"That Is A Basket." "These Are Rulers." "Those Are Balls."

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WEEK : 10

Learning Standards
elements / EE
Teaching Aids

DAY : Monday
DATE : 23rd March 2015
: 3 Elit
: 0810 a.m. -0940 a.m. (90 minutes)
: Grammar
: World of Knowledge
: Unit 4 People Around Me
: 5.1.2 Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately: (b) demonstrative
: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
use demonstrative pronouns correctly and appropriately in sentences
: Multiple Intelligences, Entrepreneurship

Textbook, Workbook, Picture Cards, Word Cards, Mini Boards, Markers

Set Induction
1. Classroom Management Nose Game & Simon Says
2. Action Alphabet (a-z)
3. Sight Words and Sentences Session
1. Teacher demonstrates grammar item and derives the pupils to the lesson.
2. Teacher asks pupils to read the notes on the textbook page 31.
3. Teacher asks pupils to practice short role play.
While- Grammar
This and That
1. Introduce the action song, This and that.
2. Pupils sing along with actions.
3. Substitute with other suitable nouns and practise the sentence structure.
4. Alternative: Put some objects in front of the class and also at the back of the class.
5. Practise the demonstrative pronouns (this & that) by pointing to the object(s) and
This is a book.
That is a basket.
These are rulers.
Those are balls.
Post- Grammar
1.Pupils do Activity Book on page 26
2. Teacher explains about the moral value of today's lesson.
Oral Band 2
Use personal, demonstrative pronouns appropriately.
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives .
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:



WEEK : 10
Learning Standards

DAY : Monday
DATE : 23rd March 2015
: 5 Sarjana
: 1100 a.m. -1200 p.m. (60 minutes)
: Language Arts
: World of Stories
: Unit 4 Malaysian Legends
: 4.1.1 Able to enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal response
4.1.2 Able to listen to, sing songs, recite jazz chants and poems with correct stress,
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation
: Multiple Intelligences

elements / EE
Teaching Aids


Textbook, Workbook, Picture Cards, Word Cards, Mini Boards, Markers

Set Induction
1. Pupils listen to a song about the beach/seaside.
2. Show pictures of things and sea creatures found at the seaside; jellyfish, seashells,
beach towel, starfish
3. Stimulate further discussion by asking questions based on the song and the pictures
What is the name of this sea creature?
What is the colour of the pail?
Why do you think the Puffer fish is named as such?
4. Pupils recite the poem together with movement and actions.
5. Ask pupils to name other things found at the seaside.

1. Pick a phrase from the poem, eg: sand in sandwiches
2. Ask pupils how they would feel about this, eg: they would feel unhappy.
3. Distribute Appendix 2
4. Pupils write out their feelings based on the given phrases in Appendix 2.
5. Discuss answers with the pupils.
1. Divide pupils in groups of four.
2. Pupils create tongue twisters using words/phrases extracted from the poem Seaside
(e.g: sand, sandwiches, seaweed, stones, afloat)
3. Pupils write out the tongue twister on a piece of display sheet/manila card.
1. Each group carries out the task.
2. Each group presents their group work in front of the class.
1. Another groups award marks to the presenters and allowed to make comments.
2. Teacher sum up the lesson by instilling the moral value of cleanliness.
Listening and Speaking K6
Reading K1
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:



WEEK : 10

DAY : Monday
DATE : 23rd March 2015
: 6 Bestari
: 1200 p.m. - 0130 a.m. (60 minutes)
: World of Knowledge
: Unit 2 Proud To Be A Malaysian
: 1.1.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.1, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 2.1.1, 2.9.3, 2.9.4, 3.5.1, 3.6.7, 3.6.8, 3.9.3, 3.10.1, ,
4.3.2,4.6.2,.4.9.2, 4.10.1
: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
talk about their own possession and others.
understand the rule of possessive pronouns in sentences by using the
correct one in sentences.
: Imagining
: Patriotism
: Textbook, Mini Boards, Worksheets, Workbook
: Step 1 Shared Reading (20 minutes)


