations
revealed that asymmetric flow pattern can be developed under a certain geometric and
hydraulic condition even if the symmetric geometry and hydraulic condition is employed.
Same outcome has been obtained by Adamson et al. (2003) and Stovin & Saul (1996) regarding the storage tank sedimentation and storage chambers, respectively. However, most of the
studies in the literature considered the sudden plane expansions of an infinite length and
studies focusing on various geometric and hydraulic parameters are very limited.
Mizushima & Shiotani (2001) used numerical model for studying the flow instabilities in
symmetric channels with sudden expanded section. Dewals et al. (2008) and Dufresne et al.
(2011) used 2D numerical models to investigate the flow pattern distribution in shallow reservoirs. Nonetheless, the one and two dimensional models are not able to directly simulate
the secondary current influences in complex 3D flows, especially on deformed beds, since the
complexity of flow pattern is further magnified.
In the present study, four different reservoir geometries with different length-to-width
(Aspect ratio that is called AR hereafter) and reservoir width to inlet channel width (Expansion ratio that is called ER hereafter) were considered for numerical simulation. The fixed
bed and also equilibrium bed after free-flow flushing were used as the initial bed condition as
well. Numerical results were compared with the experimental measurements of surface velocity for all cases as well as 3D velocity component for one case and a satisfactory agreement
was found between the predicted and observed flow pattern. Furthermore, the numerical
model could reproduce the steady asymmetric flow pattern when a perturbation quantifier
was introduced.



Experimental setup and conditions

The experimental tests were carried out at the Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions of
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in a rectangular reservoir with the maximum
inner length (L) of 6 m and width (B) of 4 m. Also, the inlet and outlet rectangular channel
width (b) and length (l) were 0.25 m and 1 m respectively. Both channels were installed at the
center of upstream and downstream side wall of the reservoir. The different shallow reservoir
geometry achieved experimentally by moving the PVC plate walls. The reservoir depth is
0.3 m and the both side walls and bottom is hydraulically smooth and flat. The water level
in the reservoir was controlled by a 0.25 m width and 0.3 m height flap gate set up at the end
of outlet channel. A moveable frame with 4 m length was mounted on the side walls of the
reservoir for installing the measurement devices. Table 1 shows geometrical attributes of four
geometries employed in the present study. As for the geometrical parameters, ER = B/b shows
the influence of change in the reservoir width while AR = L/B is appropriate for describing
the effect of variations in the reservoir length (Dewals et al. 2008).
Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry technique (LSPIV) was used for measuring the
surface velocity field. Ultra Sonic Velocity Profiler device (UVP) was employed for providing the 3D flow velocity measurements as well. Also, within the frame work of experimental
study, sedimentation and sediment flushing from the shallow reservoirs were investigated
(Kantoush et al. 2008b). Non-uniform crushed walnut shells were used. The median size
of this non-cohesive light-weight and homogenous grain material was 50 m with g of 2.4
and a density of 1500 kg/m3. The flow discharge rate (Q) and water depth (h) were constant
for all experiments as 0.007 m3/s and 0.2 m respectively except for the cases with deformed
equilibrium bed. Thus, in all tested configurations with fixed bed, the measured Froude and
Reynolds number at the inlet channel were kept constant as Fr = 0.1 and Re = 1.75 104. In
case of measurements of flow field on deformed bed after flushing the water level and discharge were 0.1 m and 0.007 m3/s respectively.
Figure 1 illustrates the observed flow streamlines for case T8 and T13. As can be observed,
the issuing flow jet deviated to the right hand side which forms asymmetric flow pattern in

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Table 1.

Experimental configuration and corresponding geometrical parameters.















* Pr is the wetted perimeter.

** A is the total reservoir area and SF is the shape factor which defined as (A/Pr2) ER.

Figure 1.

Observed streamlines of the surface flow field for a) case T8 and b) case T13.

case T8. The main eddy rotating anticlockwise in the center part of the reservoir and two
others rotate clockwise in the upstream corners. Also, symmetric flow pattern with one main
jet trajectory in the centerline and two side eddies has been developed for case T13. Kantoush
(2007) concluded that the deviation to the right hand side is due to the random disturbance
of the initial boundary condition and a mirror situation would be easily established by disturbing the initial condition slightly. The flow deviation to one side of the reservoir corresponds to the increase of flow velocity in one side of the jet and consequent reduction of
the pressure. This process will lead to flow deviation to one side of the reservoir and called
Coanda effect (Chiang et al. 2000).

Numerical model & features

Fully 3D numerical model SSIIM was employed in this study. The numerical model solves
the mass conservation and Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equation in three dimensions
(Equation 1 and 2) to compute the water motion for turbulent flow as follows.
U i
U i U j
U i
U i 1
P ij + T
+U j
x j xi

x j x
x j



in which i = 1, 2, 3 is the representative of three directions; where Ui is the averaged velocity,

x is the spatial geometrical scale, is the water density, P is the Reynolds-averaged pressure,
ij is the Kronecker delta and T is the turbulent eddy-viscosity. For transforming the partial
equations into algebraic equations, the finite volume method is applied as discretization
method, together with the second order upwind scheme.

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The change in water-levels was based on calculated pressure field. The pressure was extrapolated to the water surface and the pressure difference between a surface node and the downstream node was used to estimate the water elevation difference (Olsen 2013). The turbulence
is modeled by the standard k- model, using constant empirical values (Launder & Spalding
1972). The unknown pressure field is calculated employing Semi Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations, (SIMPLE) method (Patankar 1980). The grid is adaptive and moves
with change in the bed and water levels.
The Dirichlet boundary condition for the water inflow (logarithmic velocity distribution)
was used while for the water and sediment outflow zero-gradient boundary condition was
specified. For the boundary condition at the walls, where there is no water flux, the empirical
wall laws introduced by Equation 3 were used:
U 1 30 y
= lln

u* ks


where the shear velocity is denoted u*, is the Karman constant equal to 0.4, y is the distance
to the wall and ks is the equivalent roughness.
The sediment transport computation for simulating the morphological change is divided
into suspended and bed load transport. Suspended load is calculated by solving the transient
convection-diffusion equation formula and the bed load is simulated by Van Rijn formula
(Van Rijn 1984a). In order to compute the suspended sediment concentration in the cells
close to the bed, a specified concentration was used as boundary condition (Van Rijn 1984b).
Also, the turbulent diffusivity is calculated by Equation 4.
T =



where Sc is the Schmidt number representing the ratio of eddy viscosity coefficient T to diffusion coefficient and is set to 1.0 as the default value in SSIIM model (Olsen 2013).
Based on the experimental measurements computational mesh for all reservoir geometries
were made. The mesh cell size for case T8, T9, T11 and T13 in X and Y direction was
5 cm 1.5 cm, 5 cm 2.5 cm, 5 cm 2 cm and 2.5 cm 1 cm respectively. Considering the
11 cells for vertical grid distribution, the total number of cells over the main reservoir geometry were 174460, 52800, 220000 and 528000 respectively.



Model calibration

As for the real cases in prototype scale, flow field modeling will provide us useful information about the areas with the potential erosion and deposition (sedimentation) during the
anticipated floods. The more accurate the prediction of sedimentation zone, the higher is the
efficiency of sediment management strategies.
In the numerical simulation, the time step was calibrated as 2 seconds for run T8 and T9
whereas it was 0.5 second for T11 and T13. In case of flow field modeling on the equilibrium
deformed bed, the bed roughness was fixed as 0.00015 m which equals to 3 times the median
sediment size.

Flow field modeling on fixed beds

Simulations have been conducted by employing the geometry and inflow/outflow condition of
the experimental model. The k- turbulence model was utilized and numerical runs were performed until a steady-state flow condition is obtained. Simulations revealed that the model was
not able to reproduce an asymmetric flow pattern when the geometry configuration and hydraulic boundary condition are perfectly symmetric. This is because of the implemented mathematical algorithms that were not aimed to reproduce such kind of artificial numerical outputs.

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Due to the fact that symmetric flow pattern was not observed in the experiments for special
geometries, Dewals et al. (2008) introduced a slight disturbance in the initial boundary condition for 2D numerical simulations. They employed non-uniform cross-sectional discharge in
the inlet boundary to test the stability of the numerical model outputs. In the present study,
the same concept of slight disturbance in the inlet boundary condition was implemented
for all runs and non-uniform cross-sectional velocity distribution was utilized in the inflow
boundary condition. Therefore, the initial velocity magnitude differ 2.5% in one side of the
inlet channel comparing to the other side. Such kind of disturbance is inevitable in the experimental set up. Nonetheless, very small perturbation of the inflow condition will impose significant effect on the flow field of case T8 and T9 in the numerical model. The reason can be
attributed to the unstable nature of symmetric flow in such geometries which pronounces the
high sensitivity of the flow pattern to the inflow boundary condition.
Figure 2 shows the simulated and measured surface velocity magnitudes (V) in m/s and flow
distribution pattern. As can be clearly seen from Figure 2, asymmetric flow pattern has developed in case T8 and T9 whereas symmetric flow pattern is observed for case T11 and T13.

Figure 2. Left: The measured surface velocity field for runs (a1) T8, (b1) T9, (c1) T11 and (d1) T13
respectively and right: corresponding simulated velocity field.


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Figure 3. The measured streamwise and transversal surface velocity at the middle cross section of the
reservoirs versus simulated surface velocity for (a) T8, (b) T9, (c) T11 and (d) T13.

The model could simulate the surface flow velocity pattern almost similar to the measured
one by reproducing the dominant aspects such as the main flow jet trajectory and location
of the reverse flow as well as the main vortices and corner gyres. Nevertheless, numerical
model outcomes show the straighter and longer reverse flow trajectory than observations
for all cases. Consequently, size of the upstream corner gyres in the numerical outputs is
smaller than in the experimental measurements. This situation is predominant for case T11
(Figure 2c1 and 2c2).
Figure 3 illustrates the simulated streamwise and transversal surface velocity distribution
versus the measured one in the middle cross-section of the reservoirs. Although the numerical
model results are globally consistent with the measurements, there is a discrepancy for transversal surface velocity of case T11. The reason could be the concentrated flow pattern and
lower diffusion of the main jet as well as the reverse flow in the numerical model outcomes.
The vertical distribution of flow velocity field is important for analyzing the sediment
transport in reservoirs. Thus, the numerically simulated 3D flow velocity field was compared
with the measured 3D velocity components provided by the UVP. A set of tree UVP probes
which were inclined at 20 to the vertical axis, allowed measuring the 3D flow field. The first
valid UVP measurements were located at 12.5 cm away from the side walls and 2.5 cm from
the free water surface (Kantoush, 2008b). Figure 4a and 4b demonstrates the longitudinal
velocity distribution over the flow depth, at upstream, middle, and downstream area of case
T9. It can be seen that the higher longitudinal velocity has been deflected towards the right
bank side and the reverse flow is reproduced beside the left bank side. Such kind of change
in the flow direction across the reservoir is also qualitatively consistent with the experimental
Velocity distribution in longitudinal, lateral and vertical directions (U, V, W respectively)
at x = 5.5 m and y = 0.375 m from the right bank of the case T9 has been demonstrated in
Figure 4c in order to quantitative assessment of the numerical model outputs. As for the
longitudinal velocity, the numerical model overestimates the magnitudes compared with the
experimental measurements while the lateral velocity was underestimated. This condition
was also found for other locations over the reservoir depth. Furthermore, the vertical velocity

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Figure 4. a) The UVP measurements of the longitudinal velocity over the flow depth at x = 1.5 m,
3.5 m and 5.2 m; b) the corresponding simulated velocity; c) measured and simulated velocity profiles in
three dimensions: longitudinal (U), lateral (V), Vertical (W) at x = 5.5 m and y = 0.375 m position.

Figure 5.

The final equilibrium deformed bed after flushing for case T8.

Figure 6.

Surface velocity field with vectors after flushing for case T8; a) measured and b) simulated.

over the flow depth remains fixed in the numerical outputs whereas there was a slight change
in the measurements. However, magnitudes of the vertical velocity were very small compare
to the longitudinal and lateral velocities.

Flow field modeling on equilibrium deformed bed

The final bed morphology, which was obtained after the sediment flushing, was introduced
to the model as the boundary condition and then three-dimensional flow field was calculated.
Such kind of flow field simulation is more complex than flow field on fixed beds due to the
shallower flow condition with higher velocity components on the existing friction of varying
bed forms.
Figure 5 reveals the final deformed bed after sediment flushing in case T8. The figure
shows that the flushing channel has shifted to the left side of the reservoir. Figure 6a and 6b
also show the measured surface velocity after flushing by LSPIV technique and simulated
one respectively. As can be clearly observed, the model reproduced the surface velocity pattern very similar to the observed one. Likewise the surface velocity pattern on fixed beds, the

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Figure 7. a) Lateral velocity distribution over the depth at x = 3 m for T8 and b) comparison of surface
velocity components from the LSPIV measurements and simulations.

reverse flow trajectory is longer, straighter and also the reattachment length is smaller than
the observations. However, slight disturbance in the boundary condition was not considered
in the model for the current case.
Figure 7a clearly illustrates the lateral flow velocity (V) contours over the depth along with
the secondary flow velocity vectors for case T8 at the middle cross-section. The streamwise
and transversal simulated velocities were also plotted against the measured one in Figure 7b
and good agreement was found.


In the present study, numerical model SSIIM was utilized for reproducing the 3D velocity
field in rectangular shallow reservoirs with different geometries on fixed and deformed bed as
well. Measured surface velocity utilizing the LSPIV technique was used for model validation.
In addition, 3D velocity components over the flow depth provided by UVP compared to the
numerical results. The following outcomes have been obtained from the present work:
1. Many hydrodynamic aspects such as jet trajectory, recirculation zones, eddies and the
flow distribution pattern, in different shallow reservoir geometries were represented by the
numerical model. The numerical model also reproduced both symmetric and asymmetric
flow pattern in symmetric geometry setup, similar to the observations, by introducing a
perturbation in the inflow boundary. The numerical outcomes were in good agreement
with the experimental observations. However, there was some discrepancy for reproducing
the upstream vortex dimension due to the longer concentrated flow and reverse flow jet
pattern with lower flow diffusion in the numerical outcomes.
2. The numerical model could successfully show the effect of geometry on the flow pattern.
More specifically, the numerical model showed that the flow pattern in geometries with
higher SF (T11 and T13) is insensitive to the small disturbance in the inflow condition and
the numerical model converged to the steady symmetric flow pattern. On the contrary,
calculated flow pattern in geometries with lower SF (T8 and T9) converged to the steady
asymmetric flow pattern due to the slight disturbance in the inflow boundary condition.
3. From the practical point of view, 3D numerical models can be used for reproducing the
symmetric and asymmetric flow pattern under the various hydraulic and geometric conditions. Consequently, it would be possible to model the flow and sedimentation pattern
as well as the effects of diverse measures on the flow field for conducting the sedimentation in preferential zones. As to the reservoirs, the outcome can be the effective prediction
and management of flow field and sediment flushing process during drawdown operation (i.e. Dashidaira reservoir in the Kurobe River, Japan). Therefore, application of
3D numerical modeling beside the experimental studies result in more efficient sediment
management strategies in reservoirs. However, the coupled simulation of flow and sediment field interacting with the movable bed during the drawdown flushing would be a
challenging work.

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Adamson, A. Stovin, V. & Bergdahl, L. 2003. Bed shear stress boundary condition for storage tank
sedimentation. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE 129(7): 651658.
Chiang, T.P. Sheu, T.W.H. & Wang, S.K. 2000. Side wall effects on the structure of laminar flow over
plane symmetric sudden expansion. Computers & Fluids 29(5): 467492.
Chu, V.H. Wu, J-H. & Khayat, R.E. 1991. Stability of transverse shear flows in shallow open channels.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE 117(10): 13701388.
Dewals, B.J. Kantoush, S.A. Erpicum, S. Pirotton M. & Schleiss, A.J. 2008. Experimental and numerical analysis of flow instabilities in rectangular shallow basins. Environmental fluid mechanics 8(1):
Dufresne, M. Dewals, B. Erpicum, S. Archambeau, P & Pirotton M. 2011. Numerical investigation
of flow patterns in rectangular shallow reservoirs. Engineering Application of Computational Fluid
Mechanics 5(2): 247258.
Frey, P. Champagne, J.Y. Morel, R. & Gay, B. 1993. Hydrodynamics fields and solid particle transport
in a settling tank. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 31(6): 736776.
Ghidaoui, M.S. & Kolyshkin, A.A. 1999. Linear stability of lateral motions in compound open channels. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE 125(8): 871880.
Kantoush, S.A. 2007. Symmetric or asymmetric flow patterns in shallow rectangular basins with sediment transport. JFK paper competition, In International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and
Research (ed.), 32rd IAHR Congress: Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics;
Proc. intern. conf., Italy, 16 July 2007. Venice.
Kantoush, S.A. Bollaert, E. & Scleiss, A.J. 2008a. Experimental and numerical modelling of sedimentation in a rectangular shallow basin. International Journal of Sediment Research, 23(3): 212232.
Kantoush, S.A. De Cesare, G. Boillat, J.L. & Schleiss, A.J. 2008b. Flow field investigation in a rectangular shallow reservoir using UVP, LSPIV and numerical modelling. Flow Measurement & Instrumentation, 19: 139144.
Kantoush, S.A. Sumi, T. & Schleiss, A.J. 2010. Geometry effect on flow and sediment deposition pattern
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Launder, B.E. & Spalding, D.B. 1972. Lectures in mathematical models of turbulence. London: Academic press.
Mizushima, J. & Shiotani, Y. 2001. Transitions & instabilities of flow in a symmetric channel with a suddenly expanded and contracted part. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 434: 355369.
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Shapira, M. Degani, D. & Weihs, D. 1990. Stability and existence of multiple solutions for viscous flow
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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Meandering jets in shallow rectangular reservoir

Y. Peltier, S. Erpicum, P. Archambeau, M. Pirotton & B. Dewals
ArGEnCo Department, Research Group Hydraulics in Environmental and Civil Engineering (HECE),
University of Lige, Lige, Belgium

ABSTRACT: In this article, meandering flows in a shallow rectangular reservoir are

experimentally and numerically investigated. Two experiments were performed in a smooth
shallow horizontal flume and the surface velocity fields were measured by Large-Scale PIV
(LSPIV). The flow conditions were chosen in such a way that the friction regime of both
flows was different. These flows were then modelled using the academic code WOLF2D,
which solves the 2D shallow water equations and uses a depth-averaged k- model for modelling turbulence. The main characteristics of the measured and simulated flows were finally
extracted from a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) of the surface velocity fields and
depth-averaged velocity fields respectively and were compared. When the mean fluctuating
kinetic energy of the considered POD mode is greater than 1 105 m2/s2, the numerical modelling and the experiments are in good agreement whatever the friction regime of the flow.


Shallow rectangular reservoirs are common structures in the field and they are used for water
storage or sediment trapping. Their optimal exploitation strongly depends on the accurate prediction of the flow patterns that develop inside. Previous studies emphasized that,
depending on the shape factor, SF = L/B0.6b0.4 (L the reservoir length, b the width of the inlet
channel and B the width of the sudden expansion), and on the Froude number at the inlet,
F = Uin/gH (Uin the velocity at the inlet, H the mean water depth in the reservoir), different
types of flow occur (Peltier et al., 2014a):
Symmetric with a straight central jet (SF 6.2 and F < 0.21),
Asymmetric with the central jet impinging one or several times the lateral wall of the reservoir (SF 8.1).
Meandering SF 6.2 and F > 0.21.
The existence of meandering flows was recently highlighted by Camnasio et al. (2012) and
Peltier et al. (2014a). This flow is characterized by spatial and temporal periodical oscillations
of the central jet from the beginning to the end of the reservoir. The meandering of the jet
is the hallmark of the presence of large-scale vortices in the flow, which transfer momentum
from the jet towards the rest of the reservoir and induce changes in the velocity distribution,
as well as in the sediment transport, compared to a configuration without meandering jet
(Peltier et al., 2013). The wave-length of the meander is proportional to the width of the
reservoir and/or to the friction coefficient, while the lateral spreading of the jet is affected
by the shallowness of the flow, i.e. it decreases with increasing friction number, S = f B /8H
(f the Darcy-Weisbach friction coefficient) (Chu et al., 1983).
Although the physics of the symmetric and asymmetric configurations are now relatively
well understood (Mullin et al., 2003, Canbazoglu and Bozkir, 2004, Kantoush et al., 2008,
Dufresne et al., 2010, Camnasio et al., 2011) and the flow modellers have successfully demonstrated that these flow features can be reproduced using an operational numerical model,
where only the friction modelling is adjustable (Dewals et al., 2008, Dufresne et al., 2011,

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Peng et al., 2011, Camnasio et al., 2013, Khan et al., 2013), many questions remain regarding
meandering flows.
In the present article, two meandering flows are experimentally and numerically
investigated. The experimental setup is first described. Information is then given on the operational numerical model WOLF2D and the k- model we used. A Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is used for describing the transient behaviour of the jet in the description.
The POD analysis enables the comparison of spatial, temporal and energetic characteristics
of the experimental and numerical modelling. The results are finally discussed.



Experimental set-up

The experiments were performed without sediments in a flume located in the hydraulic laboratory of the research group HECE of the University of Lige (ULg), Belgium. The experimental device consists of a horizontal glass channel of 10.40 m long and 0.98 m wide, in
which movable blocks were placed to build the rectangular reservoir (Fig. 1).
For these experiments, the inlet channel was 2.00 m long and 0.08 m wide. The reservoir length
was set to 1.00 m and the width to 0.98 m. The outlet channel was 1.50 long with the same width
as the inlet channel and a tailgate ends the flume. All the surfaces were made of glass, except for
the bottom of the flume (polyvinyl chloride) and the converging section (metallic sheets).
The discharge, Q, was measured with an electromagnetic flow-meter (uncertainty of
0.025 L/s). The mean water depth, H, in the reservoir was measured using an ultrasonic probe
and the uncertainty was estimated to be equal to 1% of the mean value. The flow dynamics
was video-recorded using a high-resolution camera at a rate of 25 Hz during 630 and the
surface velocity fields were calculated by LSPIV (Hauet et al., 2008, Kantoush and Schleiss,
2009). The uncertainty on the mean surface velocity was estimated to 5%.
In the present paper, x, y and z denote the longitudinal, the lateral and the vertical directions respectively of the Cartesian reference frame attached to the flume; x = 0 immediately
downstream from the inlet channel and y = 0 at the right bank of the reservoir. z = 0 at the
bottom of the reservoir.
Two discharges were used, resulting in two different mean water depths in the reservoir.
The corresponding Froude number, F, friction number, S, and Reynolds number, R = U in D /
(D the hydraulic diameter of the inlet channel and the kinematic viscosity of the water
at 20C), in the inlet channels are summarized in Table 1. The Froude numbers of both
experiments are close to 0.4 and are a direct consequence of the geometry of the reservoir

Figure 1.

Sketch and pictures of the experimental device and the simulation domain.


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Table 1.

Main characteristics of the measured flows.

Test ID

Q (L/s)

H (cm)







and of the downstream boundary condition. The friction numbers are characteristic of two
different friction regimes. Referring to the work of Chu et al. (2004), the flow-case F belongs
to the frictional regime (the turbulence scale is mainly driven by the water depth), while the
flow-case NF belong to the non-frictional regime (the turbulence scale is mainly driven by
the horizontal length-scale). The Reynolds numbers in both cases confirm that the flows are
turbulent, but they are hydro-dynamically smooth.

Numerical model: WOLF2D

The numerical modelling of the flows was performed using the flow model WOLF2D developed at the University of Liege (Dewals et al., 2008). It is an operational code used for engineering studies, as well as research applications.
The space discretization of the 2D-H shallow water equations was performed by means
of a Finite Volume scheme. The variable reconstruction at cells interfaces was linear and was
combined with a slope limiter, leading to second-order space accuracy. The convective fluxes
were computed by a Flux Vector Splitting (FVS) method developed by Erpicum et al. (2010),
which requires low computational cost, is completely Froude-independent and facilitates a
satisfactory balance with the discretization of the bottom slope term.
The time integration was performed by means of a 3-step third-order accurate RungeKutta algorithm, limiting the numerical dissipation in time that smears the dynamics of the
vortex generation in the jet. For stability reasons, the time step was constrained by a Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition based on gravity waves and set to 0.2.
The Darcy-Weisbach standard formulation was used for the friction modelling (Dufresne
et al., 2011) and the bottom roughness was set to ks = 0.1 mm (representative of the polyvinylchloride state during the experiments).
A depth-averaged k- model with two different length-scales accounting for vertical and
horizontal turbulence mixing was used (Erpicum et al., 2009). The horizontal turbulence mixing was classically modelled using the two additional transport equations k and , while the
vertical turbulence mixing was treated with an algebraic model (Fisher Model: t = 0.08Hu*,
t the turbulent eddy viscosity and u* the friction velocity).
In the simulations, the inlet channel of 2 m was reproduced in order to have an injection in
the reservoir as close as possible to the experimental configuration (Fig. 1). The experimental discharges were used as inflow conditions at the beginning of the inlet channel, but the
unit discharge was not uniformly distributed. As prescribed by Dewals et al. (2008), the unit
discharge distribution must be slightly disturbed for introducing an asymmetry in the flow,
which will generate the oscillation of the jet. The disturbance linearly varied from 1% to 1%
across the inflow cells. The water depth measured 13 cm downstream from the outlet of the
reservoir was prescribed as downstream boundary condition.
The simulation was performed in two steps. (i) a periodic regime was reached after a run
of 3000 s. (ii) The last time step of the first simulation was then used as initial and boundary
conditions for the second simulation, which was recorded during 500 s at 25 Hz in order to
be compared with experiments.

Proper orthogonal decomposition (Holmes et al., 2012)

The meandering of the jet is characterised by spatial and temporal periodical oscillations
(Fig. 2), which are the hallmarks of the contribution of different types of coherent structures

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Figure 2. Experimental instantaneous velocity fields of flow-case F. The black area around x = 0.8 m
is a blank zone in the measurements.

convected in the flow (Peltier et al., 2014a, Peltier et al., 2014b). Given the unsteady nature of
the flows, the classical parameters (velocity fields, Reynolds shear stresses) usually used for
describing the flows are not sufficient here for comparing experiments and numerical modelling. A method is needed for describing the unsteady characteristics of the flow.
Considering a collection of N snapshots of the fluctuating horizontal velocity fields,
u (xp,yp,tn) = u (x,t) (n,p N*, t=tn+1 tn=CST and x R2), which are square integrable functions (i.e. u (x,t) L2()), the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) provides
an orthonormal basis of M spatial functions m(x) of L2(), called spatial modes, and an
orthogonal basis of M temporal coefficients, am(t) (m {1, , M N} and M, N N*), such
1 N
min ( x, n ) am ( n )m ( )
m =1
N n =1



|| ||L2 being the induced norm in L2() (i.e. the root mean square of the inner product for
L ()).
The POD proceeds in three steps.

1. The temporal correlation matrix C is first calculated:


C ij = u (x p ti ) Wkk (

t j ) C RN

,W R P


p =1

W is a diagonal weighting matrix, for which the elements along the diagonal are the cell
volumes of each of the P grid points of one snapshot.
2. The temporal coefficients am(t) are secondly deduced from the resolution of the following
eigenvalue problem with the eig function of Matlab:
1 N
Cij m t j )
N j =1

(ti )


C is definite, positive and symmetric. As a consequence, the eigenvalues m are all real
with 1 2 N > 0, and the eigenvectors m(t) are orthonormal. The temporal
coefficients, am(t), are function of the eigenvectors and of the eigenvalues and they are
am (t ) = N m m (t ) with an

0 and anam

= n nnm



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3. The spatial modes are thirdly computed by projecting the fluctuating velocity ensemble
onto the temporal coefficients, i.e.:

m ( )

1 N
N m n =1

( n ) i h m


mTW m = 1


The spatial modes are orthonormal with respect to the inner product in L2, mTWm.


The POD of the experimental and numerical fluctuating velocity fields allows us to describe
unsteady flows by analysing the behaviour of the first spatial modes and temporal coefficients,
which are representative of the most energetic coherent structures. The POD was applied on
9,000 fields/snapshots of each measurement and numerical simulation of the flow-cases presented in Table 1.


By construction of the POD basis, the mth eigenvalues calculated with Equation (3) correspond
to the mean fluctuating kinetic energy per unit mass captured by the mth mode, Em, and the
sum of the N non-zero eigenvalues is equal to the mean total fluctuating kinetic energy per unit
mass, ET. The mean fluctuating kinetic energy contained in the mth modes is plotted in Figure 3
and is compared with the simulations. For both cases, the numerical model is able to capture
the energy of the first and second modes. For the frictional case F, the third and the fourth
modes are paired in the simulation while it is not the case in the experiments, but the energy
levels are still in good agreement. From the fifth modes the numerical model underestimated
the energy. For the non-frictional case NF, the level of energy from the third mode to the sixth
mode of the simulation is similar to the experiment. From the seventh the simulation fails to
reproduce the energy distribution and very quickly underestimates the energy level, which indicates that the small random structures with low energy cannot be well rendered by the model.
The computation of the total mean fluctuating kinetic energy indicates that for the
frictional case, ETnum is equal to 86% of ETexp, while for the non-frictional case ETnum is only equal
to 49% of ETexp. This indicates that the model well captured the essential structures for representing the energy in the F-case, while for the NF-case, some essential structures are missing.
This is due to the energy drop between modes 2 and 3 in the F-case compared to the NF-case.

Figure 3.

Mean fluctuating kinetic energy contained in the mth mode.


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Temporal coefficients

The temporal coefficients were calculated with Equation (4) and they are represented for
the four first modes for both flow-cases in Figure 4. For the frictional flow case, mode 1
and mode 2 of the experiment have the same patterns and are phase-shifted in time, which
indicates that both modes are related to the same structures (Rempfer and Fasel, 1994). The
numerical model well represents this behaviour. When considering the third and the fourth
modes, no pairing is observed for experiments, while a clear pairing is obtained with the
numerical model.
For the non-frictional case NF, a pairing is observed for the four first modes of the experiment and simulation. The complex patterns of the temporal coefficients are well represented
for the two first modes. For modes 3 and 4, the simulated patterns are simpler, but numerical
and experimental frequencies are close.
The numerical model cannot represent modes greater than 4 for F-case, modes greater
than 6 for NF-case. Linking the temporal coefficients with the energy indicates that modes
with an energy Em smaller than 1 105 m2/s2 cannot be well rendered by the numerical model.
These low energy modes are parasite motions due to measurement errors or high frequency
motions. They have low incidence on the main flow feature (Peltier et al., 2014b).

Spatial modes

The vorticity of the spatial modes calculated with Equation (5) were used for describing the
rotating nature of the meandering flows. Seven transversal profiles of vorticity are plotted in
Figure 5 for each flow case (experiments and simulations) and the longitudinal distribution
of the vorticity long the reservoir centreline is displayed in Figure 6.
For the frictional-case the numerical model is able to reproduce the lateral distribution
of the vorticity of the two first modes until 40 cm downstream from the reservoir inlet.
Downstream from this point, the numerical model fails at representing the distribution; some
extreme values are indeed simulated. Nevertheless, the meander oscillations along the centreline reservoir are well represented. Concerning mode 3 and mode 4, the model completely
fails at representing the spatial modes.
The numerical model captures better the physics of the non-frictional flow. Except at some
locations for the third mode, the model and the experiments are in good agreement. The computed lateral distribution of vorticity as well as the longitudinal one are in a good agreement
with the experiments.
The previous observations are consistent with the findings obtained for the temporal
coefficients. When a spatial mode corresponds to a mode with low energy, the numerical
model fails to reproduce it accurately. As the non-frictional flow is more energetic than the

Figure 4. Temporal coefficients of the fourth first modes of the POD analysis. Plain lines correspond
to experiments and dotted lines to simulations. (left figure) flow-case F. (right figure) flow-case NF.


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Figure 5. Lateral profiles of vorticity of the spatial modes; o experiments, simulations. (Top figures)
F-case. (Bottom figures) NF-case.

Figure 6. Longitudinal profile of vorticity of the fourth first spatial modes; o experiments,
simulations. (Left figure) F-case. (Right figures) NF-case.

frictional flow, and has more modes with energy greater than 1 105 m2/s2, the overall characteristics of the non-frictional flow-case are better reproduced.


The present paper investigates experimentally and numerically two meandering flows in
shallow rectangular reservoir. In the experiments, the reservoir boundary conditions were
chosen to obtain flows with different friction regimes (frictional and non-frictional, see Chu
et al. (2004)) and the flow dynamics was quantified by LSPIV. The flows were then modelled
using WOLF2D, which solves the shallow water equations and uses a depth-averaged k-
turbulence model. The numerical boundary conditions were taken as close as possible to the
A Proper Orthogonal Decomposition was performed on the measured and simulated fluctuating velocity fields for describing the main flow features. The POD indeed discriminates
the structures in the flow in terms of their relative contributions to the mean total fluctuating
kinetic energy and enables the description of unsteady flows.

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The numerical model is able to represent POD modes, which have a mean fluctuating
kinetic energy at least greater than 1 105 m2/s2, whatever the friction regime of the modelled
flow. This corresponds generally to the two to four first modes of the POD.

The research was funded by the University of Lige (grant SFRD-12/27). The authors are
grateful for the assistance provided by the research technicians during the experiments and
the fruitful discussions about the POD analysis with Prof. Vincent Denol.

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Dufresne, M., Dewals, B.J., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P. & Pirotton, M. 2010. Classification of flow
patterns in rectangular shallow reservoirs. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48, 197204.
Dufresne, M., Dewals, B.J., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P. & Pirotton, M. 2011. Numerical investigation
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Peltier, Y., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Pirotton, M. & Dewals, B. 2014a. Experimental investigation
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rectangular reservoirs: POD analysis and identification of coherent structures. Accepted in Experiments in Fluids.
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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Combination of 2D shallow water and full 3D numerical modeling

for sediment transport in reservoirs and basins
G. Wei & M. Grnzner
Flow Science Inc., Santa Fe, NM, USA

F. Semler
Flow Science Deutschland GmbH, Rottenburg am Neckar, Germany

ABSTRACT: This article is dealing with the combination of two different numerical model
typesthe 2D shallow water model and the 3D model for the simulation of sediment transport.
For the simulation of the sedimentation and erosion processes in reservoirs and basins it is a
challenge to model all in one full model. Due to the size of catchment and storage areas/volumes
of the reservoirs and the necessary high resolution near the barrier, it is in most real cases impossible to set up one full three dimensional numerical model to simulate the processes of sediment
transport. The sediment transport at reservoirs is on the one hand the deposition of the transported material from the inflow of a river and, on the other hand, the erosion process during a
sediment flushing event. If sediment transport processes should be investigated on the catchment
scale, it is necessary to simulate the erosion and deposition (transport) process in the river itself
to get the information of the sediment influx in the reservoir related to the hydrograph. This
information is necessary if, for example, a turbidity current should be directly flushed through
the reservoir during a natural flood event. State of the art is to model it in parallel. The processes
in the river, on the catchment scale, with a 2D shallow water model and the flushing at the barrage in an extra 3D model to resolve the vertical flow and erosion behavior. Sometimes a third,
higher resolved 2D model is needed to model the hydraulics in the reservoir higher resolved than
the river in the catchment area. This paper presents the advantage of the direct combination by
coupling of 2D shallow water approach for large areas and the full 3D Navier-Stokes simulation
for the volumes with vertical influence. With this method it is possible to run a full flood scenario
on catchment area scale including the barrage without the necessity of a model separation and
subsequent modeling of boundary conditions. This approach helps to get a better understanding of the sediment transport processes in reservoirs and basins.


Generally in sediment transport simulations one has to separate suspended load and bed-load
simulation on one hand and modeled dimensions (2D or 3D) on the other hand. The separation between suspended and bed-load transport is founded in the fact that the different transport behavior (entrained in the fluid or rolling and saltation on the bed) is not consistently
describable by only one model. This is the reason for the strict separation of the different transported material. Also on the model side it has been necessary to separate between the simulated
dimensions. On one side some problems, especially those on catchment area scale, are limited by
hardware resources and on the other side the vertical flow could be neglected. However, if there
is an area with significant vertical flow or non-hydrostatic pressure in a 2D model, a detached
3D model is necessary. With FLOW-3D it has been possible to run a shallow water model or
a full 3D one, furthermore a sediment investigation with suspended and bed-load material by
solving the momentum and density equation respectively a transport equation. With the new
FLOW-3D version 11 (scheduled release 2014) it is now possible to combine all elements and

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Table 1.

Designated model combinations in FLOW-3D v11.

run a coupled simulation. On a hybrid mesh, comprising of shallow water and 3D mesh blocks,
a combined (suspended and bed-load) sediment transport simulation can be run. Any possible
combination of the individual modules is possible as well as any combination of the different
mesh types. Also the multi-block logic is available which gives the possibility to nest multiple
mesh blocks into each other or to place a 3D block into a shallow water block for a higher local

Shallow water model

The shallow water model in FLOW-3D can consist, analog to the 3D model, of multiple
mesh blocks. The mesh blocks must comprise of two vertical cells. It is important to arrange
the mesh in a way, that all the geometry and all the water is mapped in the bottom cell and
the cell is not filled more than 90% (component and water). This is easy to achieve by defining the appropriate cell height of the bottom mesh layer. Another requirement is the definition of gravity in negative z-coordinate. Only the horizontal velocities in x- and y-directions
are solved. The calculation of the pressure is reduced to a hydrostatic profile. To calculate the
bottom shear stress the following approach is used.

CD | u | u


The user can choose between a constant drag coefficient CD (default is 0.0026) or a calculated one. The calculated CD is a relation of the flow depth and surface roughness. Instead of
surface roughness, the sediment describing diameter or if multiple fractions are defined, the
calculated d50, could be used for the CD calculation (FLOW-3D 2014a).

3D model

Block structured mesh blocks are used in the 3D part of the model as well. The mesh blocks
can be arranged arbitrarily. If a mesh block is placed into another mesh block for a higher
local resolution, this block is called a nested block. It is now possible to combine a 3D
mesh block with a shallow water mesh block by nesting the 3D into the shallow water one,
for a local higher and three dimensional resolution (hybrid mesh block). Figure 1 shows such
hybrid shallow water and 3D mesh block combination. Figure 2 shows, that it is possible to
model a whole reservoir dam in one 3D model.


The fractions defined as suspended material (entrained), are transported by the fluid like in
solution. The suspension movement is calculated by solving the Navier-Stokes equations.
The density of the fluid is evaluated in each grid cell taking into account the densities of the
water and of the suspended materials. In this way it is possible to model turbidity currents.
To define a sediment fraction as suspended material the bed-load coefficient must be set
to zero. Technical details are described in Wei et al. (2014) and Brethour and Burnham

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Figure 1. Example of a nested 3D mesh block located in a shallow water mesh block for a higher
resolution of the flow around the pier. The horizontal cut shows the grid lines.

Figure 2.


Example of a 3D hydraulic simulation of a dam in FLOW-3D (FLOW-3D 2014b).

Bed-load model

The implemented bed-load function is the threshold approach of Meyer-Peter and Mller
(1949) and is described in Brethour and Burnham (2010) as well as in Wei et al. (2014).
It is possible to define multiple species in the setup. A transport equation is solved for every
fraction. Because of the spatial variation of the composition of the bed-load material the
characteristic sediment diameter (d50), which characterizes the bed roughness, is recalculated
in every grid cell and each time step. In order to account for different bed shapes a roughness
multiplier can be defined by the user. Although multiple fractions are possible, FLOW-3D
version 11 wont be able to capture the armoring effect. This is due to the assumption that the
material is distributed homogeneously in one simulation cell.

Total loadthe combination of entrainment and bed-load

Suspended load and bed-load can be simulated parallel in one model. Multiple fractions
can be defined, which are transported individually. Regarding their material properties and
impact of the shear stress, they are able to erode, move or deposit individually. For each sediment fraction it is possible to specify individual transport parameters or transport functions.

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This is especially important for materials in transition between suspended or bed-load transport, since the transport form is also depending on the hydraulic load. Furthermore an individual threshold for the dimensional critical Shields number can be defined for each fraction.
The user can alternatively use the approach of Shields-Rouse (FLOW-3D 2014a) and let the
code calculate the actual threshold. Further technical details are in Brethour and Burnham
(2010) as well as in Wei et al. (2014).


An adequate test case, which can be set up with limited consumption of resources, is a scouring process. A horizontal submerged jet is eroding (after an immobile sediment bed) a scour
hole and deposits the material adjacently. This is well documented for example in Chatterjee
et al. (1994). The setup used in the physical model test from Chatterjee et al. (1994) is shown
in Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Physical model test from Chatterjee et al. (1994), investigated 2D and 3D with FLOW-3D.

Figure 4.

Development of the scour Chatterjee et al. (1994).

Figure 5. Comparison of the erosion shape. The contour plot gives the FLOW-3D results of the
change of the packed bed elevation and the lines are the results of Chatterjee et al. (1994).


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The physical model test was installed in a 60 centimeter wide flume. The published results
are related to the symmetry axis of the flume for which the wall influence can be neglected.
Therefore it is permissible to take a 2D approach and model just a vertical mesh slice. In this
context, two dimensional doesnt mean depth averaged or shallow water but considering the
flow in a x, z plane neglecting a variation of the flow variables normal to this plane.
Figure 5 shows the good accordance of the calculated scour shape to the measured one.
The next example shows a simplified three dimensional erosion process downstream a
hydraulic jump blown out of a stilling basin.
The picture in Figure 6 was created with the newly implemented post processor FlowSight,
which allows to display multiple iso-surfaces in one plot.
Also for the shallow water model the erosions can be plotted in 3D. The following Figure 7
presents a shallow water test case. The original topography (upper left) is deformed by the

Figure 6.

Erosion development downstream a hydraulic jump blown out of a stilling basin.

Figure 7. Erosive deformation of the terrain. Original topography (upper left) deformed state (upper
right). Flow velocity with vectors (lower left) and net bed change in meter (lower right).


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erosion and deposition (upper right). It is nice to see in that figure, that the areas of backflow
or stagnation are trending to sand-up and the main channel trends to erode.


These first and simple test cases on this very interesting topic illustrate the enormous advantage of the model combination for hydraulic engineering. Especially the combination of 2D
shallow water and full 3D modelling enabling to model an entire catchment area including
the reservoir and the barrier with all significant hydraulic characteristics. With this capability
it is no longer necessary to have internal model switches with all the limitations of defining
boundary conditions and making assumptions on the model interconnections. Especially the
definition of transport functions respectively the generation of discharge hydrographs on
these interfaces is now history. Even the boundary effects, which always happen on boundary
conditions, are now only appearing on the global outer boundary conditions.
Since we havent yet an appropriate data set for a model validation on catchment area scale,
or an entire reservoir (e.g. flushing event) we want to place here a call for it. If you have access
to an appropriate data set, please contact one of the authors listed in the article head. We
appreciate that in advance.

Brethour, J., Burnham, J. (2010) Modelling sediment erosion & deposition with FLOW-3D. Technical
Note 85, Flow Science Inc., Santa Fe, NM, USA.
Chatterjee, S., Ghosh, S., and Chatterjee, M. (1994). Local Scour due to Submerged Horizontal Jet.
J. Hydraul. Eng., 120(8), 973992.
FLOW-3D (2014a) Software Documentation, FLOW-3D Version 11. Flow Science Inc., Santa Fe, NM,
FLOW-3D (2014b) Training Material, FLOW-3D Version 11. Flow Science Inc., Santa Fe, NM, USA.
Meyer-Peter, E, Mller, R. (1949) Eine Formel zur Berechnung des Geschiebetriebs. Schweizerische
Bauzeitung, 67. Jahrgang.
Wei, G., Brethour, J., Gruenzner, M., Burnham, J. (2014) The sediment scour model in FLOW-3D,
Technical Note 99, Flow Science Inc., Santa Fe, NM, USA.
Note: FLOW-3D and TruVOF are registered trademarks of Flow Science, Inc. in the USA and other


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Photometric analysis of the effect of substrates and obstacles

on unconfined turbidity current flow propagation
J.M. McArthur, R.I. Wilson & H. Friedrich
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

ABSTRACT: Experimental flows of turbidity currents are investigated using photometric

analysis. The present work studies the interaction of turbidity currents with different obstacles and substrates, using a 25 mm square-bottomed cylinder obstacle, and a 0.8 mm rough
surface for the entire base of the test basin. Notable differences are evident in the nature and
characteristics of current flows. The rough substrate decreases current velocity and minimises
the appearance of turbidity current phenomena, such as lobe and cleft formation and
Kelvin-Helmholtz billows. Presence of an obstacle causes localised decreases in velocity, but
otherwise has little effect on overall velocity of the flow. Lobe and cleft formations increase
significantly after the current passes over an obstacle. It is concluded that these findings
warrant the inclusion of rough substrates in further experimental testing. A generally used
smooth laboratory substrate does not take into account substrates encountered in nature,
and our preliminary study shows that there are significant flow characteristic differences. The
presented work is based on limited tests, it is recommended to undertake a more comprehensive study to evaluate the substrate roughness effect.


Turbidity currents are a type of gravity flow where sediment-laden fluid flows through deep
ocean or lake environments, driven by a higher relative density of the fluid to the ambient water
(Simpson, 1982). They can cause substantial damage to submarine structures (Ermanyuk &
Gavrilov, 2005), including oil well caps and oil or gas pipelines (Gonzalez-Juez et al. 2009).
Limited research exists into the nature of these flows in regard to their interactions with
obstacles in an unconfined environment. Nogueira et al. (2012) did study the influence of
bed roughness in a confined environment. Based on the previous studies, the hypothesis was
developed that by using photometric analysis of experimental current flows and examining
the characteristics of turbidity currents as they interact with obstacles and rough substrates,
further insights into the dynamics of turbidity current flow can be obtained.
The study was thus structured as a preliminary comparison of current interactions with different configurations of rough substrates and obstacles. Three obstacle/substrate setups are used:
a. Flow of an unconfined turbidity current over a smooth glass surface.
b. Flow of an unconfined turbidity current over a 25 mm square-bottomed cylinder running
perpendicular to flow direction, on a smooth glass surface.
c. Flow of an unconfined turbidity current over a textured substrate of 0.8 mm roughness

Experimental methodology

Testing of experimental lock-exchange flows was undertaken at the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory at the University of Auckland. The existing purpose-built apparatus for

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Figure 1. (a) Plan view diagram of basin setup. (b) Fixed rough substrate used for the third test scenario.

turbidity current testing consisted of a basin, length of 2420 mm, width of 2000 mm and
height of 600 mm (Fig. 1a), and adjacent lockbox. The basin was constructed on the
concrete floor of the laboratory, with 12 mm clear Perspex glass walls and plywood framing. Test flows travelled over a smooth glass false floor at 200 mm height above the concrete
floor. A lockbox, situated at the proximal end of the basin, held the sediment-laden fluid
before release.
Fluid for the sediment-laden flow was created as a slurry of powdered kaolinite clay and
Ballotini (2% each, by volume) in water, which resulted in a current density in the range of
10751082 kgm3. Use of this mixture was justified by previous research recommending the
proportions as optimal for generating a sufficient density gradient for turbidity current flow
in an experimental setting (Sangster, 2011).
The obstacle selected for the second test scenario was a 25 mm 25 mm square-bottomed
aluminium cylinder. The height of 25 mm was chosen to roughly approximate the size and
shape of a submarine cable, as these are common obstacles that a turbidity current in nature
may interact with.
The final test scenario incorporated the use of a fixed rough substrate, which was attached
to the glass false floor (Fig. 1b). The substrate consisted of 0.8 mm diameter sand glued
evenly over a 4 mm thick silicon plastic sheet.
Use of multiple recording instruments, including plan and elevation cameras and a digital
video camera, meant that points of reference were required to synchronise the images captured, for correct analysis.
To provide this reference between the cameras, the video camera started recording first,
and plan view camera was triggered using a remote switch, at the point when the lockbox gate
lifted from the floor of the basin. Oral direction from the person operating the plan view camera was given to the person operating the elevation view camera to ensure synchronisation.
As images were captured at 4.5 frames per second, a small margin of error was likely between
the starting frames for each camera. To adjust for this, profiles created for the plan and
elevation view were matched by finding the furthermost point on the plan profile (in the
longitudinal direction) and matching it to the elevation profile that had progressed to the
same point in the longitudinal direction.
The following steps were undertaken during the experimental testing:
a. Lighting setup rigged into place and switched on, all other lighting in Fluid Mechanics
Laboratory switched off (Fig. 2a).
b. Cameras rigged into position, focused and set to appropriate zoom by connecting to laboratory computer and adjusting settings in Camera Pro 2.0.
c. Cameras disconnected from computer, remote switch attached to plan view camera.

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Figure 2. (a) Lighting configuration for optimal illumination of turbidity current flow. (b) Plan and
elevation camera setup.


Slurry of water, kaolinite and Ballotini mixed in large bucket.

Video camera started recording.
Slurry poured into lockbox and lockbox gate lifted slowly and evenly.
Plan and elevation view cameras begin capturing images at the point where lockbox gate
lifts off basin floor.
h. Cameras continue to capture images at 4.5 frames per second until the flow reaches the
end of the false floor.

Digital camera setup and illumination

Two Nikon D90 digital cameras captured images of the turbidity current flow in plan and
elevation view (Fig. 2b). The plan view camera was attached to a rig, suspended from the
ceiling of the laboratory, facing directly downwards. A second camera was set on a tripod at
the side of the basin to capture elevation view images, equidistant from the basin wall as the
plan view camera was from the water surface.
Camera mode was set to manual so that all settings could be adjusted. Shutter speed was
set to 1/200, and aperture 3.5 to obtain optimal image quality. Capture mode was set to
continuous high speed, with a frame rate of 4.5 frames per second. A video of each test
run was recorded using a Casio Lumix camera, mounted approximately 2 m away from the
basin walls at the side. Due to the relatively poor video resolution, video data collected was
for observational purposes only and not used for analysis.
Eight 500 W floodlights provided illumination to the testing basin (Fig. 2a). Photometric
analysis measures the amount of light and dark in an image, thus it was a priority to arrange
lights in the best configuration to obtain the best level of clarity and contrast in captured
images. To find the best configuration, four different variations were trialed in preliminary
tests, and images processed in MATLAB to evaluate their suitability.

Photometric methodology

Recently, photometric analysis of gravity current flow is becoming more popular

(Nogueira et al. 2013). The photometric analysis processes each captured image, to obtain
a profile of the currents outer boundaries for each image, and use these to create flow
progression contour plots (plan and side view), to examine the flow and compare the
interactions with different substrates and obstacles. Images captured on the Nikon D90
digital camera were saved first on to the cameras memory, and later uploaded to a PC for
Pre-processing of images in Adobe Photoshop involved the removal of known lens distortion from the Nikon D90 camera, and adjustment of images to optimal contrast and
brightness for processing. For each test run, the appropriate lens distortion and rotation correction was set to ensure basin sides were vertical and parallel. Brightness and contrast were

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also adjusted to improve image quality for processing. These modifications were recorded
as an Action in Photoshop, and applied using Batch Process, to modify each image in a
Corrected images were processed using photometric analysis in MATLAB to generate
current profiles for each frame. Custom code was developed in MATLAB to generate
the most accurate and clear results. For each experimental test, the image series contained between 80110 frames. Steps carried out in MATLAB processing are detailed
below; Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the transformations for plan and elevation views,
The processing code used the following steps to generate the required visualisations
(Fig. 5ac):

Read jpeg image file into MATLAB.

Crop image to area of interest.
Convert to gray scale, black out UDVP rig.
Apply threshold to produce binary image.
Filter binary image to remove areas of light.
Generate profile of object in binary image.

In another study (Wilson & Friedrich, 2014), Ultrasonic Doppler Velocity Profiler (UDVP)
measurements were used to better quantify the turbulence characteristics of turbidity currents. Thus, a measurement rig is visible in the plan view contour plots, and head outlines are
not available for the sections occupied by the UDVP measurement rig.

Figure 3.

Plan view image processing.

Figure 4.

Side view image processing.


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Figure 5. Plan and elevation velocity contour plots: (a) Control scenario. (b) Obstacle scenario.
(c) Rough substrate scenario.


Profiles for each image in a series were plotted to create a contour plot, mapping the progression
of the current and using a graduated colour scale to indicate current progression (Fig. 5ac).

Comparison to previous research

Initial research into turbidity current flow found several conclusions that could be compared
with results for this study. Experimental tests over a rough substrate with a variety of heights
(0.7 mm3.0 mm) showed minimal effects in the initial phase of motion, but in the latter
phase the velocity reduction is significant (La Rocca et al. 2008). Velocity was measured
by the extent of the current head over a set of continuous-capture images from above. Our
results, using contour line spacing as an approximation for relative velocities, confirmed La
Roccas et al. (2008) observation. Other research indicated that gravity currents showed a
raised current head and decreased velocity leading up to an obstacle (Lane-Serff et al. 1995);
this was not evident in testing, however the differences in experimental setup may account for
this. Lane-Serff et al. (1995) tested a gravity current over a triangular prism-shaped obstacle,
approximately half the height of the current, whereas our study examined a square-bottomed
cylinder of a height around 1/10th of the current height. The difference in proportions meant
that in our study the obstacle had less impact on the flow.

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Significance of results

Several key insights gained from the analysis have implications for the behaviour of turbidity currents in nature, and important considerations for experimental testing. It needs to be
noted that those considerations are based on limited tests, and a more comprehensive study
is needed to validate the presented initial observations.
The rough substrate minimised Kelvin-Helmholtz billows, maintaining the shape of lobes
formed early in the flow. In minimising the billows, it absorbed kinetic energy in the current
and caused the overall current velocity to decrease relative to the control setup. As most
turbidity currents in nature flow over an ocean or lake floor, it is realistic to assume that
a 0.8 mm rough substrate is more representative of actual conditions than a smooth glass
substrate. Based on the marked difference in the current flow over the rough element, the
inclusion of rough substrates in experimental testing could be considered as a requirement
for results relevant to real-life circumstances. To validate this claim, further testing using
a range of roughness heights should be undertaken to fully understand the relationship
between substrate roughness and current flow characteristics.
Furthermore, the reduction in development of lobe and cleft formations as the current
progressed over a rough substrate also holds implications relating to the real-life occurrence
of currents. The formation, growth, and subdivision of lobes in the current form are the
predominant method by which the flow progresses forwards and breaks down. As the rough
surface slows down this process, there are likely implications for the magnitude of the forces
in the flow, and local velocities in the different flow regions.
Results obtained in this study illustrate the importance of the topography a current is
traversing in determining the nature and characteristics of the flow. Thus, the importance
of incorporating obstacles and roughness in substrates is highlighted for further research, to
better mimic the behaviour of turbidity currents as they are found in nature.

Statistical relevance and limitations to testing

Attaining statistical relevance for qualitative analysis of this nature is difficult; as results are
non-numerical and turbidity currents display a large degree of random variation in the flow
progression. A large number of samples would be required to eliminate all variability and
reach definite and irrevocable conclusions. Testing methods were perfected to find the best
setup and procedures for accurate data collection. The lighting configuration in particular
required an iterative procedure of setting up four different configurations, capturing photos
from a test run and processing these images in MATLAB to find the configuration that gave
the best clarity in profiles obtained.
Limitations to experimental accuracy were found in capturing images from both a plan and
elevation view. The relatively small depth of 265 mm relative to the basin width of 2000 mm
meant that the plan view showed very clear outlines of the turbidity current as it progressed,
whereas the elevation view contained some cloudiness, especially in the rear sections of the
flow. However, this was a trade-off between the plan and elevation views, as the wide basin
allowed the accurate observation of unconfined flows, which would otherwise be prevented
in a narrower testing structure.

Recommendations for future work

Further research in this area of turbidity current interactions with obstacles is supported by
the findings of this study. In particular, the rough substrate used is more representative of the
ocean or lake bed that turbidity currents would encounter in nature, compared to the smooth
glass base. Given the strong influence of the rough substrate in inhibiting certain characteristics of the current flow, further research would benefit by including the roughness in order to
gain results that are relevant to turbidity currents in nature. Additionally, including the effect
of sediment entrainment in turbidity current flow further adds to the relevance of results as
the entrainment of sediment into a current, from the bed it is travelling over, can play a strong
role in the nature and evolution of the turbidity current.

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a. The presence of a rough substrate of 0.8 mm height caused unconfined turbidity current
flow to slow during the latter phase of flow, relative to the control setup.
b. Flow over a rough substrate of 0.8 mm height showed diminished Kelvin-Helmholtz
billows and the absence of a hydraulic jump between the flow head and the rear of
the flow.
c. Findings of significant influences of the rough substrate on flow velocity and characteristics indicate the need for inclusion of a rough or textured substrate in further experimental
testing, to ensure results are relevant to turbidity currents as they occur in nature.
d. Flow over a 25 mm square-bottomed cylinder obstacle showed localised changes in velocity both preceding the obstacle and after traversing it, however the overall current velocity
remained the same as that for the control setup.
e. The presence of a 25 mm square-bottomed cylinder caused the number of lobe and cleft
formations at the currents leading edge to increase up to a factor of two.
f. Inclusion of sediment entrainment as an experimental variable is recommended for further research.
The authors would like to thank Fluid Mechanics Laboratory staff Geoff Kirby and Jim
Luo, and research student Mikaela Lewis for support and assistance during this study.

Ermanyuk, E.V. & Gavrilov, N.V. 2005a. Interaction of an internal gravity current with a submerged
circular cylinder. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 46(2): 216223.
Gonzalez-Juez, E., Meiburg, E., & Constantinescu, G. 2009. Gravity currents impinging on
bottom-mounted square cylinders: flow fields and associated forces. Journal of Fluid Mechanics
631: 65102.
La Rocca, M.C., Sciortino, G. & Pinzon, A.B. 2008. Experimental and numerical simulation of threedimensional gravity currents on smooth and rough bottom. Physics of Fluids 20: 106603.
Lane-Serff, G.F., Beal, L.M., & Hadfield, T.D. 1995. Gravity current flow over obstacles. Journal of
Fluid Mechanics 292.
Nogueira, H.I.S., Adduce, C., Alves, E., and Franca, M.J. 2012. The influence of bed roughness on the
dynamics of gravity currents. Proc River Flow 2012: 357362.
Nogueira, H.I.S., Adduce, C., Alves, E., and Franca, M.J. 2013. Image analysis technique applied to
lock-exchange gravity currents. Measurement Science and Technology 24(4).
Sangster, T. 2011. A comparative study of confined and unconfined turbidity flows and their associated
deposits. ME Thesis. University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Simpson, J.E. 1982. Gravity Currents in the Laboratory, Atmosphere, and Ocean. Annual Review of
Fluid Mechanics 14(1): 213234.
Wilson R.I. & Friedrich, H. 2014. Dynamic analysis of the interaction between unconfined turbidity
currents and obstacles. Submitted to 9th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering (ISUD-9), Strasbourg, France.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Advances in numerical modeling of reservoir sedimentation

S. Kostic
Computational Science Research Center, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA

ABSTRACT: The integral model of reservoir sedimentation presented herein allows for a
continuous progression from a stagnation condition behind the dam to an overflow condition when the water interface in muddy pond rises above the spillway crest. This is a serious
computational challenge, which can only be overcome by a high-resolution, non-oscillatory
numerical scheme, such as the one employed here. The hydrodynamic response of the reservoir to single-flood events is considered first to demonstrate that the model predicts, for the
first time, all stages of the turbidity current propagation and interaction with a dam. Next,
the morphodynamic response of the reservoir to a series of intermittent floods is analyzed
to capture the co-evolution of the river delta and reservoir bed. The model was found to
successfully a) quantify the impact of single-flood events such as e.g. flush floods associated
with global worming, and b) predict the cumulative loss of storage capacity.


