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July 12 , 2012

Ms. Ayesha Khatoon

No 204, New Paras Toli,
Ranchi 834002
Phone : 09431135517
Dear Ayesha,
We take great pleasure in inviting you to be an integral part of Wi
pro Infotech.
Congratulations! on being selected for the position of Project Lead at
Wipro Infotech. We are enclosing
herewith your letter of appointment, which may kindly be sent to us
with your signature in each page as a
token of acceptance.
Please note that the offer of appointment is subject to satisfactory
completion of your reference check and
medical examination.
Please keep us informed of your date of joining at least one week i
n advance. In case you may need any
clarifications regarding your job, salary, or any policy, please con
Lovee Chopra
Wipro Infotech
E-Mail : lovee. chopra@wipro. com
As a part of the joining process, you are requested to bring the f
ollowing documents on the day of
Photocopies of
* SSLC (X Std) Marks Card
/ Birth certificate.
* Degree / Diploma/ Highest qualification certificate along with marks
cards (all semesters).
* Relieving letter from the previous organisation or Accepted Resignatio
n letter
* Experience letter.
* Passport
* Form 16 (Income Tax) from previous employer (if applicable)
* 6 passport size photographs.
Please bring the original education certificates / mark sheets for ver
ification. .
We look forward to you having a long and fruitful relationship with
Yours sincerely,
Ravi Sankar K
General Manager - Talent Acquisition
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 1
July 12 , 2012
Ms. Ayesha Khatoon
No 204, New Paras Toli,
Ranchi 834002
Phone : 09431135517

Dear Ayesha,
We have pleasure in appointing you in our Company as Project Lead at
Mumbai or in such other
capacity the management shall from time to time determine. Please not
e that the employment terms
contained in this letter are subject to Company policy.
a. Your date of appointment is effective from the date of joining whi
ch shall be as soon as
possible but not later than 10. 09. 2012.
b. You will be on probation for a period of one year from the date
of your appointment. If in
the opinion of the Company you are found suitable in the appointed p
ost you will be
c. The retirement age is 58 years.
d. You will be liable to be transferred in such capacity as the Comp
any may from time to time
determine to any other location, department, function, establishment,
or branch of the
Company or subsidiary, associate or affiliate Company. In such case
you will be governed by
the terms and conditions of service applicable to the new assignment.
You will be eligible to receive the following:
a. Basic salary of Rs. 17, 709. 00 /- per month.
b. You will be paid House Rent Assistance of Rs. 7, 084. 00 /- per mo
c. You will be paid a Commutation Allowance of Rs. 800. 00 /- per mon
d. You will be paid Wipro Benefit Plan (WBP) amount of Rs. 23, 434. 00
/- per month.
e. Quarterly Performance Linked Compensation of Rs. 9, 917. 00 /- per mo
nth. The Quarterly
Performance Linked Compensation program may be changed / altered or mo
dified in part or
full thereof from time to time, at the sole discretion of the manag
f. You will be entitled to other compensation and benefits in accordan
ce with the Company
policy as modified and intimated to you from time to time.
g. Your salary will be reviewed periodically as per Company policy.
h. Changes in your compensation are discretionary and will be subject
to and on the basis of
effective performance and results during the period and other relevant
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 2
You will be entitled to the following:
a. Leave, holidays and working hours as applicable to your category o
f employees and location
of posting.
b. Perquisites, if any, as applicable to your category of employees
and / or based on functional
requirements as determined by the company.
c. Participate in the Company Provident Fund Scheme as per the rules

