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Un-official Police Gazette for VETERANS of the former

South African Police Force and for those interested in the history
of our Police, Defence and South Africas National Security
December 2012; Vol 3 no 12
Nie-amptelike Polisiekoerant vir VETERANE van die ou Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag
en vir diegene wat belangstel in die geskiedenis van ons polisie, verdediging en
nasionale veiligheid
Desember 2012; Vol 3 Nr 12

Memory: To all our friends in the former SA Forces

Please will you raise your glass at sunset on the 31st of December 2011 where ever in the
world you may be in honour of all our fallen comrades! Please take a picture of the event
and email it with the name of the photographer, who is on the photo and where it was
taken. Lets see if we will receive photographs from all continents!
Please send it to: Hennie Heymans [email protected]
We will place your picture, DV, in the eNONQAI of January 2012.
Gedagtenis: Aan al ons kollegas van die oud SA Magte

Sal u asb, waar u ook al in die wreld is, met sonsondergang op 31 Desember 2011 u glasie
lig ter nagedagtenis van al ons kamerade wat ons ontval het. Neem asb n foto en stuur dit
aan Hennie Heymans <[email protected]>
Meld wie die fotograaf is en wie op die foto verskyn en waar dit geneem is. Die fotos sal,
DV, in die Januarie-uitgawe van 2012 in die eNONGQAI verskyn.
Kom ons kyk of ons van al die kontinente sal hoor!

Contents / Inhoud
1. WELCOME / WELKOM .................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Moment of silence/ Bepeinsing..................................................................................................... 7
Die ware sin van die Christusfees Koot Swanepoel (Joubertina)........................................... 8
Die Christusfees bring lig ........................................................................................................... 8
n Paar Kersfees gedagtes ........................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Voorblad / Front Page ................................................................................................................. 10
1.3 Editorial Hennie Heymans ....................................................................................................... 10
- n Eeu van nasionale polisie op 1 April 2013: Ons Polisie-geskiedenis: Die Kapelane................. 12
2A: Kersboodskappe / Christmas Greetings ......................................................................................... 12
2.1 Kersboodskap aan kol Eugene de Kock ................................................................................ 12
2.2 Kersboodskap namens kol E de Kock......................................................................................... 18
2.3 Uiteindelik n kort Kersboodskap van Eugene de Kock!............................................................ 19
2.4 To all retired and ex-members of the South African Police Service........................................... 19

2.5 Christmas Message: Retired DWO / Oud-sao Koot van Schalkwyk .......................................... 19
2B: PERSONALIA VANAF 01 NOVEMBER tot 30 NOVEMBER 2012 Johan Jacobs ............... 20
3. Honours & Awards / Eerbewyse & Toekennings ............................................................................. 27
3.1 Roll of Honour / Ererol ............................................................................................................... 27
3.2 SAP Graves: Benoni Koos Brits .............................................................................................. 27
3. 3 Friends Missing and Found! / SAP 55 Vermiste persone ......................................................... 27
4. REUNIONS / REUNIES / EVENTS / GEBEURE .......................................................................... 27
4.1 Skaap op die spit 17 November 2012: Berig en fotos deur Jeanette Jacobs ...................... 27
- Piet Fourie .................................................................................................................................. 27
- Vrou van die Jaar-toekenning: Petro Heyneke .......................................................................... 28
5. PERSOONLIKHEID VAN DIE MAAND ....................................................................................... 30
- Lt-kol Ivan Myers, Honde-eenheid, Kaapstad ........................................................................... 30
WOORDEBOEK .................................................................................................................................. 32
6.1 Konst Chris Lessing van Marshallplein: Paul Els ....................................................................... 32
6.2 Sers MJ Badenhorst en nr 20680 konst AG van Tonder: Malinda Lensing ............................... 33
6.2.1 Genl-maj AG Dries van Tonder (opvolg) ............................................................................ 34
6.3 No 20974K Lt. Richard Peter Barry - Malinda Lensing ............................................................ 34
6.3.1 Mev Barry (eggenote wyle lt Barry) en Malinda Lensing .................................................. 35
6.4 Boksheld Kallie Knoetse: via Rudi Venter ................................................................................ 35
6.5 Kapt Alwyn Burger en Fleur: Paul Els ....................................................................................... 36
6.6 No 25199 maj Joseph Usher Bell (SAP, RI, BSV, NI) alias Oom Joe: Maj Dorothy Dossie
Bell .................................................................................................................................................... 37
6.7 Medals: No 360 Former Detective Head Const AJ Hoffmann Andre Hoffmann .................... 39
6.8 Scotty Smith or maybe George St Leger Gordon Lennox? Trooper & Farrier (FMAP); Scout
(UDF W/O) and Justice of the Peace ............................................................................................. 39
6.9. Kalahari Mac ..................................................................................................................... 41
6.10 Senior SAP Dames, Maleoskop: Dorothy Bell ....................................................................... 42

6.11 Maurice Early Jones (CMR) Ray Ellis (Australia) ................................................................ 42

6.12 OOSRAND EENHEID 6 se Mense: Anemarie Jansen.......................................................... 43
6.12.1 Louis Pretorius aan die woord: Drie Geslagte Pretorius in die SA Polisie ..................... 43
6.12.2 The Role and Application of the Union Defence Force in the Suppression of Internal Unrest,
1912 1945: Andries Marius Fokkens ............................................................................................. 46
7. Over a nice cup of coffee ... or how I see things / Oor n koppie lekker koffie ... of soos ek die saak
sien: ....................................................................................................................................................... 48
Aandag ........................................................................................................................................ 48
Verknogte ................................................................................................................................... 49
Wat gaan vir wat?...................................................................................................................... 49
Weerpraatjies word misdaadpraatjies .................................................................................... 50
Have a banana! .......................................................................................................................... 51
Inside Information ........................................................................................................................ 51
Afsondering................................................................................................................................ 51
Vrymesselaars ............................................................................................................................ 52
Hebsug: Diamante, goud, drank en staatskas ....................................................................... 52
8. WE REMEMBER / ONS ONTHOU ............................................................................................... 53
8.1 Stilte in die Hof Lentulus ......................................................................................................... 53
8.1.1 Titel: Gerook, M'Lord? ............................................................................................................ 53
8.2 Face Book: Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Afgetrede Lede .............................................................. 54
8.3 Geduld, o geduld wat so baie kan dra! Coert Marais (Pmb) ....................................................... 54
8.4 Ons vir Jou Suid-Afrika: via Rudi Venter .................................................................................. 55
9 NATIONAL SECURITY NEWS / NUUS EN NASIONALE VEILIGHEID .................................. 55
9.1 Whistle-blowing officer reinstated.............................................................................................. 55
9.1.1 Ivan Myers: Jan van Wyk ................................................................................................... 55
9.2. Whistle-blowing officer reinstated............................................................................................. 56
9.3 Comment: Lt-Col Meyers ........................................................................................................... 58
9.3.1 Rompslomp laat honde ly - Leon-Ben Lamprecht .............................................................. 58
9.4 Uitspraak: Ivan Meyers-saak ...................................................................................................... 60

9.5 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa.................................................................................. 88

9.6 Police need to bulk up capacity of forensic science labs - Kohler Barnard ................................ 89
10.1 WO2: Gevleuelde Seiners: Geveerde spioen sit jare in skoorsteen vas ................................ 89
10.2 The Rhodesian T-55 Tanks and Operation Hectic - Johan Jacobs............................................ 90
10.2 Die Smit-moorde: Politics Web ................................................................................................ 96
10.3 Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kryghistoriese Vereniging: Johan van den Bergh................................... 96
10.3 Die Grens- en bosoorlog: Genl Johan van der Merwe ............................................................ 104
10.4 Artikel 5 Oos-Rand, Eenheid 6: Anemarie Jansen & Larry Hanton .................................... 105
10.4 Anglo- Boer War: Elands River Siege: BSAP Terry Schwartz ........................................... 112
............................................................................................................................................................ 113
11.1 Website: The South African Police Hall of Fame................................................................... 113
11.2 SAP Badge & Filler: Courage................................................................................................. 113
11.3 SAP Medaljes: Me Marlene Swanepoel SAPD Museum ....................................................... 113
- Polisiekruis vir dapperheid en die SAW se SD........................................................................ 113
- Polisiester vir Uitnemende Leierskap (SED) ........................................................................... 114
- Polisiekruis en -ster vir verdienste ........................................................................................... 114
- Ster vir Voortreflikediens en troue diens medalje.................................................................... 116
11.4 Keiskammahoek Police Station: Henry Beling ....................................................................... 117
12. VESTED INTERESTS OF VETERANS /LEDE AANGELEENTHERDE ................................ 118
12.1 Polmed .................................................................................................................................... 118
12.2 Injuries on duty / Beserings aandiens ..................................................................................... 118
12.3 eNONGQAI: Vol 3 No. 11: Par 17.3: Regsvraag: Johan Henning: Kommissaris van Edehoedanigheid na aftrede uit S.A. Polisie ......................................................................................... 118
12.4 New IPA South Africa Website: Vossie de Vos ..................................................................... 119
13. THE LIBRARY / DIE BOEKRAK ............................................................................................. 120

13.1 Die Padkaart van n Speurder

My Storie.

Wouter Grov ............................................... 120

14. HUMOUR IN UNIFORM ........................................................................................................... 122

14.1 The Sardonic British Police Guide Jeff Manning (SAP, BSAP, UK) ............................... 122
14.2 Krygkor & John Deere: Dave Baker ....................................................................................... 126
15. ANECDOTES, A POINT TO PONDER, ETC ............................................................................ 127
16. OOR DIE NONGQAI SE DRUMPEL ......................................................................................... 129
16.1 Besoek aan die IPA (SA): Pilot & Doreen Loots.................................................................... 129
16.2 Besoek aan die IPA (SA): Den Alberts ................................................................................... 130
16.3 Besoek aan Johan Ferreira ...................................................................................................... 131
16.4 Besoek aan Herman van Deventer .......................................................................................... 131
16.5 Besoek deur Hein Goussard (Karos, Mc Dougalsbaai, Kalahari) .......................................... 132
16.6 Besoek deur Andre du Toit (Durban) ..................................................................................... 132
16.7 Besoek deur Neelsie Borea (Pretoria) ..................................................................................... 133
16.8 Visit by Col Terry Schwartz (BSAP & SAP) East Rand ........................................................ 133
VERRE - POLISIE-POSSAK......................................................................................................... 134
17.1 Kamele in die SAP: Dr Henry Abbott (Upington) .................................................................. 134
17.2 Kol de Kock en genl Sterk Hans Dreyer : Tiekie de Jager ..................................................... 134
17.2 SAW vier 100 jaar: Paul Els ................................................................................................... 134
17.3 Damoina: Brig Izak Boshoff ................................................................................................... 134
17.4 Mill for smelting stolen gold: Andre Hoffmann .................................................................... 135
17.5 Wolves in the SADF : A Question from Mr Gerald Prinsloo, SANDF Archive .......... 137
198003 Paratus : Big Red ........................................................................................................... 137
17.6 Enquiry about F/Arm - Steve Corbet ...................................................................................... 137
ONDERSTEUN MEKAAR .............................................................................................................. 139

18.1 Annemari Jansen Koorsboom Kothuis ................................................................................ 139

18.2 Jannie Otto .............................................................................................................................. 139
18.3 Karate: Kol (adv) Len Els ....................................................................................................... 140
18.4 Antikwitete en boeke: Leon Div de Villiers ........................................................................ 142
19. STOP PRESS / LAAT BERIGTE ................................................................................................ 142
19.1 WEL EN WEE VAN DIE MILITRE VETERANE : BERIG 41/2012 : LYS B .................. 142
20. INDEMITY / VRYWARING ....................................................................................................... 143
21. NEXT EDITION / VOLGENDE UITGAWE .............................................................................. 143
22. CONCLUSION / SLOT ................................................................................................................ 143
Vuller .............................................................................................................................................. 143

Patron Gen Johan vd Merwe Beskermheer

Editor Hennie Heymans Redakteur
Circulation Dana Kruger Sirkulasie
Technical Advice Bruce Jones Tegniese advies

Welkom by die laaste uitgawe van 19 ... nee! 2012, en onthou oor n paar weke is dit 2013! Ja,
die tyd vlieg! Nogmaals hartlik welkom by hierdie uitgawe van die e-NONGQAI, dankie vir
u berigte, fotos en interessanthede!
Welcome also to Rev Bob Timms he is a former member of the SA Navy and SA Police. He
will, DV, we hope, give us something to think about each month. Welcome aboard, Padre!

1.1 Moment of silence/ Bepeinsing

Greetings to all. My name is Bob Timms and I am the resident minister at Ermelo
Methodist Church. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all a joyful festive

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will
be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Let us remember and reflect on those that have
passed on and what God has done for us in the past year. Be Blessed Be Bold in
God's Grace. May the New Year be a blessing to all.
Blessings, Bob Timms
My contact numbers are as follows: 017 8112561 cell 076 9988237 email [email protected]

Die ware sin van die Christusfees Koot Swanepoel (Joubertina)

Twee vriende het n ernstige uitval gehad en hulle vriendskap is verbreek.
Na n tyd het die een vriend besef dat hulle nie s kan lewe nie: dit was dan so n
goeie vriendskap. Hy skryf toe n brief aan sy eertydse vriend en pleit dat hulle
vrede maak. Hy kry egter geen antwoord op sy brief nie. Maar hy het nie moedeloos
geword nie en weer geskryf en weer en weer. Op n bitter koue wintersnag
besluit hy toe om self na sy vriend toe te gaan en persoonlik by hom te pleit: "Kom
ons maak vrede!" Deur tierende winde en sneeu heen reis hy na sy vriend se huis. By
die oop deur herhaal hy weer die pleidooi. Sal sy vriend sy verskoning aanvaar? Sal
jy nou "ja" s?
God is die Vriend. In die tuin van Eden het daar kwaaivriendskap tussen God en sy
mense gekom. God het deur sy profete baie liefdevolle briewe geskryf. Toe het Hy
self in die Persoon van Jesus gekom. Het jy al vir Hom "ja" ges? Martin Luther het
ges: "Al is Christus duisend maal in Bethlehem gebore, maar nog nooit in jou hart
nie, is dit vir jou n nuttelose gebeurtenis."
Die Christusfees bring lig.
Ons het gelees dat naby die Noordpool die nag vir maande lank aanhou.
Wanneer die mense dan verwag dat die dag uiteindelik gaan aanbreek, gaan
boodskappers na die hoogste punte om te wag en wanneer hulle die eerste tekens
van die dag sien, trek hulle hulle mooiste klere aan, omhels mekaar en roep uit:
"Aanskou die son!" en die wekroep word dan deur die hele land voortgedra:
"Aanskou die son!"
Die wreld was vir eeue lank in duisternis van onkunde en sonde.
Die wekroep van Sagaria was n vreugdevolle oproep: "Aanskou die Son!" Die Son
van Geregtigheid gaan op en daar is genesing onder sy vlerke. Die Dagbreek van
omhoog het ons besoek."

Hierdie woorde gee uitdrukking aan die koms van Christus. Dit was om lig te bring.
Wat die son vir die materile wreld is, is Christus vir ons in die geestelike wreld.
Met die Christusfees het die Son van Geregtigheid ons duistere wreld kom verlig.
n Paar Kersfees gedagtes
Die Kind van God het mens geword sodat ons God se kinders kan word. Hulle wat
die Christusfees nie in die hart het nie, soek dit tevergeefs toegedraai in
geskenkpapier onder n boom.
Met die Christusfees is mense so sentimenteel dat hulle amper optree soos wat God
hulle bedoel het om te wees. Ons probleem is dat ons met die Christusfees opnuut
die vrede soek waarvan die Christusverhaal vertel, maar dat ons nie die Vredevors
in ons lewe soek nie.
Die plek wat die skaapwagters gekry het, is die plek waar drome waar geword het.
Al word Christus duisend maal in Bethlehem gebore, maar nie in jou hart nie, bly jy
Die een wat Kersfees nie in sy hart dra nie, sal dit nooit onder n boom vind nie. Om
die Christusfees te herken deur al die geskenkpapier heen, word elke jaar moeiliker.
Die geboorte van Christus is die sonsopkoms van die Bybel.
Daar is liefde met die Christusfees omdat die Christusfees uit liefde gebore is. Laat
elkeen van ons hierdie gees van liefde lewend hou en God verheerlik. Dit is soms
goed om soos kinders te word en daar is geen beter tyd om dit te doen as tydens die
Christusfees nie, toe die magtige Stigter daarvan self n kind was.

1.2 Voorblad / Front Page

1.3 Editorial Hennie Heymans

The past events in the Western Cape were shocking to say the least. These events were in the
open for all to see! From the viewpoint history, strategy and social anthropology one is
starting to think the unthinkable will happen. Peace and goodwill is not on the horizon! The
future looks bleak, civil strife and low intensity conflict looms.
Here are some long term factors which contribute our uncertain future:

It is clear that the police are suffering from a lack of leadership. This is visible on all
levels! From the bottom up! ... And from the top down to ground level. Its one thing
to dress up in a generals or colonels garb; any person can wear a fancy uniform.
However its another thing to be a real General, a Commissioned Officer, Warrant
Officer or a Sergeant in terms of service, knowledge, dedication and excellent

It would appear that the police are not in control of their beats or sectors. The
criminals are! (Yesterday, 30 Nov 2012, Friends of the Rails (FOTR) historic steam
locomotive was derailed near Cullinan. The rails were loosened because criminals
were about to steal them! This is the 2nd derailment that FOTR has suffered. This is
not far from the police station. Where are the eyes and ears of the police? Yester
days news was also bad: Family of friends were attacked on their farm!)

The police is lacking in dedication when senior officers place a premium on their
midday meals instead of taking command and control at scenes of serious conflict.
Duty comes first!

The police are unable to do handle serious acts of violence, especially at

demonstrations. The masses are unhappy. Most demonstrations are against bad
service delivery, low wages and toll fees.

The police do not instil confidence in the public at large. The public have clearly lost
confidence in the police.

Have a look at the Score Board the annual report of the commissioner. The
criminals are winning! The public and the police are losing the battle! Insurance
premiums are rising annually! Some houses now sport double security measures!

Farm attacks are now a daily occurrence. There is no clear coherent rural safety plan.
It would appear that farmers and rhinoceroses are now competing to head the list as
top victims of crime.

We are swamped by illegal immigrants who are flourishing here by committing


Loss of integrity at all levels at the police, state departments, exams, banks, nature
conservation etc. (Intelligence is filtering out to criminals, instead of the other way

Poor tactical intelligence, command and control over state resources even arms,
ammunition and funds. Intelligence or inside information is passed onto

Los of pride: I must say I see more African policeman wearing their full uniforms as
opposed to White members who are not wearing their full uniforms i.e. their
headdress. (I even saw a white SANDF Colonel doing shopping at Chamberlains
without a cap!) Many whites in the police are only waiting for pension time so that
they can leave the police (or state) because they are overlooked for promotion. Can
one blame them?

Lack of advancement for whites in the police and state! This impacts negatively on
those doing their best!

One is unsafe in graveyards and travelling on Metro trains especially between

Pretoria and Johannesburg. (The Gautrain has set a good example as far as safety and
crime prevention is concerned!) One is unsafe in the suburbs!

Our economy is sliding down, including investments.

The future:

The farmers are going to suffer far more in future. They are losing markets. Food,
fruit and wine production will go down. When one looks at the victims one can see
that a heavy handed violence on the part of the farm attackers! This clearly shows
hatred and destruction!

The state cant protect the farmer. It is now time to form kibbutzes on farms. Farmers
need more eyes on the farm! There is security in numbers.

Mining is on the way down ...

Lack of free economy ... too much red tape, rules and regulations ...

Investors are leaving the country because of various factors.


More attacks on spots of excellence, more attacks on Afrikaans schools and

universities. (Private universities, schools and home schools are on the way up!)

More influx of people into the Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

More crazy and/or despotic laws.

Higher taxes and more expenses (tolls impact negatively on food!)

More rising expectations and more boycotts.

Cost of energy and power to rise (also transport).

Cost of food to rise. Less food, higher prices!

Boycotts will continue i.e. not paying for services, water and lights.

Water resources are coming under pressure! It is now the time to wake up! We will
not have enough water for agriculture, industry and mining. On top of it we suffer
from severe pollution due to negligence and ineffective municipal leadership.

Service delivery is generally very poor in society.

Can somebody explain this? A sign warns the public that this is a hotspot regarding
smash and grab or hijacking of vehicles. These signs are a motion of no confidence in the
local police. If it is a known hotspot why do the police not catch the criminals! (Its as
easy pie to catch them!)

- n Eeu van nasionale polisie op 1 April 2013: Ons Polisie-geskiedenis: Die

Ons is besig om aandag te skenk aan die SAP Kapelane. Ons eerste kapelaan was Ds
Harpir Maartens. Hy is die vader van mev Jannie Geldenhuys. Dan die legendariese
ds Doempie Cloete, SOO, SD, MC en en en ....
So skryf Sarie van Niekerk:
Hallo Hennie, Ons skryf oor die kapelane. Dr. Kruger het reeds sy bydrae gestuur en
ek het ook vir Innes Benade gevra, hy is ook besig. Enige ander bydrae oor die
kapelanediens is welkom. Ek kan onthou toe ek in die kollege was, was lt.kol. (ds)
Hennie Visser die Hervormde Kerk se kapelaan in die kollege gewees. Hy leef seker
nie meer nie, ek wonder of iemand dalk wee twat van sy kinders geword
het. Groete, Sarie

2A: Kersboodskappe / Christmas Greetings

2.1 Kersboodskap aan kol Eugene de Kock



Dit is gerel dat Eugene de Kock vir ons lesers van die eNONGQAI 'n kersboodskap
gaan stuur. [Dit kan natuurlik nie gewaarborg word nie!]
U gaan vir hom 'n boodskap stuur, dus word elke leser van hierdie FB-blad
opgeroep om hieronder vir Eugene 'n boodskap te stuur! Ons sal u persoonlike
boodskap aan Eugene aanhaal en in die eNONGQAI plaas. Die eNONGQAI sal na
verwagting hier in die 1ste week van Desember verskyn.

Anemari Jansen Dankie hiervoor Hennie!!!!! :)) Gene gaan dit so


Gawie Botha Eugene,,Ek en n klomp ander ouens,wat jy ook nie ken

nie,staan een tree vorentoe,en Saluut jou,en gebruik ook dan hierdie
geleentheid,om n gesende kersfees en n vreugdevolle Nuwejaar aan jou toe
te bid! "Sjalom!"

Andries Greyling Kolonel Eugene, ek het die voorreg gehad om u een

aand te ontmoet, maar u sal my nie onthou nie, ek salueer u as offisier en
heer. Ek bid u en u geliefdes n baie gesende Christus fees en Nuwejaar toe,
en mag ons binnekort u vryheid fier!

Koos Brits Gene, many moons het ek julle groepie uit die kollege
ontvang te Bedfordln Benoni. Jou leiding gegee om n ongeluksverslag te
voltooi. Jy't gegroei en ons het saam as n eenheid met ander lede (noem nie
nou name nie) reuse suksesse met die spook-squad gehad, so het jy aan
beweeg en ek het jou vordering deur die jare dopgehou. My vriend wat
gebeur het, het gebeur die horlosie kan nie terug gedraai word nie, maar die
dag as die deure van die koutjie vir jou oopgaan en jy jou vlerke wyd sprei,
sal ek aan die Vader die Eer gee. Hierdie Kersfees is jy in my en my gesin se
gedagtes en mag GOD met jou wees. Sien uit om weer jou hand te skud. Koos

Nico Frylinck Eugene, ek bid jou Gods rykste sen vir n vreugdevolle
Kersfees en n Nuwejaar toe en dat jy ook baie vinnig weer die pad buite saam
met ons sal kan loop. God Bless !!


Frik Bruwer Gene ek bid jou n gesende kersfees toe al is dit onder
die omstandighede laat ons hoop die Nuwejaar hou baie geluk en voorspoed
in, en mag ons spoedig n fees vier met jou vrylating baie seninge my vriend.

Frans Diff de Villiers Eugene ons bid jou n gesende kersfees toe en
ook vir jou spoedige vrylating. Mag geregtigheid nou geskied. Het mekaar in
laat sewentigjare ontmoet. Jy in Oshakati en ek was in Ondangwa
gestasioneer. Sterkte jy is n man uit yster gesmee.

Izak Boshoff Eugene, Gesende Kersseisoen. Jy is en sal in ons

gedagtes bly hier in ou-Natal

Jan Van Wyk Jan van Wyk. 'n Gesende Kersfees vir jou. Ek dink aan
jou elke dag wat jy daar nog gaan bly. Ek het die voorreg gehad om jou te
werf vir die Spesiale Wageenheid, Pretoria. Jy was glo te streng vir die
Kollege lighties. Alhoewel jy net 6 maande by ons was, was jy die beste a/o op
die blok. Ek wonder of iemand weet jy het die eerste minister bewaak as hulle
snags slaap?

Jacques Greeff Kolonel, ons hoop, glo en vertrou geregtigheid sal

sevier en u sal binnekort vry wees, mag u n baie Gesende Kersfees he.