Reservoirs enclosed by dams can be used to supply drinking water and water for irrigation, generate hydroelectric power, provide flood control and support other beneficial uses.
Reservoir sedimentation can seriously undermine the reservoir performance and impact the
areas upstream and downstream of a dam. Turbidity currents can carry fine sediment tens
of kilometers along the reservoir bottom. Eventually, sediments that accumulate in front of
outlets can impair the operation of the power or water intakes, clog bottom vents, accelerate
abrasion of hydraulic machinery, and even interfere with the flood storage. Deposits associated with deltaic sedimentation can produce flooding upstream of the reservoir, impair
navigation, impinge on wildlife and their habitat, inundate powerhouses, bury intakes etc.
Dams can also significantly alter sediment delivery to the downstream reaches and adversely
affect shoreline ecosystems due to streambed degradation, bank failures, increasing scour at
bridges and other hydraulic structures, and reduced amount of sediment reaching coastal
plains and deltas. For example, accelerated coastal erosion affecting the Mississippi and Nile
deltas is attributed to sediment trapped behind dams more than 1000 km upstream (e.g.
Morris & Fan, 1997).
Urbanization-induced land use/land cover changes and global warming could further
accelerate the loss of storage capacity in reservoirs and add additional stress to water-stressed
regions. Changes in land use/land cover act to reduce vegetation and wood available to stabilize hillslopes and channels, increase sediment loads to streams, and speed up flood flows
through the waterways. On the other hand, global warming is increasing the frequency and
severity of extreme weather events, including catastrophic floods and storms (UNEP, 2013).
The current trends suggest that flush floods, often accompanied by mudslides, are becoming
one of the most serious climatic disasters.
Reservoirs have been traditionally designed and operated to continuously trap sediment during a finite lifespan, frequently as short as 50100 years, which will be terminated by sediment
accumulation. As the global demand for water and energy increases, many reservoirs worldwide are approaching their designed life expectancy. Yet, little consideration has been given to
replacement of reservoirs or measures that could ensure their sustained long-term use.

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Figure 1. Global distribution of large reservoirs worldwide: GRanD database (Lehner et al., 2011) lists
more than 6,862 reservoirs with a cumulative storage capacity of 6,197 km3.

The integral physically-based numerical model of reservoir sedimentation presented here

has a potential to become a reliable predictive tool that can be used to evaluate the effect
of sediment routing, flushing and other operational procedures in reservoirs, which are
potentially effective mitigation strategies. This will become more and more critical in the
coming years when the climate-fueled extreme weather patterns are expected to act to additionally reduce the reliability of reservoir flood control and other beneficial uses.


The model is based on the model of deltaic sedimentation of Kostic and Parker (2003a, b),
which captures the co-evolution of the river-delta morphology and the associated deposits by
linking fluvial and turbidity current morphodynamics. The formulation of Kostic and Parker
(2003a,b) pertains to turbidity currents that plunge over a steep delta face and continue to
run out infinitely in the streamwise direction. That formulation was modified herein in the
following way: a) the turbidity current submodel was replaced with the submodel for ponded
turbidity currents (e.g. Toniolo et al., 2007) to account for the ponding effect of a dam at the
downstream end of the reservoir; b) flood intermittency was taken into account to capture
deposits emplaced by realistic floods; c) the outflow boundary condition was selected to reflect
that the flow could only vent over an uncontrolled or open-gate controlled spillway; and d)
the Ultimate QUICKEST scheme (Leonard, 1991) was replaced with the Kurganov-Tadmore
algorithm (Kurganov & Tadmor, 2000) to ensure smooth and continuous computation.
For the sake of consistence, the notation of Kostic and Parker (2003a, b) was implemented
throughout this paper as well, such that the equations governing 1D quazi-steady river flow
emplacing the fluvial delta take the form:
hf U f = qw


Cz22U 2f
1 2

U f + g hf + g f =


(1 )


= I f



where hf is the river depth, Uf is the river streamwise velocity, f is the elevation of the topset
deposit (river bed), is the downslope distance along the fluvial bed, t is time, qw is the water

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discharge per unit width, g is the acceleration of gravity, Cz is the Chezy friction coefficient,
s is sand porosity, qs is the volume transport rate of sand per unit width, and If is the flow
intermittency. The flow intermittency accounts for the fact that the river is morphologically
active only If fraction of the time.
The equations governing the physics of the 1D unsteady underflow emplacing the bottomset deposit in a muddy pond behind the dam can be generalized to the following forms:
h Uh

) ewU vm


Uh U 2 h
C h2

+ U vm = Rg
Rg C h


Ch CUh
= vm rrC


(1 )

= I f vm rrC


where h is the turbidity current depth, U is the depth-averaged underflow velocity, C is the
depth-averaged volumetric concentration of mud, is the elevation of the bottomset deposit
(reservoir bed), t is time, x is the downslope distance along the bottom of the reservoir, ew
is the water entrainment coefficient, vm is the mud fall velocity, is a parameter set equal to
1 in the muddy pond and set equal to 0 elsewhere, CD is the bottomset friction coefficient, R
is the submerged specific gravity of mud, and ro is a constant that relates near-bed volumetric
sediment concentration to the layer-averaged concentration.
In numerically solving Eqs. 13 and Eqs. 47 subject to the corresponding initial and
boundary conditions, the advanced moving boundary framework of Kostic and Parker
(2003a) with grid and time stretching was adopted. The fluvial and turbidity current submodel were linked via two internal boundary conditions: the continuity condition at the
foreset-bottomset break, and the shock condition that progrades the delta face (see Eqs. 2
and 4 in Kostic and Parker, 2003a).
In the turbidity current submodel, no bottom outlets were added at this point and the turbidity current can only vent when the water interface p in ponded zone rises above the crest elevation e of an uncontrolled or open-gate controlled spillway. In that case, the outflow boundary
condition can be determined by combining the Bernoulli equation for the muddy underflow

x L

U e + RgC

x L

he )


with a densimetric Froude number of unity near the crest

U e2


x L



where Ue denotes the overflow velocity, he is the overflow depth and C|x=L is the volumetric
concentration of mud in the pond just upstream of the dam. If, however, the water interface
p in the muddy pond is below the overflow point e, the boundary condition is simply

x L



where U|x=L is the depth-averaged velocity in the pond just upstream of the dam.
The main advantage of the new formulation is a smooth and continuous progression from
a no-overflow (stagnation) condition to an overflow condition at the dam. This is a serious
computational challenge, which can only be overcome by a high-resolution, non-oscillatory
numerical scheme, such as e.g. the Kurganov-Tadmore algorithm used here. In comparison,
the model of Toniolo et al. (2007) with the McCormack scheme cannot continuously progress

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from a stagnation to an overflow condition. Rather, an appropriate boundary condition at

the dam has to be selected by means of a trial and error procedure.


Two sets of flood events are evaluated herein. The first set of experiments (Figs. 25) aims at
demonstrating the hydrodynamic response of the reservoir enclosed by a dam to a relatively
short single-flood event. The second set of experiments (Figs. 67) was designed to quantify
the long-term morphodynamic response of a reservoir to a series of intermittent flooding
The fluvial delta was assumed to have the following initial geometry: slope of the topset
deposit Sfo = 0.00073, slope of the delta face Sa = 0.2, position of the foreset top fo = 1000 m,
elevation of the foreset top To = 100 m, elevation of the foreset toe Bo = 0 m. The remaining input parameters for the model were: water discharge per unit width qw = 6 m2/s, volume
sand feed rate per unit width qs = 0.0025 m2/s, Chezy coefficient of topset bed Cz = 12,
median diameter of sand Ds = 500 m, sand porosity s = 0.4, initial slope of the bottomset
deposit So = 0.01, volume mud feed rate per unit width qm = 0.0225 m2/s, bottomset friction factor cD = 0.001, mud porosity m = 0.6, submerged specific gravity of sand and mud
R = Rs = 1.65, water surface elevation in the reservoir Zl = 103 m, elevation of the spillway
crest crest = 400 m, and position of the dam L = 80 km. Feed rates of both sand and mud
were kept constant over time for simplicity.
The first set of experiments (Figs. 25) was performed with very fine mud (median diameter Dm = 5 m) to facilitate the hydrodynamic response of a reservoir that is minimally influenced by the flow-reservoir bottom interaction. The experiment of Figure 2a illustrate well

Figure 2. Stages of turbidity current propagation and interaction with the dam: (a) turbidity current
interface profile; (b) densimetric Froude number profile.


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Figure 3.

Hydrodynamic response of a reservoir to single-flood events of varied duration.

Figure 4.

Hydrodynamic effect of spillway crest elevation.

Figure 5.

Hydrodynamic effect of the dam location.

that the numerical model captures for the first time all stages of turbidity current propagation
and interaction with a dam, including: a) the position of the current head progressing toward
the dam; b) the runup against the face of the dam when the current collides with the barrier
(stagnation point); c) the formation of an upstream-migrating bore as the current reflects
off the dam; and d) the establishment of an internal hydraulic jump as the bore eventually
stabilizes upstream. In this particular case, the jump establishes after 137 days of continuous
flooding and the interface of the muddy pond stabilizes at 156.2 m. Figure 2b illustrates the

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Figure 6. Morphodynamic response of a reservoir to six years of continuous flooding: (a) Ds = 5 m;

(b) Ds = 20 m.

Figure 7. Effect of flood intermittency on reservoir deposits and sand-mud interface: (a) If = 0.05;
(b) If = 0.1.


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variation of the densimetric Froude number along the reservoir during all stages of underflow propagation and interaction with a dam. Clearly, the turbidity current is: a) Froude
supercritical as it progresses toward the dam; b) subcritical as it hits the dam and runs up
against the dam face; and c) supercritical in the upstream part of the reservoir, subcritical in
the ponded zone behind the dam (with very low densimetric Froude numbers), and transitional where a bore or a sharp hydraulic jump occurs.
The experiment of Figure 3 looks more closely into how the turbidity current of Figure 2
advances in time toward the dam. The results suggest that the current front does not reach
the dam if flooding lasts less than approximately 20 h. As the turbidity current hits the dam,
its head runs up against the barrier and the current starts venting over the spillway crest.
Here the underflow reaches the dam after about 25 h of continuous flooding. The effect of
the spillway elevation on the hydrodynamic response is analyzed by comparing the results of
Figure 2 to those of Figure 4, which pertain to the same model parameters as the experiment
of Figure 2, except for the value of the spillway elevation that was placed at 250 m in this
case. Apparently, the supercritical current traveling toward a dam (Fig. 4) covers a shorter
distance than in the previous case (Fig. 2) due to more significant accumulation of water
mass behind the barrier, which limits the current propagation. However, a spillway placed
higher is in a no-overflow (stagnation) mode longer, thus pushing the bore and internal
hydraulic jump further upstream. The experiment of Figure 5 demonstrates the effect of
the dam location. The model input parameters were identical to those of Figure 2 except for
the distance from the inflow point to the dam, which was 50 km here. The hydrodynamic
response of a shorter (and therefore shallower) reservoir is similar to that of a reservoir with
a lower spillway crest, that is turbidity currents propagate further toward the dam, while the
internal hydraulic jump does not get pushed so far upstream (Fig. 5).
The experiments of Figures 25 provide an insight into how high-resolution, non-oscillatory
numerical modeling can be used to examine and quantify the hydrodynamic impact of a
singe flood event on the reservoir performance, such as extreme floods associated with e.g.
climate change and urbanization-induced land use/land cover changes. In addition to singleflood events, it is of value to analyze the morphodynamic response of a reservoir to a series
of flood events and evaluate the long-term repercussions of reservoir sedimentation. This
type of analysis can be crucial in selecting the appropriate routing or flushing operational
Here, the numerical experiments of Figures 67 illustrate the impact of multiple floods on
the reservoir deposits and the interface of the muddy pond. Only first 40 km of the reservoir
are shown in order to zoom in on the loss of reservoir storage in the vicinity of the river
mouth. The overflow point in all experiment was kept at 250 m. The results of Figure 6a
were obtained by running the experiment of Figure 4 for six years of continuous flooding
(i.e. the flood intermittency If is assumed to be equal to 1). A noticeable fluvial delta emerges
and starts prograding over and interact with a relatively thin bottomset deposit, forming
a downward-facing sand-mud interface. In the experiment of Fig. 6b, the median size of
mud of 5 m was replaced with 20 m in order to raise the interface in the muddy pond and
increase the overspill by way of building the bottomset deposit more swiftly. An upward-facing sand-mud interface indicates an increased rate of delta progradation due to a more rapid
thickening of bottomset deposit and shortening of the drop of the sandy foreset deposit. The
turbidity current interface in the muddy pond (not shown in Figure 6b) stabilizes at 90 m.
Lastly, the experiment of Figure 6b was used as a basis for the analysis of Figure 7a, b on the
effect of flood intermittency on resulting deposits and the position of the underflow interface
relative to the spillway crest. The flood intermittency was set equal to 0.05 in the experiment
of Figure 8a, and to 0.1 in the experiment of Figure 8b. This corresponds to about 18 days
per year of cumulative flood time over a 6-year period in the former case, and to one month
of flooding per year in the latter case. The inclusion of flooding intermittency results in more
realistic deposits, that is the fluvial delta progrades at a lower rate and bottomset deposit
builds up slower. The reservoir was venting over the spillway since the final interface in the
muddy pond was found to be at about 51 m and 60 m respectively. i.e. over the crest kept
at 250 m.

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Numerical simulations with a high-resolution, non-oscillatory mass-conservative numerical

model of reservoir sedimentation illustrate that this formulation can be successfully used to
examine and quantify the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic impact of flooding on the
reservoir performance. The model is, for the first time, capable of capturing all stages of
turbidity current propagation and interaction with a dam, including: a) the position of the
turbidity current front advancing toward the dam; b) the runup against the face of the dam
as the current collides with the dam; c) the formation of an upstream-migrating bore as the
current reflects off the dam; and d) the establishment of an internal hydraulic jump as the
bore stabilizes upstream. This feature becomes crucial in the coming years when the climatefueled extreme floods will continue to act to additionally reduce the reliability of reservoir
flood control and other beneficial uses. The formulation will be amended in the next phase,
so as to include bottom vents and allow for a variable water surface in the reservoir. With this
modification, the model is expected to become a reliable predictive tool that can be used to
evaluate and select the effective sediment routing, flushing and other operational procedures
that could ensure sustained long-term use of reservoirs.

Kostic, S. & Parker, G. 2003a. Progradational sand-mud deltas in lakes and reservoirs. Part 1. Theory
and numerical modeling. Journal of Hydraulic Research 41 (2), 127140.
Kostic, S. & Parker, G. 2003b. Progradational sand-mud deltas in lakes and reservoirs. Part 2. Experiment
and numerical simulation. Journal of Hydraulic Research 41 (2), 141152.
Kurganov, A. & Tadmor, E., 2000. New high-resolution central schemes for nonlinear conservation laws
and convection-diffusion equations. Journal of Computational Physics 160, 241282.
Lehner, B. et al. (2011). Global Reservoir and Dam (GRanD) database, Technical documentation,
Version 1.1.
Leonard, B.P. 1991. The ULTIMATE conservative difference scheme applied to unsteady one-dimensional advection. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics and Engineering 88, 1777.
Morris, G. & Fan, J. 2010. Reservoir sedimentation handbook, Design and management of dams, reservoirs and watersheds for sustainable use. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Toniolo, H., Parker, G. & Voller, V. 2007. Role of ponded turbidity currents in reservoir trap efficiency.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 133 (6), 579595.
United Nations Environmental Programme. 2013. UNEP year book. Emerging issues in our global
environment. UNEP Division of Early Warning and Assessment.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Innovative in-situ measurements, analysis and modeling

of sediment dynamics in Chambon reservoir, France
M. Jodeau
EDF R&D LNHE, Chatou, France

M. Cazilhac & A. Poirel

EDF DTG, Grenoble, France

P. Negrello & K. Pinte

EDF CIH, Le Bourget du Lac, France

J.-P. Bouchard
Retired, formerly at EDF R&D LNHE, Chatou, France

C. Bertier
GIP Loire Estuaire, Nantes, France

ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on siltation processes in an Alpine reservoir, the Chambon
Reservoir on the Romanche River. Suspended sediment concentration monitoring upstream
the dam leads to the identification of the main contributing hydrological events. Downstream
monitoring demonstrates that specific operating conditions (reservoir level, discharge) allow
sediment routing throughout the reservoir. In order to elaborate a clear comprehension of sediment processes, field surveys have also been performed in the reservoir. Bathymetry, Velocity
field, sediment concentration were monitored. An innovative device has been built in order to
identify sediment and flow dynamics inside the reservoir. Some preliminary numerical simulation of sediment dynamics in the reservoir using Telemac2D and Sisyphe show encouraging
results. Actually modeling could be a useful tool to evaluate sediment management strategy.
The main processes involved in suspended sediment transport were identified and their understanding will help to define strategies to reduce sedimentation in Chambon reservoir.


As it has been observed in many countries [[9]], sedimentation in reservoirs is unavoidable and
may have several consequences: (i) loss of capacity, (ii) siltation near bottom gates, (iii) large
sediment releases during reservoir emptying ...
In order to define long-term management of reservoir sedimentation, deposition in existing reservoirs needs to be mitigated by using appropriate measures for sediment release. The
management of sedimentation in large reservoirs is a major issue. Indeed, large amount of
fine sediments and gravels could deposit. In the case of large dams, flushing operations (opening of dam gates) could only venture turbidity current or erode a limited part of the sediment
bed near the gates. It could require research worksto define the appropriate way of dealing
with sediments in large reservoirs. For example, [[2]] studied turbidity current in Luzzone lake
comparing 3D numerical calculations with in situ measurements; using laboratory experiments and numerical simulation [[11]] suggests to use geo-textile or underwater obstacle to
deal with turbidity current, some numerical calculation were performed using Grimsel reservoir geometry, or [[10]] analyze the flow patterns and suspended sediment movement in
pumped-storage facilities.

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Before defining sediment operation, the main processes involved in sediment transport
should be identified owing to measurements (bathymetric surveys, concentration monitoring,
velocity measurements ...). They may help to identify the locations of deposition and the
propagating ways (turbidity currents or homogeneous suspension).
EDF manages more than 400 dams. In several cases, sedimentation must be dealt with to
avoid loss of storage or siltation near the bottom gates.
In this paper, we focus on the Chambon Reservoir, located in the Alps Mountains. We try
to analyze the dynamics of sediment in the reservoir in order to be able to implement relevant
sedimentation operations. In order to understand the dynamics of sediment, we analyze how
sediment propagate through this large reservoir, first measuring sediment output and input,
then we analyze the internal dynamics using in situ monitoring. The last part of this paper
shows some preliminary numerical simulation of sediment dynamics in the reservoir using
Telemac2D and Sisyphe. Actually modeling could be a useful tool to evaluate the sustainability of sediment management strategies.



Description of dam and reservoir

The Chambon dam is located on the Romanche River in the French Alps. The watershed
area at the dam is 254 km2 and the elevation of the area is around 990 m. The Romanche river
and two small water derivations flow into the reservoir, The Ferrand and Mizoen derivations,
Figure 1. The hydropower facility, St Guillerme II, has been in activity since 1935, the head
is 293 m and the electric power 110 MW.
The volume of water in the reservoir is estimated to be 47.5 106 m3 and the reservoir is
3.5 km long at the highest water level. The water elevation varies depending on seasons, the
water level fluctuations could be up to 60 m. Since the beginning of its use, the reservoir has
undergone a high rate of sedimentation, it is due to the watershed geology, made of different
areas of crystalline rocks but also metamorphic schist. The fine sediment deposition rate in
the reservoir is around 100 000 m3/year. In 2005, in order to protect the bottom gate of the
dam, a dredging of 25 000 m3 of sediments was performed.
The sedimentation in the reservoir is studied to find the best sustainable way to manage

Bathymetric analysis: Impact of water level regulation

Several bathymetries have been performed since the construction of the dam (six bathymetries
from 1993 to 2011), they show that (i) from 1993 to 2006, a siltation rate of 100 000 to
200 000 m3/year is measured; (ii) from 2006 to 2009, erosion of sediment is observed, it is due
to the dredging near the bottom gate and to the low water level of the reservoir that induced
an erosion of the upstream part of the reservoir. The difference between the last bathymetries

Figure 1. (a) Location of hydropower facility Chambon-St Guillerme II. (b) Aerial picture of the reservoir, the water fall created by the Ferrand derivation (intakes outlet) is on the right bank.


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(2009 and 2011, Fig. 2) highlights the significant role of specific water elevation due to particular reservoir operations:
erosion is observed in the upstream part of the reservoir, in the areas higher than 1005 m.
During this period (20092011) water level was always lower than 1005 m;
deposition is measured between 985 and 995 m, where the reservoir is the largest. This
could be explained by the fast deposition of coarse material;
then erosion is shown between 985 and 980 m, 980 is the minimal turbinable water level,
and 985 m is a water level that is not often reached;
a deposited delta of sediment is observed below 980 m.
From the bathymetric data, we could conclude that the reservoir bed evolution is strongly
impacted by the water level in the reservoir and its geometry: sediment are eroded in the
upstream part of the reservoir where the water flows with high velocities and low water depths;
sediment are deposited in the dam vicinity of the reservoir where the water is still and where
the water depth could be high; the enlargement impacts the deposition/erosion processes.

Sediment characterization

Sediment were sampled from the bed in 2004, d50 is around 50 m, and the concentration of the
bed varies from 900 to 1200 g/l. The content of organic matter is low (around 2%). Due to their
small grain size, these sediments are cohesive. Sediment fall velocity measurements have been
performed in the laboratory on a representative sample of suspended sediments (d10=3.7 m,
d50 = 10.9 m, d90 = 37.9 m). Settling velocity have been measured owing to a Andreasen
pipette, a sediment weight device [[8]] and a SCAF device [[14]]. The data from three devices
indicate the same trend: the settling velocity is the highest, 0.4 mm/s, for a concentration of
10 g/l, this value is much higher than the one that could be calculated owing to Stokes formula,
0.12 mm/s. For concentrations higher than 10 g/l a hindered regime is measured [[3]].

Analysis of sediment input and output

Continuous measurement of sediment concentration has been performed at several locations in order to characterize sediment input and output. Turbidimeters are located: (i) 4 km
upstream the dam in the Romanche River; (ii) in the Ferrand derivation; (iii) downstream
the reservoir in the Clapier Bassin. Turbidimeters (Hachlange SC100) are calibrated using
samples, the calibration relation could be difficult to establish, therefore concentration measurements should be considered precociously.
The incoming sediment flux in the reservoir is calculated as the sum of the main Romanche
input, both derivation inputs, and input from the reservoir subwatershed (between the
upstream measurement site and the dam, the ratio of drainage area is 256/220).

Figure 2. (a) Bed elevation, data from 2011 bathymetric survey. (b) Measurement of bed evolution in
the reservoir: difference between 2009 and 2011 bathymetries.


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Figure 3. Measurement of sediment concentration upstream and downstream the dam, example of 2004.

They indicate that the annual mean input in the reservoir is around 120 000 t, 78 000 t
come from the upstream river, 8 100 t from the intermediate watershed and that the rest
comes from the Ferrand derivation. From this quantity of sediment, 25% are transported
downstream the dam and 75%, i.e. 90 000 t, deposit in the reservoir. These measurements
also indicate the time variation of the sediment input: 50% of the sediment from the Ferrand
derivation flow during 3% of the year and it corresponds to 4% of the global volume of
Furthermore, The input of sediment in the reservoir is controlled by daily snow-melt
cycles, Figure 3, as it has been described by [[7]]. The output of sediment from the reservoir
is strongly correlated to the water level in the reservoir, Figure 3 shows that: (i) above 985 m,
sediment deposit in the upstream part of the reservoir; (ii) below 985 m, sediment are eroded
and they could be transported to the water intake.
These bathymetric and concentration observations clearly show the part of the reservoir
geometry in the sediment dynamics: the narrowing and the enlargement of the reservoir
geometry impacts the deposition and erosion processes at the reservoir scale; water level in
the reservoir is significant in the sediment dynamics.
Observation at low level of sediment transfer in the still area of water show that the transfer time is around 3 hours whereas the stay time is around 20 hours. This high difference
could have two explanations: (i) sediment could be transported at high velocity near the
bottom owing to turbidity currents; (ii) the Ferrand derivation and its water fall homogenize
quickly the suspended sediments in the dam vicinity.


In order to have a better insight to the internal sediment dynamics, an innovative device has
been designed. Its goal is to give continuous measurement of sediment concentration and
flow velocities in the lake at a specific location. We wanted to have measurement in very
different flow conditions. As the lake is very difficult to navigate in winter at low level, an
autonomous device was chosen.

Measurement of concentration and flow velocity in the reservoir

The device was designed around a floating platform, two dead weights and a pulley system
maintain the platform at the same location despite significant water elevation fluctuations.
One turbidimeter (Hach Lange, solitax) was fixed near the bed (1 m) and another one near
the water surface. A velocity measurement device (Nivus Doppler device) is fixed near the
bed (1 m). The device has solar cells in order to be autonomous and data are uploaded owing
to a GSM system.

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Two platforms were put in the reservoir in order to compare sediment concentrations at
two locations, Figure 4. The upstream one had some problems. When the water level had been
very low, the platform touched down the sediment bed and whenthe water level rose again,
around mid March, the platform stayed on the bottom under water, therefore it became out
of service.

Analysis of measurements from the platforms

We presented the data for the first six months of 2013. Data should be analyzed regarding the
incoming discharges and concentrations and the reservoir water level, Figure 5. In the beginning of 2013, the water level in the reservoir is very low due to work improvements on the
dam. At several time the water level is lower than 985 m. Incoming discharges vary from 2 to
3 m3/s from January to the beginning of April, then they become larger due to the snow melt,
till 32 m3/s. The incoming sediment concentrations are correlated to the incoming discharges,
the higher measured value is 9 g/l the 11th May.
The measurements from the platforms present some lacks due to dysfunctions, Figure 6.
Nevertheless they give information about sediment dynamics:
the data from the top turbidimeter of the upstream platform could be analyzed till midMarch: value stay lower than 0.3 g/l but rises in concentration are observed when the water
level is lower than 985 m;

Figure 4. Autonomous platform to measure sediment flux in reservoir: (a) location of both platform
in Chambon reservoir; (b) Photograph of the downstream platform.

Figure 5. 2013 reservoir operating conditions: water elevation, incoming discharge and upstream
sediment concentration.


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Figure 6. Platform measurements for the six first months of 2013: (a) concentration measurements at
the upstream platform; (b) concentration measurements at the downstream platform; (c) velocity measurement near the bottom at downstream platform.

at the downstream platform: measured velocities (near the bed) show a first increase to
40 cm/s when the water level became lower than 990 m. Concerning the concentrations: the
data from the bottom turbidimeter could not be used from 2-02 to 10-03. From the beginning of April, data show strong correlation between the top and the bottom turbidimeters
but with a difference of an order of magnitude (concentration around 3.5 g/l near the
surface and around 15 g/l near the bottom). Two rises in concentration of May (6 and 9th)
are not correlated with a increase of incoming discharge but with a lowering of the water
level below 985 m.



Numerical modeling could be a relevant tool in order to test sediment management strategies. In the specific case of large reservoir, 1D models have been used to predict the sediment
concentration during lowering operations [[6]]. But due to the complex geometry of the large
reservoirs, and stratification processes, 2D or 3D model could be required. 3D numerical
modeling is now used to study reservoir sedimentation [[2, 13]]. We plan to build a 3D model
of Chambon reservoir, first we analyze in this paper the results of some preliminary 2D calculations. Therefore, in this paper, we dont focus on 3D stratification in the dam vicinity of
the reservoir.

Brief presentation of numerical tools and description of the model

Tools from the open source Telemac system ( are used: Telemac 2D
[[4]] for the hydrodynamic part of the calculation and Sisyphe [[12]] for the modeling of the
sediment transport processes, that is to say in this case transport by suspension, erosion and
deposition of cohesive materials. Telemac 2D solves the shallow water equations using either
a finite element or finite volume schemes. Sisyphe solves a dispersion-advection equation

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with Krone and Partheniades formulas for respectively deposition and erosion flux (source
The geometry of the model is based on the last bathymetry (2011, 1 point/m), the area of
the model is the area under water for a water level of 1018 m (maximal operating level during
the last years). We built a 50 m upstream prolongation of the model in order to avoid problems with the upstream boundary condition.
The mesh is made of triangular elements with a size of 5 m everywhere but in the talweg
where there have a size of 2 m and near the bottom gate and the water intake. This mesh has
99 479 nodes and 197500 elements. Hypack [[5]] and ape BLUEKENUE [[1]]softwares were
used to build the mesh.
The upstream hydraulic condition is a varying discharge and the downstream condition
could be an imposed water level or an output discharge. The concentration of sediment is
chosen on the upstream boundary and it is a free condition on the downstream boundary.
The water intake which is not at the boundary line, is represented by a sink.
No data is available to calibrate the friction coefficient, therefore the Strickler coefficient is chosen equal to 52 m1/3s1. The turbulence chosen model is a constant viscosity
(D = 103m2s1).
In these first calculations, a simple configuration is designed according to the measurements, the sediment bed is made of 2 m of uniform cohesive sediments, concentration of
the bed is fixed to 900 g/l, fall velocity is 0.4 mm/s. Due to a lack of measurements, other
parameters are chosen by analogy with other similar studies [[13]], that is to say: lateral and
longitudinal diffusivity; critical shear stress for erosion CE = 1 Pa; Partheniades coefficient
M = 10 2 kg m2s1; and critical shear velocity for deposition vCD = 0.01 m/s, equivalent to a
critical shear stress of 0.1 Pa.

Hydrodynamic results

Calculations of hydrodynamics, using Telemac2D, have been performed first in order to

identify the major areas in the reservoir and their possible role in the sediment transport
dynamics. Figure 7 shows permanent results for an incoming discharge of 20 m3/s and a
downstream water level of 980 m (minimal turbinable water level), water depth (a), scalar
velocity (b), friction velocity (c) and Froude number are plotted.
Everywhere but in the still dam area, the water depths are small, often less than 1 m. In the
upstream part, the water flows in a narrow channel (3050 m wide) where flow velocities are

Figure 7. Numerical results with Telemac2D for Qupstream = 20 m3/s et Zdownstream = 980 m: (a) water
depths; (b) depth average velocities; (c) shear velocities; (d) Froude number.


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high, till 3 m/s. The downstream boundary of this narrow channel is located at the elevation
of 999.35 m. According to Shields law about the shear stress for the beginning of motion, in
these hydraulic conditions 3 cm gravels move. Downstream, in the enlargement, the talweg
gets larger and the flow is braided and velocities decrease. The downstream boundary of this
braided and large area is located at the elevation 985 m. Then, downstream the enlargement,
there is another narrow channel where flow velocities are higher than 1 m/s. A typical pattern
of sediment delta could be seen at the downstream boundary of this narrow channel. Near
the dam, large water depths, low velocities are observed. In both narrow channels, the flow
is super critical.
These calculations could explain the observations, reported paragraph 2.4, which highlight
the key role of the enlargement: (i) above 985 m, sediment deposit in the upstream part of the
reservoir (ii) around 985 m, sediment deposit in this area and (iii) below 985 m, sediment are
eroded and they could be transported to the water intake.

Sediment transport numerical results

Calculations using Sisyphe are first performed to compare sediment settling for several water
level in the reservoir (z = 1005,985 and 980 m). The incoming discharge is set to 20 m3/s which
is typical of a snow melt discharge of the upstream Romanche River (Fig. 5), the upstream
sediment concentration is set equal to 1 g/l. No bed evolution is taken into account, that is
to say no erosion of the bed and deposition does not modify the bed elevation. We compare
results for a computation that allows the permanent state to be reached, around 40 000 s.
Figure 8 (a,b,c) show the concentration in the reservoir in the case of 1005, 985 and 980 m
water levels at the dam. Figure 8 (d) gives the concentration along the talweg in function of
the distance to the dam. These figures show that
whatever the downstream water level is, the sediment are convected in the narrow upstream
channel with a concentration near the one imposed at the upstream boundary;
for the lowest water level (985 and 980 m), we see some deposition in the secondary channels of the braided enlargement;
as it could have been foreseen, deposition mainly occurs in the still downstream zone;
the lower the downstream water level is, the higher the concentration at the dam is: the
calculations give 0, 0.05 and 0.35 g/l at the dam for the respective water level of 1005, 985
and 980 m.
These values are coherent with the concentrations measured by the platform.

Figure 8. (a) (b) (c) Numerical results of settling calculations: Qupstream = 20 m3/s et Zdam = 1005-985-980 m:
sediment concentration. (d) sediment concentration (plain lines) and water elevation (dot lines), x is the
distance from the dam.


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This paper focuses on the understanding of the sedimentation in the Chambon Reservoir.
Analysis of input and output flux indicates that the deposition rate strongly depends on the
water level in the reservoir. About the sediment dynamic in the reservoir, measurement data
highlight the specific role of the geometry of the reservoir: the enlargement induced deposition and downstream an erosion zone could be observed. The mixing of water induced by
the water fall of the Ferrand derivation is also a key process that forced sediment in suspension in the whole water depth in the dam vicinity. An innovative platform has been designed
to allow a better insight in sediment concentration and flow velocity in the reservoir all over
the 2013 year. More data will help to clearly identify the part of Ferrand water fall on the
hydrodynamics in the lake.
Measurements data are compared with numerical calculations using Telemac2D and
Sisyphe. Even if these calculation are very improvable they show a good agreement between
numerical results and measurement. This 2D model could not be yet used to test sediment
management strategies but it encourages further developments, for example 3D tests or more
detailed description of the sediment bed. Real events of sediment transfer will be simulated
and compared to in situ data. Then a 3D hydrodynamic and sediment model will be built
using Telemac3D. A 2D model is satisfying in the upstream part of the reservoir where the
velocities are high, the water depths low and the concentration homogeneous. In the downstream area, using a 3D model is the only way to reproduce stratification.
Furthermore, improvement of sedimentation management will be implemented using
observation and modeling, it could be based on water level strategy.

Blue kenue: Software tool for hydraulic modellers,, 2013.
G. De Cesare. Alluvionnement des retenues par courants de turbidit. PhD thesis, EPFL, 1998.
N. Gratiot, H. Michallet, and M. Mory. On the determination of the settling flux of cohesive sediments
in a turbulent fluid. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, 2005.
J.M. Hervouet. Hydrodynamics of free surface flows, modelling with the finite element method. Wiley,
Hypack. Hydrographic survey software. Technical report, Hypack Inc.,, 2013.
M. Jodeau and S. Menu. Sediment transport modeling of a reservoir drawdown, example of Tolla reservoir. In River Flow Conference, 2012.
V. Mano, J. Nemery, and A. Poirel. Assessment of suspended sediment transport in four alpine watersheds (France): influence of the climatic regime. Hydrological Processes, 23, 2009.
A. Mantovanelli and P.V. Ridd. Devices to measure settling velocities of cohesive sediment aggregates:
A review of the in situ technology. Journal of Sea Research, 56 (3):199226, 2006.
G.L. Morris and J. Fan. Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook. McGraw-Hill, 1997.
M. Muller. Influence of in- and outflow sequences on flow patterns and suspended sediment behavior in
reservoirs. PhD thesis, EPFL LCH, 2012.
C.D. Oehy, G. De Cesare, and A.J. Schleiss. Effect of inclined jet screen on turbidity current. Journal of
Hydraulic Research, 48:8190, 2010.
P. Tassi, C Villaret, and D. Pham Van Bang. Sisyphe, release 6.2, user manual H-P73-2010-01219, available on Technical report, EDF, 2013.
E. Valette, P. Tassi, M. Jodeau, and C. Villaret. St Egrve ReservoirMulti-dimensional modelling of
flushing and evolution of the channel bed. In River Flow, 2014.
V. Wendling, Gratiot, C.N. Legout, I.G. Droppo, A.J. Manning, G. Antoine, H. Michallet, and M. Jodeau.
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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Measurements of spatial distribution of suspended sediment

concentrations in a hydropower reservoir
S. Haun
Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, The Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

L. Lizano
Design Department, Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, San Jos, Costa Rica

ABSTRACT: Sediments carried by rivers begin to settle when the water enters a reservoir,
resulting in sediment depositions. The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge of
suspended sediment transport in a comparatively small reservoir located in the North-West
of Costa Rica. Vertical distributions of suspended sediment concentrations and particle
sizes were measured along the reservoir by using a LISST instrument in order to get spatial
variations. The results showed that sediment concentrations and mean grain sizes decrease
continuously along the reservoir, especially in the upstream area of the reservoir. A significant
increase in the concentrations with depth could only be seen in the most upstream transect, all
other transects showed an almost uniform distribution of the concentrations over the depth.


A natural trapping of transported sediments happens when a river enters a lake or reservoir
and the flow velocities and turbulences decrease. Worldwide about 1% of the storage volume
is lost due to sediment depositions annually (Mahmood 1987). However, in areas with a distinctive rainy and dry season, like in Central America, the depositions can reach values up to
5% (Haun & Olsen 2012, Haun et al. 2013).
These depositions may result in a significant decrease of the reservoir lifetime, a shortage
of electrical output, the loss of water for drainage purposes and often also in a loss of flood
control benefits (Scheuerlein 1990, Morris & Fan 1998). Management tasks are therefore
necessary to avoid negative effects on the operation of the reservoir and/or to avoid that the
reservoir, in the worst case, is even lost after only a few years of operation. Yet, many reservoirs have been designed and built without appropriate knowledge about sediment inflow
and about the expected sediment problems. As a consequence, many of them have faced
sedimentation problems after starting the operation, which may limit the possible actions for
sediment management (e.g. without a sufficient size of the bottom outlets, a reservoir flushing is not feasible anymore). However, if the reservoir is already constructed, it is possible to
conduct measurements e.g. of the Suspended Sediment Concentrations (SSC) or the Particle
Size Distribution (PSD) within it. Knowledge regarding the sediment transport processes in
the reservoir makes it possible to accurately plan further sediment management tasks. Next
to knowledge regarding the SSC, information about the PSD is also valuable, e.g. close to the
intakes to get an idea of the characteristics of the sediments entering the system.
A hydropower reservoir in Costa Rica was chosen for this study. In this country, the high
quantity of inflowing sediments is a result of the combination of the local geology, the topography of the catchment area and the high precipitation. Suspended sediment concentration
and particle size distribution measurements in the reservoir were conducted by using a Laser
In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry instrument (LISST). The instrument is based on a
laser-diffraction method and measures simultaneously sediment concentrations as well as

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the particle size distribution with a measurement frequency of 0.5 Hertz (Sequoia Scientific Inc. 2011). An advantage of the instrument is that no further calibration is necessary
e.g. compared to a turbidity sensor (Agrawal & Pottsmith 2000). This device can measure
32 particle sizes in the range between 1.9 and 381 m, which is another advantage for using it,
if a high amount of fine sediment enters the reservoir. The LISST measurements were carried
out in transects along the reservoir and over the depth of different verticals. The results were
evaluated to give insight into the spatial distribution of the SSC and the PSD. Additionally,
measurements with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) were conducted to help to
understand the flow characteristics in the reservoir. The results of the LISST measurements
are presented and discussed in this study.



Aim of the study

The aim of this study was to get better knowledge regarding the suspended sediment transport
in the Peas Blancas reservoir in Costa Rica, especially the 3D distribution of the SSC as well as
the distribution of mean Particle Sizes (PS) in this reservoir. This knowledge may be used in additional studies to develop and improve new methods, like the use of ADCP backscatter data for a
standardized evaluation of the suspended sediment load and as input for numerical models.
During the field investigations, the conditions in the reservoir changed frequently and so
small concentrations, which are close to the limitation of the used instrument (LISST-SL)
also occurred. Hence, it was another challenge to see if the instrument, which was already
used in the Angostura reservoir in Costa Rica during high sediment laden inflow (Haun et al.
2013), is able to produce reliable results during low sediment transport conditions.

Field site

The field data were collected in the reservoir of Peas Blancas power plant, which is located
in the North-Western part of Costa Rica. The catchment, with 156 km2, is covered mainly by
forest and is subject to restrictions regarding the land use (ICE 1997). However, high sediment
loads have been transported to the reservoir and have decreased its initial 3.32 million m3
volume over the time, mainly due to high precipitationsthe average annual precipitation is
6066 mm (ICE 1997)and through many landslides inside the catchment. Very soon after the
project was built, it became evident that feasibility studies underestimated the sediment volume that would affect the power plant. Flushing with the bottom outlet, which was foreseen to
preserve the reservoir volume, has been limited, due to environmental concerns. Actually, only
partial flushings, with pressurized flow through the bottom outlet, are carried out.
The reservoir area at the highest regulated level is 350000 m2 (ICE 1997). Water flows from
the upstream part of the reservoir to the intake, located at the left side of the dam and with
a maximum capacity of 33 m3/s. During the field measurements, high variations of the flow
path were observed, depending on the inflow and the reservoir conditions.
The average discharge in the Peas Blancas river is 23 m3/s, at the dam site (ICE 1997). The
measurements took place during November and December 2013, when the Peas Blancas river
shows higher average discharges and empirically the largest part of the sediments enters the
reservoir. Actually, discharges reached at some days, values higher than 100 m3/s. For the whole
evaluation of the reservoir about 372 measurements were conducted within two weeks. 16 of
the measurements conducted during the 19th December 2013 are presented in this study.


For measuring the suspended sediment concentrations and the grain size distributions in
the reservoir, a Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry instrument was used (Sequoia
Scientific Inc. 2011). The LISST-SL device, used for this study, is Stream Lined (SL), so it

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adapts to the flow conditions also when the flow velocities are small. The instrument is based
on the principle of laser diffraction and measures continuously suspended sediment concentrations as well as the particle size distribution and shows instantly results to the user. The
LISST device consists in principle of a collimated Laser beam (L), a Receive lens (R), a multiring Detector (D) and a transmission detector (P; Fig. 1; Agrawal & Pottsmith 2000). The
collimated laser beam (670 nm wavelength) is sent through Water (W), with a predefined path
Length (l). Small particles which pass through the sample and cross the collimated laser beam
scatter light at a particular angle to the scattered-light receiving lens which is then printed
on a silicon multi-ring photo-detector (Agrawal & Pottsmith 2000, Agrawal & Traykovski
2001). The recorded scattering intensity is used during post-processing, where due to the use
of the mathematical inversion, the power distribution may be converted to a size distribution.
The volume concentration is subsequently calculated by multiplying the area in any size by the
grain size. An advantage of the instrument is that the measurements are independent of the
refractive index of the particles (Agrawal & Pottsmith 2000). Shape effects of natural sediment
grains are included in processing of the results in the software, but have to be handled with
care due to a dependency on the particle type (Agrawal et al. 2008, Felix et al. 2013).
In total, the measured PSD is subdivided into 32 grain sizes in the range between 1.9 and
381 m. The pre-defined measurement frequency of the instrument is 0.5 Hertz. The maximum and minimum SSC which can be measured by the instrument depends in principle on
the particle size (d) and on the path Length (l) of the collimated laser beam and is roughly
d/l (Agrawal et al. 2011). While in the users manual the maximum concentration that can be
measured is given to be 2000 mg/l, the minimum concentration, which is very important for
this study, is in the range of 10 mg/l (Sequoia Scientific Inc. 2011). The instrument has in
addition an integrated depth and temperature sensor.


The measurements were applied in vertical profiles in 5 transects along the reservoir to get an
overview of the SSC and the PSD within the reservoir (Fig. 2). The measurement interval in
the vertical direction was chosen to be 2 m. The first measurement was conducted in a depth
of 2 m due to the fact that floating material and small organic material was observed at the

Figure 1. Principle of the LISST measurement device (Agrawal and Pottsmith 2000,


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Figure 2. Peas Blancas reservoir, with the 5 chosen transects and the vertical points were the LISST-SL
measurements were conducted (L1L5).

surface, and so it was assumed that measurements closer to the surface could be influenced
by these particles.
The measurements were performed and processed as a time series and an average value
for the SSC and the mean grain size was calculated for each point measurement. As example, transect 5 measured concentrations are shown in Figure 3. The results of the measurements are presented in Table 1, where the concentrations were subdivided accordingly to the
sediment particle sizes, clay and fine silt (2 m6.3 m), medium silt (6.320 m), coarse silt
(20 m63 m) and fine sand (63 m200 m), and shown as percentage of the total concentration. In addition a cumulative grain size distribution was processed for each point, again as
average of the 30 second measurement. Figure 4 shows the cumulative grain size distribution,
for the same vertical as shown in Figure 3. From Figure 4, it can also be seen that the cumulative grain size distribution does not start at zero. This is due to the fact, that the measured clay
content in the water sample is added to the first measurable sediment size by the device.
In the field, a sensitivity analysis was performed to find an optimum duration of a measurement. The evaluation of the data showed that a measurement with 15 seconds at a frequency of 0.5 Hertz would be sufficient to give a reliable value. The deviation compared to a
60 second measurement is in the range of about 0.5 mg/l for a 15 seconds measurement and
in the range of 0.35 mg/l for a 30 seconds measurement, which is comparable with the noise
of the instrument. For this study finally a 30 seconds measurement interval was chosen.
In addition a 120 seconds noise test was performed, which answers the question if the device
is adapted to the conditions at the field site (e.g. to the temperature) and if the collected background can be used for evaluating the measurements. The results showed that the noise may
produce a change in the concentration of up to 0.32 mg/l, which proofs the usability.
What can happen during measurements in a reservoir and also in a river, are natural fluctuations in the concentrations due to e.g. a change in the flow conditions. The advantage of the
LISST-SL is that the user can see the data in real time, which means that natural fluctuations
of the concentrations in the reservoir that may occur suddenly can be observed directly and the
measurements can be adapted immediately, e.g. a longer measurement period per point can be
chosen. However, during these measurement a sudden inor decrease was not observed.

Transect 1

Measurements were performed in a depth of 2 m and 4 m in this transect. An increase in

the SSC from 2 m (26.15 mg/l) to 4 m (33.61 mg/l) could be recognized. Also, the mean PS
showed a higher value in 4 m depth (33.54 m), compared to the measurement in 2 m depth
(30.66 m). A more detailed look into the different grain sizes showed that the main percentage
of the inflowing sediments (about 75%) is medium and coarse silt, with a considerable higher

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Figure 3. Time series of the suspended sediment concentration measurements in the vertical in transect
5 in four different depths.

Table 1. Overview of the measured suspended sediment concentrations, the calculated mean diameter
and the percentages of the measured sediment fractions (clay, silt and sand).



Clay and
fine silt [%]

silt [%]

silt [%]

sand [%]

diameter [m]









percentage of coarse silt. In addition about 12 and 14.8% of the inflowing sediment is fine
sand, in a depth of 2 m and 4 m, respectively. The coarsest measured grain size in this vertical was 153 m. From the measurements it can also be seen that the relative content of clay,
fine and medium silt of the total concentration is higher in a depth of 2 m, and decreases in
a depth of 4 m.

Transect 2

In this transect, it can be seen that there is almost no increase of the SSC over the depth
(22.32 mg/l in 2 m depth and 22.25 mg/l in 6 m depth). If the results from the 120 seconds

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Figure 4. Corresponding cumulative grain size distributions of the measurements presented in Figure 3.

noise test are taken into account (fluctuations in the range of 0.32 mg/l), then an almost
uniform concentration of about 22 mg/l can be assumed over the depth. Medium and coarse
silt are again the dominating fractions (with a percentage of 76.481.3%, together with fine
sand, about 83%). In this section it can also be seen that the mean diameter in a depth of
2 m (25.5 m) is slightly higher than the one measured in 4 m (23.26 m) and 6 m (23.40 m)
depth. The measurements show that, in terms of absolute percentage by fraction, in a depth
of 2 m the fine sand is about 5% higher than in the other two depths. Particularly, the measured grain size of 66.5 m has a major influence on the high value of fine sand. A high
amount of floating debris was observed in this area during the measurements. Hence, it may
be assumed that small organic material, which was also observed close to the surface, was
measured by the device in a depth of 2 m. ADCP measurements showed small flow velocities
along the whole transect 2, so local turbulences which could keep fine sand particles close to
the surface, can be excluded. A second measurement along transect 2, 50 meters from the first
measured vertical, showed also a higher value for the fine sand in a depth of 2 m. Also in this
area, the floating debris was observed at the surface. The coarsest measured grain size in this
vertical was 130 m. Compared to transect 1 (about 260 m upstream), a clear decrease of the
SSC as well as of the mean PS can be seen (e.g. in a depth of 4 m, where the SSC dropped
from 33.61 mg/l to 21.77 mg/l and the mean PS dropped from 33.54 m to 23.26 m).

Transect 3

Measurements in transect 3 show again almost similar concentrations over the depth
(17.35 mg/l in 2 m and 18.54 mg/l in 6 m). Taking the noise into account, then the increase
is in the range of only about 1 mg/l. Medium silt (41.337.6%) and coarse silt (39.944.8%)
are in this transect, almost equally distributed over the depth and may be again characterized
as the predominant sizes. The mean grain size increased only slightly from 17.82 m in 2 m
to 18.96 m in 6 m depth. The coarsest measured grain size in this vertical was 78.9 m. In
addition, the percentage of fine sand does not play an important role anymore. Compared
to transect 2 (about 130 m upstream), a decrease in the concentration could be recognized
(e.g. in a depth of 4 m, where the SSC dropped from 21.77 mg/l to 17.74 mg/l). Additionally,

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a smaller mean PS was measured compared to the upstream located transect (dropped from
23.26 m to 18.13 m, again in a depth of 4 m).

Transect 4

The measurements showed a slight and continuous increase of the concentrations over the
depth in transect 4. Again, if the noise is taken into account, then it can be seen that the
concentration increase is in the range of about 1.52.8 mg/l within 6 meter depth (14.35 mg/l
in 2 m depth and 16.51 mg/l in 8 m depth). The largest fraction of transported sediments is
medium silt (4045%). Furthermore in this transect for the first time a large decrease in the
percentage of coarse silt (24.735.6%) could be seen. In contrast, the percentage of clay and
fine silt (3023.5%) increases significantly. If compared to transect 3 (about 130 m upstream),
a decrease in the overall concentration (e.g. in a depth of 4 m, where the SSC dropped from
17.74 mg/l to 14.91 mg/l), yet not so big anymore, and a decrease in the mean PS (e.g. in a
depth of 4 m, where the mean PS dropped from 18.13 m to 14.33 m), can be observed. The
coarsest measured grain size in this vertical was 66.9 m.

Transect 5

Measurement results in transect 5, the most downstream transect, are almost similar than
those of transect 4, located about 140 m upstream. Concentration values (12.618.2 mg/l in
a depth of 2 m and 8 m), mean grain sizes (12.717.0 m in a depth of 2 m and 8 m) and the
slight variation of these variables over the depth are similar in both transects. Comparing the
percentages of the different fractions, a similar decrease of the clay and fine silt (29.522.5%)
and medium silt fraction (47.641.3%) over the depth, and the increase in the percentage of
the coarse silt (22.836%), is observed. Fine sand is in both transects too small, so it can be
neglected. The coarsest measured grain size in this vertical was also 66.9 m.


The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge of suspended sediment transport in a
small reservoir, regarding the spatial distributions and to get useful information about the
settling of the particles in the reservoir. Measurements were performed with a LISST-SL
device, which is based on the principle of laser diffraction. The measurements conducted
during 19th December 2013 are presented in this study.
During this day, the measurements were performed in five transects along the reservoir,
to see the changes in the concentration as well as the variation of the grain sizes. In each
transect one vertical profile was chosen, with one measurement in each two meters of depth.
The measurements were performed for 30 seconds in each point to get a time series of the
concentrations and of the grain size distribution for the different points.
The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows. The suspended sediment
concentrations in the reservoir and the mean grain sizes, which were calculated from the
32 measured particle sizes, decrease along the reservoir. Following the direction of flow,
transect 1, the most upstream cross section, showed concentration values between 26.15 mg/l
at the surface and 33.61 mg/l at the bed, and transect 5, close to the intake, showed lower
values between 12.59 mg/l at the surface and 18.16 mg/l at the bed. Between transect 4 and 5
there was almost no more change in the concentrations, the grain sizes and the percentage of
the different fractions (clay, fine silt, medium silt and coarse silt). The sediment size got finer
from transect 1, where medium and coarse silt were the predominant fractions, to transect 5,
where clay, fine and medium silt became more important. It could be seen that the percentage
of fine silt and clay almost doubled along the reservoir. The fraction of fine sand decreased
completely between transects 2 and transect 3. Transect 1, the most upstream cross section,
showed values for the mean grain size between 30.66 m at the surface and 33.54 m at the
bed, and transect 5, close to the intake, showed values between 12.66 m at the surface and

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17.01 m at the bed. A strong increase in the concentration over the depth was only observed
in the most upstream transect, all other transects had approximately uniform distributions of
concentration and grain sizes over the depth.
The results presented in this study showed that the suspended sediment transport was very
low during the measurements. Therefore, it can be assumed that they had very little influence
on the sediment depositions in this reservoir. The measurements showed that it is feasible
to use the LISST-SL device in reservoirs for evaluating the suspended sediment concentrations as well as the particle size distribution for small sediment concentrations. An additional
conclusion from the field work is that the tests carried out for evaluating the noise ratio of
the instrument for a certain field site and for certain conditions are extremely important. The
noise ratio could be reduced to a value of only about 0.32 mg/l due to a careful collection of
the background file.
A further step in this study would be to increase the resolution and to get a fully 3D pattern of the SSC and the PSD in the reservoir, by evaluating the backscatter data obtained by
the ADCP. The results of this and other upcoming studies may be used as basis for further
analyses, like for calibrating numerical models or for modifying the existing reservoir management tasks.

Agrawal, Y.C. & Pottsmith, H.C. 2000. Instruments for Particle Size and Settling Velocity Observations
in Sediment Transport, Marine Geology 168: 89114.
Agrawal, Y.C. & Traykovski, P. 2001. Particles in the bottom boundary layer: Concentration and size
dynamics through events, Journal of Geophysical Research 106(5): 95339542.
Agrawal, Y.C., Whitmire, A., Mikkelsen, O.A. & Pottsmith, H.C. 2008. Light scattering by random
shaped particles and consequences on measuring suspended sediments by laser diffraction, J.
Geophys. Res., 113.
Agrawal, Y.C., Mikkelsen, O.A. & Pottsmith, H.C. 2011. Sediment monitoring technology for turbine erosion and reservoir siltation applications, Proc. HYDRO 2011 Conference, Prague, Czech
Felix, D., Albayrak, I. & Boes, R.M. 2013. Laboratory investigation on measuring suspended sediment by portable laser diffractometer (LISST) focusing on particle shape, Geo-Marine Letters 33(6):
Haun, S. & Olsen, N.R.B. 2012. Three-dimensional numerical modelling of reservoir flushing in a prototype scale, International Journal of River Basin Management 10(4): 341349.
Haun, S., Kjrs, H., Lvfall, S. & Olsen, N.R.B. 2013. Three-dimensional measurements and numerical
modelling of suspended sediments in a hydropower reservoir, Journal of Hydrology, 479: 180188.
ICE, 1997. P.H Peas Blancas. Estudio de factibilidad y diseo bsico.
Mahmood, K. 1987. Reservoir sedimentation: impact, extent and mitigation, World Bank Technical
Paper 71; ISSN 0253-7494, ISBN 0-8213-0952-8.
Morris, G.L. & Fan, J. 1998. Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New
Scheuerlein, H. 1990. Removal of sediment deposits in reservoirs by means of flushing, Proceedings
International Conference on Water Resources in Mountainous Regions, Symp. 3: Impact of Artificial
Reservoirs on Hydrological Equilibrium, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Sequoia Scientific Inc., 2011. LISST-SL Users Guide V 2.1. Bellevue, USA.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Case studies of reservoir sedimentation as a consequence

of soil erosion
V. Hrissanthou
Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece

ABSTRACT: Two case studies for the computation of reservoir sedimentation are described
in the present paper: Forggensee Reservoir (Bavaria, Germany) and Yermasoyia Reservoir
(Cyprus). The physical processes that were quantified, are: runoff resulting from rainfall, soil
erosion due to rainfall and runoff, inflow of eroded particles into streams, sediment transport
in streams, sediment inflow into the reservoir, and sediment deposition in the reservoir. The
above physical processes were included in a mathematical simulation model which computes
the inflowing sediment quantity into the reservoir considered from the corresponding basin.
The computed sediment inflow into Forggensee Reservoir was compared with available sediment yield (suspended load) measurements at the reservoir inlet for 12 years (19661977),
while the computed sediment inflow into Yermasoyia Reservoir was compared with the
measured mean annual rate of soil erosion in the corresponding basin. In both cases, the
comparison results are satisfactory.


Reservoir sedimentation, which decreases the useful life of the reservoir, is closely associated
with soil and stream bed erosion in the corresponding basin. Sediment inflowing into the reservoir originates mainly from the products of soil and stream bed erosion. Therefore, the computation of reservoir sedimentation requires, in a previous step, the computation of soil erosion
and stream sediment transport. The computation of soil erosion, in turn, requires the preliminary computation of runoff due to rainfall, because both rainfall and runoff cause soil erosion.
According to the above mentioned process chain, the distinct physical processes, that should be
quantified by means of corresponding distinct submodels, are: runoff resulting from rainfall,
soil erosion due to rainfall and runoff, inflow of eroded particles into streams, sediment transport in streams, sediment inflow into the reservoir, and sediment deposition in the reservoir.
The physical processes mentioned above could be included in a mathematical simulation model,
which will compute the inflowing sediment quantity into a reservoir from the surrounding
basins. For the verification of the mathematical model, usually, no systematic long-term sediment yield measurements of the rivers, streams or torrents, discharging their water into the
reservoir, are available. Contrarily, rainfall and, in general, meteorological data, which serve as
input data of the mathematical models, can be found. Additionally, model parameters, which
serve also as input data, can be estimated by means of topographic and geologic maps.
In the following paragraph, the names of the reservoirs studied, the submodels used and
the available output data are given:
Forggensee Reservoir (Bavaria, Germany)
Rainfall-runoff submodel of Lutz (1984)
Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)
Stream sediment transport submodel of Yang and Stall (1976)
Available output data: sediment yield (suspended load) at the reservoir inlet for 12 years

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Yermasoyia Reservoir (Cyprus)

Rainfall-runoff submodel (Giakoumakis et al. 1991)
Soil erosion submodel of Schmidt (1992)
Stream sediment transport submodel of Yang and Stall (1976)
Available output data: mean annual rate of soil erosion in the corresponding basin


The mathematical simulation model used in the case study of Forggensee Reservoir consists
of four submodels: (a) a rainfall-runoff submodel; (b) a soil erosion submodel; (c) a submodel for the estimation of sediment inflow into the main stream of a sub-basin; and (d) a
submodel for the estimation of sediment yield at the outlet of a sub-basin.

Rainfall-runoff submodel of Lutz

The rainfall-runoff submodel of Lutz (1984) predicts rainfall excess for a given storm by
using region-dependent and event-dependent parameters. Region-dependent parameters are
the land use and the hydrologic soil group which reflects the infiltration rate.
The model of Lutz is expressed mathematically by the following equation:

N Av )c +


k ho Av


where h0 = daily rainfall excess (mm); N = daily rainfall depth (mm); Av = initial abstraction
consisting mainly of interception, infiltration and surface storage and depending on the land
use (mm); c = maximum end runoff coefficient expected for a rainfall depth of about 250 mm
and depending on the land use and the hydrologic soil group; and k = proportionality factor
(mm1) which is given by the following equation:

2 0 /WZ
e 2.0 / qB


where P1 = region-dependent parameter; WZ = week number which designates the season;

and qB = baseflow rate which designates the antecedent moisture conditions (l s1 km2).

Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)

The classical form of the USLE (Wischmeier & Smith 1978) is:



where A = soil loss due to surface erosion (t ha1); R = rainfall erosivity factor (N hr1);
K = soil erodibility factor (t ha1 N hr1); LS = topographic factor; C = crop management factor; and P = erosion control practice factor.
The USLE is intended to estimate average soil loss over an extended period, e.g. mean
annual soil loss (Foster 1982). However, only raindrop impact is taken into account in this
equation to estimate soil loss. An improved erosivity factor was introduced by Foster et al.
(1977) to take also into account the runoff shear stresses effect on soil detachment for single

0.5Rst + 0.5RR = 0 5Rsstt + 0 5 a ho q p 0.33


where R = modified erosivity factor (N hr1); Rst = rainfall erosivity factor (N hr1); RR = runoff
erosivity factor (N hr1); ho = runoff volume per unit area (mm); qp = peak runoff rate per unit
area (mm hr1); and a = a constant depending on the units (a = 0.70).

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Estimate of sediment inflow into the main stream of a sub-basin

Sediment from the soil erosion transported to the main stream of a sub-basin is computed by
the concept of overland flow sediment transport capacity. At this point, it must be noted that
only the main stream of the sub-basin is considered because large amounts of unavailable data
for the geometry and hydraulics of the entire stream system would otherwise be required.
The amount of sediment due to soil erosion transported to the main stream of a subbasin, ES, is estimated by means of the following relationships:
ES = qt


qrf > qt


ES = qrf


qrf qt


where qrf = available sediment in a sub-basin; and qt = overland flow sediment transport
However, sediment from the preceding sub-basin, FLI, is also transported to the sub-basin
under consideration. The total sediment transported to the main stream of the sub-basin,
ESI, is therefore:
S = ES



The following relationships of Beasley et al. (1980) are used to compute the overland flow
sediment transport capacity in a sub-basin:
qt = 146 s q1/2 for q 0.046 m3 min1 m1
qt = 14600 s q2 for q > 0.046 m3 min1 m1


where qt = overland flow sediment transport capacity (kg min1 m1); s = mean slope gradient;
and q = flow rate per unit width (m3 min1 m1).
Since the relationships of Beasley et al. (1980) are combined with USLE, the quantity qrf is
computed on the basis of the soil erosion amount A.

Estimate of sediment yield at the outlet of a sub-basin

The sediment yield at the outlet of a sub-basin, FLO, reflects the same basic controls as the
sediment supply ES from soil erosion:
FLO = qts, if ESI > qts
FLO = ESI, if ESI qts


where qts = sediment transport capacity by streamflow.

The following relationships of Yang & Stall (1976) are used to compute sediment transport
capacity by streamflow:

log *


us ucr s
+ 1.799 0.409 log
0.314 log * log

5.435 0.


u D50
+ 0.66, if 1.2 <
< 70
w log(u*D50 / ) 0.06

= 2.05 if

u D50


where ct = total sediment concentration (ppm); w = terminal fall velocity of suspended particles (m s1); D50 = median grain diameter of the bed material (m); v = kinematic viscosity of
the water (m2 s1); u* = shear velocity (m s1); u = mean flow velocity (m s1); ucr = critical mean
flow velocity (m s1); and s = energy slope.

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Equation 12 was determined from the concept of unit stream power (rate of potential energy
expenditure per unit weight of water, us) and dimensional analysis. The variable ucr in Equation 12
suggests that a critical situation is considered at the beginning of sediment particle motion, as in
most sediment transport equations. But the relationship of Yang and Stall (1976) has the advantage, in contrast to other published equations, that it was verified in natural rivers.


The mathematical simulation model used in the case study of Yermasoyia Reservoir consists of four submodels equivalent to the ones applied to the basin of Forggensee Reservoir,
namely: (a) a rainfall-runoff submodel; (b) a soil erosion submodel; (c) a submodel for the
estimate of sediment inflow into the main stream of a sub-basin; and (d) a submodel for the
estimate of sediment yield at the outlet of a sub-basin. The submodel (d) is exactly the same
as in the first mathematical simulation model.

Rainfall-runoff submodel of water balance

The hydrologic submodel described in this section is a simplified water balance model
(Giakoumakis et al. 1991), in which the variation of soil moisture due to rainfall, evapotranspiration, deep percolation and runoff is considered. The rainfall losses taken into account
in the hydrologic submodel, are due to evapotranspiration and deep percolation. The basic
balancing equation is:

Sn1 + N n

E pn


where Sn1 = available soil moisture for the time step n 1 (mm); Nn = rainfall depth for the
time step n (mm); Epn = potential evapotranspiration for the time step n (mm); and Sn = auxiliary variable (mm).
The rainfall excess or direct runoff depth hon (mm) and the deep percolation INn (mm) for
the time step n can be evaluated as follows:
If Sn < 0, then Sn = 0, hon = 0 and IN
Nn = 0
If 0 Sn Smax , then Sn
If Sn

Smax , then Sn

Sn , hon = 0 and IN
Nn = 0

Smax , hon

k (Sn

Smax ) and IN
N n = k Sn Smax ) ,

where k and k are proportionality coefficients (k

k ).
The maximum available soil moisture Smax (mm) is estimated by the following relationship
of US Soil Conservation Service (SCS 1972):
Smax = 25.4




where CN is the curve number depending on the soil cover, the hydrologic soil group and the
antecedent soil moisture conditions (0 < CN < 100 ).

Soil erosion submodel of Schmidt

The soil erosion submodel of Schmidt (1992) is based on the assumption that the impact of
droplets on the soil surface and the surface runoff are proportional to the momentum flux
contained in the droplets and the runoff, respectively.
The momentum flux exerted by the falling droplets, r (kg m s2), is given by:

C AE ur sin a



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where C = soil cover factor; r = rainfall intensity (m s1); = water density (kg m3); AE =
sub-basin area (m2); ur = mean fall velocity of the droplets (m s1); and a = mean slope angle
of the soil surface (o).
The momentum flux exerted by the runoff, f (kg m s2), is given by:

f = q b u


where q = direct runoff rate per unit width (m3 s1 m1); b = width of the sub-basin area (m);
and u = mean flow velocity (m s1).
3.3 Estimate of sediment inflow into the main stream of a sub-basin
Equations 5, 6 and 7 are also applied to the second mathematical simulation model. The
available sediment discharge per unit width, qrf (kg s1 m1), due to rainfall and runoff, in a
sub-basin is given by (Schmidt 1992):

( 7 E 1.. )104

r + f

(E > )


where cr = critical momentum flux (kg m s2).

The critical momentum flux cr , which designates the soil erodibility, can be calculated


qcr b u


where qcr = direct runoff rate per unit width at initial erosion (m3 s1 m1).
The sediment transport capacity by overland flow, qt (kg s1 m1), is computed as follows
(Schmidt 1992):

s q


where cmax = concentration of suspended particles at transport capacity (m3 m3); and
s = sediment density (kg m3).



The first mathematical simulation model, that was described in Section 2, was applied to the
1500 km2 basin of the Forggensee Reservoir (Bavaria, Germany), in order to compute
the annual sediment yield at the basin outlet, namely at the reservoir inlet, for certain
years. The storage capacity of the reservoir is 168 106 m3. The largest part of the basin
is in Austria and the main stream is the Lech River. The basin consists mainly of forest
(36%), meadow (49%), and rock (11%) over 2000 m in altitude (Fig. 1, Hrissanthou 1990).
Information about the soil texture class was available only for a small part of the basin where
it consists of loamy sand, sandy loam, and clay loam. For more precise calculations, the basin
was divided into 88 natural sub-basins, about 25 km2 in area.
The following data were available: (a) daily rainfall amounts from five rainfall stations in
the basin for 12 years (19661977); (b) suspended load at the outlet of the basin for these
same 12 years, on a daily basis.
Sediment yield at the outlet of the basin was computed by the model on a daily basis
because the rainfall amounts (input data) were available on a daily basis. Daily rainfall occurrences were treated as individual storm events. The daily values of sediment yield were added

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Figure 1.

Soil cover map of the basin of Forggensee Reservoir (Hrissanthou 1990).

to produce the annual value of sediment yield at the outlet of the basin. Annual bed load was
assumed to be 20% of the annual suspended load (Schrder & Theune 1984). The ratios of
the computed annual values of sediment yield, associated with soil and stream bed erosion,
to the measured values of sediment yield at the outlet of the whole basin are presented in
Table 1.


The arithmetic results are satisfactory considering the large basin area and the fact that the
computation was performed on a daily basis and that no runoff or sediment yield data were
available for the sub-basins.
The rainfall-runoff submodel of Lutz (1984) is particularly suitable for the basin considered because it was developed for South German climatic conditions. The factors K, C and
P of the empirical USLE were evaluated by means of the tables of Schwertmann (1981),
which are valid especially for Bavaria. The factor Rst was estimated as a function of the daily
rainfall amount on the basis of a regression analysis (Hrissanthou 1989).
Gully and bank erosion, as well as mass movement were ignored because no information was available to characterize them. Snowmelt runoff, glacial and snow erosion were not
quantified because the research was focused on the classical soil erosion due to rainfall and
Moreover, USLE and any equation for classical erosion due to rainfall and runoff are
not appropriate to be applied to rock areas without vegetation. As mentioned before, a part
(11%) of the basin area consists of rock without vegetation, over 2000 m in altitude.

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Table 1. Ratio of computed to measured values

of sediment yield.

value (t)

Computed value/
Measured value




Finally, in this example, the comparison between computed and measured values of sediment
yield at the outlet of the entire basin was made on an annual basis, although the calculations
were performed on a daily basis. The following reasons are given for using an annual basis for
the comparison: (a) the very long sediment travel times from the outlets of the most sub-basins
to the outlet of the whole basin; (b) the fact that daily rainfall occurrences were treated as
individual storm events; (c) the lack of runoff and sediment yield data in the sub-basins. These
reasons render the precise computation of daily sediment yield at the outlet of the whole basin
difficult. The addition of the daily values of sediment yield at the outlet of the basin causes a
decrease in the differences between computed and measured values of sediment yield.



The second mathematical simulation model, that was described in Section 3, was applied to
the basin of Yermasoyia Reservoir that is located northeast of the town of Limassol, Cyprus,
in order to compute the annual soil erosion amount in the above basin, as well as the annual
sediment yield at the basin outlet for certain years. The storage capacity of the reservoir is
13 106 m3. The Yermasoyia River drains a basin that, upstream of the reservoir, amounts to
122.5 km2. The length of the main stream of the basin is about 25 km, and the highest altitude of the basin is about 1400 m. The basin which consists of forest (57.7%), bush (33.7%),
cultivated land (5.8%), urban area (1.8%) and an area with no significant vegetation (1%),
was divided into four natural sub-basins for more precise calculations (Fig. 2, Hrissanthou
2006). The sub-basin areas vary between 14 and 44 km2.
The soil types of the basin were divided into three categories: permeable (Calcaric
Cambisols, Eutric Cambisols), semi-permeable (Eutric Regosols) and impermeable (Calcaric
Lithosols, Eutric Lithosols) soils, because the above distinction is necessary for the estimate
of the curve number in the hydrologic submodel.
Daily rainfall data for four years (19861989) from three rainfall stations were available.
The mean annual rainfall at these stations amounts to 662 mm. Additionally, mean daily
values of air temperature and relative air humidity and daily values of sunlight hours for the
above four years were available from a meteorological station. Mean daily values of wind
velocity only for one year (1988) were obtained from the same meteorological station. The air
temperature, relative air humidity, sunlight hours and wind velocity data are necessary for the
calculation of the potential evapotranspiration according to the radiation method improved
by Doorenbos & Pruitt (1977).

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Figure 2.

Main streams of the four sub-basins of Yermasoyia Reservoir basin (Hrissanthou 2006).

Finally, the distribution of mean annual erosion rates over the island of Cyprus was
obtained from the Water Development Department (Nicosia, Cyprus). According to this
authority, the erosion rates have been deduced and assigned to the various geomorphologic
areas of Cyprus on the basis of existing, randomly obtained, suspended sediment samples
and mainly on the basis of estimates derived by surveying three dams.
The mathematical model was applied to each sub-basin separately and on a monthly time
basis for a certain year. The monthly values of sediment yield at the basin outlet resulting
from the model for a given year were added to produce the annual value of sediment yield
YA due to soil and stream bed erosion. The annual soil erosion amount for the whole basin
is symbolized with YD. The ratio of YA to YD is called the sediment delivery ratio DR. The
computational results for YA, YD and DR for the years 19861989 are shown in Table 2.
The mean annual value of YD, 378,000 t, is transformed into the mean annual rate of
soil erosion, 1.16 mm. The latter value is 1.7 times higher than the corresponding estimated
value of 0.70 mm (Water Development Department, Nicosia, Cyprus). This estimated
value is assigned to areas with igneous rocks, steep slopes and rainfall rates of the order of
600800 mm/year, covered by forest, brush and with little cultivation. These climatic and
physiographic conditions are fulfilled by the basin of Yermasoyia Reservoir.
According to the classical diagram of Brune (1953), the trap efficiency of Yermasoyia
Reservoir is 100%. This means that all of the sediment yield at the basin outlet is deposited
in the reservoir. Considering the storage capacity of the reservoir (13.6 106 m3), its useful
life thus amounts to 193 years.


The rainfall-runoff submodel of water balance (Giakoumakis et al. 1991) is suitable for the
basin considered because it was developed for Mediterranean climatic conditions.

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Table 2.

Computational results for YD, YA and DR.


YD (t)

YA (t)

DR (%)

Mean value




The soil erosion submodel, that is based on fundamental physical concepts, overestimates,
finally, the mean annual rate of soil erosion for the whole basin. The following factors,
amongst others, contribute to the deviation (overestimation or underestimation) between the
computed and the measured values of soil erosion: (a) the equations for soil erosion described
above were applied to relatively small sub-basins, whereas they were developed initially for
small experimental fields; (b) snowmelt runoff, gully and bank erosion were neglected; (c) the
erosion measurements are indirect, as explained previously.
The sediment inflow into the reservoir resulting from the stream sediment transport submodel is also overestimated because the overestimated soil erosion quantity serves as input
to the stream sediment transport submodel. Moreover, in the present case study, the bed of
the main streams of the sub-basins consists of sand and gravel, and the slope of the main
streams of two sub-basins exceeds the application limit of the Yang formula (1976), which is
valid for sandy beds.
In the computations performed through the mathematical model, the sub-basin was
the space unit and the month was the time unit. However, it has to be stressed that performing the calculations on an event basis is a reasonable way for the quantification of
runoff, erosion and sediment transport processes, provided that pertinent detailed data
are available.
In the case of large basins, for which mean annual values of soil erosion and sediment yield
are required, the monthly time basis of the computations constitutes a temporally detailed
approach. However, the performance of the calculations on a monthly time basis has as the
consequence that some variables of the model equations, e.g. the rainfall intensity, characterizing single storm events lose their physical meaning.
Most parameters of the mathematical model used were estimated by means of tables, and
topographic, vegetation and soil maps.


From the preceding discussions on the computational results of the mathematical simulation
models described above, it is concluded that these models are applicable to reservoir basins
for which both hydrometeorological data, and topographic, vegetation and soil maps are
available, in order to predict roughly reservoir sedimentation in terms of soil erosion.
However, it has to be emphasized that some of the model imperfections given above lead
to an overestimation and some others to an underestimation of the sediment yield at the
basin outlets, which has as a favourable consequence the compensation of the deviations
between computations and estimates or measurements.

Beasley, D.B., Huggins, L.F. & Monke, E.J. 1980. ANSWERS: a model for watershed planning.
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 23(4): 938944.
Brune, G.M. 1953. Trap efficiency of reservoirs. Transactions, American Geophysical Union 34(3):


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Doorenbos, J. & Pruitt, W.O. 1977. Crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 24
(revised), FAO, Rome, Italy.
Foster, G.R. 1982. Modelling the erosion process. In C.T. Haan, H.P. Johnson & D.L. Brakensiek (eds),
Hydrologic Modeling of Small Watersheds: Chapter 5, 297380, American Society of Agricultural
Engineers Monograph No. 5.
Foster, G.R., Meyer, L.D. & Onstad, C.A. 1977. A runoff erosivity factor and variable slope length
exponents for soil loss estimates. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers
20(4): 683687.
Giakoumakis, S., Tsakiris, G. & Efremides, D. 1991. On the rainfall-runoff modelling in a Mediterranean island environment. In Advances in Water Resources Technology. Rotterdam: Balkema.
Hrissanthou, V. 1989. Feststofflieferungsmodell eines Einzugsgebietes. Wasserwirtschaft 79(4):
Hrissanthou, V. 1990. Application of a sediment routing model to a Middle European watershed. Water
Resources Bulletin 26(5): 801810.
Hrissanthou, V. 2006. Comparative application of two mathematical models to predict sedimentation in
Yermasoyia Reservoir, Cyprus. Hydrological Processes 20(18): 39393952.
Lutz, W. 1984. Berechnung von Hochwasserabflssen unter Anwendung von Gebietskenngren.
Mitteilungen des Instituts fr Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, Universitt Karlsruhe, Germany,
Heft 24.
Schmidt, J. 1992. Predicting the sediment yield from agricultural land using a new soil erosion model. In
P. Larsen & N. Eisenhauer (eds), Proceedings 5th International Symposium on River Sedimentation,
Karlsruhe, Germany, 10451051.
Schrder, W. & Theune, C. 1984. Feststoffabtrag und Stauraumverlandung in Mitteleuropa.
Wasserwirtschaft 74(7/8): 374379.
Schwertmann, U. 1981. Die Vorausschtzung des Bodenabtrages durch Wasser in Bayern. Institut fr
Bodenkunde, TU Mnchen, Weihenstephan, Germany.
SCS (Soil Conservation Service) 1972. National Engineering Handbook. Section 4: Hydrology, USDA,
SCS, Washington DC.
Wischmeier, W.H. & Smith, D.D. 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses, A guide to conservation
planning. US Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook No. 537.
Yang, C.T. & Stall, J.B. 1976. Applicability of unit stream power equation. Journal of the Hydraulics
Division, ASCE 102(5): 559568.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

The impact of flow transformations and reservoir floor

topography on reservoir deposition patterns in high energy
F. Weirich
IIHR Hydroscience and Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA

ABSTRACT: The challenge of operating reservoirs that are subject to high levels of sediment input or high volume episodic events involves the need to quickly both restore reservoir
capacity and regain operational control of outlets works. Such efforts often must be undertaken in the face of increased broader environmental concerns and requirements. In the study
presented here the bed configuration of a reservoir resulted in the conversion of a subaqueous debris flow into a turbidity current that relatively quickly dissipated and deposited its
sediment load in the upper-mid reaches of the reservoir thereby greatly reducing the volume
of sediment reaching the dams intake structures. The results suggest that it may be possible
to either alter or take advantage of the reservoir bed configuration to limit the deposition of
a significant portion of the sediment to the upper reaches of a reservoir. Such an operational
approach might also reduce clean out costs as well as reducing the environmental impact of
sediment removal efforts by allowing reservoirs to be only partially drained to remove sediment that has been constrained to deposit in the upper sections.


The overall scale and significance of the problem of reservoir sedimentation has been documented in a number of studies such as Mahmood (1987), Yoon (1992) and Shen (1999). From
such studies and reviews it is clear that the loss of annual storage capacity varies widely ranging
from 0.3% to 2.3% for different regions and local situations. The most commonly agreed upon
number suggests that the loss of reservoir storage capacity at a global level averages approximately 1% per year and therefore reservoir sedimentation can present very significant challenges
in terms of reservoir management. Moreover, in some situations and regions the challenge of
dealing with reservoir sedimentation can be much greater than in others. In settings that are
subject to: greater rates of sediment input than the averages cited above; wide variations in rates
of sediment influx; or large amounts of sediment being delivered over short periods of time.
Also, due to a variety or combinations of factors, large amounts of sediment can accumulate at
the outlet works, the problem can be of much greater significance. In particular, the challenge of
operating reservoirs that are subject to high rates of sediment or intense high volume episodic
sediment input events may require an agency to both quickly restore reservoir storage capacity
before another high sediment volume input/flood event occurs and also ensure the rapid restoration and maintenance of operational control of outlet works that may become overwhelmed
and left inoperative by such high rate or high volume episodic deliveries of sediment.
In many cases where such high rate or high volume episodic situations exist it has become
an even greater challenge in the face of increased environmental concerns and the tendency to
expand the role of reservoirs from serving as single purpose facilities, such as flood control,
to multipurpose facilities also serving as water supply sources, recreational facilities, and habitat for fish and game. As a result, sediment removal, even in an emergency response to major
sediment influx events, is more difficult since conventional mechanical cleanout methods,

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especially in proximity to the dam face and intakes to the outlet works, often requires the
complete draining of the reservoir and/or other relatively high cost methods of sediment
removal. In effect, dealing with the impact of reservoir sedimentation, especially in higher
rate or episodic high volume events involves two somewhat distinct yet related issues: 1) the
actual volume of sediment entering the reservoir that can very rapidly reduces storage capacity and; 2) the distribution of the sediment in the reservoir and in particular the often large
amount of sediment reaching the intake areas in such locations or situations and potentially
impacting operational control.
These issues are of particular significance for many reservoirs in Southern California, USA
where highly erosive steep slopes, relatively steep channel gradients, and sequences of often
intensive storm events can generate relatively high sediment load flows into the reservoirs.
In addition, many of the drainage areas providing input to reservoirs in Southern California
are subject to fire related high volume debris flows that can also reach the reservoirs. Such
events often result in large volumes of sediment being transported into and deposited in the
reservoirs in relatively short, intense sediment influx events. Of particular concern in this
environment, given the high energy nature of many of the flows, is the likelihood that much
of the sediment entering the reservoirs can reach the lower portions of the reservoir in the
areas of the intake structures, either as turbidity currents, hyperconcentrated flows or in
many instances as subaqueous debris flows. In the past, in many situations, one approach
to limiting the amount of sediment reaching the outlet works has involved maintaining relatively high water levels in such reservoirs in an effort to have the incoming sediment deposit
in the areas where streams enter the upper portion of a reservoir and as far away from the
actual dam as is feasible. But such an approach, while potentially effective for incoming flows
with lower sediment levels, may not prove effective for the higher concentration turbidity,
hyperconcentrated flows and subaqueous debris flows. In this paper the results of an effort
to evaluate an alternative approach utilizing reservoir floor topography and flow transformations to alter the deposition pattern of sediment being delivered to a reservoir by such higher
concentration flows are presented.


The occurrence of density flows primarily driven by the presence of sediment was recognized
as early as 1885 when Forel (1885), described turbid density flows of the Rhine and Rhone
entering Lake Constance and Lake Geneva. Interest in such processes was greatly increased
when the occurrence of such sediment driven gravity flows was documented in reservoir settings beginning around the 1920s and with the recognition of such flows from the Colorado
River traversing the floor of Lake Mead and reaching the base of the Hoover Dam (Grover &
Howard, 1938). Subsequently, Bell (1942), sought to both better document and determine the
conditions under which such flows would occur and evaluate their behavior under differing
conditions. Subsequently Zhang et al (1976), Sloff (1991) and others have worked to further
our understanding of the nature and behavior of turbid density flows from the perspective
of lake and reservoir sedimentation dynamics. Much of the effort in this area has also been
directed at developing strategies that allow for either controlling the path of such sediment
laden flows in an effort to either route such flows through a reservoir, around a reservoir via
bypass structures of some type, or even entrain sediment already deposited on the floor of
a reservoir and carry such material out of the reservoir via various outlet structures. Morris
and Fan (1998/2010), and White (2005) provide summaries of these efforts and strategies.
One aspect of the nature and behavior of such sediment driven gravity flows that can be
of significance to reservoir sedimentation processes, especially in those environments subject
to high concentration turbidity currents, hyperconcentrated flows and debris flows, is the
role of reservoir floor topography and flow transformations on the behavior of such flows.
Middleton and Hampton (1976), Parker & Coleman (1986), Middleton (1993), and Iverson,
(1997), provide a broad overview of the basic fluid dynamics and deposits of such flows.
Hampton (1972), Fisher (1983), Pierson & Scott (1985), Weirich (1988) (1989), Garcia (1993),

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Waltham (2004), Felix & Peakall (2006), Kostic & Parker (2006), Felix et al (2009), Spinewine
et al (2009) focused on aspects of the question of flow transformations and the mechanisms,
processes and circumstances under which subaerial or subaqueous debris or hyperconcentrated flows might convert to turbidity currents once they enter a body of water. The impact
of such flow transformations on reservoir sedimentation processes has been evaluated in
studies such as Oehy & Schleiss (2007).


As part of a wider effort to further our understanding of sediment production, flow and
depositional processes in high energy mountain environments, a series of operational experiments were conducted. One aspect of these experiments, which is presented here, specifically
focused on the impact of reservoir floor topography on flow transforms of subaerial and
subaqueous debris flows into turbidity flow and the potential impact of such processes on
reservoir deposition and reservoir sediment management practices and procedures in such
environments. This operational experiment involved: 1) instrumenting a watershed feeding a
reservoir to monitor flow and sediment levels over a series of storm events; 2) pre event and
post event experiment mapping of the bed topography and evaluation of the deposits; 3) the
deployment of a 3D array of sensors in the reservoir itself to monitor and track the incoming
flows; and 4) the prescribed burning of the instrumented watershed, in part, to increase the
likelihood of higher concentration flows during subsequent storm events.
The site selected for this aspect of the study was the San Dimas Reservoir in the San
Gabriel Mountains of Southern California (Fig. 1). It is operated as a flood control reservoir

Figure 1. Location of the experiment, the source sub-basins, instrumentation and flow route of flows
to the San Dimas Reservoir. The general location of the subaqueous hydraulic jump discussed below is
also indicated by the * (after Weirich (1989)).


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by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works/Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACDPW/LACFCD). It has a capacity of approx. 1,900,000 m3 and receives
drainage from approx. a 42 km2 area. Much of the drainage area feeding the reservoir is
within the boundaries of the San Dimas Experimental Forest under the jurisdiction of the
US Forest Service. As a result of a combination of a relatively steep drainages with slopes
averaging above 55% in the majority of the San Dimas watershed, the steep gradient streams
with little intermediate storage capacity, relatively highly erodible soils associated with rapid
uplift of the San Gabriel Mountains, and a Mediterranean climate pattern of often intense
winter storm sequences, often accompanied by high intensity rainfall events, the reservoir is
subject to large and episodic influxes of sediment (Weirich, 1989). The frequency of fire in
the watershed has resulted in even greater levels of sediment delivery to the reservoir.


In order to increase the likelihood of flow events and as part of a wider effort to better understand erosion and sediment transport processes in fire impacted landscapes such as that of
Southern California, a series of prescribed burns were carried out. These burns, undertaken
in cooperation with the US Forest Services were conducted on selected sub-basins within
the San Dimas Experimental forest and which drain into the San Dimas Reservoir. Prior to
these burns concrete flumes located at the base of the selected sub-basins, labeled 1,2 and 3 in
Figure 1, were instrumented with discharge measuring systems an array of sensors designed
to continuously measure the sediment concentration of the flows passing through the flumes
during runoff events during runoff events. These sub-basins ranged in size from 160,000 m2
to 360,000 m2. At the same time an array of sensors were also placed in the reservoir to
monitor the passage of flows along the floor of the reservoir. These reservoir sensors were
intended to measure the velocity, density and depth of the flows moving along the reservoir
floor during runoff events. Prior to the prescribed burn, during the summer of 1984, the reservoir floor was drained and survey data documenting the floor topography of the reservoir
was also obtained. In the summer of 1984 sub-basins 1 and 2 (Fig. 1) were prescribed burned.
Sub-basin 3 was instrumented but not burnt and was used as a control. Channel surveys from
the areas of the flumes down the reservoir were also undertaken.
From November 1984 to May 1985, the monitoring systems tracked the flows and sediment movement. During this period some 19 rainfall events took place that resulted in some
level of debris flow event taking place in the burnt watersheds. The debris flow event that
took place on Dec. 19, 1984 is of particular interest for our purposes. After a two day period
of rain that produced approx. 13 cm of rainfall, a peak rainfall event with an intensity of
some 5 mm/5 min occurred at approx. 16:15 hrs. It triggered two almost simultaneous debris
flows (they were only 3 minutes apart) in both sub-basins. The debris flows, which last for
approx. 15 minutes, were both witnessed by the author.
The sediment concentration record of these events were recorded by the sensors in the
flumes at the entrance of sub-basin1 and 2. The record for sub-basin 2 is presented in
Figure 2. After passing through the monitoring flumes the two merged debris flows then
flowed down toward the San Dimas Reservoir via the main channel of the drainage indicated
in Figure 1. Direct observation of the flows indicated they consisted of: a) leading edge or
head containing both large and small bolders, cobbles and smaller materials along with large
amounts of organic debris of various sizes ranging from logs on downward which lasted only
a few minutes; b) a main body of flow consisting of a rather more fluid like flow; and c) a
tailing off portion of sediment laden flow. The sensor density data was consistent with the
visual observation data. The sensor data also indicated the sediment load was up to approx.
60% sediment by weight for both flows and the total volume of sediment conveyed by these
two events was approx. 6,000 m3. Subsequent channel surveys from the flume areas down
to the reservoir indicated that approx. 50% of the total volume of sediment from these two,
essentially simultaneous, flows was deposited in the channel area. The remainder entered the
reservoir. There were no significant flow events following this event.

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Figure 2.

Density data for debris flow event in sub-basin 1 (Based on data from Weirich (1989)).

The subaerial debris flow entered the reservoir and flowed subaqueously across the reservoir floor. Figure 3 shows the condition and water level of the reservoir at the time the debris
flows entered the San Dimas Reservoir.
The following summer the reservoir was lowered exposing the majority of the floor area.
Figure 4 shows the exposed floor of the reservoir. The image was taken in June of
1985 following the debris flow event. A month long program of mapping deposits,
collection and evaluation of sediment deposits and data from the reservoir sensors was
then undertaken.
The mapping and analysis indicated both flows had followed a main channel already
present on the floor for several hundred meters before fanning out to cover almost the entire
width of the reservoir floor. The thickness and character of the deposits underwent a rather
abrupt change after a bend in the channel floor which is visible in Figure 5. Of particular
note was the abrupt thickening of the deposits immediately below the bend from a mean
thickness of approx. 0.3 m to over 0.5 m. It was a consistent change apparent in a series of
cross-sectional profiles made from the reservoir entrance area to well below the bend. The
presence of fire related ash and burnt organic materials incorporated into the subaerial and
subaqueous debris flows as well as deposits downstream of the bend enabled the recognition
of the deposits that were distinctly part of the fire related debris flow documented by the
flume sensors. The upper limit of fire ash along the channel walls and on the reservoir floor
also allowed for the determination of the actual depth of flow of the subaqueous debris flow,
as distinct from the depth of the deposits left by the flow.
The nature of the deposits left by the subaqueous debris flow in the area above the channel bend are indicated in Figure 6a and Figure 6b. The deposits below the bend were more
indicative of turbidity current deposits.
The abrupt change in the thickness and nature of the deposits as well as the actual
thickness of the subaqueous flows that moved down the channel in the reservoir floor
in the area up to and just before the bend in the channel and then downstream of the
bend in the channel floor strongly support the interpretation that the subaqueous debris
flow had undergone a hydraulic jump. As a result of the jump the subaqueous debris
underwent a flow conversion to a turbidity current. Calculation of velocities suggest a
pre-jump velocity of approx. 4 m/s were reduced to approx. 1 m/s with a thickening of the
flow from approx. 0.5 m to approx. 2.0 m. This was followed by a rapid increase in the

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Figure 3.

The condition of San Dimas Reservoir at time of the debris flow event.

Figure 4. The San Dimas Reservoir floor after the debris flow event and the subsequent lowering of
reservoir water level to enable the evaluation of the deposition pattern and deposits. Note the channel
along the floor extending from the fore-delta area in the foreground down reservoir towards the central
section of the reservoir.

deposition rate of material on the reservoir floor. Figure 7 is a mapping of the deposition
pattern of the debris flow/turbidity current on the reservoir floor. In the end approx. 70%
of the 3,000 m3 of sediment that entered the reservoir as part of the event was deposited
within 200 m of the jump area and within 200 m of the entry point of the flow into the
In this instance the nature of the floor topography appears to have caused a flow conversion that resulted in the rapid deposition of much of the load being transported into the
reservoir by a debris flow. As a result sediment that might otherwise been transported the

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Figure 5. Arial view of drained reservoir showing area of channel bend and flow conversion zone
which is also indicated in Figure 1. The depth of water in the areas of the bend at the time of the debris
flow event was on the order of 7 m.

Figure 6a. The deposits of the subaqueous debris flow in the channel on the reservoir floor in the area
between fore-delta and area of subaqueous hydraulic jump.


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Figure 6b.

Close up of some of the deposits in the area shown above.

Figure 7. Extent of deposits from subaqueous debris flow and majority of turbidity current materials.
(after Weirich (1989).

full length of the reservoir down to the outlet works was instead emplaced much closer to the
inlet where removal might be undertaken at a lower cost and with less environmental issues
than if full drainage and excavation around the outlet works would require.


The results clearly demonstrate that reservoir bed topography can significantly, and in some
instances, dramatically alter the reservoir sediment deposition pattern. In at least one case
the bed configuration resulted in the conversion of a subaqueous debris flow into a turbidity current. The turbidity current then relatively quickly dissipated and deposited its sediment load in the upper-mid reaches of the reservoir thereby greatly reducing the volume of
sediment reaching the dams intake structures. The results suggest that it may be possible to
either alter or take advantage of the reservoir bed configuration to limit the deposition of a
significant portion of the sediment to the upper reaches of a reservoir. Such an operational
approach might also reduce clean out costs as well as reducing the environmental impact of

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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Reservoir sedimentation and erosion processes

in a snow-influenced basin in Southern Spain
A. Millares
Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research, University of Granada, Spain

M.J. Polo
Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research, University of Crdoba, Spain

A. Moino, J. Herrero & M.A. Losada

Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research, University of Granada, Spain

ABSTRACT: Soil erosion is one of the major problems of Mediterranean watersheds, being
reservoir sedimentation and silting the final consequence of the dynamics of erosion-transport-deposition processes upstream. In mountainous areas, the influence of the snowmelt/
accumulation cycles on the water flow regime greatly determines the river configuration and
conditions fluvial dynamics, causing erosion and significant loads of sediment. This work
presents the results from the monitoring of reservoir silting in a mountainous coastal watershed
in Southern Spain, where the predominant erosion processes and their significant thresholds
have been identified, together with the effect of the sediment retention dams located along the
river. The Rules reservoir in the Guadalfeo River Basin was finished in 2004, closing a draining network of approximately 1000 km2 and providing a maximum storage of approximately
110 hm3 for urban and agricultural demands in the area. This coastal basin includes the Sierra
Nevada mountain range, with the highest altitude in the Iberian Peninsula, up to more than
3000 m, and the coastline only 40-km away. This extreme topographic gradient has produced
a wide range of climate environments, soils, vegetation, and morphologic features throughout
the basin. The 8-yr monitoring of the basin since the reservoirs construction has demostrated
the inefficacy of the sediment retention structures upstream to prevent silting processes, and the
significance of both torrential rainfall and intense snowmelt events for generating huge sediment pulses. The monitored siltation of an in-river check-dam located upstream, with 0.2 hm3
of sediment retention in just 6 years associated with 2 intense events, together with the capacity
loss of the Rules reservoir since 2008, confirmed the order of magnitude of the erosion processes and the importance of bedload in this semi-arid mountainous environment. Moreover, the
sediment distribution accumulated along the reservoir allowed the identification of sediment
sources and the partition between fluvial and hillslope erosion processes. The total sediment
production is estimated at 24 t ha 1 y 1 with fluvial contributions of 55% of the partitioning
between suspended and fluvial loads. However, the great spatial and temporal variability of the
processes involved reduces the validity of simple annual average approaches.


Quantification of both soil loss and fluvial transport and sedimentation processes is essential for a proper management and conservation of our territory. This is especially true in
semi-arid environments, where the huge amount of available sediment at the river floodplains and the uncertainty and intensity of precipitation events lead to important damage along the rivers and hillslopes, and a severe reservoir siltation (Graf & Lecce 1988,
Coppus & Imeson 2002). In these environments, quantification based on a single datum

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of specific sediment yield, SSY, (e.g.; 10 t ha 1 y 1) is not representative due to the great
spatial variability of erosion processes and the high temporality of the forcing agents. From
this holistic perspective, both predictive models and measurement methodologies face significant challenges.
The quantification based on hillslope processes such as the Universal Soil Loss Equation
(USLE or its revised version RUSLE) (Wischmeier, 1978) or on monitoring the volume loss
in hillslope check-dams, do not consider fluvial processes such as bedload. Although bedload
is generally ignored for estimating SSY, it is essential to quantify the total sediment delivery
of basins. These contributions could exceed over 50% of the fraction between suspended
load and bedload (Schick & Lekach 1993, Turowsky et al. 2010), especially in semiarid environments (Graf & Lecce 1988, Powell et al. 2001, Millares et al. 2014). Although reservoir
sedimentation is a serious problem which reflects the consequences of soil erosion, it also
provides an opportunity for understanding erosion and sedimentation transport processes
at a basin scale. Based on the accumulated volume in medium to large dams, it is possible
not only to estimate the total production of sediment but also to distinguish between erosion processes by assuming a natural separation of sediment along the dam. This hypothesis
consists of the assumption of a suspended sediment and bedload separation (submerged area
and tail) along the body of the dam, as reported in other field studies (Duck & McManus
1994, Rowan et al. 1995, Snyder et al. 2004, Minear et al. 2009).
The main goal of this research was to assess the variability of sediment yield in a semi-arid
basin, taking into account both fluvial and hillslope processes by monitoring the silting evolution of two control volumes. Surveys during the period 20072012 in the Rules Reservoir
(110 hm3), in southern Spain, have permitted the quantification of the sediment yield of the
basin and the discretization between fluvial and hillslope deposits. Bathymetric, topographic
and analytical characteristics of the sediment carried out in the reservoir were complemented
by measures of both suspended load and bedload along the river (Millares et al. 2014). The
validation of these river measurements from the two control volume selected, allowed us to
understand the erosion dynamics of the basin and to delimit the spatial distribution of the
dominant erosion processes.


The study area comprises a significant part, 650 km2, of the headwaters of the Guadalfeo
river (1250 km2) located in the south-east of the Iberian Peninsula (Fig. 1). The mountainous
influence of Sierra Nevada, with 3780 m. asl., conditions the hydrologic dynamics and the
pluvio-nival character of this semi-arid basin. The annual precipitation is marked by a great
spatio-temporal variability, important altitudinal gradients and the occurrence of extreme
events that may exceed 300 mmd1 (Capel 1974).
From a geologic and geomorphologic point of view, three units can be distinguished with
different hillslope erosion dynamics (see Fig. 1):
1. The south side of Sierra Nevada massif with large altitudinal gradient (3003450 m) and
a moderate erosion range (1025 haa 1 yr 1), related to rill and interrill erosion processes
(Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Rural y Marino 2007).
2. The Sierra de la Contraviesa with a more advanced geomorphology, presents a greater
variety of hillslope processes with frequent gullying and mass movements processes.
The soil loss associated with this area could, according to the RUSLE model, exceed
200 t ha 1 y 1 (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente Rural y Marino 2007). Periodic severe
events lead to important bedload contributions that accumulate in the main channel of
the Guadalfeo river (Millares et al. 2014).
3. The Sierra de Ljar, despite its rocky nature and poorly developed soils caused by recurrent wildfires, presents ensigns of gullying processes associated with non-terraced almond
crops. Soil loss is quantified in 1020 t ha 1 y 1 estimated from RUSLE model (Ministerio
de Medio Ambiente Rural y Marino 2007).

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Figure 1. Location of the study basin and the locations selected for monitoring suspended and bedload sediment. Points 1 to 10 show the sample location for suspended sediment campaigns in the main
river (red circles) or at the sub-basin outlet (yellow triangles). Squares a and b show the two control
volumes monitored: Granadino check-dam (a) and Rules reservoir (b). The geologic differences between
the three areas described: Sierra Nevada (north), Sierra de la Contraviesa (south-east) and Sierra de
Ljar can be observed.

The wide alluvial floodplain, which forms the main channel of the river, with section lengths
ranging from 30140 m and an average river slope of 0.011 m m 1, is comprised of NeogeneQuaternary deposits. The river has an essentially straight flow pattern although there are
some minor derivations. The nival contributions condition the quasi-perennial flow, which
allows the development of an armor layer and separates a surface layer (dd50 60 mm) from
a substrate (dd50 2.5 mm). The periodic occurrence of intense precipitation and snowmelt
events, with flow rates that can exceed 1000 m3s 1 reshape this drainage network and release a
large amount of sediment. In this regard, (Millares et al. 2014) reported the successive stages
observed at the ephemeral channels of Sierra de la Contraviesa of the accumulation/erosion
pattern of this area. These contributions are first accumulated as alluvial fans at the respective
connections to the main channel, and are later eroded and transported along the Guadalfeo
River up to the Rules reservoir. The sediment volume measured during 6 years at the headwakm 2 related
ter part of the basin (482 km2) pointed to bedload contributions of up to 600 t k
m y for the period of 2004 to
to an intense event in 2009 with an averaged value of 100 t k
2010. This result indicates the fluvial nature of the sediment contributions at the study site and
points to an analysis based on the partitioning of fluvial and hillslope processes.


The work developed in this study during the period 20042011 includes three different
The monitoring of suspended sediment through 10 control points located both within the
main river and at the outlet of ephemeral rivers.
The river bed configuration and the bedload study by monitoring the accumulated sediment at the Granadino check-dam.
Monitoring of accumulated sediment in the Rules reservoir by bathymetric and topographic surveying in both emerged and submerged areas respectively.

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In order to quantify the forcing agent regime, three new weather stations, in addition to the
eight existing ones, were installed in the study area. The fraction of precipitation falling as
snow and the contributions of snowmelt were estimated with the physically based hydrological model WiMMeD (Herrero et al. 2010), which was calibrated and validated for the study
The suspended load samples were collected manually throughout different field campaigns
for both precipitation events and periods of snowmelt from April to June. The distribution
of these points, as shown in Figure 1, was selected in order to identify differences in sediment
production related to the geologic and geomorphologic settings described in the previous
section. At these points a total of 204 samples were collected. To determine the suspended
l 1, the samples obtained were analysed by Whatman GF-F filters
sediment concentration
of 0.7 m pore size, following the TSS 160.2 protocol (US Environmental Protection Agency
1999) (see Fig. 2a).
The bed material of the main river was characterized from data obtained during the summer months. Surface and substrate samples were obtained and the size distribution for each
was determined using sieve analysis (Fig. 2b). The dry specific mass corresponding to the
g 3 with = 133 kgm
g 3, the value of which
samples, md , provided a mean value of 1453 kgm
depended on the depth and distribution of the sediment diameter. The sediment accumulation in the Granadino check-dam was monitored by 11 field surveys between 9 February 2004
and 27 August 2010 (Fig. 2c). Details of this works can be found in (Millares et al. 2014).
The bathymetric works in the submerged area of the Rules dam consisted of two surveys
with an Imagenex multibeam echosounder with data correction for heading, depth, pitch,
heave and roll. The positional data were acquired with a Trimble Ag-132 GPS, with accuracy
of 2 cm. The final resolution of the generated surfaces was 10 10 m. The topographic works
in the delta (emerged area) were performed using the differential GPS generating surfaces of

Figure 2. Suspended sediment samples at different locations along the river, showing differences in colour and mineralogic composition of the contributing sub-basins (a). Results corresponding to grain size
distributions of registered sediment at the Granadino check-dam according to depth intervals (0.5 m)
and average of the bed river layers (b). Results of topographic campaigns and generated surfaces at the
check-dam for different years (c). Bathymetric and topographyc surfaces at Rules reservoir (d).


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10 10 m of resolution (Fig. 2d). Although the reservoir was completed in 2003, work on
adapting the terrain was carried out until 2007, when its functioning began.


The data measured of bedload and suspended sediments were compared with the accumulated volume at the Rules dam throughout the study period. Figure 3 shows the relationship between the flow and the measured suspended sediment at two output points located
at the main river; Granadino and rgiva. As can be observed, there is a potential behavior
which can be compared with previous works carried out in Mediterranean environments (e.g. 10<a<1340, 0.5<b<2; Farguell & Sala 2006). Furthermore, the relationship
between suspended sediment concentration and discharge of the 10 control points selected
shows an important contribution of the hillslope erosion processes corresponding to Sierra
de la Contraviesa (points 4 to 8 in Fig. 1) strongly related to intense events. Along these subbasins, during the medium-intensity event of 2005, concentrations of up to 3500 mgl 1 were
measured at the outlet with a total rate estimated from the maximum flow and the event
duration between 0.230.95 t ha 1eventt 1.
The fitted curve, together with the analysed characteristics of the suspended loads, allowed
us to estimate, approximately, the dynamics of suspended sediment and the associated mass
which travelled through the river during the study period. Considering the flow recorded, the
total rate of sediment transported by suspended load could be estimated at 13.34 t ha 1 y 1
with a total mass of 2.65 106 t of soil loss for the entire basin.
Moreover, the accumulated bedload in the two control volumes located at the main river
Granadino check-dam and the tail of the Rules reservoir allowed us to quantify these fluvial
contributions. The use of these control volumes, despite limitations (lack of data during the
event, hydrodynamic effects that rearrange bedload layers, or difficulties in assessing spatial
distribution), has proven to be advantageous. These methodologies allow a broad understanding of the transport processes in comparison to others, such as that of Helley-Smith or
Birkbeck slot samplers, with limited measurement volumes for intense events.

Figure 3. Suspended sediment rating curves (SS; suspended sediment concentration, Q; water flow)
at Granadino and Orgiva control points corresponding to the precipitation events registered in 2004,
2005 and 2009.


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The results obtained show a differential behavior in two stretches of the main channel. From
the Granadino check-dam to upstream, the existence of an armor layer was seen to greatly
control the bedload input. The results, detailed in Millares et al. (2014), suggest a greater transport efficiency than that usually found in mountain rivers of a marked torrential nature. The
m3s 1, which
effective runoff estimated from the critical flow Qc has been assessed as Qc
is similar to that found in other torrential mountain rivers studies. The bedload measured during moderate and intense rainfall/snowmelt events displayed equivalent proportions of cobblegravel and sand. This confirms the controlling role of the armored layer in this stretch of the
river and points to the predominance of near-equal mobility processes. However, the stretch
between the Granadino check-dam and the tail of the Rules reservoir behaved very differently for high-intensity events, resulting in a considerably larger production of sediment. The
intense event recorded in December 2009 accumulated approximately 0.143 hm3 of sediment
in the check-dam and approximately 1.80 hm3 at the tail of the Rules reservoir, this means a
higher order of magnitude. This large increase in sediment in this stretch could be related to the
contributions from other processes such as bank erosion and avulsion during intense events.
However, the existence of a quarry close to the floodplain makes it advisable to also consider an
anthropogenic influence to explain this significant increase in sediment production.
Table 1 shows the volumetric results at both control volumes subdividing the emerged and
the submerged areas of the Rules Reservoir. As can be observed, the submerged area includes
the quantification of quarries used to obtain material (sand and fine gravel) for refilling the
nearby beaches and increasing the volume of the dam before the filling process. Also, the
artificial sediment contribution corresponding to the pillars of the A-7 highway was assessed.
These volumes were discarded for the analysis.
In Figure 4a,b the differences between the obtained surfaces are exposed. The scale represents the height in meters of a column of deposited or eroded sediment with a resolution
Table 1. Volumetric results corresponding to the selected control volumes during different stages of
the study period. As can be observed quarries and pillars has been quantified at the Rules reservoir to
avoid its influence on the total calculation.
Submerged area (hm3)
Control volume
Granadino check-dam

Rules reservoir


External contribution






area (hm3)

Figure 4. Surface differences calculated from bathymetric and topographic surveys, submerged and
emerged area respectively, for the periods of 20032011 (a). Locations of quarries (A) and pillars (B) are
clearly identified. Reservoir depth-capacity relationship for the three surfaces used (b).


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of 10 10 meters. The emerged part can be easily identified (P10 to P12) with a maximum
height of 16 meters of deposited sediment, mostly accumulated during the intense event of
2009. The size distribution of this deposited sediment coincides with the bedload size measured at the Granadino check-dam for the same event. It is interesting to observe how, during
the following measurement period 20112012, there is a significant shift of this material into
the submerged area, which does not go far in distance. This implies that, even without events
of any great intensity, a significant erosion of the coarser material occurs which reflects a
high rate of sediment entrainment.
As can be identified, most of the deposited sediment in the submerged area is located
following the old path of the river (Fig. 4a). Also, an internal landslide can be observed
(P6 to P8) at the submerged hillslope of the dam. Only in some specific areas do these landslides include emerged material so, for this study, these contributions could be considered to
be neglected in respect of the total volume. The total amount of the net external contributions has been estimated at 1.64 hm3 for the period 20082011. This estimation of net loss
of volume is subject to errors related to the methodology used in the bathymetric surveys,
mainly due to the calibration of the speed of sound and the variability of submerged sedig 3 could be selected,
ment density. From the analysed samples, an average value of 1200 kgm
which fits in with estimations suggested by other authors (Morris & Fan 1998). With this
consideration, the total mass related to suspended sediment accumulated in the submerged
area could be estimated to be of 1.969 106 t.
The relationship between depth (m) and capacity (hm3) in a log-log plot is shown in
Figure 4b. As can be observed a significant loss of volume is produced in the central reservoir
basin. The calculated slope m of the fitted line, which is the reciprocal of the slope (Morris &
Fan 1998), points to a transition from foothill (Type II) to lake reservoir shape (Type I) if
we consider the classification proposed by (Strand & Pemberton 1987). This morphological
transition is conditioned by the numerous submerged landslides.


The monitoring work at two control volumes of a semi-arid mountainous basin has enabled
the assessment of the sediment delivery associated with hillslope/fluvial erosion processes.
The measured amount of sediment in the submerged part of the Rules reservoir differ
with the estimation made from field campaigns of suspended sediment concentration and
the measured flow during the study period, i.e. 2.65 106 1.97 106 t . Although these estimations are subject to uncertainty related to the accuracy of the fitted flow/suspended sediment relationship and the density of the submerged sediment, the double methodological
approach permitted us to estimate an averaged soil loss rate for hillslopes of 11.6 t ha 1 y 1.
This average value is subject to a great spatial variability, with a significant increase in the
Sierra de la Contraviesa. The conjunction of soft and highly degraded hillslopes in this part
of the basin, where gullying and landslide processes are important, and the fractured material in the highest northern areas, subject to sudden snowmelt events, ensures a continuous
supply of suspended sediment annually.
Moreover, the contributions coming from fluvial processes within the river have shown
themselves to be of a greater importance in the total sediment delivery. The total amount
was estimated at 2.48 106 t during the study period, which means approximately the 55% of
the partitioning between suspended load and fluvial contributions, much higher than the
estimations made in previous studies (Turowsky et al. 2010). Here, the fluvial transport processes include not only the bedload contributions but also other processes such as bank erosion and fluvial avulsion, which increase by one order of magnitude the volume of sediment
transported. In this case, the fluvial yield could be estimated at 12.49 t ha 1 y 1.
With these results, the total production could be estimated at 24 t ha 1 y 1 which is
higher than the averaged assessment made with RUSLE for the hillslopes of the study site.
This reflects a quantification made by RUSLE methodologies as simplistic as inadequate
for understanding the erosion dynamics in these environments, where a great spatial and

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temporal variability of the erosion processes reduces the validity of simple annual average
Although the volume loss in the reservoir during the study period represents about 3% of its
capacity, the magnitude of the responsible event, with maximun discharge of Qp 100 m3s 1
and the associated amount of the fluvial contributions, suggests the worst scenario in terms
of reservoir service life in a river with records of Qp 1000 m3s 1.
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Strand, R. & Pemberton, E. 1987. Design of small dams. Reservoir sedimentation. Washington: US
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.
Turowski, J.M., Rickenmann, D., & Dadson, S.J. 2010. The partitioning of the total sediment load of a
river into suspended load and bedload: a review of empirical data. Sedimentology 57(4): 11261146.
US Environmental Protection Agency 1999. Method 160.2: Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (Gravimetric,
Dried at 103?105 C). Revised Ed. Washington: United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Wischmeier, W.H. & Smith, D.D. 1978. Predicting rainfall erosion losses. A guide to conservation planning.
Washington: USDA.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Suspended sediment dynamics of Ribarroja Reservoir

(Ebro River, Spain)
M. Arbat-Bofill, E. Blad, M. Snchez-Juny, D. Nierola & J. Dolz
Institut Flumen UPC-CIMNE, Universitat Politcnica de CatalunyaBarcelonaTech, Barcelona, Spain

ABSTRACT: In order to study the sediment dynamics of Ribarroja Reservoir, a bathymetric campaign was carried out in 2007 using a precision multi-beam probe. One year later,
another campaign was performed. This second bathymetric campaign focused only in the tail
of Ribarroja Reservoir (confluence Ebro-Segre Rivers), it was designed to study suspended
sediment entering the reservoir and its bed evolution in one year. Between 2007 and 2008
campaigns, only one major flood episode took place (from late May to early June 2008). Two
different digital elevation models of Ribarroja Reservoir were generated. The analysis and comparison of 2007 and 2008 digital elevation models showed that 170.000 m3 of sediment (initially
located immediately after the Segre-Ebro confluence) were resuspended and displaced about
4 km downstream. This study was complemented with a numerical simulation using the suspended sediment transport module implemented in a two-dimensional depth averaged model.


The construction of many Spanish reservoirs reached its peak in the sixties. Nowadays the
influence of sedimentary processes is being appreciated in many of them because its storage
capacity has been reduced. As the twentieth century was characterized by the construction of
large dams, a challenge for the twenty-first century is the conservation of existing structures:
maintenance, cleaning or dredging in some cases (Morris & Fan Jiahua 1998).
In recent years significant progress has been made in understanding the importance of the
factors involved in erosion and deposition of sediments in rivers and/or reservoirs. However, the
forecast of sediment dynamics and the accumulation calculus remains complex and difficult to
study. There is still a highly uncertainty in the estimation of the space and time varying patterns
of sedimentation in reservoirs. This lack of predictability is related to several factors: the variable
flow rate of the inflows/outflows, the load of sediment in suspension, the size of the sediment
particles, the specific weight and the physical characteristics of the sediment as well as the geometry of the reservoir. Thus, sediment dynamics evolution is site specific and, because of this, it is
often recommended to perform specific studies for each environment or study case.
In natural conditions, a river system tends to an equilibrium between inputs and outputs
of sediment. The construction of a dam implies the cut off and the slowdown of the flow
reaching the reservoir. This process means that the sediment accumulation occurs in a dam.
Sometimes, due to the flow deceleration, when a river is approximating to a reservoir, the
sediment capacity of transport is reduced and as the flow slows down, the input sediments
are deposited along the tail of the reservoir.
A great number of conceptual and empirical models have been developed and applied to
estimate annual sedimentation rate in reservoirs, most of them based on field observations.
The commonly studied parameters are the average sediment accumulation and the cumulative sediment volume after a certain number of years of operation (Strand & Pemberton
1982; Morris et al. 2008; Morris & Fan Jiahua 1998).
The impacts of the sedimentation processes in reservoirs can be summarized as (Garcia
2008): decline of the reservoir capacity, problems and failures in performance, increase of the

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turbidity or in the concentration of organic sediments. Upstream, the problem is due to the
deposition of sediments. When the velocity decreases (while the depth increases) sediments
are deposited. Downstream of the dam, the problem is well known and highly discussed:
the presence of the dam reduces the suspended sediment load, which often results in a nonstoppable tendency to downstream river erosion.
In 2003 The World Bank organization launched an ambitious project named RESCON
where the bases of sediment management theories were established. In terms of management
and maintenance of dams and reservoirs the work was summarized in two volumes Reservoir
conservation: The RESCON approach (Palmieri et al. 2003; Kawashima et al. 2003).


In the Ebro River basin there are more than 109 reservoirs with greater capacity than 1 hm3
and about 800,000 ha of irrigated land (Prats et al. 2007). Ribarroja Reservoir is located in
the lower Ebro River (41 180 N, 0210 E) in the Mequinenza-Ribarroja-Flix system. The
upstream reservoir is Mequinenza (1534 hm3) and the downstream one is Flix (11.4 hm3). In
the tail of Ribarroja Reservoir (the whole system in Fig. 1, and a zoom of the tail in Fig. 2)
there is the Segre River mouth. Segre River is one of the main tributaries of Ebro River, which
provides almost half of the Ribarroja Reservoir inflow depending on the period of the year.
Ribarroja Dam was finished in 1969 and since then it is used for energy generation, water
supply and irrigation in addition to flood control (LIMNOS 1996). Ribarroja Reservoir has
an irregular morphology (Fig. 1) due to the surrounding topography, and its maximum volume is estimated to be 210 hm3. The residence time is about 6 to 10 days.
According to the Ebro River Water Authority (, Ebro River has an
average annual contribution of 8,009 hm3 to Ribarroja Reservoir. Segre River increases this
contribution to 14,069 hm3. This means that Ebro River contributes on average 58.82% of
the inflows to Ribarroja Reservoir, while Segre inputs are 41.15% (Prats-Rodrguez et al.
2011). There is also a small stream, Matarraa River, with a very limited flow contribution.
During the considered study period (between years 2007 and 2008) only one major flood episode took place (from late May to early June 2008). The flood episode presented an important
peak coming mainly from the Ebro River, in late Mayearly June of 2008 (Fig. 3). It presented
a maximum average daily flow of 1600 m3/s measured at the outlet of Ribarroja Reservoir, and
it exceeded the 500 m3/s of discharge for 12 days. During the episode no sediment was provided
by Ebro River because it is retained in the Mequinenza Reservoir immediately upstream.

Figure 1. Location of Mequinenza, Ribarroja and Flix Reservoirs along the Ebro River.
Source: Google Maps, edited by the authors.


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Figure 2. Zoom of the confluence of Ebro River (water exiting Mequinensa Dam) and Segre River
(water with suspended sediments).
Source: Google Maps, edited by the authors.

Figure 3. Average daily outflows (m3/s) of Mequinenza (dashed line) and Ribarroja (solid line) Dams.

The sediment of Ribarroja reservoir was characterized in previous studies (Lpez et al.
2012). Throughout almost the whole Reservoir, the sediments mainly exposed a lime-clay
texture, with a percentage of lime (4 m < < 63 m) between 56% and 74%, and a percentage of clay ( < 4 m) between 18% and 43%.

2007 bathymetric campaign

In order to study the dynamics of Ribarroja Reservoir in detail, an in-site campaign was conducted to obtain an accurate digital model of the bottom of the reservoir. In autumn 2007

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a field bathymetric campaign was carried out by using a multi-beam sensor. The sampling
of the profiles was performed using two echo sounders (one double-frequency beam and
one multi-frequency beam) placed on a boat equipped with a real-time DGPS positioning.
SEXTANT hydrography software was used for data collection and also for navigation paths
planning. In concordance with the use of topographic databases of Cartographic Institute of
Catalonia (ICC), the ED50 UTM coordinate system was used. The gathering of the bathymetric rough data of the reservoir was made by several series of transverse and longitudinal
profiles along the course of the river.
According to the demands of field sampling (different requirements of precision for
data collection), the area of study was divided into three subsections of approximately
10 Km each (see Fig. 3). Zone 1: from the Mequinenza bridge in Segre River, over 10 km
downstream (zone of most interest because of the confluence), detailed measurement with
multi-beam probe. Zone 2: From the end of Zone 1 to 10 km downstream, using the single
beam probe. The profiles were performed every 25 m along the cross section, transverse
to the axis of the river. Zone 3: from the end of Zone 2 to Ribarroja dam (approximately
10 km) longitudinal profiles and cross-section profiles were taken every 100 meters. Besides
these three main areas it was considered necessary to study in detail two important zones
within Zone 3: the Matarraa River mouth and the vicinity of Ribarroja Dam (cross sections every 10 m).
The echo-sounder was calibrated and periodic navigation profiles were performed. The
data was stored in ASCII format file making it easy to export to CAD or GIS software.