and policies applicable to

your category of employees.
d. Participate in the Company Medical Assistance Program and Contributor
y Mutual Benefit
Program for your category of employees.
e. Company sponsored and administered Employee Benefits Programme for ma
employees, comprising of gratuity plan, survivor benefit plan and ind
ustrial injury benefits.
a. In view of your position and office, you must effectively, dilige
ntly and to the best of your
ability perform all responsibilities and ensure results. You will be
expected to work extra
hours to achieve the above whenever the job so requires. In this co
nnection, you are required
not to engage in activities that have or will have an adverse impact
on the reputation / image
and business of Wipro, whether directly or indirectly.
b. You will be required to undertake travel on Company work for which
you will be reimbursed
travel expenses as per the Company policy applicable to you.
c. We at WIPRO are committed to ensure "Integrity" in all aspects of
its functioning. Please
ensure that you comply with the policies of the company as they form
an integral part of the
terms of employment with Wipro. Consequently, you are required to un
derstand the scope and
intent behind these policies and to comply with the same. These Poli
cies are updated /
modified on a periodic basis and new Policies may be introduced from
time to time. As and
when this happens, the Company will notify you and you will be requ
ired to comply with the
d. Consistent with (c) above, any matter or situation or incident tha
t may arise that could
potentially result, or has resulted, in any violation of the Policie
s or this letter, shall
immediately be brought to the notice your Business Unit Head.
e. In connection with your employment and during the term of your emp
loyment you shall
disclose and assign to WIPRO as its exclusive property, all developme
nts developed or
conceived by you solely or jointly with others and shall comply with
the Policies of the
Company in relation to Intellectual Property
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 3
a. You are required to engage yourself exclusively in the work assigne
d by WIPRO and shall
not take up any independent or individual assignments (whether the sam
e is part time or full
time, in an advisory capacity or otherwise) directly or indirectly wi
thout the express written
consent of your Business Unit Head.

b. You shall ensure that you shall not, directly or indirectly, enga
ge in any activity or have any
interest in, or perform any services for any person who is involved
in activities, which are or
shall be in conflict with the interests of Wipro.
c. The Conflict of Interests Policy also refers to the need on your
part, during your employment
and for a period of one year from the cessation of your employment
with Wipro (irrespective
of the circumstances of, or the reasons for, the cessation) not to
solicit, induce or encourage:
I Any employee of WIPRO to terminate their employment with WIPRO or t
o accept
employment with any competitor, supplier or any customer with whom yo
u have a
II Any customer or vendor of Wipro to move his existing business with
Wipro to a third
party or to terminate his business relationship with Wipro.
III Any existing employee to become associated with, or perform servic
es of any type for
any third party.
d. In case of any conflict or doubt, please discuss the matter with
your Business Unit Head,
understand the position of WIPRO and resolve the conflict
a. In consideration of the opportunities, training and access to new
techniques and know-how that
will be made available to you, you will be required to comply with
the confidentiality policy
of the company. Therefore, please ensure that you maintain as secret
and confidential all
Confidential Information (as defined from time to time in the Confiden
tiality Policy of the
Company) and shall not use or divulge or disclose any such Confidenti
al Information except as
may be required under obligation of law or as may be required by WI
PRO and in the course
of your employment. This covenant shall endure during your employment
and for a period of
one year from the cessation of your employment with Wipro (irrespectiv
e of the circumstances
of, or the reasons for, the cessation).
b. Assignment of Intellectual Property
During your tenure with the Company you shall disclose and assign to
Wipro as its exclusive
property, all developments developed or conceived by you solely or jo
intly with others that
are related to the Company' s business or that results from work that
you perform for the
Company or using the Company' s equipment, supplies or facilities and
shall comply with the
Policies of the Company in relation to Intellectual Property
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 4
a. We trust that you have not provided us with any false declaration

or willfully suppressed any

material information. If you have, you will be liable for removal f
rom service without notice.
Please note that you are required to inform us if there are any agr
eements, oral or written,
which you have entered into and which relate to your commitments unde
r this Agreement.
b. Your employment terms may be specifically enforced legally, if requ
ired. In this connection, if
any of the provisions of this Agreement are declared or found to be
void or unenforceable
due to any reason whatsoever, the remaining provisions of this Agreem
ent shall continue in
full force and effect.
c. These employment terms supersede and replace any existing agreement
or understanding, if
any, between Wipro and you relating to the same subject matter.
This contract of employment is terminable, without reasons, by either
party giving one month
notice during probationary period and two months notice on confirmation
. Wipro reserves the
right to pay or recover salary in lieu of notice period.
the Company may at its
discretion relieve you from such date as it may deem fit even prior
to the expiry of the
notice period.
On acceptance of separation notice, you will immediately give upto th
e company before you
are relieved, all correspondence, specifications, formulae, books, d
ocuments, cost of data,
market data, literature, drawings, effects or shall not make or ret
ain any copies of these
Please confirm that the above terms are acceptable to you and that y
ou accept the appointment by signing
a copy of this letter of appointment.
Yours sincerely,
Ravi Sankar K
General Manager - Talent Acquisition
I agree to accept employment on the terms and conditions mentioned in
the above letter.
Name: Signature :
Place: Date :
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 5
July 12 , 2012
: Ayesha Khatoon
: Project Lead
: Mumbai
Career group
Basic Pay
17, 709. 00
House Rent Allowance
7, 084. 00