Johan Jacobs Johan Jacobs: 'n Gesende kersfees word u toegebid en

ook 'n voorspoedige nuwe jaar wat baie positief tov u vrylating mag wees!

Marcia du Pont Alle slegte dinge kom tot n einde. Glo en aanhou glo !
Jou tyd raak min daar. Dalk n laaste kerstyd daar. Die wreld wag vir jou
daarbuite met ope arms. Nietemin gesende kersfees Eugene.
Teen die tyd weet jy dat dit nie n bord vol uitsoekdisse is wat n kersdag
gesend maak nie, maar jou hart vol liefde. . En d wete daar is mense wie vir
jou omgee - daarom dat ek weet jou Kersdag gesender sal wees as vele sn
met bakke vol smullekker kosse !

Tom van Rensburg Kolonel, ons was 'n rukkie in 1983 saam op
Oshakati. Mag dit vir u 'n vreugdevolle Kersfees wees en mag die Nuwejaar
voorspoed in die sin van vrylating vir u bring!


Helen Mc Intyre 'n Baie gesende Kersfees word u toegewens

Hennie Heymans Marcia du Pont - dankie, jy laat my dink aan 'n

storie wat 'n Swapo my vertel het: "Hy s die SAP jaag hom en hy weet hy
gaan daardie dag dood - hy kan hulle agter hom hoor! Hy kom by 'n ouma
wat hout kap en sy gee hom iets om te eet en een of ander drankie, voor hy
verfris weghardloop s sy: "My son, remember every song has a beginning
and an end! So hoop ons ook dat Eugene se aanhouding tot 'n einde sal kom!
Wat die punt is, om hom verder aan te hou weet ek nie!

Koot Swanepoel Kol. Eugne de Kock. Wat 'n voorreg is dit vir my om
vir u net te kan s; "Ons kan nie wag dat u uit die gevangenis te kan stap nie."
Ek het die verhale rondom u met oorgawe gelees. Glo my, "daar is GEEN
veroordeling vir hulle wie in Christus is nie." Romeine 8 v. 1. Ons wense en
bede vir u in hierdie feesgety, is dat die Here u sal sen met gesondheid na
gees, siel en liggaam. Dat u die Here sal ervaar en beleef, soos nog nooit in u
lewe nie. Dat u 'n volheidslewe in Christus sal geniet, met die wete dat HY by
u is. Sy Woord s dat HY u nooit sal verlaat of versaak nie. Ons kan nie wag
om u terug in ons midde te verwelkom nie. Verseker is u in ons gebede. Sen
vir u Kolonel.

Nicolaas Hendrik Smith Els Hi Kol Eugene, mag God se genade en die
Liefde van Jesus saam met u wees die Kersfees en mag die nuwe jaar vir u
goeie nuus inhou. Hennie Els en familie

Seppie Burger Eugene, sedert ons eerste ontmoeting in 1988 was ek

nog altyd onder die positiewe indruk van die werk wat jy gedoen het.
Omstandighede ver buite jou en my beheer, omstandighede wat 'n baie lang
'n historiese aanloop het, het 'n besondere rol in die kulminering van alles
gespeel. Gegewe die historiese aanloop om Suid-Afrika te vorm tot wat dit in
1994 geword het en die rol wat jy gespeel het, hoe dit ook deur sommige
onderspeel word, is die onbillikheid van jou posisie soveel groter - dit moet
genoem word! Maar, uiteindelik moet daar hoop vir JOU en ons wees. Hoop
in die politieke sin, MAAR die grootste hoop is gegrond op God. In hierdie
tyd waar ons as Christene die geboorte van Jesus gaan vier, salueer ek Kol
Eugene de Kock. Mag jy die vreugde van Christus in jou hart ervaar! Mag jy
sy nabyheid in jou siel ervaar! Mag jy sy vertroosting in jou verstand ervaar!
Mag jy in hierdie tyd ook die blymoedigheid voel om steeds die
gebondenheid met jou familie te ervaar! Saluut!!!

Izak van Zyl Eugene, jy is vir my persoonlik die simbool van ons volk
se gevangenskap in ons eie land. Soos jy boet en vernedering moet deurgaan
en verwerk, so ly die hele volk weens die sondes van die apartheidsleiers.
Soos jy net jou werk gedoen het onder die bevel van mense wat nooit
aangekeer is vir die opdragte nie, so is elkeen van ons ook besig om net ons
werk te doen midde die korrupsie en wanbestuur van 'n regering wat alles
teen die kraalmuur uitpiepie waarvoor ons hard werk. Te midde van dit alles
sal ons oorleef! Sal ons weer opstaan! Sal ons weer vrygelaat word en ons sal
weer hervat wat ons agtergelaat het toe ons in ballingskap gegaan het....die
keer met meer wysheid.... So weet ek dat jy weer jou volksgenote, jou
kollegas, jou familie en geliefdes weer met ywer sal dien wanneer daardie dag
aangekondig word dat Eugene de Kok onvoorwaardelik vrygelaat gaan
Jou "long walk to freedom" sal seer sekerlik 'n welverdiende "walk" wees wat
verreikende en oorweldigende reaksie nasionaal en internasionaal sal
ontketen.......dit as sulks sal die debat oor wat agter die apatheidsgordyn
gebeur het weer laat ontvlam, maar sal hopelik ook die groot leuen ontbloot!
Mag jy die vrede van JESUS CHRISTUS ervaar die feesgety en mag die nuwe
jaar vir jou net die beste en hopelik blywende vryheid meebring.

Piet Van Zyl Kol Eugene, mag net die keur van Sy seninge met jou
wees in hierdie feestyd en dat daar uiteindelik n besluit geneem sal word wat
die deure finaal sal oopsluit vir n nuwe hoofstuk. Walk Tall.

Fanie Bouwer Kollega, ons was saam in die 1976-offiersskool. Jy het

reg agter my gesit. Later saam weer op majoorskursus. Toe in die
bestuurskool in 1993 in Graaff-Reinet, toe staan jy stoel leeg daar (jou naam
was daarop). Steeds dink ons aan jou, en hoop en glo dat jy een van die weer
buite saam met ons en jou familie sal wees. Ek wens jou 'n mooi kersseisoen

Pieter Oberholzer Eugene, ek was nog student-konstabel op Benon waar

ek jou ontmoed het. Ek sal de dae wat julle my saam met julle utgeneem het
om klagtes by te woon noot, noot vergeet ne. Dis waar ek geleer het om
ware polseman te wees. Geen vrees, geen huwerng en geen nonsens van
niemand. Geseende Kersfees en voorspoedge nuwe jaar. Mag jou


Kersgeskenk de sleutel na vryheid wees. Sterkte, Kolonel, ek glo dis nog net
'n kwessie van dae. Cheers!!!

Leon Strauss Looking forward to having a few dops and a braai ,with you
and a few other people...heres hoping you have the best Christmas you can under
difficult circumstances, I will for sure raise a glass or three!!!God bless.

Koot Swanepoel Hennie Heymans, Kol Eugne se boekie is op pad na jou

posbus vir persoonlike aflewering deur jou. Jy verdien om dit te oorhandig, dit was
jou omgee-hart se besluit. Sen vir jou ook.

Annatjie Joubert Kolonel Eugene, ons hoop, glo en vertrou jy sal binnekort
terug by jou familie wees, mag u 'n baie Gesende Jesus Geboortedag viering geniet,
en weet net Hy hou ons omhoog, want daar is niks wat Hy nie vir Sy kinders nie sal
doen nie, Hy het Sy lewe alreeds vir ons afgele, soveel meer sal Hy vir jou doen. Mag
die dag vol vreugde en seninge wees. Annatjie & Bennie.(Trompie).

Vincent Holtzkamp Kol Eugene de Kock...gesende kersfees vir U.....! Hou

moed EN ONS ALMAL hoop om U gou te sien...! [ Moord en Roof - 1990 tot 1995]


Mag die vrede en vreugde van ons Hemelse Vader, u in hierdie feesgety omvou - en
laat ons nooit vergeet wat die uiteindelike doel van Kersfees is nie. My gebed vir u, is
voorspoed en seen vir die nuwe jaar.

Pieter A. Rousseau Kolonel, ons ken mekaar nie, maar ek 'moes' al heelwat vir u bid
en dit alleen verbind ons aan/tot mekaar. Behalwe dat ons die Here vertrou om u
(soos die Psalmdigter skrywe) dag vir dag te dra, kyk ons ook uit vir die dag
wanneer u by die deure uitstap. Mag dit voor Kersfees wees.

David Botha n Gesende Kersfees Eugene. Mag die jaar 2013 n jaar van
Vryheid, Vrede en Vriendskap vir jou en jou geliefdes wees.

Pottie Potgieter Eugene ek wens jou 'n gesende kersfees toe en hoop dat die
jaar wat voorl vir jou alles sal bring wat jy begeer.

Benita Engelbrecht Baie sterkte en alles wat mooi is vir 2013


Frik Bruwer Gene ek hoop jy geniet jou week al is dit onder sulke

omstandighede mooi loop my vriend.

Lynette Spies Ons dink aan jou!! Baie sterkte!

Dorothy Bell Hi Gene, dis Dossie... My gebede is met jou! As ek aan jou dink
sien ek net daai sexy bachelor in sy "camou" in die offisiersklub toemaar dit was voor
jy getroud was! Net 'n grappie. ... Ek stuur baie boodskappe, maar of jy hulle kry die
weet ek nie! See you soon my friend... x

Tiny Nortje Eugene, ons het mekaar geken, baie vlugtig met tye, en het saam
gewerk, sterkte en `n gesende kersfees vir jou. Ons almal vertrou hy sal spoedig tussen
ons wees.

2.2 Kersboodskap namens kol E de Kock

Eugene de Kock is vir byna 19 jaar reeds in aanhouding.
Vir die laaste 3 daar is ek betrokke by pogings om hom weer sy vryheid te gee. Daar
is ander mense ook betrokke en dit is 'n tydsame en moeisame proses. Byna elke
jaareinde hoop ons dat vanjaar die laaste sou wees, en ek glo dat daar rede is om
optimisties te wees dat die dag sal kom.
Eugene het oor die jare 'n groot bydrae gemaak daartoe dat hy 'n goeie saak het vir
sy eie vrylating en die groot hoeveelheid voormalige slagoffers of hul families wat
hom besoek het, is 'n bewys van die waardering vir wat hy die laaste 19 jaar gedoen
het om hulle by te staan met hulle verlies.
Eugene dra die verlede namens ons, daarom maak dit sin om tydens die feestyd aan
hom en sy familie te dink. Sy kop is so sterk soos altyd en hy het geen begrip vir
opgee nie.
Ek en ander betrokke by hom sal nooit ophou met ons pogings om sy lot te verander
nie. Diegene wat nie direk betrokke kan wees nie, kan 'n bydrae maak deur
verantwoordelik oor die verlede te dink en nie op 'n wyse op te tree wat Eugene
onder politieke druk plaas nie.


Dit is nie moontlik almal te sien wat hy graag sou wou nie, grootliks weens praktiese
relings, maar hy het sy vriende en geliefdes nie vergeet nie, en ek glo hy sal eendag
die geleentheid he om op te maak vir sy afwesigheid.
Hy kan na homself kyk en hy doen dit baie goed. In die dae wat kom mag ek enkeles
van julle nader om ons te help met bepaalde take, wees gerus dat dit in die beste
belang van Eugene is en dat ons dit in goeie trou doen.
Groete Piet Croucamp

2.3 Uiteindelik n kort Kersboodskap van Eugene de Kock!

Ek het Eugene gisteroggend by Pretoria Sentraal gesien, Hennie, ek het genl Dreyer
na hom geneem. Sy boodskap is as volg:
Mag julle almal `n gesende en vreugdevolle Kerstyd beleef, en goeie gesondheid en
geluk word vir elkeen, asook die families, toegewens.
Eugene A de Kock.
Baie groete vir jou,

2.4 To all retired and ex-members of the South African Police Service
On behalf of all the Inspector- General of the Namibian Police Force, Senior Management
and members of NamPol:
May I take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a
Prosperous New year for 2013? Many the good Lord protect and safeguard your during this
festive sessions and the year to come.
Best regards
Chief Inspector Edward James Holloway: Namibian Police Force.

2.5 Christmas Message: Retired DWO / Oud-sao Koot van Schalkwyk

To be a different this year, our old friend, Retired DWO Koot van Schalkwyk was
asked to honour us with a Christmas message. I am sure you all will agree that he
has done a wonderful job! HBH

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Veterans,

Wishing you God's wonderful gifts of faith, hope, peace and love as we take a
moment from our busy lives to celebrate the Birth of our Lord, we pray your
holidays are filled with love, and your New Year filled with
May this glorious day of our Saviours birth resound with hope and peace on earth!
Merry Christmas! A silent night, a star above, a blessed Christmas to you! May your
Christmas be filled with God's love and blessings. Good tidings to you! May your
holiday season be blessed with the true meaning of Christmas. May the splendour
and beauty of this season remind you of the One who is worthy of all our
praise! Merry Christmas, and may God bless you richly! Sharing with you the
Glory, the wonder, and the miracle of this Holy Season. God gave us His greatest
gift! Wishing you the many blessings of Christmas and New Year 2013!!!
Die Kersgroete gaan aan al die offisiere, kollegas en hulle gades.
Schalkwyk!!! (Oud-speurder WWR en nou in die Kaap.)

Groete Koot van


2012 Johan Jacobs
Sondag 04 Nov: Pine Pienaar berig; Ek is pas verwittig dat Allan Whitfield
(Z4W) gister oorlede is. Sy begrafnis is Vrydag in Port Elizabeth. Innige simpatie en
meegevoel aan sy vrou en gesin. Groete!
Woensdag 07 Nov: Annetjie Joubert berig; Brakpan polisiestasie is in rou
gedompel. Twee van hul lede, James Dempsey (49) en Koos Minnie (51) was
Vrydagaand omstreeks 19:00 in 'n baie lelike ongeluk betrokke toe hulle met 'n
stootskraper gebots het. Hulle is altwee in die Glynwood hospitaal in Benoni
opgeneem waar James se been onder meer afgesit is. Altwee was in 'n kritieke
toestand gewees. Ongelukkig is James gisteraand kort voor 21:00 oorlede. Koos bly
steeds in 'n kritieke toestand. Sy toestand het aanvanklik verbeter maar het later
weer verswak.

Donderdag 08 Nov: Billy Cox berig; Kol Arthur Benoni CRONWRIGHT is

onlangs oorlede. Hy was op VT Ondersoekspan John Vorsterplein gestasioneer voor

sy aftrede. Daar word more n Erediens by sy Ouertehuis vir hom gehou. R.I.V.
Saluut!! Kol Cronwright was n yster!

Dinsdag 13 Nov: Hennie Heymans skryf met leedwese: Piet Haumann (SAP
V Kompol x 302) berig: Dirk Laubsher. Mre s daardie kant. Jou veerpyltjie-maat
van weleer laasnag 12: 20vm (13 Nov.) oorlede. Ek het by hom in die siekeboeg
gewaak. Hy was ook ons oudste lid van die Overstrand Bond.

Donderdag 15 Nov: Brig Henry Bevan al die jare VT Zulu Land en Durban
afgetree as SB Point Durban gister onder narkose oorlede. Saluut RIV

Donderdag 15 Nov: Oud-brig. Willem van Zyl afgetree as hoof van KwaZulu Polisie het Sondag afgesterf agv n lang geveg met longkanker. Begrafnis more
te Babtiste kerk Port Shepstone rus in vrede my vriend Saluut!

Vrydag 16 Nov: Piet Meyer berig; Dir Henry Beavon is oorlede in Durban
tydens 'n operasie. Hy was te KZN Prov Hoofkantoor, Veiligheid en later
Georganiseerde Misdaad. R.I.V.

Maandag 26 Nov: Strauss Soer berig; Pieter du Rand was n a/o te Messina en
oud Hondeman, hy was al etlike jare op pensioen, en het die laaste tyd erg gely aan
kanker. Piet was n groot man letterlik en figuurlik, hy is vanmiddag oorlede. Piet
ons salueer jou.
Maandag 05 Nov: Anna Pearson berig; Ek wil net graag voorbidding vra vir
my man, Tom, hy is baie siek en dokters het nie veel hoop meer nie. Asseblief dink
aan ons in julle gebede. By die Groot Man is niks onmoontlik nie. Dis baie stresvol
vir ons as gesin om n sterk persoon so hopeloos soos n baba te sien. Baie dankie!
Woensdag 07 Nov: Annette Strampe berig; As ek kan mooi vra vandag - julle
gebede vir my ousus asseblief? Sy's 'n sielkundige by die SAPD in Hermanus, het
Sondagaand 'n beroerte gehad en is tans in die hospitaal in Somerset. Sy's nog so
bitter jonk, net 52...Bid asseblief vir haar herstel...Dis haatlik om so vr te wees as

sulke goed gebeur !

Donderdag 08 Nov: Sarie van Niekerk berig; Mense dink tog asseblief in julle
gebede aan ons oud kollega Peet Bothma. Hy l in die bed nadat hy skielik ho
bloeddruk en hartprobleme ontwikkel het. Soos Peet s hy het dit ontwikkel vandat
hy 'n ou man geword het. Ai tog die kinders in hul middel vyftigs wat ou manne is.
Sterkte Peet, jy moet gou gesond word hoor.
Maandag 12 Nov: Johan Deyzel berig; Sopas ontslaan uit hospitaal.
Angiogram wys geen vernouings of enige ander abnormaliteite nie. Mag weer
fietsry maar moet my beperkinge mbt ouderdom besef en aanvaar en nie saam met
die jongermanne probeer ry nie. Enige energiedrankies met kafeen is uit tydens
wedrenne en/of oefening. Dankie vir almal se voorbidding en belangstelling. Dankie
Donderdag 01 Nov: Hennie Heymans berig: Dames en Here: Ons vriend en
kollega Oom Piet Swanepoel verjaar vandag! 'n Yslike 84 jaar oud! Langpad geloop
in die Mag en hy is 'n stigterslid van RI, BSV en NI. Hy was majoor in die mag en het
afgetree as hoof van NI se navorsing. Hy is die outeur van verskeie boeke!
Polisieavonture in Suidwes bly 'n wenner! Hy is in die polisie die jaar van my
geboorte (1946)! Al wat ek vir hom wil s is: "Carry on writing!"
Dinsdag 20 Nov: Dalene Steenkamp berig; Generaal (Sterk Hans) Dreyer van
Koevoet is vandag 'n hele 81 jaar oud. Baie geluk Generaal - baie sen en gesondheid
vir die jaar. Dit was 'n ongelooflike voorreg om u as mens te leer ken. Saluut aan 'n

Donderdag 22 Nov: Fanie Bouwer berig; Pieter A. Rousseau verjaar vandag.

Vrydag 23 Nov: Frans Div de Villiers berig; Andries Greyling verjaar ook
vandag. Baie geluk en mag dit n gesende dag wees vir jou.

Vrydag 23 Nov: Sarie van Niekerk berig; 'n Voltjie in die boomtak voor my
kamervenster het vroegoggend al singende vir my ges ons ou groot vriend en
kollega, Koot van Schalkwyk verjaar vandag. Baie geluk Koot, ons hoop jy gaan 'n
baie pragtige dag h, dat jy geweldig bederf gaan word en dat die jaar wat voorl vir

jou vol vrede, vreugde en sen sal wees. Jy is vroer vanjaar 'n nuwe lewe gegun na
jou ernstige siekbed, die Here stort sy sen in emmers vol oor jou uit. Geniet jou dag
Koot, jy is kosbaar vir ons!
Vrydag 09 Nov: Andr Volgraaff berig; Goeie more al my FB vriende. Kan
nie meer 'n oomblik verder slaap nie . Ek en liewe heksie is so opgewonde as wat
kan kom. Ons eerste kleinkind word vandag gebore. As ek sien wat die ander oupas
en oumas op hierdie blad te s het oor hul kleinkinders kan ek verstaan hoekom en
moes ek die oomblik met julle deel.
Saterdag 10 Nov: More vriende. My kleindogter wat gister gebore is. Gesond
en alles klopdisselboom. Nou kan ek ook s ek weet waaroor dit gaan as oupas en
oumas oor hul klein kinders praat. Laat 'n persoon voorwaar baie goed voel. Veels
geluk aan die ouers en grootouers JJ

Saterdag 17 Nov: Hennie Heymans berig: Eerste aangifte van Braai: Ou

Pappa Beer (kok) en sy span kan werklik lekker braai! Piet Kierie Fourie - baie
dankie vir die skaap! Mrs Master Ceremonies dit is Neelsie Borea en Johan
Jacobs dankie vir die al die diverse relings. Petro Heyneke is toe verkies as die
eNONGQAI se Dame van die Jaar. Baie geluk! [Dit altyd wonderlik wanneer
eweknie mekaar vereer!] David Botha en Tiny Nortje was ook daar. Koos Brits mag
maar afval maak! Dorothy Bell dit was my voorreg om jou vader te ontmoet! Ek het
vandag lekker gesels - vir my was dit soos 'n skofbraai - lekker informeel en ook
laaste maar nie die minste nie: Abrie Grobler - ook 'n voorreg om jou koffie te drink!
Hier oorhandig Johan Jacobs die sertifikaat en trofeetjie aan Petro Heyneke...veels
geluk Petro en dankie dat jy nog steeds misdadigers aan die pen laat ry! JJ


Sondag 18 Nov: Waldo Stoltz berig; 3 generasies van polisiemanne in die

Stoltz familie by die graf van Joseph Cross Stoltz staan Grozelle Stoltz en Waldo

Sondag 18 Nov: Hennie Heymans berig:

A news letter
A news letter to all subscribers of the webpage The South African Police Force by
Hennie Heymans
Welcome to our new members on the website. November 2012 has been a very busy
month for some of us! It is party time before the end of the year! However, we all
can now settle down and start to work preserving the history of the South African
SAP 100 yrs (1913 2013)
SAP 100 yrs The SAP will be a hundred years old on the 1st of April 2013. A
committee under General JV van der Merwe is busy compiling a publication to
celebrate the event. Ms Sarie van Niekerk is the project manager and Brig Hennie
Heymans is also serving on the working group.
We, Sarie and I, have interviewed many former members of the SA Police. These
people were eyewitnesses to historical events. Amongst those interviewed are:
- Dr and Mrs Cruywagen, DVD, SOE;
- Mr Adriaan Vlok;
- Gen Mike Geldenhuys;
- Gen and Mrs van der Merwe;
- Gen and Mrs Pilot Loots;
- Genl AF de la Rosa;
- Genl HD Stadler; and
- Gen JJ Viktor.

Because Pretoria has the HQ we are fortunate to have many Pretoria stories.
However we need more (police history) stories from the rest of South Africa (and
that matter from rest of the world!)
Invitation: Digital recordings
We have also made digital recordings of some interviews. Please contact Brig Hennie
Heymans if you wish to be interviewed and recorded for the sake of police-history.
There are so many veterans that can contribute in this regard, or members who were
eyewitnesses to great historic events! Please come forward!
Serendipity: No 360 Det/Head/Const AJ Hoffmann, KPM
According to Wikipedia: Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant
surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful while not
specifically searching for it.
A week or two ago I visited my old friend Mervyn Merv Emms. Apart from being
a collector he is an expert on South African crimes I would say he is amateur
criminologist. Mevr asked me whether I knew a detective Hoffmann who wrote a
book on South African crimes many years ago.
Well this is where serendipity comes in: I bought a little booklet for R14-00 written
by Mr AJ Hoffmann. I went and I checked and I found him to be a real person. He
was a policeman in the South African Police with force number 360. I also
established that he was decorated with the KPM.
Merv put me in touch with his grandson. I was able to obtain photos of Mr
Hoffmann and of his Good Service Medal. He was the first person in the police to be
issued with a motorcycle. So thanks to Mevr we have got some information on this
illustrious officer!
Skaapbraai 17 November 2012
The readers of the eNONGQAI and veterans of the police who are members of SuidAfrikaanse Polisie Afgetrede Lede het a lovely braai a whole sheep was braaied!
Thanks to all and watch the eNONGQAI for further news. Thanks to all involved.
The eNONGQAI Dec 2012
We are compiling another interesting issue, thanks to your support! Next year we
will celebrate our fourth year! TIMES FLIES AND WAITS FOR NO MAN!
History in
Preservation and Conservation
It is time to work! Please share with us your photos and old documents. We should
start collecting books, periodicals, magazines etc with articles on the police and our

national security forces.

An interesting thing about history
The winner writes what he likes and the losers complain about the rules!
We, as policemen, had sworn to do our duty to the best of our ability! Apart from
riots and counter insurgency we were also involved in a secret and deadly covert
war. The Queensbury Rules or the Geneva Rules did not apply.
Once the undeclared war, in some circles, was taken underground it was: Kill or be
So we see that strategy is a mode of survival of a society! Survival at all costs while
keeping to those values (sometimes those values worth dying for!) and (national)
interests that we cherish and defend with our lives.
We all knew the rules of engagement! We all knew the danger involved. We knew
the rules of terrorism.
It was our duty (and privilege) to serve and to protect! We had no choice. We did
our best under very tiring and trying circumstances.
All I can say is:
My friends and I are proud police veterans. We were proud to serve and to protect
as members of the South African Police! We are proud to stand up and declare that
we have been part of a fantastic team of dedicated men and women. Nobody died in
vain! We shall remember those who were called to higher duty!!!
We did not have a road map! We did make mistakes along the way. Nobody is
perfect. We had budgetary restraints. We had good and bad leadership. We did not
make the law: We only tried enforced it the best way we could. We begged,
borrowed and improvised along the way! We have left our monuments along the
way for all to see!
Judgement Day
However one day we will have to stand and answer to our Maker: We did serve and
we did protect the weak and the innocent to best of our ability. We did not enrich
ourselves; we did not steal and we did not accept bribes, we did not give false
evidence; we were loyal to Him who called us to serve and to protect.
Be counted
And so you should stand up and be counted! We thus invite you to help us to
preserve our (police) history.

