A Study On Brand Awareness of Ayurvedic Products and Services With Special

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Submitted to the university of Calicut

in partial fulfilment of the requirement
for the award of the degree of

Master of Commerce

Reg. No. VCAKMCM005



PG Department of Commerce
MARCH 2012



Dr. Rajani

PG Departement of

Assisstant professor

kizhoor, Kunnamkulam
PHONE:04885 222477

This is to certify that the project work entitled A STUDY ON

THRISSUR by RESHMA.M.RAJAN has prepared this project
report on and is done under my supervision for the partial fulfillment of
the requirement .For the award of the degree of Master of Commerce of
the University of Calicut, is a record of bonafide research work carried
out by her, under my supervision and guidance. The thesis has not been
submitted earlier, to any institution or University for the award of any
degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or other similar title.

Place : Thrissur
Date :


I,RESHMA.M.RAJAN hereby declare that the project report entitled

submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the
Masters Degree in Commerce to the University of Calicut under the
supervision and guidance of Dr.RAJANI.V, is a record of bonafide
research work has not been previously formed the basis for the award of
any degree, diploma, article ship, associateship, fellowship or any other
similar title of recognition.

Place :
Date :


This project report for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for
the award of degree of Master of Commerce has been made possible
through the direct and indirect co-operation of various persons. It gives
me immense pleasure to mention the names of those people who made
my work possible. After all, the success is the epitome of not only hard
work, surveillance, zeal, stead fast determination, but also encouraging
guidance. So with immense gratitude, I acknowledge all those whose
guidance and encouragement served as a beacon light and crowned my
efforts with success.
First of all, I sincerely express my deep gratitude to my
respectedproject guide,Dr.RAJANI.V,AssisstantProfessor, Sree
Vivekananda College, Thrissur. For giving me valuable suggestions,
guidance, support and advice throughout the execution of the project. I
am also greatful to V.AJITH KUMAR, Principal , Sree Vivekanada
College,for his advice and encouragement in conducting the present
study.It gives me pleasure to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mrs.
Sujatha.M, Head of the Department, PG Department of Commerce,
Kizhoor,Kunnamkulam, for her sincere co-operation and valuable
I would like to express my profound sense of gratitude to Ms. Sandya
Sathish, Assisting Marketing Manager, SITARAM AYURVEDA
PHARMACY LTD Thrissur, for giving me the support and directions
throughout the study.
I extend my sincere thanks to all the faculty members, non-teaching
staff of Sree vivekanada college, for the support and the encouragement
extended to me.
I also express my deep gratitude towards my family and friends,
without their co-operation and support: this project would not have been
Above all I thank the Almighty God whose blessings have been upon
me to complete this study successfully.













List of Tables





Age wise Classification


Area wise Classification


Marital Status


Educational Qualification wise Classification of



Occupation wise Classification of Respondents


Income wise Classification of Respondents


Usage Pattern


Reasons for choosing Product\Services


Source of Inspiration


Type of products\services


Periodicity of purchases


Periodicity of usage


Factors influencing Sitaram Ayurvedic



Opinion regarding Sitaram products\Services


Risk\Problem connected with availability of



Promotional measures
Perception of Customers about Brand Awareness and
its Effectiveness






Age wise Classification


Area wise Classification


Marital Status


Educational Qualification wise Classification of



Occupation wise Classification of Respondents


Income wise Classification of Respondents


In todays rapidly changing business environment, organisations are
concerned about competition, the quality of their products and services
and operating more efficiency. All the products are competing each
other to make a name of them. Each and every brand is thriving hard to

create an excellent brand name and to get a position in the minds of the
customer. Brand awareness is when people recognize your brand as
yours. This is for what all the players in the market are competing for.
Organisations marketing department seeks to attract the consumers or
customers by differentiating and marketing their product or services.
Especially in the current intense global competition and technological
advancement era the marketing department now more and more using
branding as one of their marketing and sales methods. The marketing
department of the organisation must have enough awareness about all
products and services branding concept and that they are only
implementing branding process. A successful product and service
brand needs to convey the expectation or promise that is distinctively
associated with the product and service.
As in this complex and dynamic markets, real branding and its
effective implementation requires combination of marketing strategies,
includes price, distribution, advertisement, sponsorship, price deals on
building the consumer perception about the brand awareness.
Brand image has a key role in the marketing of product and services.
Image and purchase decision are positively correlated, in the sense that
customer make decision before purchasing a product, there by
achieving expected satisfaction. Marinating brand image create brand
loyalty, awareness, perceived quality, strong brand association and
other such as patents, trademark and relationships. Brand stems greater
confidence in the mind of consumer than that of its competitors
product and service. This confidence translates into consumer
awareness, loyalty and their willingness to pay a premium price for the
brand. Brand awareness and brand image to be ascendant to brand
satisfaction and brand trust. Both brand satisfaction and brand trust