Thinking Skill
Moral Value



Step 2 Teaching Points : Grammar Possessive Pronouns with apostrophe s

(25 minutes)
1. Reinforcement: Revise the items learnt (personal pronouns, singular & plural nouns,
demonstrative pronouns)
2. Pupils read the notes on the textbook on possessive pronouns.
3. Pupils do the task in the textbook with teachers guidance.
Step 3 Guided Reading / Independent Work(35 minutes )
What do you have?
1. Pick a pupils pencil and say: This is Amirs pencil. This pencil belongs to Amir.
2. Repeat with other objects.
3. Reinforce pupils understanding by asking questions like Whose pencil is this?/
Whom does it belong to?
4. Get the class to say: It is Amirs pencil./ It belongs to Amir.
5. Repeat with other objects and other pupils.
6. Pair work and exercises
Step 4 Summing Up (10 minutes)
Musical Round
1. Teacher asks pupils to sit in circle.
2. Teacher plays the song and pause.
3. The pupil who holds the object passed around has to ask Whose _______ is
this? /Whom does it belong to?
4. Then the other pupils say It is ______s pencil./ It belongs to _________.
Pupils do the worksheets on grammar item
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.

Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:

WEEK : 10
Learning Standards


elements / EE
Teaching Aids


DAY : Tuesday
DATE : 24th March 2015
: 3 Elit
: 1000 a.m. -1100 a.m. (60 minutes)
: Listening and Speaking
: World of Knowledge
: Unit 5 Having Fun
: 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
(a) asking simple Wh-Questions.
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions.
(c) giving True/False replies.
(d) sequencing with guidance.
: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
talk about what they like to do every day
fill in the form of their hobbies
: Contextual Learning

Textbook, Workbook, Picture Cards, Word Cards, Mini Boards, Markers

Set Induction
1. Jigsaw Puzzles Activities in group of 6.
2. Teacher derives the lesson with the topic by asking Wh-questions.
Pre- Listening and Speaking
1. Teach and drill the vocabulary using flashcards (no words) and miming.
2. Teacher shows word cards independently and ask pupils to read and match words to
3. Teacher asks pupils in random to paste the picture cards or the selected word cards
to match to be pasted on the board.
While-Listening & Speaking
Guided Dialogue
Do you like __________, Khairie?
Yes, I do. I like ____________. /
No, I dont. I like _________.
1. Teacher puts up the multi-purpose, clear- pocketed display board.
2. Teacher models the guided dialogue (Teacher to Teacher demonstration).
3. Pupils have to look at the teacher and listen.
4. Teacher shows a word card of a hobby and sentence card of the question form
and answers to pupils.
5. Pupils read the word card and sentence card together.
6. Teacher inserts the word card and sentence card into the multi-purpose, clearpocketed display board.
7. Teacher reread the sentence card.
8. Pupils repeat after teacher.
9. Teacher to Pupil dialogue practice.
10. Pupil to Teacher dialogue practice.
11. Pupil to Pupil dialogue practice (pair work).
Post-Listening & Speaking
1. Teacher provides worksheet with a Table of Favourite Hobbies.
2. Teacher demonstrates on how to do the worksheet.
3. Pupils have to ask other groups to get information about each others routines
using the question form with time limit 3 minutes.
: Oral Band 5
Talk about a stimulus with guidance.
: Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:

WEEK : 10
Learning Standards


elements / EE
Teaching Aids

DAY : Tuesday
DATE : 24th March 2015
: 5 Sarjana
: 1200 p.m. -0100 p.m. (60 minutes)
: Reading
: World of Stories
: Unit 4 Malaysian Legends
: 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from: (a) linear texts
2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by: (a) giving main ideas
and supporting details
2.2.4 Able to apply dictionary skills (b) understand meaning of words in context
2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance: (a) fiction
: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
read and understand a text by answering MCQ Questions
using dictionary skill to locate meaning of words
: Entrepreneurship



