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What is Dance?
Dance is the art form in which human movement becomes the medium for
sensing, understanding, and communicating ideas, feelings, and experiences.
Dance provides a way of learningone that develops communication
abilities, problem solving techniques, and creative and critical thinking skills
along with kinesthetic abilities. At its core, the goal of dance education is to
engage students in artistic experiences through the processes of creation,
performance and response.

Benefits of Dance
Health: When you dance, your cardiovascular system improves, your muscle
tone increases and you burn calories. This low-impact aerobic activity also
increases flexibility, strength, and balance. Olympic athletes often dance as
part of their training to sharpen their control, agility, and speed. Dancing is
great exercise, and our studios offer a pleasant, fun atmosphere in which to
Confidence: Dancers possess an aura of self-confidence and an ability to
enjoy themselves more in social situations. When you learn how to dance,
your entire mental outlook will take on a fresh sense of creativity, motivation,
and energy. This new self-confidence in your dancing abilities will transfer to
other aspects of your life as well.
Self-Expression: Dance provides an emotional outlet so that you can
express your feelings through your body movements with passion and flair.
Dancing will bring out, improve upon, and strengthen your ability to
permanently use these expressive qualities even when you are not dancing.
Social: Dancing lessons are an easy, low-pressure way to meet people. Fred
Astaire Franchised Dance Studios provide weekly practice dance parties,
nights out on the town, and regional and national competitions, as well as fun
trips to many different locations. Our lessons are the perfect way for couples
to rediscover romance by dancing your way to love!
Relaxation: In todays fast-paced world, we sometimes forget to take a
moment for ourselves. Dancing provides an enjoyable escape from your
normal daily routine, plus a chance to relax, relieve stress, and concentrate
on yourself.
Fun: Dancing is a great way to add excitement to your life. Although learning
to dance takes concentration and dedication, you will be constantly
surrounded by artistic, cheerful people who make learning a pleasurable and
rewarding experience. So join us and have some fun!

Different Classification of Dance

Ballet: A type of performance dance that originated in the Italian
Renaissance courts of the 15th century and later developed into a concert
dance form in France and Russia. It has since become a widespread, highly
technical form of dance with its own vocabulary based on French terminology.
It has been globally influential and has defined the foundational techniques
used in many other dance genres.
Modern Dance: A form of contemporary theatrical and concert dance
employing a special technique for developing the use of the entire body in
movements expressive of abstract ideas. Modern dance centers on a dancer's
own interpretations own interpretations instead of structured steps, as in
traditional ballet dancing. A modern dancer rejects the classical ballet stance
of an upright, erect body, often opting instead for deliberate falls to the floor.
Classical Dance: Classical dance is a conventional dance revealing the
emotions through poetry or dance drama. This form is portrayed by poise,
dignity and precision of movement. And by elaborate formal gestures, steps,
and poses. Classical dance is performed in theaters either in group or solo
and is accompanied by musical instruments with beautiful costume. It
conveys a story or theme through a musical composition written or used for
this dance form.
Folk Dance: A dance that originates as ritual among and is characteristic of
the common people of a country and that is transmitted from generation to
generation with increasing secularization distinguished from court dance
Ethnic Dance: An ethnic dance is simply a dance that is characteristic of a
particular cultural group. Under this definition even the polka, which is almost
always considered a social dance, may be called ethnic, as it began in a
culturally distinct region of Europe.
Ballroom Dance: Ballroom dance is a set of partner dances, which are
enjoyed both socially and competitively around the world. Because of its
performance and entertainment aspects, ballroom dance is also widely
enjoyed on stage, film, and television.
Dance Drama: Drama performed through dance movements,
frequently with dialogue. Some theatrical traditions incorporate dance to
such an extent that they are typically termed dance-dramas.


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