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Boris Geller,1 M.Sc.; Joseph Almog,2 Ph.D; Pierre Margot,3 Ph.D.; and Eliot Springer,4 M.Sc.

A Chronological Review of Fingerprint Forgery

REFERENCE: Geller B, Almog J, Margot P, Springer E. A

chronological review of fingerprint forgery. J Forensic Sci 1999;
ABSTRACT: The article reviews the history of fingerprint forgery
chronologically, based on about 70 papers, books and private communications. More than 30 known cases of fingerprint forgery are
considered. Various techniques of fingerprint forgery are described
and discussed as well as methods of fingerprint forgery detection.
KEYWORDS: forensic science, fingerprints, history, fingerprint
forgery, fingerprint forgery techniques, fingerprint forgery

Fingerprints cannot lie, but

liars can make fingerprints.
Paraphrase of an old proverb5
The authors are aware of all linguistic nuances of the synonyms
of the term forgery, such as counterfeit, fraudulence, falsification, fabrication, etc. They have chosen to use the term forgery
as the most capacious word to describe the situation of fingerprint
Of all categories of physical evidence, fingerprints remain one of
the most important. The modern methods for the development of
latent fingerprints allow for relatively fast results, and advanced
AFIS systems turn the search for the suspect into a matter of hours
or even minutes (1,2). There is a general consensus concerning the
individuality of fingerprints, in parallel with an actual discussion
about the standards of identification (3,4). One question periodically surfaces and disturbs this pastoral picture, Can a fingerprint
be forged? It is appropriate here to quote Professor Andre
Moenssens: If an attorney asked the question whether fingerprints
can be forged, the expert witnesss immediate answer has to be
Yes (5).
In September 1995 an appeal was sent through Interpol channels
to 180 countries: . . . we are interested in receiving any information you have on the fingerprint forgery, especially in cases known
on the subject.. . . Only 13 countries answered, and only four of
these 13 answers were cooperative and full of real concern. This
Scientific officer. Fingerprint Development Laboratory, Division of Identification and Forensic Science, Israel National Police HQ., Jerusalem, Israel.
Director, Division of Identification and Forensic Science, Israel National
Police HQ., Jerusalem, Israel.
Director, Institut de Police Scientifique et de Criminologie, IPSC, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Head, Fingerprint Development Laboratory, Division of Identification and
Forensic Science, Jerusalem, Israel.
Figures do not lie, but liars can do figures.
Received 20 January 1998; and in revised form 3 Aug. and 8 Dec. 1998; accepted 14 Dec. 1998.

Copyright 1999 by ASTM International


situation reflects the current attitude of the international forensic

science community to the problem.
The history of fingerprint forgery is probably as old as that of
fingerprint development and classification (6). Quite naturally, the
technological progress serves both sides: fingerprint experts and
fingerprint forgerswith equal effectiveness.
To answer the question, Who did it?, all cases of fingerprint
forgery can be divided into three main categories: 1. Forgery
committed by a law enforcement officer or fingerprint expert.
2. Forgery committed by a criminal (or for the criminal). 3. Forgery
made by a scientist or fingerprint expert to better understand the
nature of the phenomena, or to demonstrate the possibility of
Police officers who want so much to get the guy, even if they
dont have enough evidence against him, can fabricate the print
with the goal of linking the suspect to the crime scene. Criminals
on their part sometimes try to put the police on the wrong track, or
to help the police frame the wrong person. From a survey of
known cases we learn that both sides fabricate prints with the same
frequency. As to the forensic scientists, we can trace the first scientific experiments in this field to the very beginning of this century (7,8).
The aim of this article is to review the history of fingerprint
forgery or alleged forgery cases chronologically in as detailed a
way as the literature affords. Our work is based on about 70 articles
published in professional journals, books, popular magazines,
newspapers, TV reports, and private communications. The bibliographic material in this article covers cases from the following
countries: Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, France,
Germany, India, Israel, Malaysia, Netherlands, Soviet Union,
South Africa, UK, and USA. Obviously, there may be more cases
that have occurred but have not been reported.
It is evident that some of the sources used do not have the reliability expected from scientific journals; that is why this information
has to be reviewed with some care and detachment. In some instances, it may be inferred from the publications that cases were indeed proved, when in fact, they were only alleged. Although the
number of recorded and documented cases of fingerprint forgery is
not very impressive, there is every reason to believe that the real
number is much higher, and probably cannot be properly estimated.
The frequency and the number of publications on this topic from
the beginning of this century to 1997 are in themselves quite instructive. Before the 1920s the publications were rare and sporadic. From the 1920s and to the 1960s the frequency was about
one article every three to four years. The situation changed drastically only in the 70s with an average of about two publications a
year (and even four articles in 1976). This sudden increase can be
attributed to a direct response to the De Palma Case, which was
widely discussed in press (912). The same rate of publications has
remained unchanged during the 1980s and 1990s.



