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THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is made and entered into XXXXX, 2014, by and between
United Inc. REALTORS, hereinafter referred to as Property Manager and Tenant
Names, hereinafter referred to as Tenant(s).
Property Manager leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from Property Manager, upon the
terms and conditions contained herein, the dwelling located at: 108 Mallard Glen
#5, Centerville, OH 45458 for the period commencing on Lease start date and
until Lease end date, at which time this Lease Agreement shall terminate, at which
time tenancy shall be month to month and the tenant shall be governed according to
this agreement except as to the term.
II. Rental Payment
Tenant shall pay as rent the total sum of $X,X00.00 in 12 monthly installments of
$700.00 per month, due and payable monthly, in advance, on or before the first day
of every month starting December 1st, 2014 : in addition tenant agrees to pay a
pro-rated amount of $XX.XX for the period of November XX through
November XX, 2014 due November XX, 2014. Tenant further agrees to pay a late
charge of $35.00 if full rent payment is not received by the 3rd of the month. An
additional $10.00 will be charged as an additional late fee for every day past the 3rd of
the month regardless of the cause including but not limited to dishonored checks, mail
delivery, etc., time being of the essence.
An additional Service Charge of $50.00 will be paid to Property Manager for all
dishonored checks.
Tenant shall use said premises as living quarters only for (2) persons.
Names of Occupants:
Tenant name
Tenant name



No pets with out written permission.

No money is to be deducted by Tenant from rent payment for any reason except as
provided for herein without the express written permission of Property Manager.
Payment of rent may be made by check until the first check is returned unpaid.
Regardless of cause, no additional payments may thereafter be made by personal
check. Thereafter, rent must be paid by cashiers check, money order or certified
Rent may be mailed through the United States Postal Service at Tenants risk. Any
rents lost in the mail will be treated as if unpaid until received by Property Manager.
III. Security Deposit
Upon acceptance of tenants application, Tenant shall pay a Security Deposit of
$700.00 to secure Tenants pledge of full compliance with the terms of this
CIRCUMSTANCES! Any damages not previously reported as required in paragraph (g)

under Tenants Conditions, Duties and Responsibilities will be repaired at Tenants

expense with funds other than Security Deposit.
Release of the security deposit is subject to provisions of the law and the following:
a) The full term of the Agreement has been completed.
b) No damage to the premises, buildings, grounds are evident. In the event that
there is damage, or that damage has occurred, security deposit will not be
released until satisfactory repairs have been made and the property has been
restored to its prior condition.
c) The entire dwelling, appliances, closets and cupboards are clean and free from
debris, insects, etc., the refrigerator is defrosted, all debris and rubbish have
been removed from the property, carpets are professionally cleaned and left
clean and odorless, and Tenant provides a receipt to the Property Manager.
d) Proof of final utilities payments being made is provided to Property Manager.
e) All unpaid charges have been satisfied including but not limited to late charges,
delinquent rents, etc.
f) All keys have been returned.
g) A forwarding address for Tenant has been left with Property Manager. Within
thirty (30) days after termination of occupancy, the Property Manager will mail
the balance of the deposit to the address provided by Tenant in the names of all
signatories hereto; or Property Manager will impose a claim on the deposit and
so notify the Tenant.
IV. Tenants Conditions, Duties and Responsibities
a. Tenant accepts the property in its current condition and shall return it in
moving-in-clean condition.
b. Tenant shall not assign nor sublet any portion of the property or allow any
other person to live therein other than as named in the Rental Application
without first obtaining written permission from Property Manager, which
may be refused at Property Managers discretion, and paying the
appropriate surcharge.
c. Tenant authorizes Property Manager to deduct any outstanding amounts
due as provided in this Item from the Security Deposit upon termination
of this Agreement.
d. Tenant shall not remove any of Property Manager personal property or
fixtures from the premises without written permission from the Property
e. In addition to all other remedies the Property Manager may, if Tenant
leaves said premises unoccupied for 15 days while rent is due and
unpaid, take immediate possession thereof and exclude Tenant therefore,
remove all Tenants property and place same in storage at Tenants
f. Tenant shall, without protest, reimburse Property Manager for all actual
and reasonable expenses incurred by way of Tenants violation of any
term or provision of this lease including, but not limited to $50.00 for
each Notice to Pay, Notice to Quit or other notice mailed or delivered by
Property Manager to Tenant due to Tenants non-payment of rent, all court
costs and attorneys fees and all other costs of collection.
g. Tenant accepts said dwelling and all of the furnishing and appliances
__x___ Range __x___Refrigerator __ ___Garbage Disposal __ ___Dishwasher
__x___Microwave _____Washer _____Dryer __ ___Water Softener
______Window Air Conditioner ______De-humidifier ______Security System
______Sump Pump therein as being in good and satisfactory condition
unless a written statement of any objections is delivered to Property