Textbook, Workbook, Picture Cards, Word Cards, Mini Boards, Markers

Set Induction
1. Action Alphabet
2. Sight Words and Sentences Session
1. Teacher shows picture cards of occupations.
Teacher talks about the picture and elicits response from pupils
Read and Sequence
1. Ask pupils to read the text aloud.
2. In groups, they are given worksheets.
3. Pupils read the text again and complete the picture.
4. Extension: Pupils choose their favourite occupations and talk about it
Read and Sequence
1. Show a picture of an octopus and a shark.
2. Ask pupils oral questions.
3. Distribute a set of sentence bubbles to each group.
4. Pupils try to sequence the sentence bubbles to form a story.
5. Each group reads aloud their sequence.
6. Teacher shows the correct sequence on the board.
7. Pupils read the correct sequence from the board.
1. Pupils discuss the answers of the comprehension questions with pupils.
2. Teacher instills the importance of the moral values making good deeds to the
Listening and Speaking K6
Reading K1
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:

WEEK : 10
Learning Standards


elements / EE
Teaching Aids

DAY : Wednesday
DATE : 25th March 2015
: 5 Sarjana
: 0740 a.m. -0840 a.m. (60 minutes)
: Writing - Extension
: World of Stories
: Unit 4 Malaysian Legends
: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling: (a) sentences (b)
3.1.2 Able to write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling: (a) sentences (b)
3.3.1 Able to create texts using a variety of media with guidance: (a) non-linear
: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i. read the text expressively with correct intonation and pronunciation
ii. find the meaning of the words in bold from the text using the dictionary and write
simple sentences with the words
iii. rewrite the sentences in neat cursive writing
: Multiple Intelligences (Visual-Spatial), Contextual Learning

Textbook, Workbook, Picture Cards, Word Cards, Markers

Set Induction
1. 5-minutes Verb
2. Reinforcement
1. Teacher reads the text given on the textbook page 36 with correct intonation, stress
and pronunciation as pupils listen attentively.
2. Pupils read the text in chorus as teacher monitor along their pronunciation.
1. Teacher asks pupils to identify the difficult words in the text and asks them to list
down the words to search for its meaning in the dictionary.
2. Teacher asks impromptu questions pertaining on the text to the pupils for better
3. Teacher guides on how to do cursive writing to the pupils.
1. Pupils do cursive writing according to the task on the textbook page 36.
2. Pupils construct simple sentences using the bold words in the passage.
1. Pupils discuss the about the sentences with teacher.
K1, K2 & K3
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:



WEEK : 10

DAY : Wednesday
DATE : 25th March 2015
: 6 Bestari
: 0840 a.m. - 0940 a.m. (60 minutes)
: World of Knowledge
: Unit 2 Proud To Be A Malaysian
: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 2.2.1, 3.1.3, 3.3.3,.3.5.1.,4.3.3,4.4.2,.4.4.3
: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

Thinking Skill
Moral Value




WEEK : 10
Learning Standards


elements / EE
Teaching Aids

read and understand words in text
read and obtain meaning by making references to words within the text.
Identifying Details
Textbook, Mini Boards, Worksheets, Workbook
Step 1 Shared Reading (20 minutes)
1. Teacher reads the text given with correct intonation, stress and pronunciation as
pupils listen attentively.
2. Pupils read the text in chorus as teacher monitor along their pronunciation.
Step 2 Teaching Points : Vocabulary -Word, Phrase and Sentence Level( 25
1. Teacher points out the main words in the text.
2. Pupils read the words by repeating after teacher.
3. Inter-Group Reading
Step 3 Guided Reading / Independent Work(30 minutes)
*2 pupils selected to read the text with the guidance of the teacher.
Group 1 (Level 3 Weak) : Word, Phrase & Sentence Level Activities (independent)
Group 2 (Level 2 Average) Word, Phrase & Sentence Level (guided)
Group 3 (Level 1 Above Average) Word, Phrase & Sentence Level (guided with
extended words)
Step 4 Summing Up(15 minutes)
1. Pupils reads the text again in chorus
2. Teacher asks questions regarding on the topic to the pupils to revise what have been
Pupils do Word, Phrase & Sentence Level exercises
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives .
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:

DAY : Wednesday
DATE : 25th March 2015
: 3 Elit
: 1100 a.m. -1230 a.m. (90 minutes)
: Reading
: World of Knowledge
: Unit 5 Having Fun
: 2.2.1 Able to apply word attack skills by:
(a) grouping words according to word categories.
(b) identifying words similar in meaning
identifying words opposite in meaning
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non-linear
Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound sentences.
2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance: (a) fiction
: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
(i) read and understand a story about hobbies by identifying key words from
the text
(ii) ask and answer simple Wh- questions about hobbies
: Contextual Learning

Textbook, Workbook, Picture Cards, Word Cards, Mini Boards, Markers

Set Induction
1. Classroom Management Nose Game & Simon Says
2. Action Alphabet
1.Teacher puts up several picture cards on the board.
2.Teacher asks pupils to look at the pictures carefully.
3.Teacher labels each picture clearly.
While- Reading
1.Teacher writes a simple story related to the pictures seen.
2.Teacher reads the story clearly by pointing at the pictures seen.
3.Teacher guides pupils to read the story word by word.
4.Teacher asks 5-8 Wh-questions and trains the pupils to answer the questions
5.Pupils label the pictures correctly in the given worksheets.
Post- Reading

1.Pupils read the story again after the teacher.

2.Teacher explains about the moral value of today's lesson.
Read Band 4
Read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound sentences correctly.
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:



WEEK : 10
Learning Standards

DAY : Thursday
DATE : 26th March 2015
: 5 Sarjana
: 0740 a.m. -0840 a.m. (60 minutes)
: Grammar
: World of Stories
: Unit 4 Malaysian Legends
: 5.1.2 Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately: (b) interrogative
: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
identify interrogative pronouns in sentences
use interrogative pronouns correctly and appropriately in sentences
: Moral Values

elements / EE
Teaching Aids


Textbook, Workbook, Picture Cards, Word Cards, Mini Boards, Markers

Set Induction
1. Classroom Management Nose Game & Simon Says
2. Sight Words and Sentences Session
1. Teacher shows picture cards and asks pupils about them.
2. Teacher asks questions about the pictures to pupils.
3. Teacher reviews on personal and reflexive pronouns.
3. Teacher explains on the interrogative pronouns to the pupils
1. Get a pupil to stand in front of the class.
2. Talk about the pupil. Stress on the interrogative pronouns
3. Talk about other pupils.

Jazz Chant
1. Teacher calls upon a pupil to demonstrate a jazz chant and relates the song with the
interrogative pronouns.
2. Practice with other nouns (animals or objects or places).
3. Substitute with other suitable interrogative pronouns.
1. Pupils do activities in the workbook.
2. Pupils discuss the answers in pairs.
K1, K2 & K3
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:



WEEK : 10

DAY : Thursday
DATE : 26th March 2015
: 6 Bestari
: 0840 a.m. - 0940 a.m. (60 minutes)
: World of Knowledge
: Unit 2 Proud To Be A Malaysian
: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 2.2.1, 3.1.3, 3.3.3,.3.5.1.,4.3.3,4.4.2,.4.4.3
: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
read and understand words in text
read and obtain meaning by making references to words within the text.
: Identifying Details
: Cooperation
: Textbook, Mini Boards, Worksheets, Workbook
: Step 1 Shared Reading (20 minutes)
1. Teacher reads the text given with correct intonation, stress and pronunciation as
pupils listen attentively.
2. Pupils read the text in chorus as teacher monitor along their pronunciation.
Step 2 Teaching Points : Vocabulary -Word, Phrase and Sentence Level( 25
1. Teacher points out the main words in the text.
2. Pupils read the words by repeating after teacher.
3. Inter-Group Reading
Step 3 Guided Reading / Independent Work(30 minutes)
*2 pupils selected to read the text with the guidance of the teacher.

