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Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.

(2015) 12:28472856
DOI 10.1007/s13762-014-0654-4


Adsorptive desulfurization of feed diesel using chemically

impregnated coconut coir waste
Md. J. K. Ahmed M. Ahmaruzzaman

Received: 25 January 2014 / Revised: 6 May 2014 / Accepted: 12 July 2014 / Published online: 25 July 2014
Islamic Azad University (IAU) 2014

Abstract This study reports the usage of chemically

impregnated coconut coir waste (CICCW) as a low-cost
adsorbent for the desulfurization of feed diesel. The characterization of the developed adsorbent was focused on
quantitative analysis (carbon yield %, proximate, ultimate,
carbon surface functionalities, BET surface area and
porosity distribution, and particle size analysis), qualitative
analysis (FTIR), and optical analysis (SEM). Batch
experiments with feed diesel having a total sulfur concentration of 2,050 mg L-1 were conducted to optimize the
adsorption parameters such as adsorbent dose, temperature,
and contact time. The adsorption process shows an optimum dose of 1 g/20 mL, and the equilibrium is attained in
3 h. The adsorption of sulfur onto the adsorbent at optimum temperature 293 K is regulated by external mass
transfer (diffusion into mesopores) followed by a steady
adsorption phase with intra-particle diffusion in micropores. A Fickian mechanism controls the diffusion of sulfur
molecules from the solution onto the surface of the
adsorbent. Freundlich adsorption isotherm illustrates the
equilibrium adsorption data very well. The negative value
of DG (-27.61 kJ mol-1) and DS (-44.56 J K-1 mol-1)
indicates the feasibility, spontaneity of the adsorption
process and justified the decrease in the randomness of
adsorbed sulfur molecules onto the adsorbent surface,
respectively. The exhausted CICCW can be effectively
regenerated by methanol and reutilized for three
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s13762-014-0654-4) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
Md. J. K. Ahmed  M. Ahmaruzzaman (&)
Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology
Silchar, Silchar 788010, Assam, India
e-mail: [email protected]

adsorptiondesorption cycles. The approximate cost of

preparation of the adsorbent was USD 10.714 per kg. These
results clearly proved the feasibility of the developed lowcost adsorbent (CICCW) as a good candidate for the
desulfurization of feed diesel.
Keywords Adsorption  Sulfur  Batch experiments 
Freundlich isotherm

Desulfurization of diesel fuel is gaining worldwide interest
among the researchers. This is due to stern regulations and
fuel specifications adopted in many countries for checking
environmental pollution caused by automobile exhaust
gases (Zhao et al. 2010). The regulations projected that the
upper limit of sulfur concentration in diesel can be reduced
from 500 to 15 mg L-1 in USA, 5010 mg L-1 in EU,
3010 mg L-1 in Korea (Park et al. 2008), and
350 mg L-1 in India. Low-sulfur fuel finds its application
in fuel cell system. Fuel cell is one of the most potential
and suitable energy conversion devices for generating
electricity for both mobile vehicles and stationary power
plants including residential applications (Song 2002). In
hydrocarbon-based fuel cell system, the catalysts used such
as reforming catalysts and watergasshift catalysts are
poisoned by the H2S produced. For automotive and military use, diesel is the ideal fuel as it has high energy
density, readily available, and safe for transportation and
storage. But the commercial diesel fuel usually contains
certain refractory sulfur compounds (Sarda et al. 2012) viz.
benzothiophene (BT), dibenzothiophene (DBT), and 4,6dimethyldibenzothiophene (DMDBT), which causes environmental pollution. In an internal combustion engine,



Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:28472856

these sulfur compounds are combusted to produce SOx that

contributes to the formation of acid rain. This restrains the
exploitation of advanced technology to check total pollutant emissions including NOx, HC, CO, and particulate
Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) is the conventional method
(adopted by refineries) for removing organic sulfur in diesel,
gasoline, and other intermediate distillates by using CoMo/
Al2O3 or NiMo/Al2O3 as catalysts. The efficiency of HDS
can be increased by the use of higher temperatures and
pressures, more dynamic catalysts, or longer residence times
(Babich and Moulijn 2003). Under these conditions, a part
of olefins and aromatics contained in the fuels is saturated
and as a consequence the octane number decreases substantially, which is unfavorable. Nevertheless, these choices
are expensive to refineries. These motivate extensive
research work in substituting traditional technologies or
additional desulfurization technologies for diesel fuels.
One of the promising approaches to phase out these
problems is adsorptive desulfurization (ADS). It is advantageous because it can be executed at ambient temperature
and pressure exclusive of hydrogen or oxygen consumption.
Moreover, adsorbents can be reclaimed by appropriate
regeneration and reutilized. The widely used and efficient
adsorbent is the commercial activated carbon (CAC), but its
usage comes with high expense. This motivates the use of
alternative low-cost adsorbents for the desulfurization of
diesel. The viability of adsorbents such as CAC (Jiang et al.
2003; Zhou et al. 2009), zeolites (Xiao et al. 2008), mesoporous materials (Subhan and Liu 2011), carbon nanoparticles (Fallah and Azizian 2012), metalorganic frameworks
(Khan and Jhung 2013; Achmann et al. 2010), activated
carbon cloth (Fallah and Azizian 2014), and nano-porous
activated carbon (Triantafyllidis and Deliyanni 2014) has
been explored by researchers for the desulfurization of
diesel/model fuels/liquid fuels. The denitrogenation of diesel
feedstock such as straight run gas oil (SRGO), coker gas oil
(CGO), and light cycle oil (LCO) toward adsorptive desulfurization of diesel has also been tried by many researchers.
Various nitrogen-containing compounds such as carbazole,
indole, quinoline, and pyridine types of compounds are also
removed along with sulfur compounds from the diesel
feedstock during the adsorption process (Whitehurst et al.
2000; Laredo et al. 2013).
The overall objective of this work was to investigate the
desulfurization of feed diesel by using adsorption technology. The approach is focused on laboratory prepared
low-cost adsorbent obtained by H3PO4 impregnation of
coconut coir waste for removal of sulfur from feed diesel.
This is achieved by conducting ADS of real feed diesel,
examining the adsorptive performance, and cost estimation
of the developed adsorbent. To the best of knowledge of
the authors, H3PO4 impregnated coconut coir waste has not


been utilized for the desulfurization of feed diesel (from

refineries) in particular with high sulfur concentration
above 2,000 mg L-1. This research work was carried out
on July2013 at National Institute of Technology Silchar
and Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Guwahati Refinery.

Materials and methods

All the chemicals and reagents used in this study were of
analytical reagent (AR) grade. The feed diesel (adsorbate)
examined in the present work was supplied by the Indian
Oil Corporation Ltd., Guwahati Refinery before undergoing hydrodesulfurization. Coconut coir wastes were collected from nearby rural areas of NIT Silchar.

Material development
The adsorbent used in this study was prepared by chemical
impregnation of coconut coir waste using H3PO4. The
waste was first cleansed with distilled water to get rid of
dirt and dried in a hot air oven at 383 K for 5 h. This is
followed by H3PO4 impregnation at 373 K for 1 h in a hot
plate. The treated waste is then carbonized at 873 K for 1 h
in a muffle furnace under nitrogen atmosphere. Finally, the
carbonized product is washed with distilled water until the
pH of the washings reached *7. It is evident that lingocellulosic materials are preferred for chemical activation
(Jagtoyen and Derbyshire 1993), particularly with H3PO4,
and as the precursor has cellulosic component; H3PO4 has
been selected for the impregnation. The idea of activation
is to augment the adsorption efficiency in addition to carbonizing the coconut coir waste. The adsorbent thus produced was kept in an oven at 383 K for 6 h to get rid of any
moisture trapped within the adsorbent pores. The adsorbent
was finely ground for use in adsorption and stored in desiccator till further use. The adsorbent thus developed is
referred to as chemically impregnated coconut coir waste
and henceforth abbreviated as CICCW.
The percentage of carbon yield of the adsorbent was
calculated by the following equation:
Carbon yield (%

Wt: after carbonisation g

Wt: before carbonisation g

Characterization of developed adsorbent

The physical and chemical analyses of CICCW were performed as per ASTM standard (American Standard for
Testing and Materials). Macro analysis or Proximate

Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:28472856


analysis of the adsorbent encompasses the determination of

moisture content, volatile matter, ash, and fixed carbon
content as wt% (as received) as per ASTM D-3172, using a
hot air oven and a muffle furnace. Ultimate analysis or
microanalysis (ASTM D-3176) includes determination of
carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen content as wt% (dry ashfree basis), which was done by a Perkin Elmer PR 2400
series II CHN Analyzer. The texture and morphology of the
adsorbent were examined by a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM Leo 1430 VP). FTIR analysis of the CICCW
sample was performed on a Nicolet Impact I-410 FTIR
Spectrophotometer. A Micromeritics, A SAP 2010 Surface
Area Analyzer was used to determine the textural features
of the adsorbent. N2 adsorption isotherm was used to find
out the pore size distribution and BrunauerEmmettTeller
(BET) surface area by using the Brunauer et al. equation
(1938). BJH (BarretJoynerHalenda) desorption method
was used to calculate the average pore diameter and
cumulative volume of the pores. The particle size analysis
of the adsorbent was done on a Malvern Mastersizer 2000.
Boehm titration has been adopted for identifying oxygen
surface functional groups, such as carboxyl (R-COOH),
lactone (R-OCO), and phenol (R-OH) for the adsorbent
(Boehm 1996). The procedure for performing Boehm
titration is in accordance with standardized method
(Sarah et al. 2010) described in detail in the supporting
The amounts of acidic groups on the CICCW surface
were determined by Eq. 2


The amount of basic groups on the surface of CICCW

was computed by Eq. 3


where nCSF refers to the moles of carbon surface functionalities on the surface of the carbon that reacts with the
base during the mixing step; [B] and VB are the concentration and volume of the reaction base; Va is the volume of
the aliquots taken from VB; [HCl] and VHCl are the concentration and volume of the acid added to the aliquot.
Adsorption assay
The experiments were carried out in a batch system by
shaking 20 mL feed diesel (sulfur concentration
2,050 mg L-1) with pre-weighed (0.21.2 g) dried amount
of adsorbent in 100 mL Erlenmeyer flask (with stopper)
under controlled parameters of adsorption to study the
effect of adsorbent dose, temperature, contact time, and
adsorption isotherm. The samples were withdrawn at preset

time interval and filtered through Whatmann No. 42 filter

paper, and the filtrate was examined for residual sulfur
Analysis of sulfur in liquid phase
The sulfur concentration in the feed diesel was measured
by an Oxford XRF Sulfur in Oil Analyzer as per ASTM D
4294. The test sample is placed in the beam from an X-ray
source. The resultant excited characteristic radiation is
measured, and the accumulated count is compared with a
calibration graph/curve or equation plotting counts against
sulfur content in mg L-1, as a series of calibration samples
covering range of sulfur content under examination. The
percentage removal and adsorption uptake of sulfur were
estimated by the following equations:
Percentage removal of sulfur

Co  Ce

Adsorptive uptake of sulfur per g of adsorbent;

Co  Ce  V

where Co = initial sulfur concentration (mg L-1),

Ce = equilibrium sulfur concentration (mg L-1), V is the
volume (L) of feed diesel, and m is the weight (g) of the
Adsorption isotherm
Isotherm modeling is done to analyze and fit the isotherm
data to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models to well
depict the adsorption process. The Langmuir model is
supported on the assumption that the adsorbent surface is
uniform with limited adsorption sites and monolayer coverage of adsorbate on it.
The linear form of Langmuir isotherm is represented as
1 Ce

qe ab a

where Ce = equilibrium concentration (mg L-1) of the

adsorbate; qe = amount of adsorbate adsorbed per unit
weight of adsorbent (mg g-1); and a, b are Langmuir
constants. A linear plot of Ce/qe versus Ce gives the value
of a (mg g-1) from the slope and that of b (L g-1) from the
The Freundlich model represents an isotherm for heterogeneous adsorbent with multilayer exposure of adsorbate on the adsorbent surface. The linear form of the
Freundlich isotherm is represented as
log qe log kF 1=n log Ce

where kF is the Freundlich equilibrium constant illustrating

the relative adsorption capacity of the bonding energy



Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:28472856

[(mg g-1)/(mg L-1)1/n] and 1/n is an empirical constant

correlated with the efficiency of adsorption: 1/n \ 1 signifies the adsorption as favorable, whereas 1/n [ 1 denotes
the adsorption process as unfavorable.

