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The LOGICnow Cyber Threat Guide

Nine types of internet threats and how to stop them

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Network Probe / Hostile Scan


Distributed Denial of Service


Brute Force Attack


Phishing Attack


Drive-by Download


Spear Phishing Attack


Case Study: The Great Bank Robbery


Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Cyber Criminal / Hacktivist


Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Foreign Intelligence Service


Data Destruction

Defending networks from attacks is no easy task for IT
professionals. Attacks range in capability and threat; and
over reacting or implementing the wrong technology can be
costly and make it easier for the bad guys.
This ebook sets out the types of attacks a typical network
faces and offers some of the successful mitigation
strategies IT professionals have implemented against them.
Ultimately, treat this guide as a first step in designing
your defense-in-depth strategy. IT professionals must
truly understand the risk to the business and that IT
security does not have magic solutions. There is not a
single technology that can prevent all the bad things from
happening, despite what vendors say.
Cyber attacks, malware, and system vulnerabilities have
all been mystified and media-hyped beyond any sort
of reasonable analysis. In fact, the most effective IT
strategies against all unknown and known threats are
generally the same. Patch and update the operating
system, patch and update third-party applications, restrict

administrative access, and use malware defenses. All of

these recommendations come from years of analysis by
government and security organizations around the world.
Lastly, offense informs defense. This means IT service
providers need to learn how to view their customers
networks as targets. Im certainly not advocating unleashing
your own destructive cyberattacks on unwitting customers,
but setting up a virtual cyberdefense lab and downloading
some free tools to explore vulnerabilities will help you get
better at defending and detecting attacks on your own
Remember, as an IT professional you are partially or
completely responsible for the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of the IT systems in your care. Dont make it easy
for the bad guys; make it frustrating and difficult by putting
in detective, preventive, and forensic defensive layers.

Ian Trump, Security Lead at LOGICnow


Network Probe / Hostile Scan

Millions of malware infections

and hostile actors are looking
for vulnerabilities to exploit.

What is it?
Millions of malware infections and hostile actors are looking for
vulnerabilities to exploit. A great example of this sort of attack
is the Moon Worm. This was a self-replicating program that
infected Linksys routers by exploiting an authentication bypass
vulnerability in various models from the vendors E-Series
product line. It moved from router to router by scanning for
its next victim. If it didnt find a vulnerable router it moved on
to the next IP address. By using commercial software, such as
Metasploit, Nessus or the free tool NMAP, these programs can
locate vulnerable services on the Internet.

Worms and other self-propagating malware come in a wide
variety. Some target specific vulnerabilities in software with
specific exploit packages, such as the first generation of
NIMDA and Code Red worms. Others simply use a brute
force approach to passwords in an attempt to gain access to
protected systems.

Network Probe / Hostile Scan

Network Probe / Hostile Scan

What do I need to do?
If youre serious about improving Internet security, move
as many services as you can to hosted services and try to
close as many Internet-facing ports as you can. With no open
ports the chances of a Network Probe or Hostile Scan finding
something to exploit is greatly reduced.
The external vulnerability scan
and continuous monitoring
of the security environment
(via logging) are becoming
compliance requirements,
especially for PCI DSS. If the
business is hosting Internet
accessible services or a
web application there is an
opportunity to upgrade the
firewall to a more sophisticated
application-aware version,
frequently called a Next Gen

Inexpensive firewalls designed for the home market or devices with

built-in firewall capabilities (as in those frequently provided by an ISP)
are not sufficient for protecting a business. A more robust solution is
recommended from an upmarket manufacturer; Watchguard, Cisco
& Cisco Small Business, Sonicwall and Checkpoint are all popular
options. Try to standardize on one
or two firewalls and learn how to
target vulnerabilities program effective rules.

Some attacks
in software with specific exploit
packages. Others simply use a
brute force approach to passwords
in an attempt to gain access to
protected systems.

Finally, password audits, secure de-fault configurations and

architecture plans to move to external hosting providers
all open the door to project opportunities and continuous
monitoring solutions.

What technology will help defend

my networks?

Some attacks target specific

vulnerabilities in software with specific
exploit packages such as the first
generation of NIMDA and Code Red
Others simply use a brute force
approach to passwords in an attempt
to gain access to protected systems.

What do I need in my product tool kit?

External Vulnerability Scanner

MAX Risk Intelligence

SNMP Monitoring Capabilities

MAX Remote Management

Failed Login Check

MAX Remote Management

Custom Event Log Checks

MAX Remote Management

Scripting Capability

MAX Remote Management

Hosted Services Provider

NextGen Firewall Solution

Google, Azure, Amazon

Sophos, SonicWall, Cisco

Network Probe / Hostile Scan

Distributed Denial of Service

Huge amounts of traffic can

quickly overwhelm a business
infrastructure and effectively
knock it off the Internet.