2008 bathymetric campaign

One year later, another bathymetric campaign was performed, focused only in the tail
of Ribarroja Reservoir (confluence Ebro-Segre Rivers). The field bathymetric campaign was carried out in December 2008, approximately a year later than the previous
bathymetry. The motivation of this campaign was the study of sediment dynamics of the
This field work was carried out using the same procedure used on the previous bathymetric
campaign conducted in 2007, but only a single multi-beam probe was used now. While the
bathymetry of 2007 was held for the whole reservoir, in 2008 only the upstream zone was
studied: set from the junction Ebro-Segre up to about five kilometers downstream. The data
was gathered following the longitudinal profile (the talweg of the river) and several perpendicular cross-section profiles of the river (Fig. 4). The data was exported to ASCII file, and
from it, a raster and a TIN files were obtained using ESRI ArcMap. The raster resolution
was of 2 2 m cell size (Fig. 5).

Numerical modelling

Iber (Blad et al. 2014) is a two-dimensional depth averaged mathematical model for the
simulation of free surface flow in rivers and estuaries, developed by the Water and Environmental Engineering Group, GEAMA (University of A Corua) and the Flumen Institute
(UPC-CIMNE). Iber includes a hydrodynamic module, a turbulence module, and a sediment
transport module. The application fields of the current version of Iber are: simulation of
free-surface flow in rivers, flood inundation modelling, hydraulic calculation of encroachments, calculation of tidal currents in estuaries, stability of bed sediments or erosion and
sedimentation due to transport of non-cohesive sediments.
The sediment transport module solves the sediment non-stationary transport equations.
The equations include the bedload transport equations and the suspended sediment transport equations, coupling the bedload and the suspended load through a sedimentationrise term.
In this work, the suspended sediment module was used. In it the convection diffusion
equation of suspended sediment transport is solved together with the Shallow Water Equations and a k- turbulence model.

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Figure 4.

Whole Ribarroja Reservoir 2007 bathymetry.

Figure 5.

Bathymetry 2008 (cross sections and longitudinal profile of the talweg of the river).


From the comparison of bathymetries, the effects of the flood could be studied and
the patterns of remobilization and resuspension were obtained. Furthermore a map
distribution of the sediment before and after the flood could be plotted with digital
terrain models.

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Comparison between 2007 and 2008 bathymetric campaigns

To analyze the obtained bathymetries the same profiles were compared. The location and the
definition of these profiles, shown in Figure 6, was inherently defined by the survey profiles
of 2008 bathymetry.
For the first comparison between bathymetries, a simple raster subtraction was made. In
Figure 7 it can be seen that along the first few kilometers upstream there is a clear erosive
trend (in black) and downstream, approximately from the 25th profile, a depositional pattern
(in white) can be observed.
The proposed procedure was to subtract the earlier Bathymetry (2007) of the final Bathymetry (2008) to see the areas of erosion and sedimentation. In addition, a quantification of the
magnitude of the differences was obtained. The observed differences are less than few tens
of centimeters (up to 2030 cm). Also at the cross sections it can be seen that these trends are
most pronounced in the profile corresponding with the talweg (longitudinal profile) rather
than the sides of the transversal profiles.

Spatial variation of sediment

In order to observe the spatial distribution of the sediment, the Ribarroja Reservoir was
subdivided into segments of constant length (200 meters), and for each segment the average height was calculated (Fig. 8). The average height, sedimented (+) or eroded (), was

Figure 6. Longitudinal profile and transversal cross section profiles used for the study of bathymetry
2007 versus bathymetry 2008.

Figure 7. Areas of erosion (black) and areas of deposition (white). The first 4000 meters downstream
of the confluence Segre-Ebro have an erosive trend while downstream, the trend is mainly sedimentary.


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Figure 8. Left: Average sediment accumulation for segments of 200 meters length. The areas of erosion
are negative and areas of deposition are positive.

Figure 9. Accumulated sediment curve (m3). For the first 4000 m a volume of 170,000 m3 is eroded and
it is equal to the deposited volume for the next 3000 m downstream.

multiplied by the surface of each segment to obtain the average volume of erosion () or
deposition (+) for each one (Fig. 9).
The obtained erosion volume of the first 4000 m is a relatively similar to the volume that
settles in the next 3000 m downstream (Fig. 9). In other words, in this area of study a volume
of about 170,000 m3 of sediment has been displaced about 4 km downstream. This is directly
related to the displacement of the sediment mass front located just downstream of the confluence Ebro-Segre.


Iber model implements three formulations for calculating the suspended sediment concentration in equilibrium: Van Rijn (1987), Smith, J. & McLean (1977), and Ariathurai &
Arulanandan (1978). The third one is the one used in this study because is the most suitable
for fine cohesive sediments.
The transport module of suspended sediment was calibrated using the complete digital terrain model obtained for the year 2007, the characteristics of the sediment in the area (Lpez
et al. 2012) and the hydrograph flood that took place in 2008.

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Figure 10. Longitudinal profile of bathymetry 2008 minus bathymetry 2007. The first 4000 m the
values are negative and indicate erosion, whereas a positive difference indicates sedimentation from
4500 m to 10000 m.

Figure 11.

Areas of erosion (white) and deposition (black) calculated with Iber suspended sediment

After a parameter calibration process good agreement was achieved between the numerical
results and to those obtained with the second bathymetry conducted in 2008 (Fig. 10). The
thickness of erosion/deposition was calibrated as well as the spatial distribution of the sediment (Fig. 11).


By comparing the two bathymetries, the amount and the spatial distribution of accumulated/
eroded sediment over one year could be assessed for the tail of Ribarroja Reservoir.
From the difference of 2007 and 2008 digital elevation models, it could be estimated
that in the first 4000 m from the Ebro-Segre confluence there was a similar erosion volume
than the volume that settled 4000 m downstream. In other words, in this area of study a
volume of about 170,000 m3 of sediment was displaced about 4 km downstream by the
2008 flood event.
This morphology changing process is directly related to the advancing front of the mass
of sediment from Segre River entering into the Ribarroja Reservoir, which stays just downstream of the confluence (where the velocities decrease due to the Segre River mouth).
Because of this reason, after the flooding event occurs the sediment were settled in the first
4500 m downstream. The mass of sediment deposited precisely in the confluence can be only
removed by major flood episodes, when flow exceeds a certain velocity and it has sufficient
shear stress to resuspend the sediment.
This study case was also numerically studied using the suspended sediment transport module implemented in the two-dimensional Iber modelling tool. The results after the simulations
performed with Iber model were similar (in terms of depositional trends) to those obtained
with the second bathymetry conducted in 2008. The thickness of erosion/deposition was
calibrated for different formulations and parameters as well as for the spatial distribution of
the sediment.

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This paper is supported by the research FI PhD program of The Agency for Management of
University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of Catalonia. The authors would like to thank
ENDESA and the Water Authority of Ebro River (Confederacin Hidrogrfica del Ebro)
for providing the daily Reservoir and Segre flow data for the study period.
Maps throughout this communication were created using ArcGIS software by Esri.
ArcGIS and ArcMap are the intellectual property of Esri and are used herein under
license. Copyright Esri. All rights reserved.

Ariathurai, R. & Arulanandan, K. 1978. Erosion rate of cohesive soils. Asce Journal of the Hydraulics
Division, 104(HY2): 279283.
Blad, E. Cea, L., Corestein, G., Escolano, E., Puertas, J., Vzquez-Cendn, E., Dolz, J. & Coll, A.
JanuaryMarch 2014. Iber: herramienta de simulacin numrica del flujo en ros. Revista Internacional
de Mtodos Numricos para Clculo y Diseo en Ingeniera, Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 110.
Garcia, M.H., 2008. Sedimentation engineering: processes, measurements, modeling and practice.
ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 110 M.H. Garcia, ed., American Society
Civil Engineering Publications.
Kawashima, S. et al., 2003. Reservoir conservation: The RESCON approach, Vol. II., Washington, D.C.
LIMNOS, 1996. Diagnstico y gestin ambiental de embalses en el mbito de la cuenca hidrogrfica del
Ebro. Embalse de Mequinenza. Report.
Lpez, P., Dolz, J., Arbat, M., & Armengol, J., 2012. Physical and chemical characterisation of super fi
cial sediment of the Ribarroja Reservoir (River Ebro, NE Spain). Limnetica, 31(2), 321334.
Morris, G. & Fan Jiahua, 1998. Reservoirs sedimentation handbook, New York: McGrawHill.
Morris, G.L., Annandale, G.W. & Hotchkiss, R., 2008. Reservoir Sedimentation. In M.H. Garca, ed.
Sedimentation Engineering. Processes, Measurements, Modeling, and Practice. ASCE Manuals and
Reports on Engineering Practice No. 110. ASCE, p. 1132.
Palmieri, A. et al., 2003. Reservoir conservation: The RESCON approach Vol. I, Washington, D.C.
Available at:
Prats, J. et al., 2007. A methodological approach to the reconstruction of the 1492000 water temperature
series in the Ebro River at Escatron. Limnetica, 26(2), pp.293306.
Prats-Rodrguez, J. et al., 2011. Dams and Reservoirs in the Lower Ebro River and Its Effects on the
River Thermal Cycle D. Barcel & M. Petrovic, eds. The Ebro River Basin, (July 2010), pp.7795.
Smith, J. & McLean, S., 1977. Spatially averaged flow over a wavy surface. Journal of Geophysial
Research, 82:17351746.
Strand, R.I. & Pemberton, E.L., 1982. Reservoir sedimentation. Technical Guideline for Bureau of
Reclamation., Denver.
Van Rijn, L.C. 1987. Mathematical modelling of morphological processes in the case of suspended
sediment transport. Delft Hydraulics Communication No. 382. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory. Delft,
The Netherlands.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

The use of Flow Assisted Sediment Transport (FAST) to remove

sediment from reservoirs in Southern California, USA
F. Weirich
IIHR Hydroscience and Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA

ABSTRACT: Many of the reservoirs in Southern California are subject to relatively high
sediment accumulation rates. In an effort to provide a cost effective and environmentally
acceptable method of removing sediment from these reservoirs a series of operational experiments were conducted on three of the major reservoirs in this area. In two of the reservoirs
an approach that might be best described as a version of hydraulic flushing, involving carefully managed Flow Assisted Sediment Transport (FAST), was employed to convey sediment
out of the reservoirs. In the third reservoir a more conventional method of draining the reservoir followed by sediment removal using mechanical extraction and trucking was employed.
The volume of sediment removed in these operations ranged from approximately 350,000 m3,
to in excess of 3,000,000 m3. In total in excess of 5,000,000 m3 were removed as part of these
projects. The results of both an initial pilot study and the more extensive larger scale operational experiments, summarized in this paper, suggest the use of the carefully managed FAST
approach, in appropriate situations, can be employed at a fraction of the cost of conventional
removal methods such as trucking or dredging along with the added benefit of significantly
lower environmental impacts.


Efforts to either prevent sediment from entering or depositing in reservoirs or finding effective
ways to remove sediment that has deposited in reservoirs has been a longstanding challenge.
The actual scale and significance of the problem has been documented in a number of studies
such as Mahmood (1987), Yoon (1992) and Shen (1999). In these studies, and others, while
it is clear that the loss of annual storage capacity varies widely, with often cited values ranging from an average of 0.3% to 2.3% annually across the globe, the mostly commonly agreed
upon number suggests that the loss of reservoir storage capacity on a global level averages
approximately 1% per year. Moreover, it is not simply a matter of the volume of the material
alone. The challenge of maintaining or restoring reservoir storage capacity and ensuring the
continued operational control of outlet works has become increasingly difficult in the face
of rising removal costs, increased environmental requirements, and in many cases, increasing
difficulty in finding acceptable disposal sites.
The problem has been of particular concern with respect to a number of the major
reservoirs in Southern California, USA, where the combination of highly erosive steep
slopes, relatively steep channel gradients, sequences of often intensive storm events, a
history of fire related high volume debris flows into reservoirs, and a reservoir system
located immediately adjacent to a major urban area has resulted in the relatively
rapid infilling of many of the major reservoirs with sediment. At the same, there are
significant limitations and constraints in this area in terms of the ability to restore and
maintain storage capacity associated with environmental and usage concerns and a lack
of cost effective disposal sites. The scale and nature of these challenges are well documented in the reports of the Army Corps of Engineers & Los Angeles Department

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of Public Works, Flood Control District (ACOE/LADPW) (1994), and The Los
Angeles Department of Public Works, Los Angeles Flood Control District (LADPW/
LACFCD) (2013).
A wide range of efforts and methods have been developed and evaluated around the world
to address these types of reservoir sedimentation issues. An overview of these efforts and
methods is provided in Morris & Fan (1998) (2010) and White (2005). One approach to the
challenge of reservoir sediment management which has been widely discussed involves the
use of some form of flushing of sediment either from the reservoir floor (hydraulic flushing)
or flushing of materials through the reservoir in such a manner as to prevent deposition (an
approach classified as sediment routing by (Morris & Fan (1998) (2010) or some combination
of the two approaches (which is often also described as sluicing), Aktinson (1996). Brandt
(2000), Fan and Morris (1992), Shen (1999) provide helpful summaries of such efforts.
Atkinson (1996), Fan & Morris (1992), Lai & Shen (1996), Shen (1999), White & Akers
(2000), and Batalla & Varicat (2009) provide both an overview of the broad considerations
involved in the use of flushing as a technique as well as an evaluation of the limitations and
constraints associated with using this approach based on either field, laboratory, computational modeling efforts or a combination of such approaches and evaluations.
In an effort both to address some of the sediment management issues associated with
the operation of several of the major reservoirs in Southern California and to evaluate the
overall relative effectiveness of several different reservoir sediment management techniques,
a series of operational experiments were conducted on three of the major reservoirs in the
Los Angeles Flood Control District. The three reservoirs, Cogswell Reservoir, San Gabriel
Reservoir and Morris Reservoir are located in the San Gabriel Mountains and are part of
the drainage system of the San Gabriel River. In two of the reservoirs, the Morris and San
Gabriel Reservoirs, the use of a form of hydraulic flushing involving the use of carefully
managed and controlled flow assisted sediment transport to remove sediment from the reservoir floor was employed, while a third reservoir, the Cogswell Reservoir, was essentially used
as control with sediment being removed by more conventional means. The volume of sediment removed during these operational experiments ranged from approximately 350,000 m3
in the Morris Reservoir, which was used as a pilot study, to in excess of 3,000,000 m3 in the
other two reservoirs where full scale operational experiments were undertaken.


The Upper San Gabriel reservoir system consists of three reservoirs on the San Gabriel
River (see Fig. 1) with a combined drainage area of approx. 548 km2. The upstream reservoir in the system, the Cogswell Reservoir, with a storage capacity of approx. 14,500,000 m3
receives drainage from an area of 101 km2. The San Gabriel Reservoir with a capacity of
66,500,000 m3 receives drainage from Cogswell Reservoir and an additional drainage area
of 423 km2 for a total of 524 km2, while the Morris Reservoir with a storage capacity of
40,100,000 m3 receives drainage both from the Cogswell and San Gabriel Reservoirs plus an
additional drainage area of 23 km2. Despite the relatively limited size of the drainage area
of these three reservoirs the latest estimates by the LACDPW/LACFCD (2013) indicate that
this system delivers approximately 40% of all the sediment deposited in the entire LACDPW/
LACFCD reservoir system of some 14 major reservoirs. This is the result of a combination
of a relatively high series of mountains (exceeding 2500 m in height) steep drainages with
slopes averaging above 55% in the majority of the Upper San Gabriel drainages, steep gradient streams with little intermediate storage capacity, relatively highly erodible soils associated
with rapid uplift of the San Gabriel Mountains, and a Mediterranean climate pattern of
often intense winter storm sequences often accompanied by high intensity rainfall events,
Weirich (1994a).
The operational plan for this reservoir system (LACDPW/LACFCD, 2013) seeks to maintain an operational storage capacity of approx. 61,675,000 m3 not including the capacity
of the Morris Reservoir. At the time of the operational experiments discussed in this paper

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Figure 1. Location of the three Upper San Gabriel River reservoirs (adapted from COE/LACDPW,
1994) (Weirich, 1994a).

Cogswell Reservoir held approximately 4,300,000 m3 of sediment. San Gabriel Reservoir contained 11,700,000 m3 of sediment and Morris Reservoir held 8,700,000 m3 of sediment. The
resulting reduction in storage capacity of these reservoirs to approx. 70%, 82% and 78% of
their design capacity prompted a concerted effort to both restore more of the operational
storage capacity and also evaluate the feasibility and cost effectiveness of employing different approaches to the sediment management issue. The Morris and San Gabriel Reservoir
operational experiments using carefully managed FAST and the Cogswell mechanical
cleanout operation were part of that effort.


In the initial phase of this series of sediment removal efforts a pilot study was undertaken on
the Morris Reservoir. The goals of the pilot study was to assess the overall cost effectiveness
of removing a significant amount of sediment (approximately 350,000 m3) from the reservoir
using a version of hydraulic sluicing involving the use of carefully managed FAST. The plan
was to use carefully controlled flows from the San Gabriel Reservoir to remove sediment
from the Morris Reservoir floor and then make use of the same flows to convey the sediment
down the San Gabriel River to disposal sites located out in the San Gabriel Valley. As part of
this effort a careful monitoring program of the process was undertaken.
The sequence of events associated with this effort involved: a) removal of at-risk species
from a 10 km downstream portion of the river below the dam as well as the adjacent riparian corridor; b) removal of fish from the Reservoir itself prior to draining of the reservoir;
c) the draining of the reservoir; d) preparation of the outlet works for sediment removal
process; e) installation of monitoring equipment to track sediment concentration levels during the experiment and volume removal estimates and a GIS based assessment of reservoir
floor conditions pre- and post the experiment as well as sediment deposition patterns in
the downstream areas; f) post experiment downstream channel and habitat restoration; and
g) the assessment of the fate of sediment conveyed down the river system.

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In preparation for the pilot study in the summer of 1991 the reservoir was gradually drawn
down over a period of several months to a relatively low pool level using one of the main
valves. The actual sediment removal process took place in three phases.
Initially, beginning in late August of that year and continuing for a period of approximately three weeks residual flow associated with the final stages of the dewatering process
was channeled through a 1.2 m pipe near the base of the dam (Fig. 2ab) and a sediment
load sampling program and a continuous density monitoring system previously installed on
the 1.2 m pipe was employed to provide a continuous record of the sediment load being
removed from the reservoir floor (Fig. 3). At the outset of this period of final dewatering,
flow rates exceeded 8.6 m3/s with water being supplied by water draining from the remaining
standing pools on the reservoir floor, groundwater and other secondary sources. But the flow
rate quickly dropped to rates in the 1.01.3 m3/s range. Sediment concentrations of 1012%
by weight were measured for the flows traversing the reservoir floor and reaching the pipe
intake. The initial rate of sediment removed exceeded 15,300 m3/day but quickly dropped to

Figure 2. (a) Reservoir at end of dewatering. The FAST intake area is visible at dam base. (b) Temporary
platform above intake pipe at dam base with flow coming from upper right.

Figure 3. The 1.2 m exit pipe at base of dam carrying FAST flow. Sensors to continuously measure
sediment concentration were mounted in this pipe.


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a 2,3004,600 m3/day rate. Over this three week period of completing the dewatering process,
approximately 63,500 m3 of sediment was removed from the reservoir floor. During the first
days of this process most of the material being moved was in the silt/clay range but the
amount of sand and larger fractions gradually increased as headward erosion by the stream
channel forming on the reservoir floor and draining the reservoir provided larger quantities
of materials from further up the reservoir floor. The vast majority of this material was deposited in the plunge pool of the dam and other pools not far downstream of the dam.
The second phase involved the actual operational experiment and entailed a carefully managed release of water from the upstream San Gabriel Dam to provide the (FAST) to remove
sediment from the reservoir floor and transport it through the 1.2 m pipe and downstream
of the dam. During this phase of the experiment, which lasted for a period of approximately
11 days, some 270,000 m3 of material was removed from the reservoir floor with an average
removal rate of 20,600 m3/day and a peak value in excess of 24,500 m3/day, with sediment
concentrations in the flows exceeding 200 G/L at times (Fig. 4). The sampling of sediment
indicated that a much larger portion of the material being moved was in the sand/gravel/
pebble range than had been moved in the three week final drawdown operation. A much
larger amount of the material moved during this period was deposited beyond the plunge
pools in a portion of the channel extending some 10 km downstream of the dam.
The final phase of the sediment removal effort covered a period of approx. four more
weeks after the FAST portion came to close with the end of the controlled release of
sediment entraining flows from the San Gabriel Dam. During this final phase residual
reservoir surface drainage, groundwater and minor leakage from the San Gabriel Dam
provide some flow that continued to remove sediment from the reservoir floor. The
daily rate of removal was in the 750 m3/day range with a total amount of sediment being
removed of approx. 19,000 m3.
Careful mapping and monitoring of the downstream fate of the sediment removed from
the Morris dam during this experiment indicated that of the approx. 350,000 m3 of material removed during the overall experiment approx. 59,000 m3 was carried more than 10 km
downstream during the experiment to engineered structures further down the river with

Figure 4. A portion of the floor of the Morris Reservoir at the end of the sediment removal experiment showing the lateral extent and depth (approx.10 m) to which material was removed.


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the remainder being deposited in the pools and channel areas immediately downstream of
the dam. Subsequently, and as part of the overall project, a series of controlled releases
of 15 m3/s to 45 m3/s were made in mid-January over the course of several days involving
the release of approx. 6,900,000 m3 of water. These releases, along with more conventional
releases, were undertaken with the intent of re-entraining the material deposited in the channel downstream during the experiment in order to carry that material out of the natural
channel portion of the river downstream of the dam and convey it further downstream into
the fully engineered portion of the San Gabriel River in the interest of habitat restoration.
Monitoring of this effort indicated that a combination of the downstream flushing operation and normal dam releases over a period of months left approx. 53,500 m3 of the original
350,000 m3 in the natural 10 km portion of the channel downstream of the dam, the vast
majority of those 53,500 m3, consisting largely of larger fractions of coarse sand up to cobbles and small boulders, were located in the two major plunge pools immediately downstream
of the dam. Total cost of the sediment removal effort, including habitat restoration, were estimated at approx. $1.30/m3 (less than 1/5 the approx. cost of equivalent mechanical removal
which at the time ranged up to above $30/m3).


Based on the success of the pilot study a second, larger scale operational experiment was carried
out on the San Gabriel Reservoir following the same approach of employing carefully managed FAST to remove sediment accumulated on the reservoir floor. In this instance, following
a dewatering process, carefully controlled releases from the Cogswell reservoir, upstream of
the San Gabriel Reservoir provided the sediment entraining flow. The sediment laden flows
were then routed to a low level 1.8 m sluice tunnel located at the base of the dam that had been
incorporated in the original design of the dam and then into the Morris Reservoir immediately
downstream of the San Gabriel Reservoir via a tributary canyon which received flow from the
exit of the sluice tunnel and then drained directly into the Morris Reservoir.
The outflow from the sluice tunnel was continuously monitored throughout the operation
using an integrated system incorporating sediment concentrations sensors/a discharge

Figure 5.

Floor of the San Gabriel Reservoir floor early on in the operation.


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Figure 6. Floor of the San Gabriel Reservoir floor later in the process. The entrance to the old sluice
tunnel used in this operation is located in the upper right corner at the base of the dam.

Figure 7. The use of equipment to assist in increasing the sediment concentration effectively doubled
the sediment concentration of the material being removed from the floor area.

monitoring system and coordinated water and floor sediment sampling throughout the
duration of the operation which extended for a period of some 5 months from early August
to late December, 1992.
The monitoring effort indicated that a total of 1,691,000 m3 of sediment were removed
during this operation. This value was confirmed by a separate and blind computation of the

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Figure 8. The exit area of the 1.8 m diameter tunnel used to convey the removed material.
Instrumentation to continuously monitor and sample the sediment load being carried was located here.

actual removal volume using a GIS based evaluation of pre-operation and post operation
photogrammetric surveys of the change in the reservoir floor. The independent GIS based
volumetric assessment of the amount of sediment removed indicated that 1,737,000 m3 had
been removed during this operation. The relatively close agreement (within 2.5%) confirmed
the reliability of the removal monitoring techniques.
Continuous monitoring of sediment concentrations during the operation indicate that sustained concentrations of 5%6% by volume of sediment were generally maintained. These
levels rose to 10%12% by volume when coordinated mechanical assistance was used to boost
the entrainment and transport rate resulting in sustained maximum sediment levels of above
264 G/L. These values translated into an average sediment removal rate of 11,850 m3/day
or the life of the project with a range from 2,300 m3/day to in excess of 40,500 m3/day. The
wide range was the result of a combination of factors: a) variation in flow levels released
from Cogswell Dam (ranging from 1 m3/s 5.7 m3/s); b) the use and amount of mechanical flow assisting equipment used at different times; c) enhance discharge from rainfall
events; d) source; e) location and f) the nature of San Gabriel Reservoir flow materials being
entrained and transported.
Efforts to control both the levels of the sediment concentrations and the selective removal
of materials from specific locations, such as from the area surrounding the intake works were
also successful. The cost of the operation was on the order of $0.93/m3.


In parallel with the San Gabriel FAST operational experiment, the third reservoir, Cogswell,
also underwent a sediment removal effort. But in the case of Cogswell, more conventional
mechanical removal techniques were employed. In part, this was undertaken to allow for a
comparison with the FAST approach that had been used in the other two reservoir. This
approach was also used in order to minimize downstream impacts below the dam because of
the sensitive nature of the habit of the downstream channel and riparian corridor between

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the Cogswell and San Gabriel Reservoirs. The Cogswell mechanical excavation spanned a
period of over four years from 19911996 and began with a careful drawdown procedure and
a channel monitoring procedure. In the fall of 1992 approx. 428,000 m3 and in the 19941996
period an additional 2,689,000 m3 were removed by excavation and trucked to a nearby disposal site. All told approx. 3,102,000 m3 were removed over this period using mechanical
means. The overall cost for this effort was estimated to be approximately $6.50 m3.


While all three of the projects described above were successful in terms of removing sediment and restoring reservoir capacity, the use of a carefully managed FAST approach in
both Morris and San Gabriel Reservoirs were conducted in a shorter period of time at much
lower overall cost per m3 and somewhat lower environmental impacts (such as increased air
pollution) than the Cogswell mechanical excavation. This is not to say the FAST approach is
not without limitations and constraints. The downstream impacts inherent in this approach
must be carefully considered, especially with respect to increasing concern regarding environmental impacts and habitat restoration requirements that may need to be incorporated
in the overall costs of using this approach. There are also clear limits on the size fractions
of the material that can be effectively removed with this approach, a constraint not generally an issue for some other techniques such as mechanical excavation. The amount of water
required for the FAST approach both for direct entrainment and transport as well as possible
post operation flushing of sediment deposited in downstream reaches of a dam in order to
restore downstream habitat must also be considered. In some situations, as was the case in
both of the FAST operations described in this paper, provision can be made to recover the
water used in facilities further downstream.


Based on the results of the initial FAST pilot study on the Morris Reservoir and the subsequent larger FAST operational experiment on the San Gabriel Reservoir in 1998 a second
FAST type operation was conducted resulting in the removal of 1,604,000 m3. This was followed in March of 1999 with a sediment flushing operation, similar to that conducted in the
pilot study to clear the channel downstream of Morris Dam of sediment accumulated in
the pools and floodplain zone (LACDPW/LACFCD, 2013). An environmental monitoring
study of the post operation channel recovery effort (LACDPW/LACFCD, 2013) indicated
that within 23 years of the operation the downstream habitat had been restored to preFAST conditions. Going forward (LACPW/LACFCD, 2013) planning for sediment removal
involves a mix of strategies for sediment management in which FAST or variations on the
approach will likely be one of the options available.


The results of both an initial pilot study and the more extensive larger scale operational experiments, summarized in this paper, suggest the use of the carefully managed FAST approach,
in appropriate situations, can be employed at fraction of the cost of conventional removal
methods such as trucking or dredging along with significantly lower environmental impacts.

Atkinson, E. 1996. The feasibility of flushing sediment from reservoirs. H R Wallingford, U.K. Report
No. OD 137, pp. 21.


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Batalla, R.J. & Variant, D. 2009. Hydrological and sediment transport dynamics of flushing flows,
implications for management in large Mediterranean Rivers. River Research and Applications, 25:
Brandt, S.A. 2000. A review of reservoir desiltation. International Journal of Sediment Research, 15(3):
Fan, J. & Morris, G.L. 1992. Reservoir sedimentation. II. Desiltation and long-term storage capacity.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 118(3): 370384.
Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, The Los Angeles Flood Control District. 2013.
Sediment Management Strategic Plan 20122032. Los Angeles, CA.
Lai, J. & Shen, H.W. 1996. Flushing sediment through reservoirs. J. of Hydraulic Res. 34(2): 237255.
Mahmood, K. 1987. Reservoir Sedimentation: Impact, extent, and Mitigation. World Bank Technical
Paper No. 71. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Morris, G.L. & Fan, J.
1998. Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Morris, G.L. & Fan, J. 2010. Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook: Design and Management of Dams Reservoirs, and Watershed for Sustainable use (electronic version). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Shen, H.W. 1999. Flushing of sediment through reservoirs. J. of Hydraulic Res. 37(6): 743757.
US Army Corps of Engineers & Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. 1994. San Gabriel
Canyon Sediment Management Plan, Los Angeles, CA.
Weirich, F. (1994a). Morris Reservoir Pilot Sluicing Project Final Report on the Sediment Monitoring
Study. (unpublished report).
Weirich, F. (1994b). San Gabriel DamEmergency Sediment Removal Monitoring Program Final
Report. (unpublished report).
White, W.R. & Ackers, J. 2000. Guidelines for the Flushing of Sediment from Reservoirs. Report SR
566, H R Wallingford, U.K.
White, W.R. 2005. A review of Current Knowledge World Wide Water Storage in Man-Made Reservoirs.
FR/R0012, Foundation for Water Research Allen House, Liston Road, Marlow. pp 40.
Yoon, Y.N. 1992. The state and perspective of the direct sediment removal methods from Reservoirs.
International Journal of Sediment Research, 7(20): 99115.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Two approaches to forecasting of sedimentation

in the Stare Miasto reservoir, Poland
T. Dysarz
Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering, Poznan University of Sciences, Poland
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Poland

J. Wicher-Dysarz
Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering, Poznan University of Sciences, Poland

M. Sojka
Institute of Reclamation, Land Improvement and Geodesy, Poznan University of Sciences, Poland

ABSTRACT: The main idea of the presented paper is a comparison of the two approaches
to modeling reservoir sedimentation. The analysis is preformed on the basis of the actual data
and simulations performed for the real lowland reservoir, Stare Miasto, located in central
part of Poland. Both compared methods are one dimensional. The first is the basic approach
based on the sediment routing model described by several transport formulae. The second
is a newer approach called the Sediment Impact Analysis Method (SIAM). The purpose of
the analyses presented is evaluation of usefulness of the methods for design of a lowland
reservoir. Such elements as (1) sediment distribution along the reservoir, (2) need for geometry update in SIAM, (3) number of computations needed to obtain valuable results, are taken
into account. The robustness of obtained results is verified on the basis of comparisons with
field measurements. The general conclusions state that the new approach SIAM is very interesting and characterized by huge computational efficiency in comparison with the standard
sediment routing model. However, the SIAM method is still not able to provide as reasonable
results as the standard one. Hence, further developments in this area are necessary.


The aim of the presented research is to compare the two methods for forecasting of sedimentation in a lowland reservoir. The chosen object is the Stare Miasto reservoir on the
Powa river located in central part of Poland. Two 1D methods are used for modeling of
the sedimentation process. The first is the standard sediment routing model. The second is
the Sediment Impact Analysis Method (SIAM). The implementation of the methods and the
obtained results are compared and discussed. The analysis is made taking into account the
usefulness of the methods for design of lowland reservoirs.
One of the main problems related to the assessment of reservoir sedimentation is effective
simulation of this process. The most popular of 1D/2D models describing sediment transport
and deposition are based on the same construction as flood wave propagation models (e.g.
Papanicolaou et al., 2008). The fundamental conservation laws are integrated in a relatively
small control volume under several assumption. The most important are short time intervals
and continuity of all parameters in the resulting partial differential equations (e.g. Wu, 2008).
Such models work well for relatively short time flood phenomena of duration from one week
to two months at most. The duration of reservoir sedimentation phenomena is much longer,
from a few to fifty years. The time steps, which guarantee the stability of computations are
too small to perform such simulations effectively. The problem of different time scales was

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noticed and described in the papers written by Cao et al. (2007) and Cao et al. (2011). The
additional side of the problem is huge uncertainty of parameters describing the features of
the sediment transport model (e.g. Bogardi et al., 1977; Salas & Shin, 1999). Hence, such
models may be properly calibrated and validated only when confronted with the existing
reservoirs. During the design process, the forecast of sedimentation over long period requires
repetition of simulations taking into account variability of inflows as well as uncertainty of
The problems with effectiveness of sediment transport simulations lead to simplified
approaches. There are numerous examples of them in the scientific literature varying from
more physically based models, e.g. Rahmanian & Banihashemi (2011), to those based on blackbox idea, e.g. Yitian & Gu (2003), Nourani (2009). One of the most interesting approaches
seems to be the so-called Sediment Impact Analysis Method (SIAM). The method was developed by Mooney (2006). The primary idea of this approach is the sediment budget tool,
balancing the sediments inflows from watershed to the river. The computations of sediment
aggradation and degradation are made along one dimensional river reach. Although, there is
no update of geometry related to sediment transport results, the construction of the method
seems to be applicable to the problem of reservoir sedimentation.
The idea of this paper is to compare the performance of the standard sediment routing
model with that of the simplified SIAM one. Several scenarios of the sediment routing model
are processed and then compared with the results of SIAM. The assessment is made taking into account the sediment distribution along the reservoir, need for geometry update in
SIAM and also the amount of computations needed to obtain valuable results. Finally, the
results are compared with direct measurements of geometry in the chosen reservoir.
The paper consists of 5 sections. The first is the introduction. Then the materials used in
our investigation are described. In the third section the methods applied are explained. The
results are discussed in the fourth section. The conclusions are presented in the last section.


The Stare Miasto reservoir is located on the Powa river in the central part of Poland. The
main dam is located to the south of Konin city. The reservoir is a relatively new object, built
in 2006. Its length is 4.5 km and the area of inundation in normal conditions is 90.68 ha.
The total capacity of the reservoir is 2.159 106 m3, but the capacity used for water supply is
1.216 106 m3. Highway A2 is narrowing the active flow cross-section in the central part of
the reservoir. The dam splitting the object into the main and upper part is located upstream
of the bridge (Fig. 1). The upper dam includes a small sluice. The area of the upper part is
27 ha. The capacity of this part is 0.294 106 m3 (Woliski & Zgrabczyski, 2008). The depth
of the reservoir varies from 1.2 m in the upper part to 5.7 m near the main dam.
The upper part of the reservoir plays a specific role. It is used to collect sediment and
protect water quality in the main part from degradation. It is expected that the sediment
transported with the inflowing water is settled in the upper part of the reservoir. After some
time the upper part should develop conditions good for vegetation growth. This enables the
removal of pollutants from water or their deposition with the sediments.
The Stare Miasto reservoir is multi-purpose and works in the annual cycle. The main part
of the reservoir is used in ordinary way. It includes water supply capacity, the dead zone as
well as the flood protection capacity and the hydraulic flood protection zone. The water
stored is used mainly for irrigation and protection of biological life in the Powa river. An
important purpose is the flood protection of Konin city. The reservoir is additionally used
for tourism and fishery.
The basic data used for presented analyses are the geometry of the reservoir, water surface levels measured at the main dam as well as the inflows to the reservoir. The preparatory data include
analysis of measurements and topographic maps in the scale 1:2000 from 2006 (Woliski &
Zgrabczyski, 2008). On the basis of the historical maps, the digital terrain model for the reservoir was prepared. Then the DTM was processed using ArcGIS 9.2 with HEC-GeoRAS set of

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Figure 1.

The Stare Miasto reservoir.

Figure 2. Hydrology and water management: (a) Relative frequency curve of discharges observed at the
Posoka gauge station in the Powa river; (b) Typical changes in water levels in the Stare Miasto reservoir.

tools. It enabled definition of basic geometry for hydraulic and sediment computations. Direct
measurements were also used for determination of current reservoir bathymetry. Such a survey
was made in September 2013. The field survey was made using Echotrac CVM, which is an echo
sounder produced by Teledyne Technologies Company.
The average annual unit outflow from the watershed in the dam cross-section is estimated
as 3.52 dm3/(km2 s). The closest gauge station is Posoka controlled by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW). The data collected at this gauge station for the
period 19752009 are available. The inflow varies from 0.012 to 42.6 m3/s. Two discharge
frequency curves were prepared on the basis of these data. The first represents variability of
discharge in the months with minimum headwater in the dam. The second is prepared for
the seasons with normal water level in the reservoir. The basic frequencies are shown as bar
graphs in Figure 2.a. The water surface level varies from the minimum elevation of 92.70 m
a.s.l. to 94.00 m a.s.l. Normal water level is 93.50 m a.s.l. (Woliski & Zgrabczyski, 2008).
The lower levels are kept during the first part of the year (Fig. 2.b). From April to October
the reservoir is used with normal water level.
The data set is completed with analysis of 36 bed sediment samples. They were collected
at the sites marked in Figure 1 (center). The sieve analysis is used to determine the mass ratio

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in classes of diameters compatible with Polish regulations. The bed samples are used to make
the standard gradation curves. The particles coarser than 2 mm were not observed in the
samples. In general the sediments analyzed were classified as fine or very fine sands. These
data were previously used and described, e.g. Dysarz & Wicher-Dysarz (2013a), Dysarz et al.


Two methods were used for estimation of sedimentation in the Stare Miasto reservoir. These
were 1D methods namely the standard sediment routing and the Sediment Impact Analysis
Method (SIAM). The first is based on the well known Exners equation (e.g. Exner, 1920,
1925; Parker, 2004; Brunner, 2010). The second is a modern computation technique invented
by Mooney (2006). Both of them are implemented in HEC-RAS package for hydraulic computations. The newest version of this software was used for computational tests, namely
HEC-RAS 5.0 Beta (Brunner, 2010). The methods are described briefly below.
The HEC-RAS is the well known 1D hydraulic software including flow modules as well as
sediment transport and water quality algorithms. The newest version 5.0 Beta is used in this
research. The first step in configuration of any HEC-RAS computations is preparation of
the modeled system geometry. The cross-sections and their layout is prepared by means of
HEC-GeoRAS (Fig. 1). The river stations are at the same distance from the reservoir outlet to the particular cross-section. In general there are 38 cross-sections inside the reservoir
with river stations varying from 47 to 3100. The sediment transport module consist of two
elements: (1) quasi-unsteady flow model, (2) sediment transport algorithm. In the quasiunsteady flow module the boundary conditions and water temperatures are set. Two types
of simulations were made, namely one year and eight year computations. In the one year
simulation the inlet boundary condition is a single annual hydrograph of flows. In the outlet,
the stage hydrograph representing water heads in the reservoir is imposed. Thirty five simulations were performed, each one represented one hydrological year. Also ten eight-year simulations were carried out. In these simulations, individual hydrological years were randomly
chosen to compose the inlet boundary conditions. The downstream boundary was composed
by simple repetition of previous stage hydrographs. The sediment transport algorithm was
configured by definition of soil samples, their assignment to cross-sections, definition of
admissible erosion depths and sediment boundary conditions. The last element was set as
equilibrium load in all simulations.
The second approach used in this study is SIAM. This is one dimensional sediment budget
tool, which differs significantly from the typical sediment routing model. The method was
developed as part of the Mississippi Delta Headwaters project as a joint effort of the Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC) and Colorado State University (Little &
Jonas, 2010). The first implementation of SIAM was made by Mooney (2006). SIAM is
also available in the versions of HEC-RAS 4.1 and next (Little & Jonas, 2010; Brunner,
2010). In this study two SIAM models were configured. Both of them were used to calculate
aggradation and degradation inside the reservoir. Hence, the sediment reaches were defined
between river stations from 47 to 3100. There were two configurations of sediment reaches
used for simulations. In the first there were 38 sediment reaches. Each of them was defined
between two subsequent cross-sections. The second SIAM configuration was simplified and
included only 14 sediment reaches representing consistent areas of the reservoir, e.g. inlet
zone, upstream of a structure, downstream of a structure, etc. The averaged soil samples
were assigned to each reach in both configurations. The important element of SIAM implementation is discharge frequency curve (Fig. 2.a). The curves were made for the two states of
the reservoir (1) headwater of 92.2 m a.s.l., (2) or 93.5 m a.s.l.. These water levels and their
duration was consistent with the rules of water management in the Stare Miasto reservoir
(Woliski & Zgrabczyski, 2008).
Both algorithms, sediment routing as well as SIAM, were used with the same sediment
transport functions, (1) Engelund-Hansen, (2) Meyer-Peter & Mller (MPM). The first of

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them was designed for sand transport, which corresponds to the actual conditions in the
reservoir studied. The second one was a more general formula used mainly for bed load
transport. It was used for comparisons (e.g. Yang, 1996). Other transport functions available
in HEC-RAS were notused, because they are not suitable for fine sediments, e.g. AckersWhite, or they have occurred unstable, e.g. Yang. The results of sediment mass transported
calculated by sediment routing module were also used as the sources of sediment for the most
upstream reach for SIAM computations.
The results obtained are presented as distribution of invert changes along the reservoir
profile. The term invert is used in a way consistent with the manuals of the HEC-RAS (e.g.
Brunner, 2010). It simply means the minimum bottom elevation. The values of invert changes
are obtained directly from sediment routing procedure. The standard SIAM results include
aggradation or degradation of sediments in a year for particular reaches. These values are
recalculated into invert changes assuming that deposits/removals are uniformly distributed
along the cross-section bed. This assumption permits definition of the area of deposition/
erosion. Than the invert change may be calculated on the basis of bulk density. The contraction related to fine sediments was also taken into account.


The results are presented in Figures 36 and some raw values are shown in Table 1. The presentation of results in all figures is split into two parts. In the left figure, the results for the inlet
part of the reservoir are presented. The rest of results are presented in the right figure. This
division had to be made because the values shown in the two parts differ significantly.
The first graphs (Fig. 3) present average invert changes obtained from the sediment routing simulations for one year time horizon. The results are expressed in centimeters, while
the river stations are presented in meters. The sediment transport algorithms based on the

Figure 3. Average invert changes simulated by sediment routing algorithm with Engelund-Hansen and
MPM formulae: (a) inlet partriver stations 28493100; (b) river stations 472849.

Figure 4. Comparison of invert changes for sediment routing and SIAM with Engelund-Hansen
formula: (a) inlet partriver stations 28493100; (b) river stations 472849.


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Figure 5. Comparison of invert changes for sediment routing and SIAM with MPM formula: (a) inlet
partriver stations 28493100; (b) river stations 472849.

Figure 6. Comparison of invert changes between measurements and long period simulation of sediment routing: (a) inlet partriver stations 28493100; (b) river stations 472849.

Table 1.

Values of invert changes for selected cross-sections.

Sediment routing
























Upper dam
Main dam












Engelund-Hansen and MPM formulae are compared. The results of the first formula is
denoted as continuous line. The results of the second is represented by dashed line. In both
cases the standard deviations from averages are marked as vertical error bars. The results of
measurements are denoted as large black dots and triangles. Such results are provided only
for two river stations in the inlet, namely 3100 and 3056. The spatially distributed results of

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measurements are presented as average and maximum invert changes in each cross-section.
The structures such as upper dam, the bridge and the main dam, are marked by vertical
gray lines.
The sediment routing with the Engelund-Hansen formula gives greater results than the
same algorithm with the MPM formula. The results of measurements are closer to the latter.
This observation is in contrast to expectations as the Engelund-Hansen formulae was derived
for finer sediments and expected to provide better results. The only explanation is good theoretical and experimental basis of MPM and complex nature of sediment transport in lowland rivers and reservoir. Fine sediments transported as suspended load in a mountain river
become bed load in lowland streams.
The results presented in Figure 4 are comparison of sediment routing and two SIAM models for cases with Engelund-Hansen formulae. The invert changes obtained from sediment
routing are displayed as a continuous line with error bars as shown in Figure 3. The SIAM
results are dashed lines with points marked as rectangles (SIAM-38) and stars (SIAM-14).
The graph prepared for the inlet part (left) includes also results of measurements. The right
graph presents also structures. In both cases the graphical elements are the same as those used
in Figure 3.
It is well seen that invert changes in the first cross-section of the reservoir resulting from
SIAM-38 are greater than those obtained from sediment routing. In the subsequent crosssections the amount of sediment deposited is smaller and invert changes are also not so great.
The results of SIAM-14 show a more uniform distribution of sediments in the inlet part of
the reservoir.
Similar results are presented in Figure 5, drawn for the Meyer-Peter & Mller (MPM)
equation sediment transport formulae used. The vertical scales of the graphs are different,
because the invert changes obtained in these cases are smaller. When this formula is used, the
SIAM-38 results are more similar to those provided by the sediment routing algorithm.
Because the values presented in Figures 35 significantly differ in scale, some of them may
be not visible well. Hence, the results for selected cross-sections are presented in Table 1. The
first column consists of river stations numbers of the selected cross-. The table is composed
in such a way that a comparison of sediment routing and SIAM models is clearly visible. The
invert changes are expressed in centimeters. The results presented in Table 1 confirm those
shown in the graphs.
The average invert changes obtained from long period simulations of sediment routing in
the reservoir are shown in Figure 6. The denotations and their meaning are the same as those
in Figure 3. The obtained invert changes are compared with those resulting from field measurements made in 2013. Once again the sediment routing with MPM formulae gives results
closer to measurements, though, the difference between Engelund-Hansen and MPM is not
so great. However, the relative compatibility between measurements and long term computations should suggest that all sediment routing simulations are reliable.
In general all SIAM results suggest huge accumulation in the inlet cross-section of the
reservoir. The distribution of sediments is better, when sediment reaches are longer. Such
effects are caused by the lack of any sediment redistribution or update of hydraulic conditions.
The sediment redistribution is better, if the standard sediment routing algorithm is used.


In the paper a comparison of two 1D methods for assessment of reservoir sedimentation is

presented. The first is the standard sediment routing model used in multi-scenario scheme.
The second is the adapted SIAM algorithm. The main ideas of the methods tested are presented in section 1 and 3 of the paper. The configuration of the methods is briefly described
in section 3. In both algorithms two sediment transport functions are used. These are (1)
Engelund-Hansen and (2) Meyer-Peter & Mller (MPM). The choice of such functions is
explained in section 3. The methods are tested on the basis of data collected and measurements from the Stare Miasto reservoir. The object as well as the data used are presented in

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section 2. The main element of comparisons are invert changes. The results are presented and
briefly discussed in section 4. In the same section small validation of results on the basis of
field measurements and long term simulations is shown.
The results presented indicate significant differences between two methods used. The differences are also visible between the transport functions applied independently of the algorithm tested. In general, the sediment routing with the Engelund-Hansen function shows
greater deposition than the results obtained with the MPM formula (Fig. 3). This tendency
is seen along the whole reservoir. The long period simulations show the MPM results as
closer to field measurements (Figs. 3 and 6). In general, the SIAM approach shows greater
irregularity in sediment deposition. The main accumulation is indicated in the inlet part of
the reservoir (Figs. 4 and 5). When the Engelund-Hansen formula is applied the invert change
resulting from the SIAM algorithm with 38 sediment reaches are much greater than those
calculated by the sediment routing. The increase in the sediment reaches lengths and decrease
in their number causes more regular distribution of sediments at least in the inlet part of
the reservoir. However, the results of SIAM-14 still differ much from the sediment routing
results (Figs. 4 and 5).
There are some pros and cons of the two methods applied. The sediment routing computations require complex configuration. It is time consuming, but provides more reasonable
results. The results are closer to field measurements. The differences may be explained by
application of 1D simplification of flow and sediment transport phenomena. On the other
hand, the SIAM algorithm is simpler for configuration. The computations are faster and the
results do not need to be repeated several times. However, the simplifications introduced to
construct the method cause some non-physical effects. Significant irregularity in the sediment accumulation is caused by the arrangement of calculations in SIAM. The direct reason
is the lack of any sediment redistribution between the sediment reaches. Such a role is played
by the update of geometry and hydraulics in the sediment routing algorithm.
Although, the idea of SIAM seems to be promising, this method still needs some
improvement. On the other hand, application of the sediment routing requires too much
time consuming computations to be effectively used in ordinary problems such as reservoir
design and prediction of capacity changes due to sedimentation. Further research in this area
is necessary.

The research was supported by National Science Centre in Poland as a part of scientific
project Initial sedimentation part in small lowland reservoirs: modeling and analysis of
functionality, contract no. N N305 296740.

Bogardi I., Duckstein L., Szidarovszky F., 1977. Reservoir sedimentation under uncertainty: analytic
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Brunner G.W., 2010. HEC-RAS, River Analysis System, Hydraulic Reference Manual. Davis, CA.: US
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Cao Z., Li Y., Yue Z., 2007. Multiple time scales of alluvial rivers carrying suspended sediment and their
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implications for mathematical modeling. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 137 (3), pp. 267276.
Dysarz T., Wicher-Dysarz J., 2013a. Analysis of flow conditions in the Stare Miasto Reservoir taking into
account sediment settling properties. Annual Set the Environmental Protection, 15, pp. 584606.
Dysarz T., Wicher-Dysarz J., Sojka M., 2013b. Analysis of highway bridge impact on the sediment redistribution along the Stare Miasto reservoir, Poland. Proceedings of 2013 IAHR Congress, Tsinghua
University Press, Beijing.


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Exner, F.M., 1920. Zur Physik der Dunen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss Wien, Part IIa, Bd. 129 (in German).
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Little C.D., Jonas M., 2010. Sediment Impact Analysis Methods (SIAM): overview of model capabilities, applications, and limitations, 2nd joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Mooney, D.M., 2006. SIAM, Sediment Impact Analysis Methods, for Evaluating Sedimentation Causes
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Papanicolaou A.N., Elhakeem M., Krallis G., Prakash S., Edinger J., 2008. Sediment transport modeling reviewcurrent and future developments. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134 (1), pp. 114.
Parker G., 2004. 1D Sediment Transport Morphodynamics With Applications To Rivers And Turbidity
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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Influence of geometry shape factor on trapping and flushing

S.A. Kantoush
Civil Engineering Program, German University in Cairo, New Cairo City, Cairo, Egypt

A.J. Schleiss
Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (LCH), Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Lausanne, Switzerland

ABSTRACT: The trap efficiency of a shallow reservoir depends on the characteristics of

the inflowing sediments and the retention time of the water in the reservoir, which in turn
are controlled by the reservoir geometry. With the purpose of controlling the trapped and
flushed sediments in shallow reservoirs, the effects of the geometry on sediment deposition
and removal were investigated with systematic physical experiments. The geometry shape factor is an important factor to predict the flow and sediment deposition in the reservoir. The
evolution of trap efficiency has an increasing or decreasing effect according to the geometry
shape factor and flow patterns. The channel formed during flushing attracts the jet and stabilizes the flow structures over the entire reservoir. Empirical formulas to describe the relationship between the geometry shape factor and sediment trap efficiency as well as flushing
efficiency were developed.


Problematic of sedimentation in shallow reservoirs

Suspended sediment deposition is a complex phenomenon in deep and shallow reservoirs.

The sediment deposition in shallow reservoirs of run-of-river power plants reduces the
storage capacity and generates a risk of blockage of intake structures as well as sediment
entrainment in hydropower schemes. The planning and design of shallow reservoir require
the accurate prediction of sediment trapping and release efficiencies. Reservoir sedimentation is the principal cause preventing sustainable use of storage reservoirs (Annandale,
2013). Many flows in nature can be considered as shallow as for examples flows in wide
rivers, lakes, bays and coastal regions. For such flows, the horizontal dimensions are much
larger than the vertical depth and turbulence is of a special nature, as was discussed already
by Yuce and Chen (2003). Reservoir sedimentation has been methodically studied since
1930s (Eakin, 1939), but dam engineering has focused on structural issues, giving relatively
little attention to the problem of sediment accumulation (De Cesare and Lafitte, 2007).
The problem confronting the designer is to estimate the rate of deposition and the period
of time before the sediment will interfere with the useful functioning of a reservoir. Several
concepts of reservoir life may be defined as its useful, economic, useable, design and full
life as adapted from (Murthy, 1977), (Sloff, 1991). The rapid reservoir sedimentation not
only decreases the storage capacity, but also increases the probability of flood inundation
in the upstream reaches due to heightening of the bed elevations at the upstream end of
the reservoir and the confluences of the tributaries (Liu et al., 2004). In order to remove
and reduce reservoir sedimentation, many approaches such as flushing, sluicing, dredging
and water and soil conservation are developed (ICOLD, 1989). Among these approaches,
flushing is considered the only economic approach to swiftly restore the storage capacity of

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Figure 1.

Classification of sediment flushing techniques.

the reservoir with severe deposition. Basically, there are two types of flushing operations
with, and without drawdown, and optional techniques can be used with the complete drawn
flushing as shown in Figure 1.

Reservoir trap efficiency

Brunes curve is used by dam engineers to predict the trap efficiency which is the proportion of
deposited to flowing sediments into a reservoir (Brune, 1953). This curve provides an estimate
of the relative amounts of sediment that will be retained by reservoirs of various sizes. The size
of a reservoir is quantified by using the same measure we defined before. Recall that we indicated
that a good way of determining the relative size of a reservoir is to divide its storage volume by
the mean annual river flow (Annandale, 2013). Churchill (1948) based his empirical relationship on the concept of sediment releasing, whereas Brune (1953) used the concept of sediment
trapping which has come into more common use. Several approaches have been undertaken to
quantify sediment trap efficiency. Churchill (1948) presented a curve relating the trap efficiency
to the ratio between the water retention time and mean velocity in the reservoir. As a result
of the complexity of the phenomenon involved in sediment deposition in lakes and reservoirs,
focused research efforts on numerical and laboratory modeling also have been published. The
Trap Efficiency (TE) of reservoirs depends on several parameters (an overview of the processes
taking place in a reservoir is given by (Heinemann, 1984). Since TE is dependent on the amount
of sediment, parameters controlling the sedimentation process are shown in Figure 2.
Therefore, the particle-size distribution of the incoming sediment controls TE in relation to retention time. Coarser material will have a higher settling velocity, and less time is
required for its deposition. Very fine material, on the other hand, will need long retention
times to deposit. The retention time of a reservoir is related to: 1. The characteristics of the
inflow hydrograph and; 2. The geometry of the reservoir, including storage capacity, shape
and outlet typology. The reservoir geometry can also govern the retention time.

Empirical and theoretical models for predicting TE

Simple models relating TE to a single reservoir parameter are, on the other hand, easy to
implement but are far less accurate. One has to distinguish between the TE of a reservoir on
a mid to long-term basis and its TE for one single event. Heinemann (1984) gave an overview
of the many empirical models that could be used for predicting TE. An overview of the theoretically based TE models is provided by Haan et al. (1994). Verstraeten and Poesen (2000)
provided an overview of the different methods available to estimate the trap efficiency of reservoirs and ponds. As already mentioned the empirical models predict trap efficiency, mostly
of normally ponded large reservoirs using data on a mid to long-term basis. These models
relate trap efficiency to a capacity/catchment ratio, a capacity/annual inflow ratio or a sedimentation index. Today, these empirical models are the most widely used models to predict
trap efficiency, even for reservoirs or ponds that have totally different characteristics from the

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Figure 2.

Factors influencing the trap efficiency of reservoirs.

reservoirs used in these models. For small ponds, these models seem to be less appropriate.
Furthermore, they also cannot be used for predicting trap efficiency for a single event.
At present only limited research has been done on establishing mid-term trap efficiency
models based on theoretical principles. This is probably the most important gap in trap
efficiency research that the present study is presenting. The study aims at investigating the
evolution of the sediment trap efficiency based on ten laboratory test with various reservoir geometries, and proposes measures to control and predict the channel characteristics.
Therefore this study is focusing mainly on influence of the reservoir geometrical parameters
as Aspect Ratio AR, Expansion Ratio ER, Expansion area ratio , Expansion density ratio
and geometry shape factor SK, on trap and flushing efficiencies. Finally, several empirical
formulas that describe the relationship between the reservoir geometry and sediment trap
efficiency as well as flushing efficiency for two modes of flushing were developed. An empirical formula for drawdown flushing describes the function between the geometry shape factor
and flushing efficiency is presented.


Experimental facility

The experimental tests have been conducted in a rectangular shallow basin with inner maximum dimensions of 6.0 m in length and 4 m in width, as sketched in Figure 3(a). The inlet
and outlet rectangular channels are both 0.25 m wide and 1.0 m long. The bottom of the
basin is flat and consists in hydraulically smooth PVC plates. The walls, also in PVC, can be
moved to modify the geometry of the basin. Adjacent to the reservoir, a mixing tank is used
to prepare the water-sediments mixture. The water-sediments mixture is supplied by gravity
into the water-filled rectangular basin. Along the basin side walls, a 4.0 m long, movable
frame is mounted to carry the measuring instruments. The sediments were added to the mixing tank during the tests. To model suspended sediment currents in the laboratory model,
walnut crushed shells with a median grain size d50 = 50 m, density 1500 kg/m3 was used in
all experiments. These are non-cohesive, light weight and homogeneous grain material. The
bed level evolution was measured with a Miniature echo sounder (UWS). The sounder was
mounted on a movable frame which allowing to scan the whole basin area. The sediment concentrations of the suspensions material using the crushed walnut shells were measured. The
hydraulic and sediment conditions were chosen to fulfill the sediment transport requirements.
Furthermore, for all tests, Froude number (0.05 Fr 0.43) was small enough and Reynolds

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Figure 3. (a) Plan view of the laboratory setup; (b) Geometrical parameters of the test configurations.
Table 1. Configurations of different test series and their geometrical characteristics: L and B are length
and width, A the total surface area of the basin, ER and AR are the expansion and aspect ratios, P is the
wetted perimeter of the length of the side walls, and SK is the shape factor SK = (P/A)*AR*Dexp.

number (14000 Re 28000) high enough to ensure subcritical, fully developed turbulent
flow conditions.

Test configurations

Ten axi-symmetric basins with different forms were tested to study the geometry shape effect
on the flow and deposition pattern (see Table 1). In order to gain insight into the physical process behind the sedimentation of shallow reservoirs governed by suspended sediment; a reference basin geometry with width of B = 4.0 m and length of L = 6.0 m was used. The reference

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geometry was used for the first six tests, from Test 1 (T1) to Test 6 (T6), to examine different test
procedures and find the optimal one to continue with future test configurations. As a reference
case, the rectangular basin geometry was analyzed in detail (Kantoush, 2008, Kantoush and
Schleiss, 2010). To investigate the effect of the basin width effect on the flow and sedimentation
processes in the reservoir the experiments focused on the width achieved in rectangular reservoir 6.0 m long and 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5 m wide (from T7 to T10), respectively. With a second set
of tests the effect of the basin length experimental tests have been conducted in a rectangular
shallow basin 4.0 m wide and 5.0, 4.0, and 3.0 m long (from T11 to T13), respectively. Finally
geometries with three expansion angles were tested (from T14 to T16). In the present paper the
results of flushing for experiments T1, T8, T14, and T16 are presented hereafter.