Contact Hennie Heymans at: [email protected] for further details.

Dinsdag 20 Nov: Isabel Kruger berig; Eks n trotse ma. My seun Inus wat sy
HON gedoen het in Rekenaaarprogramering is gisteraand onder die top 5 studente
aangewys by die Pukke. NWU. Trots op hom.
Groete tot die volgende Personalia

3. Honours & Awards / Eerbewyse & Toekennings


3.1 Roll of Honour / Ererol


3.2 SAP Graves: Benoni Koos Brits


3. 3 Friends Missing and Found! / SAP 55 Vermiste persone



4.1 Skaap op die spit 17 November 2012: Berig en fotos deur Jeanette Jacobs
Dit klink so gewoon!!! Skaap op die spit was alles behalwe gewoon - wanneer jy
so n klompie vriende en kollegas saam gooi vir n kuier en lekker eet is dit n
besonderse, buitengewoon en n heerlike ondervinding.
Voor ons egter bymekaar kon kom was daar eers die logistieke relings wat voor af
getref moes word. Die bymekaarkom plek is bespreek; n lapa op n heerlike plot
waar rustigheid vir almal beloof word. Hierdie plekkie is ook baie spesiaal dit is n
tydelike veilige hawe en pleegsorg vir verwaarloosde en vernielde kindertjies! Ons
toegangsgelde is vir n goeie doel aangewend!
- Piet Fourie
Dan word ons mildelike skenking van Piet Kierie Fourie, DIE SKAAP al die pad van
Heidelberg af gebring en Vrydag aand laat in Brobsie se bekwame marineer-hande
geplaas. Saterdag oggend is ene bedrywigheid van voorbereiding ballonne by die


hek dui ons groot kuierplek aan en so vind elkeen binne n paar uur n vasstrap
vasstrapkuierhoekie vir die dag!
Die braaiers: Brobsie
ie en sy seun Ettiene, neem
n blaaskansie die skaap is harde werk en dis
heng warm voor die spit!
Ons maak kennis met nuwe gesigte en
gesels met die bekendes land en sand. Ons
deel ervaringe en groot onthou dae van
gisters propvol opwinding, soms komi
en soms seer herinneringe. Sjoe wat n
kuiery gee dit nie als af nie.
- Vrou van die Jaar-toekenning:
toekenning: Petro Heyneke

Hennie spreek almal toe. [Hy
het net Petro ontvang haar toekenning
dankie ges en Neelsie se opdragte
So tussen dit alles word die Dame van die Jaar 2012 aangewys die wel verdiende
eer val Petro Heyneke toe. n Sertifikaat en trofee word aan haar oorhandig Petro
is oorweldig deur die gedagte en neem met groot nederigheid die toekenning aan.


Tiny bekyk Petro se toekennings- Abrie Grobler, Neelsie Borea, Petro en

Hennie kuier sommer so staan-staan!
[Hennie toets die skaap se stertjie! Blou
lint aan Brobsie!]
Later kom kuier die pa van Dorothy Bell, die 85 jarige oom Joe Bell, ook by ons
hierdie oom het n uitsonderlike geheue vir n man van sy jare en rammel magsnommers af asof hy die register van mags-lede ingesluk het!
Die GROOT EET neem aanvang en die skaap sneuwel in die aanslag van nek tot
stert!! Die stertjie was verorber deur julle weet wie en die nek en selfs die bene was
gestroop van elke smulstukkie sappige vleis deur die manne terwyl die dames heel
keiskeurig aan die ander vleisies gesmul het.

Die skaap voor die groot eet!

Johan Jacobs het besluit dis tyd om vir

die eerste keer afval te proe hy was
heerlik verras!

Afval: Koos en Marie Brits

Daar was smaaklike afval deur Koos en Marie Brits voorberei, dit het selfs mense
wat nog nooit afval geet het, oortuig dat dit n lekkerste dis is en toe word daar


geproe en die potte was gou leeg! Vir die soettande is poeding en vla aangebied
maar slegs enkeles het nog n plekkie in die maag oorgehad vir die heerlikheid.
Te gou is die dag om en ons groet mekaar na n genotvolle dag van uitmuntende
gesels en eet tot ons weer sien!


- Lt-kol Ivan Myers, Honde-eenheid, Kaapstad

Hallo Oom Brigadier Hennie

What can one say?
Lang stryd.


Dit is net n moerse jammerte dat my goeie pel en broeder Andy Miller (SMIB) nie
vandag met ons kon gewees het om hierdie uitslag te vier nie.
Ek heg foto aan sodat jy kan sien wie ek is, n Jood en pa se hond A2411 Cassius
(Mei-maand oorlede.) Hy kon nie langer wag vir pa om terug huis toe te kom.
Dankie tog het ek by die mag aangesluit in 1979 toe daar nog leiers met waardes
was soos my eerste S.B, Patrick John Bosman wat my geleer het om vas te byt en
professioneel te wees in die beroep van n polisieman en om altyd geloofwaardig en
eerlik te wees.
Ivan Myers
PS: Die wat wil weet wat ek vir vyf en n half jaar gedoen het ek het geleer:
B Tech Labour Relations Management
B Tech Public Management
National Diploma Safety Management
National Diploma Human Resource Management
Het ook vir twee privaat maatskapye vir n kort tydperk gewerk nie eers hulle kon
my duld nie . What an eye opener and I thought the SAPS was deurmekaar.
Kommentaar HBH:

Baie dankie Ivan en baie geluk! Ek het jou brief feitlik

onveranderd geplaas.
As selferkende Jood weet jy dat daar volgens die Tulmud baie streng rels is oor die
versorging van vee en ander diere. Jare terug het ek gelees n Jood moet eers sy diere
en slawe versorg voor hy en die familie kan eet. Die Britse soldate het ons tydens die
Anglo-Boereoorlog en daarna in die ou polisiemag geleer: Versorg eers die perde
(daar was toe nie honde); dan die manskappe, dan die onderoffisiere en dan laaste as
almal versorg is, die offisiere.
Ek is dankbaar dat jy na al die honde se belange omgesien het. Die Bybel s as jy wil
lei moet jy bereid wees om te dien! Indien jy eendag in Pat Bosman vasloop, dra asb
my komplimente oor aan hom! Hy het n kommissaris hier in Pretoria geword. Hy
was n goeie offisier en n ware heer!


6.1 Konst Chris Lessing van Marshallplein: Paul Els


6.2 Sers MJ Badenhorst en nr 20680 konst AG van Tonder: Malinda Lensing


6.2.1 Genl-maj AG Dries van Tonder (opvolg)

Konst AG van Tonder was klein maar getrein en boonop n slim seun! Kyk na sy uitslae in
die eksamen 1/sers na hoofkontabel en weer van h/konst na luitenant: In albei gevalle het hy
derde gekom.

Hy was op sy dag die reken- en betaalmeester van die SA

Polisie. Ek kan onthou hy het een maal per ongeluk van die
10de vloer in Wachthuis na die grondvloer geval. Hy het
staan en gesels en het per ongeluk die vuilgoed se deur
oopgemaak en na benede in die vuilisskag geval. Gelukkig
het hy op n klomp kartondose en papiere geval. Sover ek
Ek kan hom nie as n klein
kan onthou, het hy niks oorgekom nie!
persoon onthou nie! Op die
slaaglys verskyn die name
Hy was n streng offisier en ook maar kwaai. Hy sou
van talle bekende offisiere!
nooit enige kullery gedoog het nie! Hy is enige kommissaris
se droom rekenpligtige-finansile-offisier.

6.3 No 20974K Lt. Richard Peter Barry - Malinda Lensing

Beste Malinda,
Baie dankie vir hierdie kosbare fotos. Dit voer mens se herinneringe terug na mens se jeug.
As klein seuntjie tydens vakansies het ek Van Reenen se pliesie met so n bakkie sien ry!

Sers Koos Coetzee, toe aan my bekend as Oom Koos, het met so n bakkie my oupa en ouma
besoek. As seuntjie het ek hom gevra waarom daar nie n kappie op die voertuig is, soos die
polisie in Durban? Sy antwoord was hir ken hulle al die skelms en sal hulle nie
weghardloop nie! Die eerste foto moes seker dateer uit die 1950s? Die twee foto dateer uit
die 1960s. Toe het ek self so n wa bestuur.
Die jas? Vir die jonger manne: In die ou dae was die paaie vol stof en het alle inspekterende
offisiere en chauffeurs op staatskoste so n witjas gekry. (In die foto geneem na die slag van
Ongulumbashe dra genl Crous ook so n jas.) Die klerke in die store, die ordonnanse by die
DGs het ook die jas gedra.

6.3.1 Mev Barry (eggenote wyle lt Barry) en Malinda Lensing

6.4 Boksheld Kallie Knoetse: via Rudi Venter

Ons hoop, bid en vertrou
dit gaan goed met klein


6.5 Kapt Alwyn Burger en Fleur: Paul Els

Kaptein Alwyn Burger was een die SA Polisie se bekendste offisiere, veral op
(Ons het matriek geskryf gedurende 1963 toe om dit oor die nuus: Konst AP
Burger, seun van majoor Alwyn Burger, sportoffisier van die SA Polisiekollege, se
seun is vandag oorlede. Konst Burger was te Pretoria-Wes gestasioneer en is
doodgery terwyl hy opmetings by die toneel van n botsing gemaak het!) Dit is so
tragies. Sy magnommer is 42018.

Ek dink Alwyn Burger het as n brigadier afgetree. Wat ek nog van hom onthou? Ek
was 1964 in die kollege en tydens een van sy besoeke aan Durban het ek in hom
vasgeloop. Dit was een of ander polisie-byeenkoms en toe ek hom groet toe weet hy
wie ek is. Sy optrede het my ongelooflik bendruk. (Hy het my seker opgemerk en
toe vir iemand gevra wie ek is.) Maar toe ons groet toe kom dit : Goeie naand,
Hennie, hoe gaan dit?
Genl Frik van Zyl het my eendag die wenk gegee om n notaboekie te dra. Wanneer
mens n stasie in jou wyk besoek het, onthou mens die lede se name en later hou
mens stil en skryf die name neer. So, vertel hy, het hy lede se name onthou!
Brig Burger was, in my opinie, een die smaart ouens in die Mag gewees!

6.6 No 25199 maj Joseph Usher Bell (SAP, RI, BSV, NI) alias Oom Joe: Maj
Dorothy Dossie Bell


Oom Joe was n jong matrikulant in 1948. Hy vertel hy kon nie buite werk nie, hy was te
jonk! Ons gesels te lekker by die skaapbraai en hy ryg die magnommers af van ou Durbanpolisiemanne: Grobler, Heymans, Zietsman, Steenkamp, (Paul) Roux, (Snorre) Roux,
Harmse, Earle, Engels, Muller, Smit, Sadie, (Piet) Niemand.
Hy ken al die manne. Hy vertel hoe kapt Piet Kemp hom getoets het! Hy het egter net die
blanke lede se magnommers geken! Hy ken al die ou gebeure in en om Durban.
Oom Joe is stigterslid van die Republikeinse Intelligensiediens, die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid
en NI. Hy is van genl Mike Geldenhuys se oorspronklike handuitgesoekte lede.
Kommentaar HBH
Dis die Durban-Connection. Baie lede wat in Durban gedien het, het genl Mike
Geldenhuys in Durban geken en baie van die lede is na RI of die Buro.
Volgens my waarneming, as dit by veiligheid gekom het, was daar die Johannesburgkonneksie en die Durban-konneksie. Johannesburg het die volgende senior veiligheidsmanne opgelewer: Genl HJ van den Bergh, genl Mike Geldenhuys, genl Tiny Venter, genl
PW Kruger en genl Johann Coetzee.
Durban het die volgende senior veiligheidsmanne opgelewer: genl CF Zietsman en genl
FMA Steenkamp en n hele rits na genl Steenkamp wat op sy personeel gedien het, nl genls
HD Stadler, Piet du Toit, Nic van Rensburg, SJ de Swart (later taakmag) en I Coetzee en baie
ander! Genl Basie Smit was as jong luitenant te RI Durban.
Genl Johan van der Merwe was die buiteperd! Hy was eers in bevel van grensposte, toe van
die Vrystaat en SWA daarna het hy die V-Tak oorgeneem. Hy was n uniformtakman. Hy
en genl Mike Geldenhuys was die enigste uniformtak lede om veiligheid oor te neem. Die
ander veiligheidshoofde was almal speurders. (Genl Mike was vroer n speurder en het
weer na die uniformtak gekom ten einde n 1/sersant te word.)
Baie stigterslede van RI en die Buro vir Staatsveiligheid was in Durban in die uniformtak of
speurders gewees. (Sal nie name verstrek nie!)


6.7 Medals: No 360 Former Detective Head Const AJ Hoffmann Andre


Politie Dienst: Voor Trouwe Dienst

6.8 Scotty Smith or maybe George St Leger Gordon Lennox? Trooper &
Farrier (FMAP); Scout (UDF W/O) and Justice of the Peace
Scotty Smith, (Perth, Scotland 22.11. 1845 - Upington 26.10.1919) He claimed that his
real name was George St Leger Gordon Lennox. He joined a Highland regiment at 18 and

served on the Indian NW Frontier in 1864 - 5, where he distinguished himself by his bravery
in the Ambala Campaign.
For disobeying orders and leading a successful charge on the enemy he was court-martialled
and cashiered, but reinstated by the Duke of Cambridge. His father apparently disinherited
him when he refused to marry the neighbour's daughter.
He left for Australia and was called Smith on account of shoeing a horse on the ship. He shot
a man there in a fight, then fled to America. Smith learnt to box while in America, then
returned to Europe to serve in the Franco- Prussian War. He was wounded and taken
prisoner by the Germans. He later fought for the Carlists in the 18726 Spanish War.
In 1877 he joined the FAMP for service in the Galeka War in South-Africa. For a time he was
a farrier at Kokstad.
In 1881 he stole two horses and deserted. A life of being a bandit, highwayman, cattle thief,
bank robber, IDB scoundrel, etc followed. Many tales of his Robin Hood lifestyle followed,
especially in the Northern Cape.
About 1890 he trekked to Luitenantspan, deep in the Kalahari, where he occupied a large farm
illegally and used it for the next 20 years. Smith befriended the Bushmen and learnt from
them the art of desert survival.
In 1892 Smith married Sarah van Niekerk and had two sons and five daughters.
During the SA War Smith served as a scout and secret service agent for the British. For this
he was given a pardon and made a JP.
During WWI Scotty Smith served as a Warrant Officer, scout and in military intelligence in
SWA and is credited with having saved Gen Botha from an enemy ambush.
He spent his last years in retirement on a plot he had acquired in Upington. He possibly died
of influenza, as the epidemic was raging, and is buried in Upington. Source: Ian Uys:
South African Military: Whose Who p 219.



Abbott, Dr Henry for photgraph no 1

Prinsloo, Gerald (SANDF Archive): UDF Service card
Uys, Ian: Short biography

6.9. Kalahari Mac

Ek lees dat Kalahari Mac se vader n polisieman in die Noord-Kaap was. Kalahari Mac het
vyf boeke gepubliseer. Meer inligting is welkom oor Kalahari Mac.


6.10 Senior SAP Dames, Maleoskop: Dorothy Bell

Mans voor: Ds Colijn, genl Hennie de Witt, mnr A Vlok, genl Tjocklets van Vuuren en
genl H de Villiers. Dames op die foto: Ek kan net twee positief identifiseer: Kapt Dagmar
Wolmarans en kol Groenewald. Agter heel links: ??? Louw van Protokol.

6.11 Maurice Early Jones (CMR) Ray Ellis (Australia)


6.12 OOSRAND EENHEID 6 se Mense: Anemarie Jansen

6.12.1 Louis Pretorius aan die woord: Drie Geslagte Pretorius in die SA Polisie
Oupa Nicolaas Franois Pretorius sluit by die Z A
Polisie aan in 1910 as `n berede konstabel. Hy was
gestasioneer te Pretoria.

Foto 2: Oupa Nick groepfoto1

Hierdie foto toon lede van No 3 Troop, F Squadron, SAP. Hulle het te Brixtonrif geveg van 10 tot
12 Maart 1922 - HBH


Gedurende die 19162 opstande doen hy te perd diens in Johannesburg. Sover ek

verstaan, was hy ook betrokke by die vaskeer van die Vorster bende in `n grot naby
Johannesburg. Oupa is later jare na Amsterdam verplaas waar hy sersant was asook
Bevelvoerder van die stasie. Oupa het etlike jare hier diens gedoen. Op `n stadium
bars sy blindederm, en dit word eers na `n tydperk van tien dae vasgestel! Hy is
inderhaas na Pretoria vervoer waar `n noodoperasie op hom uitgevoer is. Na `n lang
tydperk het hy die Polisiediens verlaat om te gaan boer. Die presiese datums kan ek
nie onthou nie.

Foto 3: Louis Senior

Pa Louis (Senior) Pretorius sluit by die SAP aan in 1954. Hy word in die Kollege
opgelei as `n drilinstrukteur. Na sy ses maande opleiding word hy uitgeplaas na
Nigel aan die Oos-Rand. Hier doen hy diens in die aanklagkantoor, asook
patrolliewerk. Tydens nagskof het hulle te fiets patrollie gery in die verskillende
woonbuurte en die sentrale dorpsgebied is te voet gepatrolleer. Elke uur is hy deur
die dienssersant besoek wat dan sy sakboekie geteken het. In 1956 word hy na
Benoni gestuur vir gevorderde bestuursopleiding. Hy het daarna as Aflos op die
Blitspatrollie in Hillbrow gewerk. Die blitspatrollie was toe onder die bevel van

Is hy seker van die datum? Die rebellie en opstand teen Duitsers in die Unie was gedurende 1914.
Die Foster-bende was tydens dieselfde tydperk. Genl Koos de la Rey is deur die SAP te Langlaagte
geskiet op 15 Sept 1914 HBH.


Kaptein Wepener die kaptein het, indien reg onthou word, later jare `n majoor
Louis Snr se werksmaat se bynaam was Shl Shl. Hierdie ou was verskriklik groot
en so sterk soos `n bees. Hy was byna sewe voet lank. Hy het die Ducktails hel
gegee, en was gevrees en bekend onder hulle. Die Ducktails was `n
groepbeweging wat daarop uit was om wanorde te saai en fights te veroorsaak in
die nagklubs en kroe. Hulle het die polisie absoluut geteiken, en die polisie moes
hulle dan dienooreenkomstig verwyder of arresteer.
Die Blitsmotors wat in daardie jare gebruik was, was die Studebaker Lark en Fords.
Louis Snr het nooit vir die polisie geboks nie, maar wel op skoolvlak en later vir
USCO as amateur. Hy tree uit diens van die polisie aan die einde van 1957.

Foto 4: Louis Pretorius


Louis Pretorius sluit op 23 Desember 1985 aan by die polisie. Na sy ses maande
opleiding word hy in 1986 uitgeplaas na Eenheid 6 in Dunnottar, as deel van die
groot inname van 120 polisiemanne, en twee polisievrouens.
Louis se ervarings gedurende die onluste word in `n volgende artikel bespreek.
Pa Louis onthou Louis Jnr as volg: Louis was `n liefdevolle kind. Altyd baie
nuuskierig, slim en het van kleins af baie gepraat. By oueraand het die onderwysers
keer op keer vir my ges: `Louis is so `n oulike seun, maar praat hy by die huis ook
so baie?` Jy het van jongs af leierseienskappe getoon. Jy het `n goeie sangstem gehad
en verskeie hoofrolle in konserte en operettes gesing. Wanneer ek orrel gespeel het,
het jy altyd uit volle bors saamgesing. Ek het jou leer swem toe jy vyf jaar oud was
en jou vir jou matriekafskeid leer dans. Jy het graag later jare saam met my gedans
op funksies, so dat mense gepraat het van hoe goed ons twee saam dans. Jy was `n
goeie Voortrekker my seun, en het ook karate geneem.

6.12.2 The Role and Application of the Union Defence Force in the
Suppression of Internal Unrest, 1912 1945: Andries Marius Fokkens
Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Military Science (Military History) at the Military Academy, Saldanha, Faculty of
Military Science, Stellenbosch University.
Supervisor: Lieutenant Colonel (Prof.) G.E. Visser
Co-supervisor: Dr. W.P. Visser
Date of Submission: September 2006
Die gebruik van militre mag in die onderdrukking van interne onrus is n algemene
verskynsel in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika. Sedert 1652 het die Europese
koloniale besetting van Suid-Afrika gepaard gegaan met geweld.
Boerekommandos en Britse militre regimente en vrywilligereenhede het die vrede
in verafgele gebiede gehandhaaf en die plaaslike bevolkings onderwerp, net soos
ander koloniale moondhede, byvoorbeeld, Frankryk in Noord-Afrika en Duitsland
in Duits-Suidwes-Afrika gedoen het.


Die periode van 1912 tot 1945 was geen uitsondering nie, maar met die verskil dat
opstande ook onder die blanke bevolking onderdruk is. In 1907, 1913, 1914 en 1922
het die blanke industrile werkers sodanige onderdrukking ervaar.
Werksonsekerheid en loongeskille was die dryfkrag agter die stakings en die stakers
se militante optrede het die regering gedwing om militre mag te gebruik om die
opstande te onderdruk, nadat die polisie se pogings om wet en orde te handhaaf,
misluk het.
Die publiek was sterk gekant teen sulke hardhandige optrede en Genl. J.C. Smuts het
veral onder kritiek deurgeloop, wat tot sy politieke nederlaag gelei het.
Opstandige inheemse bevolkings in Suid-Afrika en Suidwes-Afrika soos die
Israeliete (1921), die Bondelswarts (1922), die Rehoboth Basters (1925) en die
Ukuambi (1932) het deurgeloop onder strafekspedisies van elemente van die Unie
van Suid-Afrika se polisie en weermag.
Die inheemse bevolking is gegrief deur die regering se implementering van
brandmerkwette, geforseerde kontrakarbeid, hut- en hondebelasting. Die regering se
rassebeleid van die tyd het n meester-en-onderdaan-houding teenoor die inheemse
bevolkings geskep, wat die teer kwessie van beperkte politieke regte vererger het.
Opstande deur inheemse bevolkings wat militant van aard was, is op n vinnige en
ekonomiese manier onderdruk, dog het skerp kritiek uitgelok.
Die benutting van vliegtuie om die opstande te onderdruk was n
magsvermenigvuldiger wat die klein polisie- en weermag gehelp het om verliese
tydens die onderdrukking van opstande aan beide kante te beperk.
Die regering het ook opstande van Afrikanergroepe tydens die Eerste en Tweede
Wreldoorlog onderdruk. In 1914-1915 het prominente Afrikanerleiers en veterane
van die Anglo-Boereoorlog militant opgeruk teen die regering in verset oor die
regering se deelname aan die Eerste Wreldoorlog.
Genl. L. Botha en Genl. Smuts was die argitekte van die vinnige onderdrukking van
die opstande deur die Aktiewe Burgermag op te roep en hoofsaaklik
Afrikaanssprekende vrywilligers te gebruik.
Die periode tussen die twee Wreldoorlo is gekenmerk deur die groei van die
Afrikaner op politieke, sosiale en in n beperkte mate, ook ekonomiese gebied.
Hieruit het verdere onenigheid op politieke en sosiale vlak ontstaan toe die regering
weer besluit het om aan die kant van Brittanje tot die Tweede Wreldoorlog toe te
tree. Ou vyandighede tussen Afrikaans- en Engelssprekendes het herleef en

militante elemente binne die Afrikanersamelewing het gemobiliseer om die

deelname te belemmer.
Die regering het die Unieverdedigingsmag en die SA Polisie gebruik vir internering,
spioenering en die beveiliging van strategiese doelwitte teen sabotasie en ander
aktiwiteite wat die oorlogsdeelname sou belemmer. Smuts het die meeste kritiek
ontvang van Afrikaners wat gekant was teen die oorlog, asook die publiek in die
algemeen wat gebuk gegaan het onder krygswet. 3

7. Over a nice cup of coffee ... or how I see things / Oor n

koppie lekker koffie ... of soos ek die saak sien:
"Parade Aandag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nasionale Saluut! Presenteer geweer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (Die Oranje, wit en blou vlag word
stadig gehys en Die Stem word gespeel.)
Manne staan op parade. Almal ernstig! Ek dink aan die woorde van Die Stem en
watter wonderlike voorreg dit is om lid van die SA Polisie te wees. Ek is jonk en
idealisties nog nie verknog nie! Die verknogtheid kom later, baie later. Daar wag
ook seker verknogte berusting? Ek weet nie.
Die son brand neer en mens ruik net Nugget-politoer en Brasso! (Miskien ook
hier en daar walms van die droogskoonmakers en motbolle van die uniformstukke
soos die son neerbrand op die uniforms en die pette!)
Hier en daar het 'n ou hoendervleis! Natuurlik is die Die Stem aangrypend: Die
seremonie vergestalt die hoogste belange van die staat en omvat al ons hoogste
waardes en belange. Selfs die perde proes nie! Selfs die perde is ook onder die besef
dat hierdie n plegtige oomblik is. Ons sweer trou!
Aan die anderkant staan mense op die verhoog. Offisiere, dames en here, kinders.
Baie goud en brass, medaljes wat die skerp Afrikason weerkaats. Offisiere salueer!
Met die laaste akkoorde van die Stem skree die offisier: "Skouer geweer!"
Dis net een flink beweging!
"Sit af geweer!"