What is it?
In late 2014/early 2015, both the PlayStation Network and Xbox
Live went down after a group called LizardSquad began using
a tool called LizardStresser to attack the network connections.
LizardStresser leveraged poorly secured routers that had default
passwords. As a result thousands of routers were turned into
internet-facing cannons that blasted garbage Internet traffic at
the IP addresses critical to the gaming networks.
By leveraging tools such as NTP amplification, DNS reflection
and SYN flood, huge amounts of traffic can quickly overwhelm a
business infrastructure and effectively knock it off the Internet.
In a sinister twist, cybercriminals may try to extort money from
a potential victim threatening them with a DDOS attack if they
dont pay.
DDOS has been around for a very long time. In general, the
attacks are categorized as connection-based or resource
based in addition to the newer type of amplification attacks.
Connection-based attacks simply attempt to open as many
simultaneous connections as possible with the targeted server in
order to degrade its performance. A Resource Exhaustion attack
occurs when the server is overwhelmed with requests. In order
to produce faster Resource Exhaustion, the attacker can slow the
rate of response, or hold open the TCP/IP connection by sending
confusing, or non-RFC compliant, packets. This essentially tricks

the server into thinking it will receive more data shortly. This is
the equivalent of mimicking a bad cell phone connection: Hello,
Hello, Hello, can you hear me?

What technology will help defend

my networks?
There are a range of options for companies that may be at risk
of either DDOS extortion or DDOS attacks. Most importantly, if
there are Internet-dependent critical systems they should not be
located on premise, they should be in a data center with multiple
Internet providers and infrastructure redundancy. Rackspace,
Amazon, Google, and Microsoft Azure all have excellent Internet
connections, DDOS mitigation capability and redundant
infrastructure. A business that is dependent on its Internet
connection should consider load balancing across two or more
ISPs and consider DDOS mitigation services such as CloudFlare.

Distributed Denial of Service


Distributed Denial of Service

What do I need to do?
Clearly the key to mitigating any style of attack is monitoring the
performance of the network router. Using SNMP capabilities
makes it relatively easy to determine how hard the firewall is
working. On top of this, reports from an ISP can determine if
the volume of traffic is excessive. Finally, being able to put in a
network tap, or mirror a switch port on the outside of the firewall,
and using a tool like Wireshark to see the inbound network traffic,
can give you a good indication of whether
youre under attack.
The less technological approach is simply to ask
the users. Questions like Is the Internet really
slow? and Is saving files on the network drive
nice and quick?, will give you a good barometer
of network performance.

This should be underpinned

by extensive consultation and
network architecture reviews,
possibly with a simulated attack
to see how systems respond. A
clean and best practice security
approach to servers, especially
DNS servers (no open resolvers), will ensure your organization
is not used in a proxy or amplification-style attack. Additional
value can be provided in ensuring firewalls, routers, edge
switches, and servers are all patched and up-to-date; just one
vulnerability left unpatched can leave you open to a DDOS
attack, or to becoming an unwilling participant in a DDOS
campaign against someone else.

Mitigation of this style of

attack can be complex and
requires an active plan.

A quick and simple check to implement is a ping of the outside

gateway, or a TCP service check on any exposed port like the VPN.
If you see drops, then you know something is going wrong with
the external network connection. If you see corresponding high
CPU or packet rates on your Firewall then youre under attack.
Most ISPs have filtering capability and are actively monitoring
for this sort of attack; a call to the network provider can give you
more details. Mitigation of this style of attack can be complex
and requires an active plan. Increasingly, the attack may be

accompanied by a ransom demand from cybercriminals.

Access to the technical support of the ISP, and a discussion
of the impact and mitigation of a DDOS attack, should take
place before suffering the effects of an actual incident. Again,
a more sophisticated Firewall with DDOS mitigation services,
alongside a cloud-based DDOS mitigation solution may be
required for businesses with mission critical, or ecommercebased connections.

What do I need in my product tool kit?

Patch Management for Servers hosting services

MAX Remote Management

SNMP Monitoring of Router, Firewall and switching infrastructure

MAX Remote Management

Redundant Internet Connections, Hosted DDOS services

Packet Analysis/Inspection Solution
NextGen Firewall with DDOS mitigation capabilities
Mail Protection

WireShark, NetFlow, Observium
Sophos, SonicWall, Cisco
MAX Remote Management / MAX Mail integration

Distributed Denial of Service


Brute Force Attack

Attacks consist of a predictable
and systematic checking of all
possible passwords until the
correct one is found.


What is it?
Brute Force attacks either from malware looking for its next host
to infect, or a malicious actor running a script generally target a
single service exposed to the Internet, such as Remote Desktop,
VNC, Outlook Web Access, and SMTP services. Attacks consist of a
predictable and systematic checking of all possible passwords until
the correct one is found. This then grants access to the network, in
many cases with domain administrator privileges. At this stage its
unfortunately game over for the defenders.
Depending on the robustness of your security logging, these
attacks may not be easy to detect. A high-volume Brute Force
attack can exhibit similar consequences as a DDOS attack, only
typically from just one or two IP addresses. Brute Force attacks and
their cousins, SQL Injection, are a threat to all services exposed
to the Internet. One of the most commonly attacked platforms
is WordPress, as all installations have an easily located admin
login page. Once the attackers have guessed correctly they gain
unrestricted access to that account. If this site is hosted inside the
companys network then complete network exploitation is likely.

