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BM4001 Assignment 2 September 2016

BU4001 Business Management Assignment 2

September 2016
Assignment 2 will account for 50% of the module mark.
In this assignment you are required to write a report that describes and
analyses the provided dataset. The word limit is 2000. You can exceed it
by 10%.

A drinks manufacturer has developed a low-alcohol bottled cocktail which
it intends to launch onto the drinks market after a major advertising
campaign. An advertising agency has produced two alternative TV
advertisements and a market research company has been commissioned
to ascertain what type of customer should be targeted and how effective
the TV advertisements are likely to be. The market research company
stopped people under 30 years at lunchtime in a busy shopping street of
several major cities and asked if they would be willing to give 10 minutes
to answer a questionnaire in return for a voucher for a free drink at one of
the local clubs. Those who agreed were randomly shown either one of the
TV advertisements or a picture and description of the product. An
interviewer then asked them questions from a questionnaire. A selection
of these questions is shown below and the corresponding data are given in
1. Tick your age
Under 21

21-24 years

25 years or over

2. Are you
male? or female?
3. Which TV advert did the respondent see? (To be answered
by the interviewer.)
Type 1

Type 2

No TV advertisement

4. How much on estimate do you spend on drinks in pubs, bars

and clubs in a typical week? (Give figures to the nearest
pound) ...........................
5. If Sharmfizz cost the same amount as competing bottled
drinks, would you buy it?


BM4001 Assignment 2 September 2016

6. How much would you be willing to pay for a 1 litre bottle of

Sharmfizz (provide a rough estimate up to two decimal
places) ...........................
7. What was your annual income last calendar year (rough
estimate) ..

1. In developing the report you should make use of excel functionality,
and appropriate statistical tables, measures and analysis covered in
2. Briefly summarise the answers to important survey questions using
either/both graphical and numerical methods and comments on
your main findings.
3. Using hypothesis testing for mean comparison investigate whether:
- Males and Females differ significantly in how much they spend
on drink in a week? - Using independent sample t-test
- Is there any significant difference in how much people spend
on drink in a week across those who answered Yes and No in
response to choice of buying Sharmfizz in future? - Using
independent sample t-test
- Is there any significant difference in how much people spend
on drink in a week across the three age categories - Using one
way Annova
- Any other analysis (any one) that you can think of to explore
the dynamics of the dataset provided. (Use your imagination
to test any further dynamics of the dataset provided)
4. Your analyses should be well thought through, with clear explanation
- Why have you undertaken a particular analysis?
- The conclusion(s) you may draw from the hypothesis testing
5. Structure of the report:
- Title page Provide the module name, module code, K id and
word count (Word count includes only the body of the report)
- Executive summary This should highlight the purpose of the
report and its main findings. Be precise and should not exceed
250 words.

BM4001 Assignment 2 September 2016

Table of Content Showing the main headings, sub-headings

and page numbers
Introduction - Introduce the report and its main structure.
Analysis Start with explaining the dataset demographics
followed by collection of cohesive and indexed sections (and
subsections) that focuses on testing each of the hypotheses
as outlined in Guideline -3
Make sure that there is a logical flow between sections.
A collection of appropriate Charts referenced and titled.
A clear and logical document structure with a limit of 2,000
words excluding Title, Executive Summary, Content page and
Conclusion Provide a conclusion at the end of each test you
have undertaken and an overall conclusion section at the end
of the report
Reference - You MUST include a relevant reference list (both
in-text and Reference list at the end) strictly follow the
Harvard referencing system.
Appendices You may put all tables and graphs that support
your analysis and the report (excel outputs) in appendix or
inside the body of the report. Number each table and graph
consistently i.e. Fig 1, Fig 2 and Table 1, Table 2, etc. across
the report. Ensure the graphs and table are formatted for
consistency and are presented in a structured manner.

Marking Scheme

Executive Summary
Hypothesis Testing 1 - T-test
Hypothesis testing 2 - T-test
Hypothesis testing 3 - Anova
Hypothesis testing 4 - Others
Referencing/ Format /Style /Structure



BM4001 Assignment 2 September 2016

The report submission deadline is Thursday 18 August 2016 by 9am one electronic copy through Turnitin in Assignment on StudySpace,
where it will be run through the plagiarism detection software.

Additional general Recommendation

This assignment is to be done on an INDIVIDUAL basis. (It is not a GROUP assignment).
The work submitted must be your own. You must acknowledge the sources of your
2. The assignment must be typed, and well presented. You may, use subheadings and
bullet-points where appropriate within the report. You must also incorporate graphs, tables,
diagrams, and figures into the body of the report.
3. You MUST include a bibliography. This should be on a separate page at the end of the
report. All sources must clearly referenced using the Harvard System. FULL details are
required - name and initials of all authors, date of publication, full title, Journal/Publisher,
place, pages.
4. Executive Summary, table of contents, graphs, charts, references and appendixes are
excluded from the word count.

An important checklist for your Assignment

Have you





your Checklist

1. Have you provided a clear description of your

data demographics i.e. Gender, Age group
2. Have you summarised the main descriptive
using appropriate graphs/tables wherever
3. Does your assignment meet the required
word limit threshold? (2000 words max).
4. Have you followed the report structure as
indicated in Guideline point 5?
5. Have you undertaken all the analyses as
indicated in guideline point 2?
6. Have
you explained why you
undertaken a specific analysis i.e. t- test or
7. Have you explained the main findings from
each of your analysis?
8. Have you included a conclusion for each test
you have undertaken and an overall

BM4001 Assignment 2 September 2016

conclusion at the end of the report?

9. Have you checked the Quality of the report
o Grammar and punctuation;
o Harvard system referencing
o Logical Structure
Have you used appropriate in text
citation wherever required and collated all in
text citation in the reference list?

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