The earliest mention found about forged fingerprints investigation was in 1903. The article mentioned only the place, Punjab, India, and the name of the investigator, Cpt. Smith. The source hints
that this was definitely not the first case of fingerprint forgery in India, and on September 3, 1903, the government of Punjab accepted
a resolution to investigate every detected case of fingerprint
forgery (13).
In 1907, the famous French scientist, Edmond Locard
(18771966), father of the exchange principle in forensic science
manufactured a mould of his own fingerprints from gutta-percha, a
leathery thermoplastic substance consisting of a gutta hydrocarbon
with some resin obtained from the latex of a particular Malaysian
tree (7).
In 1916, in Calcutta, India, the first known case of inked fingerprint forgery was recorded. The forger, Bengali Babu of Calcutta,
had financially ruined a number of money-lenders by forging their
thumb impression on promissory notes. He had used a strong thin
paper and a glutinous substance to prepare a negative of the print to
be reproduced, and a gummy substance for a positive. The forgery
was finally discovered by F. Brewster, an advisor on the matter of
forgery for the government of India (13,14).
During the 1920s a professional medium named Margery
from Boston, succeeded for a long time to dupe her clients using a
fingerprint cast. Margery made a small cast in dental wax and
stealthily made an impression in the wax slab when the lights in the
room where extinguished during the performance. When the
seance ended and the lights were turned on, a fingerprint was
clearly visible in the wax. It was meant to prove that Margery had
established contacts with the world of spirits. The mystification
was exposed when the investigators found some traces of the cast
preparation in the clinic of Margerys dentist (15,16).
In 1922, Scotland Yard discovered a number of forgery cases,
presumably linked with the name of a bright burglar named Bill
Sikes. The fingerprint stamps used were of rubber, wax, and even
bread (17).
Another case from the early 20s was the so-called Case of Anthony Trent. Anthony Trent broke into the house of a rich German
baroness. He found the baronesss husband on the bed, deeply intoxicated. Trent used the barons finger, and planted it on the surface of the small gold box where the jewelry was kept, so producing an incriminating print (17,18).
In October 1923, Albert Wehde, a former convict, challenged
the officers of the Illinois State Association for Identification to a
public demonstration of his method for forging fingerprints. The
method, photo-etching, was invented in Germany in 1921.6 Wehdes presentation was not declared a great success, but it did not
prevent him from publishing (together with J.N. Buffel) a book, in
1924, discrediting fingerprinting as an identification method. The
book of about 150 pages is totally subjective, but cannot be neglected even now. The matrix process (photo-etching) is relatively
well described in the book, and some historical details are still of
interest (6,18).7
In 1925, FBI experts received from local police a developed
print on a very rough powdered board, and also a suspects fingerprint card. It was clear that no print could be developed on this type
of surface due to its roughness. The developed print, however,
From the modern point of view photo-etching is one of the parts of the photolithographythe science about materials, processes and equipment, interacting to produce three dimensional structures.
Today this is the main method to manufacture micro-electronic circuits.