Dit klink na n skitterende verhandeling. Mens sal dit graag onder oog wil kry HBH.


"PARADE! Op die plek rus!!!"

Ek wil net graag vir maj LG Snyman, OBE ("Oom Vingers") bedank vir hierdie
pragtige herinnering! (Ek kon tot hoor hoe Ginger Bain so paar ekstra houe op die
groot drom ingekry het!)
OKei manne: "Staan en rus."
(Vroutjie roep ek moet kom stofsuig en dadelik is die euforie, die goue oomblik
daarmee heen! Terug in die werklikheid!)
Ek het nou uitgevind wat ek is: Ek is n verknogte! Verknog aan ou goed. Die SA
Polisie het bitter min tradisies waarvan ek weet. (Weet iemand wat ons ou SA
Polisie se tradisies is? Deel dit dan asb met my.) Al weet ek nie wat ons tradisies is
nie, is ek steeds verknog aan die ou polisie, aan die ou waardes aan die ou Vlag en
aan ou Die Stem van Suid-Afrika.
Skiet my dood: Hoe kan ek verander?
Na jare se opleiding, parades, vlaghysings en beoefening van my kultuur? Dis my
vlag, dit was die vlag wat ek by die polisiestasie gehys het, dit was die vlag op my
uniform, die vlag op my kamerade se kis. (Op skool het ons gesing: Rooi, wit en blou
is die Engelse se gebrou. Oranje, blanje blou ....) Was hierdie goeters nie maar positiewe
indoktrinasie nie?
Die ou SA Polisie het n pragtige kenteken : Ek is ook baie lief vir die kenteken! Dit
was op elke briefhoof!
In my denke is ek Christelik-liberaal, (leef en laat leef, u weet), ek het meer
Engelssprekende familie as Afrikaners, maar ek stam uit mense wat teen die Engelse
baklei het. Ons is van die Koekemoere van die Anglo-Boereoorlog, het my vader altyd
ges. Dit het my spesiaal laat voel!
Wat gaan vir wat?
Ek het geweet wat gaan vir wat!
Ek het die geskiedenis baie goed geken. Die Anglo-Boereoorlog. Die Nazis en al
daai goed, die SS en Himler en die Gestapo. Ek was n aanhanger van Sir Winston
Churchill, as aanklagtekantoorsersant op twee weke nagdiens het ek sy dik boeke


verslint! Wat n man! (Soos pres SJP Kruger, soos genls CR de Wet en Koos de la
Ja, daar was oomblikke in die polisie wat ek nie trots gevoel het nie! Maar ek was
trots op my vader, my DK en ander offisiere en ons SB. Hulle was ons rolmodelle.
Ons het regtig stupid wette gehad. Toe ek verstand gekry het, het ek gedink: Om
agter wette weg te kruip, mens net swak maak.
In die nuwe Suid-Afrika stap ek eendag in n generaal se kantoor. Hy het die nuwe
vlag in sy kantoor. Hy is onskynlik lojaal aan die SAPD en die nuwe bestel. Die
probleem is egter: Die vlag is onderste bo!
Ek kan nie my lojaliteit oornag verander nie! (Is die lojaliteit agv subtiele
breinspoeling van kleins af? Ek weet nie!) Ek weet regtig nie of ek as verknogte in
die nuwe polisiediens sou kon inpas nie? Sou ek myself verlon het? As ou
veiligheidsman, oudlid van die Sekretariaat van die Staatsveiligheidsraad? As
iemand wat deur majoor Neels du Plooy opgelei is, wat ons geleer het dat generaal
Jesus Christus in bevel is van die veiligheidstak? Sou ek?
Ek is n ou verknogte en so sal ek maar eerder doodgaan in die land van verlore
Na verloop van tyd het ek tot die besef gekom ek is n wit Afrikaner van Afrika:
Suid-Afrika is my land ook! Ek sal my voeg tot die lojale opposisie! Ja, ek is trots op
my witgeid: Net soos die Black Lawyers of die Black Officers Forum trots is op hul
Weerpraatjies word misdaadpraatjies
In die ou dae het ons sommer oor die weer gepraat indien jy iemand bv op die stasie
se perron ontmoet het. Nou praat ons oor misdaad as ons 'n gesprek wil begin.
Raai, ek sien in Beeld vanoggend: Hulle het ingebreek by Oom Pik se seun op dieselfde
perseel! Kan julle dit glo! [Ons vergeet van die groot moorde, di op mev De Klerk, op
Eugene Terre Blanche en op ons familie, vriende en kollegas op ons plase en in ons
Ek was in my jeug 'n student aan die Universiteit van Natal (Durban) - Those hallowed
halls of learning. Wat n wonderlike ondervinding om daar tussen die statige geboue
te beweeg. Ek sien 'n Skandinawiese dame-student is daar 24 keer met 'n mes
gesteek! Haar skootrekenaar was die mikpunt van die wrede aanval! By die
universiteit nogal. Kan julle dit glo? Wonder wat di lightie swot? Seker praktiese

So terloops: Wat verder tot my geleerdheid bygedra het was die onbeskryflike
snaakse humor - graffiti in die toilette en soms in die klas. [Vgl Please dont feed the
Lecturer; en op die rektor, prof OPF Horwood gemik: Horwood? Whorewood?
What any whore would!
Have a banana!
So van studente humor gepraat: Studente betoog in Durban voor Saambougebou
die Afkom se kantoor was daar. Maj JC van Niekerk drink n dop in die
Offisiersklub en hoe meer hulle skree en betoog hoe meer lig hy sy glas vir hulle.
Daar kom n rooi munisipale bus op die hoek verby en die busdrywer hou stil en
skree: Hey you monkeys, have a banana!, terwyl hy n tros piesangs uithou na

Inside Information
Een ou iewers boer met renosters. Toe hy om 'n vervoer/verwyderingspermit
aansoek doen is hy dadelik die slagoffer van renoster stropery!
Dit lyk my die skelms het orals "bronne" - by die bank, by die polisiestasie, by
natuurbewaring, by die lisensiekantoor. Noem dit en die ouens het bronne! Ons
weet almal die SAP is afhanklik van bronne. Ek staan in die ry om my
bestuurslisensie te hernu dis een van die nuwe plae in die NSA en ek praat met
die swart dame langs my. Sy kom van Malawi en werk by Binnelandse Sake. Hoe
veilig is ons paspoorte en ons verblyfregpermitte. Vorm SAP 8 raak ook maar
sommer weg en ipv om gedeporteer te word kry jy blywende vestiging?
Hoe veilig is ons sigwaarde vorms?
Is daar enige, enige respek oor vir ons Reg? Of is sy nog besig om te herstel na die
(simboliese) verkragting?
Ek dink diep terug in ons landsgeskiedenis en ek dink aan die ontwikkeling van
afsonderlikheid het ons die pad nie geloop van die Oos-Grens, Bloukrans,
Weenen, Bloedrivier, Moorddrift en Moordraai nie? Is dit nie waar dit begin het nie?
Ons veiligheid het gel in ons afsondering. Soort by soort en die veldkornet is in
bevel; as daar moeilikheid kom dan roep hy die kommandant en die kommando.
Boere is vredeliewend, al misdaad is stook en poach, veral jag op kroonwild.
Ou dr Lamb en ek praat baie oor die ontwikkeling van die Hollander na vryburger,
na plaasboer, na trekboer, na voortrekker, na Boer en Burger en vandaar na die
moderne Afrikaner. In die ou dae as die trekboer n ander skoorsteen sien, trek hy!

Altyd op trek na Utopia waar hy alleen in afsondering kan boer met vee en so nou
en dan iets piets vir die pot.
Ek lees van die boere in die Moot; hier van Pretoria af na Botswana toe. Hulle het
vrugte, tabak, mampoer, graan, mielies en vleis gehad! In hulle eie wreld gewoon.
(Gedurende 1879 was hulle al te bly toe Engelse die Transvaal annekseer het. Nou is
die moeilikheid die Britte sin. Hulle wil boer! Die driemanskap het toe die situasie
omgekeer in 1881.)
En ja, daar was minimale korrupsie maar ook ontug en owerspel! Die landdros hou
aan om die konstawel uit te stuur op patrollie en toe vang die konstabel die
landdros: Onder die bed! Ja, daar was perdediewe destyds die laagste vorm van
lewe! Maar die ou boere was vredeliewende mense om op kommando te gaan was
ook vir hulle lastig. Daarom het meeste gekla van aambeie! Jy kon ook iemand
huur om in jou plek op kommando te gaan.
Die enigste geheime organisasie destyds was die Vrymesselaars die Nederlandse
tak van die beweging wat hier ontkiem het in die tyd van die VOC. Die eerste losie
staan op die Parlement se grond, of is dit andersom? Die Afrikaanse Broederbond
het eers later gekom in 1918. Die Bond het altrustiese doelstellings gehad en die
saak van die Afrikaner oor n wye front bevorder. (Tydens WO2 was die Bond baie
deeglik deur Militre Inligting dopgehou. Ek het sommige van die argiefstukke
bekom.) Die resultate van die Bond is deur SEB opgesuig. Vandag is daar nie veel
oor nie.
Hebsug: Diamante, goud, drank en staatskas
Diamante, goud en drank (later bietjie dagga) was die begin van ons koverte werk in
die polisie. Met die myne het die werkersorganisasies gekom met Bill Andrews aan
die spits, toe kom kommunisme en toe hulle sien hul kan nie van die Boere
kommuniste maak nie, (daar was wel n paar Boere-kommuniste), toe kyk hulle na
die swartmense en hiervandaan het die probleme gekom.
Na die tweede wreldoorlog is die wreld op sy kop gekeer en ons kon waarneem
hoe die mensdom verander het en nou sit ons weer in n rewolusie: Die stryd
tussen die wat HET en die wat nie het nie. Die wat nie het nie kan nie verstaan
waarom hulle niks het nie!
Ek slaan my o op na die Berge. Hoe kan mense nie sien daar is verskil tussen die
staatskas en jou eie bankrekening nie?

Eendag vertel een van die senior-offisiere dat hy inspeksie in die Noord-Kaap
gedoen het. By een plekkie was n ao McDonald. Toe hulle sy staande voorskot
nagaan toe sit hy nog met ou tien rand note! Hy word ges om die geld aan te
wend. Nee, kolonel! Dis mos staatsgeld! is sy verweer.
Ons werk 12-uur skofte in die Burgerspark Hotel en (destyds) kol JJ Viktor is ons
bevelvoerder. Hy s: Julle is genomineer om daar te werk. Julle is xxx-vreters en
niemand sit n eis in vir kos of wat ook al! Finish en klaar! Ons het spaarsaam met
staatsgeld omgegaan!
Ek dink ons NSA-waardes4 is besig om te versleg!
Wat die BEE (SEB) betref s my jong seun gisteraand: Pa dis n goeie ding! Dit maak
ons net beter! Ek het nogal lank oor di een gedink. So word hulle ook maar
slagoffers van hulle eie wette!


8.1 Stilte in die Hof Lentulus
8.1.1 Titel: Gerook, M'Lord?
In die vroe 80's was ek beheer-landdros by 'n landdros kantoor in die platteland. Een van
my pligte was om elke maand die bewysstuk-kamer 'skoon' te maak en die bewysstukke ten
opsigte waarvan daar 'n vernietigingsbevel gegee is, gepas te vernietig. Dit het gewoonlik 'n
streepsak of twee dagga ingesluit.
In daardie dae (Gods, ek klink oud...) het ons daagliks 'n kwota bandiete van die plaaslike
tronk as arbeiders ontvang. Met hulle hulp het ek agter in die landdros kantoor se werf 'n
vlak gat gegrawe. Elke laaste Vrydag van die maand is die dagga dan in die gat gegooi. Die
Staatsgarage het my van ou afgetapte motor olie voorsien wat oor die dagga gegooi is. Dit is
so twee ure gemarinate om goed te deurweek en dan brand gesteek. Dagga smoor maklik
dood, so die bandiete moes met vurke die mengsel gereeld omdolwe.
Almal weet hoe Die Manne by 'n braaivleis, bier in die hand, om die braaier staan en rugby,
politiek en k@k praat. Hulle doen ook die 'rook-dans' en hou aan om die vuur te beweeg ten
einde uit die rook te bly.
Wel 'n dagga-braai werk teenoorgesteld: Die bandiete doen ook die 'rook-dans' maar hul
hou aan om die vuur te beweeg ten einde in die rook te bly. Hul maar laat begaan. Gods,
hoeveel plesiertjies het 'n man dan in die tronk?

Nuwe Suid Afrika - HBH


Die Hoof van die Gevangenis deel my later mee dat die bandiete skoon vuisslaan om die
laaste Vrydag van die maand na die landdros kantoor 'uitgeboek' te word.

8.2 Face Book: Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Afgetrede Lede


8.3 Geduld, o geduld wat so baie kan dra! Coert Marais (Pmb)
Passief? Geduldig?Lankmoedig? En al daai dinge. Dit is wat ek regtig wil wees. Dan gebeur
dinge soos politiek, maar ek probeer daar uit bly. DAN gebeur dinge soos gister......
Ek en Louise ry deur die strate van Pietermaritzburg op pad Pensioenkantoor toe. Al die
geskiedkundige geboue is betrek deur honderde "vlugtelinge". Die strate is vuil en vol
gemors. Mense loop oor die paaie en die karre moet keer of hul word raakgery. Die taxis
stop en ry waar hul wil.
Ons kry WETTIGE parkering in die besige straat reg voor die ingang na die pensioenkantoor
in Langalibalelestraat5, op die hoek met Chief Albert Lutulistraat. Ons is gelukkig, want daar
staan ander karre dubbel geparkeer in die straat, sonder bestuurders of passasiers. Louise klim
uit, want dit is vir my moeilik om die kar alleen daar te laat.
'n Groot "dame" klim uit 'n bakkie, wat sy reg langs my, dubbel geparkeer, net so laat en
5 Minute later kom Louise uit. Nou sit ons en wag vir 25 minute. Vas geparkeer. Ek skakel
die verkeerspolisie en vertel hul die probleem. Hul verstaan nie wat so 'n groot probleem is
nie. Ek raak opgewonde. My bloeddrukpille en kalmeermiddels wil nie meer werk nie.
Uiteindelik verstaan die verkeersbeampte dat ek nie gelukkig is met die situasie nie. Nou
verduidelik ek waar ek geparkeer is. Hy weet nie waar dit is nie. Uiteindelik verstaan hy. Hy
gee die name van die strate aan as Loop en Durbanweg. Let wel, EK het dit as die nuwe
straatname aangegee. Duidelik is die nuwe benamings niks werd nie. Hy sal iemand uitstuur.
Moet se, ek sal seker nou nog gewag het as dit nie was dat die dame van die bakkie daar
aangekom het nie. Teen DIE tyd het ek al buite die kar gestaan en dans, asof op 'n baie warm
pad. Louise bly my kalmeer.
Baie rustig vra ek die dame "Madam, how can you park like this and just leave your vehicle?"
Boetie, was ek arrogant om so 'n vraag te vra!? Ek word vertel dat dit geregtig is om dit te
doen. Ek se dat ek die Polisie gekontak het. Ek word vertel dat sy nie bang is nie, want die
polisie is haar vriende. Na 'n vurige gesprek, meestal van haar kant af, laat sy my toe om te
Let wel, toe ek ry, is al die ander karre nog steeds daar dubbel geparkeer. Geen
verkeerspolisie in sig nie.
Ek kan nog uitbrei, maar "rest my case".
Sal maar weer bid vir my verdraagsaamheid.

Die Natal Mounted Police is in 1874 gestig juis agv die Langalibaleleopstand - HBH


8.4 Ons vir Jou Suid-Afrika: via Rudi Venter


9.1 Whistle-blowing officer reinstated
9.1.1 Ivan Myers: Jan van Wyk

Oorwinning vir een van ons makers. Groete Jan.

2012-11-30 13:30
Cape Town - A senior policeman has won a five-year-battle to overturn his dismissal
for exposing a suspected dog food scandal, it was reported on Friday. The Supreme
Court of Appeal (SCA) on Thursday ruled in favour of Ivan Myers, who was
dismissed in 2007 for contravening police discipline regulations, the Cape Times
Myers, who headed the Maitland Dog Unit at the time, spoke to the media about the
dogs' alleged malnutrition, after rations were reduced from 700g to 500g a day. Some
press reports at the time alleged the dogs had resorted to eating their own

excrement. Myers was dismissed for speaking out and ordered to pay a R500 fine.
The dispute went through a long review process and ended up in the Labour Court,
which found in his favour. This decision was then overturned by the Labour Appeal
Court in March. The SCA set aside the appeal court's ruling, finding that the
unreasonableness of Myer's dismissal was sufficient to intervene. Myers told the
newspaper he was happy the court battle was over. "I am ecstatic that justice has
prevailed, and looking forward to returning to my rightful place in the SA Police

9.2. Whistle-blowing officer reinstated

Hello Hennie,
Ek het Ivan Meyers nou onlangs ontmoet, en hy is een van ons Bondlede omdat hy
ontslaan was uit die Polisie.
Hy het sy saak baklei, tot in die Appel hof. Uitspraak was Vrydag (30 Nov 2012) en
is moet weer in diens geneem word.
-----------Lees sy epos hieronder asook sy (Meyers) Heads of Argument bladsy 27 en 28. Sy
foto is ook hier. Plaas asb dit in ons Facebook
Ek heg sommer my heads of argument ook aan.
Claims of starving police dogs worry welfare bodies: Leila Samodien. Staff
Animal welfare organisations are outraged by recent allegations that local
police dogs are so malnourished that they are resorting to eating their own
But police have denied the allegations. It was reported in a Cape Town
Afrikaans morning newspaper yesterday that the dogs were not given
sufficient food, driving them to eat their faeces to get vitamins.


The dogs are kept and trained at the Pinelands police dog unit near the
Maitland police station.
It was believed that some police dogs could not concentrate properly because
they were hungry and were distracted by food when sniffing out explosives or
drugs, according to the report.
SPCA spokeswoman Cher Poznanovich said police dogs' food had been
reduced from a daily intake of 750g to 500g. A report handed in by the SPCA
late yesterday noted observations made by an inspector.
The report said that all the dogs except two were in a "good healthy
One of the two exceptions had undergone an operation and another had
"seemed a little thin".
The Cape Argus visited the dog unit yesterday and found only three dogs
Officers there refused to answer questions.
Poznanovich said the problem had to be sorted out or the dogs' would not be
able to work properly.
She said the SPCA did not want to criticise the department until it had taught
police officers how to properly nourish the animals. Some of the dogs might
have worms or be ill, which would explain their behaviour, she said. "We
have to educate them (police) before we prosecute them.

"We won't get

anywhere until they understand how these dogs are meant to be treated."
Police spokesman Superintendent Billy Jones said the dogs' diet was specified
by the police vet. "There is a prescribed amount of food for the dogs, but,
individually, every dog is being continuously re-evaluated and weighed."
The police have hired an additional external vet to conduct a separate
The chairwoman of the Animal Welfare Society of South Africa, June
Woodman, was enraged by the alleged malnourishment, saying the dogs had
to be properly nourished for the strenuous jobs they did. "I can't believe that

these dogs' food and facilities are funded by the government budget and they
go hungry. "Even at our organisation, where we have limited re-sources and
depend on public donations, no animal ever goes hungry," she said.
Woodman said that al-though the police dogs' food intake had been reduced
by 250g, what mattered was the quality of that food they were consuming. "If
they eat better quality food, more can be absorbed and they would have more
energy for their high activity level."
Marilyn Hoole, chairwoman of Tears, and Rene Southwood, manager at the
Animal Anti- Cruelty League, both said they had heard claims of
malnourishment at the unit but were not handling the matter.
Hoole said that if the claims were true, the apparent neglect was

9.3 Comment: Lt-Col Meyers

My Response after SAPS denied everything: ONTHOU Na die artikel was
daar geen verder klagtes van publiek. VIER MAANDE LATER was ek
aangekla en is ontslaan twee dae nadat my verplasing Bishop Lavis toe
onwettig verklaar was.
9.3.1 Rompslomp laat honde ly - Leon-Ben Lamprecht
KAAPSTAD. Die bevelvoerder van die Maitland-honde-eenheid het sy
stilswye verbreek en sy mond uitgespoel oor die situasie by di eenheid.
Die Burger het vroer berig sommige honde by di eenheid is ondervoed.
Supt. Ivan Myers het in n brief ges dat hy hewig gekritiseer word omdat hy
die honde laat verhonger.
Ek is gedwing om stil te bly oor die kwessie, maar synde dat ek nou privaat
n in die openbaar gekritiseer word, voel ek dis tyd dat die hele kwessie in sy
ware konteks geplaas word.
Hy het ges die kernkwessie is dat die honde 500g Vets Choice Premium
gevoer is. Hulle moes na regte Vets Choice Superior ontvang het.
Volgens hom het hy met die vervaardigers kontak gemaak, wat aan hom ges
het 500g Premium is onvoldoende vir werkende honde, soos polisiehonde,
maar dat 500g Superior in die kol sou wees.


Hy skryf verder volgens n opdrag van die polisie moet toepaslike stappe om
dit reg te stel, gedoen word, indien dit blyk dat die honde nie korrek gevoed
word nie.
N oorlegpleging met lt.kol. K.N. Sarkady, n weermagveearts, het Myers die
honde se rantsoen verhoog. Hy het die provinsiale bevelvoerder skriftelik
Ek is aanges dat slegs Pretoria (die nasionale kantoor) toestemming vir so n
stap kan gee en dat aansoek vir n verhoging in rantsoene gedoen moet word.
Dit ten spyte van die spesiale opdrag wat diskresie vereis.
Myers het toe in elk geval die rantsoen verhoog en toestemming is later
verskaf. Hy is in September 2006 geskors weens die nie-nakoming van bevele
van n aangestelde bevelvoerder van die honde-eenheid.
In di tyd is die honde se rantsoen weer verlaag en het hulle toestand agteruit
Ek is nie toegelaat om betrokke te raak by die eenheid of sy lede nie.
Hondegeleiers het verstaanbaar gefrustreerd geraak en hul unie gekontak, wat
die kwessie verder gevoer het...
Sy skorsing is op 30 Januarie vanjaar opgehef, maar hy het verlof geneem
terwyl n kwessie rakende sy aanstelling uitgeklaar word. Hy het egter op 15
Februarie sy verlof gekanselleer uit vrees dat dinge handuit sou ruk. Hy is toe
aanges om sy verlof te neem.

Op 21 Februarie het dir. J.A. Strydom,

nasionale hoofveearts van die polisie, die honde-eenheid besoek. Volgens

Myers het Strydom, vir wie hy ho agting het, die honde se toestand
bevredigend gevind.
Die honde sou egter in n bevredigende toestand gewees het omdat hulle
bykomende kos van hulle geleiers ontvang en gn instruksie sal dit stopsit
Die publiek kan verseker wees met my terugkeer op 1 Maart sal die honde
inderdaad 700g kos ontvang, met die uitsondering van di wat oorgewig is.
Supt. Billy Jones, n polisiewoordvoerder, het ges hulle gaan nie in hierdie

stadium kommentaar lewer nie.

9.4 Uitspraak: Ivan Meyers-saak

Case Number: 425 / 2012
Labour Appeal Court Case No: CA 04/09
Labour Court Case No: C 177/2008
In the matter between





First Respondent



Second Respondent


Abiding the Court's decision

Third Respondent

Abiding the Court's decision





This appeal raises the question whether the decision of a commissioner not to
reinstate a senior police officer who had been dismissed for addressing the public
outcry concerning a matter of public interest in the media, was so unreasonable that
no reasonable commissioner could have done so, or was reviewable on another of the
stated grounds.



The appeal is with special leave granted by this Court against the whole of the
judgment and order of the Labour Appeal Court, the Labour Court having found in
appellants favour, the LAC having been divided on the issue.

Vol 3 p 373 401


The appeal is not only about the facts and application of the law. It also raises
constitutional issues - the appellants right to freedom of speech and expression and
to dignity, the integrity and accountability of a senior police officer / public servant,
the basic values and the principles enshrined in section 195(1) (a) - (h) of the



The appellant, [Myers] was dismissed from the employ of the first
respondent, the SAPS, for having made a media communication regarding the
rations of police dogs at the Cape Town Dog Unit at Maitland.