Geometrical parameters

The geometrical parameters are defined in Figure 3(b) and all tests are summarized at Table 1.
In order to represent all geometrical characteristics parameters with flow and deposition
results, a geometry shape factor SK was developed. In the present study several reservoir
geometries with different shapes have been conducted. Thus, there is a need for a dimensionless coefficient representative of different geometry shapes which can be correlated with
flushing efficiency. The following definitions are used (see Figure 3(b) & Table 1):
Length and the width of the upstream and downstream channels which remained constant
for all configurations: l = 1.0 m, b = 0.25 m and l = 4 b
Length and the width of the basin: L and B;
Depth of lateral expansion B;
Distance from the edge of channel to the edge of the basin R;
Total surface area of the basin A;
Lateral expansion ratio: ER = B/b;
Aspect ratio as AR = L/B;
Jet expansion density can be defined as Dexp = R/B;
Geometry shape factor can be defined as SK = (P/A)*AR*Dexp.

Test procedure

After filling the basin and having reached a stable state with the clear water. First LSPIV
recording (Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry) has been performed during 3 minutes.
Then a second phase, the water-sediment mixture was drained by gravity into the water-filled
rectangular basin. The flow circulation pattern with suspended sediment inflow was examined
every 30 minutes using LSPIV over 90 minutes period. The flap gate was then closed to permit for the suspended sediment to deposit and then start bed level profile measurements by
using UWS. Every 1.5 hrs, the bed morphology was measured at different cross sections. After
each time step the pump was interrupted to allow bed morphology recording. The final bed
morphology was used as the initial topography for two modes of flushing (free flow and drawdown flushing). Clear water without sediment was introduced into the basin to investigate the
effect of free flow and drawdown flushing. Normal water depth of h = 0.20 m was used without
lowering of reservoir during free flow flushing. With lowering the water depth in the reservoir
to half of the normal water depth (h = 0.10 m), the drawdown flushing was conducted. Each
mode of flushing lasted for two days with flow field and final bed morphology measurements.



Influence of Aspect Ratio of reservoir (AR) on Trap Efficiency (TE)

Various geometrical configurations with different aspect ratio AR = L/B, where L and B is
length and width of the reservoir, respectively, hydraulic and sediment conditions have been
analyzed. By knowing the actual deposited sediment (Vdep) and the sediment volume flowing

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into a reservoir (Vin), it is possible to calculated the Vdep/Vin ratio and determine the percentage
of sediment flowing into a reservoir that will be trapped TE. Figure 4(a) shows the trap
efficiency TE as a function of the reservoir aspect ratio, AR, at six measurement periods
(from t1 to t6). The trap efficiency is ranging from 98% at t6 of 1080 minutes (AR = 1.5) to
38% at t1 of 90 minutes (AR = 0.75). The TE has a rising tendency while AR increasing until
reaches a critical AR value. Then TE starts to decrease for a higher AR. The TE curves at
t2 = 180 min and t3 = 270 min have approximately the same trend as for t1. That means the
reservoirs did not reach to equilibrium state and flow patterns were changing during these
three periods. The reservoir reached to a quasi-equilibrium state during the longest test duration of t6 = 1080 min, since the observed TE reached to 100%. Equilibrium is associated with
vanishing the cumulative net of sediment concentration but this does not imply that the
instantaneous sediment flux vanishes. It can be concluded that TE increases with increasing
reservoir aspect ratio until it reached the highest TE and then it decreases with increasing
aspect ratio as shown in Figure 4. Lesser amounts of sediment may be retained by reduced
aspect ratio of reservoir.

Influence of Expansion Ratio (ER) of reservoir on Trap Efficiency (TE)

The influence of the Expansion Ratio (ER) on the trap efficiency TE is illustrated in
Figure 4(b). It can be seen that the increase of the efficiency between ER of 8 and 12 is the
same order of magnitude as the increase between 16 and 26 (about 40%45%). Therefore,
the changes from an asymmetric flow pattern to a symmetric flow pattern for ER of 16 are
responsible for a break in the efficiency curve of the reservoir. The evolution of the trap efficiency is compared for six different runs at 90, 180, 270, 450, 540, and 1080 minutes. Several
data points are located at ER = 16 which indicated that expansion ratio is not representative
for geometries with a fixed width and variable length. Trap efficiency increases with increasing ER till it reaches ER = 12 where TE is almost 100%. The minimum TE was obtained for a

Figure 4. Influence of (a) Aspect Ratio (AR), (b) Expansion Ratio (ER) (c) normalized expansion
ratio, (d) Expansion Aspect Ratio ARexp, on trap efficiency of reservoir TE = Vdep/Vin.


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basin with ER = 16. For higher ER, the trap efficiency decreases again. There is no significant
changes of TE evolution for narrow reservoirs with low of ER = 8.

Influence of normalized expansion area = Aexp/At of reservoir on Trap Efficiency (TE)

The effect of expansion area ratio is defined as ratio of expansion to total surface areas.
Figure 4(c) shows the influence of on the TE. In beginning after first period t1 = 90 min,
the trap efficiency increases with rising expansion area ratio until a maximum TE value is
reached. Then, it decreases again for higher expansion area ratio. Almost the same trend was
found at t2 and t3.

Influence of normalized expansion aspect ratio ARexp = L/B of reservoir on TE

The evolution of trap efficiency as a function of expansion aspect ratio ARexp = L/B was
investigated as shown in Figure 4(d). Trap efficiency is rising for higher expansion aspect
ratio, which can be defined as the ratio of expansion length to the expansion width. It reaches
a maximum TE at ARexp = 3.2 before it decreases again with for higher ARexp. The trap efficiency after t1 = 90 min reached to the peak; afterwards it declined by almost 15%. Finally
TE increased again to asymptotically reaching 100% before decreasing again with further
increase of ARexp.
3.5 Influence of geometry shape factor SK on trap efficiency TE
There are several non-dimensional geometrical parameters as (AR, ER, , and Aexp) that have
no clear influence on trap efficiency by considering each parameter separately. Therefore, a
set of several combinations of these parameters were used and analyzed versus trap efficiency.
It was found that geometry shape factor SK affects the trap efficiency. The geometry shape
factor SK is defined as the SK = (P/A)*AR*Dexp. The evolution of trap efficiency and relationship with geometry shape factor was depicted in Figure 5(a). It is clearly visible in that
TE decreases with increasing geometry shape factor (SK). The evolution of trap efficiency is
increased with time and it reached quasi equilibrium during the last period of last run. An
empirical relationship between trap efficiency TE in percentage and geometry shape factor SK
was developed from all experiments in Eq. (1) with application range of 2.92 < SK < 13.42.
TE = Vdep/Vin = 95360 (SK)212 (SK/10)2


It seems that smaller geometry Shape factor SK trapped less sediments and the evolution
of trap efficiency can be approximated by a fitting decreasing curve as shown in Figure 5(a)
for SK = 2.92. It can be conclude that the distance between inlet and outlet of the reservoir
has a great influence of trap efficiency. By increasing SK to 3.41 trap efficiency increased by
almost 35% and the evolution curve with decreasing tendency at the end of the experiment.
With further increasing for SK still trap efficiency increases as shown in Figure 5(a). It is
clearly visible in Figure 5(a) that the evolution tendency of TE decreases again from SK > 10,
as the flow pattern was straight from inlet to outlet with no or one circulation cells inside
the reservoirs. Therefore, the minimum deposited volume was obtained for higher geometry
shape factor SK > 10. It can be concluded that flow pattern with no/odd number of cells are
preferable to reduce depositions.

Prediction of the drawdown flushing efficiency

Efficiency of flushing of suspended sediment through the reservoir is important to determine

the feasibility of flushing operations according to the designed reservoir. The measured data
for each run were recorded after one time of a flushing with clear water was performed during two days. With the total cumulative deposited sediment at the end of each experiment and
volume of flushed sediments during this procedure, flushing efficiency, FE, is defined as:

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Figure 5.

Influence of geometry shape factor SK on (a) trap efficiency; (b) flushing efficiency.

FE = Vflushed/Vdf


where Vflushed is the volume of flushed sediment with clear water after two days, Vdf is the
total cumulative deposited volume after a specific period. Figure 5(b) shows the influence
of the geometry shape factor SK on drawdown flushing efficiency FE. Flushing efficiency
FE is an index to describe the effectiveness of hydraulic flushing. With lowering the water
depth in the reservoir to half of the normal water depth, the efficient drawdown flushing as
a function of geometry shape factor were plotted in Figure 5(b). It was observed that the
drawdown flushing efficiency increases with higher geometry shape factor. The drawdown
flushing was higher compared to the free flow flushing. The minimum flushing efficiency
was 20% for the smallest geometry shape factor. Additionally, the maximum drawdown
flushing efficiency reached almost 65% for the highest geometry shape factor as shown
in Figure 5(b). It was found qualitatively that almost fifty percent of the total volume
removed sediments were flushed out in the one fourth of the flushing duration. Flushing
efficiency was correlated with the geometry shape factor the empirical relationship formula
in Eq. 3. The application range of Eq. 3 is 2.92 < SK < 13.42 and the coefficient of determination R2 = 0.92.
FE = 103 + 12.4 (SK/10)2 65.75 (SK/10)1


where FE is flushing efficiency (FE = Vflushed/Vdf) and SK is the geometry shape factor
(SK = (P/A)*AR*Dexp).


The trap efficiency reduces with time for the lozenge form (T14, SK = 11.2), but TE is high
in the beginning. With the lozenge form the jet could expanded over all the basin geometry.
According to the proposed empirical formula, trap efficiency can be estimated. The length of
the reservoir plays a critical role in determining the jet flow type and the associated pattern
of the bed deposition. The use of an elongated basin increases the retention of sediments as
it is well known for sand trap basins. The maximum Aspect Ratio (Length to width ratio)
of reservoir should be 1.5. For the experiments with drawdown flushing it is important to
know the channel width and length in order to estimate the gain of the reservoir capacity.
Due to the sensitivity of the flow pattern on the boundary conditions, initial conditions and
the geometry (and changes in time), it is difficult to predicate the exact location of the flushing channel. Drawdown flushing efficiency becomes better for increasing geometry shape
factor SK as given by the empirical relationship in Eq. 3 within the application range of is
2.92 < SK < 13.42.

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Annandle, G, 2013. Quenching the Thirst: Sustainable Water Supply and Climate Change. ISBN:
1480265152, Library of Congress Control Number: 2012921241, CreatSpace Independent Publishing
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Brune, G.M. 1953. Trap efficiency of reservoirs. Transactions of Americ. Geophys. Union, 34:407418.
Churchill, M.A., 1948. Discussion of analysis and use of reservoir sedimentation data.
De Cesare, G. and Lafitte, R, 2007. Outline of the historical development regarding reservoir
sedimentation. 32nd Congress of IAHR, Harmonizing the Demands of Art and Nature in Hydraulics,
Eakin, H.M., 1939. Instructions for reservoir sedimentation surveys, in silting of reservoirs. Technical
report, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin.
Haan, C.T., Barfield, B.J., and Hayes, J.C., 1994. Design hydrology and sedimentology for small
catchments. San Diego, Academic Press.
Heinemann, H.G., 1984. Reservoir trap efficiency. Erosion and sediment yield: some methods of
measurement and modelling, Norwich: GeoBooks, Norwich.
ICOLD. 1989. Sedimentation control of reservoirs. Bulletin of International Committee of Large
Kantoush, S.A. and Schleiss, A.J., 2009. Channel formation in large shallow reservoirs with different
geometries during flushing. Journal of Environmental Technology, Volume 30 Issue 8, 855863.
Kantoush, S.A., 2008. Experimental study on the influence of the geometry of shallow reservoirs on flow
patterns and sedimentation by suspended sediments, EPFL Thesis No. 4048 and Communication
No. 37 of Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (LCH), EPFL, ISSN 16611179.
Murthy, B.N.,1977. Life of reservoir. Central Board of Irrigation and Power.
Sloff, C.J., 1991. Reservoir sedimentation: a literature survey. Technical report, Communications
on Hydraulic and Geotechnical Engineering Faculty of Civil Engineering, Delft University of
Yuce, M.I. and Chen, D, 2003. An experimental investigation of pollutant mixing and trapping in
shallow costal re-circulating flows. In Proc. the Int. Symp. on shallow flows, Part I:165172, Delft,
The Netherlands.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Flushing of coarse and graded sedimentsa case study using

reduced scale model
J.R.M. Almeida, J.J. Ota, F.R. Terabe & I.I. Muller
Lactec CehparInstituto de Pesquisa para o Desenvolvimento, Curitiba, Paran, Brazil

ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to present an experience of coarse sediment drawdown flushing tests carried out in a reduced scale model for Palomino Hydroelectric Project
(Dominican Republic). It characterizes the volume of reservoir recovered over time after the
opening of the bottom outlet gate. Tests were performed with a movable bed composed by
non-cohesive graded material. Its gradation was controlled according to the Froude similarity in term of the shear stresses that cause the entrainment according to Shields criterion.
The purged volume was measured by the sediment concentration of released discharge and
by the topographic measurement in the reservoir and both results achieved similar values.
The model tests proved to be highly appropriate for showing the region where the volume
recovery is more intense, i.e. whether flushing is really useful for the reservoir.


Problems of sediment accumulation in reservoirs built on natural beds have been recurrent
in engineering. For this reason structures whose purpose is to enable the transfer of accumulated sediments to the region downstream from the developments are constantly foreseen
in the projects. This operation is called flushing of sediments, and it has not always achieved
its purpose. Considering the specific type of sediment and the importance of recovering
reservoir useful storage volume, it became necessary to perform a detailed study of flushing
for the Palomino Hydroelectric Plant reservoir. It is known that considerable drawdown of
the water level must be performed, opening the bottom outlet gate to create a strong energy
gradient sufficient to entrain the reservoir sediment.
Several factors determine the efficiency of these structures. Outstanding among them are
topography and geomorphology of the regions, the hydraulic characteristics of the river,
the characteristics of the alluvial material to be purged and, obviously, the discharge structure
and how it is operated. As seen in Chella (2002), LACTEC/CEHPAR (Brazil) has developed tests with movable bed in reservoirs and considers that it is very useful to simulate these
operations in reduced scale models. In these models it is possible to evaluate the efficiency of the
structures, test several alternatives and also optimize the operation of the sediment discharge
structures, enabling more rational operation and increasing the useful life of the reservoir.


The Palomino Hydroelectric Project aims to generate energy by diverting part of the flow of
the Yaque del Sur and Blanco rivers to the Rio del Medio river. The installed power of the
plant is 80.0 MW, generated by Francis type turbines associated with a gross head of approximately 335.0 m. The reservoir level of water for generation ranges from El. 790.0 m (elevation
of the spillway crest without gates) to El. 784.0 m. The water intake is located close to the
left bank of the dam, at El. 773.5 m. Plant operation is foreseen only for the period with
the highest energy demand in the day, with a water consumption higher than the inflow to the

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reservoir. Therefore, in order to allow generation, it is necessary to accumulate water during

the time of day when no generation occurs. For plant operation, it is necessary to maintain a
volume that can store this water, and it is not desirable to have the presence of sediment that
will diminish the live storage space of the reservoir.
At the water intake a bottom outlet was planned to enable the transfer of the solid material deposited in the reservoir towards the area downstream of the dam. The bottom outlet is
controlled by a tainter gate, 6.0 m wide by 6.5 m high. It must be able to reduce the water level
in the reservoir and carry out flushing. When the water level in the reservoir is at its highest
(El. 790.0 m) the bottom outlet can release 680 m3/s with completely open gate.


The tests to evaluate bottom outlet efficiency in removing accumulated sediments were performed in the reduced scale model with a geometric scale of 1:70 and operated according to
the Froude similarity criterion.

Reproduction of alluvial material

Many studies of sediment transport in reduced scale models are performed with special solid
material with a greater diameter and smaller density, as cited in Novak and Cabelka (1981).
The CEHPAR has performed sedimentation and entrainment studies in reduced scale models reproducing the alluvial material using treated imbuia wood sawdust (Chella, 2002), with
a density of 1150 kg/m3 to simulate sand particles (density 2650 kg/m3 with a fine diameter
and homogeneous). However, the alluvial material in the area of this enterprise, indicated
in Figure 1, is well graded and has significant percentage of large grains (up to 0.8 m in
diameter). For cases like this, it is not appropriate to use imbuia sawdust. Due to its uniformity, it is impossible to reproduce in the model the occurrence of segregation of fine and coarse
fractions of the material, a process known as armoring.
Therefore it was decided to use a non-cohesive granular material, composed by sand and
gravel, with a grain size distribution selected appropriately. The grain size of the material
used was determined in such a way as to allow similarity in the critical shear stresses that
provoke its entrainment. Thus, the material was specific so that each grain size range would
be entrained when the grains that composed it were submitted, in the model, to shear stresses
similar to those that would be observed in the prototype if these particles were moved.
In order to determine this similarity, the simple application of the Froude criterion was not
adopted. This would reduce the grain size curve of the prototype geometrically on the scale of
1:70. The methodology used was as follows: with the diameter of each range of the material,
in the prototype, sedimentation velocity and critical shear velocity v*cr were determined.

Figure 1.

Grain size analysis to determine the material to be used in the tests.


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The scale of velocities (Froude similarity) was applied to these values to obtain the velocities
and v*cr in the model. Based on these values, the diameters of the particles in the model
were obtained, which would be similar from the point of view of entrainment capacity. The
settling velocity () was determined using the classical figure that presents settling velocity
according to the diameter and the shape factor at different temperaturesU.S. Inter-Agency
Committee on Water Resources, Subcommittee on Sedimentation (1957). A shape factor
equal to 0.7 was used, and a temperature of 20 C. For the critical shear velocity (v*cr) the
well known Shields criterion was used. The grain size resulting from the material used in the
model is represented in Figure 1. To make the comparison easier, all grain size curves are in
prototype magnitudes. It is observed that the results to adopt similarity of settling velocity
and shear velocity were practically the same, slightly larger for the smaller diameter range
compared to simple geometric transformation of the material.
This criterion used to determine the grain size of the material is certainly more effective
than the simple geometrical transformation, since it reproduces the physical mechanisms that
rule sediment transport in canals most correctly. It enabled utilizing a coarser material that is
less influenced by the reduced scale, since it is not easily transported by suspension in water
a less important process for flushing material from the Yaque del Sur river which contains
coarse material subjected to entrainment movements.

Tests performed

In order to evaluate the efficiency of the bottom outlet to remove sediment accumulated in
the reservoir, 6 tests were carried out, with a duration equivalent to 12 hours and 30 minutes,
simulating the reservoir purging operation for two different initial sedimentation levels:
784.0 m and 790.0 m (total silting up until the spillway crest) and three inflows, as indicated
in Table 1. The purging operations were performed with complete opening of the bottom
outlet tainter gate.
In these tests outflowing water was collected from the bottom outlet every 15 minutes to
determine the concentration of solid material present in the jet (Cs). With this information
it was possible to obtain the volume of reservoir recovered over time, by Equations 1 and 2,
and thus evaluate the efficiency of the purging operation. Topo bathymetric surveys of the
mobile bed upstream from the dam were also performed after 4 hours of test duration and at
the end of test in cross sections with a 40 m spacing.



QS dt


where: Qs = solid discharge of sediments; Cs = volume concentration of sediments in the jet

discharged from the bottom outlet; Q = outflow from the bottom outlet adopted as being
equal to the inflow into the reservoir; Vrec = reservoir volume recovered by the purging operation; s = density of solids; and = density of water.
Table 1.

Initial conditions of the tests performed.

Nr. of

Total inflow

Level of sediments
in the reservoir (m)





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Results obtained

The material was entrained through canals that formed in the mobile material bed initially
imposed in the reservoir. It was observed that these canals generally had trapezoidal sections,
and over time the geometry varied greatly, which is evident that the sediment transport process is
not continuous. However, common to all the tests was that at some moment armoring occurred
in the more distant regions of the dam, as indicated in Figure 2, which limited the recovery of
the reservoir volume due to the diminished entrainment of sediment in these regions.
According to White (2001), the embankment slopes in the trapezoidal section (i.e. of the
banks) resulting from the purging operation are steeper, and may even be almost vertical,
the more consolidated are the deposits in the reservoir. In reduced scale model tests, the
consolidation of the sediment deposit cannot be reproduced. However, it was observed that,
in certain cases, the slopes of the canal embankments were practically vertical due to the
cohesive force among the wet sand particles, which in a way makes the model results slightly
conservative. But this process provokes the collapse of the bank that is in a non regular form,
thus, the sediment concentration may suddenly increase after a bank slumping.
Figure 3 presents the results obtained in the readings of the concentration under the two
extreme conditions tested: Test 1smaller discharge and less sedimentation. Test 6greater
discharge and greater sedimentation. Since the sediment transport process is not continuous and permanent, there is a great variation of the amount of solid material concentration
present in the jet discharged from the bottom outlet throughout the test. In order to improve

Figure 2.

Armoring in the regions that are further away from the damTest 6.

Figure 3.

Concentration of solid material in the bottom outlet jetTests 1 and 6.


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understanding of the evolution of purging operation efficiency, based on the derivation of

a polynomial equation that reproduces the volume recovery of the reservoir, a curve of the
concentration tendency of solid material present in the jet discharged from the bottom outlet
was adjusted. Figures 4 and 5 show, for instance, the adjustment performed for Test 6.
Figure 6 shows the concentrations of solid material in the bottom outlet jet for all
tests. This allows evaluating the efficiency of the process without taking into account the

Figure 4.

Test 6Adjustment for the recovered reservoir volume.

Figure 5. Test 6Adjustment for the evolution of the concentration of solid material in the bottom
outlet jet.

Figure 6.

Concentration of solid material present in the bottom outlet outflow jet.


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instantaneous values of Cs which are highly influenced by the changes in the conditions of
material entrainments and collapse of the banks. It is observed that, in all situations, the value
of Cs tends to stabilize at around 5% after 5 hours of purging operations. Figure 7 shows the
reservoir volume recovery curves throughout the tests.
The evaluation of the reservoir volume recovered based on the information about
concentrations of solid material in the bottom outlet jet is adequate since, as indicated in
Table 2, the comparison of the final volume calculation was similar to that obtained from the
topo bathymetric surveys.

Figure 7.

Relation of reservoir recovery x time of operation and purging.

Table 2.

Figure 8.

Comparison of the reservoir volume recovered.

Nr. of

Volume based on
the data of Cs (m3/s)

Volume based on topo

bathymetry (m3/s)




Longitudinal profile of canals formedTests 4, 5 and 6.


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White (2001) suggests, for the prior evaluation of the reservoir volume recovered by the
purging operation, that the canal geometry be simplified by a trapezoidal cross section
and constant slope, similar to the natural slope of the river. Figure 8 shows the profiles
of the canals formed by purging operations for tests on initial sedimentation level at El.
790.0 m. The mean slopes observed were 5.7% for Test 4, 3.1% for Test 5 and 2.6% for Test 6.
Figure 9 shows the final configuration of the sediment deposit after the end of Test 6. It is
noted that for the case studied, the simplification was confirmed only for cases of purging
operations with the 75.0 and 150.0 m3/s flows. It is interesting to compare these slopes with
Equation 3, obtained by Pinto (1977) for cofferdam (diversion sill) built in flowing water by
normal dump river closure. This equation assumes Shields critical condition for relatively
large sediments and Manning equation with Strickler coefficient for a flume in equilibrium
with uniform flow with specific discharge q.

i = 0, 245 s


D 97
q 7


where: s = specific density of solid grains (equal to 2650 kg/m3 for the tested material); = specific density of water (equal to 1000 kg/m3); D = representative diameter of the material used in
the model (having adopted D75); q = specific flow of model over mobile bed.
As has already been discussed, the geometry of the canals is very variable during the test.
For this reason it is difficult to know precisely the value of the specific flow. For this study,
based on observations made during the tests, a mean width was adopted equal to approximately 23.0 m. It should be emphasized that the discharge used for this calculation is equal
half the test discharge, since the reservoir is formed in two rivers, and the condition tested is
distribution of 50% in each of them.

Figure 9.

Configuration of sediment deposit at the end of Test 6.

Table 3. Theoretical (Eq. 3) and experimental
slopes for tests 4, 5 and 6.
Nr. of

slope (%)

slope (%)





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The diameter used for calculations was D75. This choice is justified because the coarse
particles are more important in forming the armor that protects the bed, since the fines are
easily removed.
Table 3 summarizes the calculations (Equation 3) made for the previously described tests.
It also highlights the deviations found among the experimental and theoretical slopes.


Traditionally, sedimentation and entrainment tests in reduced scale models are carried out
reproducing the alluvial material with special materials, such as sawdust, bakelite, coal, etc.
For the Palomino Project study, however, a non-cohesive granular material was used, with a
grain size distribution selected so that there would be similar critical shear stresses that provoke its entrainment. The material selected proved adequate, since it was possible to reproduce the physical mechanisms, including the onset of armoring, which rule the transport of
coarser sediments, such as those that exist in the region of the project.
Similarly, the volume transported in movable bed tests on reduced scale models is usually
defined only by topo bathymetric surveys in well defined step of the test. However, the studies performed sought to characterize the sediment purging operation over time by measuring
the sediment concentration of the flow from the bottom outlet. This methodology proved
adequate, since the volumes obtained from the information about solid material concentration in the jet of the bottom outlet were similar to those obtained from the topo bathymetric
The tests adopted a few simplifications such as constant flow, homogeneous sedimentation
material throughout the reservoir and initial sedimentation defined by a plane on a specific
level. But certainly, the physical modeling is able to supply important information taking
into account the different particularities of the reservoir configuration, the layout of the
structures and the bottom outlet. The identification of the reservoir region where volume was
recovered was very useful to confirm that the flushing process enables the recovery of a large
part of the useful storage volume of the reservoir.

Chella, M.R. 2002. Physical Simulation of Sediment Transport and Sedimentation in Reservoirsa Case
Study for Melissa Hydroelectric Development. Master Thesis. Curitiba: Parana Federal University.
(in Portuguese).
Pinto, N.L.S. 1977. Contribution to the Study of Rockfill Dams Constructed in Flowing Water. Curitiba:
Parana Federal University (in Portuguese).
Straub, L.G. 1963. Caroni River Hydroelectric Development. Report on Gury Project River Diversion
Scheme. St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory.
White, R. 2001. Evacuation of Sediments from Reservoirs. Bristol, UK. HR Wallingford: Ed. Thomas
Telford Publishing.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

1D modelling of fine sediments dynamics in a dam reservoir

during a flushing event
L. Guertault, B. Camenen & A. Paquier
Irstea, UR HHLY, Centre de Lyon-Villeurbanne, Villeurbanne, France

C. Peteuil
CNR, Lyon, France

ABSTRACT: Regular flushes of the two Swiss Verbois and Chancy-Pougny dams on
the Upper Rhne river are conducted since deposition in the reservoir endanger the city
of Geneva. To mitigate Suspended Sediment Concentrations (SSC) peaks due to sediment
release and limit sediment trapping, supporting operations are carried out along the river
thanks to the developed French Gnissiat dam. A 1D hydro-sedimentary model is applied
to reproduce the fine sediments dynamics in the Gnissiat reservoir during the 2012 flushing event. A stratification module is proposed to estimate the vertical concentration profile
close to the dam and better reproduce SSC and fluxes at the dam outlets. Possible numerical
improvements of the model are proposed to take into account processes related to fine sediment properties such as mud consolidation.


Sediment trapping in reservoirs is a worldwide issue since it endangers hydropower installations. The low flow velocities in reservoirs reduce the transporting power of the stream and
lead to large deposition of incoming sediment (Brown 1943; Morris and Fan 1998). Because
of sediment trapping, one can observe a reduction of the reservoir capacity and downstream
damages due to the sediment cut off. Dam flushing is a common technical solution used to
reduce bed aggradation. During flushing operations, the water level of the reservoir is lowered to establish an accelerated flow allowing to erode and transport a part of the reservoir
substrate (Di Silvio 2001). However, the release of a significant quantity of fine sediments
downstream of the dam during flushes induces environmental damages. On the French Upper
Rhne river, authorities set regulatory Suspended Sediment Concentrations (SSC) thresholds
to prevent those damages, so that dam operators have to manage reservoirs to control SSC.
A better understanding of sediment transport dynamics is necessary to improve the reservoir management and control flushes outcomes. This study focuses on the Gnissiat dam
reservoir dynamics during flushes of a series of dams. In order to simulate hydro-sedimentary processes of this elongated reservoir, characterised by a deep and narrow channel, a 1D
hydro-sedimentary model is applied. The main issue of this modelling is to reproduce SSC
measured at the dam outlets located at different elevations using a module that reproduces
the vertical stratification of SSC observed in the reservoir.


The Rhne river is a major river in Europe and flows in its upper part in Switzerland and
then through France to Mediterranean sea. Downstream Lake Geneva, two dams are built
on the Swiss Rhne river: the Verbois and Chancy-Pougny dams. These reservoirs trap a

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Figure 1.

Location of the Upper Rhne river.

large quantity of sediment provided by the Arve River. The 70 m high Gnissiat dam is
located downstream on the French Upper Rhne River (Fig. 1).
Since the construction of the Verbois dam in the 40s, sediment flushing operations are
regularly conducted on the Rhne River to prevent flood hazards in the lowest parts of
Geneva city, as the reservoir bed aggradation leads to the rise of water levels (Peteuil et al.
2013). Downstream of the Swiss-French border, and more particularly at the Gnissiat reservoir, supporting operations are carried out by the CNR to limit the impact of the high
SSC released from the Swiss dams. The main challenge for CNR is to maintain an average
concentration downstream of Gnissiat below 5 g L throughout the operation. Meeting the
maximum concentration limits set by the French authorities is based on the dilution capacity of the Gnissiat dam, thanks tothree hydraulic outlets located at different levels (a bottom gate, a half depth gate and a surface spillway). During flushing operations, an extensive
measurement network is deployed by CNR on the French Upper Rhne River to monitor
the operation progress. In particular, discharges and SSC chronicles are measured at Pougny
and at the Gnissiat dam outlets (Fig. 1).
Feedbacks from the numerous flushing operations have permitted to improve the management protocol of the Gnissiat reservoir during flushes. The reservoir water level is first lowered to flush a volume of sediments and then raised again while Swiss reservoirs are flushed.
Therefore, a part the sediments removed from the Swiss reservoirs are eventually trapped in
the Gnissiat reservoir. Suspended load and bedload sampling have shown that solid inflow
and outflow during flushing events are mainly composed of fine sediments (clay, silt and fine
sand). Those fine sediments have the largest contribution in the Gnissiat reservoir volumetric budget (Guertault et al. 2014).


1D streamwise sediment transport model

The hydro-sedimentary model used in this study is Mage-AdisTS. The hydrodynamic module
Mage solves 1D shallow water equations with Manning-Strickler formulation for roughness.
An implicit numerical scheme is used to solve the equations, so that the model is not recommended for supercritical flows. The Adis-TS module solves advection-dispersion equations in
conservative formulation (Equation 1) for several sediment grain sizes (Camenen et al. 2013).
Those equations are coupled using source terms that allow to model erosion and deposition.
The separation of main channel and medium zone dynamics is possible. Adis-TS is loosely
coupled with Mage that provides the evolution of hydrodynamic parameters.

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Df S
= ( Ei Di )Wz


where Ci is the concentration for grain size i, C iCi is the total concentration, Q is the
discharge, S is the wet section, D f is the diffusion coefficient, E and D are erosion and deposition fluxes, Wz is the river width.
The source term combines (Partheniades 1965) formula for erosion and (Krone 1962)
formula for deposition:

) = aPD ,ii (

eq i

ws ,i


where Ceq ,i is the equilibrium concentration for the grain size i, aPD ,i is a calibration parameter, ws ,i is the settling velocity for the grain size i calculated using the Camenen formula
(2007), h is the water depth.
The equilibrium concentration depends on the bed shear stress:

Ceq ,i

C0 ,i
= cr ,i

if / cr ,i > 1


if / cr , i 1

where C0 ,i is a calibration parameter, is the bed shear stress, cr ,i is the critical shear stress
for initiation if movement for the grain size i, estimated using (Soulsby and Whitehouse
1997) formula.

1D Vertical stratification model

For fine granulometric fractions such as clay and silt, the vertical profile of concentration is
almost uniform, but for coarser sediment, the buoyancy force inhibits the vertical mixing by turbulence and leads to a vertical gradient in SSC (Wright and Parker 2004). Since the 1D transport
model only estimates an average concentration for each cross section, a module is implemented
to reproduce that vertical stratification and calculate the SSC at dam outlet positioned at different water depths.
The vertical concentration profile can be derived from the mass conservation equation
and assuming a steady state vertical diffusion equation. Different formulations are obtained
depending on the model used for the sediment diffusivity. Preliminary calculation have shown
that the concentration at the dam half bottom gate can be estimated from the concentration
at the dam bottom with an exponential profile:
Ci ( z ) = Ci (z
( z0 )exp
) exp


( z z0 )


where z0 is the reference elevation, v = E u h is the sediment diffusivity, E is Schmidt

number ( E = 1 as a first approximation), = 0.41 is Von Krmn parameter, u is the shear
velocity, h is thewater depth, Ri wsi / u is Rouse number for grain size i.
Preliminary calculation have shown that the concentration passing through the dam half
bottom gate can be estimated with an exponential profile applied to the concentration passing through the dam bottom gate.
Some assumptions were formulated to apply a stratification model to this study:
section-averaged hydraulic parameters computed by the 1D model are assumed representative of the real local values,
the average concentration passing through a gate can be approximated by the concentration calculated at the elevation of the center of gravity of the gate.

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The stratification model implemented is described hereinafter. For each calculation time the
shear velocity u is calculated at the outlets location using the results from the hydrodynamic
model, and the Rouse number Ri is then calculated for each grain size. An average concentration in the cross-section for each grain size is provided thanks to the Adis-TS model. By
definition, the average concentration is:
C m ,i =

1 z0 h
Ci ( z )dz
h z0


Using Equations 4 and 5, an expression for the bottom concentration for each grain size i
may be written such as:

Ci ( z0 ) =

Cm ,i Ei
Ri (
1 exp E

h z0 )


Equation 4 is then applied at the outlet elevations to estimate the concentration for each
grain size i in the different gates. For each gate, the total concentration is the sum of concentrations for all the grain sizes modelled.


4.1 Calibration of the hydraulic model

The computational domain focused on the 24 km long reach from Pougny to the Gnissiat
dam (Fig. 1). The reservoir geometry was described with about 130 cross sections surveyed in
December 2011. From that bathymetry, a 100 m regular mesh was built. Concerning the hydrodynamic model, upstream and downstream boundary conditions were respectively described
by the flush hydrograph measured at Pougny and the water level measured at the Gnissiat
dam. Strickler coefficients are calibrated to adjust friction to fit waterlines measured during
interflush periods and the 2012 flushing event (Fig. 2b). In upper gravel-bed reaches of the reservoir, the skin friction coefficient based on the grain size measured in the main channel with
the Strickler formula (1923) seems to be representative of the coefficient used in the model
(Fig. 2a). Friction is reduced in the downstream part of the reservoir. Approaching the dam,
bed substrate is finer and the total Strickler coefficient is lower than the skin friction coefficient. The total coefficient takes into account other factors of flow resistance (such as bed
forms or the river morphology), that become significant compared to the skin roughness.
4.2 Sediment input
Sediment diameters to be used in the model have been determined. During the 2012 flush, a few
samples of suspended sediments have been collected at the water surface at Pougny and at the

Figure 2.

Calibrated Strickler coefficients (a) and computed waterlines for the 2012 flush (b).


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Gnissiat dam gates outputs (Lerch and Thizy 2013; Launay 2013). Assuming each granulometric mode can be represented by a normal distribution, a classification into 5 granulometric
modes with median diameters from 4 m to 400 m allows to reproduce the total distribution
of the samples. The upstream boundary condition has been described for each population. It
is deduced from the total SSC measured at Pougny and weighted by the proportion of each
population found in the samples. The reservoir bed substrate was described according to riverbed samples collected along the main channel of the reservoir before the flushing event (Fig. 3).
A sublayer of fine sediment that could be eroded has been defined along the reservoir. Their
thickness is the maximum thickness of the deposits in the subreach during the previous interflush period. Between 15 km and 10 km upstream of the dam, the sediment layer is composed
by medium sand with a diameter of 400 m (Fig. 3a). Closer to the dam, the sediment layer
is a sediment mixture of fine sand, silt and clay. Thickness of the sediment layer increases
approaching the dam (Fig. 3b).
Parameters related to the physical properties of the sediment were determined from field
data or literature. Table 1 includes the properties of the sediment used in the model. Consolidation processes were not taken into account. A porosity was estimated for each grain
size, however since the bottom layer consists of a mixture of several classes of sediment, a
constant value p = 0.45 was considered for fine sediments.

Adis-TS model calibration

C0 ,i and aPD ,i parameters have been calibrated for each grain size. An analysis of the asymptotic behaviour of the sediment transport law has been done:
when Ceq ,i = 0, Di aPD ,iCw
C s ,i /H , which means that aPD ,i is the most significant parameter to
calibrate deposition rate,
when C = 0 and / cr ,i 1, Ei aPD ,iC0 ,i ( ccr ,i 1)ws ,i /H , which means that both aPD ,i and
C0 ,i have an effect on erosion process calibration.
aPD ,i was considered as a non-equilibrium adaptation coefficient as suggested by (Armanini
and Di Silvio 1988) related to the fact that under unsteady flow conditions, the solid flow does not
immediately reach the equilibrium, so that erosion and deposition mechanisms present an inertia.
This coefficient represents the responsiveness of the evolution of the solid load compared with

Figure 3. Median diameter (a) and thickness (b) of the sediment layer in the main channel of the
reservoir in the model.
Table 1.

Physical properties of the model sediment sizes.



Fine silt

Coarse silt

Fine sand

Medium sand

d50 (m)
Settling velocity (m/s)
Critical shear stress (Pa)

9.0 106

2.3 104

9.0 104

5.3 103

3.6 102


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the variations of the hydraulic conditions. C0 ,i was considered as a surface erosion rate constant,
with the dimension of aconcentration, representative of the bottom sediment mobility.
According to surveys, the sediment load in the half depth gate is almost exclusively composed of clay and silt, when the sediment load in the bottom gate is also composed of sand.
The first step is to calibrate aPD ,i and C0 ,i for clay and silt for which the SSC vertical profile is
homogeneous, to reproduce measured SSC and proportion of each fraction in the half depth
gate. aPD ,i and C0 ,i are then calibrated for sand to reproduce measured SSC and proportion
of each fraction in the bottom gate.


Calibration parameters used to model the 2012 flush are presented Table 2.
For fine sediments (d<0.1 mm), aPD ,i decreases when grain size increases, until it reaches a
constant value for sands. An interpretation for the quite high value used for clay is that this
parameter counterbalances the settling velocity calculated for a single clay particle whereas
flocculation may occur. C0 ,i also decreases when grain size increases.
From the average concentration (Fig. 4d) computed by the model Adis-TS, the stratification model estimates the concentration in the dam outlets. Erosion of the Gnissiat reservoir
during the first week of the flush is well reproduced in terms of SSC transport dynamics. It
is not well reproduced in terms of values, as the model is not able to reproduce SSC peaks
measured in the bottom gate. During the second week of the flush, when the Swiss reservoirs
are drawn down, the model seems less efficient. The first SSC peak coming from Swiss reservoirs 8 days after the beginning of the operation is overestimated by the model. (Fig. 4a.b.c).
An interpretation is that the 1D model is not able to reproduce the propagation and diffusion
ofthe concentration that should delay and attenuate the concentration signal. Concentration
is also underestimated in the bottom gate (Fig. 4a). It may be due to the fact that the upstream
sediment inflow in the model is estimated from surfacesamples and may be unrepresentative
of the real inflow because it underestimates a part of sand load which is not measured at the
Table 2.

Calibration of C0 and aPD parameters.



Fine silt

Coarse silt

Fine sand

Medium sand







Figure 4. Measured and calculated concentration at Gnissiat dam during the 2012 Flush at the: bottom gate (a), half depth gate (b), surface spillway (c) and average modelled concentration (d).


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Table 3.

Scores characterizing the calibration accuracy.

Bottom gate
Half depth gate
Surface spillway

Fluxes first
phase (103 T)

Fluxes second
phase (103 T)






732 220
466 134


421 127
124 37
129 39

surface. The signal at the spillway (Fig. 4c) is not well reproduced may be due to the fact that it
is located on the right bank section average parameters are likely to represent it poorly.
Fluxes presented Table 3 illustrate former comments on Figure 4. The agreement between
calculated and measured fluxes is good for the first phase, but the model overestimates the
flux during the second phase for the three outlets.


The contribution of the stratification model is quite significant. It can be highlighted by comparing the total sediment mass passing through the dam outlets calculated with either SSC
measured during the flush (1667 103 T), average SSC computed from Adis-TS model (4000
103 T), or SSC computed from the stratification model (2446 103 T). Even if the model overestimates fluxes at the Gnissiat dam, the stratification model gives a better estimate of those
fluxes than the only section averaged model. Several causes can explain differences between
measured and calculated SSC. First, a finer sediment description of initial and boundary
conditions thanks to additional data such as the quantification of the sand input at Pougny
and a better reservoir bed substrate description could be useful. The calibration of parameters aPD ,i and C0 ,i could also be improved.
Some improvement of the model may be done. For example, the calculation of local instead
of section averaged shear stress could be implemented. Mud consolidation could be taken into
account with the use of a different cr for erosion for consolidated or fresh deposits. It may
be worth to take into account fine particles aggregation because the settling velocity of flocs
is higher than the one for single particles and should promote deposition. Several suggestions
might help to reproduce SSC peaks, as for example the implementation of a bank failure
module. Cores sampled close to the dam (Tissot and Merketa 1994) have shown that the bed
substrate is composed of alternate layers of fine sediments and sands that can not be described
by the model in which the bed substrate is homogeneous in the vertical. Occurrence of sandy
layers should promote coarse sediment transport close to the dam and thus SSC peaks.
The 1D model may also be not accurate enough to reproduce correctly the main processes
involved in fine sediments dynamics. Indeed, the presence of a large alluvial reach with a
secondary channel at the upper part of the reservoir should lead to 2D hydro-sedimentary
processes, inducing transversal diffusion, particularly during the second phase of the flush.
Moreover, the configuration close to the dam is three dimensional, with a particular system
of dam gates. The bottom gate is located 200 m upstream from the dam in the right side, the
half depth gate is located 50 m upstream from the dam in the left bank and the surface spillway is located in the right bank of the dam. The 1D model is thus limited by its unidimensional description of hydraulic parameters, even if the stratification model takes into account
the vertical dimension close to the dam.


A 1D hydro-sedimentary model is used to reproduce the fine sediment dynamics of the Gnissiat reservoir during the 2012 flush. To address the dimensional limitation of the 1D model,
especially in the vertical dimension in case of high water levels and low velocities close to

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the dam, a stratification model is proposed. The SSC vertical profile is calculated and allows
to estimate the SSC at the dam outlets. The model accuracy is estimated by comparing the
results to field measurements showing a significant contribution of the stratification model.
Sediment fluxes at the dam are better reproduced.
As a validation, the model will be used to reproduce other flushes such as the 2003 flush. The
sensibility to calibration parameters and the hydro-sedimentary description of the event for both
the 1D and stratification model will also be evaluated. 1D model assumptions will be verified with
2D and 3D models close to the dam, particularly the currentology depending on the gates opening, and the shear stresses distribution within a cross section. Those results should help choosing
further developments to improve the model among the solutions cited in the discussion.
Authors want to thank J.B. Faure from Irstea Lyon for developing the Mage Adis-TS model and
field measurement teams of Irstea and CNR for collecting the data used to build the model.
Armanini, A. & Di Silvio, G. 1988. A one dimensional model for the transport of a sediment mixture in
non equilibrium conditions. Journal of Hydraulic Research 26: 275292.
Brown, C., B. 1943. The control of reservoir silting. Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
Camenen, B. 2007. Simple and general formula for the settling velocity of particles. Journal of Hydraulic
Engineering 133: 229233.
Camenen, B., Andries, E., Faure, J., de Linares, M., Gandilhon, F. & Raccasi, G. 2013. Experimental
and numerical study of long term sedimentation in a secondary channel: example of the Beurre
island on the Rhne river, France. In ISRS Kyoto, Japan.
Di Silvio, G. 2001. Basic classification of reservoir according to relevant sedimentation processes. In
29th IAHR World Congress, Bejing, China, pp. 285293.
Guertault, L., Camenen, B., Peteuil, C. & Paquier, A. 2014. Long term evolution of a dam reservoir
subjected to regular flushing events. Advances in Geosciences 39: 8994.
Krone, R. 1962. Flume studies of the transport of sediment in estuarial shoaling processes: final report.
Technical report, Hydraulic Eng. Lab and Sanitary Eng. Res. Lab., University of Califormia, Berkeley, California, USA.
Launay, M. 2013. Fluxes of particulate contaminants in a large anthropized river: dynamics of PCB and
mercury transported by suspended sediment load fin the Rhne river, from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean sea [Flux de contaminants particulaires dans un grand cours deau anthropis: dynamique des
PCB et du mercure transports par les matires en suspension du Rhne, du Lman la Mditerrane]
(in French). Ph. D. thesis, Claude Bernard University, Lyon 1.
Lerch, C. & Thizy, R. 2013. 2012 flush sediments analysis [Analyses des sdiments: Chasse 2012] (in
French). Technical report, CNR.
Morris, G. & Fan, J. 1998. Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook: Design and Management of Dams, Reservoirs and Watersheds for Sustainable Use. McGraw-Hill.
Partheniades, E. 1965. Erosion and deposition of cohesive soils. Journal of Hydraulic Division 91: 105139.
Peteuil, C., Fruchart, F., Abadie, F., Reynaud, S., Camenen, B. & Guertault, L. 2013. Sustainable management of sediment fluxes in reservoir by environmental friendly flushing: the case study of the
Genissiat dam on the Upper Rhne river (France). In ISRS Kyoto, Japan, pp. 11471156 (CDRom).
Soulsby, R. & Whitehouse, R. 1997. Threshold of sediment motion in coastal environments. In Pacific
Coasts and Ports: Proceedings of the 13th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference
and the 6th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference, Volume 1, pp. 145150. Centre for Advanced
Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, N.Z.
Strickler, A. 1923. Contributions to the question of a velocity formula and roughness data for flumes,
channels and closed pipelines [Beitrhe zur frage der geschwindigkeitsformel und der rauhigkeitszahlen fur strme, kanle and geschlossene leitugen] (in German). In Releases of the Federal Office for
Water Management.
Tissot, J., P. & Merketa, B. 1994. Gotechnical analysis of cores sampled in the Genissiat reservoir
[tude gotechnique de sondages dans la retenue de Gnissiat] (in French). Technical report, ENSG,
Geomechanics Laboratory.
Wright, S. & Parker, G. 2004. Flow resistance and suspended load in sand-bed rivers: Simplified stratification model. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 130: 796805.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Numerical analysis of sediment transport processes during

a flushing event of an Alpine reservoir
G. Harb, C. Dorfmann & J. Schneider
Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria

H. Badura
VERBUND Hydro Power AG, Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the sediment transport processes during a flushing
event of an Alpine reservoir. The reservoir had an initial storage volume of about 1.4 Mio. m3.
However, echo-soundings performed in 2007 showed that approximately 890,000 m3 of
sediments are already deposited in the reservoir. This represents an annual sedimentation
rate of about 6.1 percent of the initial reservoir volume. An open source three-dimensional
numerical model was used to simulate the flushing process. Echo-soundings performed before
and after the flushing event were used to set up the simulation and validate the morphological bed changes calculated by the numerical model. Additionally, an extensive sensitivity
analysis was carried out by testing several sediment transport formulae. It was found that
the simulations using the bed load transport formulae derived by Van Rijn and Meyer-Peter
Mller showed the best agreement with the measured data.


Reservoir sedimentation is a problem in many Alpine reservoirs. In the case of Alpine reservoirs with a small storage volume compared to the annual inflow, such as reservoirs of
run-of river power plants, the water depth are usually smaller compared to reservoirs of storage and pump-storage hydro power plants. A larger part of the suspended sediments is thus
transported through the reservoir and depositions of bed load fractions represent the main
problem. The deposition of coarse sediments at the head of the reservoir may cause problems
regarding flood protection by raising the bed level and thus, raising the water level too.
Flushing is one of the most common ways to manage sediment depositions in reservoirs.
In most cases the flushing of reservoirs in the Alpine area is a special challenge because of
the massive coarsening of the depositions from the weir to the head of the reservoir and the
subsequently wide grain size distribution. At the head of the reservoir the gravel fractions are
deposited, whereas silt and clay particles deposit in front of the weir.
The application of numerical models became state of the art for water flow calculations
in river engineering in the meantime. However, the modelling of sediment transport processes still needs further development. In previous studies two-dimensional numerical model
were used for the simulation of flushing process of the Bodendorf (Badura, 2007), Kali
Gandaki reservoir in Nepal (Olsen, 1999) and the Leoben reservoir in Austria (Harb et al.
2012). Due to the increasing computer power in the last years three-dimensional models
are used for these applications. Examples are the simulation of the sediment transport in the
Three Gorges project (Fang and Rodi, 2003), the simulation of the sediment transport in the
Feistritz reservoir (Dorfmann & Knoblauch, 2009) and the simulation of reservoir flushing
in the Angustura reservoir (Haun & Olsen, 2012; Haun et al. 2013).
An open source three-dimensional numerical model, coupled with a morphological module
was used in this study to simulate the flushing process in the reservoir of the HPP Fisching in

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Austria. The calculated morphological bed changes are validated with measurements, taken
by sonar, and presented in this study.



Description of the reservoir

The reservoir Fisching is approximately 4.5 km long with an initial storage volume of about
1.4 Mio. m3 in 1994. In the last years, the mean annual sediment deposits are approximately
85,000 m3. A small amount of the deposited sediments has been eroded and transported
through the reservoir during former flushing events in the years 1999 and 2002, and a partial
flushing in the year 2004. However, echo-soundings performed in the year 2007 showed that
890,000 m3 of sediments are already deposited in the reservoir. This represents an annual
sedimentation rate of about 6.1 percent of the initial reservoir volume.
Figure 1 shows an overview of the meandering reservoir with the sediment sampling points
(see Chapter 2.2). The river Mur at Fisching has an mean annual discharge of 48.2 m3/s and
the 1-year flood has a discharge of 240 m3/s.

Sediment sampling

Seven representative sediment samples were taken from the reservoir. The freeze-core method
was used for taking the sediment samples, starting from the weir (P1, sample 1) up to the
head of the reservoir (P7, sample 7).

Figure 1.

Reservoir with sediment sampling points P1P7 in plan view.

Figure 2.

Grain size distributions of the sediment samples taken from the reservoir.


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The samples show the effect of fractionized sedimentation and thus, large variations in
the grain sizes between Sample 1 and Sample 7 (Fig. 2). The dm of Sample 1 is below 0.1 mm
and the fractions > 1 mm are 0%. Whereas the dm of Sample 7 is about 18 mm and the
fractions > 1 mm are 90%. These large variations in the grain sizes in the reservoir are one of
the major challenges in the numerical sediment transport modeling.


Numerical model

The numerical simulations were performed with TELEMAC-3D, which solves the threedimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for free surface flow. A detailed description of the theoretical aspects used in TELEMAC is given in Hervouet (2007). TELEMAC-3D
extends the two-dimensional triangular mesh to the vertical dimension by the implementation of a number of vertical planes or levels. Several turbulence models are implemented in
TELEMAC-3D. In this study for turbulence closure the standard k- model was used. The
Strickler friction law was applied to compute the energy losses caused by bottom friction
with a constant Strickler value of 35 m1/3/s for the whole computational domain. The simulations were performed with a semi-implicit time integration with a time step of 1.0 seconds,
which resulted in maximum Courant numbers of approximately 3.
The morphological module SISYPHE was internally coupled with TELEMAC-3D to
compute the sediment transport. The evaluation of the sediment transport functions compared with the measured erosion and deposition pattern in the reservoir is presented later.

Input data

Based on the existing bathymetry data, a three-dimensional digital elevation model was
generated. The triangular mesh with approximately 46,300 cells and an average edge length of
4 m was generated with the free software BlueKenue (CHC 2010). The bottom heights of the
digital elevation model were linearly interpolated onto the mesh nodes. The partial flushing
event monitored in 2009 (nearly 1-year flood) was simulated in this study. The water level at the
weir was lowered max. 1,6 m for 37 hours. In the simulation of the flushing event 48 hours were
computed. Both water level and the inflow hydrograph are shown in Figure 3. The computation
time was between 58 hours on a small laptop and 64 minutes on 32 nodes of a cluster (VSC2).
The sediment conditions in the numerical model were based on the sediment distribution in the reservoir. In total, 8 sediment sizes with spatial varying fractions were used as

Figure 3.

Freece-core samples P1 and P7.


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Figure 4.

Inflow to the reservoir (right) and corresponding water level at the weir (left).

initial condition for the calculation of the sediment transport. The thickness of the active
sediment layer was chosen with 10 cm according to the larger fractions of the sediment.
A sensitivity analysis with thicknesses of 200, 100, 50 and 10 cm showed no significant
changes of the results.

Calibration of the numerical model

The calibration of the hydrodynamic model was done using ACDP measurements performed at the prototype to calibrate the roughness at the river bed and at the banks (Harb
et al. 2013).



Evaluation and analysis of the measured bed changes

Echo-soundings performed before and after the flushing event were used to set up the numerical model and validate the morphological bed changes calculated by the model.
The measured bed levels before (Fig. 5) and after the flushing event (Fig. 7) were used to
calculate the changes in the bed levels and the erosion pattern. The differences in the bed
levels (Fig. 6) were used for validation of the numerical model. These measurements are very
interesting, because at the flushing event 2009 most of the erosion occurred at the inner site
of the river bends and not on the outer side as expected. This effect may be caused by the
complex meandering geometry of the reservoir and the parameters of the flushing operation itself. The flushing operation 2009 was performed with a maximum discharge of about
200 m3/s (nearly 1-year flood) and a maximum lowering of the water level at the weir of only
1.1 m. The water level in the reservoir was thus relatively high and the bed shear stress at the
outer site of the bends was apparently not sufficient enough to initiate erosion in this area
and to deepen the flushing channel.
The massive depositions at the inner site of the river bend were eroded due to the higher
discharge. Sand slides and instabilities at the river banks lead to erosion on the inner site and
deposition on the outer site of the river bend.

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Figure 5.

Measured bed levels before the flushing event 2009.

Figure 6.

Measured bed changes after the flushing event 2009.

Figure 7.

Measured bed levels after the flushing event 2009.


Numerical results of the flushing simulation

For the modelling of the sediment transport a sensitivity analysis was carried out. The
following parameters were tested and varied:
Sediment transport formulae (Meyer-Peter-Mller, Engelund-Hansen and Van Rijn)
Skin friction correction, which takes the effective grain shear stress into account
Slope effect formula and deviation formula, which takes the gravity of the sediment grain
on lateral slopes into account
The sensitivity analysis showed that the skin friction correction and the deviation formula
affect the results significantly. Without the deviation formula the erosion pattern is inverted due
to the secondary currents effect and the direction of the shear stress vectors. Figure 8 shows
the calculated bed changes using the sediment transport formula of Meyer-Peter-Mller.

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Figure 8.

Calculated bed levels using the sediment transport formula of Meyer-Peter-Mller.

Figure 9.

Observed standing waves upstream of the weir during the flushing event 2012.

The comparison with the measured bed changes shows a good agreement. However, in all
simulations so called furrows appeared in the streamwise direction (see Figs. 8 and 10). The
reason for this numerical effect lies in the implementation of the Navier-Stokes equations and
the boundary conditions, which lead to very small differences in the water level. This small differences cause differences in the bed shear stresses. Integrated over the total simulation time of
48h this effect results in different erosion rates of neighbour nodes in the domain.
Figure 10 shows the measured and the calculated bed changes in different cross sections
in the reservoir (locations see Fig. 8). The calculated bed changes in sections 11 and 1111
obtained by the Meyer-Peter-Mller formula (1948) and the formula of van Rijn (1984a)
show very good agreement with the measured bed changes. Nevertheless the calculated bed
levels tend to be too high in other sections, which reflect too low erosion rates. This difference was much higher in the first simulations and is caused by the implemented skin friction
algorithm, which reduces the grain shear stress based on the grain size of the sediment. This
skin friction correction does not take the increased roughness due to occurring bed forms into
account. Therefore, the calculated sediment transport rates with the implemented skin friction
correction algorithm are quite low in the areas with very fine sediments, which is a result of the
low effective bed shear stress (amounts to approximately 20% of the total shear stress).
Due to the first results the skin friction algorithm was adapted to improve the results
compared to older calculations (Harb, 2013). However, it was not able to take the whole complexity of the bed forms and their effect on the bed roughness and sediment transport during
flushing events into account. Observations during a flushing event in 2012 showed for example unstable standing waves, which indicate antidunes, upstream of the weir (Fig. 9). The
calculated bed changes were thus too low in some sections.

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Figure 10. Cross sections of the measured bed levels before (dark grey line) and after (light grey line)
the flushing event 2009 compared with the calculated bed levels using the formulae of Van Rijn (long
dashed), Engelund-Hansen (dotted) and Meyer-Peter-Mller (short dashed); location of the sections
can be found in Figures 58.

Simulations without skin friction correction, that means using the total shear stress as
input for SISYPHE, resulted in too large erosion patterns. A variation of different hiding
and exposure formulae showed only marginal differences. The calculated bed changes using
Engelund-Hansen total load transport formula (1967) showed the highest deviations to the measured bed changes thus the results are not shown in Figure 10. Although the three-dimensional
model is able to take the secondary currents into account, the measured erosion pattern could
not be reproduced in case of the Engelund-Hansen total load formula. The use of a total load
formula may not reflect the different sediment transport behavior of the bed load and the suspended load fractions and the intense three-dimensional effects in this case.

