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Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students

Chapter I

The Problem and its Background

One of the renowned quotation of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, The youth is
the hope of our nation. It is necessary for any nation to highpoint the prominence of the
future of the children by offering them an excellence education. It also indicates the
progress of any nation would be determined by the nature of education that they obtain
and the same kind of education that they will encompass on themselves and later on,
be handed over to another generation. Fajoju et. al. (2016) denotes that all over the
world, education is viewed as a good investment for nationwide development. Certainly,
education is the fuel that boosts the core of an individuals persona.
Change is particularly in the world of human technology has radically influenced
the kind of peoples living. As the lifestyles go along with these changes, we can notice
that there is a growing inconsistency in the bond of certain individuals. Thus, these
changes create a great impact in the relationship among families.
The relationship between parents and their children has a great effect on the
childs life according to Keith as cited by Chaudhry (2009). A positive connection
between parents and their children aids with the upbringing of the child. In a childs life,
the involvement of their parent shapes their growth and improvement, and plays as a
strategic tool to their success as stated by Eliason & Jenkins (2003).
Being a good parent apparently means loving your child unconditionally, and the
other qualities that must be taken up to be good parents are: supporting children

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students









communicating well with them Those are perhaps the main tasks for parents to make a
good and strong relationship with the child. Parents should not neglect their child, and
should always show love and support for them to be stronger as they go out into the
real world as adults.
Parents gave birth, and raised us to become who we are today. Children
inherited the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) of their biological parents which primarily
influences their behaviors like intelligence. Subcontrary parent also means the person
with whom we usually reside and who takes care of us. Meaning parent can also be
classified through environmental and even though intelligence is strongly hereditary, the
parental stimulation, education, peer influence and other variables also affect it (Papalia
and Martorell, 2015).
Marchant et. al. (2001) stated that parents need emotional, mental and physical
connection with their children in order to have a meaningful rapport. Building a tough
parent-child relationship allows for the parent to have spontaneous discussions and
gives an insight to where the childs observations and opinions are being molded and
formed. Gonida and Cortina (2014) elaborated that it is a parents job to offer their child
with a warm and loving environment to fortify the childs character. It requires much
time, especially during a childs adolescence. Parents should not neglect their child, and
should always show love and support for them to be stronger as they go out into the
real world as adults. Good parents are generalized to have love for their child, respect,

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students

The child has to know that the parents are reliable and be there when something
goes wrong or the child needs to be taken care of. This will make the relationship
between parents and children very close connection and that can help the child on the
way to be an independent person and the child dare to conquer the world. The children
have to be heard and understand and loved by their parents and the other way around
so the relationship will be solid.
The parents want to develop a strong bond with their child but they also want to
maintain a healthy relationship among themselves along with their other friendships.
Through life, the bond between a child and parent will grow and expand in many ways.
Intelligence is our ability to learn from experiences, acquired knowledge and use
information effectively for us to adjust in a situation or solve a problem because they
naturally occurs in life (Papalia and Martorell, 2015). One way to improve this ability is
through education or simply by enrolling into an academic institution. Educational
environment is a place where we meet different people who can change us both
psychological and psychosocial. For instance, students become more attached to their
friends or classmates rather than parents due to different extent of bonding they spend
with them. Moreover, school setting is where we can be knowledgeable or open to
technology which is a wide medium for seeking and understanding our academic
lessons such as we tend to search more on Google than asking our parents for help
with our homework.

A. Statement of the Problem

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students

The study aims to associate parental involvement and academic achievements.

Specifically, this study will answer the following questions in order to give the readers an
in-depth view regarding the subject matter.
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Year & Section
1.4 GPA
2. What is the mean and standard deviation value of the respondents:
2.1 Parental Involvement
2.2 Academic Achievement
3. Is there a significant relationship between parental involvement and academic
4. Is there a significant relationship on the parental involvement between male and
5. Is there a significant relationship on the academic achievement between male
and female?

B. Hypothesis
The researchers formulated null hypothesis of the statement of the problem,
specifically the inferential questions:
Ho: There is no significant between parental involvement and academic
C. Significance of the Study

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students

The study regarding the relationship between Parental Involvement and

Academic Achievement among Junior High School Students can be beneficial to the
field of psychology in general and its specific groups of people.
Theoretically, the study will contribute to the following fields of psychology:
Filipino Psychology The study would be a pioneer in conceptualizing parental
involvement and academic achievement of their student. It would help Filipinos
understand the relationship between Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement
as perceived in the society. In that way, it would be contributory into studying Filipino
values with regards to the relationship between parents and children and may come up
with theories that would highlight the uniqueness of Filipino concepts and ideas.
Educational Psychology The study would be an avenue in having an in-depth
understanding of parents and students in an educational setting that is concerned with
teaching and learning methods, cognitive development and aptitude assessment.
It could contribute to studying the significant role of parental involvement in aiding
children with their academic achievement.
Moreover, the study will also contribute to the groups of people.
Students This study would help the students to realize the importance of the role
played by their parents and to know the relationship of parental involvement to their
academic achievements.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students

Parents- This study would help parents to distinguish the relationship of their
involvement in rearing up and bringing impact on the academic achievements of their
children. This study would anticipate that parents should play a role not only in the
promotion of their own childrens improvement but more specifically in academic
Guidance Counselor This study could lead to deeper knowledge on how parental
involvement could help students in their academic achievements. It might lead to
development of new trends of potential remedies for their life problem.
Psychologists This study would aid professionals in the filed into integrating the
concept of parental involvement and academic achievements among students. It could
be a basis of identifying new approach in dealing with parent children issues.