Results and discussion

Characterization of CICCW
The adsorptive properties of CICCW were supported by
physical and chemical characterization of the adsorbent.
The proximate analysis (macro analysis) shows considerably high carbon content, which can be due to the high
carbon yield, and the ultimate analysis (microanalysis) of
CICCW shows a high carbon and negligible nitrogen
content, which is evident from Table 1.
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of
CICCW under study revealed the characteristic surface
morphology of the adsorbent. A scanning electron micrograph of CICCW shown in Fig. 1 depicts a highly heterogeneous surface (irregularity in surface morphology), and
the roughness of the surface indicates high surface area for
adhering adsorbate molecules, thus favoring adsorption of
sulfur from feed diesel. It is evident from the surface texture that the adsorbent is composed of rough heterogeneous
sites with randomly oriented pits of several sizes.
The functional groups of CICCW can be better understood from a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) study of the
adsorbent. The spectra can therefore help in interpretation
of the functional groups accountable for adsorption. The
chemical nature of the adsorbent is put on view by the
peaks in the IR spectra (Fig. 2). The FTIR spectrum of
CICCW depicts a sharp peak at 3,480 cm-1, which is
ascribed to dimeric OH stretch confirming the existence of
a hydroxyl group. Another intense band at 3,400 cm-1 is
ascribed to normal polymeric OH stretch of the hydroxyl
group. The band at 1,180 cm-1 corresponds to skeletal
vibration of CC stretch, and the peak at 1,580 cm-1 can
be ascribed to aromatic ring stretching of C=CC. A progression of weak to moderate absorptions bands
(3,1503,000 cm-1) can be attributed to aromatic CH
stretching. FTIR analysis of the spectra showed that the OH
stretching of the hydroxyl group, skeletal vibration of CC
stretch, and aromatic CH & C=CC stretching may be
accountable for sulfur adsorption onto CICCW surface.
The carbon surface functionalities of CICCW (Table 1)
have been studied by adopting Boehm titration, and the
different acidic groups have been computed, which correlates the elucidation from FTIR spectra.
An important characteristic of good adsorbent is their
high porosity and larger surface area with more specific
adsorption sites (Tein 1994; Linsen 1970). The surface area


Table 1 Physical and chemical characteristics of chemically

impregnated coconut coir waste (CICCW)
Proximate analysis or macro
analysis (wt% as received)

Ultimate analysis or
microanalysis (wt% dry
ash-free basis)




Volatile matter




Fixed carbon




Functional groups


(mmol g-1)

Carbon surface functionalities on CICCW

a) Acidic groups






b) Basic groups


Textural Characteristics of CICCW

Surface area of pores (m2 g-1)
Single point




Adsorption cumulative


Desorption cumulative


Single-point adsorption total pore volume (cm3 g-1)


Average pore diameter (nm)



BJH adsorption
BJH desorption


Typical properties of CICCW

Carbon yield (%)


Particle size (lm)