What technology will help

defend my networks?
Your first point of call is to look at implementing robust
passwords for all Internet-facing services and managing those
passwords accordingly. For commercial websites, its a good idea
to segment them off in a Firewall DMZ (demilitarized zone); this is
an area between the companys private network and the outside
public network. It works as a buffer zone that prevents outside
users from getting direct access to a server that stores company
data. Alternatively, you could move them to a hosted cloud
provider that has multiple ISPs and DDOS mitigation. Certainly
application-aware Firewalls have a role to play in securing SQL
Injection attacks.
There are, of course, technological solutions available in
ever-increasing complexity and expense. However, the most
important advice is this: Dont get caught unaware of the risk of
exposed services, especially for vendor-supplied or web-based
applications that connect to SQL databases. Certainly prevention
of breach is the goal, but so is awareness of the threat.

SQL injection attacks: Here an unauthorized user injects SQL code
into fields where the SQL Server expects data values, and uses
an available database connection to access your data. This type
of attack can be extremely damaging because it lets the intruders
execute commands directly against your database. This is a more
sophisticated version of the Brute Force attack, as many different
combinations of SQL injection need to be tried in order to gain
access to the user ID and password table, which is frequently
unencrypted or poorly encrypted.

Brute Force Attack


Brute Force Attack

What do I need to do?
The mitigation of Brute Force and SQL Injection attacks has a great deal to
do with network architecture and the hosted application. The first piece to
understand is how the SQL server is configured to communicate with the
web application. There are two authentication modes used in SQL Server:
Windows Authentication mode; and mixed-mode, which enables both
Windows authentication and SQL Server authentication.

Theit Windows
mode Brute Force attack
comes to SQL
Server authentication
is less vulnerable
to Brute
the situation
is grim.
versions of SQL running
on SQL
features that allow you to
as the
is likely tohave
detect when the system is under a Brute Force attack. This means
a login lockout after a finite number
that the SQL Server Authentication is a perfect target for this type
of attack attempts.
of attack.

The Windows Authentication mode is less vulnerable to Brute Force

attacks as the attacker is likely to run into a login lockout (the Account
Lockout Policy feature) after a finite number of attack attempts. In a
production environment, Windows Authentication mode should be
implemented and the Lockout Policy feature utilized, as it makes Brute
Force attacks time consuming.

Looking at the encryption of database information, how it

connects and authenticates to the application, and what security
precautions can be implemented before an application and
database system is implemented is strongly advised. It becomes
a nearly impossible task to secure an application, which requires
Domain Level Administrative privileges and has no logging
or alerting capability running on an old version of SQL. In the
best-case scenario VPN and/or Access Control Lists secure any
Internet-facing services.

Its important to remember that you should never use a domain

administrator account as an SQL database connection account.
There are two key reasons for this:


If you are compromised at this level that would be a disaster

Locking out the administrative account, especially the domain
administrative account, could result in a denial of service condition

What do I need in my product tool kit?

Vulnerability Management for Applications

MAX Remote Management

SNMP Monitoring of Router, Firewall and Switching infrastructure

MAX Remote Management

NextGen Web Application Firewall with SQL injection mitigation capabilities

Mail Protection

Sophos, Check, Cisco

MAX Remote Management / MAX Mail integration

Failed Login Check

MAX Remote Management

Custom Event Log Checks especially with a newer version of SQL

MAX Remote Management

Web Application Vulnerability Scanner

ZED by OWASP, Nessus

Robust Password Management especially for exposed Internet Services and

database connections

Brute Force Attack


Phishing Attack

Every month thousands of

businesses fall victim to email
attachments that lead to
serious network compromise.


What is it?
In November 2013, the UKs National Cyber Crime Unit warned
of a mass email-spamming event targeting tens of millions of UK
customers predominantly small and medium-sized businesses.
The emails carried an attachment that appeared to be linked to the
correspondence in the message, for example a voicemail, fax, or
details of a suspicious transaction or invoice.

Phishing emails remain the primary Vector for Malware attacks
and are almost evenly distributed between two variants with a
malicious Email Attachment (39.9%) or Email with Malicious link
(37.4%). On a positive note, all Phishing emails have one thing in
common: they arrive via email. This situation allows for multiple
opportunities to mitigate the threat.

The attached file was actually a piece of malware called

CryptoLocker, which caused massive disruption to its victims
by encrypting files and then demanding a ransom to unlock
them. While CryptoLocker is one of the most infamous pieces of
malware delivered via this type of attack, every month thousands
of businesses fall victim to email attachments that lead to serious
network and system compromise.

Phishing Attack


Phishing Attack
What do I need to do?
You have to understand that users are at some point going to click
on or open something nasty. This understanding should inform
your response and with an understanding of the threat, allow you
to roll out a defense-in-depth strategy.

What technology will help

defend my networks?