was extremely clear without any natural background. When confronted by the FBI expert, the forger admitted the fabrication
In 1928, Lloyd Fogelman was put on trial for the burglary of a
private apartment. His wife, who was convinced that her husband
was innocent, succeeded in getting copies of the fingerprint evidence and contacted E.A. Parker, an expert from the International
Association for Identification. According to the court evidence, the
fingerprints were developed by powder on the window sill of a second-floor room. Position, inclination, and direction of the developed prints were inconsistent with the circumstances of the case.
A second trial took place, and after Parkers testimony the innocent
Mr. Fogelman was released (15).
A wide range of fingerprint forgery cases was recorded in the
USA from 1930 to 1960. The FBI reported 15 fabrications in 13
different states; numerous methods were used, from simple lifting
to photo montage (10).
Dr. Harold Cummins of the School of Medicine, Tulane University (New Orleans, Louisiana) experimented with fingerprint fabrications. Unfortunately, not much is known about his methods of
fabrication (mostly stamping). In a public demonstration in
Chicago in 1934, his forgery confused eight American experts. Of
the 32 answers received, 20 were correct, 11 wrong and 1 indefinite (19). The same Dr. Cummins mentioned the name of another
scientist, Dr. Erastus Maed Hudson, who was a master in fingerprint fabrication; he spent more than 24 years (19191943) practicing in that field. Information on the methods which Dr. Hudson
employed is unfortunately not available (20).
In 1937, William Harper from the Pasadena, California Police
Department, applied the microscope and micro-photography to detect fingerprint forgery, which was the area of his interest. The
quality of his home-made fingerprints was so high, that several Los
Angeles experts were deceived by them (21).
The next case brings us to London, and the year 1938. Someone
broke into the Tennis Club Pavilion. A fingerprint on a bottle handled at the scene was identified as having been made by David
Pearce, who denied his connection to the crime. To demonstrate to
the jury that the fingerprint could have been forged, he spread a
plastic-like substance on the back of a glove and so obtained the
fingerprint of other persons by getting them to shake hands with
him (22).
In 1941, the FBI reported receiving a photograph of four latent
prints which were allegedly found on a ladys dress. A close examination of the photo showed that it was a photo montage. The
ridges were continuous, but there was no cloth weave background.
A forger was arrested (10).
On July 8, 1943 one of the wealthiest and most influential people in the Bahamas, Sir Harry Oakes, was found murdered in his
home in Nassau, Bahamas. In the 40s the American Mafia (Charly
Luciano, Benjamin Siegal, Meir Lansky) wanted to acquire some
land in the Bahamas for building casinos. Sir Harry Oakes categorically objected to this transaction, and refused to transform the city
of Nassau to a new Las Vegas. With the aim of removing this uncooperative partner, or just in revenge, the Mafia organized a murder. Two police officers from the Miami Police Department were
called to investigate the case, but they were on the Mafia payroll.
The fingerprint of Sir Oakess son-in-law, De Marigny, was
planted on the crime scene, and then developed and photographed by Cpt. Baker on the folding screen in the victims bedroom. Private detective Raymond Schindler and the defense attorneys doubted the validity of the exhibit, because the weaved pattern
of the screen was not visible in the background of the photograph.