Future Researchers The result of the study can be used as reference for those who
are planning to conduct further studies and follow-up researchers. It provides
information and knowledge about relationship of parental involvement and academic
D. Theoretical Framework

Figure 1 Hoover-Dempsey & Sandler Model of Parental Involvement Process

Student Achievement
Level 5

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students

Student Attributes Conducive to Achievement

Level 4
Student Perceptions of Learning Mechanisms Used by Parents
Level 3
Learning Mechanisms Used by Parents during Involvement Activities
Level 2
Parental Involvement Forms
Level 1.5
Personal Motivator

Parents Perception of
Invitations to be Involved

Life Context Variable

Level 1
This model represents decade worth of research regarding family involvement in
academic study of a student. Structured in five levels, the model seeks to answer three
essential questions:
1. Why do (and dont) families become involved?
2. What do families do when they are involved?
3. How does family involvement make a positive difference in student outcomes?
Personal Motivator

Parents Perception of Invitations to

Life Context Variable




be Involved





Efficacy for


Invitation for Requests/


time and






and skills






succeed in




Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students

Level 1 of the model proposes that three major factors influences how and how
much of the family involvement in students academic practices. These factors are:
1.Personal motivators.
2.Perceptions of invitations to be involved.
3.Life context variable.
These factors at Level 1 dictate the forms and frequency of family involvement.
The two personal motivators identified in the model are the:
a.Role Construction The subjective belief of a parent regarding their childrens
academic studies.
b. Self-efficacy Refers to the parent belief regarding whether them being involve or
not being involve has a positive influence in their childrens academic studies.2
Parents perceptions of invitations to be involved
Contextual motivators of involvement take three forms:
1.General invitations from the school - Does the school feel inviting? Do all school
staff (counting front office staff, caretakers, and so on.) welcome guardians
2. Specific teacher invitations - for example, instructor demands for supporting
learning at home or going to a guardian educator meeting.
3. Specific invitations from the child - Solicitations from the student can be express
"I require help," "I simply don't comprehend this," "I hate school!" They can
likewise be suggested. The kid may battle with homework or tarrying to complete
a school venture.
Life context variables
Parents understanding of their own skills and knowledge - impacts their
reasoning about the sorts of involvement exercises they go up against.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students

Whenever students' or educators' solicitations for involvement parents'

convictions about their aptitudes and capacities, they will probably act; be that as
it may, if guardians trust their abilities or learning are deficient, they might be
hesitant to make a move.
Parents perceptions of the time and energy - they have accessible for
involvement impact their choices about contribution. Parents might be compelled
by long work hours, differed family commitments and the truth that chances to
wind up required in some instructively related exercises are booked for the
school's convenience.
Family culture may play a significant role - parent's thoughts regarding the
ways they can and ought to be required in supporting their childs learning. For
instance, even when schools are welcoming, families whose cultures have
traditionally recommended that parents ought to assume a constrained part in
student' formal studies may stay "on the side of the line." Conversely, families
whose culture expect standard and direct family engagement may offer
impressively more dynamic engagement than their student' schools anticipate.

Level 1.5


Parental Involvement Forms




activities at home

at school


School Communication

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


Level 1.5 of the model defines several forms of involvement

One form of involvement incorporates parents clear communication with their
children about their personal and family values, goals, expectations and
aspirations for student learning.
The communication of these goals and expectations, in turn, shape students
beliefs and behaviors related to learning (see Level 4).

The model also acknowledges that families support student learning through
involvement activities at home. These often include such activities as talking
about the school day, expressing interest in the students learning, and
monitoring and reviewing student work.

Effective family-school communication influences students academic progress.