Fig. 1 SEM image of CICCW at 1.00 KX magnification

Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:28472856


Fig. 2 FTIR spectra of CICCW

of CICCW was calculated from nitrogen adsorption data

according to BET model. Textural characteristics of CICCW (Table 1) illustrate the BET, BJH surface area analysis
and pore volume distribution. The BET surface area of
CICCW was found 1,254.67 m2 g-1, almost comparable to
single-point surface area. The nitrogen adsorption and
desorption isotherm plot of CICCW (Fig. 3) showed that
the isotherm belong to Type II as defined by IUPAC
classification (Greg and Sing 1982; Sing et al. 1985). The
internal surface area study is confined to the pore structure
of the adsorbent material. The pore structure is also a major
factor affecting the adsorption process. If the pore diameter
is such that the adsorbate molecules are larger, then lesser
adsorption would take place due to steric hindrance.
According to the IUPAC classification of pore dimensions,
pores are classified as micropore (B2 nm), mesopore
(250 nm), and macropore (C50 nm). The standard BJH
method (Barrett et al. 1951) was applied to determine the
pore size distribution curve of CICCW during adsorption
and desorption. The BJH adsorption pore distribution plot
of CICCW has been shown in Fig. S1 in the supporting
information. The single-point adsorption total pore volume
was reported 1.01 cm3 g-1, which depicts the microporous
nature of the adsorbent. The data for pore size of CICCW
as determined by BET method were 3.24 nm in diameter
while the adsorption and desorption average pore diameter
determined by BJH method were 4.44 and 3.89 nm,
respectively. It indicates that CICCW has a very narrow
pore size distribution. The fraction of pores opened at both
ends was found to be nil. The hysteresis loop observed at
relatively low pressure in the N2 adsorption and desorption
isotherm plot of CICCW indicates small pore size in the
mesoporous range (most of them near to micropore range
as average pore diameter comes around 3.24 nm). The BJH
adsorption pore distribution plot illustrates that the

Fig. 3 N2 adsorption and desorption isotherm plot of CICCW

maximum concentration of the pores in the diameter range

of 115 nm with average diameter of 3.24 nm. The figure
shows that the largest contribution to the total pore volume
is contributed by the mesopores followed by certain number of micropore.
Effect of adsorbent loading (m)
The influence of adsorbent load (m) on the removal efficiency was studied by shaking 2,050 mg L-1 feed diesel at
T = 293 K. The dose was varied from 0.21.2 g. The
results are shown in Fig. 4. With the increase in the
adsorbent load (m) from 0.2 to 1 g, the % removal of sulfur
increases but showed a marginal change for m [ 1 g. The
increase in adsorbent load provides accessibility to larger
surface area, more adsorption sites, and active functional
groups, thereby increasing the adsorptive uptake at initial
stage followed by marginal increment at later stage. This is
due to the attainment of equilibrium of sulfur concentration
at CICCW surface and bulk of the solution at advanced
stage. The phenomenon occurring at advanced stage in the
adsorption process is known as overcrowding of particles
or solid concentration effect (Nowack et al. 1999). Thus,
the optimum m of CICCW for sulfur (2,050 mg L-1) was
taken as 1 g/20 mL, and further experiments were
Effect of reaction temperature (T)
The effect of reaction temperature on adsorptive capacity
of CICCW was studied under optimum conditions and
varying the temperature from 293 to 333 K using



Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:28472856

Fig. 4 Effect of adsorbent loading on the ADS of feed diesel by

CICCW (Co = 2,050 mg L-1, T = 293 K, t = 3 h)

Fig. 5 Effect of contact time on the ADS of feed diesel by CICCW

(Co = 2,050 mg L-1, T = 293 K, m = 1 g)

Co = 2,050 mg L-1 of feed diesel. Figure S2 given in the

supporting information portrays the effect of reaction
temperature on the adsorption. The optimum temperature
of adsorption is reported at 293 K. Temperature study
shows that the % removal of sulfur decreases as temperature increases signifying the exothermic nature of adsorption of sulfur onto CICCW. The weakening of adsorptive
forces between the active sites of CICCW and sulfur may
be held responsible for the decrease in adsorption capacity
with increase in temperature.
Effect of contact time (t)
The experiments were performed with an adsorbent dose of
1 g with feed diesel at 293 K for different contact time
with the maximum of 5 h. With the lapse of time, the
removal of sulfur increases (Fig. 5) and quasi-equilibrium
is reached in 3 h. During the first 1 h, the adsorption rate
was fast due to the high-concentration gradient between the
sulfur molecules in the feed diesel and on the surface of the
adsorbent. Therefore, a bulk transport of sulfur molecules
from the solution onto the CICCW surface takes place.
After 3 h, there is a decrease in the adsorption rate due to
more accumulation of sulfur on CICCW surface. This is
indicated by the plateau line and become asymptotic after
4 h signifying that after equilibrium is attained the rate of
adsorption equals the rate of desorption.
Diffusion study
The adsorption behavior, i.e., the transport of adsorbate
from the solution to the surface of the adsorbent, takes
place in one or more steps, or by a combination of steps
viz. surface diffusion, pore diffusion, external diffusion,
and adsorption on the pore surface. WeberMorris plot