More than that, the entire procedure of collecting and documenting

fingerprint evidence was neglected by the bribed investigators, thus
helping the jury to acquit De Marigny (23).
In 1946 an adept burglar named Nedelkov was arrested in Sofia,
Bulgaria. During interrogation Nedelkov confessed that he had told
a trusting local peasant that he could tell his fortune. Nedelkov induced the rustic to let him make an impression of his hand in a soft
substance, which he then used to prepare a home made cast. This
gave Nedelkov the opportunity to leave his clients fingerprints
at scenes of crime (24).
The following story also took place in the late 40s in Cmolnice,
Czechoslovakia. A criminal, Alois Kostlar, was jailed for burglary.
He had been working in a glass-factory belonging to the prison.
One day he gave a few pieces of broken glass, with his fingerprints
on it, to his cellmate who was to be released soon. The purpose of
such a present was simple: to break into the Cmolnice Bank and
to plant these pieces between other pieces of a broken window.
Kostlar had two goals in mind: to share the booty in the future, and
to obtain his own release from jail based on the claim that there
could be two fingerprints exactly alike, and consequently, he was
being held illegally. After a bank was burglarized the police noted
the difference in the thickness of the different pieces of glass (24).
In 1950 S.R. Gupta and T.J. Gajjar conducted a research
project about the possibilities of fingerprint forgery for the Government of India Security Press, at Nasik, India. The project concentrated mainly on photolithography techniques. The results are
unknown (13).
July 25, 1963, New Jersey. A patrolman from the patrol division
of a local police department responded to a burglary. By coincidence, it turned out that the victim was the patrolmans aunt. Some
fingerprints were dusted on the scene. As it turned out, the same
evening a well known burglar was arrested in the same city. The
patrolman was so convinced that the suspect did the job that he
decided to reinforce the suspicion with a manufactured fingerprint.
He used a fingerprint card of the suspect and made a simple photo
montage with the jewel box from his aunts home. The result was
submitted to the Bureau of Criminal Identification. The fingerprint
expert from the Bureau noticed a shadow around the print on the
photograph, and reported it to his superior. A week later the FBI
confirmed that the print was a forgery. The patrolman was confronted with the forgery and dismissed from the force (25).
Dr. Walter Marsh of Durham Technical College, UK, had a
hobby: forging fingerprints (mostly stamps). In 1964 he made a
press statement in which he doubted the validity of fingerprints as
an evidence in court; he also presented his extensive collection of
forged prints to the HQ of the Yorkshire police. The collection was
returned to him with a message from the Chief Constable not to
pursue such a field (26).
The South African Police Service (SAPS) reported that the first
South African court case connected with fingerprint forgery phenomena took place in 1965. Two people, Pretorius and Brenner,
were both accused in the case. Pretorius alleged that Brenner had
made casts of Pretoriuss fingerprints and planted them at the crime
scene. Brenner admitted the claim. Fingerprint experts agreed that
fingerprints can be forged, but they stated that latents detected at
the scene were genuine and belonged to Pretorius (the pores were
visible on it). The fabrications produced by Brenner had no pores
on it. Pretorius was convicted (15).
The De Palma Case took place in 1967 and it is probably the
most sensational story in the whole history of fingerprint forgery
(912). In October, 1967 Mercury Savings and Loan Bank in
Buena Park, California, was robbed. William De Palma, 32 years


old, was arrested and charged with the robbery. De Palma claimed
that he was innocent, and more than that, had never been in that
bank in his life. Thirteen witnesses swore that at the time of the robbery De Palma was serving them fast-food and coffee from his
truck, 27 kilometers from the bank. Two bank tellers, however, had
identified De Palma positively in a line-up. As to the fingerprints,
one police officer testified that he had dusted and lifted some fingerprints on the bank counter, and the other, Sgt. James Bakken,
who examined the prints, said that one of the detected prints belonged to De Palma. De Palma was convicted. Before he was sent
to jail, he contacted a private investigator, Mr. John Bond, and succeeded in convincing him that he was innocent. It took Bond about
four years before he found something significant; a former Buena
Park policeman told him that Sgt. Bakken had once fabricated fingerprint evidence in the case of a grocery store holdup. Bond
started to untwist all the information about expert Bakken, and
very soon he found that Bakken had lied to the jury about his academic and professional training. The Buena Park Police Department and District Attorney decided to double check Bakkens expertise in the De Palma trial. Two experts from the Orange County
Crime Laboratory, Larry Ragle and Robert Wagener, conducted a
microscopic examination of the fingerprint evidence. They found
that the print submitted to the court by Bakken had been fabricated.
They also determined the technology of the fabrication. Bakken
had used a photocopy of an already existing fingerprint card of De
Palma and then lifted it. The microscope revealed a significant difference between the shape and dimension of the particles from the
copy machine toner and from the fingerprint powder. De Palma,
who had already served a few years, was acquitted, and Bakken
was indicted for falsifying and fabricating evidence in both cases.
In 1970, Herm Wiggins, a patrolman from San Diego, California, decided to form his own private fingerprint file. His manner of
replenishing the file deserves attention. Wiggins would stop a suitable person on the street and under the pretext of a body search, ordered him to put his hands on the clean patrol cars body. After releasing the person, Wiggins would dust and lift the prints. Later, at
the first opportunity, he planted these prints claiming that they were
taken from the crime scene. He called the Investigations Department with precise intelligence information about the suspect.
Not surprisingly the number of solved cases greatly increased in
San Diego in 1970 (15).
In 1976, evidence was received by the New York State Police
from a local police department. This consisted of a latent fingerprint alleged to have been developed using black powder on a radio set in a burglarized apartment. Examination of the print under
a microscope showed the investigations supervisor that the print
was fabricated. A local policeman was convicted for tampering
with evidence, and the case against the defendant was dismissed
even though there was sufficient evidence for trial without the
print (27).
In 1977, the commissioner of the Irish police was fired after the
chief of the fingerprint section had fabricated evidence. He had
claimed to have found the fingerprint of a suspect at the scene of
the murder of the British ambassador. The print came from another
case handled by two other fingerprint officers. These officers had
disputed the evidence and been demoted as a result from their accusation (28).
In July 1980, St. Elizabeths Church was burglarized in Hopkinton, Providence, Rhode Island. A suspect, Richard Boske, was
soon arrested, pleaded guilty to the charge, and was sent to jail.
During the trial, two sets of Boskes prints were sent by Hopkinton
Police Chief, D.E. McCumiskey, to the FBI Crime Laboratory for