The value of effective communication is generally strongest when the
communication is consistently characterized by mutual respect, careful listening,
and school responsiveness to parents questions, ideas, suggestions and

Finally, the model includes participation in school-based activities. Educators

sometimes assume that parents who are not at school are not involved. The

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


breadth of involvement forms described in Levels 1.5 and 2 of the model are
important reminders that involvement at school is not necessarily a good
indicator of parents actual breadth and level of involvement.
Level 2
Learning Mechanisms Used by Parents during Involvement Activities





Level 2 of the model argues that parents influence the student attributes
necessary for better school performance (outlined in Level 4) via four specific kinds of
activities. These active activities are encouragement, modelling, reinforcement and

Level 3
(Mediated by) Student Perceptions of Learning Mechanisms Used by Parents
Level 3 affirms that these components stay latent unless students see their
parents' action. Thusly, student view of their parents' utilization of the four mechanisms
is a fundamental channel whereby parents' convictions and practices are interpreted
into ascribes that lead to academic achievement.
For example, when parents encourage their child to persist in academic work,
and the child perceives this encouragement, parents contribute to the development of
student academic self-efficacy or confidence in their childs ability to learn.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


In another example, when parents attend meetings and events at school or ask
their child about the school day, and the child is engaged in these activities, parents are
modeling the importance of education.
Level 4
Student Attributes Conducive to Achievement
Academic SelfIntrinsic motivation

to Learn


Social Self-Efficacy

strategy knowledge

for relating to

& Use


This level of the model views students as the authors of their academic success. It
describes a set of four student beliefs and behaviors associated with academic

1. One belief which is important for academic achievement is academic self-efficacy.

To bring clarity, efficacy is the belief that I can When a student believe that they
are capable of learning, they are more likely to persist in the face of challenging
academic work. If they do not hold this belief then they are less likely to persist.
2. Another important attribute is the intrinsic motivation to learn. Effective learners
have higher interest in mastering the knowledge and this curiosity engages the
student in learning both in and out of school.
3. Third attribute is self-regulatory skills. This means that students action supports
their learning, including time management, setting goals and monitoring

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


4. The last attribute of this level from the model are the social dimensions of school
success. Academic achiever students know when and how to ask for help when
they are confused and how to work efficiently with others in the class. These
attributes are essentials for better academic achievement.
Level 5
Student Achievement
This is our ultimate goal, The Hoover-Dempsey & Sandler model asserts that
parent involvement, as described at each level of the process, influences and to some
degree even predict the outcome of students.

E. Conceptual Framework




Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


The purpose of the study is to find out the relationship of parental Involvement and
academic achievement among junior high school students. By the use of HooverDempsey & Sandler Model of Parental Involvement Process, the researchers will know
the factors influencing the students. The model used addresses the three essential
questions: Why do (and dont) families become involved? What do families do when
they are involved? And how does families involvement make a positive difference in
student outcomes?

F. Scope and Limitation

Finding the correlational relationship of parental involvement and academic
achievements was the only focus of this study. It does not try to explain the causality of
the two variables which means the researchers doesnt cover how exactly important the

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


two variables with each other. Another, the study only explore the parental involvement
using great contents and did not identify a part or an element that make up the
academic achievement. It is also important to bear in mind that the results of this study
primarily lean on students answer on prepared survey questionnaires which can
possibly influenced by social desirability bias.
The study emphasized the perception of the respondents coming from 100
selected Grade 9 and 10 junior high school students of Panghulo National High School
(PNHS) at Malabon City.

E. Definition of Terms
The terms are conceptually and operationally define for the better understanding
of the readers.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


Parental Involvement refers to parents participation to their childrens education

including expectations, parents interests in schoolwork, and parents educational values.
(Chen and Ho, 2012)
In this study, the researchers define parental involvement is a factor on students
educational processes and experiences.
Academic Achievement connotes the excellence in all academic achievement, in
class as well as extra-curricular activities; the act of achieving and performing
academically. (Fan, Williams & Wolters, 2011)
In this study, the researchers define academic achievement as students
intellectual growth and development in educational settings.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature & Studies
This chapter presents the different literature and studies that would present a
background on the current investigation.
A. Review of Local Studies
According to Sampson (2014), parents in Philippines do really include
themselves in their child's education, regardless to the kind of lifestyle they have. They
are more willing to take a risk, just to make their child finish their studies. Of all the ways
that a parent could give as support or help, one is the most helpful, which is parental
involvement. It does really affect student's success basically, parental involvement is
considered to be guiding their children towards a better performance in school. Also a
communication between the parent and the child is considered, thus some problems
would be solved.
Sapungan and Sapungan (2014) elaborated that the chances for having a
successful or being an academic achiever, with good personality, and positive outlook in
life often deals with their parents having been involved in their knowledge development
as cited from Central for Child Well-Being (2010). They claimed that due to effective
parental involvement, the child is said to be developed fruitful and is accountable
enough to the society. Instructors and other school facilitators open or offer a better
class of education once theyve known that parental involvement increases. The daily
inclusion of the parents to school is conditioning the childs perception that the home
and the school is a necessity towards learning and shouldnt be taken for granted. One

