Implementation and Bit Error Rate Analysis of BPSK Modulation and Demodulation Technique Using Matlab

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013

Implementation and Bit Error Rate analysis of BPSK

Modulation and Demodulation Technique using
G.Tharakanatha1, SK. Mahaboob kamal basha2, Vijay Bhaskar chanda3, I.Hemalatha4
Dept. of ECE, Sir CRREDDY College of engineering, Eluru, A.P1, 2
Scientist D, Research Center Imarat, DRDO, Hyderabad3
Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, Sir CRREDDY College of engineering, Eluru, A.P4
Abstract This paper presents the theoretical background of
digital modulation and evaluate the performance of BPSK
system with respect to Bit error Rate and finally implement
Binary Phase shift Keying modulation technique in MATLAB.
The main objective of any communication system is to receive the
transmitted data accurately. There are lot digital modulation
techniques that are well flourished in the communications field,
selection of a suitable modulation technique for an application
depends on many factors like Bit error rate, data rate, design
complexity etc., one of the modulation techniques that is used in
many areas of applications is the BPSK modulation. It is widely
used due to its low BER and simplicity in design when compared
to other modulation techniques.
The BER for BPSK is performed using Matlab
Graphical User Interface tool i.e., BERTool. The modulated
signal is produced by modulating a carrier according to the
binary code. The binary code taken here is the Gold code
sequence. Such modulated signal is transmitted through AWGN
channel. The resulting noisy modulated signal is demodulated
using the BPSK demodulation technique.
The complete system simulations are carried out in
MATLAB R2008a and the same will be verified using Matlab
Simulink environment.

KeywordsAWGN, BER, BERTool BPSK, Gold

Code Sequence, GUI, Matlab, Simulink
In the last few decades, a major transition from
analog to digital communications has occurred and it can be
seen in all areas of communications. One of the main reasons
is that digital communication system is more reliable than an
analog one.
The main objective of this paper is to give a brief
introduction of the digital communications. Later on the
BPSK system is simulated in Matlab text editor and it is
implemented in Simulink.
The main factor that differentiates both the analog
and digital communications is the modulation technique used
with them. The modulation process converts a baseband signal
into a band pass signal.
In analog communications an analog signal is taken
and it is modulated using an analog carrier, while in digital
communications a digital signal or binary data is taken and
modulated using an analog carrier. A device that performs
modulation is known as a modulator and a device that
performs the demodulation is known as a demodulator.

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Fig 1: Basic Digital communication system

In the basic digital communication model as shown
in Fig1 the first three blocks of the diagram (analog source ,
Analog to Digital Converter(ADC), and modulator) together
comprise the transmitter .The source represents the message to
be transmitted which includes speech, video, image, or text
data tec.,. If the information has been acquired in analog form,
it must be converted into digital form to make our
communication easier. This analog to digital conversion is
done by the ADC block. The modulator converts the digital
signal into band pass signal and is transmitted through the
detector/demodulator, DAC and destination, form the
receiver. The destination data is nothing but the transmitted
The digital detector/demodulator reverses the process and
extracts the binary baseband information from the received
modulated signal which has been subjected to noise,
interference and other distortions. The demodulator produces
a sequence of binary signal which are estimates of the
transmitted data.
In digital modulation mainly keying techniques, an
analog carrier signal is modulated by a binary code. The
digital modulator serves as an interface between the
transmitter and the channel. The basic types of digital
modulation techniques are Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK),
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) and Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
respectively [2][3][7].
In Phase Shift Keying technique, the phase of the carrier
is changed according to input the data signal. The phase of the
modulated signal itself conveys some information; in this case
the demodulator must have a reference signal to compare the
received signal phase. This is termed as coherent detection.

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BPSK is the simplest form of phase shift keying
(PSK). It uses two phases which are 0 and 180.

