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Digitized Recording in Sustaining School Permanent Records in

Catbalogan II Central Elementary School



Digital is described as electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes

data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive. Positive is expressed or represented
by the number 1 and non-positive by the number 0. The jargon sound so technical
so let me

describe it in very simple terms -- to digitize is to enter and store data such as


image in digital form using a Computer. Hence, digitized school records



Permanent School Records are encoded in a computer. This is deemed to be a

and practical way of keeping student records.

School Permanent Record of a pupil or student is also called Form 137.
Generally speaking, a pupils pertinent personal information is indicated such as the
name, age, gender, parents or guardian. It is a record of his grades including the average
starting Kindergarten or in other words, his elementary education history.
The DepEd (Department of Education) had released the Guidelines on the
Implementation of the DEPED Computerization Program (DCP) or DepEd Order No. 78
on June 10, 2010 both for Secondary and Elementary Schools as first step in moving
Philippine education towards modernization. Through continuous development and
search to be equal with other institutions who are more advance in technology, we are
now subscribing to this style

Others claim Philippines to be a developing country but to the experts we are still
stuck at being a third-world country. Nevertheless, we are relentlessly surviving and
thriving, making brave attempts to compete globally. Same reason why we are trying our
very best to keep pace with the ever fast changing trend in technology such as
We have been taking the backseat for the longest time since many highly
developed countries are already successfully using this means to record school permanent
This Action Research intends and aims to promote and validate or defend the use
of digitized recording in sustaining permanent school permanent records as I believe this
would be very effective and profoundly substantial idea if we want to level up our school
system specifically in keeping our student records.



Technology keeps on evolving without cease and it appears to be
inextinguishable. Anywhere we settle our eyes, we see computers being used for many
various purposes but the bottomline is to make life a little bit easier. Computers have
become part of peoples life in their day-to-day activities in school, business, home or
work even at leisure.
We were trained from the beginning to use the Traditional way of recording and
storing files like the pupils Permanent Report. A Guidance Counselor simply goes to a
bookstore to buy a set of blank forms. He record all the necessary information of a pupil
using a pencil or pen and in the event that he commits an error, a correction fluid acts as
the hero.
It is time-consuming filling out say, 40 report cards for 40 students. You cannot
also avoid wasting papers if the errors cannot be remedied by a liquid fluid because you
will be forced to change that and throw it into the trash bin making it costly so to speak.
Aside from the usual scenario for some people that they tend to forget where they might
have placed those papers, the biggest risk with manual recording is being ruined in fire,
flood or any other natural occurrences.
This Action Research was also rooted from my Observation among my fellow
teachers and guidance counselors. Their usual complaints ranged from the task being
tiring, time-consuming and costly. But the main problem is as mentioned, difficulty in
searching for a pupils name from within bundles of other papers, sometimes they get
lost or missing for some reason.
Theres always trouble in organizing these documents. You drop them
accidentally, they get jumbled.
In the office we could not help but spend a huge amount of valuable time, money
and labor manually filling out and searching through cardboard boxes and filing cabinets.

The introduction of Digitized Recording of School Records in Catbalogan II

Central Elementary School is an opportunity for teachers and guidance counselors to be
free from all the tedious work involved in sustaining school permanent records.



To be able to make use of this technology, Digitized Recording of School
Permanent Records, teachers must first of all have the knowledge how to operate the
computer and how to navigate the tool. An available template of Form 137 is available on
the social network page of the Department of Education. It is editable and easy to
manage. No any formal computer training is ever needed to be able to learn how to fill
out the information required.
All of the data written on the manual School Permanent Record are practically
and exactly the same to the dot. What just really makes it different is the way it is being
recorded now which is digitized or computerized. Others call it automated. Whatever it is
called, it cannot be possible without the use of computer and to issue a hard copy of it to
a requesting student, it needs to be printed out using a Printer. What is recorded in the
database remains a soft copy.
Data can get out of order in traditional filing systems. If someone accidentally
puts a file in the wrong place, or takes a file out of a cabinet and forgets to put it back, it

can lead to lost data or the creation of additional copies of files. Electronic or digitized
filing systems allow users to quickly check whether information already exists
somewhere in the system which helps avoid problems like redundant files and data loss.
Student record is something that we dont want to lose or damage. We protect
these like we protect our own home. Technology is amazing and overwhelming and yet, it
is not perfect. Digitized Recording of School Permanent Records presents several
1) Security student files and records need to be password protected,
only authorized personnel can have access to this.
2) Anti-virus free computer system if the computer where these
records are stored is connected to an internet, anti-virus and
malware software should be installed in order to block any
suspicious websites to keep the files from getting infected and
3) Storage device scanning make it a habit to scan any storage
device such as flash drive or external hard drive before opening
any files to make sure it is free from any virus.
4) Backup files it is always wise to have a backup for cases when it
is impossible to retrieve a file from a damaged computer or the
files itself is damaged.



