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Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2005

SQL Server 2005's (formerly code named Yukon) integration with the .NET CLR makes it possible
for developers to author stored procedures, triggers, user defined functions, and create other
database objects using a managed language such as VB.NET or C#. This excellent feature
provides a number of benefits, including increased productivity, significant performance gains,
and the ability to leverage the features of .NET Code Access Security to prevent assemblies from
performing certain operations. This article takes a look at this new CLR integration feature so you
can understand how to create stored procedures in SQL Server using a managed language.
You'll also see how to leverage.NET code access security to better control the assembly
execution environment. Despite the benefits, it isn't appropriate to use .NET code for every stored
procedure you write, so you'll see how to decide when to use T-SQL and when to use a .NET
language for creating SQL Server stored procedures.

.NET CLR and SQL Server Integration

In previous versions of SQL Server, database programmers were limited to using Transact-SQL
when creating server side objects such as stored procedures, triggers, user defined functions and
so on. But the integration of SQL Server with .NET CLR opens up an avenue of wholly new
opportunities. Before discussing the features of the .NET CLR integration with SQL Server, its
important understand the limitations of T-SQL for creating server side objects.

Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is an extension of the Structured Query Language as defined by the

International Standards Organization (ISO) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Using T-SQL, database developers can create, modify and delete databases and tables, as well
as insert, retrieve, modify and delete data stored in a database. T-SQL is specifically designed for
direct data access and manipulation. While T-SQL can be very useful for data access and
management, it is not a full-fledged programming language in the way that Visual Basic .NET and
C# are. For example, T-SQL does not support arrays, strongly typed objects, collections, for each
loops, bit shifting, classes and so on. While it's possible to simulate some of these constructs in T-
SQL, managed code based languages such as VB.NET or C# have first-class support for them.

With CLR integration, things have changed dramatically. The CLR provides the execution
environment for all the server side objects created using a .NET language. This means that
database developers can now perform tasks that were impossible or difficult to achieve with T-
SQL alone. The new integration allows you to more easily organize and maintain your code
investments, especially when working with large amounts of server code. Unlike traditional stored
procedures, this approach lets developers create code utilizing object-oriented concepts such as
encapsulation. By allowing the code to run under the control of .NET CLR, you can also leverage
the code access security features of .NET. Before executing code, the CLR can check to see if
the code is safe. This process is known as "verification." During verification, the CLR performs
several checks to ensure that the code is safe to run. For example, it checks the code to ensure
that it doesn't try to read from memory to which it has not written. The CLR will also prevent buffer

Creating a Managed Stored Procedure

To create a stored procedure using a managed language such as C# or VB.NET, follow these

• Create a .NET class and implement the functionality of the stored procedure within that
• Compile that class to produce a .NET assembly
• Register that assembly in SQL Server using the Create Assembly statement
• Create stored procedure definitions. As part of this, you also associate the stored
procedure with the actual methods in the assembly.

After completing these steps, the stored procedures are configured and you can execute them
just like any other stored procedure.
Implementing a .NET Class-Based Stored Procedure
Start by creating the VB.NET class that implements the stored procedure functionality. For this
example, create a VB.NET class named AddressType that contains the following code (the
downloadable code provides both VB.NET and C# examples).

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Sql
Imports System.Data.SqlServer

Public Class AddressType

Public Shared Sub _ GetAddressTypeDetailsByID _

(ByVal _addressTypeID as Integer)
Dim sp as SqlPipe = _
sp.Send("Address Type ID is " + _
addressTypeID.ToString() + _
Dim cmd as SqlCommand = _
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM Person.AddressType " & _
"Where AddressTypeID=" & _
Dim rdr as SqlDataReader = _
End Sub

End Class

To execute .NET code in SQL server, you need to reference the System.Data.Sql and
System.Data.SqlServer namespaces. The AddressType class contains one method,
GetAddressTypeDetails, which uses the ID passed as a parameter to retrieve a row from the
AddressType table in the AdventureWorks database that ships with SQL Server 2005. The code
gets a reference to the SqlPipe object by invoking the GetPipe method of the SqlContext class.
You then use that SqlPipe reference to return tabular results and messages to the client using the
SqlPipe.Send method. By calling the various overloads of the Send method, you can transmit
data through the pipe to the calling application. Some of the overloaded versions of the Send
method are:

• Send(ISqlDataReader)— Allows us to send the tabular results in the form of a

SqlDataReader object
• Send(ISqlDataRecord)—Allows us to send the results in the form of a SqlDataRecord
• Send(ISqlError)—Makes it possible for us to send error information in the form of a
SqlError object.
• Send(msg As String)—Using this method, we can send messages to the calling
Nesting Stored Procedures in SQL Server 2005

To start, create a new class named AddressTypeID and add a method named
GetAddressTypeIDByName as shown in the following code.

Imports System.Data.Sql
Imports System.Data.SqlServer

Public class AddressTypeID

Public Shared Function GetAddressTypeIDByName( _
ByVal name _As String) As Integer
Dim sp as SqlPipe = _SqlContext.GetPipe()
Dim cmd as SqlCommand = _SqlContext.GetCommand()
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT " & _" AddressTypeID " & _
"FROM " &_" Person.AddressType WHERE " & _
"Name='" + name + "'"
Dim addressTypeID As Integer = _CType( _
Return addressTypeID
End Function
End Class
You can see that the code is very similar to the previous stored procedure. It simply takes in the
name of an address type and returns the corresponding address type identifier. Next, add a
GetAddressDetailsByName method to the existing AddressType class as shown below.

Public Shared Sub GetAddressTypeDetailsByName _

(ByVal name as String)
Dim sp as SqlPipe = SqlContext.GetPipe()
Dim cmd as SqlCommand = SqlContext.GetCommand()
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "GetAddressTypeIDByName"
Dim paramName as New SqlParameter("@name", _
paramName.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
paramName.Value = name
Dim paramID as New SqlParameter( _
paramID.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
' Get the returned value from the stored procedure
Dim id as Integer = CType( _
cmd.Parameters(1).Value, _Integer)
' Use this id as an input value for the
' execution of
' next stored procedure
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " & _
"Person.AddressType " & _ "Where AddressTypeID=" +
Dim rdr as SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
End Sub
The preceding code consists of two parts. The first part invokes the GetAddressTypeIDByName
stored procedure to convert the address type name into an address type ID. The second part
retrieves the details of the address type using that ID. Finally the method returns the results back
to the calling application using the Send method

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