Non-return to
zero level

Binary PSK


Where 0 t Tb, and Eb is the transmitted signal

energy per bit, where fc is the frequency of the carrier wave. A
pair of sinusoidal waves that differ only in a relative phase
shift of 180 degree, are referred to as antipodal signals. Hence,
the signal space can be represented by the single basis
( )

( )

) , where 0 t < Tb
( ) and 0 is represented

Where 1 is represented by
( ).
B. Constellation diagram

Fig 2: BPSK modulator

To generate a binary PSK signal, we have to
represent the binary sequence in polar form with symbols 1
and 0 represented by constant amplitude levels of + and respectively. The resulting binary wave (in polar form)
and a sinusoidal carrier 1(t), whose frequency fc = (nc/Tb) for
some fixed integer n c are applied to a product modulator. The
carrier and the timing pulses used to generate the binary wave
are usually extracted from a common master clock; the
desired PSK wave is obtained at the modulator output.



Fig 4: Constellation diagram

A coherent binary PSK system is therefore
characterized by having a signal space that is one dimensional
(i.e., N =1), with a signal constellation consisting of two
message points (i.e., M = 2). The co-ordinates of the message
points are

( )

Threshold = 0

Fig 3: BPSK demodulator

To detect the original binary sequence of 1s and 0s,
we apply the noisy PSK signal x(t) (at the channel output) to a
correlator, which is supplied with a locally generated coherent
reference signal 1(t). The correlator output x1 is compared
with a threshold of zero volts. If x1> 0, the receiver decides in
favor of symbol 1. On the other hand, if x1<0, it decides in
favor of symbol 0. If x1 is exactly zero, the receiver makes a
random guess in favor of 0 or 1.
A. Implementation
In coherent binary PSK system, the pair of signals
s1(t) and s2(t) used to represent binary symbols 1 and 0,
respectively. They are defined by
( )

) For binary 0

( )

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) For binary 1

( )

( )


( )

( )

C. Bit error rate

The bit error rate for coherent binary Phase shift keying is

As we increase the transmitted signal per energy bit,

Eb, for a specified noise spectral density N0, the message
points corresponding to symbols 1 and 0 move further apart,
and the average probability of error Pe is correspondingly
reduced in accordance with the above equation.
As we mentioned earlier in the paper, there are many
factors that will decide the performance of different
modulation techniques. One of the factors is the bit error rate.
This specifies the number of bits that are error when a set of
bits are transmitted.
To calculate the BER of the BPSK system using the
Graphical User Interface (BERTool) we can proceed with

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013
two ways. One is theoretical and the other is Monte Carlo
simulation. So, both the ways are simulated and compared.

Fig 5: BPSK system for Monte Carlo simulation

As shown in the Fig5, the design represents the
baseband simulation of the BPSK system in Matlab
Simulink. It consists of a gold code generator which
generates a binary gold code sequence, baseband BPSK
modulator, channel, baseband BPSK demodulator. To
calculate the number of bit errors a block called error rate
calculation is used. The values are shifted to workspace by
using to workspace block.

FIG 7: BPSK BER comparisons

In the above Fig7, the theoretical and the Monte
Carlo simulations are plotted. From the results we can
conclude that if the SNR value is given as 12dB then 9bits are
errors in 108 bits. The comparison between theoretical and
Monte design are similar till 9dB and slight variation at 12dB.

Fig 8: Carrier wave

FIG 6: BPSK BER simulations

In the above Fig6 the BER analysis tool is shown. In
this tool there are three ways of simulations are possible,
they are theoretical, semi-analytical and Monte Carlo. The
baseband BPSK system designed in the Simulink is
extracted into this tool and simulated in Monte Carlo.

A. Modulation
The Gold code is taken and the carrier is modulated
according to the code as shown in Fig9. When the code input
is binary 1, then the phase of the carrier remains as it is. When
the input bit is 0 then the phase of the carrier is shifted by

Fig 9: BPSK Modulation

B. Channel
The modulated signal is to be transmitted through the
channel. In the channel, noise is added. In the simulation an
Additive White Gaussian Noise is added. The modulated
signal with Gold code and added noise is shown in Fig10.