No matter how rudimentary the principles of using the tool for digital recording of
school records is, we always need to remember that a computer is only man-made. It can
be prone to crushing and subsequently damaging our much treasured files.
The following tips will all be worth it:
1) Make it a point that the guidance counselor knows at least the
fundamentals of operating a computer and navigating its
applications and managing the files. This may include basic
2) Place the computer in a well-ventilated location.
3) Computers need maintenance. The frequent the better.
Computer is very sensitive device. Users are always reminded to handle it with
care. Its parts and components are very sensitive. Sudden power outage can corrupt the
hard disk where all the files are stored. Once it is destroyed, we need a miracle to recover
Omission or deletion of a file in a computer by accident would be impossible to
retrieve unless like mentioned earlier, a backup is made ready.



I gathered and collected the necessary data using survey questions to fellow
teachers who may want to work as guidance counselor if given the chance. Below are the
sample of both open and close ended survey questions that participants can answer with
either yes or no or they can also explain their reason:
a) Why do you think that digitized recording of school permanent records is
better than doing it manually?
b) Do you want to shift to computerized means of recording school records?
c) What is the disadvantage and advantage of using computer to record
school permanent record?

4 of the 5 respondents in the survey gave responses in favor of utilizing computer

to file and store school permanent records.
Implementation of Action Plan will start by the middle of 3 rd grading period and
will last only for 8 days.
Three (3) days was spent on training and workshop. 5 days was scheduled
for the actual job. The participants would be my fellow teachers who would alternately
act as a guidance counselor per day.



In order to prepare the would-be guidance counselor for the
task, to familiarize them on how to properly navigate the computer system
Organize and conduct a short training with workshop on
the basics of operating the computer with its applications
especially the

5 teachers from Catbalogan II CES (aspiring the job of a

guidance counselor)
I.T. Practitioner
Out of 100% accuracy, 2 of the 5 scored 89% while
3 earned 92% for the Hands-on.
On written assessments, all of the 5 participants scored
Each day for 5 days 2 schools requested for the Form 137 of outgoing or
transferee pupil. Based on observation, the 5 aspiring guidance counselors managed to:
1) Search and open the file
2) Perform significant edits
3) Save the changes

4) Print out a hard copy


I applied the Informal Observation and Interview method in the collection and
interpretation of data. Hands on practice and testing method was utilized on the
implementation of the Action Plan.
The only activity that the participants attended to was the training and workshop.
It was also in here thereafter that their readiness to handle the actual task was tested
through hands on practice and written test to gauge their knowledge on all the
information fed to them during the training and workshop.
All 5 subject teachers merely shrugged off their hesitation for the first
experience of the actual job fresh from training of a new concept. Confidence and
knowledge combined together made the challenge easier. If they were not sure they were
doing it right, they opted to ask first for clarification from somebody in the office who
may know better about computers.
As an overall evaluation of the Action Plan result, it made me confident that
Digitized Recording in sustaining School Permanent Records of Catbalogan II Central
Elementary School will be effective. We have competent guidance counselors who are
ready to take the duty. The goal of this study was successfully met.


After conducting the Action Plan, I have come to a conclusion that even the older
guidance counselor/teacher who were so accustomed in using the traditional recording
and filing system were thrilled to take on the challenge of shifting to the modern way.
It is not so difficult to attain a positive result when cooperation and willingness is
in place. All the threatening barriers will be easy to break for us to be able to pass through
and see our aspirations coming to life.


Based on the advantages laid down, and all the positive results derived from
implementation of the Action Plan, it is highly recommended to maintain the use of
Digitized Recording of School Permanent Records.
It is by far the most reliable and efficient recording and filing system. In fact,
there could be no other system to equate its efficiency at the moment or even in the near


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