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


of the specific barriers that may hinder the childs learning is that of the parents
negativity against the childs academy. The reason that a parent doesn't have enough
eagerness or care about their children is that maybe they were not able to know their
importance that they must play for the success of their child. The tasks of the parents
should be unswervingly linked with higher levels of achievement, and the effectiveness
of the parental effort should be expected as important.
B. Review of Foreign Studies
Parental Involvement
According to Trotman as cited by Watson et. al. (2012), parental involvement was
created to have a partnership that regards for great correlation between home and
school setting for the express purposes of improving the student academic outcomes.
Its intention is for enhancing school capacity for appreciation and understanding the
cultivation and ethics of a community and be more productive in meeting the students
needs. They added that in all ages and population, parental involvement is an important
aspect for it added worth to the students educational development. It is also by
definition, obscure and oftenly inconsistent in terms of types or categories. Jaso (2007),
as cited by Watson et. al., (2014), claimed that there is no definite definition for parental
involvement but there are other social factors that can be consider which comes from
past depth researches that concludes, in students school failure or success, early
parental involvement has a great impact on childrens academic achievements. Hill and
Tyson (2009) determined parental involvement as an open communication between

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


parents with child and parents with school and anticipations concerning intellectual
growth and education.
Academic Achievement
According to Pons as referred by Liu et. al, (2010), there are four factors that measures
the student academic achievement these are parental modeling, encouragement,
facilitation, and rewarding of students self-regulation. Thronton (2015) articulated that
home environment is an important factor on students academic success, thats why
every student must be provided with it. According to Fan as cited by Thronton (2015)
academic achievement defined as superiority in every intellectual subjects and
extracurricular activities. It includes cultivation, handicrafts, confidence, promptness,
communication skills, sports, etc. It is also matter of hard work achieved through effort.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

Parental involvement in academic achievement was a basic obligation of parents
and schools especially in communicating the students performances. They also stated
that parental involvement includes learning activities in the home, governance, and
advocacy according to Wehlberg as cited by McNeal, (2014). Watson et. al, (2014)
referred that Price pronounced that parents must know that their participation in school
is extremely important such as to their childs engagement and development of their
learning capacity specially during critical years of life. Price also articulated that though
parents perception on school setting isnt set up firmly for their childs academic

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


success, they must know that based on enough researches it exist to well educate a
children they should be committed on school. Williams and Wolter as cited by Thronton
(2015), claimed that parental involvement is acquainting the teachers for their
expectation and support assistance. It is knowing the homeworks and checking of
backpack daily. It is giving an ample time and providing the needed materials for
projects or assignments. It is quality work for the child, knowing of questionable grades,
and avoiding unnecessary absences of student. Hill and Tyson (2009) concluded that
there are three near relationship on parental Involvement and academic achievements.
First, Home-based involvement which can be view on how parents communicate with
their child school works, second, school based involvement can be viewed on parents
participation in school events, PTA, and communication regarding on their children and
third, academic socialization which can be view on motivation and communication of
parents to their child later life.
Dr. Kibaara and Ndirangu (2014) stated that knowing that the parents are
included to their children's studies, it doesn't imply that they are considered already to
being intellectually successors or vice versa. But nowadays, parents inclusion to their
children becomes a major topic in terms of education. When parents are included to
their children's studies, a noticeable development particularly in their academic
achievement occurs which explained by Eliason and Jenkins. Dr. Kibaara and Ndirangu
(2014) also claimed that by nature, children have two certain instructors. The first one is
their parents which tend to be their most important instructor and the other one is their
teachers. Then again, parents would still teach their children until they've finish their
studies or so. It is difficult to point out when do parents education to children pauses

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


and teachers education stops. There is a bigger chance of gaining academic

achievements to the children if the parents and schools are working together as cited
from the study of Scott. Hill, (2014) described parental participation as parents'
work to foster their children's academic accomplishments and according to Wang &
Sheik-Khalil (2014), there are objective researches coextensively punctuate parental










context. Grolnick, Beiswenger & Sauck (2007) fixed conclusively that parental
involvement acts as an advantage to aid their childrens' intellectual and psychological
Cheung and Pomerantz (2011) mentioned that intensive parental involvement
convinced students to be more active on their academic tasks. Parental involvement
boosts up students' intellectual growth by way of parental motivation and manifestation
of the significance of education. According to Larocque, Kleiman, and Darling (2011),
family involvement can be characterized by parents' engagement in their children's
academic performances. El Nokali, Bachman, and Vutruba-Drzal (2010) regarded
parental involvement as parents' task intended to reinforce their children's academic
growth. Murray et. al., (2014) as cited from Stevenson and Baker stated that youngsters
need more effort from their parents so they can excel in their studies. As cited from
Epstein, the effort of the family symbolize the love and giving time to their children in
their school and from the study of Grolnick & Slowiaczek concluded that family has a
greatest effect on their childrens academic attainment when they give their full
commitment to it. Kim (2009) mentioned that mentors in school visualize that there are
not good effect of not high income families when it comes to academic involvement with