Focusing on protection from email-based attacks is a quick

win for security-conscious IT professionals and would address
over 77% of security incidents resulting from user interaction
with email. However, its folly to think of providing a security
A study of Microsofts Patch bulletins from 2013 demonstrates that
solution just built around the threat from email. Its more
removing administrator rights is an extremely effective first step
important to create a defenseagainst the threat of Phishing email exploits.
in-depth philosophy that
provides multiple detective and
The report states that of the 147 vulnerabilities
preventive solutions as part of
IT professionals have
published by Microsoft in that year with
a security bundle that attempts
a Critical rating, removing administrator
a huge opportunity
to mitigate all cybersecurity
rights mitigated 92% of the vulnerabilities.
to combat this sort of
Verizons team notes that 99.9% of exploited
vulnerabilities in 2014 were disclosed and given
a Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
number more than a year prior to the patch
being announced. Just 10 CVEs were responsible
for nearly 97% of all exploits observed.

attack with multiple

layers of defense.

Understanding this data is key. Keeping up to date on patching

the operating system and applications is the next quick win. With
these two items in place you are well on your way to making a
business hard to hack.


IT professionals have a huge

opportunity to combat this sort
of attack with multiple layers of
defense. Unlike the first three
attacks listed, robust in-depth defenses can be implemented to
protect users from opening harmful attachments or clicking on
malicious web links.

What do I need in my product tool kit?

Patch Management of OS and third-party applications

MAX Remote Management

Managed Antivirus

MAX Remote Management

Web Protection

MAX Remote Management

Email Protection
Managed Online Backup
Mobile Device Management

MAX Remote Management / MAX Mail integration

MAX Remote Management / MAX Backup
MAX Remote Management

Phishing Attack


Drive-by Download

Exploit kits allow cybercriminals

to launch attacks targeting
out-of-date software.


What is it?
In May of 2015, MadAdsMedia, a US-based advertising network
was compromised by cybercriminals. They planted links that
took visitors to multiple Adobe Flash exploits delivered by a
cybercrime exploit kit. Its estimated that up to 12,500 users
per day may have been affected by this threat.
In this particular case, the Nuclear Exploit kit was used to
good effect. Exploit kits are efficient at distributing malware to
users surfing the web. Such kits include exploits for multiple
vulnerabilities within a single malicious webpage. Built-in checks
target systems, web browsers and browser plugins, such as
Flash Player, Adobe Reader, Java, or Microsoft Silverlight for
anything that is not fully patched. An attack is then launched to
exploit that specific out-of-date software.

What technology will help

defend my networks?
As mentioned previously, you need to think about providing a
broad security solution. Focusing on just one type of threat is not
a terrific idea. Having said that, in the case of web-based threats,
Web Protection offers far more than just a security solution and
should form the basis of your thinking around security for this
type of threat.
Firstly, Web Protection delivers a broader solution than Antivirus,
and because of the fact that it works to prevent people from
visiting certain known trouble hotspots, it actively reduces the
chance of a malicious infection. This also means it can be used
as a security awareness and educational tool. At the other end of
the scale, the reports that can be produced from Web Protection
can be used to help explain poor Internet performance, as well as
provide a forensic tool to identify suspicious web traffic.

Drive-by Download


Drive-by Download
What do I need to do?
Just like with the Phishing email described earlier, there
is a lot IT professionals can do to mitigate this sort of
attack by implementing multiple layers of defense.
Analysis shows that email with malicious links (37.4%)
and web-based Drive by Download (16.6%) account for
54% of security incidents. Robust in-depth defenses can
protect users from visiting harmful webpages where these
threats reside. Focusing on web-based attacks is another
quick win for security and would use many of the same
technologies deployed against Phishing attacks.

Besides aggressively keeping browsers and plugins up-to-date,

one of the most commonly used tactics to protect end users
from the dangers of Internet surfing is to install multiple web
browsers on workstations. In the rare situation of a zero day
threat targeting a particular web browser, users can be instructed
to use a different browser until the vendor issues a patch.

As an IT Professional youre probably aware of the key role

DNS plays in directing users web surfing, email and any other
Internet connection requiring name resolutions. Its important to
understand that DNS is not secure; in fact history suggests that
poorly secured ISP DNS servers are a
major security problem. Compromised
Analysis shows that email
DNS servers can re-direct requests for
with malicious links and web- a legitimate site to a fake site.

When considering the threat the web

poses, its important to understand
the delivery mechanism of the attack.
This is most commonly a criminal
exploit kit lurking on a compromised
based Drive-by Download
DNS is an important foundation of
website. Removing email with
web-based communication so settling
malicious attachments from the
on one provider for all your customers
equation is the first step. However,
like Googles public DNS or
web links can appear in many different
Webroots Secure DNS services will
ways: malicious advertising; social
of security. Also you have the added
networking; or even instant messaging clients. This means
bonus of being able to detect (through using a firewall rule or
that the bigger challenge is to block malicious web links
logging onto your DNS server) when there is a DNS anomaly like
delivered by means other than email.
a workstation trying to reach a DNS server located in, say, Russia.
Not a good thing when you have no Russian clients.

What do I need in my product tool kit?

Patch Management of OS and third-party applications

MAX Remote Management

Managed Antivirus

MAX Remote Management

Web Protection

MAX Remote Management

Secure or well-known public DNS service

Vulnerability Scanning Solution

Webroot Secure DNS, Google, Microsoft

MAX Risk Intelligence

Drive-by Download


Spear Phishing Attack

Spear Phishing is like an oldfashion confidence trick. This

makes it difficult to defend
against as on the surface its not a
technology-based threat.