Lieutenant Colonel Myers had commanded the highly specialised Dog Unit
between 2001 and 2007. He had 28 years unbroken service in the SAPS. He
was accountable for the Units assets, human resources, finances and dogs.
But for his dismissal, he would have been eligible for early retirement in
August 2013.

Myers Vol 1 p 195 (11 21), 197 (12 25) to 198 (1 17) and 216 (11 23).


Some background to his media statement and subsequent dismissal is

required to place the dismissal in perspective. In February 2005 SAPS changed

its tender requirements for the supply of dog food. Dogs had previously been
receiving 800 grams of Olympic food per day. After the tender was awarded,
this was reduced to 500 grams of Vets Choice Premium. Upon his return from
attending a 4 month course in Pretoria during 2005, Myers noticed the dogs
appeared emaciated. He contacted the manufacturer of Vets Choice who
informed him that SAPS had purchased the wrong type of food for working
dogs and that he should increase the ration to 700 grams. He increased the
rations in collaboration with the Provincial Vet despite having written three
letters to the Provincial Head: Police Dogs, Colonel Visser [Visser].Visser
eventually granted authority in February 2006, Myers was in effect obliged to
do so unilaterally.

Myers Vol 1 p 178 (10 25) to 181 (1 5)


Myers was suspended on 11 September 2006 after the SAPS had appointed an
inexperienced officer into his Unit Commander post with effect from 1
August 2006. Myers filed a grievance disputing this appointment. This
prompted SAPS to suspend and charge Myers for insubordination.


decision was reversed at arbitration by agreement before the Third

Respondent. Myers was ultimately reinstated and returned to work in
January 2007, to be told to take leave during February 2007.

Myers Vol 2 p 310 (1 25) to 311 (1 11)



During Myers period of absence in September 2006 the dog food rations at
his Unit were again reduced from 700 to 500 grams per day upon instruction
from senior management. This resulted in a discernible loss of weight in the


During December 2006 and again in February 2007, the South African Police
Union [SAPU], upon being approached by concerned dog handlers, raised the
issue of the malnutrition of police dogs at the Unit with SAPS management.
SAPS management ignored the pleas.

Myers Vol 1 p 178 (10 25) to 181 (1 5)


On 12 February 2007 SAPU invited Myers to a meeting at its offices. Leon-Ben

Lamprecht, a journalist of Die Burger newspaper was also present at the
meeting. He asked Myers to explain the reasons for the situation at the Dog
Unit. Myers refrained from commenting before establishing if the issue had
been addressed by management. He then contacted Visser, warning him of
the medias interest and asking him to take immediate steps to prevent the
story from making damaging headlines in the media.

Myers Vol 1 p 181 (18 25) to 182 (1-3)


Two days later the story about the dogs malnutrition made headlines in the
media. It was inter - alia reported that the police dogs were eating their own


excrement due to malnutrition. Extreme damage was created to the image and
reputation of the dog unit by the SAPS management not reacting to the pleas
of SAPU. Members of the public reacted with shock and anger in the printed
and electronic media at the news of the condition of the dogs. Jones confirmed
at the disciplinary hearing that he understood SAPU to have initiated the
issue in the media and never referred to Myers as the person who created the
media exposure.

Jones Vol 1 p 154 (1 6) , (15 17)

Myers Vol 1 p 182 (6 8) and 196 (10 11)


SAPS managements eventual response was to deny that there was a problem
with the dogs. This further incensed the public. The issue about the dogs was
in the public eye and subject to intense scrutiny. Extreme adverse and
negative prejudice to the SAPS image was further created by this failure to
truthfully respond to the public outcry.
Visser Vol 1 p 92 (10 11)
Jones Vol 1 p 163 (1 9)
Myers Vol 1 p 186 (21 25)


Myers, as commander of the dog unit, felt morally obligated to take charge of
the situation. On 21 February 2007 he interrupted his leave and returned to
the Unit to defuse the crisis. Upon his arrival at the Unit he found the chief
veterinarian of the SAPS who told Myers that they were about to hold a


meeting concerning the malnutrition issue. Myers requested to be a part of

the meeting but he was told that he was not needed and left.
Visser Vol 1 p 95 (1 25) to 96 (19 23)
Myers Vol 1 p 182 (6 25) to 183 (1 9)
Strydom Vol 2 p 261 (10 25)


Newspaper articles the following day again indicated that police management
had denied that there were any problems. Jones, however, admitted that they
were aware by the 21st of February that the crisis had already spilt over to
national as well as international level.

Jones Vol 1 p 128 (23 25)


Myers position at the Dog Unit was well known, having been the de facto
media spokesman for the Unit dealing with the printed and audio visual
media during his tenure and having previously met a journalist about the
specific issue.

Myers Vol 1 p 213 (3 25) to 214 (1 14)


Since the media exposure he had received numerous telephone calls from
members of the public, colleagues and friends who were clearly incensed and
directed accusations, particularly at him, that the dogs were being maltreated.

Myers Vol 1 p 182 (10 13) and 183 (17 - 24)


On the 23rd of February 2007 Myers sent an email entitled Condition of Police
Dogs to Lamprecht seeking to address the issue regarding the dogs

malnutrition and to point out the steps he had taken to resolve the problem
and that the public can be assured of the Dog Unit members commitment to
the dogs.

Exhibit B - E-mail Vol 1 p 70 72


The gist of his email appeared in Die Burger under the following headlines:
Maitland - eenheid: Bevelvoerder verbreek swye. Rompslomp laat honde ly

Exhibit A Die Burger article Vol 1p 69


After the publication of the article no further reports or comments were

published. The hostile, prejudicial and critical comments ceased. Myers was
not requested to make a retraction by his employer nor taken to task until
some four months later. Myers motive was to restore the image of the SAPS
as well as his and his subordinates honour and dignity.

Myers Vol 1 p 189 (8 13), 208 (22 25), 215 (7 13), 217 (11 25) to 218 (1 7)


On 18 June 2007 Myers was charged with contravening Regulation 20(f) of the
SAPS Discipline Regulations. It was alleged by the SAPS that by
communicating with the media Myers had prejudiced the administration,
discipline or efficiency of a department, office or institution of the State.

Main charge Vol 1 p 74



In the alternative, he was charged with contravening Regulation 20 (i) in that

he was alleged to have failed to carry out a lawful order or routine instruction
without just or reasonable cause, namely Standing Order (General) 156, by
making a media communication.

Alternative charge Vol 1 p 75


On 12 July 2007, the presiding officer in the internal disciplinary hearing

acquitted Myers on the alternative charge. He was convicted upon the main
charge and was dismissed from the employ of the SAPS, the trial officer
having concluded that the media statement was not beneficial to the employer
in that it had an element of impudence, cheekiness, disrespect and rudeness.
He further concluded that Myers had not acted in good faith by; competing
with the employer, disclosing confidential information or trade secrets and
that he had acted dishonestly.

Vol 2 p 324 paragraphs [9.1.4.] and []


Myers referred his dismissal to the Second Respondent after an unsuccessful

internal appeal. The Third Respondent found the dismissal to be
substantively fair.

Arbitration Award Vol 1 p 29 37


On review to the Labour Court, Myers was subsequently granted relief to have the
matter re-heard in the Bargaining Council before another Commissioner.


Judgment Labour Court Vol 3 p 353 367


SAPS applied for leave to appeal against this judgment which was denied by the
Labour Court, where-after SAPS successfully petitioned the Labour Appeal Court


The minority in the LAC, per Zondi AJA found that although Myers had committed
an act of serious misconduct, the sanction of dismissal was unreasonable. The
majority, per Waglay DJP and Molemela AJA, found the sanction to be unreasonable
but not so unreasonable as to be reviewable, and confirmed the sanction of dismissal.


The following facts render the decisions to dismiss and subsequently not to reinstate
the appellant in the first instance unfair and in the second case unreasonable.

27.1. Myers was not aware of a task team which was set up by the Provincial
Commissioner of SAPS to deal with the dog food issue and to discuss a
strategy to deal with the media.

27.2. Myers was excluded from the meeting at the Unit when he took it upon
himself to resolve the situation. Visser even conceded that it was a
responsible act for Myers to have gone to the Unit whilst on leave to
assist. Upon the proposition made to Commissioner Strydom by the
prosecutor that Myers actions should have made sure that the SAPS
received the best publicity, Strydom responded that, I t h i n k h e
sh o u l d h a v e b e en m o r e r e sp o n si b l e t o c o - o p e r a t e w i t h m a n a g e m en t

a n d t o d i sc u s s a n d m e e t w i t h u s i n o r d e r t o s e e h o w w e c a n c u r b

n eg a t i v e




c re a t ed



n e w sp a p er s

rep o rt s. T his despite Myers having attempted to co-operate and

assist with the crisis but then told that he was not needed.

Visser Vol 1 p 96 (4 8)
Strydom Vol 2 p 245 (15 25) and 246 (3 6)
27.3. Visser testified that the purpose of the meeting [from which Myers was
excluded] was to explain the contract and the national instructions
regarding the feeding of the dogs to the commanders and the kennel

Visser Vol 1 p 94 (10 25)

27.4. The majority in the LAC (at paragraph [102]) questioned the exclusion
of Myers from the meeting having asked itself whether he would not
have been best suited to deal with the issue that became a public

27.5. Commissioner Strydom clearly stated that Myers was not part of the
task team. Since he had arrived uninvited, he was not welcome at the
meeting. Myers was requested to leave.

Strydom Vol 2 p 261 (10 25)


27.6. Jones is also on record stating that he was not even aware as to why
Myers was at the Unit on 21 February 2007.

Jones Vol 1 p 139 (3 7)


The exclusion of Myers from the meeting did not prompt him to commence
mudslinging the SAPS. The evidence of Myers was to the contrary he
wanted to restore his dignity and the dignity of his subordinates, the image of
the Dog Unit and the SAPS and his integrity as an accountable officer. No
mudslinging ever occurred. His response was a single response to the media.
It turned out to be the final word about the matter. It was by no account
defamatory or undermining of the objectives of the SAPS. It resolved the issue
in the public eye. To dismiss him for such a valuable public-spirited act and to
then not reinstate him was grossly unreasonable.


The fact that the SAPS is an employer who serves the public, and who is
expected to maintain a high degree of discipline within its ranks, may mean
that a media statement that undermines the employer and displays a lack of
respect for authority is prejudicial to the SAPS and cannot go unpunished.
This does not however mean that any media statement, especially one that
never undermined the authority of SAPS or the discipline within the ranks,
justifies dismissal. Myers e-mail was not directed against the authority of
SAPS. It restored its dignity and that of the Unit. It gave a true and factually
correct explanation of the cause for the starvation of the dogs. To dismiss


Myers for that was grossly unreasonable, as was the decision not to reinstate


There was no evidence to support the findings of impudence, cheekiness,

disrespect and rudeness or that Myers had not acted in good faith by;
competing with the employer, disclosing confidential information or trade
secrets and that he had acted dishonestly.


The LAC erred in its findings :

30.1. That Myers e-mail communication constituted serious misconduct in that it

prejudiced the SAPS and that he had no just and reasonable cause to have
sent the e-mail;

30.2. By not balancing the right of freedom of speech and expression in the public
interest, the right to dignity, and the obligation to be accountable to the public
against the perceived prejudice of SAPS;

30.3. By not interpreting the Standing Order as a guideline and limitation on the
right to freedom of speech and expression in line with the values enshrined in
the Constitution;

30.4. That the conviction and sanction was a decision which a reasonable decision
maker could make in the circumstances.



In the unreported matter of Gazidis v Minister of Public Administration (A2050/04)

(24 March 2006) TPD the employee faced similar charges as Myers under the Public
Service Act. A full bench at paragraphs [44] to [52] found that whatever prejudice
there may have been for the employer, had been caused already by the time the
appellant made his strongly worded comments. If these comments caused any
prejudice to the department of which the appellant was an officer, such prejudice
existed already when the comments were made. The Court found that there could be
no causal link between the applicants actions and any prejudice the department may
have suffered and therefore found that there was no evidence upon which the
Arbitrator could have convicted the appellant of the charge of having caused
prejudice to the department.


Whatever prejudice there may have been had certainly already been caused by the
SAPS itself by the time Myers made his comments. There can therefore be no causal
link between Myers actions and any prejudice that SAPS may have suffered. Under
these circumstances it is clear that there is no evidence upon which Myers could have
been convicted of having caused prejudice to the SAPS.

Myers Vol 1 p 177 (1 10) , Vol 2 210 (3- 4), 215 (7 13), 217 (5 6), 218 (3 7 and
22 - 24) to 219 (1 6), 308 (4 15)


Myers as the officer accountable for the Dog Unit and the de facto media liaison
officer had just and reasonable cause to restore the negative publicity which had been
created by SAPS. He upheld the principles contained in s 195 of the Constitution by
being accountable and transparent in providing the public with accurate information


which is expected of a professional and ethical public servant. He alerted Visser

about the enquiries of Die Burger to no avail. He should not have been victimized for
fulfilling his legal obligations in restoring the negative publicity and in laying the
matter to rest. To dismiss him for that was grossly unfair. Not to reinstate him was
something no reasonable commissioner would have done.

Kroukam v SA Airlink (Pty) Ltd (2005) 26 ILJ 2153 (LAC) para [94]


The LAC based their finding of prejudice upon the heading of the publication in Die

Burger. Jones, the SAPS media liaison officer, twice conceded that the heading of a
newspaper report was the prerogative of the editor. Despite the heading Rondslomp
[red tape] in the newspaper, Jones confirmed that red tape caused the problem to the
extent that only one person from national level may prescribe and instruct what
amount of food the dogs may receive. The e-mail from Myers to the media had a
neutral non - prejudicial heading, to wit, Condition of Police Dogs. The content
thereof was largely factual. The newspaper report contained some editorial licence
(e.g. mond uitspoel) for which Myers cannot be blamed. Where Myers
exasperation appears in the e-mail, it is explained by him and was clearly justified by
the facts.

Jones Vol 1 p 129 (17 21), 130 (8 12), 152 (18-25) to 153 (1 2) and 174 (20 25) to
175 (1 8)
Myers Vol 1 p 205 (18 20)



The content of the e-mail was never challenged by the SAPS during the arbitration.
Absent proof of false statements, knowingly or recklessly made, by a senior officer
exercising his right to speak on an issue of public interest, does not form a reasonable
basis for his dismissal / non-reinstatement.

Pickering v Board of Education 391 U.S 563, 568, 88 3 June 1968 at para 21


The record indicates that there was no prejudice to the SAPS as a result of the
communication by Myers. All witnesses for the employer were unable to
disclose any prejudice to the SAPS as a result of that publication.

Visser Vol 1 p 83 (7 11), 88 (24 25) to 89 (1 13), 103 (9 24)

Jones Vol 1 p 137 (3 16)
Strydom Vol 2 p 243 (22 25) to 244 (1 4), 265 (20 25) to 266 (1 16) and
269 (16 24)


This was also evident from the outset where Jones in his factual report that
precipitated the charges only stated that the conduct could have a negative
bearing on the Service. He also declined to comment on the e-mail to the
media when approached to do so.

Jones Factual Report Vol 1 p 68 (4 5)

Vol 1 p 69 last sentence of exhibit A.
Jones Vol 1 p 125 (14 15).


The emphasis of Standing Order 156 at 3(14), stipulates that official statements
to the media are to ensure that the Service receives the maximum benefit from
media exposure. Visser conceded that the Myers e - mail was to the maximum

benefit. He also stated that the content of the article was primarily the same as
what Dr Strydom had stated in the media.

Visser Vol 1 p 112 (1 4) and (8 13), p 102 (9 10)


In Midi television (PTY) Ltd v Director of Prosecutions 2007 (5) SA 540

(SCA) this Honourable Court held at para [19] that an allegation of prejudice
should be supported by demonstrable evidence. Mere conjecture as to
prejudice cannot suffice. Conjecture or speculation that prejudice might occur
is not enough. To base a finding of prejudice on speculation alone is clearly


It cannot be disputed that Myers e-mail was not dishonest, nor defamatory
and that it could not have had any negative impact on the operations of the
SAPS. No evidence was led as to any actual or potential effect or impact the
article had or could have had upon the SAPS.

Cf Edcon Ltd v Pilemer NO & Others 2009 (3) All SA 508 (SCA) at 516 para


In Tshishonga v Minister of Justice & Constitutional Development (2006) 27 ILJ

1541 (LC) at para [198] it was held that an employer who refuses to engage with an
employee cannot later be heard to complain that it was embarrassed or that it was
brought into disrepute by the employees whistleblowing. Besides denying all
wrongdoing (even when the dogs were seen eating their excrement and after the
public outcry had started in the media), the SAPS in casu singularly failed to engage

with SAPU on the two occasions and with Myers on another, when he availed
himself at the Unit on 21 February 2007. It could not, in the circumstances, have
reasonably taken disciplinary action against him for addressing the situation himself


Upon the proposition made by the prosecutor to Commissioner Strydom, as to the

responsibility of an employee in acting in the best interests of the employer, Strydom
responded that Myers as the commander of the Dog Unit, despite being on
suspension and then on leave during that period, should have been more responsible
to co-operate with management and to discuss and meet with them in order to see
how they could curb the negative publicity that was created by the media reports.
This response by Strydom was made despite Myers having initially warned Visser of
the media interest as well as his availing himself at the Unit and being requested to
leave. Strydom under cross examination further conceded that Myers should have
been part of the task team.

Strydom Vol 2 p 245 (10 25) to 246 (1 6) and p 262 (15 21)


Myers and the members of his units right to dignity and their own accountability as
public servants justified his responding in the manner in which he did to the
prejudicial and negative media reports and associated public outcry. Since this
response was not forthcoming from his employer, it had to be from him.

Myers Vol 1 p 182 (10 13), 183 (17 24), 203 (10 24), 205 (1 7), 225 (1 9), 302 (1
21), and 305 (15 24)



The malnutrition of the dogs was a matter of public interest even attracting
international media interest leading up to the 2010 Soccer World Cup.

Jones vol 1 p 128 (23 25) to 129 (1 5)


In light of the aforementioned paragraph this called for timely, transparent and
accurate accountability. Myers who was accountable for the Dog Unit responsibly
exercised his duty as the Unit Commander and de facto media liaison officer to inform
the public about the true reasons for the malnourished police dogs.


In analysing Pickering v Board of Education supra Herbert, W.A. in The

First Amendment and Public Sector Labor Relations, The Labor Lawyer
Vol. 19. No. 3 (Winter/Spring 2004): 325-351, American Bar Association at
page 326, states:

In determining whether a public employers adverse action violates the right of a

public employee to engage in speech protected by the First Amendment, courts
must balance the interest of the employee to comment on matters of public
concern against the interest of the public employer in promoting the efficiency of
government services performed through its employees.
Clearly upon the evidence of all the witnesses the wellbeing of the dogs
became a matter of intense public concern.


Herbert, W.A. proceeds to state at page 338;

The public employer has the burden of justifying its adverse employment action.
It must demonstrate that the employees conduct interfered with governmental
operations or that it reasonably believed that the speech would interfere with such

operations. Proof of actual interference is frequently unnecessary. However, the

closer the employees speech reflects on matters of public concern, the greater
must be the employers showing that the speech is likely to be disruptive before it
may be punished.


The evidence of Myers expertise at a specialised Unit, his leadership, commitment

and accountability went unchallenged. He restored the public outcry which was
created by SAPS management with the publication of the true situation in his e-mail.
It would have been expected of Myers to be accountable to the public about a matter
of public interest and to respond to the publics outcry when the SAPS denied any
wrongdoing. His intention was to restore his dignity as a commander, that of his
handlers and of the Unit and not be disruptive. None of this warranted or justified
his dismissal. Not to reinstate him was clearly unreasonable.


The intention of the Myers publication was not defamatory or untrue. He addressed
a matter of public interest which was never disputed by the SAPS and who admitted
that it was a very sensitive issue and a crisis by going so far as to consider a media
strategy to deal with the public outcry. Myers was never informed about it.

Jones Vol 1 p 128 (1 8)


It is therefore submitted that the balancing of interests favours Myers rights of

freedom of speech, his duty of accountability and the right to protect his dignity, that
of his Unit and of the SAPS in general. His conduct was ultimately in the best
interests of the employer and to dismiss him for that was grossly unfair. Not to
reinstate him was grossly unreasonable.



There are other grounds on which Myers should have been reinstated. Members of
the SAPS who had spoken to the media before were never dismissed. Two incidents
were referred to where direct prejudice was occasioned upon the SAPS where only
warnings were issued.

Myers Vol 2 p 299 (10 17)


Myers was charged, convicted and dismissed without his representations ever
having been considered by Strydom.

Strydom Vol 2 p 291 (5 25) to 292 (1 19)


The SAPS disciplinary regulations together with the Standing Order require prompt
resolution in the form of either an instruction to withdraw criticism in the media or
to issue a warning to the employee. None of this was done. Myers was only charged
some four months later and dismissed (after being successful in the arbitration
relating to his unlawful transfer, which in itself questions the motive of the employer
for charging and dismissing Myers on the grounds of the media communication).

Vol 1 p 57
Strydom Vol 2 p 279 (1 10)
Myers Vol 2 p 300 (5 6)


The communication did not evince any element of dishonesty, dereliction of duty,
loss to the SAPS, or a breach of the SAPS code of conduct, in any event not one which
could seriously have affected the public trust and confidence in Myers. Thus there
was no effect on the employee - employer relationship which justified his dismissal.



The South African Police Service procedure relating to media communication by

members of the SAPS is contained in Standing Order (General) 156. The particular
Standing Order [S.O.(G)] is fraught with ambiguity.


The preamble to all the Standing Orders of the South African Police Service states:

Aangesien dit nie moontlik is om noukeurige gedragslyne vir elke omstandigheid

waarin n lid hom mag bevind vooruit te bepaal nie, word n redelike en verstandige
vertolking, liewer as n slaafse navolging van hierdie orders verwag.


Thus Standing Orders are to be applied in a reasonable and sensible manner

and not slavishly adhered to. This is to prevent a catch all situation as found
in Bennet v President, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
[2003] FCA 1433 (10 December 2003) at paragraphs 65, 80, 89, 100, 101, 104.


In Kauesa v the Minister of Home Affairs, a judgment by the Namibian

Supreme Court of Appeal delivered on 11 October 1995, the Court dealt with
the constitutionality of police instructions which infringed upon a police
officers freedom of expression. The relevant police regulation in the matter
read :


A member shall be guilty of an offence and may be dealt with if he

(32) comments unfavourably in public upon the administration of the
Force or any Government department.



After analysing international jurisprudence on the issue, the Court

declared the regulation invalid and, at page 26 inconsistent with the right
of freedom of speech: It must be common cause that the content of the debate
or exchange of ideas was a matter of public concern The statements uttered by
appellant cannot be considered in a vacuum. All the factors must be considered
and assessed having regard to the right of freedom of speech.


S.O (G) 156 provides that : The Service is an open and transparent organisation and

the media may approach any member for information.

Vol 2 p 331 at 4 (1)


A member is defined as any person employed by the Service, irrespective of

rank or position.

Vol 2 p 328 at 2 (f)


It further provides that :

A member who engages in . criticism may be requested to explain and justify
his or her statements.

Vol 2 p 340 at 13 (4) (b) (ii)


Under the heading Accountability the S.O (G) provides that :


A member may not knowingly disseminate false or misleading information to the

media and must ensure that official information made available to the media is
factually correct.

Vol 2 p 338 at 12 (2)


Under the heading Criticism and opinions the S.O.(G) provides that No
member may therefore comment negatively on aspects of policing which form part of
the responsibility of another section, component, station, unit etc. [Own emphasis].

Vol 2 p 340 at 13 (4) (a)

The Third Respondent failed to take this second sentence of S.O. (G) 156. 13
(4) (a) into consideration. This is a reviewable irregularity.


Notably the S.O. also states In addition to media liaison officials, the following
members may be designated to communicate with the media: .. (b) an expert from a
specialised unit who has been identified for this purpose; or.......provided that such
member possesses the necessary media communication skills.

Vol 2 p 333 at 6 (b)


The Myers communication was in line with the provisions set out above and
furthermore complied with the undertaking given to the South African National
Editors Forum by the National Commissioner a month earlier where he said :


Elke polisiebeampte mag met julle praat oor sy veld en kennis en kundigheid. Ons wil

net nie h iemand van die honde-eenheid moet byvoorbeeld praat oor die helikoptereenheid nie. Ons wil nie inligting beperk nie. Die idee is om kommunikasie met die
publiek te verbeter .

Exhibit C Vol 1 p 73
Visser Vol 1 p 106 (15 - 25) to 108 (1 5)
Jones Vol 1 p 134 (8 20)
Myers Vol 1 p 188 (3 12), 200 (4 20),


Despite the above and the provision in the S.O. at 13 (4) (c) that, criticism or comments

may in appropriate circumstances constitute misconduct, (i.e. not in all circumstances)

Myers was charged and dismissed. This was done even though his communication
did not infringe upon the S.O. at 8(4)(a)(i) to (iv) in, defeating or obstructing the course

of justice; contravening the provisions of any Act; hamper or interfere with a specific
investigation; or prejudice, embarrass or discredit the Service.

In fact, it was compliant with his duties and the S.O.