Fig. 6 Weber and Morris intra-particle diffusion plot for ADS of

feed diesel by CICCW (Co = 2,050 mg L-1, m = 1 g, T = 293 K)

(Bhattacharya and Venkobachar 1984) (qe vs. t1/2) is generally used to depict whether the adsorption process is
controlled by an intra-particle diffusion model (Allen et al.
1989). A straight line of the plot reveals the intra-particle
diffusion behavior of adsorption. Nevertheless, the data in
the present study do not exhibit a linear plot over the whole
range of time, demonstrating that more than one step is
controlling the adsorption process. The plot of qe versus t1/2
(Fig. 6) for sulfur adsorption from feed diesel onto CICCW
at T = 293 K reveals that the adsorption of sulfur onto
CICCW is controlled by external mass transfer followed by
intra-particle diffusion. It can be inferred from Weber
Morris plot of CICCW that at the start of the adsorption
process the diffusion of sulfur molecules from the solution
to the external surface of the adsorbent is the fastest, which
can be ascribed to the fast utilization of readily available

Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:28472856


active sites on the adsorbent surface. The first sharp part of

the plot signifies external surface adsorption by mesopore
diffusion, the second curved section shows gradual
adsorption stage (rate-limiting step) by intra-particle diffusion into micropores, and the final almost linear segment
is the equilibrium phase, where rate of adsorption diminishes owing to very low sulfur concentration. The pore
diffusion coefficient, D, for the exclusion of sulfur has been
computed using Eq. 8, assuming spherical shape geometry
for the adsorbent (Ahmed et al. 2014).
t1=2 0:03ro2 =D


where t
is the time for the half adsorption; ro is
the diameter of the adsorbent particles, i.e., 33.354 9
10-4 cm; and D is the pore diffusion constant, cm2 s-1.
The value of the pore diffusion coefficient of sulfur was
found 6.18 9 10-11 cm2 s-1, indicating pore diffusion is
not significant. To have knowledge of the mode of
diffusion, the transport number was calculated from Eq. 9
(Ahmed et al. 2014)
log Qt =Q1 log k n log t

where Qt and Q? is the weight of the adsorbate

with adsorbent at time t and equilibrium, respectively;
k = adsorbateadsorbent interaction coefficient; n =
transport number; and t = time. The transport number
(n = 0.096) and value of k were obtained from the slope
and intercept of the plot of log Qt/Q? versus log t (plot not
shown), respectively.
The value of n is indicative of the type of transport
mechanism involved in the diffusion phenomena. A value
of n B 0.5 portrays a Fickian mechanism, whereas n C 1
depicts a non-Fickian mechanism. In the present study, the
calculated transport number (n \ 0.5) portrays a Fickian
mechanism of diffusion of sulfur onto CICCW.

Fig. 7 Freundlich isotherm for adsorption of sulfur from feed diesel

by CICCW (Co = 2,050 mg L-1, T = 293 K, t = 3 h)

the SEM micrograph. That is why the Langmuir isotherm

and the corresponding adsorption parameters are not
shown. Nevertheless, the Langmuir isotherm is also utilized to estimate maximum adsorption capacity, qe, widely
used to compare the quality of different adsorbents. Fig. 7
shows the Freundlich isotherm for the adsorbent, CICCW
prepared in this work. The figure clearly shows that the
adsorption data can be represented by Freundlich isotherm
accurately within the experimental conditions investigated.
The isotherm parameters for Freundlich isotherm are calculated from the graph. The relative adsorption capacity of
the bonding energy of CICCW, KF = 1.90, and the value
of the empirical constant 1/n related to adsorption efficiency was found to be 0.3726. This indicates that the
adsorption of sulfur onto CICCW is favorable as the value
of 1/n \ 1.
Adsorption thermodynamics