What is it?

What do I need to do?

Fraudsters targeted an Omaha company, Scoular, in summer 2014

by using extremely legitimate looking emails to convince its financial
controller to send a series of wires totaling $17.2 million to a
bank in China. The emails also instructed the controller to get the
wire instructions from a genuine employee of the companys actual
accounting firm, KPMG.

When dealing with this type of targeted threat, the requirement

for technology is certainly important, however user security
awareness training becomes the best defense. In our case study
example, the breached banks truly believed they were secure
behind robust perimeter defenses, yet the manager end-points
were not. Had the criminal gang deployed a zero-day attack, but
users were not allowed to install programs due to the removal
of administrative privileges the attack could have also been
defeated. Its important to understand that security technology
and people can both fail. So you need to give both the technology
and the people as many chances as possible to detect and
hopefully prevent the criminals payday.

While the KPMG employee did exist, and the email looked like it came
from a valid KPMG email address, it was actually based on a server
in Russia and the telephone number listed was a Skype account
registered using an IP address in Israel. This attack was successful,
and many subsequent Automated Clearing House (ACH) attacks have
made big news in past years.
In many ways Spear Phishing is an old-fashion confidence trick, and
on the surface is therefore difficult to defend against, because it does
not appear to be a technology-based threat, but instead an attack on
trust. As cybercriminals have evolved from crudely fashioned Nigerian
419 scams to cute Russian girls, the line between common Phishing
and Spam has blurred not so with these types of targeted attacks.
Spear Phishing will be targeted towards an organization and its
advanced cousin, Whale Phishing, is reserved for senior executives.

IT professionals have an opportunity to help businesses combat

this type of sophisticated social engineering attack. Certainly
there is an opportunity to provide Security Awareness training
for new employees and annual refresher training. The more
sophisticated could also provide Penetration Testing and Social
Engineering Red Team services to help businesses continuously
improve process and procedures when it comes to financial
transactions and safeguarding confidential data.

Spear Phishing Attack


Spear Phishing Attack

What technology will help defend my networks?
When dealing with this type of targeted threat, the requirement for
If youre moving towards a full security package of
technology is certainly important, however user security awareness
services to defeat this kind of attack, have a look at
training becomes the best defense. In our case study example, see page
something called the Social Engineer Toolkit (SET)*. This is
30, the breached banks truly believed they were secure behind robust
an open source tool designed to help you do penetration
perimeter defenses, however the manager endtesting. You can now start sending some
points were not. Had the criminal gang deployed
Spear Phishing emails to test
a zero-day attack, but users were not allowed
your systems with written permission
Sometimes its
to install programs due to the removal of
from the appropriate chain of command,
Administrative privileges the attack could have
of course.
also been defeated. Again its key to understand
an its so easy to
that security technology and people can both fail.
The SET incorporates many useful social
breach benchmark.
So you need to give both as many chances as
engineering attacks all in one interface.
possible to be effective against criminals.
The main purpose of SET is to automate
and improve on many of the socialSecurity audits and vulnerability scans are an
engineering attacks in use by cybercriminals, so you can
important part of a companys security portfolio, and are essential to the
stay one step ahead of the bad guys. SET can automatically
compliance requirements for many. Sometimes its worth introducing an
generate exploit-hiding web pages or email messages, and
its so easy to breach benchmark. You dont have to be an expert and
can use Metasploit payloads to, for example, connect back
many good guys (as well as many bad guys) can use off-the-shelf tools to
with a command shell once the page is opened.
identify infrastructure vulnerabilities.


What do I need in my product tool kit?

End-user security awareness training program
Risk and Vulnerability Assessment

MAX Risk Intelligence

Patch Management of OS and third-party applications

MAX Remote Management

Managed Antivirus

MAX Remote Management

Web Protection

MAX Remote Management

Managed Online Backup

MAX Remote Management / MAX Backup

Spear Phishing Attack


Case Study: The Great Bank Robbery


Stories early in 2015 revealed a massive attack on the banking

system across the globe through the use of Carbanak malware
delivered via a Spear Phishing campaign. Reports estimate that
between USD $300 million and $1 billion were stolen by the gang
over the course of two years. However, further investigation reveals
that a basic bundle of security products could have prevented this
string of cyber attacks.
Patched and updated machines would have not been affected by
this Spear Phishing attack. All observed cases used spear phishing
emails with Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 (.doc) files attached or CPL
files. The doc files exploit both Microsoft Office (CVE-2012-0158
and CVE-2013-3906) and Microsoft Word (CVE-2014-1761), said
one source.
The age of the Trojan malware that was used indicates that it is
very likely that Antivirus would have intercepted it. Reports also
indicated that there was evidence that in most cases the network
was compromised for between two to four months. This means
that the worst-case scenario is that the banks in question had up to
four months to deploy the appropriate patches, but failed to do so.
As this attack started off with a Spear Phishing email attack on
the bank managers, the cyber criminals understood both the
infrastructure vulnerabilities and had enough information about
bank managers (compiled from Social Networking sites) to launch
an enticing malicious email with an attachment.
Case Study: The Great Bank Robbery


Advanced Persistent Threat Attack

Cybercriminal / Hacktivist

APT actors will target a specific

organization or entity and
perpetrate a sustained campaign
until they achieve their goals.