Wipro Benefits Plan (WBP)

23, 434. 00
Commutation Allowance
800. 00
Additional Allowance
8, 500. 00
Total Fixed Cash
57, 527. 00
Provident Fund
2, 125. 00
940. 00
Total Compensation
60, 592. 00
9, 917. 00
Total Target Compensation
70, 509. 00
Health Benefits
325. 00
Monthly Gross
70, 834. 00
Annual Gross
850, 008. 00
* *QPLC is paid as per company policy and is subject to change at t
he discretion of the management.
* Medical Assistance Scheme (MAS) limit is up to one month' s basic s
alary per annum or Rs 15, 000/whichever is higher.
* Medical Benefit Scheme (MBS) limit is Rs. 50, 000/- per annum.
* Mediclaim limit is Rs. 2, 00, 000/- per annum.
* CBDT hospitalisation limit is Rs. 10, 000/- per annum.
* Group Personal Accident Insurance Cover will be for Rs. 12, 00, 000/-.
* Life Insurance cover will be Rs 14, 00, 000/Please note that your compensation is personal to you and you are re
quested not to share details of the
same with others.
Yours sincerely,
Ravi Sankar K
General Manager - Talent Acquisition
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 6
July 12 , 2012
Ms. Ayesha Khatoon
No 204, New Paras Toli,
Ranchi 834002
Phone : 09431135517
Dear Ayesha,
Further to our appointment letter, we wish to confirm that recognisin
g your job requirements, nature of
responsibilities and in furtherance of company' s business interest, co
mpany will provide assistance under the
Wipro Benefits Plan (WBP ).
You will be eligible for a maximum limit of
Rs. 281, 208. 00 /- per
annum under the Wipro Benefits Plan.
You will be required to budget your expense for the Calendar Year at
the beginning of the year under the
head telephone & mobile lines (rental upto a max limit of Rs. 1200),
LTA, Food Coupons and Education
The budget submitted by you shall not change during this period of t
welve months unless there is a change
in Benefits limit applicable to you.
The reimbursement of expenses shall be subject to company policy.
Yours sincerely,

Ravi Sankar K
General Manager - Talent Acquisition
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 7
Wipro Infotech has adopted a conflict of interest policy in respect o
f its employees. This policy is intended
to avoid conflict between the personal interest of an employee and th
e interest of the company in dealing
with the suppliers, customers and all other organizations or individua
ls doing or seeking to do business
with the company.
Noted below are a few examples of
conflict of interest.
1. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to have an
interest in any organization,
which has business dealings with the company, where there is an oppo
rtunity for preferential
treatment to be given or received, except where such an interest com
prises of securities in widely
held corporations which are quoted and sold on open market or the in
terest is not material.
2. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to buy, se
ll or lease any kind of property,
facilities or equipment from or to the company or any affiliate or t
o any company, firm or
individual who is or is seeking to become the contractor, supplier o
r customer, except with the
knowledge and consent of top management.
3. For an employee to serve as an officer, director or in any other
management capacity or as
consultant of another company or organization doing or seeking to do
business with the company or
an affiliate except with the knowledge and consent of top management.
4. For an employee to use or release to a third party any data on
decisions, plans, competitive bids or
any other information concerning the company, which might be prejudici
al to the interest of the
5. For an employee or any dependent member of his family to accept c
ommission, a share in profits or
other payment, loans (other than with established banking or financial
institution), services, excessive
entertainment and travel or gifts of more than nominal value from any
individual or organization
doing or seeking to do business with the company.
I have read the above mentioned ' Conflict of Interest' policy and I
declare that there is no ' Conflict of
Interest' in my employment. If in future any conflict arises, I wi
ll inform top management.
Name :
Date :
Signature _________________
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.