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


their children. Murray, (2014) as referred to Neiman (2011) statistically stated that
there was great rates of negative incidents in schools were at between the elementary
and high school students. Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) specified that children's
initiative is functionally related to parents' anticipation regarding their academic
performance. Parents' participation cultivated self-governed in children's educational
condition as stated by Cheung and Pomerantz (2012). Pomerantz et al. (2012) indicated
that parent-oriented involvement may be limited but it may serve them with goals in the
academic development of their children.
According to Griffith (2009) demand for parental involvement programs lies in their cost,
rate of success and possible other possible effects. It could be influenced by the parents
themselves, students and teachers. Stevenson and Baker found a progressive
connection between parental involvement and the student performance. He observed
that parents of a high level of education whose children have lower grades are more
involve than those of low level of education. Unlike others, a number of researches
showed almost to no relation at all between parental involvement and academic
achievement. DeMarques Hayes (2009) explained that parents attachment is always
been effective when it comes to the performances of the child, the willingness to do
assigned task and so on as cited from Cole-Henderson, Taylor et. al., and Jeynes. It is
also elaborated in the study of DeMarques Hayes (2009) that parental attachment
doesnt always pertains to having the presence of a mother or father to their childs
school meetings or agendas, instead, having their presence being the parent, such as
solving problems related to school, advising, and encouraging to be responsible not
only at home but in school as well, as cited from Epstein & Sanders, Mcwayne et al.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


DeMarques Hayes (2009) stated that getting involved means to guide their children
towards their performances at school or knowing the standing of their child. Parents
participation in educational purposes of their child is all about checking their class
standing, attending general assemblies, joining to some parent-teacher organization or
to be elected as officers.

The Effect of Parental Involvement in the Academic Achievement of their Children

The study of Waqas Rafiq et. al., (2013) focuses in examining the relationship (if
any) of parental involvement and of students academic achievement.
Parental Involvement as a Correlate of Academic Achievement
All over the world education is viewed as a good investment so the help of the
family on the child interest and perseverance in enlightenment their schooling
homeworks according to fojoju et al., (2016) and they also said that the academic
grades of the child is based on how the parent helps to build confidence with the child
academic activities.
As cited by Fajoju et. al., (2016), Stevenson and Baker examined that it is
important predictor that the parents are positively helpful when it comes to their child's
academic programs. It stated by Baker and Denessen (2007) that there is a higher
possibility of getting good grades of a child when it has a supporting parent than the

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


non-supporting parent in their homeworks and studies. Olatoye and Agbatogun (2009)
have statistically researched and tested when a parent has a contribution on a child's
study it stated that the child's academic performances increase.
Parents Responsibilities in Interacting with their Children
Chaudhry, et. al (2009) claimed that the process was subjective so the family has
an awareness to their child extracurricular activities in school and as they cited from
Keith, the family has a great influence to teach their children with good characteristics
and the child performances are also determined by how much time parents devote in
helping their children in their school works. As they cited from MetLife, it tells that there
is a big contribution of the family to their child school performances. It shows that the
stage of childs education is influence by the parents in devoting time in their academic
The Value of Academic Success of the Child
Larocque, Kleiman and Darling (2011) stated that in being a parent, it is
accounted to take good character in interacting with children in their home when it
comes to education. Helping children with their homework is an active involvement of a
parent to provide knowledge in the activities. If a child can have education even with no
hindrances so special it is important to give all an formal schooling. The parent has an
authority to know and ask their childs academic activities. The family has the power to
perform support to their children in many places and ways.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


Parental Participation and Academic Development Effects on Intellectual Growth

Majority of documented studies on the result of parental participation on students'
academic development has concentrated only intellectual growth, having no further
accents on their emotional behavior as mentioned by Wang & Sheikh-Khalil (2014).
Home-Based Parental Participation and in School Setting
Parental participation at school and at home and academic socialization has
been interpreted by researchers as a complex concept (Hill & Tyson, 2009).
Academic engagement effects on academic and emotional development
Academic commitment has displayed operative outcomes of holistic growth and
Parental Involvement Effects on Students Academic Achievements









Jeynes (2007) indicated that parental involvement acts also as parents' obligation
in the academic growth of the students along with the expectancy of parents to partake
in the school tasks of their children.
Furthermore, Patall, Cooper and Robinson (2008) stated that the general
outcomes of parental homework participation on academic attainment were not

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


revelatory for not obtaining incontestable results. Instanes like constraining habits
regarding school tasks and extending guides to their children carried out positive
connection with academic effectiveness.

Parental Involvement and Communication with School

Parental Involvement Programs Affects Students Academic Achievements

Jeynes (2012) articulated parental involvement as parents' obligation in the
academic performance of their children. In addition, parental involvement programs
should be provided by the school that demands parental attendance. Wilder (2014)
stated parental involvement in relation to academic achievement showed consistency
through several tests.
Parental Beliefs and Attitudes towards School Setting
Wilder (2014) related that the anticipations of parents manifest their overall
perception towards academic institutions and education. Presumably, children tend to
possess the same behavior as their parents. Showing strong parental involvement
becomes essential for children's academic progress.
Parental Involvement in Low Income Families and School Community Relations
Smith (2009) stated that when the family that gives their full effort for their child. It
results to a higher rate of helping their child. According to Lareau as cited by Smith