require brand knowledge, unless a consumer has a representation of the

brand in memory including awareness and positive image that wants to
satisfy by the brand or the trust of the brand.
Brand awareness create a sense of recognize and recalling ability in the
mind of potential customer. This tends to increase the purchase
intensity thereby increase the brand profitability. Strengthening of the
brand awareness results in the high competitive position, make sense
of familiarity and recall the brand at a key time of purchasing process.
Purchasing power of the customer can measure the brand awareness
through brand recognition, brand recall, top-of-mind and dominant
brand. At the purchasing time or before it the consumer must possess
brand knowledge and brand opinion. At the same time association
about the brand such as feelings, thoughts, perception, image,
experience, beliefs and attitude must be equally possessed.
The consumers ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand and the
ability to retrieve the brand when given the brand name as a cue from
among the brand category, this reflects the consumer ability of
recognition and recall of the brand for which they are loyal for
psychological satisfaction of the customer play a tremendous role in
create a fully pledged brand in the mindset of customers, which helps
in creating brand profitability. In short , brand awareness is the utmost
step in creating brand equity which in turn reflects in the brand loyalty
towards particular product\ services.
As in present economy the need for Ayurveda treatment shows a
tremendous growth rather than that of allopathic treatment. There
arises a new scope for the Ayurveda industry to capture the major
shares of the market and thereby adopting innovative and advanced
strategies by the marketing department for increasing the brand
awareness, brand equity and brand loyalty. The brand awareness has
got a major role in the Ayurveda industry. As Ayurvedic treatment

flows right from the ancient times its important in the economy. The
customers usually prefer the well known brands when they are in
search of an Ayurveda medicine. To attain the inner urge of customers
the company must conduct detailed study about the market condition
prevailing in the economy.
Brand awareness is vitally important for all brands, branding provides
differentiation in recognition and recalling the product and service.
Repeat purchase of the customer ultimately leads to value
reinforcement Inculcating relationship with customers is based on
intentions of cultivating the long term customer loyalty. The purpose is
to get the customer to become committed to a given service provider.
As the ayurvedic treatment has brought a tremendous change or
improvements in the tourism industry leads to economic growth there
by capturing the market share. Cultivating base of customer awareness
makes eminent sense on account of its implications on cost and
revenue of the firm. Some brands develop customer awareness and
commitment on the strength of their ability to deliver superior
functional benefits.
The study helps to get an idea of where the brand is positioned at
present and to evaluate the awareness level of Ayurvedic
products\services offered by Sitaram.

The present study entitled A STUDY ON BRAND AWARENESS OF

undertaken with the following specific objectives

To evaluate the brand awareness of ayurvedic products and services

with special reference to SITARAM AYURVEDA Pharmacy Private

Limited Thrissur
To assess the role os SitaramM products\service __________ brand
loyalty and related benefits.

Period of study

The duration of the project work is 3 weeks.

Data Collection
Both primary and secondary data were collected and used for the study.
Primary data were collected from 50 customers of using
products\services of Sitaram limited. With the help of a questionnaire
secondary data were collected from books, journals, website, etc
Sample Design
Sample of 50 customers using Ayurvedic products\services of
Sitaram limited were selected from urban, semi-urban and rural areas
of Thrissur, District by apply by judgment sampling method.
Tools used for analysis
Keeping in view of the objectives of the present study, collected data
were analysed with the help of percentage analysis and weighted
average or score.
Limitations of the study
The analysis of the present study manily depends upon the personal
view of the customers ans as such an element of subjectivity cannot be
reflect out, inspite of the earnest effort to overcome this limitations.
Time and resource for conducting the study were also limilted.
Chapter Schemes
Project report is presented in five chapterChapter I


Chapter II

Review of literature
A. Review of Literature
B. Theoretical Framework of study
I. Concept of brand, importance and other related

II. Ayurveda- History and Recent trends

a. Global Scenario
b. Indian Scenario
c. Kerala
Chapter III

Industry Profile

Chapter IV

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Suggestion and Conclusion


A. Review of Literature
A review of theoretical and empirical literature pertaing to the topic
of the study is an integral part of any research work. Hence, an

attempt has been made in this chapter to present a review of various

studies related to Brand Awareness.

Aaker1 in his study,Brand Equity Investment really Worthwhile

showed that recognition and recall is the inner urge that created in the
consumer mind while they are loyal for a higher level brand. Brand
enhance the Measurement of brand recall and recognition
Aaker2 in his study ,Measuring Brand Equity across Product and
Markets, found about measuring brand equity comes across that,
strength of brands presence in the consumers mind about products
and services .As brand awareness is an asset that can be inordinately
durable and thus sustainable.
Blumenthal and Bergstrom3 Brand Councils that Care: Towards the
Convergence of Branding and Corporate Social Responsibility in their
study , mentioned that both branding and corporate social
responsibility have crucial role uponthe organisation have recognized
how these strategies can add or detract from their value.