Thinking Skill
Moral Value

Group 1 (Level 3 Weak) : Word, Phrase & Sentence Level Activities (independent)
Group 2 (Level 2 Average) Word, Phrase & Sentence Level (guided)
Group 3 (Level 1 Above Average) Word, Phrase & Sentence Level (guided with
extended words)
Step 4 Summing Up(15 minutes)
1. Pupils reads the text again in chorus
2. Teacher asks questions regarding on the topic to the pupils to revise what have been
Pupils do Word, Phrase & Sentence Level exercises
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives .
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:



WEEK : 10
Learning Standards

DAY : Friday
DATE : 27th March 2015
: 3 Elit
: 0840 a.m. -0940 a.m. (60 minutes)
: Writing
: World of Knowledge
: Unit 5 Having Fun
: 3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:
(a) simple sentences
(b) compound sentences
(c) questions
3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly: (a) exclamation mark
: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
write at least 4 simple sentences based on the table with guidance
punctuate the sentences with exclamation mark
: Language


elements / EE
Teaching Aids


Textbook, Workbook, Picture Cards, Word Cards, Mini Boards, Markers

Set Induction
1. Classroom Management Nose Game & Simon Says
2. Action Alphabet
3. Sight Words and Sentences Session
1. Teacher asks the pupils about their holidays.
2. Teacher includes the vocabulary from the text prepared by asking specific questions.
While- Writing
My Friend
1. Pupils talk to a friend and complete a non-linear text pertaining to personal details
by completing table given.
2. Pupils write simple sentences about their friend from the completed table.
3. Pupils arrange the sentences into a paragraph in neat legible print.
4. Pupils work can be compiled in their file.
Post- Writing

Punctuate Me!
1. Distribute punctuation cards.
2. Read out sentences with the correct intonation to stress on the punctuation.
3. Pupils with the correct punctuation card will hold up the card for each sentence read.
Write - Band 3
Punctuate correctly using exclamation marks and commas.
Write sentences in neat legible print.
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:



WEEK : 10
Learning Standards

DAY : Friday
DATE : 27th March 2015
: 5 Sarjana
: 1100 a.m. -1200 p.m. (60 minutes)
: Grammar - Extension
: World of Stories
: Unit 4 Malaysian Legends
: 5.1.2 Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately: (b) interrogative
: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
identify interrogative pronouns in sentences
use interrogative pronouns correctly and appropriately in sentences
: Moral Values

elements / EE
Teaching Aids


Textbook, Workbook, Picture Cards, Word Cards, Mini Boards, Markers

Set Induction
1. Classroom Management Nose Game & Simon Says
2. Sight Words and Sentences Session
1. Teacher shows picture cards and asks pupils about them.
2. Teacher asks questions about the pictures to pupils.
3. Teacher reviews on personal and reflexive pronouns.
3. Teacher explains on the interrogative pronouns to the pupils
1. Get a pupil to stand in front of the class.
2. Talk about the pupil. Stress on the interrogative pronouns
3. Talk about other pupils.
Jazz Chant
1. Teacher calls upon a pupil to demonstrate a jazz chant and relates the song with the
interrogative pronouns.



2. Practice with other nouns (animals or objects or places).

3. Substitute with other suitable interrogative pronouns.
1. Pupils do activities in the workbook.
2. Pupils discuss the answers in pairs.
K1, K2 & K3
Attendance: _____/_____
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to achieve the objectives.
_____/_____ of the pupils need extra guidance from the teacher.
Teachers follow-up actions :
Achievers :
*Todays lesson will be carried forward due to:

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