Page 8
Reference Number:- WI428371
Date : July 12 , 2012
Dear Ayesha Khatoon,
As a part of pre-Joining formalities please complete your health check
up in any of the below mentioned
Hospitals with prior appointment.
Note :
1. Kindly carry your photo id proof for verification.
2. The Medical Centers will not be working on Sundays
3. Carry 2 copies of this letter and get the acknowledgement
from t
he center post medical examination
Yours sincerely,
Ravi Sankar K
General Manager - Talent Acquisition
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(For Hospitals use only)
Date:Candidate Name:Reference Number:Reports To: Murugesh,
EC 1,

2 /3rd Floor,

Tower 4

72, Keonics Electronic City

Hosur Main Road, Bangalore - 560 100

Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 9
1 Mumbai:
Ms. Grisha - 9324053429 - 09:00am to 05:00pm - Ganpatrao
Kadam Marg, Near A to
Z Industrial Estate, Off Worli Naka, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai-400013.
2 Nagpur:
Ms. Minal - 9371642876 - 09:00am to 05:00pm - Piramal Di
agnostic Services Pvt Ltd,
Swamy Regency, 91, Canal Road Ramdaspeth,
Nagpur - 440 010.
3 Jaipur:
Mr Rohit Verma - 9983902581 - 09:00am to 05:00 - Piramal
Diagnostic Services Pvt
Ltd, 5, Showroom Building, Narayan Singh Marg, Jaipur-302 004.
4 Bikaner:
Mr. Gopal - 9314543315 - 09:00am to 05:00pm - Piramal D
iagnostic Services Pvt Ltd,
Sky Labs, J. N. Building, Near Sales Tax Office, 4, Sadul Colony, B
ikaner- 334 001.
5 Lucknow:
Ms. Reena - 0522-2327106 , 2327276 , 3235789/Abhishek
- 0522-2327106 ,
2327276, 3235789 - 09:00am to 05:00pm -Piramal Diagnostic Services Pvt.
Ltd. -DMC, B-52, J Park,
Mahanagar Extension, Near Kapurthala Crossing, Luknow-226006
6 Amritsar: Dr. Parminder Singh Rana - 0183 2580823 /5070823-09:00am to
05:00pm - Piramal
Diagnostic Services Pvt Ltd Dr. Rana,
Dr. Rana, 32 A, Opp. Ajith
Nagar Water Tank,
Amritsar - 143001.

