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The Various Water Resources on Earth

Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. They exist in
different forms and locations. Almost all of the bodies of water, saltwater and freshwater,
can be considered resources.
Oceans are the largest reservoirs of water in the world. Even if the water in the oceans is
saltwater, they can still be considered as resources. Besides their importance to marine
creatures, oceans can also serve as the source of drinking water, though the process of
extraction can be too costly to be efficient.
Glaciers contain most of the freshwater reserves on Earth. Even when these reserves cannot
be extracted in large amounts, they can still be melted and used as potable water in the
Arctic regions. Glacial melt also supplies water to the different rivers in the cold regions of
Asia during summer. Some countries are able to use the glacial melt for hydroelectricgenerated power.
Rivers and Streams
Rivers and streams comprise 0.49% of the freshwater supply. They provide potable water,
serve as habitat for aquatic plants and animals, and supply irrigation water.
Lakes are inland bodies of water entirely surrounded by land connected to rivers and
underground seepage. They provide usable water and serve as habitats for plants and
animals. Some of them are used in aquaculture. For instance, Laguna de Bay, Philippines
largest freshwater lake, houses over 1% of the global farmed fishes.
Groundwater can be found underground when one digs deep enough to cross the water
table. The water table is the boundary between the soil and the aquifer (usually rocks or soil)
that stores the groundwater.

Groundwater may either come from the rain or may have been stored underground for many
years. It supplies water to households, industries, and agriculture. It is often the main source
of potable water and is also used as the water supply of firefighters.
Man-made reservoirs
Some locations in the world have difficulties in their water resources, especially during dry
seasons. Dams are built by humans to function as water reserves. Dams, like other natural
water resources, can provide water for the communities.
Key Points

Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful.

Water resources provide potable water, serve as habitat for aquatic plants and
animals, and supply irrigation water.

Oceans are the largest reservoirs of water in the world.

Glaciers contain most of the freshwater reserves on Earth. Even when these
reserves cannot be extracted in large amounts, they can still be melted and used as
potable water.

Rivers and streams comprise 0.49% of the freshwater supply.

Lakes are inland bodies of standing water that provide usable water and serve as
habitats for plants and animals.

Groundwater, which may either come from the rain or may have been stored
underground for many years, is the main source of potable water used by many

Man-made reservoirs such as dams are built by humans to function as water


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