Cavero and Cedollada4 in their study the Brand Choice and Marketing
Strategy highlighted brand devotion signifies product fondness that
user wont think of supplementary brand when they acquire a
manufactured goods.

Chieng Fayrene Y.L and Goi Chai Lee5 in their study named
Customer- Based Brand Loyalty suggested that customer based
brand equity which based to the consumer response to a brand name.
Recognition and recall of successful brand provide competitive brand
that are critical to the success of company.

Hoffler and keller6, Building Brand equity through Corporate

Societal Marketing identified intensity and width as measures of
recognizing a thereby creating the brand awareness in the mindset of
Kambiz Heidarzadeh Hanzaee and Hamid Saeedi7 conducted a study
on. A Model of Destination Branding for Isfahan city revealed that it
aims to develop and test a theoretical model of destination branding,
which integrates the concepts of the branding and destination image.
Kan8 signifies in his The Study of Relation between Product Value,
Brand Trust, Brand Affect and Brand Loyalty that the consumer must
have encouraging feelings as well as complete pleasure towards brand
and they will create purchase purpose and give supremacy brand
loyalty which further enhances brand profitability.
Keller9 in the study of The Effects of Brand Name Suggestiveness on
advertising Recall, brand awareness was an informational nodes
linker to the memory of the consumer that creates a meaning of brand.
Keller10 Strategic Brand Management explained the consumers
ability to recall and recognize the brand under different conditions and
to link the brand name, logo, symbol, and so as forth to creation brand
association in memory.
Klooster11 revealed in his study Exploring Destination Brand
Communities described that intense global competition in the tourism
industry forces destinations to develop strong, unique, and competitive
destination brands. This has disproportionate effect on peoples
perceptions of the country as a whole, so branding is the best solution
for tourist destinations.

Kotler and Armstrong12. Principles of Marketing, invested that

branding today is used to create emotional attachment to product and
Kotler and Keller13 in their study Marketing Management, relater with
brand association contributed that brand association consists of all the
brand-related thoughts, feelings, perceptions, images, experiences,
beliefs, attitudes and is anything linked in memory to a brand.
Macdonald and Sharp14 invented in their Brand Awareness Effects on
Consumer Decision Making for a Common, Repeat Purchase Product,
that the increase of buyer awareness has made want to made buyers
want to pay for their recognizable and constructive brand. Thus, it is
important for businesses to create attraction in their brands to be in
better position than their competitors. This is evident that the
consumers disseminate and always willing to acquire a product, so here
the brand awareness is always a vital factor to manipulate the buying
decisions and purchase intentions.
Nazia Yaseen, Mariam Tahira, Amir Gulzar and Ayesha Anwar15, in
their study Impact of Brand Awareness , Perceived Quality and
Customer Loyalty on Brand Profitability and Purchase Intention
conducted to investigated the mediating role of purchase intention on
the relationship of brand awareness and profitability, perceived quality
and profitability and brand loyalty and profitability.
Neal and Strauss16 . A Frame Work for Measuring and Managing
Brand Equityinvented that the primary sources of competitive
advantage and future earnings of any business are intangible includes
its base of loyal customers brands, symbols and slogans, which also
includes the brands underlying image personality, identity, attitudes,
familiarity, association and name awareness.

Parasuraman and Grewal17 The Impact of Technology on the Quality

Value-Loyalty chainsuggested that the added optimistic retailer
contract observations are, the powerful buyer fidelity is.
Pike18 in his study aboutDestination Marketing Organisation, stated
tourism destination branding suggest that most tourism activities take
place at a particular destination, therefore the destination itself forms a
pillar of any modeling that is done for the tourism system.
Subhani and Amber Osman19, A Study on Association between Brand
Awareness and Consumer Brand Loyalty, which focuses on empirical
studing the relationship of brand awareness on brand loyalty, which
constitute the success of brand.
Thakor and Kohil20 Effect of Brand Origin Perceived Association on
consumer Perceptions of Quality, stated in their study that less
concern to be given to the place where brands manufacture their
products, and more to the place where people perceives the brands
country of origin to be.
Veryzer and Hutchinson21, in their study The Influence of Unity and
Prototypicality on Aesthetic Responses to New Product Designs
argues that typical brands are recalled faster than that of atypical
From the review of earlier study summarised above it can be concluded
that the most of the studies are related to the role of brand, brand
loyalty, general aspects of branding etc.. Studies pertaining to brand
awareness of ayurvedic products\services are very few in number and
has been undertaken.