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This paper discusses the simulation of a flushing event in an Alpine reservoir. The open source
numerical model TELEMAC-3D combined with the morphological module SISYPHE was
used to simulate the flushing process. The results of the numerical model were compared
with the measured bed changes. The results of the measurements in the reservoir showed
that erosion occurred at the inner site of the river bends in this case. Combined effects of a
complex meandering geometry of the reservoir, partial drawdown water level, sand slides and
instabilities at the river banks supposed to be the reasons for this observed effect.
The sediment transport formulae of Engelund-Hansen, Meyer-Peter-Mller and Van Rijn
were used to model the sediment transport. The calculated bed changes derived by MeyerPeter-Mller and Van Rijn formula showed the best agreement with the measured bed changes.
The use of a total load formula like Engelund-Hansen cannot be recommended in this case.
However, the measured erosion on the inner side and deposition on the outer side of the
river bends in the meandering reservoir could be reproduced with the numerical model, but the
calculated erosion rates tend to be too low. This effect is caused by the variation of the effective grain shear stress depending on the bed roughness and the grain sizes, which are changing
during the flushing process. The improvement of the skin friction algorithm to take the complexity of the occurring bed forms during reservoir flushing into account could improve the
result further. However, measurements of the sediment transport rates of the bed forms during
the flushing event are not available and are difficult to perform, but would enhance the further
understanding and the simulation of the sediment transport processes during flushing events.
Badura, H. 2007. Feststofftransportprozesse whrend Splungen von Flussstaurumen am Beispiel der
oberen Mur, Dissertation, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
CHCCanadian Hydraulics Centre, National Research Council, 2010. Blue Kenue, Reference Manual,
August 2010.
Copeland, R.R. & Thomas, W.A. 1989. Corte Madera Creek Sedimentation Study. Numerical Model
Investigation. US Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, Vickings-burg, MS.
Dorfmann, C. & Knoblauch, H. 2009. A Concept for Desilting a Reservoir Using Numerical and
Physical Models. Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, Proceedings of the 33.IAHR
Congress, Vancouver, Canada.
Engelund, F. & Hansen, E. 1967. A Monograph on Sediment Transport in Alluvial Stream, 163. Teknisk
Forlag, Copenhagen V, Denmark.
Fang, H-W. & Rodi, W. 2003. Three-dimensional calculations of flow and suspended sediment transport
in the neighborhood of the dam for the Three Gorges Project (TGP) reservoir in the Yangtze River.
J. Hydraulic Res. 41(4), 379394.
Harb, G., Dorfmann, C., Badura, H., & Schneider, J. 2013. Numerical Analysis of the Flushing Efficiency of an Alpine Reservoir. Proceedings of the of 2013 IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China.
Harb, G., Dorfman, C., Schneider, J., Haun, S., & Badura, H., 2012. Numerical analysis of sediment
transport processes in a reservoir. In Proceedings of the River Flow 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica.
Harb, G., 2013. Numerical Modeling of Sediment Transport Processes in Alpine Reservoirs. PhD Thesis.
Graz University of Technology.
Haun, S. & Olsen, N.R.B. 2012. Three-dimensional numerical modelling of reservoir flushing in a
prototype scale. International Journal of River Basin Management. 10(4) 341349.
Haun S., Kjrs H., Lvfall S., & Olsen N.R.B. 2013. Three-dimensional measurements and numerical modelling of suspended sediments in a hydropower reservoir. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 479, pp. 180188.
Hervouet J-M. 2007. Hydrodynamics of free surface flows: modelling with the finite element method.
Meyer-Peter, E. & Mller, R. 1948. Formulas for bed-load transport. Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of
the International Association for Hydraulic Structures Research. pp. 3964.
Olsen, N.R.B. (1999a). Two-dimensional numerical modelling of flushing processes in water reservoirs.
J. Hydraulic Res. 37(1), 316.
Van Rijn, L.C. 1984a. Sediment Transport. Part I: Bed load transport. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,
110(10), pp. 14311456.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Modelling suspended sediment wave dynamics of reservoir

T.H. Tarekegn
Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
School of Geography, Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK

M. Toffolon & M. Righetti

Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy

A. Siviglia
Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW), ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

ABSTRACT: Flushing of fine sediments from reservoirs is one of the most effective
techniques to reduce reservoir sedimentation, but the sudden release of high suspended
sediment concentration can have adverse effects on the receiving water body. Field observations of sediment flushing operations have shown that the released volume of water and
sediments propagate downstream through different types of waves. In particular the hydrodynamic signal travels faster than the sediment signal resulting in the splitting of the two
waves. Since the sediment wave lags behind, deposition is enhanced in the tail of the hydrodynamic wave, where velocity decreases and cannot sustain the sediment in suspension: the
separation phase of the two waves controls the deposition process of the released suspended
sediments. The separation and the interaction between the two waves, especially in the
transport of suspended sediments, is controlled by the sediment wave celerity. Neverthless
in many sediment transport models the sediment wave celerity is assumed to be the mean
flow velocity. We developed a simplified one-dimenional numerical model to study the interaction between the two waves. In the model we introduced a celerity factor that corrects
the depth-averaged sediment transport velocity as a function of the shape of the vertical
velocity profile and suspended sediment concentration. We observed that the use of the
celerity factor in one-dimensional sediment concentration transport enhances the deposition because of the reduced celerity of the sediment wave, which separates sooner from the
hydrodynamic wave.


Reservoir sedimentation is one the most challenging problem in reservoir management with
annual worldwide loss rate of reservoirs storage capacity by 0.51.9% (Liu et al. 2004). To overcome this problem various active and passive techniques have been developed such as flushing,
sluicing, dredging and soil conservation and watershed management. Among these, sediment
flushing is the most effective, economic and fast method to reduce reservoir sedimentation (Liu
et al. 2004). However it may often have significant effects on downstream river reaches due
to the high flows induced by the sudden release of water and high concentration of fine sediments (Espa et al. 2013). The most common downstream impacts include alteration of channel
morphology (Brandt 2005), destruction of habitat type and stability (Wohl & Rathburn 2003),
and river bed clogging (Liu et al. 2004). Generally adverse impacts of flushing releases depend
mainly on the level of suspended sediment concentration and the modification of river habitats
following sedimentation of the flushed material (Espa et al. 2013). Thus reservoir sediment

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flushing operation should be designed so as to safeguard the riverine ecosystems and at the
same time reduce loss of storage of reservoirs. Designing such successful flushing operation
needs better understanding of how the released sediments are transported and interact with
downstream riverine ecosystems. The interaction between the hydrodynamic and sediment
waves released from the dam plays important role in the deposition of the suspended sediments
(Brandt 2005). Hence, characterising the dynamics of the two waves is expected to improve
our understanding of the process and also to identify better flushing scenario. The main focus
of this study is to model the wave dynamics and sediment deposition pattern and evaluate the
effect of sediment wave celerity on the wave dynamics and deposition.
We first describe the main processes downstream of the dam during flushing operation in Section 2. The overview of the numerical model formulation and its components
are presented in Section 3. In Section 4, detailed description of wave celerity derivation is
presented. Finally, in Section 5 the effect of sediment wave celerity on wave dynamics is


During sediment flushing operations two pulses are typically released in the downstream
reach: a larger liquid discharge and a considerable amount of solids. These two pulses can
be seen as waves travelling with their own celerities. The first wave transports the signal
of a hydrodynamic variable (depth, discharge or velocity) with the celerity of flood waves,
thus higher than the cross-sectional averaged flow velocity (e.g. Toffolon et al. 2010). The
second wave is associated with the concentration of suspended sediments or dissolved
substances, water temperature, etc. Since its celerity is equal, or smaller as in the case of
suspended sediments than the flow velocity, the two waves travel with different speeds and
tend to separate. For instance, this behaviour is noticeable downstream of hydropeaking releases characterized by different temperatures (Toffolon et al. 2010, Zolezzi et al.
2011). Field investigation of releases during flushing operations downstream of the Cachi
reservoir in Costa Rica similarly show that there is a significant time lag between the
suspended solid and liquid discharge where the liquid phase travels faster than the solid
phase (Brandt & Swenning 1999, Brandt 2005). The phase lag increases as the two waves
travel downstream. For instance, suspended-sediment concentration peaks lagged liquid
peaks by about 2, 5 and 7 hours at 10, 30 and 70 km respectively downstream of the Cachi
reservoir. We depict the typical dynamics of discharge Q and sediment concentration C
in Figure 1. Figure 1b shows the conceptual representation of the longitudinal behaviour
of the hydrodynamic and suspended sediment waves that propagate downstream of the
dam. The temporal evolution (Fig. 1a) at downstream stations reflects in the spatial lag
between the two waves (Fig. 1b), which grows while they propagate along the river channel
downstream of a dam.

Figure 1. Conceptual sketch of at-station discharge Q and sediment concentration C (a) and
longitudinal profiles of suspended sediment and hydrodynamic waves of sediment flushing (b).


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In Figure 1a the sediment concentration C does not increase as the discharge Q

increases which is often observed in fluvial sediment transport. In the case of sediment
transport by sediment flushing sediment peak occurs on the falling limb of Q. This phenomena is also noted in field observations (e.g. Brandt & Swenning 1999). The large
amount of sediment concentration C in the recession limb of the discharge Q results
deposition of sediments.
The time lag in the two waves and their interaction control the deposition of the suspended sediments carried by the release. In particular the hydrodynamic signal travels
faster than the sediment signal resulting in the splitting of the two waves. Since the sediment wave lags behind, deposition is enhanced in the tail of the hydrodynamic wave,
where velocity decreases and cannot sustain the sediment in suspension: the separation
phase of the two waves controls the deposition process of the released fine sediments.
Nevertheless, the mechanism how the temporal and spatial pattern of the deposition is
controlled by the interaction between the two waves is not yet clear. On one hand, previous studies (Rathburn & Wohl 2001, Liu et al. 2004) focused mainly on the study of
morphological evolution and suspended sediment concentration after sediment flushing.
On the other hand, in many models the celerity of sediment waves is assumed equal to the
depth averaged flow velocity, but it is important to recognize that this assumption might
be misleading especially in modelling suspended sediment transport since sediments in
suspension are transported mainly near the bed. We emphasize that proper description
of the sediment wave celerity is required as it controls the interaction between the two
waves. Thus the sediment wave celerity needs to be corrected based on a factor which
depends on the shape of the concentration and velocity profile. Thus, we developed a
one-dimensional (1-D) suspended sediment transport model that incorporates the correction factor. The model is applied to study the interaction between the two waves and the
effect of the correction factor on the wave dynamics. This factor, called celerity factor
hereafter, is calculated analytically assuming an exponential concentration profile. In this
work, we assumed a unerodible bed on which incoming suspended sediments deposit and
re-suspend from this bed depending on the flow hydrodynamics. It is expected that characterizing and analysing the wave dynamics will help to understand deposition processes
and pattern due to sediment flushing and thus to plan proper flushing operations that
reduce negative impacts.


Model description

We formulated the model for a simple case as we are interested in the large scale dynamics of
sediment transport. We introduced a 1D description of sediment transport during flushing
operation where a given amount of water and fine sediments are released in a limited period
of time. We assume the modelled river as wide rectangular channel. The hydrodynamic
wave is described by 1D Saint-Venant shallow water equations (Equations 12) and the
transport of suspended sediments by the continuity equation of sediments (Equation 3). The
advection-reaction part of the equations is solved by weight average flux (WAF) method
(Toro 1989) and the diffusion part by Crank-Nicolson method where the two are coupled by
an operator splitting technique (Siviglia & Toro 2009).
t x


Q Q 2

+ gA
gA S0 S f = 0
t x A





+ B(




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where t = time; x = longitudinal spatial co-ordinate; = coefficient accounting for the

deviation of local values of momentum from its cross-sectional average; g = gravitational
acceleration; S0 = local bottom slope; Sf = local energy slope; H = averaged depth of flow;
C = depth-averaged volumetric sediment concentration; = correction factor for sediment
wave celerity; K = longitudinal diffusion/dispersion coefficient; B = channel top width;
E = sediment entrainment rate; and D = sediment deposition rate.
The sediment exchange E D near the bed is evaluated at the conventional level zr where
the near bed suspended sediment concentration is estimated. The net flux of sediment across
such an interface can produce a variation of the bed elevation
1 p


where = the bed elevation; and p = bed porosity.


Model closures

In order to close the governing equations of the model closure relations that are used to
calculate the variables Sf, E, and D as a function of unknown variables A, Q and C are
required. The diffusion coefficient is estimated by Fischer et al. (1979) formula for longitudinal dispersion. The friction slope Sf is calculated by Chzy equation
gA2 2R

Sf =


where R = hydraulic radius; and = Chzy coefficient. The bed resistance of the sand deposited bed is computed in the form of Chzy coefficient by using Wright & Parker (2004) formulations for the specified discharge, sediment grain size and bed slope. A constant roughness
coefficient (Table 1) is used in case of no deposition. The following empirical relationships
are used to estimate D and E (Celik & Rodi 1988).


E = wCE


where w = effective settling velocity of a single particle (Richardson & Zaki 1954); Cb = near
bed concentration; and CE = equilibrium near-bed concentration. CE is estimated by Van
Rijn (1984) formula which is widely used in large scale applications (e.g. Duan & Nanda
Table 1.

Input datasets.

Model parameters


Base unit discharge q0

Peak unit discharge qp
Release duration tp
Bed slope S0
Base sediment concentration C0
Peak sediment concentration Cp
Median diameter of the fine sediments d50
Bed porosity p
Manning roughness of the unerodible bed n
Simulation period
Spatial steps x

0.8 m2s1
4.8 m2s1
3 hr
0 gl1
300 gl1
230 m
0.021 m1/3s
55 hrs
100 m


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Many suspended sediment transport models assume that sediment advection occurs with the
depth-averaged flow velocity U = Q/A (e.g. Cao & Carling 2002). However, since the vertical
distribution of both longitudinal velocity and suspended sediment concentration is not uniform, the depth-integrated transport is


cudz = C


where u(z) = vertical profiles of velocity; c(z) = vertical profiles of concentration; z = vertical
coordinate with origin at the bed level (); zr = the reference level where the near bed suspended sediment concentration is estimated; H = averaged depth of flow; and = celerity
factor already introduced in Equation 3.
Since velocity increases upward approximately following a logarithmic profile while the
suspended sediment concentration is maximum toward the bottom, the overall transport is
less that the product CUH that could be expected for a tracer uniformly distributed along the
vertical. Thus it is important to estimate the value of







which contains the Einstein integrals (Einstein 1950).

In order to express the sediment wave celerity explicitly, Equation 3 can be rewritten as
C 1
C (
+ U
x A x

A t


Equation 9 shows that the sediment wave celerity is U, which is in general slower than
the depth-averaged velocity U; hence, the separation between the hydrodynamic wave and the
sediment wave is enhanced. An additional term arises in Equation 9 when 1. This term
can increase the concentration in the falling limb of the hydrodynamic wave producing values
higher than the previous maximum despite no net erosion from the bed, an occurrence that
is usually not possible in standard advection-diffusion problems.
In general, the value of from Equation 8 cannot be calculated analytically.
However, an approximate solution can be obtained by assuming logarithmic profile of

u* z
k z0


where z0 = 0.033ks; u* = bed-shear velocity; k = the von Karman constant; and ks = bed
roughness. We assumed that the bed roughness to be equal to grain roughness. Thus we
adopted ks = 3d90 (Van Rijn 1984) where d90 = 90% particle diameter of sediment material.
The simplified Rouse profile for the suspended sediment concentration
c Cb



based on a linear diffusivity profile, where Ro = w/ku* is termed Rouse number, where
w = particle settling velocity. The reference level (zr) is also taken as ks = 3d90. Huybrechts

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et al. (2010) propose a simplification of the Einstein integrals that provides the analytical
solution as




I ln ezr

where zr* =



and the two integrals read

ln zr*

I1 = 1 zr*( 1 Ro)
1 Ro

fo Ro = 1
for Ro 1

( zr ) 2 / 2

I 2 = I1 zr*( Ro) ln zr*

Ro 1

f r Ro = 1
for Ro 1



Inputs and initial conditions

We adopt most of model input datasets from the Cach Reservoir flushing observations in
Costa Rica (Brandt & Swenning 1999) despite the lack of detailed data on flushing. The
model inputs are summarized in Table 1. The solid and liquid discharges released at the
upstream boundary are assumed to be a rectangular shaped hydrograph and sedimentograph. We define the initial concentration as clean water (C = 0) with uniform flow depth
along the stretch of the river, whose slope is assumed constant. The river channel geometry is assumed to be a wide rectangular channel thus we consider discharge per unit width
(q = Q/B). A simulation domain length of 500 km is selected so as to observe the sediment
wave dynamics over a long spatial scale.

Suspended sediment wave dynamics

Figure 2 shows the longitudinal profile of suspended sediment and the hydrodynamic waves at
different time steps. At the initial stage of the release the two waves are in phase (Fig. 2a) and
as the waves travel downstream they start to separate (Figs. 2b,c) with the separation increasing further downstream and finally the two waves are completely separated (Fig. 2d). Such
physical phenomenon was also observed on field investigation of sediment flushing operation
of the Cach Reservoir in Costa Rica (Brandt 2005). Figure 2 also shows that the deposition
(red line and is multiplied by 20 for visualisation purpose) is observed to be enhanced as the
waves separate and most of the deposition is observed at the tail of the hydrodynamic wave.
At the same time concentration wave decreases at the point of deposition. This shows that
the interaction between the two waves significantly controls the deposition of the suspended

Effect of wave celerity factor

5.3.1 Wave celerity factor

The relationship between the celerity factor and selected hydraulic variables (depth, discharge, Rouse number, and relative roughness) are analysed for five different grain sizes.
Figure 3 shows the plots of the relationships of depth, discharge, Rouse number, and relative
roughness with . The calculated range of variation of applied in the model is between 0.93
to 0.97 (shown in Fig. 3 for d50 = 230 m). There is high dependence of on flow depth and
discharge for a given sediment grain size (Figs. 3a,b). As the flow depth or discharge increases
the celerity factor generally increases regardless of the grain size. The celerity factor for fine
grains is higher since the Rouse number is relatively small as a result giving a more uniform

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Figure 2. Sediment and hydrodynamic waves at various time steps: relative depth (HH0)/(HpH0),
relative concentration (CC0)/(CpC0) and relative depth of deposition 20 * ( 0)/(p 0) where p, Hp,
and Cp = peak depth of deposition, peak flow depth, and peak concentration and 0, H0, and C0 = minimum depth of deposition, base flow depth, and base concentration respectively.

concentration profile. For increasing Rouse number the celerity factor decreases regardless
of the sediment grain size (Fig. 3c). The relationship between relative bed roughness and the
celerity factor (Fig. 3d) is similar to the case of Rouse number such that as the relative bed
roughness increases the celerity factor decreases regardless of the grain size. We also investigated the computed celerity factor for two different description of the reference height (zr).
We found that the ranges of variation of the computed celerity factor with depth and discharge for the different grain sizes remained the same for zr = 2d50 and zr = 3d90. Thus, defining
the reference height (zr) as 2d50 (e.g. Zyserman & Fredsoe 1994) or as 3d90 (e.g. Van Rijn 1984)
does not affect the estimated value of .
5.3.2 Sediment concentration wave dynamics
Figure 4 shows the longitudinal profile of suspended sediment and the hydrodynamic waves
at different time steps for two cases where the first is when the sediment wave celerity is corrected and the second is with the regular assumption that the sediment wave travels with
average flow velocity ( = 1). In the latter case (shown in Fig. 4 in broken lines) there is less
deposition comparatively since the wave separation is less enhanced. The region and length
of deposition is also relatively different. There is less deposition when = 1 as a result the
local concentration becomes higher than the one corrected by the celerity factor. This agrees
well with two-dimensional (2-D) model study of Huybrechts et al. (2010). We evaluated the

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Figure 3. The relationship celerity factor with depth (H), discharge (q), Rouse number (Ro), and
relative roughness ( r* ).

mass balance at the end of simulation for the two cases: with and without the celerity factor.
We observed that the proportion of boundary inputs of sediments that deposit were 10% and
7% and remain in suspension are 90% and 92% without and with celerity factor respectively.
But we recognize that these figures may not lead us to a general conclusion as the computed
percentages depend on the length of the domain as well as the duration of simulation. It is
observed (Figs. 4c,d) that without celerity factor the suspended load is over predicted compared to the case with < 1. Huybrechts et al. (2010) implemented the celerity factor in 2-D
model and compared simulated suspended load with the result of three-dimensional (3-D)
model simulation and they obtained acceptable agreement with observed one when the celerity factor is considered. The effect of the celerity factor is also more evident and higher on
the suspended load than on the concentration since the estimation of the suspended sediment
load is directly related to the celerity factor. Over all, the sediment wave celerity affects the
deposition of the fine sediments and its proper implementation is expected to improve the
modelling of the deposition and transport of suspended sediments.
5.3.3 Sediment concentration and load behaviour
Figures 5a,b show the longitudinal pattern of modelled sediment concentration and loads
respectively at t = 20 hr of the simulation with and without celerity factor when there is no
bed exchange (E D = 0). When the celerity factor is applied there is increment of sediment
concentration, above the amount of concentration applied at the boundary, at the tail of
concentration wave and at the tail of the hydrodynamic wave. When the celerity factor is not
applied ( = 1) such local increase in concentration is not evident at all. As shown in Equation 9, the last term of the equation contributes to this behaviour in concentration. But this
term as well as the celerity factor could be very relevant in modelling suspended sediment

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Figure 4. Sediment and hydrodynamic wave dynamics at various time steps with and without celerity
factor: relative depth (H), relative concentration (C), and relative sediment load (Qs) (Qs Qs0)/(Qsp Qs0)
where Qsp and Qs0 = peak and base sediment loads respectively.

Figure 5. Sediment concentration (a) and sediment load (b) at t = 20 hr with and without celerity
factor when there is no bed exchange.

transport. On the other hand, as shown in Figure 5b the sediment load shows a decrease
at its front with its peak lower than the case of = 1. Figures 6a,b show the time evolution
of sediment load and concentration at two downstream stations (x = 90 km, and 300 km
from release point). With the celerity factor sediment load wave shows some decrease at its
front and at the front of the hydrodynamic wave (Fig. 6a) though it agrees well with that
of = 1 at the tail of the hydrodynamic wave. The effect of the celerity factor on the local
increment of sediment concentration is evident only on the rising limb of the hydrodynamic
wave. When the two waves are fully separated (Fig. 6b) the local increment vanishes. Overall,
the local sediment concentration increase due to the celerity factor does not increase the
sediment load.

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Figure 6. Sediment concentration and sediment load with and without celerity factor when there is no
bed exchange at x = 90 km (a) and 300 km (b).


We studied how the interaction between the waves of suspended sediments and liquid
discharge is controlled by the sediment wave celerity during reservoir sediment flushing
operation. The effect of the sediment wave celerity on wave interaction and depositional processes has been investigated at larger spatial scale. Preliminary results of this study shows that
the wave celerity controls the wave interaction significantly and thus the traditional assumption of representing sediment wave celerity as equal to the average flow velocity may lead to
under-prediction of sediment deposition. We observed that the celerity factor enhances the
wave separation and more deposition can be expected. We also investigated the dependence
of the celerity factor on flow depth, discharge, Rouse number and relative roughness. There
is generally an increasing trend in celerity factor with depth and discharge, while a decreasing
trend is observed with Rouse number and relative roughness. The results presented in this
study are based on the assumption that there is no sediment supply from the bed and only
sediments supplied from the upstream are entrained and transported. The effect of changes
of bed slope and channel geometry and dimensions were not taken in to account in this first
analysis. The model also assumed the suspended sediments transported are uniform in grain

This work has been carried out within the SMART Joint Doctorate (Science for the Management of Rivers and their Tidal systems) funded with the support of the Erasmus Mundus
programme of the European Union.
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thermal-peaking waves in open-channel flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 135(8): 651662.
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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Numerical modeling of suspended sediment transport during dam

flushing: From reservoir dynamic to downstream propagation
G. Antoine
EDF R&D LNHE & LHSV, Chatou, France

A.-L. Besnier & M. Jodeau

EDF R&D LNHE, Chatou, France

B. Camenen
Irstea, Lyon, France

M. Esteves
IRD LTHE, Grenoble, France

ABSTRACT: Dam flushing is often performed to remove sediments of all sizes from reservoirs while minimizing downstream impacts. In this study, the reservoir flushing operation
and the downstream transport of suspended sediments are simulated based on a numerical
tool. The study site is the Arc River in the French Alps, focusing on two reaches: locally on
the Saint Martin la Porte (SMLP) Reservoir and a few metres upstream (reach 1), and downstream the 120 km between the SMLP reservoir and the city of Grenoble (reach 2). The chosen numerical code is COURLIS, developed at EDFRD, and which could be coupled with
codes of the open source Telemac-Mascaret system. The model was applied to the 2012 flushing event of the Arc River dams, which are managed by EDF (Electricity of France). The bed
erosion and the suspended sediment transport dynamics in the most downstream reservoir
(SMLP) were first computed. The initial state of the deposited fine sediment were defined
using measured topographic data of the reservoir. The upstream boundary condition for the
reach 2 model was set from estimated discharges and suspended sediment concentrations.
The downstream study reach is approximately 120 km long, from SMLP dam to the city
of Grenoble along the Arc and Isere rivers. Topographic data of the river bed were used to
define the downstream river reach, taking into account the vegetated alternate bars. Water
discharges and suspended sediment concentrations were also measured at several locations in
the rivers downstream of the flushed reservoirs. A new formula is proposed to estimate two
mean concentration values in the cross section: one for the main channel and the other for
the overbank section. A good agreement with field data is obtained for both the reservoir and
downstream reach dynamics. Moreover, the key role of the alternate bars in the fine sediment
dynamics is highlighted, quantified and discussed.


Dam flushing is an efficient way to manage sediment accumulation in reservoirs [17, 21].
In the case of gate structure dams, flushing operations could be performed in order to have
a quasi-natural flow in the reservoir characterized by high velocities and low water depths.
These conditions could allow the removal of significant quantities of fine sediments and
However, the downstream propagation of the released suspended sediments could strongly
impact the river bed morphology, as well as the river system ecology [4, 8, 9, 18]. Therefore,
flushing operations should be managed in order to mitigate the downstream impacts.

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Numerous studies have been undertaken in order to analyze and simulate the hydro-sedimentary processes in reservoirs and in the downstream river. Few of these studies concern
dam flushing events, and even less directly quantify the downstream impact of the suspended
sediment propagation.
Numerical modeling tools are quantitative management means to predict erosion, transport and deposition of sediment due to dam flushing. To assess their validity they should
be compared with measured in situ data. A few studies present such results [15, 2, 5, 22, 20].
Furthermore there are very few works that have simultaneously investigated the global system of the reservoir and the downstream river reach. Numerical tools could be a convenient
tool to test sediment management strategies.
We propose herein a numerical modeling of a real dam flushing event, performed to study
both the reservoir dynamics and the downstream propagation of suspended sediment. The
first part of this paper describes the study site and the sediment management operations, next
the numerical code is presented. Results of the numerical modeling are then presented for the
reservoir area and in the downstream river reach.


The Arc River is located in the northern French Alps, its watershed has an area of 1950 km2
and the geology and mountains slopes induce high rates of both fine sediment and gravels
transport in the river. As an order of magnitude, at the Arc river outlet, the annual flux of
fine sediment is estimated to be about one million tons and the mean bedload flux to be
about 500 000 tons. The river bed is made of boulders and gravels with patches of fine sediments and vegetation. The river is diked on a large part, the mean width between dikes is
about 50 m. The maximal slope of the river is 3%. The Arc River is the main tributary of the
Isere River (watershed area at Grenoble city 5570 km2), which has a minimal slope of 0.1%
and its width between dikes is 200 m.
Several hydroelectricity facilities had been built in these valleys. Figure 1 (a) shows the
watershed of the Arc river and the main facilities. The reservoirs undergo a high rate of sedimentation. Therefore the three reservoirs located in the river Arc are flushed once a year. The
three reservoirs are gated structure dams that can be totally opened. There are also 3 basins
located on water diversions which allow flexibility in the electricity production and siltation
control. The flushing of these basins is not effective, consequently another strategy including
dredging is chosen to manage their sedimentation. This study focuses on the flushing of the
3 river reservoirs and in particular the sediment processes in the most downstream reservoir:
the Saint Martin la Porte (SMLP) Reservoir.

Figure 1. (a) Location of the Arc watershed, and description of hydroelectricity facilities in the Arc
river valley. (b) Aerial picture of Saint Martin la Porte (SMLP) reservoir (source: Geoportail, IGN).


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The study area has already been the subject of other research works, which include works on
gravel bar morphodynamics [12], measurement of fine sediment transport and settling velocities [1], hydrometry research [13, 6]... Therefore a comprehensive set of in situ data is available.
The work presented in this paper concentrates on the fine sediment management, though
gravel management is also a major issue in the Arc river.
The 10 m high SMLP dam (Fig. 1 (b)) dam was constructed in 1986, and has a storage capacity of 68 000 m3. The Arc drainage area is 1167 km2 at the dam. The reservoir is
located downstream of the Saussaz hydro power plant and has awater intake for the next
hydro power plant (Hermillon). Both design flow rates are 90 m3/s and the guaranteed flow
discharge downstream of the SMLP dam is 7 m3. Since the construction of the dam, several
bathymetry and sediment sampling surveys allow to describe the evolution of the reservoir
(see Fig. 1 (b) to identify the areas):
in the downstream area, downstream the rock spur, there is a siltation area where fine
sediment deposition occurs and where the annual flushing operations help to maintain the
storage capacity;
from the rock spur to the small bridge, there is an aggradation zone, where the flushing operations are not completely efficient, therefore there is a loss of storage capacity in this area;
upstream of the bridge, there is a gravel deposition zone;
Sediments are sorted in the reservoir from gravels (d50 = 6 cm) in the upstream part to silt
and sand just upstream the dam.


One dimensional modelling is one of the different options for modeling flow and sediment
transport in reservoirs, and is well suited for hydrosedimentary analyses if flow patterns in
deep areas is not of major concern. One dimensional modeling is well suited if long term
simulations are expected and if average values are adequate. The Courlis numerical code
allows the calculation of one dimensional flow and the sediment transport of mud and sand.
The code has been used to compute flushing flow or emptying of several reservoirs [2, 16, 14],
therefore it has demonstrated its relevance.

Cross section view

Despite a one dimensional computation for the flow, the sediment bed is described according
a bidimensionnal view, that is to say sediment layers are defined transversally to the flow axis,
Figure 2. Each sediment layer is characterized by its thickness, percentages of sand and silt,
sand grain size and cohesive sediment characteristics.


Courlis is based on a coupling between the component Mascaret which solves the 1D
shallow water equations [10] and the sediment component which handles sediment processes.

Figure 2.

Sediment layers in the cross section.


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Sand and cohesive sediment are dealt withseparately. For both type of sediment an advection-dispersion is solved:

+E D


where A is the cross sectional flow area, C the suspended concentration, Q the flow rate, k the
dispersion coefficient, E and D respectively the Erosion and Deposition linear rates.
3.2.1 Cohesive sediments
For cohesive sediments, local deposition or erosion processes are considered. In particular, the
local bed shear stress is calculated laterally in each cross section as follow:

( ) gh( y )J ( y )


where is the mass density of the water, g is the gravity, h(y) the local water depth (variable in the section) and J(y) the local friction loss. The local friction loss is calculated using
the Manning-Strickler formula, with the mean hydraulic parameters estimated for the main
channel (mc) or the overbank section (b), according to the Debord formula [19]:

if y is in the main channel

if y is in the overbank

if y is between both sub sections

J ( y ) = J mc =

U mc
4 /3
K mc

J ( y) = Jb =

U b2
K b2Rb4 /3

J ( y ) = (J
( J mc

J b ) /2


where U is the mean velocity, K Strickler coefficient and R the hydraulic radius.
To be consistent with the hydraulic variables, calculated for each sub-section of a compound channel system, an averaged value of the suspended concentration is estimated for
the main channel (Cmc) and the overbank section (Cb). To calculate these two variables, two
equations are used. The first equation is based on conservation of mass:
QC = QmcCmc + QbCb


The second equation is physically based on the estimation of the ratio C defined as:

C =



Based upon laboratory analyses, the data set obtained in two experiments in compound
channels, Hu et al. (2010 [11]) expressed C as functions of mean velocities and water depths
in each sub-section as follows:
= U b
U mc

= H b
H mc



where (U,U) and (H,H) have been measured for two configurations. More precisely, two
couples of rugosity values for the main channel and the overbank section have been tested in

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laboratory by Hu et al. [11]. For these two configurations (where R H, the constant water
depth in each sub-section), the ratio between the mean values of bed shear stress can be
expressed as:

b U b K mmc H mmc
mc U mmc K b H b

1/ 3


Using Equation 8, Equation 6 and Equation 7, we finaly expressed C as follow:

C b



3 U H

2 6 H

2 /U
1/ 3 H K b




C =

3U H
6H U


The expression, given by Equation 9 allows to solve the system of equation Equation 4
and Equation 5.
For erosion and deposition processes, the Partheniades and Krone empirical formulae are
eefffff 1 ( y )
E ( y) = M


eefff 1 ( y )
D( y ) = wsC(
C ( y) 1


where M is a erosion rate coefficient, ws a settling velocity, CD and CE deposition and erosion
critical shear stresses. efff 1 ( y ) is defined as ( y ) (Equation 2), but using a different friction
coefficient KMUD, which is a skin rugosity coefficient. The concentration value C(y) depends
on the position of y in the cross section: in the main channel (C ( y ) = Cmc), in the overbank
(Cmc Cb )/2).
section (C ( y ) = Cb) or between the two sections (C ( y ) = (C
3.2.2 Sand
For sand, i.e. non cohesive sediments, the transport capacity is calculated with the Engelund
Hansen [7] formula, using average values of hydraulic parameter in the cross section:

d 3 K 2R1/3 S
qs = 0.05
g ( s )gd

where efff 2





where d is the represenative diameter of the suspended sediments, and KSAND is a grain friction
1/ 6
coefficient and could be written K SAND
It allows us to define an equilibrium concentration, Ceq:
Ceq =

s qs



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and the erosion an deposition rates:

if Csand

if Csand

Ceq deposition

ws Csand Ceq

Ceq erosion

ws Ceq Csand


3.2.3 Bed evolution

The bed evolution depends on erosion and deposition rates

Cdeposition Clayer


The bank failure is taken into account using a simple model, the bank slope is compared
to a stability slope (submerged or emerged). If the critical slope is exceeded, sediment deposit
is supposed to collapse immediately and is put in suspension in the flow.


The numerical code uses a splitting approach to solve hydraulic and sediment transport
equations. Both hydraulic and sediment components could be coupled at each time step, i.e.
the hydraulic variables are calculated for a fixed bed then the bed evolution is calculated. If
the hydrodynamic varies slowly, the user could define a less frequent coupling, for example
coupling every ten or more hydraulic time steps.


Flushing of Saint Martin la Porte Reservoir

A one dimensional model is appropriate to reproduce sediment dynamic during a flushing

event because the flow is mainly directed in the downstream direction. Observations during the event do not highlight major transverse currents. A 2d or 3d model should be more
appropriate in the study of the siltation in the reservoir.
A specific model was built to reproduce sediment processes in the SMLP reservoir.
According to field surveys, the bed composition has been simplified to enable a description
by several sediment layers. The structure of the 1D model is described by three sedimentary
components, which are depicted in Figure 3. The upstream bed made of gravel is reproduced
with a rigid bed because gravel processes are not the focus of this study. The first component
is a 90 cm sand layer followed downstream by a second sedimentary component of a 1 m
mixed sand and silt layer. The first two components are covered by a 50 cm silt layer. The
non erodible rigid layer was defined according to a 2008 bathymetry, because a flood in 2008
is assumed to have eroded the major part of sediment in the reservoir.

Figure 3. (a) Sedimentary layers for modeling Saint-Martin-la-Porte Reservoir. (b) Downstream view
of SMLP during a flushing event.


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The geometry of the model is based on a multi beam bathymetric survey performed a few
weeks before the 2012 flushing, a 1200 m long stretch of the reservoir is modeled. Modeling
results are compared with a bathymetric survey performed a few weeks after the flushing.
The mesh size is 5 m in the domain except in the 60 m upstream the dam where the mesh is
finer (2 m). The geometry has been extended by a 200 m reach at the upstream side to avoid
boundary effect and a 3 m reach is added at the downstream side to well reproduce the dam
The upstream boundary condition is a measured discharge and a measured sediment
concentration. The water level at the downstream boundary condition is defined according
to the operating conditions, the downstream condition for the sediment concentration is a
Neumann boundary condition with x = 0. Some tests have been performed to take into
account the different opening of the dam gates, the downstream section has been modified in
function of the number of opened gates.
The friction coefficient is 40 m1/3s1 except on the dam concrete sill where a value of
60 m1/3s1 is chosen.
The numerical results are compared with measurements at three particular points:
water level using laser scan measurements performed during the event;
bed evolutions using bathymetries;
concentrations at the dam.
There is a good agreement between both on the three previous variables. Figure 4 shows
the comparison between measured and simulated sediment concentrations.

Suspended sediment transport in the downstream Arc and Isere Rivers

For the downstream part of the river reach, the mesh size is larger than in the reservoir
part (about 300 m). The hydraulic part of the model has been calibrated with two other
flushing events, in 2010 and 2011. Six homogeneous reaches have been defined to calibrate
the friction coefficients. During the 2011 flushing event, the measured value of the baseflow discharge was low on the Isere River, as well as the overbank sections of the river bed
havent be flooded. The Strickler coefficient corresponding to the main channel has been
well calibrated with this event. During the 2010 flushing event, the overbank sections have
been widely flooded, because of the high discharge values in the Isere River. With this
event, the Strickler coefficients of the banks have been successfully calibrated. The resulting values of Strickler coefficient used to simulate the 2012 flushing event are presented in
the Table 1.
The bed composition of the river reach is defined by one sediment layer. The thickness of
this unique sediment layer is defined as a function of the local slope and the lateral position

Figure 4. Comparison between numerical results and measurements at SMLP dam: (a) Sediment
concentration. (b) Cumulative mass.


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Table 1. Strickler coefficients used along the downstream river reach for
the main channel and the overbank sections.

Reach 1
Reach 2
Reach 3
Reach 4
Reach 5
Reach 6

Min dist from

the dam (km)

Max dist from

the dam (km)







Figure 5. Total suspended mass transported during the flushing event dowstream the dam. Comparison
between numerical results (green) and measurements (blue).

in the cross section: more erodible mass of fine sediment is available on the overbank sections, and more erodible mass is available in reaches with small slope values.
Concerning the values of sediment parameters, most of them have been measured. The erosion parameters for the Parthniades law have been defined as CE = 5Pa and M = 10 3 kg/m 2 /s .
The parameters of the Krones law have been fixes as CD = 0.8 Pa , and the settling velocity
have been measured in situ during the 2012 flushing event and is equal to ws = 0.8 mm/s. The
skin friction coefficient is equal to K MUUD = 85 m1 3 /s [3], and the value of the dispersion coefficient have been measured on the Arc River in 2013, and is equal to k = 70 m2/s.
The estimated discharges and suspended sediment concentrations from the reservoir
part of the model are directly used as an upstream limit condition of the downstream river
reach model. The downstream condition for the sediment concentration is a Neumann
boundary condition with x = 0. Finally, one sediment class has been considered for the
downstream propagation. The results of the numerical model are presented in the Figure 5.
In order to compare numerical results with measured data, the total suspended sediment
fluxes = TeventQ(t ) C (t )dt have been estimated at each measurement site along the river
The Figure 5 shows that the model reproduces the measured data with a good agreement.
The total erosion observed along the river reach is well reproduced, as well as the deposition
dynamic on the vegetated banks. Particularly, the numerical results dont overestimate deposition on the overbank sections thanks to the new implemented formulation.

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We show in this study that the suspended sediment dynamic in the reservoir could be well
reproduced with the COURLIS model, as well as the downstream propagation along a
120 km river reach. In both cases, the river bed composition has been defined precisely, with
strong physical meaning. Measurements of suspended concentration have been used to validate the numerical results. However, a very poor description is available concerning the interaction between mud and sand fractions during transport. A good definition of the sand
layers was necessary to well reproduce the local erosion dynamic into the reservoir. But no
precise information concerning the downstream propagation of sand is available. This kind
of measurement would help to get better results, for example by taking into account mud and
sand interactions.


In this study, the dam flushing performed in 2012 on the Arc River has been simulated.
The suspended sediment dynamics in the reservoir has been well reproduced by COURLIS,
thanks to a detailed description of the sediment layers. A new formulation is presented to
take into account the suspended sediment transport in the compound channel system, and
applied to the downstream river reach. The model successfully reproduced field measurements, using as upstream limit condition the results from the reservoir part. As perspectives,
a better investigation of the sand transport dynamic and propagation would be helpful to
improve numerical results. A complete coupling between the reservoir and downstream models will also be useful, in particular for the testing of different flushing strategies.
[1] G. Antoine, M. Jodeau, B. Camenen, and M. Esteves. A settling velocity parameterisation for sand/
mud mixture in a 1d flow during a flushing event. In Proceedings of the River Flow Conference,
[2] C. Bertier, J.-P. Bouchard, and L. Dumond. One dimensional model for reservoir sedimentation
management. In River Flow, 2002.
[3] J.-P. Bouchard and C. Bertier. Morphological change in reservoirs in relation to hydraulic conditions.
In River Flow, 2008.
[4] S.A. Brandt. Sedimentological and geomorphological effects of reservoir flushing: The Cachi
reservoir, Costa Rica, 1996. Geografiska Annaler A, 81:391407, 1999.
[5] H. Chang, L. Harrison, W. Lee, and S. Tu. Numerical modeling for sediment-pass-through
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[6] G. Dramais, J. Le Coz, B. Camenen, and A. Hauet. Advantages of a mobile lspiv method for
measuring flood discharges and improving stage-discharge curves. Journal of Hydro-Environment
Research, 5-4:301312, 2011.
[7] F. Engelund and E. Hansen. A monograph on sediment transport in alluvial streams. Technical
University of Denmark, 1967.
[8] G. Fasolato, P. Ronco, and Y. Jia. Studies on sediment transport and morphodynamic evolution of
a river due to sediment flushing operations of an alpine reservoir. In iahr 2007, 2007.
[9] F. Gallerano and G. Cannata. Compatibility of reservoir flushing and river protection. Journal of
hydraulic Engineering, 137-10:11111125, 2011.
[10] N. Goutal and F. Maurel. A finite volume solver for 1D shallow-water equations applied to an
actual river. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 38:119, 2002.
[11] C. Hu, Z. Ji, and Q. Guo. Flow movement and sediment transport in compound channels. Journal
of Hydraulic Research, 1:2332, 2010.
[12] M. Jaballah, B. Camenen, A. Paquier, and M. Jodeau. 2-d numerical modeling of water flow over
a gravel bar. In River Flow, 2012.
[13] M. Jodeau, A. Hauet, A. Paquier, J. Le Coz, and G. Dramais. Application and evaluation of LSPIV technique for the monitoring of river surface velocities in high flow conditions. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 19:117127, 2008.


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[14] M. Jodeau and S. Menu. Sediment transport modeling of a reservoir drawdown, example of Tolla
reservoir. In River Flow Conference, 2012.
[15] A. Khosronejad, C.D. Rennie, A.A. Salehi Neyshabouri, and I. Gholami. Three-dimensional
numerical modeling of reservoir sediment release. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 46:209223,
[16] D. Marot, J.-P. Bouchard, and A. Alexis. Reservoir bank deformation modeling: application to
grangent reservoir. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, pages 586595, 2005.
[17] G. L. Morris and J. Fan. Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook. McGraw-Hill, 1997.
[18] U. Mrle, J. Ortlepp, and M. Zahner. Effects of experimental flooding on riverine morphology,
structure and riparian vegetation: the River Spl, Swiss National Park. Aquatic Science, 65:191198,
[19] G. Nicollet and M. Uan. Ecoulements permanents surface libre en lits composs. La Houille Blanche,
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[20] S.L. Rathburn and Wohl E.E. One-dimensional sediment transport modeling of pool recovery along a mountain channel after a reservoir sediment release. Regulated Rivers: Research &
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[21] H.W. Shen. Flushing sediment through reservoirs. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 376:743757,
[22] E. Valette, P. Tassi, M. Jodeau, and C. Villaret. St Egrve ReservoirMulti-dimensional modelling
of flushing and evolution of the channel bed. In River Flow, 2014.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

St-Egrve reservoirmodelling of flushing and evolution

of the channel bed
E. Valette
Centre dIngnierie HydrauliqueElectricit De France, Le Bourget du lac, France

P. Tassi & M. Jodeau

Laboratoire National dHydraulique et EnvironnementElectricit De France, Chatou, France

C. Villaret
HR Wallingford, Wallingford, UK

ABSTRACT: The Saint-Egrve dam is located downstream of the city of Grenoble, on

the Isere river in France. Over time, the reservoir has silted up. Frequent flushing operations
allow the maintenance of a channel in the reservoir, but siltation bank formation on either
side of the channel is irreversible. Due to the urban location of the reservoir, maintaining
the freeboard of the upstream dike of the reservoir during the design flood is a major issue.
Nowadays, the evolution of the filling is such that the channel erosion during the flood must
be taken into account to estimate a realistic freeboard. During a first part of the study, 1D
morphodynamics simulations were performed. The model was calibrated and validated with
measured sediment fluxes and then applied to a project design situation. A second part of
the study consisted on performing 2D and 3D numerical simulations and comparing results
with the 1D model.


Sediment transport and deposition in reservoirs are natural processes. Recently, it has been
estimated that the worldwide sedimentation in reservoirs corresponds to about one per cent
of the whole capacity per year (Mahmood 1987). In specific areas, sedimentation rates can
be significantly higher; it may reach more than 70% of reservoir initial capacity (Bouchard &
Bertier 2008). The filling of reservoirs depends on the production of sediment from the
watersheds, the hydrology of the watershed, geometry and hydraulics of the reservoir and
management of reservoir capacity (Morris 1997). The reservoir sedimentation impacts the
river reach upstream the dam as much as the downstream reach: storage loss, delta deposition, blocking or clogging of intakes or bottom gates, downstream erosion, ecology, etc.
Consequently, one has to take into account sediments when operating dams; therefore we
need means to predict the consequences of dam operations on sediment transport and reservoir morphology.
Flushing operations aim at eroding sediments from reservoirs to maintain or to increase
their storage capacity and/or prevent flooding upstream the dam. In such operations,
the release of sediments to the downstream reach may be significant and should be controlled (Brandt 2000). There are different ways of predicting the downstream impacts
of such operations, often relying on the experience. Nevertheless, numerical modeling
can be used as a tool for planning and operation activities. The choice of the numerical
tool depends on the available data, the geometry of the reservoir, the operating conditions and the objectives of the simulation. In this work, the flushing of Saint Egrve
reservoir is simulated with different modules of the TELEMAC-MASCARET System

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( and comparisons with a comprehensive set of experimental data

are presented and discussed.


The St-Egrve reservoir (France) is located in the Grenoble urban area, as shown on Figure 1,
downstream the confluence of the Isre and Drac rivers (9270 km2 catchment area). The StEgrve dam is a run-of-river power station, with a maximum turbine discharge of 540 m3/s.
The dam comprises 5 identical openings with overflow flaps, and a 25-meter wide tainted
gate with 6 meters of lifting height and a weir at elevation 196.50 m NGF. The normal reservoir level (FSL) during operation is 205.50 m NGF. The capacity of the reservoir in 1992 was
3.86 hm3 from the dam to the confluence. For safety reasons, a security distance of 1 meter
with respect to the crest of the reservoir embankment must be guaranteed for a flood of
3000 m3/s.
The Isre River is highly loaded with fine sediment, and in the St-Egrve reservoir this
sediment is deposited. The St-Egrve reservoir shows a sediment accumulation on the left
bank that continues to silt up (see Fig. 2). In 2010 its elevation was 204.5 m NGF on average,
i.e. one meter below the FSL. If this bar continues to silt up, bank volume will grow from
1 hm3 presently to 1.45 hm3. The remaining channel has a variable topography in its cross
sections: its minimum area in the absence of flushing can be estimated at 250 m2, i.e. a volume
of about 0.6 hm3 along 2500 meters. The channel is deepened during floods with flushing
operations, and the maximum reservoir capacity that can be reached is estimated at 3 hm3,
as shown on Figure 2.

Figure 1.

Location of the St-Egrve reservoir.

Figure 2.

St-Egrve reservoir during a flushing event and evolution of the reservoir capacity.


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Aim of the study

The COURLIS software (internally coupled to the 1D hydrodynamics model MASCARET)

was used to determine the bottom evolution kinetics during floods. COURLIS computes
the bottom evolutions in a channel section as a function of the bed shear distribution in the
cross-wise direction of the flow (Marot et al. 2005, Jodeau & Menu 2012). This numerical
code deals with cohesive and non cohesive sediment. The objective was to verify that when
starting with a high degree of siltation, the erosion at the start of flushing is sufficient to
guarantee the preservation of the 1-meter freeboard with respect to the crests of the dikes. In
this work, only the calibration and validation of the model are presented.

Available measurements

Two events were used to calibrate and validate the numerical model: flushing operations performed in May 2008 and May-June 2010. Bathymetries of the reservoir were surveyed before
and after each of these events. Turbidity meters placed upstream and downstream of the reservoir enable monitoring of the sediment concentration evolution during a flood and determination of the silt volumes which passed through between the bathymetric measurements
and the flushing operations. In addition, sediment samples were taken from the reservoir in
September 2010.
The calibration data corresponds to the May 2008 flushing operation. This flushing operation was preceded and followed by two bathymetric measurements, one in April and one in
August 2008. The grid was based on cross-section profiles 100 meters apart derived from the
bathymetric data. These profiles were pre-processed to achieve a calculation profile every
50 meters. The chosen Strickler coefficient is taken equal to 45 m1/3 s1.
Model calibration revealed the necessity to model three distinct sediment layers, as shown
in Figure 3. The top layer represents the slightly consolidated sediment (easily remobilized),
the second layer the recently deposited sediment (few years), and the third sediment layer
the most consolidated. Sediment layers were constructed from the bathymetric data: (i) In

Figure 3.

Sedimentary layer creation: transversal view and sediment characteristic.


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2008, the previous flushing operation dated from April 2006. The layer of old sediment was
comprised between the non-erodible bottom measured in the topographic surveys prior to
the impounding of the dam and the bathymetry of July 2006; (ii) The layer of recent sediment was represented by the sediment deposited between the bathymetries of July 2006 and
April 2008; and (iii) The layer of slightly consolidated sediment was considered equal to the
estimated volume of sediment deposited between the date of the bathymetry and the flushing
episode, i.e. 150,000 tons. Assuming a dry matter concentration of 1000 g/l, this layer represents a deposit of roughly 70 cm at the bottom of the channel with respect to the April 2008
profile. Besides, the slope stability angle is considered constant and equal to 15.
The erosion shear stress parameter eff used in COURLIS is defined as:


U2 K
= h

K 2Rh 3 K p



K p2Rh 3


where = total shear stress (Pa), K = Stickler coefficient (m1/3 s1), Kp = Skin Strickler coefficient (m1/3 s1), = water density (kg/m3), g = gravity (m/s2), h = local water depth (m),
Rhhydraulic radius (m), U = mean velocity in the cross section (m/s).
Using hydraulic radius instead of local water depth is an alternative given in the software, which was adopted in this study (after calibrations tests). Therefore, the equation (1)



K p2Rh 3


The flushing parameters and the results are summarized on Figure 4. The following phases
can be observed:
During the lowering of the water level (phase 1), we observe an erosion peak due to the
slightly consolidated silt ,
The main erosion peak corresponds to the end of the phase 1, when the water level has
reached its minimum level. It is well represented by the 1D model although the maximum
peak value is slightly underestimated, The increased erosion is due to the passage of the
flood peak (phase 3). This third peak is also underestimated.
The calculated mass of eroded sediment (1.13 Mt) is in good agreement with the measured
mass (1.14 Mt). The evolution of the eroded mass over time can also be well adapted. At the
time of the flood peak on May 30 at 1 pm, over a million tons of sediment had already been
eroded. A comparison of the profiles measured during August 2008 with the computed profiles yields to satisfactory results, Figure 5.
However, the COURLIS simulation results in the channel are deeper than those measured in
bathymetry. This can be attributed to a considerable accumulation of sediment in the reservoir
during the period between the end of flushing (end of COURLIS simulation) and the bathymetry date. Indeed, the high flow episode of June 2008 lasted after the flushing, causing solid matter inflows and significant settling in the reservoir of an order of magnitude of 300,000 tons
(i.e. 1 meter of sediment deposited on average in the channel over three months).

Model validation

The model was then validated with data from the flushing operation of May-June 2010.
Two bathymetric surveys preceded and followed this flushing, in April and August 2010,
The layer construction is based on values and results of the calibration:
An old sediment layer is comprised between the non-erodible bottom and the result of the
2008 COURLIS calculation.

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Figure 4.

Simulation results of calibration, 2008 flushing operation.

Figure 5.
1000 m).

Evolution of a cross-section profile after the 2008 flushing (distance from the reservoir:

A recent sediment layer is comprised between the bottoms produced by the 2008 COURLIS calculation and the bathymetric profiles of April 2010 translated by 30 cm.
A layer of slightly consolidated material is constructed from the bathymetric profiles of
April 2010 and the same one translated by 30 cm in the channel.
The flushing parameters and the results are summarized in Figure 6.

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Figure 6.

Validation calculation results, 2010 flushing operation.

The following points should be highlighted:

During the phase of the lowering of the water level, we clearly see the erosion peak due to
the slightly consolidated sediment.
The main erosion peak, corresponding here to the passage of the flood peak during the
lowering phase, is well represented.
The flux at the end of the episode is underestimated in comparison with measurements.
The correlation between the calculated mass of eroded sediment (0.48 Mt) and the measured one (0.52 Mt) is satisfactory. The evolution of the eroded mass over time is also well
represented (the scale used on this graph during the calibration was maintained). The analysis
of cross-section profiles (not presented in this paper) yields results similar to those presented
for the calibration.

Influence of parameters: number of layers

The erosion stress, the surface erosion rate and the number of layers are the main parameters
of the erosion module and have a strong influence on the results. An illustration of the influence of the number of layers is given in Figures 7 and 8. Assuming only one single layer it is
impossible to determine correctly the evolution of the erosion for the considered floods. The
use of a single stress of 9 Pa, given acceptable results for the flood 2008, leads to an excessively low value for the 2010 flood.

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Figure 7.

Single constant layer modelcalibration result.

Figure 8.

Single constant layer modelvalidation results.


Additional, 2D and 3D numerical computations were also performed using (i) the 2D hydrodynamic module TELEMAC-2D, internally coupled to the two-dimensional sediment transport module SISYPHE, and (ii) the 3D hydrodynamics module TELEMAC-3D, internally
coupled to SISYPHE.

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Our objective was to compare the different modules of the TELEMAC-MASCARET

System in this simple elongated geometrical configuration which is perfectly adapted for 1D
simulation, even if the 2D and 3D simulations would give more insight in the detailed structure.
This section gives the first simulation results. This is an ongoing work still in progress.
The erosion shear stress parameter eff used in SISYPHE is defined as:


. d = g 2 1
K h3



where U = depth-averaged velocity (m/s), Cd et Cd are both quadratic friction coefficients

related to total friction and skin friction, respectively.
Both 2D and 3D hydrodynamic models use the same value of the Strickler friction coefficient (65 m1/3 s1). Both 2D and 3D models are therefore equivalent and give similar results
regarding the main hydrodynamics parameter for sediment transport applications (the bed
shear stress). The only difference comes from the directions: in 2D, the bed shear stress is
supposed to be aligned with the mean flow direction, whereas in 3D, the bed shear stress is
aligned with the near bed flow.

Multi-layer model development

As in COURLIS, bed layers have been defined on the basis of historical bathymetries in
SISYPHE, except the unreadable bottom (fixed as a constant level). SISYPHE model parameters are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1.

Sedimentary layer setup.

Sediment layers


Critical erosion
shear stress (Pa)

Erosion parameter

(a) Slightly consolidated

(b) Recent
(c) Old




Figure 9.

Cumulated erosion and total flux for the different models (2008 flushing).


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Comparison of model results

The comparison between all model results and the data for the net eroded sediment fluxes
are given in Figure 9 and 10. For the 2008 flushing event, all models give globally similar
results and successfully reproduce the two first peaks (1, 2), but underestimate the third one
corresponding to the flood peak.
The cumulated erosion is less well represented with SISYPHE. Theres still an ongoing
work to improve these results on the basis of:
a better definition of unerodable bottom,
an improvement of the calibration parameters
The use of a model of the reservoir that includes the confluence area.
Another improvement of SISYPHE could concern the definition of the bed shear
stress law. As perceptible in Figure 11, SISYPHE over-deepens the bottom in the
center of the channel. The same behaviour was obtained by COURLIS by using the
equation (1). The choice of the equation (2) in the software improves results as shown on
the Figure 5.

Figure 10.

Cumulated erosion and total flux for the different models (2010 flushing).

Figure 11.
1000 m).

Evolution of a cross-section profile after the 2008 flushing (dist. from the reservoir:


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Three hydrodynamic and sediment transport models of the Telemac-Mascaret System,

namely COURLIS/MASCARET (1D) and SISYPHE coupled to TELEMAC-2D and -3D,
have been applied to simulate the effect of a flushing event.
The computational domain presented an elongated, unidirectional geometrical configuration, which is particularly well adapted for a 1D application and, therefore, allowed a fair
comparison with the 2D and 3D models. We emphasize that the choice of the spatial dimension to which apply the different models depends mainly on the scale of the problem (time
and space) and the degree of detail of application.
Currently the cumulated erosion is best fitted by COURLIS. Theres still an ongoing work
to improve SISYPHE results on the basis of:
a better definition of unerodedable bottom,
an improvement of the calibration parameters,
The use of a model of the reservoir that includes the confluence area.
Another improvement of SISYPHE could concern the definition of the bed shear stress
law. As perceptible in Figure 11, SISYPHE over-deepens the bottom in the center of the
channel. The same behaviour was obtained by COURLIS by using the equation (1). The
choice of the equation (2) in the software improves results as shown on the Figure 5.
Future work will include the implementation, verification and validation of the fully 3D
cohesive sediment transport processes within TELEMAC-3D.
For more complex configurations than the one presented here, 1D models can be used to
simulate the entire reach, providing then the boundary conditions for more detailed 2D or
3D analysis in important subreaches.

Bouchard, J.P. & Bertier, C. 2008. Morphological change in reservoirs in relation to hydraulic
Brandt, S. 2000. Classification of geomorphological effects downstream of dams. Catena 40, 375401.
Jodeau, M. & Menu, S. 2012. Sediment transport modeling of reservoir drawdown, example of Tolla
Mahmood, K. 1987. Reservoir sedimentation: impact, extent, and mitigation.
Marot, D., Bouchard J.P. & Alexis A. 2005. Reservoir bank deformation modeling: application to Grangent reservoir. journal of hydraulic engineering 131 (7), 586595.
Morris, G.L. & Fan, J. 1997. Reservoir sedimentation handbook. McGraw-Hill.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Sequential flushing of Verbois and Chancy-Pougny reservoirs

(Geneva, Switzerland)
E.F.R. Bollaert
AquaVision Engineering Srl, Ecublens, Switzerland

S. Diouf & J.-L. Zanasco

Services Industriels de Genve, Geneva, Switzerland

J. Barras
Socit des Forces Motrices de Chancy-Pougny, Chancy, Switzerland

ABSTRACT: Full drawdown flushing has taken place at the Verbois and Chancy-Pougny
reservoirs, just downstream of the City and Lake of Geneva, in June 2012. About 700,000 m3
of suspended sediments are transported annually by the Arve River. More than 50% of
this material deposits in the Verbois reservoir, the remaining being transported towards
The 2012 flushing event has evacuated about 2.7 millions of m3 of sediments. Previous
flushing dated from 2003, resulting in an exceptionally high volume of sediments being
displaced. The 2012 operation revealed to be delicate because of its potential influence on the
water level of Lake of Geneva (reduced outflows) and because of its potential environmental
impact on the Rhne River downstream.
The paper describes the exceptional sequence of unattended events that occurred, as well
as resulting implications for both up-and downstream areas. Bathymetric surveys taken after
the event revealed that more than 200,000 m3 of sediments had deposited in the ChancyPougny reservoir, increasing the maximum water levels during floods and compromising
safety. Detailed 2D numerical modeling of hydraulics and morphology allowed to determine
that the major part of these sediments could be displaced towards downstream by applying
partial drawdown flushing events of the Chancy-Pougny reservoir. In June 2013, a partial
drawdown flushing has taken place during 36 hours.
The paper compares the observed and numerically predicted morphological changes of the
Chancy-Pougny reservoir during partial drawdown and points out the excellent predictions
that were obtained by the numerical model. It also points out the current investigations to
modify the full drawdown flushings at Verbois reservoir into partial drawdown events, in
order to reduce environmental impact downstream.


Full drawdown flushing has taken place at the Verbois and Chancy-Pougny reservoirs, situated just downstream of the City and the Lake of Geneva, in June 2012 (see Fig. 1). About
700,000 m3 of suspended sediments are transported annually by the Arve River, which has a
total catchment area of 2,000 km2, including the Mont-Blanc glacier area. More than 50% of
this material deposits in the Verbois reservoir, the remaining being transported by the Rhne
River, through the Chancy-Pougny reservoir, towards downstream. The Verbois dam is about
34 m high and 340 m long, containing 4 large overflow gates and 4 bottom gates along the left
bank, and a powerhouse with 4 Kaplan turbines situated along the right bank.
The 2012 flushing event has allowed displacing about 2.7 millions of m3 of sediments
towards downstream. Exceptionally, the event has taken place during 6 days in order to allow

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Figure 1.