7 Bhubaneswar:
Mr. Brajkishore Palei 0674- 2433636/2433737/243636
3/2436464 - 09:00am to
05:00pm - Piramal Diagnostic Services Pvt Ltd, Plot 2084, Hall Plot N
o. 339/ 4820, Goutam Nagar
Unit No. 28, Bhubaneswar - 751015.
8 Guwahati:
Mr Vijay Giri - 9957564388 - 09:00am to 05:00pm - Piram
al Diagnostic Services Pvt
Skylab, G. S. Road, Ulubari, Guwahati - 781 007.
9 Mangalore:
Mr. Balasubramanyam - 0824 2422612/ 2426771/4273950 / 30
08621 - 09:00am to
05:00pm - Piramal Diagnostic Services Pvt Ltd -Ideal Diagnostics, Near
Mahal, Falnir Road,
10 Mysore:
Mr. Amit Kumar. M - 0821-24435371/38 - 09:00am to 05:
00pm -Piramal Diagnostics
Service Pvt Ltd- , KCDC(Karnataka Cardio Diagnostics Centre), # L, 25/2A,
Irwin Road
11 Hyderabad:
Saumya Ranajan Sahoo - 7893737570 - 09:00am to 05:00p
m - Piramal Diagnostic
Services Pvt - Parklane, Bhuvana Towers, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunde
rabad - 500 003.
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 10
1 Ahmadabad (Ambawadi) : Ms Hetal - 079-39401111, 8. 00am 2. 00pm - SRL, 1st Floor,
The Grand Mall Opp. SBI Zonal Office, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad-380015, G
2 Bangalore (ITPL): Ms Tabasum - 9742210131, 080-41254661
, 662, 6
63, 664-8. 00am - 11. 00pm,
SRL Wellness Centre, M R Square, Sy. No. 7/3, Brookfield, Main Ro
ad, Opp. Main Hyper
City, Bangalore 560 060.
3 Bangalore(Millers Road): Mr Kiran - 080-39401111/080-44121212,
- 8.
00am - 3. 00pm- SRL, 47,
Millers Road, Bangalore - 560 052 (Karnataka)
4 Bangalore (Koramangala): Mr Prasad - 080-42351868/87 - 8. 00am - 3. 0
0 pm - SRL Wellness
Centre, No. 52, Nirmala Mansion, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore
- 560 095.
5 Bangalore (Bannerghatta):
Mr Prasad - 080-42351868/30401111, 080-3074
080-42351887, 8. 00am-3. 00pm - No 9, TKN Towers, Bannerghatta Road,
Next to Jal Bhawan,
Bangalore - 560076
6 Chennai (Anna nagar): Mr Nelson - 044-26204704, 05 - 8. 00am - 11.
00am - AB-46, 1st Street, 6th
Main road, Annanagar, Chennai-600040.
7 Delhi NCR Gurgaon (Sec-18): Mr Dilip - 9873848944/0124 - 3001243, 1
209, 8. 00am - 10. 00am ,
SRL, GP-26, Maruti Industrial Estate, Udyog Vihar, Sector-18, Gurgaon
8 Delhi NCR (Faridabad): Ms Archana - 9818361254/0129-4179184/85 -8. 30am
- 2. 00pm- SRL
Wellness Centre, SCO. 13, Sector 16 Market, Faridabad, Haryana.
9 Delhi (Preet Vihar): Dr Mohsina Khan - 9716824774/011 - 39401111-8. 0

0 am - 11. 30am- SRL,

Ground Floor, Preet Vihar, New Delhi.
10 Delhi (Rajouri Garden): Dr Monika - 9310345647 / 011-47322725, 724, 8. 00 am - 10. 00am- SRL
Wellness Centre, A-28,
Vishal Enclave, Rajouri Garden.
11 Delhi (Vasant Vihar)(part of high-end imaging lab and clinic facilit
Mr Bimal 9971187667/011 - 30920800 , 803 , 8048. 00am - 1. 00pm
llness Centre, 8 Palam
Marg, Vasant Vihar New Delhi.
12 Hyderabad(Ameerpeth): Mr Venkata Maruthi - 7569054501 / 9700005055 /
040-39135600 /
040-39401111, 7. 30 Am to 11. 30AM, Super Religare Laboratories, Madh
ana Towers, G-2, 7-1-59/2
& 7-1-59/6, Opp. Indian Bank Besides Monster. com, Dharam Karam Road
Ameerpet, Hyderabad
13 Indore (New Palasia):
Ms Sonal - 9993219411/0731-39401111 - 8. 30am
- 3. 00pm - SRL, 34/2,
New Palasia, Near Om Shanti Bhavan Circle, Behind Industry House, I
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 11
14 Jaipur (Mansarovar): Mr Naveen Singh - 9414275567 / 0141-2783181 /
0141-2783184, Super
Religare Laboratories, Shop No 5, 6, 7 , Sec. 5
Shopping Center, Opp
. IIS School, V. T. Road Crossing,
Shipra Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur. (Raj. ) Pin:302020.
15 Kolkata (Salt Lake): Ms Soma - 9831657901/033-30203444, 421, 422, 434
- 8. 00am - 2. 00pm ,
SRL, Midland Park Building, AN Block, Sec-V Salt Lake, Bye Pass Roa
d, Kolkata, (West Bengal).
16 Mumbai(Goregoan): Ms Sheela - 9920612357 /022 - 67801244/ 022 - 308
67801234, Super
Religare Laboratories, Prime Square Building, Plot no. 1, Gaiwadi Ind
ustrial Estate, S V Road,
Goregoan (West), Mumbai - 400 062 (Maharashtra).
17 Mumbai (Andheri): Dr Nisar Sultan - 022-44121212 / 022-40159881, Su
per Religare Laboratories,
Hari Bhakti Building, Plot. 56, Street No. 17, Near Datamatics,
Andheri East,
Mumbai - 40093
Maharashtra .
18 Pune (J M Road): Ms Manjusha - 9325438891 - SRL, 1258, Matruchha
ya, IInd Floor, Deccan
Gymkhana, J M Road, Pune-411004 Maharashtra.
19 Delhi NCR (Gurgaon Sec-56): Mr Abhishek - 9540253787/0124-3001243, 1
209 - 8. 00am -10. 00am
SRL Wellness Centre, E-184, Sushant Lok-II City, Sector 56, Gurgaon
20 Patna (Bihar): Mr Shoaib - 0612-2216036/2216020/09934306806/09835690848,
Super Religare
Laboratories, 101, 1st Floor, B-Block, Capitol Tower , Opp. Aakas
hwani Bhawan Circle, Fraser
Road, Patna -800001 (Bihar).
21 Kolkatta (Chowrangee): Ms Sujata - 033 22271315, 22267333, Super R
eligare Laboratories,
Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 30B Chowringhee Mansions, Kolkata - 700016. W