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


(2009) concluded that being a helpful parent from their child especially in homework that
makes it a union of school and home activities and as cited from de Carvalho, Smith
(2009) regarded families that are not below than normal families are has a higher
percentage of mother and father efforts rather than below families. The involvements of
the parents were explained in positive method that parents have a bright perception for
their children. Mapp included that families that has in more higher class they are the
families that has a higher rate of involvement to their children
Parental Involvement in Urban Public Middle School Students

Adolescents Perception of School Environment, Engagement, and Academic

H. Patrick et, al., (2007) indicated that the relationship between the effectiveness
and environment of the schools have an effects on the condition of students' academic
performance. Academic competence and behavioral involvements has been proven to
be closely related as stated by Hwang and Holcombe (2010). School involvement and
effectiveness cultivate students' academic progression according to Hwang and
Holcombe (2010).
The Effectiveness and Relative Importance of Choice in the Classroom

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


Patall et. al., (2010) believed most objective researches have indicated that
homework relatively influences academic performance.
The Role of Parent-Oriented Motivation

There is a need for contextual view when examining parent-child relationship and
internalization regarding childrens assumption of childrens assumptions of parents
Impact of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement
Few researches had been led to do intervening effect of students interpretations
of parental involvement on the impact of parental involvement in childrens school
performances (e.g., Gonzalez-Pienda et al., ; Grolnick and Slowjaczek ; Urdan,Solek,
and Schoenfelder).
Previous researches from United States and Taiwan. Academic self-concept and
perceived academic control are variables that may serve as potential mediators








&Slowjaczek ; Marchant, Paulson and Rothlisberg ; dAilly).

Parent Participation in Strategies to Improve the Homework Performance of

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


It is long believed that homework has a positive effects on students however past
researches regarding said subject has been described as vague, uncertain,
contradictory and perhaps thin according to Callahan, Rademacher, Hildreth (2009) as
referred from England & Flatley.
Few researchers praise the benefits and results of homework for student
outcomes. Some research suggested that homework might be quite ineffective on
increasing school performance and achievements as cited from Bents- Hill,
Epstein; Rutherford. As expected, leaving homework incomplete has been reported to
be one of primary factor while some students are at risk.
Parental Involvement, Empowerment, and School Traits
Dwyer and Hecht found few levels of parental involvement in school programs.
They have suggested that parental involvement and student academic performance
may be inversely related. Maybe the weakness of previous studies is the analytic
treatment measures of the measures of parental involvement in academic performance
while parental involvement and empowerment retains to the individual perception of
A possibility that a high academic performance may have been a result of a
friendly school that accompanied by great parent interest and participation in school
Students Perceptions of Rewards for Academic Performance by Parents and

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


How the interval of rewards given in natural settings, their relation to student
interest, few researchers have assessed the students perception for receiving a
rewards in exchange for academic performance. It is a possibility that a student might
lose interest of pursuing an academic achievement as they realized that they might just
be doing it for a reward. According to Schoomer parents whose education level are at a
higher level expects to a large degree that their kids will take responsibilities at home as
a result children thinks more independently, which has proven to result in subsequent
school achievement. From the findings of this research, it is suggested that mothers
educational level might be indirectly related to the childrens performance. Teachers
way of teaching can significantly influence students mathematical performance studies
have shown that abstract teaching have greatly increase students mathematical

School Context, Achievement Motivation, and Academic Engagement

Wang and Holcombe (2010) indicated that effective participation in school setting
is vital to academic achievement. In order to possess the educational attributes for
desired development, Wang and Eccles (2012) stated that students must induce to
participate well in their academic performances.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


According to Katz and Assor (2006), schoolworks concerning personal objectives

must hand over selection of academic encouragements to obtain students full
participation. Presumptively, some students failed to acquire educational competency as
indicate by Wang and Eccles (2013). As stated in the study of Wang and Eccles (2013),
effective educational institutions fosters the academic achievement of their students
intellectual growth.
Home-Based Involvement to Students Learning and Achievement
Parents inclusion in their childrens studies is somewhat effective if there is a
situation that is considered for. Elementary students being compared to higher levels is
said to have a high parental involvement and as they grow older their parents
involvement decreases as stated by Gonida and Cortina (2014). Gonida and Cortina
(2014) also clarified that students become more objective, seeing their parents
eagerness in helping them up with their academic performances. Parents, if pessimistic
to their children, could possibly lead to childs lacking of self-esteem and think of him or
herself as worthless or not an effective academic achiever.