The content of the e-mail was neither critical nor prejudicial to the SAPS. It was
appropriate, factually correct, justified and made with reasonable cause. The
malnutrition of the dogs (and any concomitant prejudice to the SAPS reputation) was
already in the public domain. The e-mail laid the matter to rest. It could never be
argued that this restorative action in the circumstances constituted misconduct.

Myers Vol 1 p 214


cf Pickering paragraph 10
cf Modiri v Minister of Safety and Security and Others [2012] 1 All SA 154 (SCA) at
paragraph 13.


SAPS neither rebutted the content of the e-mail by publishing a different version nor
instructed Myers to retract his statements in terms of the Standing Order at 12(5)(b)

Jones Vol 1 p 125 (15 23)

cf Pickering paragraph 16


The Standing Order was issued in 2001. Jones acknowledged that even after the
Standing Order was issued, commanders still had the mandate to communicate
directly with the media and that his role from 2004 was to assist and support officers
in that regard to ensure that that the content was in line with the vision and mission
of the SAPS. Thus Jones consternation was not that Myers had contravened the
Standing Order inasmuch as he had not used the Media Centre created by the
Provincial Commissioner as a support mechanism. There is no reference in the
Standing Order to a Media Centre and Myers did not require assistance.

Jones Vol 1 p 126 (13 25) to 127 (1 5), p 131 (7 11) and 138 (7 9)


The finding by the Third Respondent that, I could find no further justifiable submissions

based on the evidence placed before me to come to the conclusion that the applicant had the
right to speak to the media without having discussed the matter with the media liaison official
and his commander, suggests that there was some justification for Myers
communication. This fact rendered the Third Respondents decision not to reinstate
Myers all the more unreasonable.



It is respectfully submitted that no reasonable decision maker could have

arrived at the decision to convict and dismiss Myers, a senior police officer
entrusted with the responsibility to ensure the dogs well-being for
addressing this matter of public interest in the media in circumstances where
the issue was already in the public eye. Myers was the de facto media
spokesperson of the Dog Unit and had communicated directly with the
media, without prior consultation with Jones or permission from Visser, on a
number of occasions in the past.


Vital and material factors not considered by the Third Respondent or the LAC
were the ambiguity in the S.O, the reasonable cause for making the statement,
the then National Commissioners undertaking to SANEF, the lack of any
evidence of prejudice having been created by the e-mail and the rights of
Myers and the dog handlers contained in sections 10 and 16 of the
Constitution together with his obligations in terms of s 195 of the
Constitution. The Third Respondents failure to apply his mind to these
highly relevant factors further rendered his decision reviewable.


On the reasonableness test (Sidumo & Another v Rustenburg Platinum

Mines Ltd & Others (2007) 28 ILJ 2405 (CC) and in Edcon Ltd v Pillemer NO
and Others (2009) 30 ILJ 2646 (SCA) the decision of the Third Respondent
should have been reviewed and set aside.



In Edcon Ltd v Pillemer NO and Others (2009) 30 ILJ 2646 (SCA) this Court
stated the following regarding the reasonableness test:

It is therefore the

reasonableness of the award that becomes the focal point of the enquiry and in
determining this one focuses not only on the conclusion arrived at but also on the
material that was before the Commissioner when making the award


In Wasteman Group v SAMWU (LAC) case number 6/2011 (to be reported),

heard on 8 March 2012 at [page 6], after referring to paragraph 78 to 79: and
110 of Sidumo, the Court found that a reasonable decision maker would have
been alive to the distinction between insubordination per se and
insubordination which must give rise to the ultimate sanction of dismissal. In
order to come to a dismissal it should have been required to have analysed all
the facts and circumstances.


The evidential material before the Third Respondent did not justify his
conclusion. On the contrary, it rendered his conclusion so unreasonable no
reasonable commissioner could have made such a finding.


In Ikwezi Municipality v South African Local Government Bargaining Council

and others delivered on 08 December 2011 (LC) (unreported), the Labour Court, in
dealing with the criticism made by an employee about his employer in a newspaper,
held that the arbitrator was required to consider all the evidence and could not
simply disregard critical factors. The main issue in that matter was whether the
employee believed that which he reported to be true.



The Third Respondent in this matter failed to consider the totality of the
circumstances and deferred to the finding of the employer. Had he used his
own sense of fairness in making a reasonable value judgment, he, and any
other reasonable commissioner, would have concluded that the conviction
and dismissal was unfair and would have reinstated Myers.

cf Wasteman page 6


The order sought on appeal to this Honourable Court is to uphold the appeal.


The judgment of the LAC, it is respectfully submitted, should be set aside and
substituted with the following order :

81.1. The award by the Arbitrator and the judgment of the LAC are set aside;

81.2. The First Respondent shall re-instate the Appellant retrospectively to his
lawful post as Unit Commander: Cape Town Dog Unit from the date of the
dismissal with full salary, accruals, allowances and benefits including his
pension fund and medical benefits, together with all increases in the interim;

81.3. Interest on such arrear remuneration and allowances including performance

bonuses a tempore morae at 15.5% per annum from the date of dismissal to
date of payment;

81.4. Payment of costs including the costs of two counsel, where so employed :


In the Labour Court;



In the application for leave to appeal in the Labour Court;


In the petition to the Labour Appeal Court;


In the Labour Appeal Court;


In the application for special leave in the Supreme Court of Appeal;


In the Supreme Court of Appeal.

15 AUGUST 2012

9.5 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa

The Registrar, Supreme Court of Appeal
29 November 2012
Please note that the media summary is intended for the benefit of the media and does not form
part of the judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal.
185 (29 November 2012)
The SCA today upheld an appeal against the judgment of the Labour Appeal Court
confirming the appellants dismissal from his employment with the South African
Police Service.
The appellant, Superintendent Ivan Myers was a Commander of the Dog Unit in
Maitland. He was charged with misconduct alleging a breach by Myers of Standing
Order 156(4)(1) in that he had issued a media statement bemoaning the condition of
the dogs in his unit without the permission of the relevant Media Liaison Officer or
his Commander. After a hearing in the Disciplinary Inquiry he was dismissed from
his employment with effect from 13 July 2007 and fined R500. He had sent an e-mail
to Die Burger newspaper while he was on leave, stating that the poor condition of

the SAPS dogs that had lost weight was caused by the police managements decision
to reduce their food rations from 700 grams to 500 grams.
The police management considered the statement to be prejudicial to the
administration, discipline or efficiency of the South African Police Service hence
the charge of misconduct against Myers.
The Labour Appeal Court agreed with the Disciplinary Hearings findings but
disagreed with the Labour Court which had held that the sanction of dismissal was
harsh and referred the matter back to the arbitration for rehearing.
The SCA held that the conviction for misconduct was correct but that the sanction of
dismissal was not fair given the circumstances. It found that the majority of the
Labour Appeal Court had not sufficiently considered the mitigating factors and had
adopted an incorrect test in approving of the sanction of dismissal. It agreed with the
judgment of the minority (presided by Zondi AJA) that the sanction was
unreasonable. The Labour Appeal Court had found that the dismissal was harsh but
not so unreasonable as to be set aside and which the SCA considered to be
Myers had had unbroken service of 28 years in the SAPS and was a Commander of a
Unit who was only 6 years away from retirement. There was nothing to suggest that
if he was reinstated continued employment relationship on the SAPS would be
Having regard to all of the above factors the SCA considered the sanction of dismal
to be unfair, and reduced it to a written warning valid for a period of 12 months
from the date of this order and directed that he be reinstated.

9.6 Police need to bulk up capacity of forensic science labs - Kohler Barnard
Die skaduminisater van polisie stel voor dat die SAPD meer wetenskaplike labratoriums
kry. Vir meer besonderhede klik:




10.1 WO2: Gevleuelde Seiners: Geveerde spioen sit jare in skoorsteen vas
2012-11-05 04:10 : The Telegraph
JOHANNESBURG. Toe David Martin die kaggel in sy huis in Surrey, in die suide
van Engeland, skoonmaak, het hy op veel meer as roet afgekom.

In die skoorsteen was die skelet van n posduif met n silinder aan sy poot wat n
geheime boodskap bevat wat van die D-Dag-inval in 1944 dateer. In die silinder was
sigaretpapier met gekodeerde skrif daarop, het Martin vertel.
Sy huis is naby die hotel in Reigate waar Brittanje se genl. Montgomery die D-Daginval van Frankryk in die geheim beplan het. Monty het militre duiwehokke by
die hotel aangehou.
In n Pigeons at War-uitstalling by Bletchley Park, die sentrum vir die Geallieerdes
se kodeontsyferaars, is talle boodskappe wat deur duiwe afgelewer is tydens die
Tweede Wreldoorlog. Hierdie is egter die eerste boodskap wat in kodetaal geskryf
Kenners probeer ontsyfer nou die boodskap, wat nooit sy voorgenome ontvanger
bereik het nie, om hopelik n unieke insig in die oorlog te kry.
Die boodskap is gestuur deur sers. W. Stott en was bedoel vir die geheimsinnige
X02, n moontlike kodenaam vir die Bomkommandement.
Posduiwe was onder vele diere wat deur die Geallieerdes ingespan is tydens die
Tweede Wreldoorlog. Hulle is gebruik om tydens die D-Dag-inval boodskappe
terug na die Verenigde Koninkryk te stuur dat operasies volgens plan verloop het.
The Telegraph

10.2 The Rhodesian T-55 Tanks and Operation Hectic - Johan Jacobs
Before 1979 the Rhodesian Army had not possessed any tanks.
The regiment consisted of five armoured squadrons, each of four troops, with a
supporting Signals Troop, Army Service Corps detachment, Training Troop and an
HQ element. In 1979 a supporting Infantry Troop was added. A, B and C Squadrons
were territorial units, while D and E Squadrons were staffed by regulars and
national servicemen. The armoured troops used the South African
manufactured Eland 90 armoured car, the British made Ferret armoured scout
car and a variety of Rhodesian armoured personnel carriers constructed on the short
wheelbase '25' and long wheelbase '45' Mercedes truck chassis, or the Nissan truck

Eland 90


In October of 1979 they received eight T-55 tanks from South Africa, confiscated
from a French ship, the Astor, which had been transporting a heavy weapons
consignment from Libya for Idi Amin in Uganda. Amins regime collapsed on the
day that the ship docked in Mombasa it was redirected to Angola. The ship called in
to Durban where the cargo, including ten Polish-built T-55LD tanks (built in 1975),
was seized, South Africa at that point considering itself to be at war with Angola.
Two of the tanks were kept by the South Africans for evaluation. The remaining
eight were transported to Rhodesia, together with SADF advisers for the purpose of
training Rhodesian crews. The rumour was spread that the tanks had been captured
in Mozambique, in order to obscure South Africas part in the deal. The tanks, now
part of the Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment (RhACR) - in a newly-formed E
Squadron were driven around on tank transporters for several months in order to
give the impression that the Rhodesians possessed a large number of heavy tanks.
On arrival the T-55s had sported the original Libyan camouflage scheme.

Libyan camouflage
Major Winkler was from 1978 the Officer Commanding the RhACR, he was an
American field grade officer in the U.S. Army, who, after resignation went to South
Africa first, and then towards Rhodesia. He was commissioned in the Rhodesian
Army on 12 August 1977. The Rhodesian Armoured Corps then consisted of four
squadrons. He ordered the tanks to be repainted in American camouflage, which
was eminently unsuitable, and finally the South African instructors had them
painted in anti-infra-red South African camouflage, which proved perfect for
Rhodesian conditions.


SA Camouflage

The tank crews came from 'D' Sqn RhACR, regular force soldiers who had signed on
for a minimum of 3 years. Trained crews were vital if the tanks were to be used to
maximum effect and it was necessary to ensure that the crews would remain in the
Army for some time. A few of the men had tank experience already, but initially
there was a lot of experimenting and reliance on the manuals, until Army HQ
arranged for proper training by members of the SADF School of Armour.
Command of 'E' Sqn was given to Captain Kaufeldt, an experienced tanker from
West Germany. More recruits from the Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI) and Selous
Scouts arrived to fill the gaps and acquitted themselves well in their new task. The
Soviet-manufactured radios were removed from the tanks and replaced with the
South African radios and headsets used on the South African made Eland 90
Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs). These used a throat-activated microphone
system and were far superior to the Soviet models. In Soviet tanks the radios were
operated by the loader, in addition to his task on the main gun. The Rhodesians,
reasoning that the loader already had enough to keep him occupied, moved the
radios to the tank commander's position. The tank crews were issued with brandnew Soviet AK47 assault rifles and were eager to test them in battle conditions. The
tanks were ready for action in a flash while talks were going around for a peaceful
settlement. But they were destined to remain unused.
After the election of Bishop Muzorewas government in 1979, Rhodesians hoped that
Britain and the international community would recognise his administration and
end sanctions. After all, British observers had pronounced the election free and fair
in their official report. African voters had turned out in great numbers to vote for the
Bishop, and, with a few minor exceptions, there had been no intimidation or
coercion. The Rhodesians rightly felt that they had fulfilled the demands of the
international community for African majority rule in Rhodesia, now renamed

Nyerere of Tanzania and Kaunda of Zambia, however, objected at the

Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Lusaka in August 1979,
demanding that their protgs, Mugabe and Nkomo, leaders of the two main
terrorist groups seeking power, should be included in any final arrangement for
majority rule in Rhodesia. Their pressure was instrumental in causing Prime
Minister Thatcher of Britain to withhold recognition. The fact that Muzorewa had
been democratically elected into power by a 67% majority, whereas his critics,
Kaunda and Nyerere, were both heads of one-party dictatorships with shaky
economies. Pressure thus mounted for the Rhodesians to hold new elections, again
monitored by the Commonwealth, but this time including Mugabe and Nkomos
parties. Tired of the war and sanctions, and with the increasing level of white
emigration seriously affecting the economy, Muzorewa was eventually forced into
going along with an agreement for a new election.
The fact that the Rhodesian security forces were increasing their cross-border raids
on terrorist bases in Zambia and Mozambique persuaded Presidents Kaunda and
Machel of Mozambique to exert their influence on Nkomo and Mugabe to moderate
their conditions for participating in the new election. Mugabe, for example, had
initially demanded that the Rhodesian security forces be disbanded prior to the
election and that the country be policed by a combination of the terrorist forces.
This was a condition to which the Rhodesians would never agree, as it was a
patently transparent attempt by ZANU to ensure its forces would have de facto
control of the country prior to the election, and allow him to influence the voting and
ignore any result unfavourable to ZANU. The resulting distrust that Rhodesians felt
for Mugabes methods and manoeuvrings was probably the prime reason behind the
preparation of a contingency plan.
Eventually agreement was reached for the holding of new elections. Commonwealth
monitoring forces arrived in Rhodesia and the terrorist forces of ZAPU and ZANU
began to send their men to Assembly Points throughout the country. At midnight on
28 December 1979 a ceasefire came into effect. The majority of white Rhodesians
hoped or expected that Muzorewa would again secure a majority vote. However, it
did not take long for experts such as John Redfern, Director of Military Intelligence,
to work out that this would not come to pass. For one thing, thousands of armed
ZANLA terrorists remained at large inside the country. In their place in the
Assembly Points were thousands of youngsters masquerading as guerrillas, leaving
the real terrorists free to intimidate the population and influence the voting.
Commanders of the Rhodesian security forces informed General Walls of this, and
he tried to persuade Lord Soames, the temporary governor sent out by Britain to
preside over the election, to disqualify ZANU. Soames gave Mugabe several
warnings, but took no further action to prevent ZANU from taking part in the

Prior to the election a military intelligence paper was prepared by Rhodesian

officers, setting out the possible courses of action for opposing ZAPU and ZANU,
and preventing them from winning the election. A second intelligence paper
predicted a victory for Mugabe and warned that this could precipitate a rush of
victorious terrorists into the capital, Salisbury, confronting white civilians and the
security forces. Further studies described what would be Vital Assets Ground in
the event of this happening and detailed action that would need to be taken to retain
these strategic areas. The papers also stressed the need in this case to swiftly
"neutralize" the terrorist Assembly Points. Members of COMOPS and Special Branch
involved in drafting these papers appeared to be convinced of the need for some sort
of pre-emptive action to prevent the country from falling into chaos.
These intelligence papers probably formed the basis of the plan that was given the
code-name Operation Quartz. These plans envisaged placing Rhodesian troops at
strategic points from which they could simultaneously wipe out the terrorists at the
Assembly Points and assassinate Mugabe and the other terrorist leaders at their
campaign headquarters. The strike would be assisted by Puma helicopters of the
South African Air Force and would involve the participation of elite Recognisance
units of the South African army. Clearly the Rhodesians had discussed Operation
Quartz with their counterparts in the SADF and obtained their approval and cooperation. Lord Soames had already agreed to allow 400 South African troops into
the country in order to protect the Beitbridge area, the main route of escape for
whites if the situation were to degenerate into chaos and all-out war. In fact the
number of men that the SADF sent across the border was closer to 1,000, although
some were later withdrawn following protests by Mugabe.
Although the full details of Operation Quartz have never been made public, some
aspects of the plan have been revealed by former members of the security forces. It
was divided into two parts: Operation Quartz, an overt strike against the terrorists,
and Operation Hectic, a covert strike to kill Mugabe and his key personnel. The
Assembly Points had been agreed on as part of the Lancaster House Agreement and
were simply huge camps where thousands of terrorists were congregated. The
Rhodesian security forces had been tasked with monitoring the pre-election activities
and keeping the peace. Most of the front-line units were therefore already in
positions within easy striking distance of the terrorist camps. Attacks on the camps
would be preceded by strikes by the Rhodesian Air Force.
The covert part of Operation Quartz - Operation Hectic - was to be carried out by the
elite troops of the Rhodesian Special Air Service (SAS). A Squadron of the SAS
would assassinate Mugabe, while B Squadron would take care of Vice-President
Simon Muzenda and the 100-man contingent of ZANLA based in the Medical Arts
Centre. C Squadron was designated to take out the 200 ZIPRA and ZANLA men
with their commanders (Rex Nhongo, Dumiso Dabengwa and Lookout Musika)

based at the Audio Visual Arts building of the University of Rhodesia. As far as
possible, the ZIPRA men would be given an opportunity to escape, and had possibly
been informed of the plan beforehand.
The SAS squadrons were to be backed up by tanks and armoured cars of the
Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, together with a surprise weapon in the form of
hitherto undisclosed 106mm recoilless rifles in the Rhodesian armoury. Eland
armoured cars would support A and B Squadrons, while the Rhodesian T-55
tanks would support C Squadron by pounding the Audio Visual Arts building into
rubble prior to the attack by the troops. At first it was intended that all eight of the T55 tanks would be used against the university buildings, but later four of them were
sent to Bulawayo to assist the RLI Support Commando in the attack planned for a
large Assembly Point in the area.
The tanks were secretly put onto low-loaders and moved to a forward assembly area
at the King George VI barracks. Rehearsals with the tanks had taken place at Kibrit
barracks, and the planning was thorough and detailed. The tanks would fire
approximately 80 high-explosive rounds into the building at point-blank range, after
which a single tank would ram the security wall around the university. With
foresight, the troops had even removed the front fenders of the tank concerned, so
that debris from the wall would not get caught under them and foul the tracks! This
was the command tank and during the preparations the CO was in close contact
with SAS Major Bob Mackenzie, whose troops would subsequently enter the
building and clear it. Trooper Hughes, who took the unique photos shown here, was
loader on this particular tank and he recalls that the tanks were also equipped with
spotlights and fully stocked with extra 12.7 and 7.62 ammunition in addition to the
main gun load.
The SAS teams would use this breach to storm the building and clear it of terrorists,
marking each cleared room with a sheet draped out of the window. The SAS men
were well-prepared for their task, equipped with AK-47s, body armour and stun
grenades, similar to those used by their British counterparts. The operation would be
over before the terrorists were aware of what was happening. As the voting drew to
a close, the troops of the SAS, RLI and Selous Scouts waited eagerly for the code
word Quartz to be given. They were impatient to get to grips at last with the enemy
that had always used classic guerrilla hit and run tactics. There can be no doubt that
if the order had been given the terrorist forces would have been decimated within
hours. Their superior numbers would have counted for little in the face of an attack
by the small, but highly motivated and effective Rhodesian troops.
The signal was never given and the tanks were later taken up into the new
Zimbabwe Army.


@JohanJacobs 27/11/12

10.2 Die Smit-moorde:

moorde: Politics Web
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10.3 Die Suid-Afrikaanse

Afrikaanse Kryghistoriese Vereniging: Johan van den Bergh
Beste Hennie
Ek aanvaar jy sien ook uit na n rustiger jaareinde, soos ek.
Hierby aangeheg die normale WORD
WORD-kopie van ons nuusbrief, soos versoek.
Baie dankie vir jou goedgunstige bereidwilligheid om
om ons nuusbrief onder julle lede te
versprei dit word opreg waardeer.
Beste wense

40 NOVEMBER 2012
Our speaker on 11 October 2012 was Dr Anne Samson,, an independent historian
and coordinator of the Great War in East Africa Association, and the author of
World War One in Africa the Forgotten Conflict of the Empire, which is to be
published shortly.
Dr Samson introduced her lecture by asking what aspects of the campaign were of
most interest to the audience, concluding th
at, for most of us, the military aspects
were what attracted our attention most. Instead of looking at these, our speaker
chose to examine some of the behind the scenes actions of the campaign which

explain why or how the military campaign developed in the way it did and also to
look briefly at the two best-known commanders in German East Africa Gen Jan
Christiaan Smuts and Gen Paul Erich von Lettow-Vorbeck.
Dr Samson argued that none of the countries involved in the campaign had actually
wanted to fight in East Africa. The only person who had an explicit intention to
wage war in the area was von Lettow-Vorbeck, whose strategy was to attract as
many forces away from the main battle front in Europe as he possibly could. The
German Governor Heinrich von Schnee was prepared to fight only if the territory
was threatened. Britain unwittingly provided that opportunity when a signaller
dutifully carried out the instructions set out in the Naval Blue Book. The Royal Navy
bombarded the wireless stations at Dar es Salaam on 8 August 1914, before a shot
had been fired in Europe the British Expeditionary force had not yet arrived at the
front! The governor chose not to retaliate but to carry out the Kolonialamt orders to
evacuate the coastal areas and destroy the wireless stations.
Von Lettow-Vorbeck saw the British action as an act of war and ordered pre-emptive
attacks. He had arrived in East Africa in 1914 and had toured the territory to
ascertain what he needed to do to defend the colony should a war break out in
In London, things were in a state of disarray. The Prime Minister, Asquith, was
trying to get Britain on a war footing and planning to protect the British Isles and
send the forces promised to France and Belgium. East Africa had been discussed by
the cabinet on 5 August 1914, the day before Kitchener was appointed Secretary of
State for War. It was decided to send a force from India to help protect British East
Africa and another Indian force to invade German East Africa at Tanga. This was
done with the intention of protecting sea routes rather than for territorial acquisition.
This decision resulted in the fiasco at Tanga where 1 100 German troops routed 8 000
Indian invaders.
This result was not surprising! After deciding to send troops on 5 August 1914, their
departure was then delayed until a departure date was decided upon. The War
Office, India Office, Colonial Office and Admiralty were all involved although the
India Office was ultimately responsible. General Aitken believed that the landing
would be a walk-over as his Indian troops would be fighting black troops not a
correct assumption! His troops spent six weeks afloat and many of the men had
never seen the sea, let alone travelled in a ship. Many fell ill and no disembarkation
training had been carried out. The equipment had not been packed to enable easy
Capt Caulfield, the naval officer in charge, refused to allow the transports into Tanga
Bay as he was worried about mines. Also a local truce had been declared by Admiral

King-Hall. This truce was rejected by the Admiralty and Caulfield advised the
Germans of this, so warning them of the impending attack. He then had the bay
swept for mines. The time spent on all of this gave Von Lettow-Vorbeck 24 hours to
move his troops to Tanga to deal with the landing. The land attack at Longido had
taken place a day earlier so he could concentrate his efforts on one attack at a time.
The British East African territories were all raising forces and preparing for war
against the German colony. On Lake Nyasa HMS Gwendolen put the German
Hedwig von Wissmann out of action and the battles of Kasoa and Karonga were
fought. The German administrator, Steir, inquired of his British counterpart in
Nyasaland if there was a war on as German troops were massing at Mbeya and he
had not been informed! When this was confirmed the local German commander,
Steinkeller, wrote to the British administrator warning him to remove women and
children from the town before he attacked.
Northern Rhodesia occupied Schuckmannsburg in the Caprivi Strip. Naval actions
took place on Lake Tanganyika to prevent the Belgians from getting involved and
the situation remained static until Cdr Spicer-Simpson arrived with his flotilla in
August 1915. Battles took place on Lake Victoria between the British and Germans
for dominance of the ports on the lake and attacks were made by the Germans to
disrupt the Uganda Railway.
In the Indian Ocean the German cruiser SMS Knigsberg was causing concern and
had sunk HMS Pegasus in Zanzibar harbour on 20 September 1914. She sheltered in
the Rufiji delta to effect repairs and await a supply of coal. But she was found by the
Royal Flying Corps and the South African hunter and scout Pieter Pretorius. After
some 18 months Knigsberg was finally sunk by two monitors but not before her
guns were removed and they and the crew joined Von Lettow-Vorbecks land forces.
Some 35 allied ships were released for service elsewhere by this sinking.
Up to and after the battle of Tanga, control over the British forces in East Africa was
in a state of shambles. The War Office controlled strategic direction but Kitchener
wanted to avoid war in East Africa, whilst the general staff wanted to fight. The
Colonial Office provided local direction and was responsible for costs. They were
reluctant to do anything which would involve expense and this included the
provision of troops and equipment. The Admiralty controlled delivery of supplies
and troops and had to defend the carriers, ports and cargo in the Indian Ocean. The
India Office supplied men and material and commanded the two Indian
Expeditionary forces in East Africa, which were directed by the War Office and
working alongside the staff and forces controlled by the Colonial Office. All of this
was sure to lead to total confusion! In addition the Foreign Office was there to
ensure that Britain and its allies in Africa all worked in harmony while the Colonial
Office did not really want any other countries involved. This state of affairs was

farcical beyond belief.