Catchment area of Arve River and localization of Verbois and Chancy-Pougny reservoirs.

replacement of the trash-racks of the water intakes of the power house. Also, previous flushing dated already from 2003, while normally only a 3-year interval is being applied, resulting
in an exceptionally high volume of sediments being displaced. For these reasons, the 2012
operation revealed to be particularly delicate because of its potential influence on the water
level of Lake of Geneva (reduced outflows during 6 days) and because of its potential environmental impact.



Flushing characteristics

The flushing characteristics are illustrated at Figure 2 and the sediments are visualized at
Figure 3. During a first stage, the normal reservoir level is being drawdown from 369 m a.s.l.
down to 354.7 m a.s.l. during 60 hours. This drawdown is being performed at different speeds,
for outflows between 200 and 400 m3/s, to control the max. suspended sediment concentration of the water leaving the reservoir. Concentrations of 3035 g/l were expected, based on
Next, the reservoir level is being held low at 354.7 m a.s.l. to perform flushing of sediments
and to allow a replacement of the trashracks of the water intakes towards the turbines. The
former needs high outflows of about 500600 m3/s during 2 days, while the latter had never
been done before and was expected to last about 6 days in total, for a low discharge of about
200 m3/s. The total drawdown duration has thus been largely extended compared to a normal
flushing event. Finally, a quite rapid and constant filling up of the reservoir is planned.

Unattended events during flushing

The flushing event started on June 9th 2012 at midnight, referred to as 0 h in Figure 4. Figure 4
also illustrates the most important unattended events as described in detail hereafter.

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Figure 2.

Estimated 2012 flushing characteristics of the Verbois reservoir.

Figure 3.

Photo of Verbois reservoir during complete drawdown (looking towards upstream).

2.2.1 Heavy rainfall and discharges in France

About 24h after start of flushing, heavy rainfall on both the Arve and Rhne catchment areas
in France resulted in discharges of the downstream Rhne River that were much higher than
predicted. As such, during the first few days of the flushing event (up to 100h at Fig. 4), and
to satisfy French requirements, the outflow at Verbois has been voluntary reduced, in order
to limit as much as possible the total Rhne discharge along its French course down to Lyon.
While the expected sediment concentrations were not significantly affected by the outflow
reduction, the total volume of sediment evacuated from the reservoir was much smaller than
expected. Hence, to compensate this lack of flushing efficiency, outflows of up to 500 m3/s
have been maintained as much as possible during the next 2 days (i.e. 120h168h in Fig. 4).
2.2.2 Flow instabilities at the bottom outlets
The bottom gates were expected to maintain the reservoir level at 354.7 m a.s.l. This value
was the lowest possible value that still avoids inundation of the workers area where the intake

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Figure 4.

MEASURED 2012 flushing characteristics of the Verbois reservoir (Diouf, 2012).

trashracks were being replaced, but still high enough such to minimize peak suspended
concentration towards downstream (environmental concerns).
Nevertheless, severe flow instabilities at the bottom gates asked for a lower water level to
avoid inundation of the workers area. For most of the flushing, a value of about 353 m a.s.l.
has been adopted, which resulted in an increase of the flushed sediment volume.
2.2.3 Landslide of mud into the turbine intakes
After about 48h of flushing, due to the lowering of the reservoir level, a landslide occurred
next to the turbine intakes. This event resulted in 5,900 m3 of mud covering both the
workers area and the 4 turbine intakes. The mud was found all inside the intakes. A total
of 7 machines worked during 72 h non-stop to clean the area and allow to continue the
trashrack replacement. The event retarded the flushing event by about 48 h.
2.2.4 Critical rise of Lake of Geneva water level
At the same time, the period of heavy rainfall resulted in a significant rise of the water level
of Lake of Geneva, due to very high inflows from Wallis. Figure 5 illustrates the evolution of
the lake level during the flushing event at Verbois. While the normal max. lake level is defined
at 372.30 m a.s.l., a level of 372.50 m a.s.l. was accepted during the event, in accordance with
the different Cantonal Services, as the level not to exceed. Indeed, above this level, several
locations around the lake start to be inundated.
Lake level predictions made on the 13th of June indicated that a max. level above 372.65 m
a.s.l. would be reached near the end of the flushing and thus action had to be taken. Fortunately,
this action was in agreement with the necessary increase of discharge at Verbois, needed at
that time to enhance flushing efficiency (Fig. 4, 120h168h). Second, lake level predictions
on the 18th of June again revealed that the critical level would be reached near the end of the
flushing. Hence, during 48 h, the outflow at Verbois was increased from 200 to 300 m3/s.
This increase in discharge was a very delicate operation, because the total volume of evacuated sediments was already reached and the Chancy-Pougny reservoir just downstream was
already filled up at that time. In other words, outflow of sediments had to be absolutely minimized to avoid deposition of sediments in the Chancy-Pougny reservoir.

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Figure 5.

Water level fluctuations of Lake of Geneva during flushing event (Diouf, 2012).

Figure 6.

Sediment deposits in the Chancy-Pougny reservoir following the 2012 flushing event.

2.2.5 Excessive sediment deposits in the Chancy-Pougny reservoir

Unfortunately, this was exactly what happened. About 210,000 m3 of sediments deposited in
the Epeisses Bend of the reservoir (Fig. 6). As Chancy-Pougny is a run-of-river reservoir, this
resulted in a significant increase of the reservoir levels for a given discharge and thus the risk
of inundations in upstream areas during high flood events.

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Sediment deposits

The sediments deposits are illustrated in Figure 6 (AVE, 2013). They are concentrated at the
Epeisses Bend and just downstream of it. This corresponds to the area of the reservoir where
the presence of the dam starts to influence natural flow velocities. A total volume of 210,000 m3
of sediments has been observed based on detailed bathymetric surveys. The diameter of the
deposited material is situated between 0.21.0 mm, corresponding to fine to mean sand.

Reservoir Level-discharge relationships

Figure 7 presents the influence of these sediment deposits on the backwater curves of the
reservoir. The normal Reservoir Level-discharge (RL-Q) relationship, maintained at the Nant
des Charmilles area situated just upstream of the Epeisses Bend, is shifted upwards by about
0.61.3 m depending on the discharge. For a critical level of 347.95 m a.s.l. at which inundations
start, this corresponds to a decrease in flood return period of 100 years to only 5 years, which
is clearly unacceptable. As the Epeisses Bend constitutes a flow control zone for upstream,
further lowering of the water level at the dam itself is of no use to solve the problem.

Numerical optimization of potential countermeasures

As such, different countermeasures have been numerically tested and optimized:

1. Dredging of sediments in the most critical areas of the Epeisses Bend
2. Flushing of Chancy-Pougny reservoir by partial drawdown during future flood events
As shown in Figure 8, dredging of a volume of 100,000 m3 of sediments in the most critical
areas solves half of the problem but does not allow getting back to normal reservoir operational levels. Given the relatively high costs of dredging, this did not seem to be a plausible

Figure 7.

Reservoir Level-discharge (RL-Q) relationships of the Chancy-Pougny reservoir.


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Figure 8. Computed Reservoir Level-discharge (RL-Q) relationships of the Chancy-Pougny reservoir

in case of dredging or partial drawdowns during future flood events (AVE, 2013).

Figure 9. Comparison of computed and observed bed changes in the Epeisses Bend after a first partial
drawdown of 1.5 m at the dam for an average discharge of 800 m3/s.

Second, based on 2D morphological computations, a significant part of the sediments may

be transported towards downstream during future natural or artificially generated flood events.
This phenomenon is clearly accentuated by a partial drawdown of the normal operating level
at the dam itself (Fig. 8). As such, a drawdown of about 2 m at the dam, for a flood event of
1,200 m3/s, would even allow obtaining an operating level lower than the official one.

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Hence, the latter solution has been preferred. In total, 3 partial drawdowns have been
planned, for discharges of 8001,000 m3/s and with partial drawdowns at the dam of at least
1.01.5 m. The general idea is to learn from the first drawdown operation, in order to optimize the subsequent ones, if needed.

Partial flushing of the Chancy-Pougny reservoir on 2122 June 2013

Suitable hydraulic conditions were met on 21st22nd June 2013. For an average discharge of
800 m3/s, and a drawdown of 1.5 m at the dam, about 70,000 m3 of sediments were eroded from
the Epeisses Bend and re-deposited further downstream in the reservoir. This erosion and redeposition occurred exactly as predicted by 2D numerical computations, as shown in Figure 9.
Furthermore, between the 2012 Verbois flushing and the 2013 Chancy-Pougny partial
drawdown, about 50,000 m3 of very fine sediments were already transported out of the reservoir during natural flood events. As such, a total of 120,000 m3 of sediments, i.e. about 60%
of the total volume, has been displaced by the end of 2013.
Hence, the new operating levels of the reservoir correspond to the curve valid for 100,000 m3
of dredging (Fig. 8). As such, about 2/3 of the level increase has been compensated.
Given the success of this operation and based on the numerical predictions that revealed to
be in excellent agreement with the observations, more partial drawdowns are planned in the
future to bring the operating levels completely back to their normal values.


The 2012 Verbois flushing evacuated 2.7 millions of m3 of sediments, from which more than
200,000 m3 deposited in the Chancy-Pougny reservoir, increasing the water levels during
floods and compromising safety. Detailed 2D numerical modeling of hydraulics and morphology allowed to optimize partial drawdown flushing of the Chancy-Pougny reservoir to
bring the water levels back to their normal values. Due to significant environmental concerns along the Rhne River in both France and Switzerland, plausible alternatives are being
studied for the Verbois flushing. Current investigations focus on the pertinence of partial
drawdowns combined with measures that facilitate sediment transfer during natural floods.
These are, for example, dilution of the Arve sediments by clean water from the Lake of
Geneva, or also increase of sediment transport capacity by minor lowering of the Verbois
reservoir level during floods.

AVE. 2013. Internal Report, Services Industriels de Genve, Suisse.
Diouf, S. 2012. Vidange de Verbois: Tome I: Bilan hydraulique et sdimentaire, Internal Report, Services
Industriels de Genve, Suisse.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Simulation of the flushing into the dam-reservoir Paute-Cardenillo

Luis G. Castillo & Jos M. Carrillo
Hidr@m Group, Universidad Politcnica de Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain

Manuel A. lvarez
GEAMA Group, Universidade da Corua, Corua, Spain

ABSTRACT: The study analyzes the expected changes in the Paute River in Ecuador as a
result of the construction of the Paute-Cardenillo Dam (owned by Celec Ep-Hidropaute).
This dam will integrate the National Electric System of Ecuador. Given that the project
must remain viable throughout its useful life, the operational rules at the reservoir are
required to include sedimentation effects. Sediment transport and flushing are studied by
using four complementary procedures: empirical formulae, one-dimensional simulations
(time required for sediment level to reach the height of the bottom outlets), two-dimensional
simulations (flushing) and three-dimensional simulations (detail of the sediment transport
through bottom outlet). Besides this, three-dimensional simulations have been used to considerer the effect of increasing the roughness due to the sediment transport in the bottom


The study zone is situated in the Paute River basin in Ecuador 23 km downstream from the
Amaluza Dam. The area to be analyzed is of 275 km2 of draining surface and the average
slope of the river reach is 0.05 (Fig. 1).
Paute-Cardenillo is a double curvature arch dam with a maximum height of 135 m to the
foundations. The top level is located at 926 meters. The reservoir has a length of 2.98 km,
with normal maximum water level being located at 924 meters.
Figure 2 shows the sieve curves obtained at three sites of the river and the mean curve used
in the calculations.

Figure 1.

(a) Zone of study in Paute River basin. (b) Paute river.


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Figure 2.

Sieve curves of three sites of the river and the sieve mean curve.

The total bed load (excluding wash load) was determined as 1.75 Mm3/year and the maximum volume of the reservoir 12.33 Mm3. In order to prevent the deposition of sediments
into the reservoir, periodic discharges of bottom outlet or flushing have been proposed.
These operations should be able to remove the sediments, avoiding the advance of the delta
from the tail of the reservoir. The hydraulic flushing is considered an efficient technique in
narrow reservoirs and strong slopes (Lai and Shen 1996, Janssen 1999).
Initial studies indicate that the minimum flow evacuated by the bottom outlet to achieve
an efficient flushing should be at least twice the annual mean flow (Qma = 136.3 m3/s). For the
safe side, a flow of 408.9 m3/s (3Qma) was adopted.


Sediment transport may be divided into the following: wash load (very fine material transported in suspension), and total bed transport (bed sediment transported and/or in suspension,
depending on the sediment size and flow velocity). The main properties of sediment and its
transport are: the particle size, shape, density, settling velocity, porosity and concentration.
2.1 Estimation of the manning resistance coefficient
Following the methodology applied in Castillo et al. (2000), four aspects were checked to
determine hydraulic characteristics of the flow: macro roughness, bed form resistance, hyper
concentrated flow, and bed armoring phenomenon.
Ten formulae were applied for estimation of the roughness coefficient (Castillo and Marin,
2011): Strickler, Limerinos, Jarret, Bathurst, van Rijn, Garca-Flores, Grant, Fuentes and
Aguirre-Pe, and Bathurst. These formulae are calculated by coupling iteratively the hydraulic
characteristics with the sediment transport.
A macro roughness behavior may be identified in all the flows analyzed, which also present
the armoring phenomenon. This leads to a significant increase in the various Manning coefficients. The calculation of these coefficients was carried out in a section type, through an iterative procedure by using the formulation of Fuentes and Aguirre-Pe (1991) and Aguirre-Pe
et al. (2000). Figure 3 shows the Manning coefficients for the flow rates.

Estimation of sediment transport

Fourteen formulations of sediment transport capacity were used coefficient (Castillo and
Marin, 2011): Meyer-Peter and Mller, Einstein and Brown, Einstein and Barbarrosa,
Colby, Engelund and Hansen, Yang, C.T., Parker et al., Smart and Jaeggi, Mizuyama and

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Figure 3.

Manning resistance coefficients in the main channel and floodplain.

Figure 4. Sediment transport capacity (reach mean values), sediment transport (simulation of all
reach) and net sediment transport in dam site.

Shimohigashi, van Rijn, Bathurst et al., Ackers and White, Aguirre-Pe et al., and Yang, S.
From these, the formulations that fell within a range of the mean value +/ 1standard deviation were selected. Figure 4 indicates that the transport capacity could vary between 1 and
100 t/s, if the mean values of the analyzed reach are considered. However, these values are
reduced between 0.5 and 10 t/s when the river complete reach is considered (erosion and
sedimentation processes are simulated). Finally, the net sediment transport in dam site was
only 0.2 t/s.

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The bed level change Zb can be calculated from the overall mass balance equation for bed
load sediment (Exner equation):





where p is porosity of the bed material; Qbs and Qbn are the bed load flux in the main flow
direction s and in the cross flow direction n, respectively. They are calculated from the nonequilibrium bed load equation:
( b bs ) ( b bn )
= (


where bs and bn are the cosines of the direction vector that determines the components of
the bed load transport in the s and n directions, respectively. The model considers that the
non-equilibrium effects are proportional to the difference between non-equilibrium bed load
Qb and equilibrium bed load Qe, and related to the non-equilibrium adaptation length Ls.

Reservoir sedimentation

The time required for sediment level to reach the height of the bottom outlets (elevation
827 m) operating at reservoir levels was analyzed. Simulations were carried out with the onedimensional HEC-RAS 4.1 program which employs a continuity equation of sediment.
The input flows are the annual mean flow (Qma = 136.3 m3/s) equally distributed in the first
12 km and the incorporation (2.44 km upstream from the Paute-Cardenillo Dam) of the annual
mean discharge flow of the Sopladora hydroelectric power plant (Qma_sop = 209.0 m3/s).
The suspended sediment concentration at the inlet section was 0.258 kg/m3. This value is
similar to the mean concentration at the Sopladora hydroelectric power plant. The sediment
characteristic diameter in the dam emplacement was D50 = 0.150 m. The sediment transport was
calculated by considering the Meyer-Peter and Mller (1948), and the Yang (1976), formulae.
Table 1 shows the volume of sediments in the reservoir obtained when the bottom outlet
level was reached. According to the results, the volume of sediment in the reservoir rises with
the increasing of the water level in the reservoir, and requires a longer duration to reach the
bottom outlet elevation.
The least favorable condition (the first one in which the sediment reaches the elevation
of 827 m) was obtained with the expression of Meyer-Peter and Mller and the level of the
reservoir located at 860 m, requiring a time of 3 months and 27 days.

Flushing simulation

3.2.1 Two-dimensional simulation

The flushing process was analyzed by using the Iber two-dimensional program. Iber can be
divided in three modules: hydrodynamic, turbulence and sediment transport. The program
Table 1.

Time required and volume of sediment when the bottom outlets are reached.

Meyer-Peter & Mller


time (years)

volume (hm3)

time (years)

volume (hm3)







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uses triangular or quadrilateral elements in an unstructured mesh and finite volume scheme.
The hydrodynamic module solves shallow water equations (2-D Saint-Venant equations).
Diverse turbulence models with various levels of complexity can be used. The sediment
transport module solves the transport equations by the Meyer-Peter and Mller expression
and the evolution of the bottom elevation is calculated by sediment mass balance.
According to the operational rules of the Paute-Cardenillo Dam, the evolution of the flushing is studied over a continuous period of 72 hours. The initial condition of sedimentation
profile was obtained with the HEC-RAS simulation (1.47 hm3 of sediment). The input flow
was three times the annual average flow Wan and Wang (1994) (408.9 m3/s). The suspended
sediment concentration at the inlet section was 0.258 kg/m3. The initial water level at the reservoir was 860 m. Effective flushing was observed during the operation of the bottom outlets.
Figure 5 shows the profiles of the sediment at the reservoir during the flushing operation.
After a flushing period of 72 hours, the volume of sediments removed by the bottom outlets was 1.76 hm3. This value is bigger than the initial sediment value (1.47 hm3).
3.2.2 Three-dimensional simulation
The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program FLOW-3D, which solves the NavierStokes equations discretized by finite differences, was used. It incorporates various turbulence
models, a sediment transport model and an empirical model bed erosion (Guo, 2002; Mastbergen and Von den Berg, 2003; Brethour and Burnham, 2010), together with a method for
calculating the free surface of the fluid without solving the air component (Hirt and Nichols,
1981). The bed load transport is calculated by using the Meyer-Peter & Mller (1948) and
Van Rijn (1986) expressions.
The operation of the bottom outlets, starting from the initial conditions of sedimentation
obtained with the HEC-RAS program, was analyzed. Due to the high concentration of sediments that pass through the bottom outlets, the variation of the roughness in the bottoms
has been considered. The estimation of the hyperconcentrated flow resistance coefficient on
rigid bed has been calculated by using the formulae proposed by Nalluri (1992):


= 0.8 1 0 Cv




where s = Darcy-Weisbachs resistance factor on rigid bed with sediment transport,

0 = Darcy-Weisbachs resistance factor on rigid bed with clean water, Cv = volumetric sediment concentration, Dgr = grain size non-dimensional factor.

Figure 5.

Evolution of the level of sediments during a flushing period of 72 hours.


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The bottom outlets are four rectangular ducts (5.00 6.80 m). The slope corresponding
to the stretch under study is S = 0.001. The Cv has been estimated in 0.04. According to Wan
and Wang (1994), the energy supplied by the solid phase, for a volume unit and a distance
unit downstream (in non-dimensional way) is:
= CvS = 0.00014 < 0.004


This value is really lower than the limit between the hyperconcentrated flow and mudflow
(0.004). The coefficient of cinematic viscosity of water with sediments concentration has
been estimated by using the following formulae (Graf, 1984):
= 1 + K eCv + K 2Cv2


where = the coefficient of cinematic viscosity of clean water (for T = 15C, 1.14
106 m2/s), Ke = Einstein viscosity constant (2.5), K2 = particles interaction coefficient ( 2).
Therefore, s = 1.26 106 m2/s, a value 10.5% higher than . The non-dimensional size of the
grain corresponding to D50 = 0.150 m is:

( s 1) g


1/ 3

= 3254.74


Ducts are covered by iron, so the absolute roughness = 5 105 m. With the CoolebrokWhite formula, 0 = 8.32 103 has been obtained. By using the Nalluri formula, s = 1.55 102.
This value corresponds to an absolute roughness s = 2.37 103 m. The value s has been used
in the three-dimensional simulations.
Due to the high-capacity equipment and long simulation times to calculate the flushing of
all the reservoir during 72 h, the results are focused in the first 10 h. The initial conditions of
sedimentation was obtained with the HEC-RAS program. The inlet boundary was situated
upstream the dam reservoir, considering that the water level is 860 m in the start condition.
Figure 6 shows the discharge flow at each bottom outlet, together with the total flow
discharged for the first 3000s of simulation, considering the roughness of the bottom outlets according to clean water and sediments transport. Outlets worked in a pressured and
unsteady regime at the initial emptying of the reservoir, reaching a discharge near 2700 m3/s.
After the steady regime was reached (around 1000 s of simulation), there was a free surface
flow and the discharged flow was the expected (408.90 m3/s during the flushing operation).
With the smooth roughness, the bottom outlets are block due to the high sediment transport
(approximately 200 s after the beginning), although later it is swept without problems.

Figure 6. Liquid flows considering smooth and high roughness during the flushing operation simulated with three-dimensional program.


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Figure 7 shows the solid flow at each bottom outlet, together with the total solid flow
discharged for the first 3000 s of simulation. The roughness of the bottom outlets has been
considered with clean water and sediments transport. With the smooth roughness, the peak
of sediment transport (430,000 kg/s) is bigger than with the high roughness (310,000 kg/s).
The peaks appear during the first steps of the flushing due to the emptying of the reservoir.
Later, simulations seem to reach a constant rate of sediments removed, which is higher in the
case of ducts with smooth roughness.
Figure 8 shows the volume of sediment removed and the transient sediment transport during the first ten hours of operation. Like in the two-dimensional simulation, there is significant sediment transport at the beginning of the simulation. There is a maximum of 160 m3/s
of sediments near the first hour with the smooth roughness, while it is reduced to 120 m3/s
for the high roughness. Later, the sediment transport rate in both cases tends to decrease
until near 6 m3/s which is similar to the two-dimensional result. The total volume of sediment
calculated by FLOW-3D is much higher than with Iber program due to the simulations of the
flushing phenomenon are very different in the first three hours.
The two-dimensional simulations considered that all the sediments (1.47 hm3) may be
removed in 60 hours. Considering that the rate of sediments is going to continue during the
rest of the flushing operation, the three-dimensional simulations with the high roughness
would require near 45 hours to remove all the sediments. Hence, the Iber simulations are from
the safety side. They require longer times to remove the same volume of sediment than the
three-dimensional simulations (theoretically more accurate).

Figure 7. Solid flows considering smooth and high roughness during the flushing operation simulated
with three-dimensional program.

Figure 8. Comparison of the flushing operation simulated with two-dimensional and threedimensional simulations.


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In this paper, the complex phenomenon of flushing has been analyzed by using four interrelated methodologies: empirical formulations, one-dimensional simulations, two-dimensional
simulations and three-dimensional simulations. Empirical simulations constitute an upper
envelope of the sediment transport capacity. This procedure allowed an estimate of the coefficients of resistance or Manning roughness applied in the numerical simulations.
Due to the time period (one year) required to analyzing the sedimentation process in the
reservoir, and the length of the reach (23.128 km), simulations were carried out with a onedimensional program (two and three-dimensional programs need high-capacity equipment
and long simulation times). Flushing operation was simulated with two-dimensional (Iber)
and three-dimensional (FLOW-3D) programs. For 72 hours of flushing simulation, the Iber
program required near 24 hours (Intel Core i7 CPU, 3.40 GHz processor, 16 GB RAM and
8 cores). The FLOW-3D program, by using the same equipment, would require more than
2400 h (100 days). Hence, the three-dimensional simulations were only used to analyze the
behavior of the flow in the first 10 h of the flushing (343 h of real time each simulation).
The increase of the roughness in the ducts drives to a reduction of the amount of sediment
removed in the reservoir.
The results demonstrated the suitability of crossing different methodologies to achieve an
adequate resolution of complex phenomena such as flushing operations.
The authors are grateful to CELEC EPHidropaute and the Consorcio POYRY-Caminosca
Asociados for the data provided.
Aguirre-Pe, J., Olivero, M.I. and Moncada, A.T. 2000. Transporte de sedimentos en cauces de alta montaa. Revista Ingeniera del Agua, 7(4), 353365 (in Spanish).
Brethour, J. & Burnham, J. 2010. Modeling Sediment Erosion and Deposition with the FLOW-3D Sedimentation & Scour Model. Flow Science Technical Note. FSI-10-TN85: 122.
Castillo, L. & Marn, M.D. 2011. Characterization of Ephemeral Rivers. 34th IAHR World Congress.
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Castillo, L., Santos, F., Ojeda, J., Caldern, P., and Medina, J.M. 2000. Importancia del muestreo y
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Graf, W.H. 1984. Hydraulics of Sediment transport. Water Resources Publications, LLC. Colorado, USA.
Guo, J. 2002. Hunter Rouse and Shields diagram, 1th IAHR-APD Congress, Singapore 2: 10691098.
Hirt, C.W. & Nichols, B.D. 1981. Volume of Fluid (VOF) Method for the Dynamics of Free Boundaries.
Journal of Computational Physics 39(201).
Janssen, R. 1999. An Experimental Investigation of Flushing Channel Formation during Reservoir Drawdown. Dissertation presented to the University of California at Berkeley, in partial fulfillment for the
requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Lai, J.S. & Shen, H.W. 1996. Flushing sediment through reservoirs. J. Hydraulic Research 24(2).
Mastbergen, D.R. & Von den Berg J.H. 2003. Breaching in fine sands and the generation of sustained
turbidity currents in submarine canyons. Sedimentology 50: 625637.
Meyer-Peter, E. & Mller, R. 1948. Formulations of the Bed-load Transport. Proc. of the II IAHR,
Stockholm: 3964.
Nalluri Chandra 1992. Extended data on sediment transport in rigid bed rectangular channels. Journal
of Hydraulic Research 30(6): 851856.
Van Rijn, L.C. 1986. Manual sediment transport measurements in rivers, estuaries and coastal seas.
Rijkswaterstaat and Aqua publications.
Yang, C.T. 1996. Sediment Transport: Theory and Practice. McGraw-Hill International Ed., NY, USA.
Wan, Z. & Wang, Z. 1994. Hyperconcentrated Flow. IAHR Monograph Series. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Comprehensive numerical simulations of sediment transport

and flushing of a Peruvian reservoir
A. Amini & P. Heller Ltd., Switzerland

G. De Cesare & A.J. Schleiss

Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

ABSTRACT: Numerical modeling of sediment transport in reservoirs, especially for sudden events such as flushing, is still a challenging research topic. In the present study, sediment transport and sediment flushing are simulated for a Peruvian reservoir. Situated in
the Peruvian Andes, the watershed is affected by high erosion rates and the river carries
high amounts of suspended sediment whose estimated annual volume is about 5 Million m3.
This study aims to investigate the reservoir sedimentation using different numerical models. A one-dimensional (1D) sediment transport model, a horizontal two-dimensional (2D)
hydraulic model and a vertical 2D model are used for this purpose. Annual sedimentation, full drawdown flushing, and sediment concentration in power intakes are particularly


The present study aims to investigate the reservoir sedimentation aspects by means of numerical simulations. The main purpose is to provide a state of knowledge that can be used later for
reservoir sedimentation management. Atkins (1996) developed a technical model for flushing
which quantifies aspects of reservoirs that are likely to be successful in flushing at complete
drawdown. However, numerical simulations have been used to assess reservoir sedimentation
for the last two decades.
Olsen (1999) reproduced the main features of the erosion pattern using a two-dimensional
numerical model simulating flushing of sediments from water reservoirs that solves the
depth-averaged Navier-Stokes equations on a two-dimensional grid. A 2D horizontal model
was used by Bessenasse et al. (2003) for a reservoir in Algeria in which sediment was modeled by concentration thanks to advection-diffusion modelling. Harb et al. (2012) presented
the application of TELEMAC-2D numerical model for an Alpine reservoir in Austria.
Leite et al. (2005) and Mller et al. (2011) applied a three-dimensional numerical model
(FLOW-3D) to study pressurized sediment flushing and respectively sediment management
in reservoirs.


The studied dam is situated in the Peruvian Andes, where the watershed of the project is
located in the eastern side of the Andes. Therefore, the flowing water released after several
hundreds of kilometers in the Amazonian area is affected by high erosion rates and carries
high amounts of suspended sediment.
The hydrology and sedimentology of the catchment need to be fully understood in the
planning of flushing facilities for new or existing reservoirs and to provide the background

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for analyses of past sedimentation and flushing performance. As such, a brief list of the most
important parameters is presented hereafter.

Catchment data

The watershed area of the reservoir is 28096 km2. The reservoir length is 10.2 km with an
average river slope of 0.7% at the dam site. A brief list of the most important catchment data
is presented in Table 1.
Based on the catchment data and reservoir capacity presented in Table 1 and according to
the World Bank experience (Palimieri et al., 2003) for the studied reservoir, where the storage
capacity is about 0.5% of the mean annual river run-off, the most adapted remedial measure
for this project is regular full drawdown flushing. White (2001) also mentioned that flushing
is vital for the preservation of long-term storage where the sediment deposition potential is
greater that 12% annually of the original capacity, which is the case in the present study.

Hydrological and sediment data

Daily flow data are available over 46 years with important gaps. The annual mean daily flow
is 270 m3/s. The mean daily flow over one year is shown in Figure 1.
In addition, the concentration of suspended load is defined as a function of discharge for
each month of the year. The relationship (Qs = a eb Qw) gives the suspended load concentration, Qs, as a function of water discharge, Qw, where a and b parameters for each month are
given. The sediment data for both bed load and suspended load is presented in Table 2.
Table 1.

Watershed data.

Reservoir capacity [million m3]

Annual flow [million m3]
Total annual sediment yield [million m3]
Annual bed load yield [million m3]
Annual suspended load yield [million m3]

Figure 1.


Mean daily flow.

Table 2.

Sediment data.


Bed load

Suspended load

D50 [mm]
D90 [mm]




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Table 3.

Geometric data of the dam.

Dam bed level elevation [m asl]

Bottom outlet sill level [m asl]
Power intake sill level [m asl]
Normal water elevation [m asl]
Dam crest elevation [m asl]
Bottom outlet number [m asl]
Bottom outlet dimensions [m]


Height 6.0; width 4.6

Dam geometry data

For effective full drawdown flushing, the bottom outlets must be low enough and of sufficient capacity to allow a natural flow through the dam. Some geometrical properties of the
dam are summarized in Table 3.


To understand and evaluate the reservoir sediment management, several numerical models
have been used. A one dimensional model (HEC-RAS) is firstly used to define the bed load
and suspended load transport over long time periods up to 5 years. In a second step, a two
dimensional horizontal hydraulic model (BASEMENT, with averaged values over the depth)
is applied for short term simulations of flushing events. By calculating the hydraulic capacity
of the bottom outlets, the bed-level shear stress and consequently flushing efficiency is computed. The horizontal 2D model also helps to assure the lateral flow homogeneity and justify
the use of a two dimensional vertical model. Finally, the vertical two-dimensional model (CEQUAL-W2) provides the suspended sediment concentration evolution in the reservoir and
brings up the suspended sediment concentration in water intakes for the power plant.


The well-known HEC-RAS model is used to perform a mobile bed sediment transport analysis
in the entire reservoir for different long term scenarios. Current sediment capabilities in HECRAS are based on a quasi unsteady hydraulic model. The quasi-unsteady approach approximates a flow hydrograph by a series of steady flow profiles associated with corresponding flow
durations. The sediment transport equations are then solved for each time step.

Geometry and parameters of the model

The model is built with sections at a distance of 10 m over the 10.2 km length of the reservoir.
The Manning roughness coefficient, n, is equal to 0.05 s/m1/3.
In HEC-RAS model, a transport function model needs to be selected by the user. Sediment
transport results are strongly dependent on which transport function is selected. Usually
when measurements are available, the proper function can be choosen in the model calibration step. In the present study, several functions are tested. Considering the range of assumptions, hydraulic conditions, and grain sizes, the Toffaleti (Tofaletti, 1968) function is selected.
Tofaletti appears to be the most addapted function for modeling suspended load and for the
range of grading.

Boundary conditions and transport function

To define the bed load transport capacity as a function of water discharge, different relationships such as modified Meyer-Peter & Mller (MPM) (Meyer-Peter & Mller, 1948),

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modified MPM (Wong & Parker, 2005) and Smart-Jggi (1983) are compared. For this
purpose a representative section of the river upstream of the reservoir is selected and the
solid transport capacity is calculated over a year with a daily time step. The water flow is
the mean daily flow. The total bed load sediment volume in one year is then calculated and
compared with the 1.7 Mm3 of expected bed load. The modified MPM method by Parker
gives a total annual bed load of 1.69 Mm3 and is therefore chosen. In addition, the MPM
method is the most well suited for the range of slopes in the Mantaro River and the sediment grading.


The HEC-RAS model is firstly used to model sediment transport over a mean year. For this
purpose the model is run two times, once for the bed load and once for the suspended load.
The upstream flow boundary conditions is the flow series with daily values. At downstream,
a fixed water elevation equal to the normal water elevation of the dam is considered. The
upstream sediment boundary condition is specified as sediment load series for the uppermost
As it can be expected, the bed load forms a delta at the entrance of the reservoir. Due to
the grain size and the low velocities in the reservoir, the delta cannot move forward downstream and the material accumulates at the upstream limit of the model. However, the suspended material remains on suspension while entering the reservoir and settles down in the
its middle.
The simulations start on October 1st and end on September 30th of the next year. As it can
be seen in Figure 2 the deposition starts on January and continues over the wet season until
end of April. From April to September, during the dry season, the sediment yield is negligible
and there is no more deposition in the upper part of the reservoir. However, minor erosions
can occur on the upper part of the deposited delta and produce a small amount of material
moving downstream.
To better illustrate the same results, a plan view of deposition zones is shown in Figure 3.
No sedimentation happens for the first 2300 m of reservoir upstream. Then the deposited
layer height increase to 8.9 meters at a distance of about 6000 m from the dam. The deposition thickness reduces then to 2 m behind the dam.

Figure 2.

Suspended load deposition during one year (reservoir normal water elevation 1556 m asl).


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Figure 3.

Suspended load deposition zones after one year.

Figure 4.

Suspended load deposition during five years (reservoir normal water elevation 1556 m asl).

For the long term deposition, a simulation is carried out over five years. The results are
plotted in Figure 4. It is shown that the deposited delta moves on downstream by 2 km
each year. A removal measure then seems crucial as the reservoir loses more than half
of its capacity in only five years. Figure 5 shows the bed level evolution during 5 years
just behind the dam (5 m upstream). As it is shown, during wet seasons high amounts of
sediments are deposited behind the dam, whereas for dry seasons there is no deposition.

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Figure 5.

Suspended load deposition behind the dam during 5 years.

The annual sediment deposition at this section is increased each year comparing to the
previous one as the delta approaches the dam. The deposition height at fifth year (about
4 meters) is approximately two times more important than that of the first year (about
2 meters).


The entire reservoir is modeled using the 2D BASEMENT model. BASEMENT is wellknown for flow and sediment transport modeling. It is developed by the VAW (Laboratory
of hydraulics, hydrology and glaciology) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Zurich. The velocity magnitude distribution over the reservoir and the bed-level shear stress
obtained from the model also help to predict deposition zones of transported sediments.
The model can be used to evaluate the effect of different hydraulic parameters, such as initial
water elevation in the reservoir, or inlet/outlet boundary conditions. Due to long calculation
times, it was not used for sediment transport simulations, only clear water simulations are
performed instead.
Flushing during annual flood is modeled for different reservoir water surface elevations.
The initial reservoir bathymetry is imported from the HEC-RAS model after one year of
suspended load deposition (Fig. 2). Sediment transport is not simulated. Only the shear
stresses are analyzed during the drawdown. The initial water surface elevation is set to
three different levels, 1556, 1526 and 1500 m asl. These elevations are held at these levels throughout the flushing period. The upstream boundary condition is defined as water
inflow hydrograph with a peak of 1400 m3/s which is equal to a flood discharge of 1 year
return period.
Figure 6 illustrates the shear stresses at the reservoir bottom for different water surface elevations. For the normal water elevation (1556 m asl) the shear stress at the reservoir bottom is
less than 25 N/m2 except in the first 3 km. The flow therefore, cannot mobilize the deposited
sediments. For water surface elevation of 1526 m asl high shear stresses are obtained for the
upstream 7 km of reservoir and more deposited sediment can be mobilized during flushing.
Drawing the water surface elevation down to 1500 m asl exposes the whole reservoir bed to

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Figure 6. Bed-level shear stress [N/m2] model during an annual flushing for three different water

high shear stresses (about 180 N/m2). The critical shear stress for the suspended load and
bead load grains with D50 is 1 and 70 N/m2 respectively. As such, the deposited sediment in
the whole reservoir can be mobilized and washed out.


In order to assess the general distribution of suspended sediment concentrations especially

in a main power intake and a small hydropower intake, CE-QUAL-W2 program is used.
CE-QUAL-W2 is a two-dimensional, laterally averaged, longitudinal/vertical, hydrodynamic
and water quality model. Since the program assumes lateral homogeneity, it is best suited
for relatively long and narrow water bodies exhibiting longitudinal and vertical water quality gradients. The model has been applied to rivers, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, as well as a
combination of water bodies (Motamedi, 2012). The model predicts water surface elevation, velocities and temperature being also able to solve transport equations for sediments
and inorganic suspended solids. Any combination of constituents can be included in the
simulation. To model the suspended load deposition in the reservoir, a settling velocity for
the grains is needed. The falling velocity is calculated using the relationships presented by
Jimenez & Madsen (2003).
Different long and short term scenarios are modeled to assure a better understanding
of suspended material distribution evolution in the reservoir. To get more plausible results,
several simulations are performed using a range of grain diameters between 0.01 to 0.05 mm.
The total annual sediment volumes passing the main power intakes for suspended load with
different diameters are listed in Table 4. The results for concentrations at the main power
intake are shown in Figure 7.
The concentrations at the small power intake are slightly lower than those of the main
power intake. The results also show that for grains with a nominal diameter more than
0.05 mm the suspended material concentration in the intakes becomes zero. This latter can
be explained by very high rate of settling at the upstream part of the reservoir, which causes
material deposition at the entrance. As a matter of fact, the suspended material cannot reach
the power intakes.

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Table 4. Total annual sediment volume passing and the

maximum concentration (Cmax) at the main power intake
and suspended load with different diameters.

Figure 7.

D50 [mm]

Sediment volume [Mm3]

Cmax [g/m3]




Concentration at power intake for different grain diameters.


Sediment transport modeling is notoriously difficult. The data used to predict bed changes is
fundamentally uncertain and the theory employed is empirical and highly sensitive to a wide
range of physical variables. However, with good data, long term trends for planning decisions
can be modeled.
When the river reaches the reservoir, due to the increase in water depth in the latter, the
flow velocities, turbulences and bed shear stresses are reduced. The bed load part is therefore
settled down and forms a delta. The suspended load, however, can be carried by water over a
longer distance than the bed load, and the delta that it forms can approach the dam.
The total flushing efficiency of a reservoir is principally guaranteed if a free surface flow
can be established during the flushing process.
An important volume of the suspended load is evacuated through the power intakes and
then the turbines and does not accumulate in the reservoir. This volume is significantly influenced by the size of the suspended material. For an average size of 0.03 mm, the volume
passing through the turbines is estimated to 320000 m3 annually, which represents 10% of
total incoming suspended sediment volume.

Atkinson, E. 1996. The feasibility of flushing sediment from reservoirs. Report OD137, HR Wallingford, Wallingford, UK.


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BASEMENT reference and user manuals,

Bessenasse M., Kettab A., Paquier A., Ramez P. & Galea G. 2003. Simulation numerique de la sdimentation dans les retenues de barrages. Cas de retenue de Zardezas, Algria, Revue des Sciences de
leau. 16: 103122.
CE-QUAL-W2 user manual,
Harb, G., Dorfmann, C., Schneider, J., Haun, S. & Badura, H. 2012. Numerical analysis of sediment
transport processes in a reservoir, River Flow conference: 859865.
HEC-RAS reference and users manuals,
Jimenez J.A. & Madsen O.S. 2003. A simple formula to estimate settling velocity of natural sediments
Journal of waterway, port, coastal and ocean engineering: 7078.
Leite Ribeiro M., De Cesare G., Schleiss A.J. & Kirchen G.F. 2005. Sedimentation management in the
Livigno reservoir, International Journal on Hydropower & Dams. 12(6): 8488.
Meyer-Peter, E; Mller, R. 1948. Formulas for bed-load transport. Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of
the International Association for Hydraulic Structures Research. 3964.
Mller G., Boes R.M., Theiner D., Fankhauser A., Daneshvari M., De Cesare G. & Schleiss A.J. 2011.
Hybrid modeling of sediment management during drawdown of Rterichsboden reservoir, 79th
Annual Meeting of ICOLDSwiss Committee on Dams.
Morris, Gregory L. and Fan, Jiahua. 1998. Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book
Co.: New York.
Motamedi, K. 2012. Sediment flushing study for Puhulpola Dam. Mahab Ghodss report.
Olsen, N.R.B. 1999. Two-dimensional numerical modelling of flushing processes in water reservoirs,
Journal of Hydraulic research. 37(1): 316.
Palmieri, A., Shah, F., Annandale, G.W. & Dinar, A. 2003. RESCON, Reservoir Conservation.
Volume I.
Shen H.W. 1999. Flushing sediment through reservoirs. Journal of hydraulic research International
Association for Hydraulic Research. 37(6): 743757.
Smart, G.M., Jggi, M.N.R. 1983. Sediment-transport in steilen Gerinnen. Mitteilungen der Versuchsanstalt fr Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie der ETH Zrich. 64.
Toffaleti, F.B., 1968. Technical Report No. 5A Procedure for Computation of Total River Sand Discharge and Detailed Distribution, Bed to Surface. Committee on Channel Stabilization, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers.
White, R. 2001. Evacuation of sediments from reservoirs. Thomas Telford: London.
Wong, M. & Parker, G. 2006. Reanalysis and Correction of Bed-Load Relation of Meyer-Peter and
Mller using Their Own Database. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, (132)11: 11591168.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Sediment bypass tunnels to mitigate reservoir sedimentation

and restore sediment continuity
R.M. Boes, C. Auel, M. Hagmann & I. Albayrak
Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW), ETH Zurich, Switzerland

ABSTRACT: Worldwide, a large number of reservoirs impounded by dams are rapidly

filling up with sediments. As on a global level the loss of reservoir volume due to sedimentation increases faster than the creation of new storage volume, the sustainability of reservoirs
may be questioned if no countermeasures are taken. This paper gives an overview of the
amount and the processes of reservoir sedimentation and its impact on dams and reservoirs.
Furthermore, sediment bypass tunnels as a countermeasure for small to medium sized reservoirs are discussed with their pros and cons. The issue of hydroabrasion is highlighted, and
the main design features to be applied for sediment bypass tunnels are given.


By impounding natural watercourses, dams alter the flow regime from flowing water to a body
of standing water, which favors reservoir sedimentation. Without adequate countermeasures
ongoing sedimentation may lead to various problems such as (1) a decrease of the active
volume leading to a loss of energy production or of water available for water supply and
irrigation; (2) a decrease of the retention volume in case of flood events; (3) endangerment
of operating safety due to blockage of the outlet structures; and (4) increased abrasion of
steel hydraulics works and mechanical equipment due to increasing specific suspended load
concentrations. Besides these operational problems a lack of sediments in the downstream
river stretch may result in river bed incision. Particularly, with more severe legislation such as
the revised Swiss water protection law that has come into force in 2011, the exigencies regarding ecology have increased. One of the goals is to restore the longitudinal continuity of sediments wherever possible at reasonable expense. For many smaller reservoirs, particularly in
mountainous conditions, Sediment Bypass Tunnels (SBTs) may counter these negative effects
by connecting the upstream and downstream reaches of dams and reestablishing sediment
continuity, as proven by a number of cases worldwide, particularly in Japan and Switzerland
(Auel & Boes 2011, Fukuda et al. 2012). However, due to high flow velocities and large bed
load transport rates, hydroabrasion is a frequent phenomenon present at SBT. Due to the
fact that abrasion requires continuous maintenance and causes high annual costs, adequate
countermeasures such as using High-Performance Concrete (HPC) and/or optimization of
hydraulic conditions for invert protection should be already taken into account at the design
phase (Hagmann et al. 2012).


In analogy to natural lakes, artificial reservoirs impounded by dams fill up with sediments
over time. Depending on local site conditions such as size, topography, landform, hydrology
and geology of the catchment basin, as well as size and shape of the reservoir this process may last from a few years to several centuries. On a worldwide scale, typical sedimentation rates per country vary between a few tenths up to more than three percent (Fig. 1),

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Figure 1.

Observed sedimentation rates for various countries worldwide (after ICOLD 2009).

Figure 2. (a) Fully-silted Koorawatha reservoir in Australia (Chanson 1998), (b) aggradation depths in
Rterichsboden reservoir from 1950 to 2001 (Bhler & Anselmetti 2003).

putting the sustainability of reservoirs into question if no adequate countermeasures are

taken. The Koorawatha reservoir in Australia, for instance, has quickly experienced considerable sedimentation after commissioning in 1911, so that it lost its main purpose for railway
water supply (Fig. 2a). Although such a high rate of sedimentation hardly occurs for Central
European conditions, some alpine reservoirs also show a significant aggradation process. The
aggradation depths in the Rterichsboden reservoir in the Swiss Alps amounted to 28 m after
50 years of operation (Fig. 2b).
From a hydraulics and sedimentology point of view the deposition process of bed load or
suspended load in a reservoir is described by the relationship between discharge, flow velocity
or bed shear stress and particle properties e.g. size, density and settling velocity. The aggradation pattern in a reservoir therefore depends on the kind and amount of incoming sediments
as well as the geometry and operation mode of the reservoir. Typically, due to decreasing
flow velocities and thus turbulence intensities aggraded sediments become finer from the

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Figure 3. (a) Reservoir sedimentation countermeasures (adapted from Sumi et al. 2004), (b) invert
abrasion at Palagnedra SBT, Switzerland (photograph by C. Auel).

upper reach of the reservoir towards the dam. A common approach distinguishes between
delta formation at the upper reach of a reservoir caused by coarse sediments (bed load) and
the aggradation of fines in the deeper water zone further downstream which is often highly
affected by density currents in the case of rather narrow and elongated reservoirs of steep
bottom slope (Schleiss et al. 2010, Boes 2011).
Reservoir sedimentation causes a number of negative impacts on dams. Firstly, when
reaching the dam it may endanger the functionality of both intake structures and bottom
outlets. Blockage of the latter must be avoided, as these constitute an important safety element of dams. Secondly, the effective net volume available for the purpose of the reservoir, e.g.
power production or flood protection, is reduced over time due to proceeding sedimentation.
Thus aggradation of fines results in an immediate negative impact, whereas accumulation of
coarse material has a long-term negative impact on reservoirs.
To keep or restore the original reservoir volume the necessary measures are (I) prevention
of sediment input, (II) routing of incoming sediments and (III) removing aggraded sediments
a posteriori (Fig. 3a). Whereas the former have a preventive character, i.e. they impede sediments from being transported into a reservoir; the two latter methods are retroactive, as they
deal with sediments that have already been transported into the lake. Sediment bypass tunnels belong to the routing method, as they convey sediments around a dam into the tailwater.
SBTs are mainly operated during flood events and connect the upper and lower river reaches
and reestablish the pre-dam conditions in terms of sediment transport (sediment continuity).
In general, such measures should be taken as early as possible to maximize their efficiencies,
i.e. in the planning and design phases of dams and reservoirs. Unfortunately, despite knowledge on the reservoir sedimentation process countermeasures have often been postponed or
not adequately been considered in the past, restricting the choice of efficient measures at a
later stage.


According to Auel & Boes (2011) a SBT consists of a guiding structure installed in the reservoir, an intake structure with a gate, mostly a short and steeply sloped acceleration section,
a mild sloped bypass tunnel section, and an outlet structure. Depending on the location of

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the intake structure, i.e. whether at the head or within the reservoir, there are basically two
different types of SBTs. For type A, the inflow takes place under free surface conditions at
the delta, while for type B it is usually pressurized located below the pivot point of the aggradation body. The tunnel invert has to be steep enough to avoid sediment deposition and at
the same time it should be as mild as possible to limit the flow velocities in order to prevent
invert abrasion. For existing SBTs in Japan and Switzerland, the bed slope varies between 1
and 4% (Auel & Boes 2011).
SBTs feature several advantages over other countermeasures. Firstly, they have positive
effects regarding ecological aspects, because sediment conveyance may significantly decelerate or even stop river bed erosion and increase the morphological variability downstream of
a dam. Mainly sediments provided from the upstream river reach are conveyed through the
SBT since remobilization of accumulated sediments in the reservoir hardly occurs. The sediment concentration in the tailwater of the dam is thus not affected by the reservoir itself and
of natural character. Secondly, SBTs have been proven as an effective countermeasure against
reservoir sedimentation amongst others. For instance, the type A SBT of the Asahi Dam in
Japan has greatly reduced the severe aggradation in terms of accumulated sedimentation
volume after commissioning in 1998 (Fig. 4). Even during an exceptionally large flood caused
by a typhoon in 2011 the routing of sediments around the dam helped to limit the inflow of
sediments into the reservoir.
Whereas typically, the bed load deposition may be completely solved with SBT, the deposition of fines depends on the design discharge of the tunnel. The higher the recurrence
interval of the SBT operation, the higher the share of the incoming suspended load that
may be conveyed through the tunnel and the smaller the amount of fines entering the reservoir. The main drawback of SBT is related to economic considerations. The implementation of SBT is not only costly from an investment perspective, but also requires regular
maintenance. Due to high flow velocities with peaks in the range of 12 to 20 m/s (Auel &
Boes 2011) and high sediment transport rates, invert abrasion is generally a severe problem, requiring costly repair works and maintenance (see Fig. 3b). For this reason SBTs
should be considered as a convenient measure for small to medium-sized reservoirs with
capacity-to-inflow ratios, i.e. the ratio between the annual inflow and the total reservoir
volumes, of about 0.003 to 0.2 for the Swiss and Japanese SBTs (Sumi & Kantoush 2011).
For such reservoirs bed load aggradation and delta formation are more critical problems
than the problem of sedimentation of fines since a large amount of incoming fines stay
in suspension due to the relatively short residence time and are discharged via the outlet
works. Moreover, major tunneling costs favor their use at smaller reservoirs due to short
SBT lengths.

Figure 4. Development of reservoir sedimentation volume at Asahi reservoir, Japan, prior to and after
commissioning of an SBT in 1998 (Fukuroi 2012).


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As stated above, abrasion is a serious concern in most SBTs. The extent of damages along the
wetted perimeter, i.e. mainly on the invert and the lower parts of the tunnel walls, typically
increases with increasing unit sediment load, particle size and distribution and flow velocities
i.e. shear stress as well as quartz content in the mineralogical composition of the sediments.
Hydro-abrasive damage on an invert of a hydraulic structure occurs when the flow induced
bed shear stress exceeds a critical value and hence numerous particles start impacting.
Depending on the flow conditions particles are transported in sliding, rolling or saltation
modes and cause grinding, rolling or saltating impact stress on the bed and thus wear on the
bed (Fig. 5). According to Sklar & Dietrich (2001, 2004) the governing process causing abrasion is saltation, whereas sliding and rolling do not cause significant wear. Therefore, for an
optimum SBT design, hydraulic conditions, particle size and distribution and hence particle
transport modes must be determined. The rolling, saltation and suspension probabilities of
different particle sizes are also important since the transport mode directly affects the particle
impact energy on the bed. They are determined using the relationship between probabilities of transport modes and Shields number (Hu & Hui 1996, Ancey et al. 2002, Auel et al.
2014a). For a given particle size and flow induced shear stress, particle transport modes and
their probability as well as expected particle abrasion mechanisms can be obtained to optimize the hydraulic condition and to choose the invert material type for a SBT.
Auel et al. (2014b) show that mean particle and impact velocities for rolling and saltating particles linearly increase with flow velocity independent of particle size. Large particles
possess a large particle mass, thus higher impact energy is transferred by these particles on
the surface (Auel et al. 2014a and 2014b). Consequently, a combination of large particle size
and high flow velocities results in high mean invert abrasion, which is clearly confirmed in
Figure 6. Depending on the invert material and transported sediment properties, the abrasion depth varies and in general typical mean abrasion depths range from microns to some
millimeter per operating hour for some Swiss and Japanese cases (Jacobs et al. 2001, Kataoka
2003, Sumi et al. 2004, and Fukuroi 2012).
The results from Runcahez SBT indicate that mean abrasion depth per hour increase with
decreasing compressive and bending tensile strengths of the invert concrete (Figs. 6a and 7).
Moreover, despite slightly larger particle size and higher design velocity compared to Runcahez
SBT, the mean abrasion depth per hour on Pfaffensprung SBT is smaller than in Runcahez.
This result reveals a strong effect of invert material properties on abrasion depth, e.g. the
higher the compressive and bending tensile strengths, the less the abrasion depth (Fig. 7).
Comparison of Runcahez SBT with Asahi SBT shows the effect of design velocity on abrasion
depth (Fig. 6b). Although the concrete compressive strength is smaller for Asahi than for
Runcahez (Fig. 7a), the high mean abrasion depth per hour in Asahi SBT in comparison to
Runcahez SBT is mostly attributed to the high design velocity despite much smaller particle
size, i.e. dm = 50 mm for Asahi vs. 225 mm for Runcahez (Fig. 6a). Note that the bed-load rates
are not known for both SBTs.
One of the important findings from the study in Pfaffensprung is the high hydroabrasion
resistance of granite compared to the implemented concrete invert, as the mean abrasion per
hour on the granite plates is five times less than on the concrete invert (Fig. 7a). This may

Figure 5. Abrasion processes of hydraulic systems surfaces: (a) grinding, (b) combination of grinding
and impingement (Jacobs et al. 2001).


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Figure 6. Observed mean abrasion depths per operating hour as functions of (a) particle diameter dm
and (b) design flow velocity vd.

Figure 7. (a) Compressive strength determined at cubes and (b) bending tensile strength of invert concrete applied in various SBTs (data from studies mentioned above); symbols are the same as in Figure 6.

Figure 8. Abrasion patterns at Pfaffensprung SBT: (a) grooves forming along joints of granite plates,
(b) undulating invert at HPC test field (steel-fibre HPC with fc > 70 N/mm2).

suggest that granite is a better choice as an invert material over HPC. However, the cost of
granite should be carefully considered at SBT design phase.
The results of the study carried out in Pfaffensprung SBT in 2013 show that the damages
typically take place in the form of grooves along the joints of basalt and granite plates (Fig. 8a),
while a wavy pattern of abrasion occurs on the HPC (Fig. 8b). In order to further reduce the

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abrasion on the granite, this result suggests that such plates should not be implemented in
parallel to the main flow direction.
Whereas natural stone material, e.g. granite or cast basalt plates, usually have a high abrasion resistance against pure particle grinding action, their brittleness favors fracturing by
impinging particles in case of saltating sediments. In the latter case, either steel or cementitious material such as HPC generally show a better resistance. As steel linings are often too
costly for abrasion protection of large areas such as in SBTs, HPC becomes an interesting
and economical alternative.
Based on a long-term field study performed at Runcahez SBT in Switzerland between
1995 and 2000 (Jacobs et al. 2001), the decisive material characteristics of hardened HPC
are the compressive strength (fc > 70 N/mm2 at 28 days, Fig. 7a), the bending tensile strength
(fc,bt > 10 N/mm2 at 28 days, Fig. 7b), and the fracture energy (>200 J/m2 at 28 days).


To reduce the negative effects of hydroabrasion at SBTs, (i) an optimum hydraulic design
to limit the strong particle impact forces and (ii) a selection of sustainable and optimum
abrasion-resistant invert lining material are recommended measures. Aspect (i) demands for
the following, among others:
A tunnel cross section with plane invert geometry should be chosen, i.e. archway and horseshoe profiles with horizontal bed rather than circular ones, to avoid stress concentrations.
Whenever possible, bends in plan view should be avoided to reduce shock waves and secondary currents, which cause locally high specific sediment transport rates. For instance,
in Solis SBT the sediment transport at the tunnel outlet is concentrated on the orographic
right side as a result of a bend further upstream (Fig. 9a).
Keep the bed slope as mild as possible without endangering sediment aggradation.
As to aspect (ii) the following should be accounted for, among others:
If most of the particles are transported in rolling or sliding motion with only minor
saltation, abrasion processes are expected to be mainly grinding and only weakly
impinging. Hence using natural stones such as granite and cast basalt as invert lining
material is a good solution. As the joints should not be parallel to the flow, the use
of hexagonal plates is recommended (Fig. 9b). The plates should be embedded into a
special mortar.
If saltation is expected to be the main particle transport mode and/or the sediment is
rather coarse with high flow velocity, HPC with compressive strength above 70 N/mm2
(i.e. C70/85 and higher) and a bending tensile strength above 10 N/mm2 is preferable.
Concrete curing is critical and should be carefully performed. For more details, see
Jacobs et al. (2001).

Figure 9. (a) Measured sediment transport using 8 geophones for the 2013 flood event at Solis SBT;
(b) schematic plan view of a thin pavement of hexagonal natural stone plates (Jacobs et al. 2001).