B. Theoretical Framework of study

Marketing department of the organisation must be dynamic enough to

switch according to the day-to-day technological advancement,
increasing competition, establishing market share and satisfying the
customer needs and preference. Strategy as well tactics will enable an
organisation to higher its brand and maintain loyalty in the minds of
customers. The implemented strategy must be powerful enough to
focus on multiple brands, multiple products and multiple markets .In
short creating brand value is becoming the drive of strategy.
Marketing department of the organisation play a vital role in the
performance of several valuable function, to create or increase the
brand among the customers. The customer must be overwhelmed with
the marketing strategies of the particular brand for which are aware and
loyal for. Proper evaluation and analysis must done while marketing a
product or services, which create value in the customers. Creating
brand image among consumers results in the repurchase of the brand,
which also leads to link a relationship between brand awareness and
brand loyalty, which constitute to the success of the brand.
A brand is a unique identity used to differentiate and identifies a
product in a meaningful and relevant way to group of consumers. The
product is the physical evidence of a brand that has specific features
and attributes. Brand success is measured by consumer loyalty which
requires a consistent delivery of the brand promise. Brand creates
differentiated image of product or services, which have unique and
extraordinary characteristics than that of competitors. Even though in
the global competitive marketplace the brand must face various
challenges include organisational challenges, the brand building
program challenges and brand identity and position challenges, at the

same time the brand strive to overcome such challenges. Also

managing process, branding, sub-branding, accessing the media,
achieving brilliance, integrating the communication and measuring the
result all must be done in a timely manner. By the proper analysis and
execution functions of the marketing department drives the brand
concept in the mind of customers.
Brand perform as an economic function in the consumers mind ,the
value of the brand comes from its ability to gain an exclusive, positive
and prominent meaning in the mind of large number of potential or
prospective buyers. The essence of brand is to function as a recognized
symbol in order to facilitate choice and to gain time. Uniqueness of the
product and services, basically create perception in the mind of
consumer about the brand. A brand is a consistent group of characters,
images, or emotion that consumers recall, recognize or experience
when they think a specific symbol, product, service, organisation or
location. A brand is experienced in it entirely which means both
emotions and rational thoughts are involved. The core process of brand
is to create meaning, which includes positioning and core values.
Brand building process is of two parts- internal and external. Internal
process describes the relationship between the organisation and the
brand, with the internal objective being for the organisation o live its
brands. The external process is that concerned with relations between
the brand and the customer, with the external objective of creating
value and forming relationship with the customer.
Brand must possess various features, as brand must be clear and
memorable to recall and recognize in the future course of action. Brand
must be distinctive from the competitors. Brand product attributes
benefit usage quality. Also brand must create good image, must

original and not to be offensive. Brand with all these apt features can
influence the consumers in their buying decision and shapes the
ownership experience Consumers enjoying the benefits of a strong
brand can avail a trust and emotional attachment to product or services.
In this case premium price can also be recommended for the product or
services with strong brand.
Brand may be of different type according to the nature, usage
,preference, etc. of product or services provided by the concerned
firm:Individual brand firm may decide upon a policy of adopting
distinctive brands for each of its product.
Family brand-firm with many lines of products and each line of
product is given a particular brand name.
Company brand-all the products of a company have the name of the
company as a brand name.
Combination brand-each product of the company has an individual
brand name but it also has the name of the company brand to indicate
the business house producing the product
Functions of brand for the consumer are identification in the sense that
to identify the sought-after products. Through identical repurchasing
and loyalty allows in practically savings of time and energy.
Guarantee, to be sure of finding the same quality of the product or
service. Optimisation to be sure of buying the best product in its
category, the best performer for a particular purpose, must be
characterizsation to have confirmation of the brands self-image or the
image that present to others. Continuity and satisfaction brought about
thorough familiarity and intimacy with the brand that have been
consuming for years. Satisfaction linked to the attractiveness of the

brand, to its logo, to its communication. Ethical, satisfaction linked to

the responsible behavior of the brand in its relationship towards
society. The strategic research must go into the development of the
development of the brand. As its a time-consuming and often critical
task to handle, is the reason of branding.
Branding holds tremendous importance since many years; it is the key
to distinguish the goods and services from one to another. Customers
simply understand the brand to associate and reckon with easy
information like processing about the product purchasing and being
certain about the brand to build their trust with time, Branding grew a
lot as per modern concept its not merely for identification, but also
emotional attachments, a feeling of involvement, a sense o higher
quality and an aura of intangible qualities that surround the brand
name, mark or symbol. Branding issued to imprint a representational
image of a product or service into the mind of the customers. Branding
must attract and keep customers by promoting value, image, prestige or
lifestyle. Also communicate information minimise risk or increase
trust, help identify or recall key factors, differentiate from competition
and facilitate recommendations.
Selecting a consistent element mix to identify and distinguish it
through positive image building constitute branding. Branding conveys
the promise of a memorable experience that is uniquely associated with
the product or service it also serve to consolidate and reinforce the
recollection of experience of the brand. Branding accumulates benefits
to consumers to consumers in the form of utility and services. The
recalling and recognising capacity of the consumer about a brand and
its attributes for long period indicates a favorable reaction towards an
element of the marketing mix for the brand.