Overseeing all of this mess was the cabinet which, with Asquith as prime minister,
was ineffective as he believed in control by consensus. In December 1916 he was
replaced as prime minister by David Lloyd George.
In addition to all the London-based departments there were also many colonies,
dominions and other territories overseen by governors, high commissioners and
others, all liaising with London. The Governor of East Africa did not want to take his
colony to war and so was not very cooperative. The Governor of Uganda did what
he could to organize the forces available to protect the Uganda railway. The
Governor of Nyasaland also raised local forces to the best of his ability. Portuguese
East Africa was neutral until 1916 and was a useful source of communication to both
the British and the Germans.
Northern and Southern Rhodesia were British South Africa company territories
controlled by the High Commissioner based in South Africa. He was also the
Governor General of South Africa and controlled Basutoland, Bechuanaland and
Swaziland. There was a period between July and September 1914 when this post was
vacant and the High Commissioners post was held by Gen James Wolfe Murray of
the British Army and that of Governor General by Chief Justice Lord de Villiers and,
on his death, the Attorney General Sir James Rose Innes. These people were based in
different buildings and London had not realised that two people were now doing
the job.
South Africas involvement in the war and its extent was clouded by the differences
between the group led by Botha and Smuts and the group that felt this would divide
Afrikanerdom over the probable invasion and takeover of German South West
Africa. The result was the Afrikaner revolt of 1914 followed by the invasion and
takeover of German South West Africa in 1915. Many South Africans then
volunteered for service in the British Armed Services.
Smuts initiated the idea of South Africans going to East Africa. This was supported
in South Africa but in London there was mixed reaction. Kitchener wanted the South
Africans to go to France to join 1st Infantry Brigade there. The general staff were in
favour of the South Africans going to East Africa and there was a deadlock, which
was resolved when Kitchener was sent to the Dardanelles and Asquith became
Acting Secretary of State for War in November 1915. In December 1915 it was
decided that the South Africans would go to East Africa. Kitchener objected and
refused to have anything to do with organising the campaign, handing all requests
for supplies to the Admiralty and operational matters to Asquith. Smuts was
appointed to command the forces in East Africa on 5 February 1916.

The South Africans fought their first battle in East Africa before Smuts arrived,
under the command of Gen Smith-Dorrien. The result was the slaughter on 12
February 1916 at Salaita Hill. Von Lettow-Vorbecks forces were spread across the
country. By now they were a finely-honed fighting force which had fought on
without any support from Germany. They were largely black soldiers or Askaris, but
with some white officers and NCOs and naval personnel from the Konigsberg. They
learned to survive on what was available and to live off the land, which simplified
logistics considerably. Each unit was independent and did not rely on their
commander in chief for instructions.
Opposing them was a polyglot force made up of British, South Africans, Indians,
Rhodesians, East and Central Africans, joined later by Gold Coasters, Nigerians and
West Indians some 23 countries involved in the end. They were largely infantry as
the climate did not really suit horses. Since 1914 there had been four Commanders in
Chief, each with his personal style and idiosyncrasies.
Control and command was centralised as far as was possible with the poor means of
communication available. This proved to be a problem when the proper timing of
coordinated attacks was essential as part of Smuts encircling tactics. Maps were
scarce commodities for both sides but, until they were pushed south of the central
railway, the Germans had a better command of the terrain. In his memoirs, Von
Lettow-Vorbeck noted that, each time a map was captured, this was used to update
and improve his maps and so eventually get a comprehensive map of the country.
This in fact applied to both sides.
Although there were stories of atrocities, these were few and in the early days of the
campaign. Later on, prisoners were exchanged, truces called to collect the wounded
and bury the dead and letters of complaint regarding treatment of people and
ungentlemanly behaviour were exchanged. When von Lettow-Vorbeck was awarded
the Pour le Mrite in November 1916, Smuts wrote to congratulate him, knowing
that he would not have received the news from Germany as the telegraphic links
with Germany had been severed.
Both commanders were both loved and hated. Von Lettow-Vorbeck was known as a
strict but humane commander, often marching with his men. Smuts was well
regarded by his troops for suffering the same deprivations as his men unlike many
British officers who were perceived to live better than their troops. He was however
accused of neglect by some of his more senior commanders for overstretching his
supply lines too much often men were marching and fighting on quarter rations.
This probably applied to both sides as German East Africa had very poor roads and
railways and animal transport suffered heavily from disease.
Smuts was in East Africa for approximately one year. There seems to have been only

one occasion when Smuts and Von Lettow-Vorbeck personally commanded the
forces that opposed each other. This was in the lead-up to the battle of Wami in
August 1916. It does not appear that they were aware of this. In January 1917, Smuts
was recalled and told that he would be attending Lloyd Georges Imperial War
meetings in London on behalf of Louis Botha.
On his departure Smuts announced that the Germans had been defeated. They had
lost control of the most important towns and all that remained to be done were
mopping-up operations. This, however, was not the case at all and Gen Hoskins,
Smuts successor, was replaced after three months for inactivity. In fact, he had been
repairing much-needed lines of communication during the rainy season, when
fighting was almost impossible. In fact there is evidence to indicate that Smuts had
been involved in the removal of Hoskins and his replacement by Gen Jaap van
Deventer as commander-in-chief. Van Deventer was to see the campaign through to
its end, even though he was not at hand to accept the surrender.
Von Lettow-Vorbecks struggle had taken him deep into Portuguese East Africa
(almost reaching the Zambezi River), back into German East Africa and into
northern Rhodesia where the last battle was fought on 13 November 1918 at Kasama.
The Germans surrendered unconditionally on 16 November 1918 five days after
the formal cessation of hostilities - and the formal surrender took place at Abercorn
to Gen Edwards on 25 November 1918.
Smuts was in London representing South Africa at Imperial War meetings and
thereafter, at Lloyd Georges request, he stayed on as handyman of the Empire
resolving issues strikes by Welsh miners, visiting the front, preparing the defence
of London against air attack and being part of the process of founding the RAF,
among others. As a result of Smuts request to be allowed to take over Belgian-held
territory in German East Africa, the Foreign Office thought it prudent to ascertain
the war aims of the various countries involved in Africa. The Belgians and
Portuguese were quite concerned that South Africa was after their territory. Smuts
was also involved in plans for the creation of a League of Nations and a mandate
On 19 January 1919, five years after the date he arrived in East Africa, Von LettowVorbeck was on his way home. The decision not to return German East Africa to
Germany had been taken. He had been undefeated and was the only German
general to occupy British territory but the German colony would become a British
mandate. In 1920, Von Lettow-Vorbeck and Governor Schnee joined forces for the
first time (even though the Governor had stayed the course of the campaign in East
Africa) to fight for the return of the colony to Germany as they had not been
defeated. But it was not to be.

Smuts and Von Lettow-Vorbeck finally met one another at a dinner in London in
1929. They remained in contact with each other and, during the Second World War
Smuts and other British friends sent food parcels to Germany to help Von LettowVorbeck through some tough times after Hitler had cancelled all his allowances,
Their last contact was two weeks before Smuts died in 1950. In 1953 Von LettowVorbeck returned to Africa to see the changes that had occurred and was welcomed
by his surviving Askaris. Ten years later, the year he died, the German government
finally decided to pay the surviving Askaris their outstanding salaries fifty years
after they had served the Kaiser.
The time Smuts spent in East Africa facing Von Lettow-Vorbeck has become the
most well-known part of the East Africa campaign. The British press, after Tanga
and the defeat at Jasin in 1915, carried very few reports. The campaign was regarded
as a side show when compared with the European struggles. The arrival of Smuts
spurred the campaign into action and his driving, or rather the avoiding tactics of
the Germans, enabled him to take control of the German territory. Smuts the
politician recognized the power and influence of the press and ensured that he sent
regular positive reports back to South Africa and London. Life for the troops under
Smuts was hard and improved only slightly later on. Gen Jaap van Deventer carried
on the campaign until the end but as the war had become a relentless pursuit of the
German forces, there was little to report.
It is estimated that one million lives were lost, including porters. Of the British
losses, 75% died from disease and malnutrition. The cost to Britain was 72 million
pounds, four times the 1914 military budget. The cost to South Africa was 39 million
pounds. Britain achieved what it desired, except for Rwanda and Burundi. India
failed to obtain colonial territory and South Africa failed to expand. Belgium gained
more than it wanted and only Portugal was happy with what territorial gains they
In the final assessment, Lord Kitchener was right. There had been no need to fight
the East African campaign. Why Kitchener was against the war in East Africa is the
subject for another talk, as is the reason why South Africa has done so little to
remember the loss of so many young lives in East Africa. Had it not been for 1916,
the one year when Jan Smuts and Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck faced one another, the
East African campaign would still be as little-known as the West African and
Palestinian campaigns of that same world war.
For members with a special interest in the German East African Campaign, the
website of the Great War in East Africa Association is
The Chairman thanked Dr Samson for giving us a rare treat, a preview of her
forthcoming book, and remarked that it was a particular pleasure to have a lady

speaker for a change. He then presented her with a small gift.

Maj Willem Steenkamp is well-known as military historian. He started his
professional career as a journalist and was for many years the correspondent on
military matters for a local newspaper, which gave him the insight and developed
the necessary skills to become the author of note which he is today. He will share
thoughts on his latest book, Assegais, Drums & Dragoons: A Military and Social History
of the Cape with members of the audience, as well as some of the interesting
discoveries he made about the development and role of the ordinary infantry soldier
at the Cape between 1510 and 1806. But it also has a personal side - the most startling
discovery he made concerns his own ancestors and heritage. He came to the
conclusion that the real history of the Cape is indeed very different to what the
established historiography to this day reflects.
Mr Stephan Fourie has on previous occasions held the audience spell-bound with his
first-person accounts and reminiscences as a National Serviceman taking part in
Combat Group Foxbats epic Blitzkrieg-like advance across Angola during Operation
Savannah in 1975 (Newsletter No. 276, March 2001*), followed later by a talk
focussing specifically on the Battles of Ebo and Bridge 14 as some highlights of
Operation Savannah (No. 355, June 2008). Last year he spoke about his experiences as
a volunteer in the Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment (No. 389, July 2011). What
few people know, is that he subsequently transferred to the elite Selous Scouts after
successfully passing the gruelling selection course. In his forthcoming talk he will
discuss the concept of pseudo operations that was undertaken with great success
in some post-WWII insurgency wars, particularly in Malaya against the Chinese
Communists, against the Mau-Mau in Kenya, and lastly in Rhodesia, where the
concept of pseudo operators were perfected and executed with great success. He
will end his lecture by sharing some of his personal experiences of his service with
the Scouts.

* Back-issues of the Cape Town branchs newsletters are to be found on the

Societys national webpage at <> or by
typing SAMHS newsletters into the search facility of your favourite internet search
BOB BUSER: Treasurer/Asst. Scribe
Phone: 021-689-1639 (Home)
Email: [email protected]


Phone: 021-592-1279 (Office)
Email: [email protected]

10.3 Die Grens- en bosoorlog: Genl Johan van der Merwe

Die volgende stelling van dr. Johann Ernst is 'n growwe veralgemening en sonder
enige feitlike grondslag :
Ek is een van daardie jongmanne wie se pas hulle oorlog toe gestuur het sodat die
pas (Willem de Klerks) in die vet van die land kon bly voortleef. Dit was die eerste
geslag Afrikaners (di bokant 70 vandag) wat te bang was om self die land te
verdedig en hulle kinders gestuur het om dit vir hulle te gaan doen. Dit is ook die
grootste skreeuers teen Belhar. Mense wat klaar lekker geleef het. Afrikaners met
kapitaal! Ek kyk liewer na my kinders en kleinkinders se toekoms en vertrou God
In die S A Polisie het pa en seun saam op die grens geveg. Ek was vir drie jaar in
SWA (Namibi) waar ek daadwerklik by die bestryding van die gewapende aanslag
betrokke was. My oudste seun wat toe in die polisie was, was saam met my in
SWA. Ons het beslis nie op die vet van die land geleef nie. Trouens dit het maar
broekskeur gegaan om kop bo water te hou.
Enige pa wat sy sout werd was sou baie eerder self op die grens gaan veg het as om
sy seun te stuur. Dit was egter in baie gevalle nie prakties moontlik nie. As gevolg
van dienspligstelsel wat toe in die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag gegeld het, is daar
noodwendig meer jongmanne grens toe gestuur. Ek daag dr. Ernst om aan die hand
van feite te bewys dat die grootste skreeuers teen Belhar mense is wat te bang was
om self die land te verdedig en hulle kinders gestuur het om dit te doen. Wat klaar
lekker geleef het. Afrikaners met kapitaal.
Die volgende stelling belig myns insiens die wese van die geskil oor die
Belhar kan vir ons die deur na gister toesluit en vir ons die deur na mre oopsluit.
Niks wat uit die anti-Belhar kring opgedis word, help ons na mre nie. Dit laat net n

generasie met bittergal in hulle strandhuise by die see sit. Diegene wat n gemors
van die verlede gemaak het, het geen geloofwaardigheid mee om enigiets aan ons
toekoms te doen nie. As ek hulle was, het ek liefs in skaamte geswyg.
Soos ek dit verstaan gaan dit nie hier eerstens of die Belharbelydenis my verhouding
met die Drie-enige God en my naaste op Bybelse grondslag suiwer vergestalt nie,
maar oor Belhar wat die deur na gister toesluit en die deur na mre oopsluit. Die
ouer generasie het 'n gemors van die verlede gemaak en Belhar gaan dit regmaak.
Indien dit die bedoeling is, wag daar 'n wrede ontnugtering op dr. Ernst. Die SuidAfrikaanse Raad van Kerke wat nou deel van die VGKSA is, was bloot 'n gerieflike
werktuig vir die ANC/SAKP-alliansie om hulle doelstellings te bereik. Die invloed
van die VGKSA op politieke terrein is onbenullig. Voorvadergeeste en Sangomas het
baie meer invloed.
Ek het nogal gehoop dat dr. Stoffel van der Merwe se relaas oor die
wesenskenmerke van apartheid 'n beter begrip van die probleme waarmee ons, die
ouer generasie geworstel het, by dr. Ernst sou skep. Hy het dit ter insae gehad. Dat
mnr. F W de Klerk en die Nasionale Party in baie opsigte verbrou het, is gewis en
seker. Die vraag is egter waar in Afrika het demokrasie geslaag en 'n gesonde
staatkundige bedeling geskep?
Ek heg die kommentaar wat ek na aanleiding van kritiek wat ek voorheen ontvang
het, gelewer het, weer hierby aan.(Word nie aangeheg nie.)
Johan van der Merwe

10.4 Artikel 5 Oos-Rand, Eenheid 6: Anemarie Jansen & Larry Hanton

Kol Hein Kilian vertel verder, soos vertel aan, en weergegee deur, Anemari Jansen
en Larry Hanton.

Foto 1: Kol Marinkowitz (radio tegnies) en Kaptein Kilian by `n geselligheid by die

eenheid se kantien.


Man, 1978 toe ek van offisierskursus af kom, toe moes ons Saterdae oortyd werk. En
die offisier moet nou saam met die polisievrou werk. Ek weet nie of hulle nie die
outjies saam met die vroue vertrou het of wat nie. Nou loop ek en Xxx daar in
Princeslaan en daar kom `n verdagte so uit die OK Bazaar uit gehardloop, en
almal skreeu keer keer. Ek gryp hom daar vas toe het hy `n klomp vroue
onderklere gesteel, ek druk hom daar vas en ek vra Xxx of sy magtiging het om te
bestuur. Ja, s sy en ek s vir haar nou gaan haal die polisiekar. Dit was so `n ou geel
Valiant. Nou is dit Saterdagoggend, die dorp is vol en die omstanders raak
opstandig, want ek druk hierdie perd vas. Ek maak die agterdeur oop, ek laai hom
agterin en ek s vir haar ry polisiestasie toe. Maar sy ry. Kyk, ek en die verdagte is
meer af van die sitplek af as op die sitplek.
Ons kom daar by die stasie en sy stop en ons is weer af van die sitplek. Nou is ons by
die stasie in, en wat jy gewoonlik doen is om hom onder die toonbank te laat sit en
ek maak `n skeleton docket oop. Ek vra vir hom wat is sy naam, maar hy brom-


brom. Maar Xxx haak vas en sy moer hom onder daai toonbank. Wat is jou f@kken
naam, en sy pluk hom daar uit. Kyk, sy het nie k@k van kabouters gevat nie.
Nou hou ek maar my pose, jy weet, ek is `n jong offisiertjie en ek kan nou nie ook die
perd daar `n paar warm klappe gee nie. Die volgende oomblik toe trek sy die perd
daar bymekaar maar sy moer hom vet. As sy hom `n vraag vra moet hy antwoord.
Daarna, toe sing hy soos `n kanarie. Nee jis, daai was nie jou antie nie.
Nee, ek dink sy sou `n paar ouens dik gedonner het in haar dae, dis verseker. Sy het
ook daarop geroem dat sy enige ou onder die tafel in kan drink. Sy het nie dat enige
man haar intimideer nie.
In 1972 het vroue in die polisie ingekom. Aanvanklik was dit vir ons as oudpolisiemanne `n vreeslike aanpassing gewees. Kyk, daar het `n paar mi
polisievrouens ingekom, en minder mooies - die mooies is natuurlik verskriklik
gejag. Baie van hulle is met polisiemanne getroud ook. Van die minder mooies het
maar so rondgefloat en van hulle is ook eventueel getroud, met haasmanne en ander
polisiemanne. Kyk, `n haasman is `n ou wat nie `n polisieman is nie.
Ek het twee van hulle gehad wat die kursus gedoen het saam met Louis-hulle.
Jeanine en Madelein. Later het Tessa Nel bygekom. Sy het nou laasjaar eers afgetree
van die eenheid af. Daar was nie baie vrouens nie, maar die wat by my eenheid
betrokke was, het baie goeie werk gedoen.
Daar was tye wat dit maar moeilik en rof gegaan het. Jy het ook maar jou moangatte
en huilies gehad. Ouens wat na hulle ma`s toe gehardloop het, een sommer na die
minister toe.
Hoe het jy die ma`s hanteer? Het hulle jou gebel?
Jy sal dit nie glo nie, maar ek was op `n stadium geparadeer gewees. `n Ou het `n
naamlose brief geskryf vir die kommisaris, en hy het vyf aantygings daarin gemaak.
Ek vloek die ouens (die enigste ding wat waar was), ek gebruik my polisiekar terwyl
ek op verlof is, ek kry `n duiktoelaag maar ek duik nooit nie. Dit was so vier of vyf
aantygings, maar dit was `n klomp str@nt gewees, maar toe paradeer hulle my voor
`n generaal Stevens. Gelukkig het my seun `n plakboek bymekaargehou. Toe het ek
al die foto`s waar ons lyke uitgeduik het. So dit was ongesubstansierde aantygings.


Foto 2: Kaptein Kilian met mede-duikers van die eenheid.

Dat ek ouens gevloek het, was die waarheid, veral die ouens wat slapgat was.
Wat die gebruik van die kar betref terwyl ek met verlof was - `n ou in Boksburg het
`n kind doodgeskiet naby EG Jansen horskool. Hy het van sy kop af geraak toe skiet
hy die bure se veertienjarige seun. En hy skiet die vrou se papegaai dood met `n
jaggeweer, `n dertig-nul-ses, en haar lappoppe. Ek was met verlof, oor Kerstyd.
Oujaarsdag, 31 Desember. Dinge ruk handuit en een van die ouens bel my en s
hoor hierso, hier`s moeilikheid, jy moet kom. Ek bel toe die outjies by die eenheid en
vra hulle om my te kom haal met my kar, en ons ry soontoe. Toe hulle my oplaai, toe
is ek op die radio en plaas myself aan diens.
En ons het natuurlik daardie goed hanteer. Jy kordonneer af, jy stig `n opskamer en
doen dinge volgens die boek. Ek en Gerhard het ingegaan om hierdie ou te arresteer,
toe skiet hy homself dood. Hy het op `n tafel en stoel gestaan hy wou in die plafon
inklim, toe ons die deur slaan, toe skiet hy homself voor ons dood, en val.
Na die situasie ry ek met my kar huis toe want ek moes die tweede Januarie by die
werk wees. En dis nou waar ek my kar gebruik het terwyl ek op verlof was. Kyk, ek
het `n baie goeie idee wie dit was. As jy `n grief teen iemand het, dan skryf jy nie `n

naamlose brief nie. Dis in die eerste plek `n ou wat `n slapgat of `n lafaard is. Dit was
`n ou wat ek eendag opgedonner het by die eenheid. En hy het nie die guts gehad
om sy pak te vat, of my te kom konfronteer nie.
Maar daardie selfde generaal voor wie ek geparadeer was, het die eenheid agterna
kom besoek. Hy en omtrent vier of vyf generaals. En hulle het mos nou agtergekom
wie is die eenheid en wat doen ons. Dit was nie toe Adriaan Vlok daar was nie, dit
was voor dit. Die aand voor hulle ry, toe stap hy saam met my en klap my nog so
agter op die skouers en s: Jy doen `n baie goeie job - donner hulle op. Net so. Dit
was sy spesifieke woorde aan my.
Dit het my verskriklik gegrief, die naamlose brief.

Foto 3: Kapt Kilian en Gert van der Merwe tydens huispenetrasie oefeninge.
En dan die ou wie se ma vir die minister ges het hy kry nie kos nie, ou Nick se ma,
maar hy het my agterna kom om verskoning vra. En dit was nonsens man. Hulle het
kos gevat vir die lede, elke dag, van die menasie af, Wayne Farr het met `n spesiale
voertuig gaan aflewer. Voor ons Dunnottar toe is het ons nie `n kombuis gehad nie,
toe het ons baie swaargekry. Ons het baie dae van die oorskietkos van die Benoni
menasie geleef. In die lokasies kon jy niks koop nie, alles was vol traanrook en daar
was in elk geval baie min te koop.

Ons het een aand uit Kwa-Thema uit gery met twee Casspirs, na my huis toe en ons
was erg honger. Hulle het my sypaadjie in sy peetjie in gery. My vrou het iets soos
vyf en twintig brode daardie aand opgesny. My laaitie het net kafee toe en terug
gejaag heeltyd, as hy die bord so neersit, dan is dit nt so, dan is daar niks nie. Ekself
het nie eens een broodjie gehad daai aand nie. As `n ou honger gely het, het ek saam
met hom honger gely, verstaan., Ek het nie gery en iewers gaan eet nie en
teruggekom en ges oukei julle moet maar vrek van die honger nie. Daar was nie
sulke dinge nie. Vandat ons Dunnottar toe getrek het kan `n ou nooit s hy het nie
kos gekry nie. Ons het vir hulle kos in die lokasie gaan aflewer. Maar soos mense
nou maar is, nou kry hy vier toebroodjies en dan kla hy daaroor.