Manager within three (3) days after resident takes possession. Tenant
agrees that failure to file such statement shall be conclusive proof that
there were no defects in the property.
Tenant shall pay for any damage done by rain, wind or hail caused by
leaving windows open; overflow of water, stoppage of waste pipes,
breakage of glass, damage to screens, deterioration of lawns and
landscaping whether caused by drought, abuse or neglect.
Tenant, during occupancy, shall comply with all local, state, federal,
housing, zoning, health codes and all other laws and rules and regulations
and shall take no action or conduct himself in such manner which will
directly or indirectly place the Property Manager in violation thereof.
Tenant shall keep the premises clean and sanitary, remove garbage and
trash as it accumulates, maintain the plumbing in good working order so
as to prevent stoppages and leakage of plumbing fixtures, faucets, pipes,
Tenant shall report promptly ALL LEAKING FAUCETS OR TOILETS.
Tenant agrees to be responsible for the cleaning and care of the
sidewalks, stoops, and driveways in single family or double/duplex
homes, this includes snow removal and salting.
Tenant agrees to keep the lawn and landscaping trimmed and leaves
picked up in the fall.
Property Manager agrees to furnish the following utilities: Water, Sewer
& Trash. Tenant agrees to furnish the following utilities: All Utilities:
Electric and to have the utilities placed in Tenants name prior to taking
possession of the unit.
It is agreed that there shall not be any repairs made to the property by
the Tenant without written approval by the Property Manager. Tenant is
not to paint without written approval of the Property Manager.
Tenant shall operate all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating,
ventilating, air conditioning and other appliances in a reasonable, safe
manner; cleaning and replacing any and all filters as needed. Tenant
agrees to obtain and install a new furnace filter on a monthly basis.
No wires, cables or aerials for radios or television purposes shall be
installed upon the roof or other parts of the building without written
Tenant agrees to obtain renters insurance covering property damage and
liability. Tenant to provide proof of renters insurance within seven days of
signing the lease. All personal property kept in the premises shall be kept
at Tenants risk. Tenant agrees that, as the law permits, Tenant and
Tenants insurance carrier will not hold Property Manager liable for claims
for damages or injury normally covered by renters insurance, even if
Property Manager is negligent, and Tenant will look solely to Tenants
insurance for that damage or injury.
Tenant shall conduct himself and ensure that his family, friends, guest or
visitors conduct themselves in such a manner as not to disturb the peace
and quiet of the neighborhood or other tenants.
Tenant shall allow the Property Manager or his agent access to the
premises for the purpose of inspection, making repairs, maintenance
estimates, serving legal notices, emergencies, pest control, to show the
property at reasonable hours on request and specifically authorize
unannounced access anytime rent is late or this Agreement is terminated.
Tenant shall make no alterations in the structure including but not limited
to installing additional locks on doors.

w. Tenant agrees not to park or store a motor home, recreational vehicle,

boat or trailer of any type on the premises without written permission of
Property Manager. In addition, Tenant shall not use said premises, parking
lots and common areas of an apartment for the repair and/or
maintenance of any type of motor vehicle. Tenant shall not park
inoperable vehicles or vehicles not properly licensed on the property.
These vehicles will be towed, with notice at Tenants expense.
x. Tenant shall maintain a telephone and furnish the Property Manager the
telephone number and/or any changes thereof within three (3) days of its
y. If the Tenant locks himself out of the premises, he shall have the option of
calling a locksmith at the Tenants expense or call Property Manager to let
him in at a fee of $50.00. Locks and keys shall not be altered. In the
event repairs are needed, Tenant shall immediately contact the Property
z. The Tenant hereby agrees not to smoke or allow any of the Tenants
guests to smoke any tobacco or other substances, whether legal or
illegal, anywhere within or on the subject premises.
V. General Conditions
a. Should any provision of this lease be found to be invalid or unenforceable, the
remainder of the lease shall not be affected thereby and each term and
provision herein shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by
b. No rights of storage are given by this Agreement.
c. The acceptance by Property Manager of partial payments of rent due shall not,
under any circumstances, constitute a waiver by Property Manager, nor affect
any notice or legal proceeding in unlawful detainer theretofore given or
commenced under state law.
d. From time to time, an agent who will carry identification may represent Property
e. Ohio Law establishes rights and obligations for parties to rental agreements.
This agreement is required to comply with the Truth in Renting Act. If you have a
question about this interpretation or the legality of a provision of this
agreement, you may want to seek assistance from a lawyer or other qualified
person. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, statues and ordinances,
including Section 5321.05 of the Ohio Revised Code and insurance regulations in
effect during the term of this Lease.
f. Military Clause If the Tenant is transferred from Tenants present military
station at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to another military station in excess
of one hundred miles, then in such event Tenant may cancel this Lease
provided, however, that all covenants and terms and conditions of this Lease
are satisfied in full to the date of such termination and in such event this Lease
will no longer be binding upon any of the parties hereto from and after the date
of such termination. Tenant must provide United Inc. REALTORS with a valid
written military transfer orders and a 30-day written notice before this Lease
may be terminated. Tenant understands moving on to base housing at WrightPatterson Air Force Base does not constitute a military transfer and Tenant
understands that Tenant will be responsible for all terms of the Lease until the
Lease terminates.
g. It is illegal, pursuant to the Ohio Fair Housing Law, Division (H) of Section
4112.02 of the Revised Code and the Federal Fair Housing Law, 42 U.S.C.A.
3601, to refuse to sell, transfer, assign, rent, lease, sublease, or finance housing
accommodations, refuse to negotiate for the sale or rental of housing

accommodations, or otherwise deny or make unavailable housing

accommodations because of race, color, religion, sex, familial status as defined
in Section 4112.01 of the Revised Code, ancestry, disability as defined in that
section, military status or national origin or to so discriminate in advertising the
sale or rental of housing, in the finance of housing, or in the provision of real
estate brokerage services.
VI. Addendums Attached
a. The attached addendums are made part of this contract.
1. ____ _
2. ____
I have read, initialed, understand and received a copy of this Rental Agreement, which
is the whole and only binding agreement between the Property Manager, or his agent
and myself. Furthermore I understand the full security deposit given to the Property
Manager will be forfeited should Tenant decide not to move in after signing the lease.
ACCEPTED THIS ___________ DAY OF __________________, 20______
Property Manager


Amount Due $700.00.

Received from:
. Amount Paid $_________
Signed: _________________________________________________
Property Manager


Amount Due $_________

Received from:

Amount Paid $_________

Signed: _________________________________________________
Property Manager

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