comparison. He submitted one set of prints as being inked on the

card, and the other set of marks as being latent. According to FBI
experts, both sets were inked from the suspects fingers. McCumiskey was indicted and charged with forgery (29).
In 1982, a fingerprint fabrication scandal took place in Canada.
A robbery getaway car was found. A latent print was detected by
the identification officer on the seatbelt buckle, and later identified
as being that of a known suspect. Before the trial, a verification officer was appointed as a back-up witness for the identification specialist. Examining the photograph of the evidence, the verification
officer suspected fabrication. He based his suspicions on some obvious indications, such as some white bubbles and strange traces of
the lifter. The identification officer was suspended and later
charged with fabricating evidence (30).
In 1982, in Malaysia, forgers were caught fingerprinting documents with the embalmed thumbs of dead relatives to collect
Malaysian government pensions (31).
The Mickelberg Case or the Perth Mint Swindle as it is commonly known in Australia made history especially because of a fingerprint fabrication allegation. This allegation has never been substantiated, but the case is still under review in 1998 (private
communication. C. Lennard). In 1982, as a result of a criminal
multi-stepped scheme, the director of the Perth Mint was the victim of three counts of false pretenses resulting in a large quantity of
gold to the value of more than $650,000 being unlawfully obtained.
Stolen checks were used to purchase the gold. Two of the stolen
checks were an account number in the name of Peter Gulley
which was an account used by Raymond (Ray) Mickelberg under a
false name. The checks were examined for fingerprints; several fingerprints were developed using ninhydrin. All prints except one,
were found as belonging to people with legal access. A partial print
on the reverse side of one of the checks was identified as part of
Ray Mickelbergs right index finger. In 1987, the Court of Criminal Appeal acknowledged that in photographing the questioned
mark had been the subject of criticism at the trial and during the
hearing of the appeal. The evidence is that the first photograph of
the mark was taken on July 16, 1982, before the check was sent to
another laboratory. At the trial, there was evidence that Ray Mickelberg engaged in a hobby which inter alia involved him in making
silicone and metal casts of hands, and further, that when his residence was searched by police officers both rubber and metal hands
were seized. The date of seizure is disputed. Defense witnesses said
it was on July 15, 1982 (the first date that police had Mickelberg in
custody), whereas police placed it on July 26, 1982 (i.e., after the
questioned mark had been photographed). Police denied that anything other than metal hands were seized. Police first identified the
mark as being from Ray Mickelberg during the evening of July 15,
1982. At trial, the defense did not claim that the police had used a
rubber replica of a finger to create a latent print on the check.
Counsel for Mickelberg asserted to the jury that Ray had been
tricked into taking hold of the check during the time he was being
interviewed on the July 1982 and that the questioned mark could be
accounted for in this way! (It was at a later stage that allegation of
a forged print arose). Police fingerprints experts believed the questioned mark contained less than the standard 12 points of identification required by the Courts at the time in Australia. This would
be rather unusual far a planted print. If one plants something, it
is to be obvious. The check was forwarded to another laboratory for
enhancement using zinc salt treatment, and cooling under liquid nitrogen (32), a novel technique under development at the time. The
entire treatment of the checks as evidence was negligent. In 1987,
the Court of Criminal Appeal engaged in an extensive hearing con-

centrating on the allegation that the questioned mark was forged.