Core value of branding creates awareness association and loyalty in the

mindset of customers. Recalling and recognizing capacity of the
consumer about product and product category is perceived by the
product quality. Interactive communication of internal and external
consumers tends to identify the brand name and company name.
Overall the target consumer in the market must possess various internal
urge to acquire a product that creates brand awareness in the
consumers mind through branding.
Branding is now widely acknowledge as a potent tool for companies to
use their advantage in achieving competitive strengthens of the market,
as it generates value both for the producer and consumer. A strong
unique image is the essence of product positioning fir its ability to
differentiate a product or service from competitors to get into the
consumers mind, which simplifies information continuously.
Branding is perhaps the most powerful marketing weapon available to
contemporary product or services. Branding functions related to
product or service helps to reduce the choice, the consumers loyal to a
brand always stick to avail that particular product or service for a long
time. Branding conveys consistency across multiple outlets and
through time. Branding reduce the risk factor attached to decision
making. Branding facilitates precise segmentation and also signifies
prestige. Branded products indirectly denote the quality or standard of
a product.
Branding provides various advantages, as brand is the heart of
business, which creates an identification of the product. Manufacturer
has an advantage of differentiating their product from that of the
competitors. Also company can possess goodwill and reputation.
Reduction in marketing expenses, control price of products,

opportunity to introduce new product due to increase demand for

product. Consumers ensure branding advantage but acquiring quality
products at right time, at right price, at right quantity and at the right
place. Also standardised products keep the customer away from all
courses of malpractices. Distributors benefits through the reduction in
the selling efforts, business risk and cost of distribution.
As the marketing function is to promote the brand of a particular
product or service. Branding process which concludes with the creation
of brand awareness in the consumers mind.
Achieving successful brand awareness means the brand must be well
know and is easily recognisable. Brand awareness is crucial task to
differentiate the companys product or services from other similar
product and competitors. Brand awareness creates potential customers
aware about the company and its products or services. The ultimate
goal of most business is to increase sales and income, for this purpose
the customer must aware of the brand.
Brand awareness refers to the strength of a brands presence in the
consumers mind. Brand awareness can provide a host of competitive
advantages fir the marketers. Brand awareness include sense of
familiarity of a brand, awareness can be a sign of presence,
commitment and substance. The salience of a brand decide, whether is
recalled at a key time in the purchasing process.
Brand awareness is the asset that can be inordinately durable and thus
sustainable. It may be extremely difficult to dislodge a brand that had
achieved a dominant awareness level. Brand awareness is vitally
important for all brands. Brand awareness is measured according to the
different ways in which consumers remember a brand, which may

include brand recognition, brand recall, top-of-mind and dominant

Awareness as the customers ability to recall and recognize the brand
as reflected by their ability to identify the brand under different
conditions and to link the brand name, logo, symbol and so forth to
certain association in memory. Brand recognition related to consumers
ability to confirm prior exposure given to the brand a cue. It requires
that consumers can correctly discriminate the brand as have been
previously seen or heard. Brand recall relates to consumers aptitude to
retrieve the brand from memory given the product category which
fulfills the needs by category or a purchase or usage situation as a cue.
Top-of-mind brand is the brand name that first comes to the mind when
a consumer is presented with a name of product classification.
Dominance in brand name is the ultimate level of awareness. The
challenges facing the marketers are to build awareness and presence
both economically and efficiently.
Besides recognition and recall other higher levels of awareness,
include identify the brand knowledge a brand opinion. Brand
knowledge is the full set of brand awareness and brand association
linked to the brand. For well-known brands recall and recognition is
one of the most important attempt made from the part of customer.
Recall and top-of-mind are more sensitive and meaningful. Brand
knowledge and brand opinion can be used in part of enhance the
measurement of brand recall; Brand associations must precede
conceptualisation of brand awareness. In order to develop a set of
association, the consumer must aware of the brand