What is it?
In February of 2015, The APT group Desert Falcons claimed
some 3,000 hacking victims in more than 50 countries. Most of
them were located within Palestine, Egypt, Israel, and Jordan,
but there have also been discoveries in Saudi Arabia, the UAE,
the US, South Korea, Morocco, and Qatar among other places.
The victims include military and government organizations,
employees responsible for health organizations and combating
money laundering, economic and financial institutions, leading
media entities, research and educational institutions, energy and
utilities providers, activists and political leaders, physical security
companies, and other targets that have access to important
geopolitical information.
What separates APT actors from other malicious actors is their
level of sophistication, organization and resources. APT actors will
target a specific organization or entity and perpetrate a sustained
campaign until they achieve their goals. Their persistence,
adaptability, and ability to vary attack forms also differentiate APT
actors. They may act independently or more likely, as part of a
larger team or effort. In the case of teams, activities may be fully
compartmentalized, much like how a business separates roles,
functions and organizations internally.

There are well over 100 known APT groups documented by
security researchers. One of the most well known is Anonymous,
which claims thousands of hacktivists under its banner.
Importantly, its hard to differentiate between APT, hacktivist,
fledgling nation state sponsored actors, and sophisticated
criminals. Thus under the catch-all banner of APT you will have
varying degrees of sophistication, but they will generally have
three things in common:
They target you to steal all your Internet things
They tend to specialize either along a line of ideologically
/ culturally / politically / religious motivation or focus on
technological espionage either seeking knowledge and
information for advancement of an ideological/ political/
cultural/agenda or the theft of intellectual property
Persistence this type of actor continues the attack, probing
weakness, Brute Forcing, Spear Phishing, researching, and
even conducting DDOS in order to ruin your day

Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Cybercriminal / Hacktivist


Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Cybercriminal / Hacktivist

What do I need to do?

As an IT professional you have to be realistic about the chances
of defeating a persistent threat from a group that could be
relatively large and contain some truly skilled hackers. The
most important questions to ask are: do I have the skills and
capabilities to take on this sort of challenge, and is it worth my
time and money to build cyberdefenses to ward off actors such
as these? The sort of company that draws the ire of groups like
these is usually a near enterprise-level organization that may
have significant cyber risks due to political, cultural, religious, or
ideological products or services.

Do you have the skills to take

on this sort of challenge, and is
it worth your time and money
to build cyberdefenses to ward
off actors such as these?



What technology will help defend my

Even the biggest security organizations are struggling against APT, and all the
tools of the security trade are deployed in attempts to ward off these cyber
bad guys.
In this sort of environment, you will need to deploy sophisticated and not so
sophisticated technologies to even the playing field. The level of control over
the software and hardware environment will have to be extreme, and multiple
technologies will be required. In most cases specific security skill sets will
be needed not to mention 24/7 monitoring and incident response. Adding
network segregation, Intrusion Detection Systems, and application whitelisting
capability, as well as ubiquitous use of encryption of data at rest and in transit
are some of the more sophisticated tools you will need when trying to fend off
these actors.
In some cases the IT professionals will be the clean-up crew, responsible
for metaphorically burning the network to the ground and rebuilding it to
remove the foothold that the APT group(s) gained on the business. This is a
long and difficult road ahead and certainly a massive project to consider. The
best advice here is to methodically design and implement a secure network
using a framework like the SANS 20 controls*. At each step of the design
process, security has to be considered, controls implemented, and monitoring
established. This includes all layers of the OSI model 1-7, HVAC and physical
security. There are very few people in the world with the experience, skill set,
and credentials to tackle all of the projects and sub-projects that come from a
network build like this, which is why many large security-focused organizations,
such as banks, airlines, government, and military organizations have still been
successfully hacked by APT actors.

Application White Listing

Wire Shark

Windows Bitlocker

Webroot Secure DNS

















Configuration Management Solution

Custom Event Log Checks

Goldren Images

Firmware updates



Cisco Meraki



Bit 9



Aruba Networks

App Locker


Alien Vault

MAX Risk Intelligence

MAX Remote Management

This is by no means an exhaustive list.