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Reservoir sedimentation is a serious worldwide problem threatening the sustainability of reservoirs and negatively impacting dam safety. SBTs are effective countermeasures for small to
medium-sized reservoirs provided that hydroabrasion is accounted for from the very beginning of the planning stage by optimizing the hydraulic design and by applying adequate
invert material. Depending on the transport mode of the sediment which is determined by
the hydraulic characteristics of the tunnel flow, cast basalt and granite plates or HPC and
steel linings are recommended.
Ancey, C., Bigillon, F., Frey, P., Lanier, J. & Ducret, R. 2002. Saltating motion of a bead in a rapid water
stream. Physical Review E 66(3).
Auel, C., Albayrak, I. & Boes, R.M. 2014a. Particle motion in supercritical open channel flows. Journal
of Hydraulic Engineering: submitted.
Auel, C., Albayrak, I. & Boes, R.M. 2014b. Bedload particle velocity in supercritical open channel flows.
Proc. Intl. River Flow Conference, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland: submitted.
Auel, C. & Boes, R.M. 2011: Sediment bypass tunnel designreview and outlook. Proc. ICOLD Symposium Dams under changing challenges (A.J. Schleiss & R.M. Boes, eds.), 79th Annual Meeting,
Lucerne. Taylor & Francis, London: 403412.
Boes, R. 2011. Nachhaltigkeit von Talsperren angesichts der Stauraumverlandung (Sustainability of
dams in view of reservoir sedimentation). Mitteilung 164, Lehrstuhl und Institut fr Wasserbau und
Wasserwirtschaft (H. Schttrumpf, ed.), RWTH Aachen, Germany: 161174 [in German].
Bhler, R. & Anselmetti, F. 2003. Ablagerungen in den Grimsel-Stauseen. Teil B: Rterichsbodensee
(Deposition in the Grimsel reservoirs. Part B: Rterichsboden reservoir). Report Limnogeology lab
of the Geological Institute, ETH Zurich, Switzerland [in German].
Chanson, H. 1998. Extreme reservoir sedimentation in Australia: a Review. Intl Jl. of Sediment Research
13(3): 5563 (ISSN 1001-6279).
Fukuda, T., Yamashita, K., Osada, K. & Fukuoka, S. 2012. Study on Flushing Mechanism of Dam
Reservoir Sedimentation and Recovery of Riffle-Pool in Downstream Reach by a Flushing Bypass
Tunnel. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Dams for a changing world, Kyoto, Japan.
Fukuroi, H. 2012. Damage from Typhoon Talas to Civil Engineering Structures for Hydropower and
the Effect of the Sediment Bypass System at Asahi Dam. Proc. Int. Symposium on Dams for a changing WorldNeed for Knowledge Transfer across the Generations and the World. Kyoto, Japan.
Hagmann, M., Albayrak, I. & Boes, R.M. 2012. Reduktion der Hydroabrasion bei SedimentumleitstollenIn-situ-Versuche zur Optimierung der Abrasionsresistenz (Reduction of hydroabrasion in sediment bypass tunnelsin-situ experiments to optimize abrasion resistance). Proc.
Wasserbausymposium, TU Graz (G. Zenz, ed.), A12: 9198 [in German].
Hu, C. & Hui, Y. 1996. Bed-load transport. I: Mechanical characteristics. Journal of Hydraulic
Engineering 122(5), 245254.
ICOLD 2009. Sedimentation and Sustainable Use of Reservoirs and River Systems. Draft Bulletin 147,
Paris, France.
Jacobs, F., Winkler, K., Hunkeler, F. & Volkart, P. 2001. Betonabrasion im Wasserbau (Concrete abrasion at hydraulic structures). VAW-Mitteilung 168 (H.-E. Minor, ed.), VAW, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
[in German].
Kataoka, K. 2003. Sedimentation Management at Asahi Dam. Proc. Third World Water Forum, Siga,
Japan, 197207.
Schleiss, A., De Cesare, G. & Jenzer Althaus, J. 2010. Verlandung der Stauseen gefhrdet die nachhaltige
Nutzung der Wasserkraft (Reservoir sedimentation threatens the sustainable use of hydropower),
Wasser, Energie, Luft, 102(1): 3140 [in German].
Sklar, L.S. & Dietrich, W.E. 2001. Sediment and rock strength controls on river incision into bedrock.
Geology 29(12), 10871090.
Sklar, L.S. & Dietrich, W.E. 2004. A mechanistic model for river incision into bedrock by saltating bed
load. Water Resources Research 40(W06301), 21p.
Sumi, T. & Kantoush, S.A. 2011. Comprehensive Sediment Management Strategies in Japan: Sediment
bypass tunnels. Proc. 34th IAHR World Congress. Brisbane, Australia, 18031810.
Sumi, T., Okano, M. & Takata, Y. 2004. Reservoir sedimentation management with bypass tunnels in
Japan. Proc. 9th International Symposium on River Sedimentation. Yichang, China, 10361043.


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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Modeling long term alternatives for sustainable sediment

management using operational sediment transport rules
S.A. Gibson
Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, USA

P. Boyd
U.S. Army Corps of EngineersOmaha District, Omaha, NE, USA

ABSTRACT: Specifying reservoir operations as an a priori boundary condition complicates

long term, predictive, sediment modeling because reservoir hydrology, hydraulics, and
sedimentation interact in morphological simulations and each has feedbacks on structure
operations. Determining future operations iteratively can be difficult and time consuming,
particularly for multi-decadal or stochastic models. Automatically updating structure operations mid-simulation in response to intermediate model results improves the efficiency and
accuracy of predictive reservoir sediment modeling.
Version 5.0 of the Hydrologic Modeling Centers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)
couples automated, responsive, operation options with the sediment model, facilitating long
term, predictive flushing and routing simulations. HEC-RAS can activate or delay flushing
events, routing operation, or dredging in response to mid-simulation results and gradients.
This paper demonstrates the advantage of new features in HEC-RAS 5.0 for modeling sustainable reservoir sediment management options and documents recent US Army Corps of
Engineers applications on the Missouri River and Tuttle Creek.


One dimensional (1D) sediment transport models can be effective tools for flushing and
flushing analysis. Multi-dimensional and physical models offer higher fidelity results but classical model complexity tradeoffs (Gibson, 2013a) like run time, cost, and equifinality (Bevan,
1993) make 1D models attractive options for preliminary assessment, stochastic uncertainty
analysis, and for screening a broad range of alternatives, particularly on the multi-decadal
time scales relevant to reservoir life cycle analysis. Earlier versions of the US Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) 1D sediment transport model HEC-RAS have been applied successfully to sustainable sediment management studies (Davis et al., 2014). However, limitations
encountered in early attempts to apply HEC-RAS to long term sediment management studies (e.g. flushing, routing, and dredging) drove development of a suite of capabilities targeted
to improve the efficiency and fidelity these studies. This paper introduces two recent USACE
sustainable sediment management studies and highlights the utility of new capabilities developed for these studies, including implementation of Operational Rules.


Sediment flushing and routing are two dominant operational alternatives for sustainable
sediment management studies. According to Morris and Fans (1998) classic taxonomy of
sustainable sediment management alternatives, flushing alternatives draw down the reservoir to run of river conditions to scour historic reservoir deposits while routing operations
pass sediment laden flows through the reservoir before they have an opportunity to deposit.

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Figure 1.

Alternative Gavins Point Dam Spillway geometry modeled with low level outlets.

A sediment flushing study on the Lewis and Clark Lake and a sediment routing analysis
for Tuttle Reservoir demonstrated the limitations of classic 1D approaches for flushing and
routing studies and provided the opportunity to advance HEC-RAS model capabilities.
The Lewis and Clark Lake is reservoir behind Gavins Point Dam near Yankton, South
Dakota. It is the downstream most pool of a 1500 km, six reservoir Missouri River cascade in
the Omaha District of the USACE, which spans the upstream two thirds of the Missouri River
and includes several of the largest reservoirs in the world. The upstream reservoirs intercept all
appreciable main stem sediment load before it reaches Lewis and Clark Lake. Most sediment
delivered to the reservoir comes from the Niobrara River, a tributary 50 km upstream of the
dam that drains the Sandhills region of Nebraska and delivers about 5 million metric tons per
year, mostly fine sand. As of 2012, 25% of the total reservoir storage has been lost to sedimentation since its closure in 1955. There are three listed species in the downstream reach that
are considered impacted by decreased sand loads (e.g. loss of emergent sandbar habitat and
shallow water habitat).The dominance of sand in the reservoir and the distance between the
delta and the reservoir preclude routing alternatives. But HEC-RAS was used to investigate
flushing options. Ten alternatives including drawdown hydrographs of different duration and
magnitude were modeled independently and in conjunction with structural gate modifications
(e.g. low level outlets added in Fig. 1), revetments and dredging schedules.
Tuttle Reservoir, in central Kansas (managed by the Kansas City District of the USACE)
is a very different system. Fine sediment (<63 m) has displaced almost 40% of the reservoir volume since closure. In 2013 a multi-agency panel decided that routing alternatives
(Morris and Fan, 1998) were the most promising and proposed to model scenarios that pass
the sediment laden flows on the rising limb of the hydrograph before they have the opportunity to deposit. An unsteady HEC-RAS sediment model was identified to analyze these
reservoir operations. The distinct processes and objectives of this study provided an opportunity to further develop and test reservoir modeling capabilities.


Several new features were added to HEC-RAS 5.0 to supporting sustainable reservoir sediment management studies. These features group into two main categories: 1) improvements
to hydrodynamics and structure operation flexibilityparticularly the capability to model
mid-simulation anthropogenic feedback with operational rules, and 2) improvements to the
reservoir erosion algorithms.

Unsteady transport and operational rules

Earlier versions of HEC-RAS modeled sediment transport hydrodynamics with a

quasi-unsteady flow model (Gibson et al., 2006), approximating hydrographs by attaching

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temporal information to a series of steady flows. This is a common hydrodynamic

simplification in sediment models, regardless of dimensionality, and usually offers an attractive tradeoff. Avoiding the hyperbolic unsteady flow equations improves model stability
while the assumption generally introduces very modest errors due to the time scale difference
between hydrodynamic and sediment system response. However, the qusi-unsteady model
performs particularly poorly for systems with substantial hydrologic storage. This limitation makes the quasi-unsteady assumption problematic for many reservoirs simulations, and
particularly inappropriate for rapid drawdown and refilling associated flushing and routing
Therefore, the sediment features were coupled with the unsteady flow solver and interface.
HEC-RAS uses a Preissman box scheme to solve the Saint Venant equation implicitly using
a skyline matrix solver or the PARDISO library:
A ( Q ) [
x c
x f
Q (

Q2 / A c ) [
x c
x f

] + gA


+ Sfc + gA f
+ Sff = 0




where Q = flow, A = area, Sf = friction slope, z = water surface elevation, = (Kc/(Kc-Kf),

Kc = channel conveyance Kf = floodplin conveyance and subscripts c and f refer to the channel and floodplain respectively. Sediment is routed and bed change computed after each
unsteady time step using the Exner equation:

(1 )B t = (Qx )


where B = channel width, = channel elevation, p = porosity, and Qs = transported sediment

load. Transported sediment is computed with one of eight transport capacity methods and
bed dynamics are simulated with bed mixing algorithms.
However the Exner equation applies no temporal control to transport. Computing realistic residence times are essential to simulating reservoir deposition accurately and the simple
continuity solution of the Exner equation in previous versions of the model did not have
any mechanistic temporal routing component. Therefore, ad hoc temporal limiters (Gibson,
2011) was implemented to limit sediment transport to water velocity and a first order solution of the Advection-Dispersion (AD) equation is included in developmental versions of
the code.
Solving sediment transport after each time step of implicit, unsteady, Saint-Venant solution is not intrinsically innovative. Many research and production sediment codes have this
capability. However, coupling the sediment model to the unsteady capabilities in HEC-RAS
is advantageous for long term reservoir sedimentation simulations. This connection leverages
a suite of powerful and flexible generalized tools native to the mature unsteady flow modeling environment for reservoir sediment studies. These includes lateral structures, extensive
visualization tool, and the Internal Flow Stage Boundary condition (IB Stage/Flow) which
computes the necessary flow through a structure to reproduce a historic reservoir stage series
(or vice versa). However, the Operational Rules capability has proven particularly useful
for routing and flushing studies.
Operational Rules enable gate operations giving modelers flexibility to automate their
reservoir operations based on operational objectives and constraints as a function of midsimulation results. User defined equations, simple logical code, or complex operational algorithms specify mid-simulation changes to structure flows or gate operations in response to
flows, stages, or structure operations elsewhere in the model (e.g. operating one structure in
response to operations on an upstream structure). For example an 8.5 day, 1700 cms, run of
river flushing event was defined for Lewis and Clark Lake with the relatively simple set of

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rules in Figure 2. Similar operational rules were applied to alternatives that included only
existing gates or that optimized flow between the existing gates and proposed low flow outlets (Fig. 1). These parsimonious rules generated the relatively complex flushing hydrograph
in Figure 3 and the sediment volume change at each cross section in Figure 4.
Results (Fig. 4) demonstrate that low flow outlets did not increase scour appreciably in
the reservoir delta (stations 250253 km) but they did preclude re-deposition in the pool.
However, regardless of gate configuration, most of the material removed by this event is fine
(i.e. silt or clay).
While the rules capability makes constructing flushing events without violating social,
physical or numerical constraints faster and easier, the tool is more powerful for long term
simulations where the complexity of the hydrograph and the nature of the feedbacks make
determining a hydrograph a priori almost impossible. A slightly more complex set of rules
(than Fig. 2) introduced annual flushing events to a period of record simulation when calendar, stage and flow constraints were met. While a tedious iterative approach could be used

Figure 2. Sample code in HEC-RAS Operational Rules editor which generated the flushing hydrograph
in Figure 3 for Lewis and Clark Reservoir. The buttons associate with each basic type of command is
also included.

Figure 3. Lewis and Clark Lake flushing hydrograph with the low outlets added in Figure 1 and the
operational rules defined in Figure 2.


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Figure 4. Bed change volume at each cross section for an 8.5 day, 1,700 cms run of river flushing event
with and without the low level outlets. The low outlet results are subdivided by grain class. Dam is just
upstream of station 247.

Figure 5. Fifty-Seven year period of record simulation starting with the 2011 geometry, which uses
operational rules to maintain the historic water surface elevation coupled with the historic flows, but
introduces an 850 cms flushing event every spring based on calendar and physical constraints.

to eventually develop the hydrograph in Figure 3, it would be nearly impossible to develop

the long term hydrograph Figure 5, particularly when the sediment feedbacks on reservoir
volume and stage are considered. This simulation estimated an annual, one week, 850 cms
flush would reduce deposition by approximately 600 million m3. The profile of depositional
difference is plotted in Figure 6.
Operational rules will also improve the efficiency and accuracy of the sediment flushing
model of Tuttle reservoir. Rules set to monitor the absolute flow and rate of change at the
upstream boundary condition also facilitate long term flushing simulations that draw down
reservoirs to pass the rising limb of the hydrograph (and the most sediment laden flows), and
then evaluate alternatives for timing these operations. Again, an iterative approach could
eventually yield single event results of this sort, but the ability to specify mid-simulation
anthropogenic responses to physical processes and thresholds in multi-decadal simulations is
a powerful tool for these studies.
In addition to the hydrologic and hydraulic flexibility the operational rules offer flushing
and routing analyses, HEC is actively adding sediment parameters to the operational rules.

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Figure 6. Bed change volume at each cross section for a fifty-seven year, period of record reservoir
sediment transport simulation with and without annual, one week, 850 cms flushing events.

This provides modelers the opportunity to automate reservoir operations based on sediment
processed. For example:
If the concentration of water released downstream of the structure exceeds a TMDL or
limit specified by a resource agency close the gates or limit the flow through the structure.
If the sediment elevation at a location (e.g. infrastructure location) increases to a specified
elevation, initiate a flushing event when the hydrologic, sediment, and calendar constraints
next allow it.
If the inflowing sediment concentration exceeds a threshold in a long term period of record
simulation, open the gates to route the high concentration water before it settles.

Reservoir erosion model

Distributing bed change across a cross section is a challenge for 1D sediment models. These
models generally convert sediment surplus or deficit into cross section change with some variation of the veneer method, adjusting all wetted nodes (within user specified lateral limits)
an equal vertical distance to reflect the computed mass change. While the veneer method is
often reasonable and there are several useful variations on this theme, its limitations posed
a second major challenge to using a 1D sediment model particularly for flushing analysis.
Reservoir deltas and deposits usually span the lateral extent of the flooded valley, but flushing alternatives tend to erode narrow channels (Morris and Fan, 1998, Morris et al., 2007)
though an accelerated version of the basic principles of channel evolution (Schumm et al.,
1984). Eroding a narrow channel has computational feedbacks on morphology, increasing water depth, which increases shear and total scour at the cross section. Therefore, the
veneer method over-predicts the width which can under predict the rate of reservoir scour in
response to a run-of-river drawdown event.
The 1D veneer limitation has analog in dam removal modeling. Mature algorithms have
been developed for applying a simplified channel evolution model to improve 1D modeling
of reservoir sediment in these applications (Cantelli et al., 2004, Gaiman and Huang, 2006,
Cui et al., 2006). Because a run of river flushing event is, conceptually, a temporary dam
removal, these methods can be leveraged for sediment management analysis. Therefore a
simplified channel evolution model was added to HEC-RAS. Adding a simplified channel
evolution model to a sediment code is relatively straight forward compared to parameterizing it. The model is parsimonious, with only two parameters: maximum channel bottom
width and channel side slope. However, both parameters are notoriously difficult to estimate.
The Atkinson (1996) equation that regresses channel widths observed during reservoir drawdowns against flow was added as a calculator, but both parameters require sound engineering intuition and sensitivity analysis. If a more detailed analysis of channel development in

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Figure 7. Between 2007 and 2011 the three main reservoir delta channels scoured while the vegetatively
stabilized islands between them did not.

reservoir sediment is required, the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)-Bank Stability
and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) (Simon et al., 2000, Langendoen and Simon, 2008) has
been added to HEC-RAS 5.0 (Gibson, 2013, Boyd and Gibson, 2013). The BSTEM tool in
HEC-RAS simulates channel development mechanistically and could help parameterize the
simple evolution model (Gibson, 2013, Boyd and Gibson, 2013).
Additionally, drawdown events in large reservoirs often scour multiple channels in delta
sediment, which can pose challenges to applying either the veneer method or a simple channel evolution model. This process was encountered in Lewis and Clark Lake, where water and
sediment were transported primarily by two peripheral channels in the upper delta, which
branched to include a third central distributary as it approached the foreset slope. During the
historic 2011 flood on the Missouri River, high flows were not coupled with large sediment
loads (because the local tributary that delivers most of the sediment did not experience a
coincident flood). During these high flow-low load conditions the delta scoured and repeated
surveys provide prototype evidence of how the delta may respond to a scouring event. Most
of the incision was confined to these channels while the islands between them stayed static
(Fig. 7). Therefore, neither the veneer method nor a simple channel evolution model could
simulate this process. Multiple erodible limits, which divided the cross section into multiple
zones of erodible and non-erodible regions were added to simulate this process, and improved
calibration against the 2011 scour event.


HEC-RAS 5.0 includes new features that facilitate sustainable reservoir sediment management analysis. The suite of unsteady tools in the model can now be applied to sediment
studies. The operational rules, which define adaptive reservoir operation based on computed
mid-simulation results are particularly useful for reservoir sediment management studies.
These capabilities have improved the efficiency and accuracy of USACE sustainable sediment management studies and made long term alternative analyses possible.

Features described in this paper were funded by the Corps of Engineers Flood and Coastal
Storm Damage Reduction R&D Program and the Missouri River Recovery Project. Dr. John

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Shelley at the USACE Kansas City District also provided invaluable insight and support in
this process.

Atkinson,E. 1996. The feasibility of flushing sediment from reservoirs. H.R. Wallingford Report OD
137, London.
Beven, K. (1993), Prophecy, reality and uncertainty in distributed hydrological modeling Advances in
Water Resources, 16, 4151.
Boyd, P.M. & S. Gibson. 2013. Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Modeling Tools: Integration of
Advanced Sediment Transport Tools into HEC-RAS. Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical
Note ERDC/CHL CHETN-XIV-36. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory.
Cantelli, A., C. Paola, & G. Parker. 2004. Experiments on upstream-migrating erosional narrowing and
widening of an incisional channel caused by dam removal. Water Resources Research. Vol. 40, 12 pp.
DOI: 10.1029/2003 WR002940.
Cui, Y., G. Parker, C. Braudrick, W.E. Dietrich, & B. Cluer. 2006. Dam removal express assessment
models (DREAM). Part 1: Model development and validation. Journal of Hydraulic Research.
International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research. Vol. 44, pp. 291307.
Greiman, B.B. & J. Huang. 2006. One-dimensional modeling of incision through reservoir deposits.
Proceedings, 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference. Reno, NV. pp. 491497.
Gibson, S. 2013a Comparing Depth and Velocity Grids Computed with One- and Two-Dimensional
Models at Ecohydraulic Scales, 267p.
Gibson, S. 2013b. The USDA-ARS Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) in HEC-RAS.
Advances in Hydrologic Engineering. Davis: Hydrologic Engineering Center 10p.
Gibson, S. (2011) Modeling Long Term Impacts of Sediment on the Capacity of Arghandab Reservoir, Chapter 2 of a Report on the Argandab Reservoir by the Omaha District of the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, 50 p.
Gibson, S., Brunner, G., Piper, S., & Jensen, M. (2006) Sediment Transport Computations in
HEC-RAS. Eighth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference (8thFISC), Reno, NV, 5764.
Langendoen, E.J., & Simon, A. 2008. Modeling the evolution of incised streams. II: Streambank
erosion. J. Hydraul. Eng., 134(7).
Morris, G.L., Annandale, G., & Hotchkiss, R. 2007. Reservoir sedimentation. In M. Garcia (ed)
Sedimentation engineering: processes, measurements, modeling and practice. ASCE Manual of Practice
Morris, G.L. and Fan, J. 1998. Reservoir sedimentation handbook. New York: McGraw Hill.
Schumm, S.A., Harvey, M.D. & Watson, C.C. 1984. Incised Channels: Morphology, Dynamics, and
Control. Water Resources Publications: Littleton, 200 p.
Simon, A., Curini, A., Darby, S.E., & Langendoen, E.J. (2000). Bank and near-bank processes in an
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7/15/2014 3:59:11 PM

Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Global analysis of the sedimentation volume on Portuguese

F. Taveira-Pinto, L. Lameiro, A. Moreira, E. Carvalho & N. Figueiredo
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

ABSTRACT: This paper aims to examine the process of reservoir sedimentation, namely
to try to estimate the sediment volume deposited in the main Portuguese reservoirs. The
changes in fluvial sediment transport induced by the construction of dams on the major
Portuguese rivers are described. Based on the values of dead volumes, the current situation of 166 Portuguese reservoirs is analysed to obtain an order of magnitude of available
sediments and pre-select reservoirs that could potentially be integrated into a project for the
artificial sand nourishment of beaches. This work was carried out as a starting point in order
to implement a national plan for the use of reservoir sediments as an added value to the
economy, which is as yet generally unexploited.


Over recent decades, dams and reservoirs have been built with increasing frequency for various purposes such as hydroelectricity production, water supply for irrigation, fire protection needs or flood control. Despite the many gains realized from their construction, they
also bring environmental impacts as they represent an obstacle for the natural processes of
sediment transport in a river. A number of sedimentation issues, namely the loss of volume
storage in reservoirs and upstream retention of sediments that would nourish eroding beaches
are raising concerns about sediment management policies.
Changes in the flux of sediments from rivers to oceans owing to worldwide construction of hydroelectric dams and reservoirs for irrigation have been reported by many authors
(Miliman, 1990; and Poulos & Chronis, 1997). At present it is widely accepted that sedimentation in reservoirs and coastal erosion are co-related problems. It is estimated that around
40,000 large reservoirs suffer from sedimentation worldwide, and between 0.5% and 1% of
total storage capacity is lost per year (White, 2001).
Several methods have been developed to forecast the sedimentation in reservoirs, including
empirical and numerical models (see Mamede, 2008 for a detailed review). Siltation is generally undesirable and unavoidable, so sediment management strategies are essential to achieving sustainable use of reservoirs. Case studies on the accumulation of sediments in reservoirs
and the application of engineering techniques to mitigate it have been done worldwide, for
example in Japan (Kantoush et al., 2011), Iran (Boroujeni, 2012), and Australia (James &
Chanson, 1999, Lewis et al., 2013).
Methodologies to manage sediments in reservoirs comprise the reduction of sediment yield
with measures in the catchment area (e.g. reforestation), sediment routing, sediment flushing;
and sediment removal by mechanical dredging (Morris & Fan, 1998, Batuca & Jordan, 2000).
The feasibility of flushing sediments from reservoirs through sluices has been reported by
Paul & Dhillon (1988), with beneficial results for both small and large capacity reservoirs,
describing examples in the USSR and China. The same authors also present guidelines to
calculate the optimal dimensions of the sluices.
Even if reduced accumulation or removal of sediments is technically possible, the economic
viability is likely to depend on physical, hydrological and financial parameters (Palmieri et al.,

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2001). The selection of a single solution or a combined approach is always subject to an economic balance between costs and benefits. A substantial increase in reservoir efficiency along
with the benefit of exploiting the extracted sediments in a valuable application can help to
justify such investments. Possible exploitations of sediments extracted from silted reservoirs
include construction and industrial uses, fertilization of soils (see Fonseca et al., 2003) and
artificial beach nourishment.
In the particular case of Portugal, the reduction of river sediment transport due to damming is recognized as a cause of aggravating coastal erosion (e.g. Dias, 1993, Silva et al., 2007,
Taveia-Pinto et al., 2011). Hence, the possibility of using dam reservoir sediment deposits for
beach nourishment is of interest. In a project for reusing these sediments to nourish beaches
some aspects must be considered, particularly; reservoir sediment availability, extraction
methods, treatment (grain size separation and decontamination), and transportation.
In this paper the current levels of sedimentation in 151 (out of 166) Portuguese reservoirs
were estimated on the basis of the dead volumes defined at the design stage. This is a feasible
bottom line for a national program of exploitation of reservoir dead volumes, which can have
an added value to the Portuguese economy. Considerations for the selection of reservoirs
with the potential to provide sediments for artificial nourishments are also described.
This issue represents a type of investigation that is likely to increase in Portugal and abroad,
as the need for environmentally sound solutions for coastal erosion grows.


The construction of a dam modifies sediment transport conditions, usually representing a

breach in the normal sequence of erosion, transport and deposition, with the formation of
deltas in the upstream border of the reservoir, silting in of the border and erosion following
the restitution, Figure 1, (Lysne et al., 2003).
Therefore, when designing a reservoir it is mandatory to provide space for sediment deposition in the dead volume, which is defined according to a scheme of the river transportation
of solids and the probable working life of the structure (Lencastre and Franco, 2006).
The deposition of the biggest part of the sediments occurs upstream of the reservoir, in
the useful storage volume and not in the dead volume (volume below the lowest level of the
water intake). After deposition, the coarse materials show a much greater stability, maintaining their characteristics over time and with a more difficult motion. On the contrary, soft
sediment deposits have an evolution of their properties, with compression over time allowing
the superficial layers to be placed in suspension much easier.


The sediments on the bottom of reservoirs are known as preferential placement of organic
deposits and mineral materials, namely nutrients, heavy metals and bacteria, and are generally considered as sources of pollution.

Figure 1. Typical pattern of sediment deposition in reservoirs.



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Aiming at artificial beach nourishment, it will be important to evaluate the heavy metal
concentration in the sediments, however the organic matter content is more important as a
fertile growing medium for plants to stabilize the dunes, providing good conditions for the
development of vegetation. The treatment process of sediments removed from reservoirs in
order to prepare them for various purposes may be divided in two different stages: granularity distribution and decontamination.
The granularity distribution is usually obtained through bolting. For beach nourishment
the required fraction corresponds to the sand fraction (dimensions between 0.075 mm, #200
and 4.75 mm, #4), the granularity should be as close as possible to that of the natural sediments of the beach to be nourished. Beaches nourished with higher granularities will be more
stable but steeper, inducing new profiles with possible implications on the comfort and beach
safety level. Beaches nourished with smaller granularities are potentially more unstable and
so the volumes placed will tend to be washed away sooner by the sea.
It has been accepted that pollution particles are concentrated in the softer fraction of the
sediments (Colandini, 1997, Lee et al., 1997, Zanders, 2005referred to by Ptavy et al.,
2008). Nevertheless, recent studies show that the metals dont establish themselves in a specific fraction of sediments, (Durand, 2003, Clozel et al., 2007referred to by Ptavy et al.,
Therefore, it is always expedient to check the need for decontamination through chemical
analysis before proceeding with the transportation of the sediments to apply on beaches. The
need for sand decontamination incurs expensive costs in a sediment reuse project for artificial beach nourishment, which can lead to economic unfeasibility and so it should be carefully evaluated. Nevertheless, this process of decontamination may normally be dismissed in
regard to the coarser fraction.).



The natural erosion phenomenon has become a problem of growing intensity due to human
intervention in coastal areas since low altitude areas that were capable of naturally adapting
themselves to the variations of average sea levels, storms and tides have now lost much of this
capacity, due to the occupation of the coastline with roads, urbanization, playgrounds and
industrial areas, among other infrastructures.
The construction of dams has been identified as one of the main causes for the reduction of
sediment transportation in rivers, and it is estimated that this reduction reaches 80% in Portugal,
(Fonseca, 2002). This contributes significantly to the need for engineered interventions and in
2008, the related investment in coastal defence works was 7,579,000 (Maia, 2009).

Approach to the Portuguese case

In Portugal, large forest fires occur quite often during the summer, destroying the vegetation
over large areas and increasing the affluence of sediments to watercourses and finally to the
sea, where the main direction of sediment transport along the Atlantic coast is from north to
south. In order to give an idea on the capacity of sea transport some references indicate that
it was in average nearly 1,000,000 m3/year from the Douro River mouth to Nazar (VelosoGomes et al., 2006b).
In 1930, prior to the construction of dams, the affluence of sediments to the Portuguese
North-West shore was approximately 2,000,000 m3/year, with the River Douro itself assuring
90% of this value (PNA, 2008). Nowadays, as a result of dam construction that has reduced
the flow speed and subsequent ability to erode the river bed, the Douro River only contributes a small amount of sediment, estimated at 250,000 m3/year.
In addition, there is also a significant amount of sand extracted for the construction industry, usually dredged from the river bed in places and in amounts beyond what it would be
sustainable (Veloso-Gomes et al., 2006a).

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The mean rates of sedimentation calculated in the period between 1983 and 1984 in the
Tejo estuary, indicated values of 1,1 and 1,5 cm/year. During the construction of the Vasco
da Gama Bridge about a million m3 of sediment was dredged from the Tejo River, which was
contaminated in some way (PNA, 2008). In the Guadiana River one of the consequences of
flow reduction induced by hydrological loss and regularization of the huge installed storage
capacity (dominated 70,4% of the basin in 1990) is decreased sediment supply, also for the
adjacent coastal areas (PNA, 2008).
In Portugal the importance of the evaluation of the reservoir dredging is recognized, as
well as its consequences and the need for a permanent group for its analysis.
Since 1996 the Water Institute (INAG) has been restructuring the monitoring networks of
hydraulic resources, including the sediment network. The new sediment network includes stations in watercourses where samplings of solid flows will be performed, bottom granularities
and stations in reservoirs where bathymetric surveys will be performed. As the network is still
in implementation the results are not yet known.
4.3 Balance and analysis of the current sedimentation in the main Portuguese reservoirs
Despite the efforts undertaken to overcome the lack of information regarding sediment transport in Portugal the amount of deposited sediments in the reservoirs still remains unknown,
and consequently so does the actual capacity of the Portuguese reservoirs.
Therefore, the data that supports this study comes from the inventory of Portuguese dams
made by INAG. The dams in this inventory generally comply with the criteria of being more
than 15 m in height or having more than a million m3 of total storage capacity.
Using the values presented by INAG for dead-volumes and the information regarding the
siltation rate (Lencastre and Franco, 2006) an attempt was made to estimate values in a way
that can show the current situation of the sedimentation in these Portuguese dams.
In this estimation the designed dead volume of each dam was considered as the real volume
of actual sedimentation in a reservoir with 50 or more years of service.
Volumesedimentation = Volumedead
and for dams with less than 50 years of service it was defined that the sedimentation of the
reservoir would be directly proportional to the age of the dam:
Volumesedimentation =

. agedam


With the purpose of being able to bridge the lack of data, the procedure was similar to the
suggestion for the volume balance of the deposited sediments volume referred to in Basson
(1999), in which an empirical relation between the basin area and the volume of deposited
sediments is established.
This correlation was defined separately for the hydrographic areas of the North, Center
and South in an attempt to isolate cases with similar conditions of erosion and transportation, Figures 24.
Although these relationships do not present high degrees of linear correlation, it was considered that they are capable of supplying sediment volumes with enough accuracy.
It is necessary to highlight that base assumptions were adopted in order to obtain an order
of magnitude, and that once more accurate and detailed data is available other analysis could
be done.
The INAG database consists of 166 dams and it was possible to gather enough information to estimate the volume of deposited sediments in 151 of the 166 dams.
It is estimated that these 151 dams have a global volume of deposited sediments of
1,568 million m3 in a total gross capacity of 12,546 million m3, which means that 12.5% of
the total gross capacity for the water storage is now occupied by sediments.
Of the 151 dams with estimated sedimentation volumes, about 66% have a sedimentation
volume below 10% of their gross storage capacity, 28% are between 10% and 50% and only
6% are above 50% of gross storage capacity.

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Figure 2. Relationship between the deposited sediments volume (yy-m3) and the hydrographic basin
area (xx-km2) in the North region of Portugal.

Figure 3. Relationship between the deposited sediments volume (yy-m3) and the hydrographic basin
area (xx-km2) in the Center region of Portugal.

Figure 4. Relationship between the deposited sediments volume (yy-m3) and the hydrographic basin
area (xx-km2) in the South region of Portugal.

Using ArcGis software, the coordinates of the dams were referenced in the Geographic
Information System, which allowed an analysis of the positioning of the 166 reservoirs in
regard to the Portuguese coast, Figure 5. Portugal is divided into five Hydrographic Regions
that are also defined in Figure 5.
This division is the most adequate, since observation of the map allows for faster reading
of the reservoirs distribution through the Hydrographic Regions that have jurisdiction over
the correspondent coastal areas, suggesting a way of managing the entire process for reuse
of the sediments.

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Figure 5.

Localization of the 166 reservoirs considered (left), and selected (right), INAG.

The reservoirs that would be more interesting for a project of reusing the sediments for
beach nourishment were selected. The selection criteria were the following:
Reservoirs with over than 0.2 hm3 of sediments and located less than 50 km from the
Reservoirs located more than 50 km and less than 100 km from the coast and with more
than 0.5 hm3 of sediments.
These criteria are similar to those of a study done in Spain for the same purpose (Sanchez,
2008). The proposed criteria are aimed at supporting reservoir pre-selection, and so further
investigation is required to come to a final conclusion. Of the 166 reservoirs analysed 53 were
selected, representing 1,242 million m3 of sediments and 10,968 million m3 of gross capacity
for water storage.
Of the reservoirs selected, 11 are located less than 15 km from the coast, 17 are between
25 and 50 km, 10 between 50 and 75 km and 15 between 75 and 100 km, respectively
representing 65, 484, 345 and 347 million m3 of available sediment, Figure 5.
As regards the hydrographic regions, the pre-selection comprises 269 million m3 in the
North Hydrographic Region, 84 million m3 in the Center and 482 million m3 in the Tejo
Hydrographic Region, 394 million m3 in the Alentejo and 13 million m3 in the Algarve.
The Hydrographic Regions of Tejo and Alentejo are those that present the largest amount
of available sediments, perhaps due to the presence of large dams. The Algarve and Central
hydrographic regions present a smaller amount of available sediments, and they are also the
regions with fewer reservoirs analysed.


In Portugal, there is currently no strategy for the management of sediments, although the
sedimentation problem in reservoirs is recognized along with the problem of coastal erosion.
It appears with less intensity as it is of small concern to society in general, but in the case of
no intervention it will become a problem to be faced in the future.
So, the sooner we plan a strategy for intervention, the smaller will be the effort required to
implement it. Also, there is no single solution for this problem, as each reservoir has its own
specific characteristics.
Transportation is the conditioning factor of a project for reuse of sediments for beach
nourishment. Transport by land is expensive and has significant negative impacts that

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increase with distance. This requires a search for alternative solutions. Transport by river can
be a solution in the navigable sections of the main rivers.
A cost-benefit analysis should take into account the benefits from not only the reuse of
sediments but also the reduction of high costs associated with coastal defence works and the
maximization of profit from the dams, which, from the major impacts they represent, justify
the maintenance work that will allow their proper function.
From all this it is important to recognize that the current investment in the revitalization
of the sediment networks constitutes an excellent opportunity to define an effective management strategy with as extensive as possible use of the sediments, which could be a major
benefit to the national economy.
Such projects require technical studies, financial support and political will. The coordination of all parties involved is mandatory: water companies, industrial promoters, coastal and
environmental authorities and other users: residents, fishermen and land owners surrounding
the reservoirs.
This work was done as a starting point, in order to implement a national plan for the
exploitation of sediments, which are considered to be an important benefit to the economy
but are generally yet unexploited.

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Reservoir Sedimentation Schleiss et al. (Eds)

2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02675-9

Reservoir sedimentation management at Gebidem Dam

T. Meile
Basler & Hofmann, Zollikofen, Switzerland

N.-V. Bretz
HYDRO Exploitation, Sion, Switzerland

B. Imboden
Electra-Massa AG, Sion, Switzerland

J.-L. Boillat
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

ABSTRACT: The Gebidem Dam located on the Massa River intercepts annually around
400000 m3 of solid material. These sediments must be evacuated by annual flushing of the
reservoir over 4 to 7 days. A trend for silting in the flushing channel was observed during
the last decades, leading to damageable overtopping of the lateral walls. In order to improve
knowledge on input and output of sediments in the channel of Gebidem, physical and numerical modeling was performed in 1994 and in 2002 at the Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions of the cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL). It was clearly demonstrated
that the silting process is related to an anti-dunes regime progressing in the upstream direction
from deposit zones which develop initially in the curves and the river confluence with Upper
Rhone River. At the opposite, the clearing process starts at the upper limit of the channel and
progresses by pushing the sediments downstream. The proposed solution requires an additional water supply to be introduced from the entrance of the channel. In order to optimize the
clearing efficiency, the dilution supply can be progressively reduced as soon as the sediment
concentration diminishes. Being aware of the importance of the annual flushing, which is the
only measure to guarantee sustainable operation of the hydropower scheme, Electra-Massa
continuously undertakes efforts to ensure and further improve flushing operations.


General remarks

Dams significantly influence the sediment balance on watersheds. A specific management is

therefore necessary to preserve normal operating conditions of the stored water as well as to
keep the usable volume of the reservoir. Most of Swiss dams were built in the middle of last
century and the dead zone assigned to sediment storage is generally full, leading to operation
difficulties at intakes and bottom outlets (Boillat et al., 2000 and 2003). Considering that
main part of the Swiss electrical production issues from hydropower schemes, it becomes
obvious why reservoir sedimentation management is a major challenge.
Different solutions exist to intervene in sediment transport and deposition processes, generally related to operational and flood safety as well as to sustain environment. Complementary actions can be carried out upstream in the watershed, in the reservoir itself, at particular
locations near the dam and downstream as well (Fig. 1). Among them, sediment flushing
reveals an efficient solution to evacuate sediments from a reservoir, generally by opening the

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Figure 1. Inventory of measures for sediment management with focus on flushing and dilution (Boillat
et al., 2003).

bottom outlet. This procedure, which is yearly applied to the reservoir sediment management
at Gebidem Dam, requires a careful planning in order to avoid material and ecological damage to the downstream river reach.
Swiss legislation about reservoir management concerns two objectives, the safety of dams
on the one hand and the water and fish protection on the other hand (Boillat and Pougatsch,
2000, Pougatsch et al., 2002). The safety issue is governed by the Federal Law regarding Supervision of Hydraulic Structures. Besides, the general aims of the Swiss water protection law are
to avoid consequences on human health, animals and vegetation. As a consequence, the owner
of a dam shall ensure as far as possible that flushing or emptying of a storage basin does not
adversely affect the fauna and flora in the river downstream. Furthermore, periodical flushing
requires a cantonal authorization fixing the time and duration, the maximum suspended load
concentration and the conditions of post-flushing operations to clear out the riverbed.

Massa-River catchment

The Massa-River catchment area is 198 km2 at Gebidem Dam (1436 m a.s.l.) and culminates
at 4191 m a.s.l. The watershed counts several glaciers (Fig. 2) with a total cover of 63.9%
leading to a glacier and snowmelt dominated flow regime with 83% of the yearly runoff during only 4 months, from June to September. The mean annual runoff was estimated at about
429 Mio m3 over the period 1981 to 2000, with a mean discharge of 13.62 m3/s.
Considering the usable storage volume of 5.8 Mio m3 at Gebidem Dam, 74 filling and
emptying cycles are theoretically possible annually. However, due to very high flow rates
during summer months, Gebidem Dam is operating as a runoff river hydroelectric scheme
during long periods and is acting as a huge sand and silt trap.
Due to strong glacier melting, an increase of the mean annual runoff up to 470 Mio m3 was
observed during the last 10 years and will probably culminate at 550 to 560 Mio m3 in 2050
(SGHL and CHy, 2011). After this peak, a rapid decrease to about 450 Mio m3 in 2070 is
forecasted, based on Swiss Climate Change Scenarios CH2011 of C2SM, ETHZ (Bosshard
et al., 2011).
The runoff carries an important volume of sediments which amounts to about 0.1% or some
430000 to 470000 m3 per year since 2001. Around 10% crosses the Gebidem Dam towards the

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Figure 2. Left: Aletsch glacier in the Massa-River catchment (; 1994). Right:
Gebidem Dam and lake (J. Germanier, HYDRO Exploitation SA; 2010).

Figure 3.

Elements of the hydropower scheme of Electra-Massa. Not part of scheme: sediment

hydropower plant (Alpiq, 2010), whereas 90% is retained and must be flushed. The sediments
range from blocs/gravel to clay with a mean grain size of 1 to 3 mm (LCH-EPFL, 2002).
The evolution prognosis of the yearly amount of sediments due to climate change in the
catchment is however not certain. Many factors such as increase of sediment availability,
permafrost melting, discharge increase or floods frequency raising might be balanced by glacier
lakes formation, flattened reaches with limited sediment transport or appearance of bedrock.

Hydropower scheme of Electra-Massa SA

The Gebidem Dam was built between 1964 and 1967 across the Massa River with the purpose
of hydro-electricity production. The main elements of the hydropower scheme and the intermediate sediment reservoir (not part of the hydropower scheme) are schematized on Figure 3:

Catchment area 198 km2

Reservoir at 1436 m a.s.l. with a total volume of 9.2 Mio m3 (usable volume 5.8 Mio m3).
Arch dam 122 m high, with a crest spillway of 350 m3/s capacity.
Supply gallery over 2685 m length, with a 3.40 m diameter.
Penstock with 2.50 m diameter and 1100 m length, under 743 m head.
Power plant with a total installed power of 340 MW, shared in 3 units equipped with
55 m3/s Pelton turbines.
Flushing channel with 1.5% longitudinal slope and 700 m length, 8 to 10 m width and 5 to
8 m depth.
Intermediate sediment reservoir upstream of the flushing channel, with a maximal retention volume of about 30'000 m3, behind a concrete wall of about 30 m height.

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Goals and importance of secure and sustainable flushing

Without flushing operations, the total storage volume of Gebidem Dam (9.2 Mio m3) would be
completely filled in 20 to 25 years. After 6 to 7 years without flushing, the level of the intake to
the headrace tunnel would be attended by the alluvium level, leading to unacceptable high sediment load in the power plant. Already sooner, safe use of the bottom outlet could be uncertain,
with some structural concerns appearing as the dam was not designed for sediment pressure.
Thus, a yearly flushing must be carried out for sustainable use of the hydropower scheme.
The flushing operation is particularly demanding for the following reasons: 1. Very high
amount of sediments. 2. Only few days or weeks exist during May and June with acceptable
discharge conditions in the Massa and the Upper Rhone rivers. 3. Challenging general setup
of the longitudinal profile with a slope reduction between the Massa River (45% in sediment
transport limiting reaches) and the flushing channel (1.5%). 4. Ecological, economic and
industrial constraints related to legally authorized suspended load, limited loss of water for
energy production and use of the Upper Rhone River for cooling processes in the industry.
The goal of the yearly flushing can thus be summarized as: Sustainable and secure for
men, environment and infrastructures. Where sustainable in the flushing context means:
All sediments are yearly removed from the Gebidem Dam, the Massa River and Gorge as
well as the flushing channel.



Processes in reservoir, Massa River and Gorge, flushing channel and Upper Rhone River

Many different processes related with river hydraulics and sediment transport are observed
during the annual flushing (Fig. 4).
Since the reservoir acts as huge sand and silt trap, finer sediments are settled down next
to the dam while coarse material is accumulated in the delta which develops during summer.
When opening the bottom outlet for flushing, fine sediments are first discharged leading to
an abrupt increase in sediment concentration. The reservoir is then totally emptied, leading
to incision of the channel bed with lateral erosion and sliding of hillside deposited material,
which temporarily increase the sediment concentration. Coarser material, transported as bed
load, and finer sediments in suspension pass the Gebidem Dam simultaneously.
In the Massa-River between the bottom outlet (ca. 1328 m a.s.l.) and the entrance of the
flushing channel (692.55 m a.s.l.), the bed load transport takes around 60 to 72 hours to cover
the Gorge while suspended load runs near as fast as water.

Figure 4. Flushing operation 2003. Left: Erosion and transport process in the reservoir after complete
drawdown. Right: Fluid-solid mixture downstream from the bottom outlet during a flushing operation.


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Thus, transport processes in the 700 m long flushing channel linking the Massa-Gorge
with the Rhone River are dominated during two to three days by a highly saturated flow,
poor in bedload. After two or three days, a trend of deposition is observed in the channel due
to a lack of sediment transport capacity. The silting process progresses from downstream to
upstream, first initiated at channel bends as well as at a channel contraction and at the Rhone
River confluence.
At the rivers junction, the highly concentrated Massa flow is mixed to the Rhne water
over several hundred meters leading progressively to a reduction of the suspended load concentration. Bed load sediment transport at the junction depends on the total flow of both
rivers. Nevertheless, an increase of the bed level is commonly observed on the right half of
the Rhone River downstream from the confluence.
During emptying and clearing operations of reservoirs, according to the cantonal guidelines, a maximum sediment concentration of 10 ml/l has to be respected. When applying
this rule, 40 mio. m3 water would be necessary to evacuate 400000 m3 of sediments. This
water volume represents 1016% of the annual contribution. The actual flushing operations
at Gebidem present sediment concentrations 4 to 6 time higher than the required value. Such
a condition is admitted in this particular case, because the rocky canyon and the concrete
channel downstream of the dam do not accommodate any particular natural life.

Yearly flushing operation

The sediment amounts which have been removed from the reservoir during the yearly flushing have been systematically evaluated since 1969 (Fig. 5). Datasets before 1991 must be
considered with care as the sediment amount was directly deduced from the volume of used
water and not from photogrammetric or bathymetric measurements. Furthermore, some
data (1979, 1980, 2008, 2009, 2013) are missing.
Considering the last twenty years, an amount of 300000 to 400000 m3 needed to be flushed
yearly during the appropriate period, normally from May to June. Flushing in this season is
appropriate regarding the respective discharges of the Massa and Rhone rivers, and also environmental reasons. In fact, the flow increases at the end of the winter period in both rivers and
succeeding floods due to strong snow and glacier melt occur at the second half of June. These
floods help to restore the river bed and to evacuate the remaining fine sediment deposits.

Figure 5. Yearly amount of flushed sediments and mean sediment concentration (since 1992) at Gebidem
Dam ( ). Critical flushing operations: .


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Figure 6. Left: Surface waves due to anti-dunes regime during sedimentation in the flushing channel.
Right: High sediment load leading to channel overtopping in 1999.

As mentioned, the yearly flushing is a challenging operation. Several times, difficult situations appeared as documented for years 1991 and 1993, with external costs of more than
400000.- Swiss francs (EOS, 1999). The most critical flushing operation occurred in 1999
(EOS, 2002), when permanent and competent monitoring and field operations were required
to limit damages as far as possible (Fig. 6). Similar problems also occurred in 2010, for reasons still under clarification, and in 2012 with very high sediment amount and inopportune
failure of a sluice gate in the intermediate sediment reservoir.



Physical modelling in 1964

Four physical models were operated at the Istituto di Idraulica dellUniversit di Padova
(Italy), two for the turbine pits, one for the restitution channel and one for the flushing channel. The tests conducted on the last model led to the actual shape of the channel and its 1.5%
longitudinal slope. Lower slopes of 0.8% and 1.2% were also investigated, but they revealed
insufficient to adequately manage the sediment transport. The study recommended proceeding to an annual flushing operation during 45 days with a discharge of 20 m3/s assuming to
evacuate about 100000 m3 of sediments by bedload transport and an additional amount of
400000 m3 being supposed transported in suspension.
From todays point of view, the study of 1964 identified the main difficulties namely the
obligation to build a flushing channel. It also led to an optimization of transport capacity in
the section but underestimated the part of sediments transported as bed load.

Further tests in 1994 and 2002

After the difficulties encountered during flushing in 1991 and 1993 and later in 1999, physical
and numerical modeling were performed in 1994 (Boillat et al., 1996) and in 2002 (LCH-EPFL
2002) at the Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions of the cole Polytechnique Fdrale de
Lausanne. The main purpose was to improve knowledge on relevant sediment silting and
transport processes. The first study focused on the upper part of the channel, over a distance
of about 400 m. The idea was to produce an initial acceleration of the flow by insertion of
a sill at the upstream end of the channel. Different alternatives with bottom deflectors and
channel width reduction were simulated in search of an optimal solution. Despite some differences between the tested variants, no efficient design could be obtained (Boillat et al., 1996).
For the last study in 2002, a 1:18 down scaled physical model was built, reproducing part
of the Massa gorge and the full reach of the flushing channel over a distance of about 700 m,

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Figure 7. Maximum deposit profile in the channel related to the flushing operation of 1999. Left:
Sensitivity analysis of additional clear water supply from 5 to 15 m3/s, for a characteristic grain size
d50 = 2 mm. Right: Sensitivity analysis of the characteristic grain size d50 from 1 to 10 mm, for an 1 clear
water supply of 10 m3/s. C1, C2, C3 refer to the 3 curves where sediment deposit is initiated. S indicates
the location of a shrinkage section in the channel.

up to the Rhone River (Boillat et al., 2003). Two series of tests were conducted, orientated
successively towards sedimentation and erosion phases, with the aim to describe and to quantify the respective processes during flushing operations.
It could be put in evidence that silting results from an anti-dunes regime progressing towards
upstream. This process is initiated in the existing curves of the channel, where deposit starts
in the inner part before progressively covering the whole section. On the other hand, sediment
clearing progress from the upper boundary of the channel, eroding and evacuating deposits
under a flow stream effect (LCH-EPFL, 2002).
Based on the experimental results, it became obvious that an additional discharge of
clear water was required at the upper limit of the channel to increase the sediment transport
capacity. In order to evaluate the influence of this dilution flow, a non-steady numerical
model was applied down to the Rhone River. After calibration with reference to experimental
results as well as to the documented flushing of the year 1999, a sensitive analysis about sediment grain size distribution and additional dilution discharge (Fig. 7) was carried out.

The proposed solution

Physical model tests and numerical simulations opened out into recommendations for the
flushing procedure. It has been suggested that an additional water supply had to be introduced at the upstream end of the channel, as soon as the sediment layer reaches 1.5 m depth
at a control section located about 200 m from the entrance of the channel. This reference
corresponds to the place where the sediments depth is the highest.
The dilution discharge has to be increased progressively in order to avoid a rapid accumulation of sediments at the input location, leading to a local sediment accumulation and consequently to the water surface increase. In order to optimize the clearing efficiency, the dilution
supply will progressively be reduced as soon as the sediment concentration diminishes.


The project

According to the proposed solution, the project consisted to build a water supply tunnel,
originated from the neighboring low chute Massaboden hydropower scheme (Fig. 8).
The 506 m long tunnel with 4.5% longitudinal slope has three types of sections adapted to
geological conditions with around 2.50 m width and 2.50 m height. This device is able to provide a dilution discharge up to 15 m3/s and thus to manage the flooding risk in the flushing

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Figure 8.

Schematic view of the dilution supply tunnel project.

Figure 9.

The dilution supply tunnel under construction (on the left) and completed (on the right).

channel. Furthermore, if considering the reduced time of the flushing operation and the
head difference between the Gebidem Dam and the low chute scheme, the investment will be
amortized in less than 10 years.
This example of a sediment management measure at the effluent by dilution (Fig. 1) shows
the positive contribution of additional water for clearing the deposit and reducing the sediment concentration at the outflow.

The construction

The construction was realized between September 2005 and August 2006. The tunneling
method was the traditional drill-and-blast, adequate for such a small section (Fig. 9).
First blast was made on 16.11.2005 and the last one on 18.07.2006. A short access tunnel

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Figure 10. Water supply and evacuated sediment volume during flushing operations, before and after
set up of the dilution system in 2007, as well as related energy consumption.

was first excavated, about 20 m near the lower end of the dilution tunnel in the Massa
The connection of the dilution supply tunnel to the neighboring scheme was achieved only
one year later, due to the delayed completion of the transformation works on this scheme.

New flushing concept and first experiences

The new flushing concept consists to evacuate the sediments from the Gebidem reservoir rapidly with a large discharge, to create an intermediate stock of sediments in
the Massa River between the dam and the Rhone River and to wash the Gorge with a
reduced discharge, allowing the filling up of the reservoir for the reactivation of energy
production. When the sediments layer reaches a certain depth in the flushing channel,
the gate of the dilution supply tunnel is opened and its discharge is controlled in function of the evolution of the sediment level.
The first experience of the new flushing concept was successfully made in 2007.
With 11370000 m 3 of water from the Massa River and 1860000 m 3 from the neighboring scheme, the dilution supply proved its efficiency. Considering differentiated
energy coefficients for Gebidem high head and Massaboden low chute schemes, the
total energy consumption as well as the energy per sediment volume unit used for the
flushing operation could be estimated. The values obtained before and after introduction of the dilution supply in 2007 show a significant trend towards energy efficiency
(Fig. 10).


Despite the long experience of operating Gebidem draw-down for flushing and additional
flexibility offered by the dilution supply tunnel, some residual risk remains due to uncertainties in meteorological forecast, sudden weather changes (temperature, clouds, precipitations)
in the high mountain catchment, risk associated to handling and state of the infrastructure
of the intermediate sediment reservoir as well as sliding, erosion and transport processes of
sediments in the reservoir or other unexpected difficulties.
The owner of the Gebidem Dam, Electra-Massa, pursues thus systematic and continuous
efforts to ensure further improvement of flushing operations according to the field of actions
summarized in Table 1.
The major challenge in the following decades will be to catch the period for secure and sustainable flushing under tendency of decreasing Upper Rhone discharge (lower glacier cover
with sooner snowmelt) and increasing Massa discharge up to the year 2050 (high glacier

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Table 1.

Systematic pursued efforts to ensure further improvement of flushing.

Field of actions



Optimization of
between Massa
and Upper-Rhone

Precise discharge and weather predictions

Ensure use of neighboring power plant
with transfer of 7 m3/s from Massa
to Rhone
Best use of bottom outlet at Gebidem Dam
Integration of neighboring storage plants
to increase Upper-Rhone discharge

Competent and
focused use of
of infrastructure

Extensive documentation of yearly flushing

Ensure competences of key persons
Punctual upgrading measurement system

Best moment for flushing

Dilution of sediment
concentration in
Avoid system overload
Dilution of sediment
concentration in
Best practice, continuous
learning, sharing and
transmission of knowledge

Controlling the
residual risk

Precisely defined locations for intervention

Knowing flow paths of water overtopping
Mobile equipment for goods protection

Renovation flushing channel (20152017)

Regular use and maintenance of movable
component parts

Certain use of
In time perception of
necessity for maintenance
Enhance security for men
Reduce damage
Reduce loss of income


Reservoir sedimentation management is an essential task worldwide. In Switzerland, where

most dams are dedicated to electricity production, mainly by storage plants, the dead storage,
designed to accumulate the sediment deposit is generally completely filled. This is a source of
problems regarding the safe operation of turbines and bottom outlet devices.
In the particular case of Gebidem Dam, the power scheme functioning is maintained safe
thanks to annual flushing operations. However, considering the high amount on sediments to
evacuate, the flushing channel suffers a silting process, leading to unacceptable overtopping
of the lateral walls. The introduction of an additional clear water supply at the upper limit of
the channel was proposed with the aim to reduce the sediment concentration and to control
the settling process in the channel.
This solution was first tested on physical model, providing reference data for the calibration of a numerical model. A sensitivity analysis on the dilution discharge and the characteristic grain size allowed then to define operation rules for flushing.
The conceptual idea could be achieved by water diversion from a neighboring low chute hydropower scheme in 2006. Recent experiences with a dilution water supply confirm the efficiency of
this solution. However, residual risk cannot be totally excluded and continuous and systematic
efforts need to be undertaken for safe and sustainable flushing in the future. These concern namely
the field of actions optimization of discharge distribution between Massa and Upper-Rhone.
The acquired experience about the Gebidem reservoir sediment management allows tending towards optimal flushing operations. This issue could only be attained thanks to a great
perseverance, confirming the absolute necessity to consider the problem of reservoir sedimentation already in the early stage of the design for new projects.
Alpiq. 2010. Electra-Massa, Gebidem, Balades hydrolectriques.
Boillat, J.-L., Dubois, J., De Cesare, G., Bollaert, E. 2000. Sediment management examples in Swiss
Alpine reservoirs. Proceedings International Workshop and Symposium on Reservoir Sedimentation
Management, Tokyo, Japan.


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Boillat, J.-L., Dubois, J., Lazaro, P. 1996. Eintrag und Austrag von Feststoffen im Splkanal von Gebidem.
Modellversuche und numerische Simulation. Symposium an Verlandung von Stauseen und Stauhaltungen, Sedimentprobleme in Leitungen und Kanlen, 28./29. Mrz 1996, ETH Zrich, Mitteilung Nr.
142 der Versuchsanstalt fr Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW), pp. 151170.
Boillat, J.-L., Oehy, Ch., Schleiss, A. 2003. Reservoir Sedimentation Management in Switzerland. The 3rd World
Water Forum, Challenges to the Sedimentation Management for Reservoir Sustainability, pp. 143158.
Boillat, J.-L., Pougatsch, H. 2000. State of the art of sediment management in Switzerland. Proceedings International Workshop and Symposium on Reservoir Sedimentation Management, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 143153.
Bosshard, T., Fischer, A., Kress, A., Kull, C., Liniger, M.A., Lustenberger, A. und Scherrer, S. 2001.
Swiss Climate Change Scenarios CH2011.
EOS. 1999. Chenal de la Massa Bitsch, Remarques et rflexions. From Bretz, N.-V. for Electra-Massa
EOS. 2002. Note interne no 2002/293, Chenal de la Massa Bitsch, Conduite enterre pour la dilution.
Istituto di Idraulica dellUniversit di Padova. 1964. Essais sur modles rduits des ouvrages de restitution de la centrale de Bitsch.
LCH-EPFL. 1994. Etude exprimentale sur modle hydraulique du chenal de chasse de la Massa Bitsch.
Internal Report, Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions, EPF-Lausanne, Switzerland.
LCH-EPFL. 2002. Gestion du transport solide lors de la purge annuelle du barrage de Gebidem. Modlisations physique et numrique des coulements et du transport solide dans le chenal de chasse de la Massa
Bitsch. Internal Report n8, Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions, EPF-Lausanne, Switzerland.
Pougatsch et al. 2002. Scurit des ouvrages daccumulation. Dam safety guidelines. Swiss Federal Office
for Water and Geology, Bern, Switzerland.
Schweizerische Gesellschaft fr Hydrologie und Limnologie (SGHL), Hydrologische Kommission
(CHy). 2011. Auswirkungen der Klimanderung auf die WasserkraftnutzungSynthesebericht. Beitrge zur Hydrologie der Schweiz, Nr. 38, 28 S., Bern.


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River Flow 2014

Reservoir Sedimentation

International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics

Despite the mechanisms of reservoir sedimentation

being well known for a long time, sustainable and preventive measures are rarely taken into consideration in
the design of new reservoirs. To avoid operational problems of powerhouses, sedimentation is often treated
for existing reservoirs with measures which are ecient
only for a limited time.

De Cesare

Reservoir Sedimentation

The todays challenge of dam owners and engineers is to

guarantee with adequate mitigation measures the future
sustainable use of the vital reservoirs supplying water
for drinking, food and energy production. Research and
development is still urgently needed to identify ecient
mitigation measures adapted to the main sedimentation
processes involved in reservoirs.
During the seventh International Conference on Fluvial
Hydraulics River Flow 2014 at cole Polytechnique
Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, scientists
and professionals from all over the world addressed the
challenge of reservoir sedimentation in a special session
and exchanged their knowledge and experiences. Invited
and selected contributions, which give an overview on
the latest developments and research regarding reservoir
sedimentation including case studies, are presented in
this book, in the hope that they can contribute to better
sustainable use of the vital reservoirs worldwide.

an informa business

Anton J. Schleiss
Giovanni De Cesare
Mrio J. Franca
Michael Pster

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