est Bengal.
22 Amritsar (Nagpal Tower) : Ms Ritu - 9988371370/ 0183-3940111 & 0183
-5004221, Super Religare
Laboratories, SCO-44 Nagpal Tower-II, Ranjeet Avenue B Block, Near M
K Hotel, Amritsar143001.
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 12
Dress is an intergral aspect of an individual' s personality and is
considerably Influenced
by Context and occasion. The Wipro Infotech Dress Code Policy intends
to ensure
that as Wiproites, you demonstrate the professional character of the
company by the way
you present yourself at work, and in a way that allows you to main
tain your credibility
and professionalism.
Guidelines :
You can dress in office casuals throughout the workweek
However, on certain occasions you will be required to dress formally
Employees in sales / client facing roles are required to be dressed
in formal attire
Employees while at client site are required to adhere to the dress c
ode specified by the
In all respects, office decorum AND decency has to be maintained
Here is an indicative list of what is considered appropriate and not
appropriate for
MALE employees
Appropriate Dressing
* Full / half-sleeved shirts (tucked in)
* Formal / casual trousers
* Formal shoes
Inappropriate Dressing
* T-Shirts Without Collar / Roundneck T-Shirts With Casual Images / M
* Oversized/ unshapely shirts/T-shirts
* Dhotis / Kurta-Pyjama
* Short Kurtas
* Shorts
* Worn Out/ Torn jeans /Sandblasted Jeans/Jeans with flashy patterns/
* Casual home wear slippers / Floaters/Flip flops
* Bright and Flowery shirts with casual images/ motifs
* Track pants
Here is an indicative list of what is considered appropriate and not
appropriate for
WOMEN employees
Appropriate Dressing
* Saris / Salwar Kameez
* Shirts
* Trousers
* Skirts
* Formal shoes / sandals / formal slippers
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0

Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 13
Inappropriate Dressing
* Slippers (Hawaii) /Casual home wear slippers / Floaters/ Flip flops
* Clothes that are inappropriate/ revealing
* Shorts
* Worn Out Jeans / Sandblasted Jeans / Jeans with Flashy Patterns /
* Wrap-Around Skirts / Gathered Skirts
* Track pants
* Bright and flowery shirts with casual images/ motifs
Tips for a Professional look:
Ensure that you look well-groomed, clean, polished and smart
Wear the right colours that blend in - avoid colours that are too b
right / gaudy
Differentiate between clothes to work and clothes elsewhere
Make sure that your dress does not hinder your working style
Know the kind of work of workplace you are in and dress to feel co
nfident and
Yours sincerely,
Ravi Sankar K
General Manager - Talent Acquisition
Wipro Infotech
Wipro Limited, Sarjapur Road Campus, Doddakanelli, Bangalore - 560 0
Ph : 080-8440230, Fax : 080-8440180.
Page 14

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