Family-school Interaction
Ferguson and Rodriguez (2006) claimed that instructors understood that parents
are not that much concerned with their teenager childs school development, but still
they do have an initiative to get attached with their child apart from their SES and it is
noted that parents have to be careful in their moves as if they do not give their best as
cited from from Shaver & Walls.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


According also to the study of Ferguson and Rodriguez (2006) as cited from
Gutman & Midgley, by having efforts of both parents and teachers in the childs life, this
could lead into a good and positive overview of education. Also it enhances childs
relationship to his or her family, thus it becomes meaningful to them. Due to the good
collaboration of the parents and teachers regarding the constantly managed schooling
of the child, gives a willingness to pursue studies and make an outline of their lives as
referred from Fan & Chen.
Parental Engagement towards Childs Successful Learning
Njeru (2015) claimed that in order to gain a better educational occurrence, this
should start from the parents getting involved in their childs studies and by all means,
both home and school activities are to be done by the parents, in which, these activities
are intentionally promoting the childs characteristics and class standings as referred
from Hernandez.
It is also stated by Njeru (2015) that children should be taken care of by their
parents ever since, with that, they were considered as primary caretakers, globally as
referred from Emerson, Fear, & Fox Sanders (2012).
Parental Involvement and Childrens Educational Performance
According to Sampson (2014), of all the ways that a parent could give as support
or help, one is the most helpful, which is parental involvement and it does really affect
student's success. Basically, parental involvement is considered to be guiding their

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


children towards a better performance in school. Also a communication between the

parent and the child is considered, thus some problems would be solved.
Parents from the Philippines do really include themselves in their child's
education, regardless to the kind of lifestyle they have. They are more willing to take a
risk, just to make their child finish their studies, Sampson (2014) also claimed as
referred from Larocque (2014). Distuingishing the males eagerness to go to school from
girls, shows a difference. It is said that girls are about 1.5 times much eager in going to
school rather than boys as cited from Maligalig, (2010). Most parents do really
strive for their child to finish their schooling once and for all. It would be a help for them
parents most likely in financial purposes as cited from Salazar-Clemena. As a result in
the research of Sampson (2014), parsimoniously, parents in the Philipipines are highly
committed to their child and very much like to enhance their academic performance in
such ways.

Parental Involvement in Public Education

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


Parents Involvement in Secondary Education

Haastrup and Arogundade (2009) articulated that secondary education gives
opportunity for primary school passers on qualitative education. Some of their goal are:
self-improvement for it provides division of students abilities; it cultivates unity and
inspiration for humanity; it develops cultures; and it aims for respectful generation who
dignify the labor. Haastrup and Arogundade (2009) concluded that in administration of
secondary schools in Nigeria, parents are concern about it. They also found out that
school administration works together with parents to assure that their childs are morally
good they further stated that parental involvement in school academic exercises create
a gracious and great home-school relationship that increases the development of school
setting which improves their childs performances.
Validation of Parental Involvement in Schooling

According to The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) as referred by

Thronton (2015), early intervention is the most powerful factors on the positive
outcomes to a childs life; low drug and self-esteem, better school attendance and
higher remarks in examination are few of these positive outcomes. They further stated
that those students who are positive outcomers were more likely involved on their
parents establishment of daily routines, monitoring out of school activities such as time
management or goal setting and building encouragement by reinforcing of progress.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


Thronton (2015) stated that even though proven by researchers that parental
involvement was important in students academic achievement. Parents participation in
school still faces many barriers such as other other research shows that parent
involvement on school decreases during the secondary stage of education because
parent gives their child their own space for independence and growth when they reach
the stage of life called adolescence.
Assessment of the Strategies that Promote Achievements
Hill and Tyson (2009) articulated that it is a fact that parent is near to the changes
of their child academic performances. They further stated that the parental involvement
in education though it has no exact definition for them it is the interaction of parents in
school that promotes academic success. Barriers to Parental Involvement in
Hornby and Lafaele (2011) pointed out that in over 40 years lot of researches
conclude that Parental Involvement regarded as an important factors in students
academic success. Yet, even that fact had been benefitted the effectives of education
furthermore researches are in need for it still has many gaps such as the difference on
rhetoric Parental Involvement found in the literature versus typical parental involvement
practices of school. Children whose parents action and thinking is that they are only
responsible for sending their child on school and leaving them in hands of the academic
administration can cause child not be active in school and home.
Hoover-Deempsey and Lafaele (2011) also claimed that low self-esteem of
parents or their perception that they cant give an aid on their children academic

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


performances will not produce a positive outcomes. The importance of explicit and
implicit is also one possible factor that barriers parental involvement. When parents
perception is that school administrators or educators dont value their participation on
their childs academic performances, they tend to do same. Parental involvement
agreed that as children grow older and is at secondary level of education, parental
involvement decreases due to the adolescence desire for independence.