For a good reference on all the
technological solutions required, go to:

Data at Rest, Full Disk Encryption Solution (removal non-encrypted data)

Data In Transit Encryption Solution (removal of all clear text protocols)

Email Protection

External and Internal Vulnerability Scanner

Failed Login Check

File Integrity Monitoring

Host Intrusion Detection Solution

Hosted Services Provider

Internal Network Segmentation

Internal VPN Solution

Log Management Solution

Mail Protection

Managed Antivirus

Managed Online Backup

Mobile Device Management

Network Intrusion Detection Solution

NextGen Firewall with DDOS and SQL Injection Mitigation Capabilities

Packet Analysis/Inspection Solution

Patch Management of OS and Third Party Applications

SNMP HVAC Monitoring Capabilities

SNMP Monitoring of Router, Firewall and Managed Switching

Tracking and Measuring via Service Desk

Two Factor Authentication Solutions for all Services

Vendor Vulnerability Management Solution

Web Protection

Secure or Well-known Public DNS Service

Wireless Intrusion Detection Solution

Redundant Internet Connections, Hosted DDOS Services

Scripting Capability

All in addition to End User Security Awareness Training Program (ongoing), Service Provider
Security Awareness Training Program (ongoing) and Internal Network Segmentation.

Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Cybercriminal / Hacktivist


Advanced Persistent Threat Attack

Foreign Intelligence Service

In the best cases, they are spying

on your activities. In the worst
case, its possible every system and
device is hopelessly compromised
or possibly destroyed.


What is it?
In February 2015, Moscow-based cybersecurity firm Kaspersky
Lab revealed a number of sophisticated cyberattacks by statesponsored hackers, labeled the Equation Group. Reuters
reported that two former National Security Agency (NSA)
employees confirmed the validity of the analysis and said that
operatives within the NSA valued these spying programs as
highly as Stuxnet.
The report also stated that, the Equation group and the Stuxnet
developers are either the same or working closely together.
Various security experts have traced back the Stuxnet attacks
to the US and Israeli governments. According to the report, the
Equation Group hackers were able to rewrite the hard-drive
software of infected computers, which makes the normal attack
recovery procedures (replacing the hard drive, reformatting the
drive, wiping a computers operating system and reinstalling
software) ineffective, since spyware-manipulating firmware is
impossible to detect or remove.

An exact count of which nations are developing cyber warfare
capability is not readily available, however most developed
nations (and a few developing ones) are actively building this
capability. For now its accurate to say 50 to 100 countries have
varying degrees of capability. A nation-state engaging in offensive
cyber warfare embodies the worst aspects of any APT group. The
sophistication and expertise of the advanced hackers let loose
on a private, or government organization are terrifying to behold.
Millions of dollars in physical damage is possible, not to mention
massive disruption and ensuing panic. These APT cyber units of
national military and intelligence agencies are given classified
budgets with access to almost unprecedented resources. A
significant philosophical difference exists between APT criminal
groups and hacktivist APT actors. A nation-states offensive APT
cyber units have access to top training resources, and no fear of
criminal prosecution for their acts. They operate with obscurity
and have no fear of facing retribution. The government they serve
typically directs the legality and ethics of their acts.

Generally, APT hackers criminal or otherwise employ familiar

methods, using Phishing emails or other tricks to fool users into
downloading malware. But Foreign Intelligence services bring
this to the next level. In the best cases they are spying on your
activities. In the worst case its possible every system and device
is hopelessly compromised or possibly destroyed.
Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Foreign Intelligence Service


Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Foreign Intelligence Service

What do I need to do?

Chances are a company like this will already know the appropriate
configuration of systems that must never be on the Internet.
Your job as a security-focused IT professional is to ensure those
systems are, and continued to be, protected from Internet access.
A list of infrastructures that should not
be connected to the Internet, includes:
Military/governmental classified computer
networks/systems; Financial computer
systems, such as stock exchanges;
industrial control systems, such as SCADA
in Oil & Gas fields; Life-critical systems,
such as controls of nuclear power
plants, computers used in aviation and
computerized medical equipment.

Serious consideration should be made about architecture and

Internet connectivity. Air Gap networks and robust physical
security, as well as all the technological solutions mentioned
previously, need to be considered, even on the Air Gap network.
A network that is not exposed to the
Internet is, in theory, secure. However,
some sophisticated attacks, by
Too many critical systems
nation-state level resources, can even
are being connected to the
compromise computers in an Air Gap
Internet without even basic

security solutions in place.

Sadly, many of these critical systems are

being connected to the Internet without even basic security
solutions in place. You will need to help a business implement
security solutions to ensure the benefits of connection to
the Internet do not introduce vulnerabilities with enormous
consequences if exploited.


What technology will help

defend my networks?

However, its virtually impossible for

a large enterprise to take on and win
against a nation-state sponsored APT
attack. Putting all the security tools
imaginable to work may prove to be
prohibitively expensive. Ultimately, if this is the primary risk to
a business or organization, the best advice is to invest heavily
in physical security, ubiquitous encryption, and have a nonpersistent and heavily encrypted connection to the Internet, via
the Tor network.

Application White Listing

Wire Shark

Windows Bitlocker

Webroot Secure DNS

















Configuration Management Solution

Custom Event Log Checks

Goldren Images

Firmware updates



Cisco Meraki



Bit 9



Aruba Networks

App Locker


Alien Vault

MAX Risk Intelligence

MAX Remote Management

This is by no means an exhaustive list.