Adsorption isotherm
Adsorption isotherm is imperative for the illustration of the
interaction of the active sites of the adsorbent with the
adsorbate and is significant in adsorbent optimization. The
experimental data in this study are correlated with Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. An important step in
isotherm modeling is to analysis and fit the isotherm data to
different isotherm models to well depict the adsorption
process. The linear regression analysis of Freundlich
adsorption parameters shows a significantly high R2 value
(0.977) representing a good fit to the model. However, the
linear regression coefficient value shows that the Langmuir
isotherm fits the experimental data, but Langmuir isotherm
is derived with the assumption that the surface of the
adsorbent is homogeneous, which contradicts with the
highly heterogeneous surface of CICCW as shown in

The standard change in Gibbs free energy (DG), enthalpy

(DH), and entropy (DS) associated with adsorption was
obtained from the experiments performed at different
temperatures (293, 303, and 313 K) and calculated with the
help of the following equations (Khan et al. 1995).
Kad Cs =Ce




The standard enthalpy change (DH) and standard

entropy change (DS) of adsorption can be calculated
from vant Hoff equation
ln Kad 




where Kad is the equilibrium adsorption constant, Ce is the

equilibrium sulfur concentration (mg L-1) in feed diesel,



Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:28472856

Fig. 8 vant Hoff plot of adsorption equilibrium constant Kad for

ADS of feed diesel by CICCW (Co = 2,050 mg L-1, m = 1 g,
t = 3 h)

and Cs is the equilibrium solid phase sulfur concentration

(mg L-1), i.e., the mass of sulfur adsorbed at equilibrium.
Kad is defined as the ratio of mass per unit sulfur adsorbed
to the equilibrium concentration of sulfur per unit volume
of feed diesel. The plot of ln Kad versus 1/T (Fig. 8) gives
the value of DH from the slope (-DH/R) and the value of
DS from intercept (DS/R), and their respective values
were calculated using Eq. 12. The calculated values of DH
and DS are found to be -14.55 kJ mol-1 and
-44.56 J K-1 mol-1, respectively. The corresponding
value of DG is calculated as -27.61, -28.05, and
-28.49 kJ mol-1 at 293, 303, and 313 K, respectively, by
substituting the values of DH and DS in Eq. 11. The
negative value of DH corroborates the exothermic nature
of adsorption. In physisorption process, the adsorbate and
adsorbent are held together by weak van der Walls force of
attraction, and the adsorption energy is typically
510 kJ mol-1. In chemisorption, there exist a chemical
bond between the adsorbate and the adsorbent having
adsorption energy of 3070 kJ mol-1 (Murzin and Salami
2005). Therefore, the adsorption of sulfur onto CICCW
seems to be physisorptive in nature. The negative value of
DS signifies a decrease in the randomness of sulfur molecules at the solid/solution interface. Moreover, it shows an
affinity of the sulfur molecules toward CICCW. A decrease
in Gibbs free energy, DG, value being negative signifies
the spontaneity and feasibility of the adsorption process.
Regeneration and reusability studies with exhausted
Due to growing concern for waste minimization, recovery,
and reuse as well as for industrial applications, the regeneration performance of sulfur loaded adsorbent was