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


Chaudhry, et. al (2009) claimed that the process was subjective so the
family has an awareness to their child extracurricular activities in school and as they
cited from Keith (1986), the family has a great influence to teach their children with good
characteristics and the child performances are also determined by how much time
parents devote in helping their children in their school works. All over the world
education is viewed as a goof investment so the help of the family on the child interest
and perseverance in enlightenment their schooling homeworks according to Fajoju,
Aluede and Ojugo (2016) and they also said that the academic grades of the child is
based on how the parent helps to build confidence with the child academic activities.
According to Katz and Assor (2006), schoolworks concerning personal objectives must
hand over selection of academic encouragements to obtain students full participation.
Presumptively, some students failed to acquire educational competency as indicate by
Wang and Eccles (2013).
As stated in the study of Wang and Eccles (2013), effective educational
institutions fosters the academic achievement of their students intellectual growth.
According to Sampson (2014), of all the ways that a parent could give as support or
help, one is the most helpful, which is parental involvement and it does really affect
student's success. Basically, parental involvement is considered to be guiding their
children towards a better performance in school.
Also a communication between the parent and the child is considered, thus
some problems would be solved. How the interval of rewards given in natural settings,

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


their relation to student interest, few researchers have assessed the students
perception for receiving a rewards in exchange for academic performance. It is a
possibility that a student might lose interest of pursuing an academic achievement as
they realized that they might just be doing it for a reward. According to Schoomer (1990)
parents whose education level are at a higher level expects to a large degree that their
kids will take responsibilities at home as a result children thinks more independently,
which has proven to result in subsequent school achievement. From the findings of this
research, it is suggested that mothers educational level might be indirectly related to
the childrens performance. Teachers way of teaching can significantly influence
students mathematical performance studies have shown that abstract teaching have
greatly increase students mathematical performance. According to Trotman (2001) as
cited by Watson et. al. (2012), parental involvement was created to have a partnership
that regards for great correlation between home and school setting for the express
purposes of improving the student academic outcomes. Its intention is for enhancing
school capacity for appreciation and understanding the cultivation and ethics of a
community and be more productive in meeting the students needs.

They added that in all ages and population, parental involvement is an important
aspect for it added worth to the students educational development. It is also by
definition, obscure and oftenly inconsistent in terms of types or categories. Dwyer and
Hecht (1992) found few levels of parentzal involvement in school programs. They have

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


suggested that parental involvement and student academic performance may be

inversely related. Maybe the weakness of previous studies is the analytic treatment
measures of the measures of parental involvement in academic performance while
parental involvement and empowerment retains to the individual perception of parents.

Chapter 3
Research Methodology

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


This chapter provides a description of the research methodology. The research

locale where the study was conducted, the study design and the population and sample
are described. The instruments used to collect the data, including the statistical
instruments are described and the statistical treatment and data gathering procedure.
Research Design
This study will determine the relationship between parental involvement and
academic achievements among Junior High School students of Panghulo National High
School. The descriptive-correlation method will be used in this study.
In descriptive-correlation method, the study focuses on the present condition.
The purpose is to find new truth, which may come in a different forms such as increased
in quantity of knowledge, a new generalization, or increased insights into formulation of
the problem to be solved and many others ( Bagayana, 2006).
Population and Sample
The research participants in population will be coming from junior high school
students of the Philippines while the research respondents in sample will be coming
from one hundred (100) available grade 10 students of Panghulo National High School
(PNHS), a government funded secondary level of academe, located at Malabon City.

Sampling Technique

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


As this study will be having Junior High School students as its population, the
researchers will be using convenience sampling technique as the participants will be
chosen based on their availability.
The study aims to determine if there is a significant relationship between parental
involvement and academic achievement. To answer the problem the following
instrument will be administered:
Parental Involvement Survey Questionnaire
The researchers will use Areli Dohner Chavez which (Likert Scale) questionnaire
to gather data. The first section consisted 16 parental involvement items ( = 0.83).
Participants will be asked to point out how strongly they agree with each statements
posed on a 5-poiunt likert scale ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
The scores from the questionnaires range from 21 to 65 with the median split of 50, so
the scores ranging from 21 50 are classified as low parental involvement and scores
ranging from 51 65 are classified as high pare

ntal involvement the final section

will include demographic question about age and gender.

Academic Achievement
The researchers will collect the General Percentage Average (GPA) of
respondents from their respective advisers.
Statistical Treatment

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


The researchers will be using Pearsons r, for the reason that our variables
measurement scales are both interval.
The formula is:




( x )( y )

x summation of x
y summation of y
x summation of the square of x

y summation of the square of y

xy summation of the product of the variables

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


Standard Deviation

x =



Summation of scores


Summation of the square of x

N number of scores
Data Gathering Procedure
The following was conducted in order to obtain data for the research:
One of the members from the group was assigned to direct a letter to the
principal of the school (Panghulo National High School) asking for a permission to
conduct a research on their students mainly to the junior high school students regarding
their parental involvement and academic achievement.
A week after, the researchers was given a copy of consent form by the course
professor for the participants ethical issues and authorization in conducting a survey
outside the campus. Then, the researchers had been to the Panghulo National High
School (PNHS) at Malabon City to coordinate with the school principal and to inquire
permission with school authorities for data gathering procedure about the study
Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement among Junior High School
Students. Moreover, the researchers will politely administer the 16-statements survey
questionnaire to the students and will accommodate the respondents query regarding

Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement

among Junior High School Students


the survey. Finally, the researchers will get the respondents recent General Percentage
Average (GPA) from their respective advisers for the data of academic achievement.

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