For a good reference on all the
technological solutions required, go to:

Data at Rest, Full Disk Encryption Solution (removal non-encrypted data)

Data In Transit Encryption Solution (removal of all clear text protocols)

Email Protection

External and Internal Vulnerability Scanner

Failed Login Check

File Integrity Monitoring

Host Intrusion Detection Solution

Hosted Services Provider

Internal Network Segmentation

Internal VPN Solution

Log Management Solution

Mail Protection

Managed Antivirus

Managed Online Backup

Mobile Device Management

Network Intrusion Detection Solution

NextGen Firewall with DDOS and SQL Injection Mitigation Capabilities

Packet Analysis/Inspection Solution

Patch Management of OS and Third Party Applications

SNMP HVAC Monitoring Capabilities

SNMP Monitoring of Router, Firewall and Managed Switching

Tracking and Measuring via Service Desk

Two Factor Authentication Solutions for all Services

Vendor Vulnerability Management Solution

Web Protection

Secure or Well-known Public DNS Service

Wireless Intrusion Detection Solution

Redundant Internet Connections, Hosted DDOS Services

Scripting Capability

All in addition to End User Security Awareness Training Program (ongoing), Service Provider
Security Awareness Training Program (ongoing) and Internal Network Segmentation.

Advanced Persistent Threat Attack Foreign Intelligence Service


Data Destruction

The hacks purpose was to

both destroy property and
release confidential info.


What is it?
The December 2014 attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment has
set a new benchmark in the damage cybercriminals can inflict
on an enterprise that has a cavalier attitude towards information
security. Security firm Mandiant reported the hacks purpose
was to both destroy property and release confidential info. In
response to the damage this attack caused, including the release
of highly compromising emails, and data destruction, the FBI
released a flash alert to warn other organizations of the danger.
Elements of the Sony attack included massive Intellectual
Property damage (through movie releases), data destruction,
unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, Denial of
Service (through credential theft), and reputational damage
(leading to the firing of senior executives).

In the annals of cybercrime there has not been such a collection
of different security incidents all happening rapidly over a short
period of time. There are only a few incidents to identify where
the motive of the attackers has been so malicious. At no point did
the attackers try and extort money out of Sony they only had
digital mayhem in their plans. Given the state of cybersecurity
and what feels like a continuous and unrelenting victory streak
for the bad guys, a tremendous number of businesses would
likely suffer the same damage from a similar cyberattack. The
claim that the malware used in this attack was not detectable
by antivirus programs is suspect and distracts us from the fact
that Sony had a passwords.xls document that was neither
encrypted nor password protected, which listed all passwords
including ones with administrative access. As discussed earlier in
this document: if a single vendors antivirus solution is the only
security control in place at a global company then the results of
this hack were entirely predictable and avoidable.

Data Destruction


Data Destruction
What do I need to do?
As an IT Professional you need to design a security solution that addresses the
risks the business is facing. Implementing a whole bunch of technology is rarely
the best solution. Designing a simple, manageable network and establishing a
continuous monitoring solution will be easy security wins. In virtually all the
recent data breaches basic security was not in place, and organizations relied
too heavily on perimeter defenses.

What technology will help defend

my networks?
IT Professionals have a lesson to learn here. All the hard work,
diligence, and security technology will be ineffective if the
management at the company does not support and endorse a
security program. If this is the case youre going to need to get
really good at restoring data from backup.

Selling fear only works to a certain extent and is generally not sustainable.
The Sony attack is used in this paper to illustrate the worst
Security is about a great deal more and combines the use of technology
possible scenario, and what happens if the
alongside elements of people and process.
organization is unprepared for attack. The Sony
As an IT professional, the best place to
attack, following in the footsteps of the Saudi
start is with a security assessment, a plan
All your hard work will
Amoco attack and Stuxnet have given rise to
to remediate the critical items the business
the data destruction attack. Recent successful
be ineffective if your
identifies, and then a solution to monitor the
attacks on Critical Infrastructure in the Ukraine
management does not
system for compliance. It is often the simple
and Israel show the motivation of APT actors
things that are most effective when it comes
support and endorse a
to inflict physical harm through hacking. A new
to security. According to James Lewiss seminal
type of threat, perhaps the nastiest evolution
security program.
paper on Cybersecurity in 2013*, little if
so far is the malicious hacking of business,
anything has changed since then:
government or organization systems to
destroy data, or to extort a ransom from the
More than 90% of successful breaches
target. The consequences of a massive data breach have evolved
required only the most basic techniques
from the looting of Personal Private Information, and Intellectual
Only 3% of breaches were unavoidable without difficult or expensive actions
Property theft to attempts to destroy or get paid for threatening
96% of successful breaches could have been avoided if the victim had put in
to destroy a target. The layered security defense including
place simple or intermediate controls
excellent business resiliency capability in the form of robust
75% of attacks use publicly known vulnerabilities in commercial software
backup - is the key to surviving the worst attack malicious actors
that could be prevented by regular patching
can devise.


What do I need in my basic security product tool kit?

Ironically, basic security best practice would very probably have saved Sony from the
extreme damage it suffered. However, if you feel someone is really out to get you, then refer
to the Toolkit section in Advanced Persistent Threat.

Data Destruction


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Please get in touch if you have any

questions about any of our services.
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US: +1 855 217 7199
APAC: +61 (0) 8 7123 4060
[email protected]

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