Many reputable and experienced fingerprint experts throughout the
world gave evidence. On the evidence before it, the Court of Criminal Appeal rejected the allegation. A new appeal has been lodged,
has been adjourned to resume in August 1998. Lovell (33) has written a book supporting the claim of forgery.
On December 23, 1989, in Ithaca, NY, a family of four was murdered in their home. The house was burned in an attempt to cover
up the murder. Police killed the primary suspect in an unsuccessful
attempt to arrest him. The mother of the deceased suspect was also
suspected of helping to set fire to the house. She was convicted of
burglary and arson. Trooper David Harding testified that he had
found a can of a gasoline in the living room of the burned house and
developed the womans fingerprint on it. Another officer, trooper
Rob Lishansky, verified the identification. In 1990, D. Harding applied for a position in the CIA. During his polygraph interview he
talked about fabricating prints in that case. The CIA immediately
reported the information to the FBI and to the New York State Police. The investigation yielded the following results: Trooper Harding had obtained the womans prints from her previous employer
and forged the evidence. More than that, Harding and his colleague
Lishansky had been involved during their career in 21 cases of fabricating prints in 7 states. Both forgers claimed that they had been
pressured into forgery by their superiors. This claim was carefully
checked, and three supervising officers, Lt. Patrick OHara, Lt.
Craig Harvey, and Investigator David Beer, admitted faking fingerprints in three cases, by lifting and photo montage. All five officers were dismissed from the state police and put on trial (34).
In 1994, a police case file contained a fingerprint which had not
been taken from the scene of the crime in Poland (35). This led to
the examination of surface impressions on fingerprint lifters (36).
It was demonstrated that the surface on which the print has been allegedly lifted did not match the complex pattern on the surface that
should have appeared on the lifter. Jarosz published an article citing cases in which case files contain fingerprints which, either deliberately or accidentally, have not been taken from the scene of the
crime (37).
The following three stories took place in Israel (information
about them was received in private communication). 1. In 1981, in
Beit Shean (in Northern Israel) two kindergartens, close to each
other, were burglarized. A field technician succeeded to powder a
good composition of fingerprints on the first scene, but the second
scene was empty. To increase the success, he decided to powder
these prints twice and to submit the second copy as being detected
on the second scene. Fingerprint experts found both prints exactly
overlapping, and asked for an investigation. The technician was
confronted with the evidence. He confessed to the forgery and was
dismissed from the police. 2. In 198384, in Haifa, several field
technicians were put on trial for multiple fabrication of the fingerprint evidence. Certain of the suspects guilt, the technicians developed the suspects prints on glossy paper by powdering, and
then presented them as being from the crime scene. After three such
cases, one of the technicians confessed the facts of the forgery to
his supervisor. 3. In 1990, a document confirming a land transaction agreement was submitted to the Arbitration Land Court in
Jerusalem. The vendor, which, according to the signed contract,
was supposed to sell the land, denied the genuineness of the contract. Since this vendor was illiterate, he would sign his documents
by the impression of his thumb. The contract was sent for fingerprint expertise to the Fingerprint Laboratory in Israel Police National HQ. Fingerprint experts found, that on numerous pages of
the contract, the thumb impressions looked exactly the same on ev-