investigated. The exhausted adsorbent (CICCW) with

loaded sulfur was regenerated by using methanol as the
extracting solvent. Experimental runs were performed with
1 g of sulfur loaded CICCW and 20 mL of methanol,
subjected to vigorous stirring in a 100 mL stoppered
Erlenmeyer flask at 303 K for 2 h. The resulting mixture
was filtered, and the filtrate was analyzed for sulfur concentration as stated earlier. The regenerated adsorbent was
again explored for reusability studies by following the
adsorptiondesorption cycles for three runs, and the sulfur
removal efficiency in each run was computed. Regenerated
adsorbent shows sulfur removal efficiency of 63.29, 58.77,
and 56.18 % in successive runs in comparison with
*65 % for the fresh CICCW. This shows that 98.04,
91.01, and 86.98 % of the original adsorption capacity
were retained by the regenerated adsorbent in three runs,
Comparison of adsorption efficiency of CICCW
with commercial activated carbon
To acquire better knowledge of the adsorption capacities of
the candidate adsorbent (CICCW) for the uptake of sulfur
from feed diesel, the present study focuses on comparison
of adsorptive removal with CAC. It needs to be mentioned
that so far commercial activated carbon has not been
explored for the desulfurization of feed diesel (from
refineries) particularly with high sulfur concentration of
2,050 mg L-1. Hence, a direct comparison on adsorption
efficiency could not be done. However, the efficiency of
CAC has been explored by many researchers for the
desulfurization of model diesel with low sulfur concentrations (max. 500 mg L-1) for BT, DBT, and DMDBT.
Thus, it is noteworthy to portray that in this study the utility
of CICCW was explored for a very high concentration of
feed diesel (with no reference reported in literature),
attained a quick equilibrium at 3 h and an average removal
of *65 %. The easy regeneration technique and good
reusability performance add to the desirability of the
adsorbent for desulfurization of feed diesel.
Cost evaluation of CICCW
Cost analysis is a vital stricture in establishing the criteria
for utility of the adsorbent and the choice of treatment
process for environmental remediation. The costs incurred
on ADS of feed diesel largely depend on the cost of
CICCW. The choice of an activated carbon depends on
cost in addition to performance. The utilization of waste
materials to produce activated carbon for environmental
remediation is of significant economic potentiality and can
substitute commercial activated carbon (CAC). The market
rate of CAC is around USD 172.96 per kg (Merck,

Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:28472856


Table 2 Cost estimation for preparation of 1 kg of the adsorbent

Breakup cost

Duration (h)/
amount (ml)

Unit cost



Cost of drying at




Cost of
impregnation at
hot plate
Cost of activation
at furnace







Cost of final
drying at oven







Cost of H3PO4
Net cost
Overhead cost
(10 % of net
Total cost



Charcoal activated, pure), whereas the total cost incurred in

the preparation of CICCW is USD 10.714 per kg. Table 2
shows the breakup cost estimation (Ahmed et al. 2014) of
CICCW used in the present study. Due to the local availability of the agricultural waste, the transportation cost is
negligible. The cost of storage is also eliminated as the
adsorbent is mostly stable under high temperature or
pressure. These signify that in comparison with commercial activated carbon, CICCW is much cheaper and its
exploitation for ADS of feed diesel is quite justified.

The present study demonstrates that chemically impregnated coconut coir waste (CICCW) can be effectively used
for the desulfurization of feed diesel. Extensive characterization of the adsorbent revealed that it has most of the
desirable qualities of a good low-cost adsorbent. An optimum adsorbent dose of 1 g and optimum temperature of
293 K show maximum adsorption. Equilibrium between the
feed diesel and the adsorbent almost attains in 3 h. Multistage diffusion model explains the process of adsorption.
External mass transfer controls the adsorption of sulfur at
initial phase followed by intra-particle diffusion. The
mechanism of adsorption of sulfur onto CICCW follows a
Fickian mechanism of diffusion. Freundlich model best fits
the experimental data (R2 = 0.9907), signifying heterogeneous adsorption and multilayer coverage of the adsorbate
(sulfur) on the surface of CICCW. Thermodynamic data
revealed the exothermic nature of the adsorption process,

and hence, the adsorption of sulfur decreases with increase

in temperature. The decline in the randomness of sulfur
molecules on the adsorbent surface post-adsorption is confirmed by the negative value of DS. The spontaneity and
feasibility of adsorption are confirmed from the negative
value of DG. The regeneration of exhausted adsorbent by
methanol and its utilization for three adsorptiondesorption
cycles further add to the economic utilization of CICCW.
The total cost involved in the preparation of CICCW is USD
7.25 per kg, which is very less in comparison with the cost of
commercial activated carbon. The results demonstrated that
CICCW may be effectively utilized in the adsorptive
desulfurization of feed diesel for a better environmental
friendly technique in petroleum refining.
Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to Director, National
Institute of Technology Silchar and Indian Oil Corporation Limited.
(IOCL), Guwahati refinery for providing laboratory facilities for
accomplishing the work. Special thanks to Dr. Ashutosh Mishra (SQC
Officer, IOCL) for helping in XRF analysis of feed diesel sample for
sulfur concentration. The authors are also thankful to anonymous
reviewers for their valuable comments in upgrading the quality of the

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