Foto 4: Lede van die eenheid kyk toe terwyl tradisionele wapens ingehandig word.
`n Dom vraag: hoe het salarisse gelyk? vra Anemari.
Die ou wat by die polisie aangesluit het, kry dadelik `n salaris. As hy na die Eenheid
toe gekom het omdat ons `n onluseenheid was, het hulle ietsie ekstra gekry, nie
veel nie, maar darem.
Ek het nog iewers my ou betaalstrokies my laaste bedrag wat ek uitgekry het was
R 2 900. Die salarisse was altyd pateties swak, maar jy het nie vir die salaris polisie
toe gegaan nie. Uit die aard van die saak moes meeste van ons se vrouens werk. As

jou vrou nie gewerk het nie het jy swaargetrek en baie ouens het swaargetrek.
Vrouens het die pot aan die kook gehou. Jy`t maar die huis betaal en die kinders se
skoolfonds en sulke goed.
En baie ouens se vrouens kon nie die druk hanteer nie. Ek meen, jy kan verstaan, jy`t
`n babatjie, en die ou is nooit daar nie. Jy sit as `n vrou by die huis alleen in die nag,
die kind het kroep, of hy`t gastro of die tipe van goed en jy moet die hele nag met
daardie kind sit en more moet jy weer gaan werk. Baie vrouens kon dit nie hanteer
het nie, dan vat hulle maar die pad, gaan terug na die ma toe - as die ou by die huis
kom het sy weggeloop.
Daar was altyd huislike probleme. Baie ouens se meisies het my gebel met vrae soos:
hy s hy`s by die werk, s hy by die werk, jy weet want hulle het nooit geglo `n ou
kan so baie werk nie. Ek meen jissie, Saterdagaand kom en gaan, Vrydagaand kom
en gaan, Maandagoggend is hy miskien n bietjie af, en dan Wo, Do, Vr, Sat, Sondag
sien jy hom nie weer nie. Kyk, daai tyd was daar nie selfone nie. Nou, die enigste
telefoon was by die polisiestasie. In die hewige onlusgebiede was daar net `n
polisieradio, en die pagers of Beepers wat ons gedra het. Baiemaal het ons gesukkel
met opvangs met die polisieradios. So kommunikasie was `n werklike probleem.
Net voor ek uit die Mag uit is het ons Beepers gehad, wat ons self gerel het deur die
Ek sal s 1980 tot 1989, en beslis 1990, was daar groot, groot, onlussituasies gewees.
Daar is ook die kwessie rondom kommunikasie met die vrouens. Baie van die ouens
soos Larry Hanton, en ek en Bert Steyn, wat lank getroud was se vrouens het vrede
gemaak met ons werk as polisiemanne ek meen, toe Larry Taakmag toe is, was hy
ook net so lank by die huis weg. Karen het al geweet, as hy nie daar is nie is hy nie
daar nie, verstaan. Maar sy het geweet hy is by die werk. Dit is die verskil. Baie van
die ouens wat nie `n standvastige verhouding gehad het nie, het probleme gehad.
Ek dink jy en jou vrou moet eerstens vriende wees, en ek sou s daar moet
wedersydse respek vir mekaar wees.
Baie outjies was jonk getroud en baie geskei soos China Bekker en Moaner. Moaner
het `n baie stormagtige verhouding gehad voor hy getroud is. Jy weet, die outjies
was jonk, en van die girls het hulle baie gelaaik. As jy in die dorp rondgeloop het
met jou cammo... daar was nooit `n tekort aan vroumense nie. Uit persoonlike
ondervinding kan ek jou ook s baie vroumense h van `n ou in uniform. Veral as
`n ou goed lyk in sy uniform, As jy `n ou kry wat mooi gebou is, en hy lyk netjies

ek jou s, meisies is nie `n probleem nie. Ek kan jou verseker, jy kan maar gaan kyk,
selfs in Amerika, as daardie ouens daar staan op parade, met hulle uniform en
medaljes aan, step-outs en goed, die vroumense drool oor hulle. Hy hoef nie die
aantreklikste ou te wees nie, maar hy lyk aantreklik in `n uniform. `n Uniform maak
ouens net meer gesog en aanvaarbaar en baiekeer, jy kan maar kyk, het ouens in
hulle uniforms getrou. En dit het baie probleme veroorsaak. Die ouens maak ogies
vir die girls, en die girls vir die ouens - en more oormore het hy die girl se adres
gevat, en dan die tyd wat hy af is, wat hy by die huis moet wees, gaan kuier hy by
die girlfriend, jy weet. So daardie tipe van dinge het gebeur.
Net so op `n ligter nooit, daar was `n ou by ons op die eenheid, ou Dirk Struwig. Een
van daai yster-ouens. Hy het nou lank in Irak en daai plekke ook gewerk. Nou`s hy
nie getroud nie en hy ry eendag saam met my Benoni Stadsraad toe. Nou vertel hy
my van hierdie mooi girl wat hy gesien het, hierdie blonde, en net toe kom hierdie
girl ingestap. Sy s sy is van Modder-Oos en ek vra nogal so ewe watter kant is
Modder-Oos, en sy beduie nee dis diekant toe s, en toe het sy net so `n klos hare
onder haar arms. Dis `n mooi girl jy weet, `n aantreklike meisie, maar toe sit die wit
salpeterkolle so onder haar arm. Ek s toe Dirk, het jy gesien hoe lyk daai ding se
arms daar onder. Wat`s fout met haar arms, vra hy toe so ewe. Ek s man sy skeer
nie haar onderarmhare nie, lyk soos `n bos hier onder haar arm. Nooit, hy het dit nie
gesien nie.
Maar dis sulke goedjies soos daardie wat jy onthou, en oor lag.

10.4 Anglo- Boer War: Elands River Siege: BSAP Terry Schwartz


11.1 Website: The South African Police Hall of Fame

11.2 SAP Badge & Filler: Courage

11.3 SAP Medaljes: Me Marlene Swanepoel SAPD Museum

- Polisiekruis vir dapperheid en die SAW se SD


Jonathan Pittaway en HBH is besig om al die dekorasies en medaljes wat Koevoet-lede

ontvang het na te vors. Genl Mike Geldenhuys is met die SAW se Suiderkruis-dekorasie
(SD) vereer vir die bekamping van terreur in SWA met inbegrip van Koevoet. Die foto van
die SD is verskaf deur Gerald Prinsloo van die SANW Argief. Ironies, meer lede van die
SAW het medaljes in optredes saam met Koevoet ontvang, as Koevoet-lede self. Die SAWlede is van die lugmag en mediese dienste. Genl Dreyer het een maal ges daar was nie n
gepaste medalje vir Koevoet-lede nie.

- Polisiester vir Uitnemende Leierskap (SED)

- Polisiekruis en -ster vir verdienste



- Ster vir Voortreflikediens en troue diens medalje


Kommentaar HBH: Hierdie vier bostaande dekorasies/medaljes is in die vroeg 1960s

ingevoer. Die rel was: Offisiere ontvang nie troue diens medaljes nie. So het mens later
generaals en senior offisiere gekry wat voor 18 jaar diens, offisier geword het. Hulle het ook
nie die Rooi Eed afgel nie en gevolglik geen medaljes gehad nie. Die sitate is verander en
offisiere het ook troue diens medaljes gekry en die SOO is onder meer ingebring vir die
generaals en ander wat hul onderskei het, soos bv Die Rooi Rus.

Ook is daar die

polisiekruis vir dapperheid (in die plek van die KPM) ingevoer. (Daar was die ou 18 jaar
medalje) Die ster vir verdienste is aanvanklik op 33 jr toegeken. (Die medalje en die ou 18
jaar het saam geloop.) Hierdie en ou 18 jaar was die medaljes van die 1960s. Heelwat later is
die 10-, 20-, 30 jaar en balkie vir 40 jaar ingevoer.

11.4 Keiskammahoek Police Station: Henry Beling

The Old Keiskammahoek Police Station in the Eastern Cape taken during the early 1960s'. It
is an old British fort, steeped in history relating to the Frontier Wars. Keiskammahoek is
situated in the former Ciskei and is near King Williams Town. The new Police station was
built in 1969. Although declared a historical monument, it has been left to deteriorate to the
extent that it is now starting to break up.








12.1 Polmed

12.2 Injuries on duty / Beserings aandiens


12.3 eNONGQAI: Vol 3 No. 11: Par 17.3: Regsvraag: Johan Henning:
Kommissaris van Ede-hoedanigheid na aftrede uit S.A. Polisie
Goeie dag Hennie,
Hier is my stuiwertjie vir die bovermelde beursie:
Kommissaris-van-Ede-skap kleef nie aan 'n polisiebeampte se rang nie, daardie
hoedanigheid kleef daaraan dat iemand 'n lid van die Mag is, met ander woorde uit
hoofde van sy amp as 'n lid van die Mag, ongeag of so iemand 'n konstabel of 'n
kolonel in die "Mag" is.
Laat ek verduidelik: Die bemagtigingswet is die Wet op Vrederegters en Kommissarisse
van Ede, 16 van 1963 (die Wet). Die Wet maak voorsiening dat die "Minister van
Justisie", of sy gedelegeerde beampte, kommissarisse van ede op twee maniere kan
Ingevolge artikel 5(1) van die Wet kan die Minister of sy gedelegeerde beampte "...
iemand as 'n kommissaris van ede aanstel ..." en ingevolge artikel 5(2) beklee
'n kommissaris van ede wat aldus aangestel is, " ... sy amp solank dit die Minister
behaag." 'n Artikel 5 aangestelde kommissaris van ede beklee dus sy amp in sy
persoonlike hoedanigheid by naam. Dit is dan ook so 'n soort kommissaris van ede
wat kolonel Johan Henning sou geword het indien sy aansoek suksesvol afgehandel
sou gewees het.
Artikel 6 van die Wet bepaal die Minister kan "... by kennisgewing in die Staatskoerant
die bekler van 'n amp as 'n kommissaris van ede aanwys vir 'n gebied in die kennisgewing
vermeld, en kan so 'n kennisgewing insgelyks intrek of wysig." Hierdie soort kommissarisse van ede word in die opskrif van artikel 6 genoem "Kommissarisse van ede ex
officio." ("Ex officio" beteken letterlik: "Uit hoofde van sy/haar/my amp".)
Die destydse Minister, wyle mnr Abdulah Mohamed Omar, het by wyse van
Goewermentskennisgewing No. 903, gedateer 10 Julie 1998, die beklers van die
ampte vermeld in die Skedule tot die G.K., aangewys as kommissarisse van ede vir
die Republiek van Suid-Afrika met ingang van daardie datum. Met betrekking tot die

Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens wil ek die spesifieke bewoording uit die Skedule

South African Police Service. - All members of the Force, including temporary
members, members of the Reserve Police Force and members of the Police Reserve when on
duty as such."
Myns insiens is die crux van die saak dat kolonel Henning opgehou het om 'n
member of the Force te gewees het vanaf die oomblik dat hy uit diens getree het
(afgetree het) en derhalwe, van toe af, opgehou het om 'n kommissaris van ede ex
officio te wees.
Artikel 33(5) van Wet 68 van 1995 is baie duidelik in sy bepalings - slegs die
kommisie en rang word behou en niks meer nie. Expressum facit cessare tacitum - die
uitdruklike sluit die stilswyende uit.
(Brigadier) Dirk Lambrechts se regsmening in bovermelde verband, is myns insiens,
met respek, korrek (soos gewoonlik)!
Met vriendelike groete
MJ NEL Genl-maj (Afg: S. A. Polisie).

Dankie Genl!

12.4 New IPA South Africa Website: Vossie de Vos

A: The National Executive Committee
B: The Regional and Branch Committees
C: All IPA Members and Friends
Greetings to you all.
Re: New IPA South Africa Website
At long last and after many attempts, I am today privileged to inform all IPA (SA)
members that our new Website is now accessable at the folloiwng link:
You will also attached find a high level index of the information contained on our
new Website. Apart from general information contained within the various fields,
our members will also be able to download various other documents which contain
specific information. Apart from the general information contained on the HOME
PAGE, please refer to The Presidents Message under NEWS and EVENTS for a

more detailed introduction to our new Website.

Our Website is not the be all and end. It is our sincere intention to continuously
maintain and update it with the most latest and relevant information. We will as
such appreciate your inputs and feedback to ensure that we can enhance it even
further. I sincerely trust that you will all find the new Website much more user
friendly and be proud of what has been achieved.
You should please note that the e-mail address of IPA South Africa remains
unchanged: [email protected]
Hoping to hear from you.
Servo per Amikeco
Pilot Loots: President: IPA South Africa

IPA (SA) President: Pilot Loots


13.1 Die Padkaart van n Speurder My Storie.

Wouter Grov

Hallo Almal,
Uiteindelik het ons Wouter se boek in ons hande! Dit is n groot opgewondenheid
hier! Ons het reeds hier plaaslik die eerste 30 boeke verkoop, tussen Donderdag en
Sondag. Hier volg nou die besonderhede waar julle die boeke kan kry. Julle kan
natuurlik ook by n boekwinkel navraag doen en hulle kan dit by "On the dot" bestel.
Naam: Die Padkaart van n Speurder, My Storie. Wouter Grov
Uitgewer: Naledi
Koste: R150

Die maklikste gaan wees om hulle bemarkings kordineerder Marinda Meyer te

kontak. Hier volg haar besonderhede:
Marinda Meyer
ting Coordinator/Bemarkings-kordineerder
e-pos: [email protected]
Cell/Sel: 083 236 9788
Fax/Faks: 086 236 0853
Hoop julle kom reg.
eg. As julle sukkel kontak my weer dan help ek so gou moontlik.
Groete en lekker lees.
Luit--genl Wouter Grove is afgetree.



14.1 The Sardonic British Police Guide Jeff Manning (SAP, BSAP, UK)





(I have read the original book, the sardonic humour has changed it somewhat! - HBH)

14.2 Krygkor & John Deere: Dave Baker




Cry our beloved Country

Filler: Chinese Flooding South-Africa under ANC guardianship
By Editor
November 18, 2012Posted in: Articles
Chinese flooding South Africa
Hannes Engelbrecht
The new colonials have arrived.
Without as much as a whisper the South African government allowed at least 400
000 Chinese to swamp the country during the past six years. Chinese migrants,
mainly from the overpopulated Fujian province in China, have been shipped off to
South Africa at an alarming rate. Spreading all over the country..
Even in the remotest parts, between 6000 and 12000 Chinese shops sprang up
indicating that the phenomenon is well-orchestrated by both China and South
Prof Colin McCarthy, retired from the University of Stellenbosch, first noted the
Chinese colonization. Says Prof McCarthy: All the evidence indicates that the
project to set up such an extensive network of Chinese shops, all following the same
pattern and targeting the same market, was well researched, well planned, well
organized and well financed.
The young, unemployed couples from Fujian province settled into the network
pushing up cheap Chinese plastics, products and clothing into a lucrative retail
chain far bigger than Pick n Pay, Pep Stores or Edgars. And to make matters worse:
most of the Chinese shops are not registered and do not pay any taxes in South
Africa; not even import or export duties in fact, China put its clothing exports to
South Africa to R11,3 billion in 2010; while South Africas failing statistics put the
Chinese clothing imports at only R6,7 billion! It means that in one single year R4,6
billion worth of Chinese clothing entered South Africa illegally.


A South African Revenue Services employee spilled the beans on a small Chinese
shop in a rural area where, when raided by SARS, R1,2 million was found under the
Janet Wilhelm of the HSRC observes: It is amazing how so many people can enter a
country seemingly unnoticed! She quotes the SAPS Aliens Investigation Unit as
saying many Chinese travel to South Africa via Mbabane, Maputo and Maseru
from where they enter South Africa with false identity documents by road.
Patrick Chong, chairman of the Chinese Association of South Africa, says: Many
would enter on tourist or student visas then simply stay.
Researchers of Noseweek followed the Chen family where one pioneer settled
illegally in South Africa, spreading within four years to 172 members of the family
scattered across Lesotho trading Chinese products.
What is even more mind-boggling and sinister is that the South African ANC
government officially proclaimed Chinese as honorary blacks, making them
exempt from affirmative action, quotas and Black Economic Empowerment.
The whole Chinese experiment has been carefully planned, criminally enhanced,
and no doubt vast sums of money are involved, lining the pockets of very
influential South African politicians.
It is ironic that while populists like Malema and Shivangu walk about claiming land
and minerals for the South African people, the ANC government has allowed at least
400 000 additional Indians and Pakistanis, at least 400 000 Chinese and at least 10
million illegals from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Mozambique, Angola and now also
Zambia into the country
Vuller deur Roy Allen (Australi).



16.1 Besoek aan die IPA (SA): Pilot & Doreen Loots


16.2 Besoek aan die IPA (SA): Den Alberts

(Dames, Den is nie so n mooi man nie! Dis net ek, wat sulke goeie fotos neem HBH)


16.3 Besoek aan Johan Ferreira

16.4 Besoek aan Herman van Deventer


16.5 Besoek deur Hein Goussard (Karos, Mc Dougalsbaai, Kalahari)

(Hoe lekker gesels Karos met Div in die Kaap!)

16.6 Besoek deur Andre du Toit (Durban)


16.7 Besoek deur Neelsie Borea (Pretoria)

16.8 Visit by Col Terry Schwartz (BSAP & SAP) East Rand


17.1 Kamele in die SAP: Dr Henry Abbott (Upington)
Dit is een of ander fliek wat vir 30 pond gekoop kan word. Hier is die stil fotografie van die
film groete, Henry Abbott.

17.2 Kol de Kock en genl Sterk Hans Dreyer : Tiekie de Jager

Opgregte dank en respek vir die morele moed om die artikel mbt Gene en Oom
Hans te plaas.
Beide van hulle, legendes in hulle eie tyd en n reuse voorbeeld vir almal wat nog nie
vrede met mekaar of die verloop van die onveranderbare geskiedenis gemaak het
Tiekie de Jager.

17.2 SAW vier 100 jaar: Paul Els

Besoek gerus Paul Els se webtuiste die kerkdiens oor die SAW se honderd jaar is puik. Klik
op die skakel:

17.3 Damoina: Brig Izak Boshoff

Ek het vandag met genl. Frank Holloway gepraat. Ek dink die Veiligheidtak Ndumo en
Jozini het in die middeljare tagtigs n belangrike rol gespeel in die red van lewens tydens
die Damoina vloed wat Noord-Natal vanuit die Indiese -oseaan getref het.
Frank was die polisiebevelvoerder en het alles aanskou. Ene konst. Deon Herbst was die
bootsman en het tussen die krale rond gevaar. Frank is gewillig om n oorsig oor die polisie
se rol op te stel.

jy sou dink dat dit geskiedkundige vermelding regverdig kan jy Frank

Holloway te Port Shepstone skakel by 039-6881029 of 0825512310.

Hy dien nog tot vroeg volgende jaar.


17.4 Mill for smelting stolen gold: Andre Hoffmann

Hi Hennie
I found this item at a second-hand shop today. It has an inscription that says:
'Mr Koos Nel
Mill used for smelting of stolen gold.
Donated by Special Investigations Team.
June 2004
Would this be of interest to the Police Museum?

Hi Hennie,
I paid R149.00 for the item at Cash Converters in Fourways. It seemed very
interesting so I bought it.
Maybe you might know Mr. 'Koos Nel' for whom it was made, or one of your
interest group might know of him.
It is basically a Cadac gas bottle that has had some modifications, such as a door cut
out, and mounted over a metal 'A-frame' support with a crank handle welded on the
top of the gas bottle. Quite basic but functional I would guess.
Whoever presented it has had it plated in gold chrome to make it look presentable,
but I am sure in its original form it would have probably been blue as per the Cadac
gas bottles of that size and shape.
Maybe it was stolen, I don't know...
If anyone is interested they are welcome to contact me. It is quite bulky and heavy,
mounted on nice dark wood (see attached pics).
I will keep looking for my Grandfathers KPM and any other memorabilia.
Andre Hoffmann



17.5 Wolves in the SADF : A Question from Mr Gerald Prinsloo, SANDF Archive
198003 Paratus : Big Red
Gerald Prinsloo wants to know if we can
help him: The SADF Dog School had a
program to cross-breed wolves and dogs
for Counter Insurgency purposes.
Normal police dogs could not work in
the heat and sand of SWA. It was thought
that a cross-breed would be tougher.
More info would be welcome, please.

Cross-bred pups
I seem te remember that the Police experimented with the Israeli Desert Dog for the same

17.6 Enquiry about F/Arm - Steve Corbet

Hi Hennie,
Many thanks for the very interesting magazine. As for the pistol, I have now passed it on to
another collector in exchange for a battle-damaged 1912 dated Luger pistol. So there is no
need to do any research into the Webley now! I trust I didn't put you to any trouble.

I'm very busy at the moment with the publisher sorting out details for my book which is due
to be out next March. I have sent you a picture of the proposed cover. The person on the front
is me on guard duty in Northern Ireland back in 1974.
I will take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas and happy
new year.
Best wishes,
Steve Corbet

[See last months request for further information HBH]



18.1 Annemari Jansen Koorsboom Kothuis

18.2 Jannie Otto

Onthou indien u Israel wil besoek, tree in verbinding met Jannie Otto.


18.3 Karate: Kol (adv) Len Els

Karateka40 - age groups, mature adult, stressful, crime, self defence, self confidence, men
In 1998 Solly Pokroy and I started a club called KARATEKA40 which caters for the mature
karateka. We believe in the philosophy of Master Gichin Funakoshi, namely that karate is a
way of life, for life. We are also realistic (mature?) enough to accept that we cannot (fully)
compete against the 20-somethings anymore and prefer competing against our peers. It is
amazing what the human body can do if one set your mind to it, regardless of age. And the
benefits are not only physical, but mainly mental. It is not only the training, but also the
philosophy involved that attracts the mature student. Lets face it: karate is cheaper (and
more effective) than Prozac...
To date we have produced four shodans, including two ladies whilst Solly set the standard
himself by grading Godan at 75! Members vary from early 40s to an amazing 82 year old
brown belt!
We are all fighting Father Time. As one gets older, physiological changes occur. These
include fibrosis, losing the protective lining in the joints as well as loss of speed, stamina,

and range of motion. Our muscles also lose strength, endurance, mass and agility. There is a
natural increase of collagen in the muscles, making them less flexible. If this all sounds
familiar, you were probably born before 1967. If not, just wait someday you will
Yet, despite these physiological changes, you can improve your flexibility and thus improve
your martial arts skills. Flexibility after 40 is absolutely possible. It does however demand a
mind change as well as consistent, daily practice. Accept that you are no longer 20something and therefore need to adjust your training regime.
Akihito Isaka Sensei, former JKA instructor and leading kumite and kata competitor from
the late 60s all the way to the early 90s, radically changed his approach to karate in his mid
40s. His focus is now on slow-motion training and stretching, focusing on the muscles and
ligaments around the hips and back as well as the centre of gravity. According to him this is
the foundation upon which technical excellence can be built. To prove his point, Isaka at 64
could still perform repeated jodan yoko geri keagis with 5kg iron clogs attached to his feet.
Kanazawa Sensei also warned that after 40 one should train internally, not externally. He
believes in Tai Chi-type stretching exercises.
In order to improve flexibility, one should stretch daily (static and not ballistic) and ensure
that you work the full range of motion in all movements. Stretch all the major muscle
groups. Make sure you breathe properly whilst stretching. Increased blood pressure is a
special concern for the over 40s.
Be aware of the enemies of flexibility: physical inactivity and stress. Both produces toxic
wastes in the body and shortens and hardens the muscles. Fortunately, these factors can be
controlled. In addition, watch your weight. What you eat or drink (or not eat or drink) will
affect your flexibility.
Fortunately there are a number of benefits to be reaped by those who build and maintain
flexibility. Youll be less prone to injuries and heal faster. Because of better blood flow you
will experience greater ease of movement. Flexibility promotes agility. Flexibility conserves
energy. Flexibility facilitates speed. Flexibility promotes good posture. In short, flexibility
ensures joyful, painless training for the mature And yes, it causes us to still be a force to be
reckoned with

Kontak besonderhede: Kontak Sensei Len @ 0829230603 of [email protected]

Gegroet, Sensei Len.


18.4 Antikwitete en boeke: Leon Div de Villiers

kaarte, skilderye, kunswerke, ens., met
geskiedenis, historiese geboue &
plekke, jag, natuur, wildslewe,
spoorwe, maritieme, militre, oorlo,
mense ens. asook onderwerpe wat
betrekking het op die Afrikakontinent.
Kontak Leon by:
Tel/Faks: 021 592 3460
Sel: 084 436 0842
e-pos: [email protected]


Aangehaal uit die SAW nuusbrief gedateer 4 Desember 2012:

22. Kerkdiens vir Herdenking van die 100 Jarige Bestaan van die Weermag in SA
* Toon Slabbert van die SAW Vereniging (SAWV) het verlede week verwittig dat die
kerkdiens op 18/11/2012 ook op die Internet by html beskikbaar sal wees.
* Paul Els rapporteer dat n opname van die diens nou op
en fotos van diens op beskikbaar is.
23. The Situation in the RSA. Dr Anthony Turton, the well-known speaker and
author has posted the following on the Net:
We are again teetering on the brink in the RSA and things are starting to unravel. I
did a briefing in Washington a few weeks ago as the Americans are acutely

interested in what is happening here so they flew me across. They are now starting
to classify us as a fragile state, at least in government circles, if not yet in public.
Clem Sunter recently released a statement showing that SA now has a 25% chance of
becoming a failed state, 25% chance of a slow slide into insignificance and only a
50% chance of remaining in the First League. These are not good odds and with the
recent ratings agency downgrades at national level, followed by the downgrade of
Goldfields to junk status, one is left concerned.
My sense is that we are approaching the point of ungovernability once again, similar
to the 1980s, but this time without a credible police and military force, so the
outcome is going to be stochastic and unpredictable. In the past we have united at
that moment and pulled back from the brink, but this time I am less certain we will
do it again. Interesting times and yes, our national DNA will again be tested I fear,
but not in a way we have seen it before.


Die e-Nongqai bevat die uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende
korrespondente en die opsteller van e-Nongqai kan nie vir enige deel van die inhoud
daarvan in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid verantwoordelik gehou word nie.
The e-Nongqai contains various and sundry personal opinions of different correspondents
and the compiler of e-Nongqai cannot be held responsible for any of their comments.
Enige advertensies of enige sake voortspruitend is tussen u en die ander party.


Some time, Deo Volenti, during June 2012.


Ons is besig met omvattende navorsing oor die SA Polisie en lede met die oog op bewaring
vir die nageslag!
Dankie aan almal wat gehelp het om hierdie uitgawe n sukses te maak!

Kontak besonderhede: Hennie Heymans <heymanshb@>
Greetings - Groete
Salute! Saluut!
Hennie Heymans 2012


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