ery page of the document. The contract was hence declared by the
court to be null and void.
Types of Forgery
A number of known cases of fingerprint forgery have been considered. Unfortunately not in each and every case is the information
complete. Sometimes the sources omit important details, such as
the method of forgery, the way the forgery was detected, or circumstances of the case. This turbid style is typical in a gray area
such as fingerprint forgery. Nevertheless, the analysis of the above
mentioned material permits one to come to several conclusions.
The most widespread techniques of fingerprint forgery are stamping (6,1319,22,24,26), lifting (912,15,34,36) and photo
montage (10,15,23,25,34).
Stamping is using of a fingerprint replica made by casting or
photolithography, and lubricated with genuine or artificial sweat,
blood, grease, etc. This is relatively easy to make. A good quality
stamp not only gives a good quality forgery, but also gives the opportunity to penetrate into the areas of restricted access, controlled
by finger-scanner-keys.
Lifting is a transplantation of inked, latent or already developed fingerprints from one surface to another, using a suitable
sticky agent. This method is easy to perform, and the quality of
forgery is sometimes surprisingly high.
Photo montage is a composite photograph made by the superimposing of a number of images. This technique has unlimited potential for forgery if computer-linked scanners (flat-pad or
negative) and suitable software are used.
Using real cut and stored in formaline fingers or pieces of human
skin is not in fashion any longer and belongs to history (31,61).
There are two other methods of forgery: using prosthetic cosmetic
gloves (59,62) and computer manipulations with fingerprint minutiae. Unfortunately, these methods have yet to be investigated fully.
World War II and later wars provoked a mass production of
prostheses. Nowadays the prosthetics industry is very sophisticated
owing to new polymer materials, modern technology, and precise
electronic devices. Modern prosthetic fingers, hands, and cosmetic
gloves not only look natural, but are also able to leave fingerprintlike marks on different objects.
As to the computer manipulations with minutiae, the threat of
this kind of forgery grows with the development of long-distance
peripheral satellite AFIS stations, where the image is transmitted
from the live-scanner to the mainframe AFIS computer via the local computer, modem, and regular telephone line.
Detection Methods
Most forged fingerprints are planted on easily accessible plain
and smooth surfaces, where they are likely to be found and later developed (15,17,18,22,23,25,30). The high quality of some arouse
suspicion. As a rule they are singlets, often with unnaturally sharp
borders (10,15, 30); others are planted in blood, grease, oil, dust, or
soot. An optical microscope is still the most prevalent tool for detecting fingerprint forgeries (912,21,27,29). Research on the way
surface structure transfers an image has led to research linked to
forthcoming cases, but may lead to a general approach to fingerprint forgery detection (36). All other methods are not researched,
published or even well described. They are all based mostly on intuition and experts skillsfurthermore not discussed in public. It
is the intention of the authors to investigate the mechanism of de-


tecting or suspecting the forgery and identify tell-tale signs to offer

a general procedure or scientific methods to approach the problem.
The research which is currently being carried out is investigating
each type of forgery as well as the capability of experts to face the
Like any other scientific discipline, forensic science progresses
through different successive stages, from the descriptive to predictable. The speed of development, however, is varied for various branches and even sub-branches of forensic science. The phenomenon of fingerprint forgery existed, exists and most probably
will continue to exist. Long lasting policies of hushing up the phenomena of fingerprint forgery affected the natural development of
methods and devices for forgery detection.
The limited frames of this article does not permit discussing
many serious questions and subjects related to fingerprint forgery
(for example the questions of intuition, training, etc.). One can find
reasonable answers and interesting discussions in the list of supplementary reading (3869).
We would like to thank: Chief Superintendent Mark Iancu, Head
of the Israel National Police AFIS Laboratory, for the fruitful discussions; Superintendent Dr. Jay Levinson from the Israel National
Police DIFS for a number of useful suggestions; Mr. Christian
Zingg from the University of Lausanne IPSC for his help in translating a number of articles. Dr. Chris Lennard, Australian Federal
Police, for his help.
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2. Margot P, Lennard C. Fingerprint detection techniques. Lausanne: UNIL,
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3. Evett I, Williams R. A review of the sixteen point fingerprint standard in
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4. Almirall JR, Kenneth GF. The evolution, practice and future of the use of
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forensic science. Standardization News 1995;23(Pt 4).
5. Moenssens A. Fingerprints witness in court. Fingerprint Ident Magazine
1973;54(Pt 10):315.
6. Wehde A, Beffel JN. Fingerprint can be forged. Chicago: Tremonia 1924.
7. Locard E. Les empreintes et les traces dans lenquete criminelle. Lyon: J
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8. Minovici. Manuel tehnic de madicina legala. Bucuresti: Socescu 1904;257.
9. Blank JP. The fingerprint that lied. Readers Digest 1975;107:808.
10. Bonebreak G. Fabricating fingerprint evidence. Identification News 1976;
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Additional information and reprint requests:
Boris Geller
Fingerprint Development Laboratory
DIFS, Israel, Israel National Police HQ
Jerusalem, 91906 Israel

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