Brand association consists of all brand-related thoughts, feelings,

perceptions, images, experiences, beliefs and anything linked in
memory about the brand. Brand awareness is categorized into two type
product associated and organisational association.
Product association includes functional attribute associations and nonfunctional association. Functional attributes are the tangible features of
a product. While evaluating a brand, consumers link the performance
of the functional attributes to the brand. Performance is defined as a
consumers judgment about a brands fault free and longlasting
physical operation and flawlessness in the products physical
construction. Non-functional attributes includes intangible features that
meet consumers needs for social approval personal experience or selfesteem. In product association consumer linked the social image,
trustworthiness, perceived value, differentiation and country of origin
to a brand.
Social image limit the reference of the image dimension to the social
dimension, calling it social image as social image contribution more to
brand equity. Social image refer to as the consumers perception of the
esteem in which the consumers social group holds the brand. It
includes the attributions a consumer makes and a consumer thinks to
make the typical user of the brand. Value appeared in several brand
equity, defined as the perceived brand utility relative to its costs,
assessed by the consumer and based on simultaneous consideration of
what is received and what is given up to receive it. Consumer choice of
brand depends on a perceived balance, the price of the product and all
utilities. A consumer is willing to pay premium prices due to the higher
brand equity. An important attribute in assessing the strength of a brand
is the trustworthiness of a product. Trustworthiness refers to as the

confidence the consumer place in the firm and the firms

communication and as to whether the firms action according to
consumers interest. Consumers place high value in the brand that they
trust. Brand provides benefits to consumers by differentiating products,
as they facilitate the processing and retrieval of information.
Distinctiveness is defined the degree to which the consumers perceive
that a brand is distinct from its competitors. a brand can have a price
premium if it is perceived as being different from its competitors.
Country of origin of brand must also be considered in association of a
product. This refers to as the place, region, or country to which the
brand is perceived to belong by its customers. Country-of-origin is
known to lead to associations in the minds of consumers. The country
of origin of a product is an extrinsic cue, which, similar to brand name,
is known to brand name, is known to influence consumers perception.
It refers to the country of origin of a firm or a product or the country
where the product is manufacture or assembled.
Organisation association, include corporate ability association which
are those associations related to companies expertise in producing and
delivering its output. And in case of corporate social responsibility
associations all the activities are perceived in respect of its societal
Brand awareness, perceived quality and customer loyalty towards a
brand helps in increasing the purchase intention among the consumer
also increase bran profitability. Awareness has made buyers to pay for
their recognizable and constructive brand. Thus it is important for
business to create attraction in their brand to be in better position than
their competitors. Brand awareness is always a vital factor to
manipulate the buying decisions and purchase intention. Profitability

performance tends to have positive relationship with brand awareness.

Profitability performance is a monetary input of the brand in the mean
of revenue. The purchase decision is also influenced by the perceived
quality which is also an aspect of brand value that makes the
consumers to pay for certain product or services. Brand awareness and
perceived quality is necessary for the purchase of the brand, the loyalty
is a guarantee for purchase. Brand loyalty plays a vital role in
purchase, re-purchase and switching behavior. So all the three are
significant for the purchase and purchase intentions. The levels of
brand loyalty increase the economic value of brand as well as augment
sales of a brand. Brand profitability that upholds a product or services
as the income that it attract, and are used to make sure its stamina and
growth to further better recognise how this production profitability is
affected. The outcomes of all these brand awareness, perceived quality,
brand loyalty and brand profitability the further give emphasis to
generate a plan to make purchase intention which is basically a degree
of preparation for generating a plan to analysis on purchase intention of
consumers ,basically become a path to recognize the growth of sales in
the brand.
Brand awareness creates a sense of promise in consumer mind, which
provoke them to increase their purchase intention. Consumers
confidence or trust in a loyal brand tends them to recognize and recall
of the brand at the time of purchase of the brand. The supreme power
of brand awareness tremendously helps in increasing the brand
profitability. Brand awareness is a positive cause which leads to brand
equity and brand loyalty.

I . Concept of brand, importance and other related

Brand recognition of the company helps to develop public trust and
promotes the companys reputation as a credible and reliable position
in the market. For the success of brand, marketing strategies and sales
people are the important instrumental tool in branding. Unique and
creative brand can help to out from competitors and earn loyalty. For
the effective promotion of the brand one must analyse the objectives,
vision, mission, product and services, public, employees, service
tactics, etc...This is only a starting point and lot of strategic research
must go into the development of brand.
Understanding the importance of need for planning along with
specifications that increase awareness of the brand among the
consumers. Through the entire process of creating a brand, it is of
utmost importance to consider the brand awareness. Brand awareness
is very important, which play a major role in purchasing decision of
the consumers. The more aware the consumer about the brand, the
more is their willingness to pay for that brand. The planning and
development of brand awareness is to identify and understand the
target customers, creating a company name, logo and slogan, adding
value through packaging, location, services, special events, and
advertising and after sale follow-up and customer relations
management. The challenges faced by the organisation such as whether
there exists potential customer to brand, decline the power of
willingness form the part of potential customers for paying the brand
that of less expensive alternatives. So in this case promotional
measures and actions must be introduce to increase brand awareness.