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) Volume 4 Issue 9- Sep 2013
Fig 14: BPSK modulator with noise block

Fig 10: Noise added to BPSK Signal

C. Demodulation
The noise signal is received at the receiver and the
original code is recovered from that signal as shown in Fig11.

Fig 11: Demodulated signal from noise signal


Fig 15: BPSK modulation with noise

Fig 16: BPSK demodulator

The modulated signal is passed through the AWGN
channel. At the receiver the AWGN output signal is multiplied
with the carrier that is taken in the input (coherent detection).
The carrier multiplied output is given to integrate and dump
receiver which integrates for 2samples. Integrate and dump
receiver output is given to the Low pass filter.

Fig 12: BPSK modulator

Fig 17: BPSK demodulator outputs

Fig 13: BPSK modulation

According to the output from filter the

switch will consider the output bit is Binary 1 or 0.

The basic type of modulation we selected

for the design is the BPSK modulation. As mentioned in the
literature survey the modulation and demodulation of the
BPSK is performed according to the mentioned block
diagram [8][9]. It contains a modulator; here it is performed
by a switch. The modulated signal is transmitted through an
AWGN channel which outputs a noisy signal.

Fig 18: SIMULINK design of BPSK system

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Fig 19: Comparison of input and output code

The receiver section consists of a matched filter ie.,
the received noisy signal is multiplied by the same carrier
used in transmitter. Such signal is given to integrate and dump
receiver, which integrates the received signal for 2 sample
intervals and it is passed to low pass filter. According to the
design of the low pass filter the output waveform is delayed.
The output switch detects the output bit according to the LPF
output. The results are plotted using the scope.
The Matlab simulations are performed using Matlab
text editor. The code taken is the Gold code. Gold code is
selected due to its good correlation properties. By using the
code the simulations are performed [5][6].
In the Simulink design Fig15 shows the complete
design which contains the modulator, channel and the
demodulator. The outputs for each and every stage are shown
with the design.
The Output code is compared with the input code so
that the design is termed as apt for the BPSK modulation and

[4]. John
Communication Systems using Matlab, PWS publishing
[5]. Nadav levanon, Eli Mozeson, Radar signals John
Wiley & sons Inc, 2004.
[6]. L Todd B. Hale, Michael A. Temple, and Benjamin L.
Crossley, Ambiguity Analysis for Pulse Compression
Radar Using Gold Code Sequences, Air Force Institute
of Technology.
[7]. Meixia Tao, Principles of Communications, Chapter 8:
Digital Modulation Techniques, Shanghai Jiao Tong
[8]. S.O. Popescu, A.S.Gontean and G.Budura , BPSK
System on Spartan 3E FPGA, 10th IEEE Jubilee
International Symposium on Applied Machine
Intelligence and Informatics January 26-28, 2012.
[9]. S.O.POPESCU, A.S. GONTEAN, Performance
comparison of the BPSK and QPSK Modulation
Techniques on FPGA by 2011 IEEE 17th International
Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic
Packaging (SIITME).

The aim of the paper is to perform the Bit Error Rate
analysis using Matlab Graphical User Interface., BERTool.
Two types of simulations are performed, one is theoretical
simulations and it is verified with the Monte Carlo design
Later on a BPSK system is simulated using the
Matlab text editor. The design of the BPSK system in
MATLAB Simulink is performed and all the results are
By taking this as a pleasure we thank our guide
VijayBhaskar chanda and I.hemalatha
[1]. Simon Haykin, Communication systems, third edition,
John Wiley & sons (Asia) pte. Ltd.
[2]. Bernard
Communications, Fundamentals and Applications,
second edition, Pearson Education, Inc., 2001.
[3]. Taub, Schilling, Principles of Communications
Systems, second edition, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi.

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