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PWD 1359 SO/FC 2001(P-2)

Karnataka Government Secretariat,

Vidhana Soudha,
Bangalore, Dated: 25th October 2002

Subject: Awarding of contracts to the lowest evaluated technically and

Commercially responsive tenderer meeting the prescribed
Qualification criteria including tender capacity and past
It has come to the notice of the Government that some Procurement Entities
are adopting the practice of splitting the contract (particularly in Goods contracts)
among all or some tenderers by offering the price of the lowest tenderer to others
and dividing the quantity of Supply evenly or in other proportion. Such practices
undermine the rationale of competitive bidding, promote collusion and go against
the provisions of the KTPP Act and Rules.
The provisions of the KTPP Act and Rules provide for only the acceptance of
the lowest tender.

The lowest evaluated responsive tenderer deserves the full

award, if he has satisfied the stipulated qualifying criteria.

The following Provisions in the KTPP Act and Rules are brought to the notice
of all Procurement Entities:
(1) Section 13 of the Karnataka Transparency in Public Procurement (KTPP)
Act 1999 lays down that The Tender Accepting Authority shall, after
following such procedure as may be prescribed pass order accepting the
tender and shall communicate the information relating to acceptance of
tender together with a comparative analysis and reasons for accepting of
tender to the procurement entity and Tender Bulletin Officer

-- 2 -(2) Rule 21, Chapter VI of the KTPP Rules 2000 stipulates that The Tender
Accepting Authority shall cause the evaluation of tenders to be carried out
strictly in accordance with evaluation criteria indicated in the tender
(3) Rule 24, details the procedure for the initial examination of tenders to
determine substantial responsiveness.
(4) Rule 25, explains the procedure for determination of the lowest evaluated
(5) Rule 26 (1) stipulates that The tender Scrutiny Committee or the officer
inviting the tender shall prepare detailed evaluation report which shall be
considered by the Tender Accepting Authority before taking a final
decision on the tender.
(6) Rule 26 (2) states that As soon as the tenderer qualified to perform the
contract is identified in accordance with Section 13 of KTPP Act, the
Tender Accepting Authority shall pass order accepting the tender and
communicate the order of acceptance to the successful tenderer.
From the above provisions in the KTPP Act and Rules, it is clear that the
Contract should be awarded only to the lowest evaluated technically and
commercially responsive tenderer, who meets the prescribed qualification criteria
including bid capacity and past performance.
In view of the foregoing, the Government reiterates that when tenders are
invited for a specified quantity of Goods, the contract should be awarded only to the
lowest technically and commercially responsive tenderer who meets the prescribed
qualification criteria including bid capacity and past performance.
The above instructions shall apply to all Government Departments, Boards
Corporations, Socieities, Government Autonomous organizations, Universitites,
Panchayat Raj Institutions, Municipal Corporations, Local bodies etc for which KTPP
Act and Rules are applicable.

---3--All Procurement Entities shall ensure that the above instructions are followed
strictly in respect of all contracts irrespective of the funding agency.

It may be

noted that any violation of the KPTT Act,1999 and Rules, 2000 attracts the penal
provision under Section 23 of the Act.
The above instructions do not apply to tenders for fixing Rate Contracts, for
which instructions would be issued separately.

Principal Secretary to Government,
Finance Department.
The Chief Secretary to Government
Additional Chief Secretary to Government
Additional Chief Secretary and Development Commissioner
All Principal Secretaries & Secretaries to Government
Secretary Karnataka Legislature/Council/Assembly
Registrar, Karnataka, High Court, Bangalore
Registrar, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore
Secretary, Karnataka Public Service Commissioner, Bangalore
Additional Secretary, Parliamentary Affairs & Legislation Department
All Internal Financial Advisers
All Head of the Departments / CEOs of ZPs
All Boards / Corporations / Autonomy Bodies
All Deputy Secretaries Under Secretaries to Government, Finance Department

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