Brand help s to stand apart from the crowd, when it comes to a bunch
of products offering the same services, it is the brand identify that
helps to steal the deal.. Brand help generate a credible business image.
By using the right kind of branding strategies business can generate a
sense of trust regarding their products or service among the customers.
A credible image can hugely help a business boost its sales conversion.
For instance, while buying goods not many users will think twice
before going for a transaction, but they will think twice when it comes
to other relatively unknown brands. Brand help promote business
through word of mouth. The team of usability experts will ensure that
brand design does not have any usability flews. After formulating a
usable product design based on the business requirements and end-user
analysis team conducts a final usability testing before the product is
made live.
By this way there remains a continual updating of a brand awareness
strategy according to the dynamic environment. Also helps in
determining the awareness among the consumers to the prior changes
making in the brand. From this decide the need suggestion that might
help to increase the awareness and public recognition. Efficient and
effective execution of the change helps in increase the brand
awareness, without any change in the mind of consumers. Thereby the
potential consumers of the brand recognise the change and switch
Truly successful brand awareness often takes time to develop. Firstly
effective awareness effort is required to develop. Then there is the time
required for the message to reach potential customer. Potential
customers react to the message differently, few respond early while
most of them take time to hear and respond later. Establishing

customer loyalty takes the moist time, as it requires external experience

with the products or services .All leads to the promotion of positive
brand awareness. Brand with reliable high quality, distinctive
characteristics, attractive logo, fair price etc create positive
awareness. This in turn creates a good impression in the mind of
customers to influence the brand loyalty. Along with positive
awareness trust is another important facto achieved through credibility.
Brand is one of the primary intangible assets of the business. Its
financial value can be measured directly by measuring the difference in
price that a customer is willing to pay for the branded product over a
generic equivalent, less the cost of marketing. Brand is so valuable,
which want to give the brand legal protection by turning it into a
trademark. With high brand awareness, an established brand name can
be used a plat fo the launching of new, but related products. By using
the same brand name, the organisation can cut the advertising cost,
because the consumer already knows what to expect from these
branded products. At the same time, these new brand extensions also
increase and enhance existing brand awareness. any new product
released under the original brand must conform to existing consumers
expectation. Another way to build on an established brand name is to
establish a family of brand name either to take advantage of marketing
or to establish a different, but related brand has high brand awareness.
Also high brand awareness of a well-conceived brand can even ignore
language barriers.
Establishing positive brand awareness and trust creates an impression
about brand is of utmost importance. Consumer must be aware of the
product vale then only they can analyse the awareness of the brand.
The importance of consistency of message about the brand. The

company attempts to present a consistent message about the consumers

are all about the company. The impressions hope to make on
consumers and potential consumer which must be consistent across
various mediums, situations and promotional attempts.
As it promotional materials consistent slogans and taglines are
published through mediums, website and logo, to name a few.
Consistency cant be emphasised enough. It represents the consumer
can continue to associate with the products. Creating brand awareness,
through a collaborative, well developed overall image, is essential to
developing a success brand that achieves maximum benefits. It is
important to pay attention on customers response towards the
products, packaging, displays, and messages. Brand promotion leads to
the increase in purchase intensity of the potential or prospective
customer, as their decision regarding purchase includes the following
steps- a need must perceived and this need varies according to range
complexity and severity. To make purchase decision, one must seek
information. Simple reading, search on an internet to an inquiring call
all these process provide information about the products and their
value can be important to making evaluation. Evaluation of alternative
brand or product helps the potential or prospective customers to
identify the most favorable brand needed to them among the
alternatives. Essentially the customers assess the quality of the product
that might make it worth to purchase. Value assessment of the brand or
product results in a decision either to buy or pass upon an offer.
Purchase decision must be assessed to reaffirming or doubling, and this
can occur a day, a month or a year or more after the purchase.
Testimonials from satisfied customer may help to shape these afterpurchase expectations. Understanding the stages of a purchasing

decision vary both in time and whether the stages really are distinct,
one can better assess where they might be able to have an influence on
someones decision to purchase.
Carefully planned communication strategies play an important role in
creating a brand. Through the communication process the benefits of
the brand can prove attractiveness and ability to increase brand
awareness. Investing in consumer education is a promotional measure
to achieve strong brand awareness and loyalty. The education strategy
has always relied on direct contact with its potential consumers for
better and first-hand information. Amongst its educational strategies
investment in consumer product sampling, educational seminars for
opinion formers, etcMarketing its brand in one package size, one
design and bearing one uniform message, has yielded solid and
impressive results.. A strong component of this strategy is the timely
entering into the market-always first-which has given sufficient time to
build category awareness followed by a strong brand awareness.
To solidify the communication efforts, it launched simultaneous public
relation activities, relying heavily on press release and advertorial and
editorial material. Establishing strong category awareness can establish
its own branding program, develop simultaneously with a comarketing programs offered to its customers. The promotional measure
to increase the brand includes- keep it simple, consumer realise the full
benefits of product and services aware to them. The communication
strategy is designed to create consumer aware of benefit of both
product and services, which ultimately lead them to look for product
containing better quality and satisfaction. Products featuring the logo
are easily identifiable and positive; these products did not make
reference to complicated products or services. Also website facility is

provided access to more detailed information on the benefits of various

Intensive consumer research determines the specific needs of
consumers seeking benefits from the product, also through messages to
be transmitted on relevant source. Standing alone strategy may be
appropriate or successful for all countries, but it does serve as a
cautionary lesson when so much emphasis and effort are being placed
on pack communication of product and services. Based on simple
communication strategies, to ultimately reach consumer awareness and
sales of product or services categories. Common to the success of
company is that product or services were scientifically proven, welldocumented and patent protected, their timing of entry into the market
must be well- prepared, and they concentrated effort first on. Creating
awareness and only afterward on creating brand awareness.
Promotion of the brand or product is the process of notifying the public
or target customers about new products, recalling products, disease
outbreaks, public service information and many other type of news.
Many company use advertising mediums like newspapers or radio
advertising to promote consumer awareness. Informing the public
about vital information or new products plus positive image. There are
various steps to create consumer aware of product or service
information which leads to promotion of product or service. Deciding
the target for the announcement of product or services. Determine the
advertising medium or methods can use to reach target audience.
Create a memorable character, which must be attractive and effective.
This helps in distinctive identification of the brand. Develop a small
booklet that contains vital information about the product or services
that want to be distributed. Also hire people to hand these booklets out

at retail outlets or high traffic areas, inviting consumer to try the

product or read more about it. Schedule a seminar at schools, office
complexes or manufacturing plants, if information is vital to students
or workers. Discuss about the product its features, size, package,
availability, usage, etc..Promotion can be done through advertisement,
at the introduction stage advertisement must be run frequently to
possess a place in mind of consumers. Also announcement on radio
stations that make appeal on target audience. Along with this product
promotion can also be done through television, as target audience is
most likely to view it. Place full;-page advertisement in the newspaper
in the business section or in a section related to product or service.
Innovative ideas can be used for the promotion of product or services,
which tries to satisfy the unending needs and wants of customers. Also
concentrate on propelling sales and generate revenue. Promotional
measures helps in building long-term personal relationship. To gain
and retain the trust of our client to exceed the promotional product
expectation and take the confusion and struggle out of their campaigns.
Promotional products are the only medium engages all the five sense.
Customer can see, hear, touch, taste and even smell them. Plus
promotional products are easily affordable; create impression in longlasting and readily measurable. Make promotional products on integral
part of marketing mix.
Promotional measures handle by Sitaram Ayurveda pharmacy in
creating brand awareness among customers:Collecting personal information::in this case the company do not
collect personally identification information of the customers, but if the
same must be provided by the customers. Customers can submit for an
inquiry about the company information or can sign up for the

newsletter at that time the customers may ask for certain provided
information such as contact details name, e-mail addressed, etc
Along with this company to take care of the privacy policy upon the
information. The company properly maintains privacy policy without
disclosing the information about the consumer to a third party. Also
retain other companies and individual to perform function on one
behalf. Such third party may provide with access to personally
identifiable information needed to perform their function.
E-mail addresses::company never compels any one to receive
unwanted email from them. at the same time they are trying to make it
easy to opt-out of any product or services that have been asked to
receive through world network.com, newsletter and verification e-mail
is sent via wn.com is clearly an conspicuously named at the point of
collection. Consumers have also option not to receive promotional
Third party advertises::the advertising banners and others forms of
advertising appearing on this website are sometimes delivered to the
customers behalf by a third party. In the course of service advertised to
this site the third party may place or recognize a unique cookie on the
Business transfer::as they continue to develop business they might sell
certain aspects of their entity or asset. In such transaction user
information includes personally identifiable information generally is
one of the transferred business assets, and by submitting customer
personal information on wn.com that agree the transfer of data in these

II. Ayurveda- History and Recent trends

Ayurveda is composed of two words. Ayu which means Life

(Longevity) and Veda which means knowledge (Science). This is an
established, time tested and practiced science. Many scholars have
written volumes on various aspects of like as known to our modern
medical science. Few of the important aspects covered are life style,
exercise, health, body functions, metabolism, mind, spirit, diagnosis,
treatment, pharmacy, drug & medicine diet etc. In view of Western and
developed countries preference form natural and herbal for health and
health care is increasing, the Ayurvedic science, practice and industry
has great scope of development during 21st Century.
Ayurveda provides an integrated approach to preventing and treating
illness through lifestyle interventions and natural therapies. It is based on
the view that the elements, forces, and principles that comprise all of
nature - and that holds it together and make it function - are also seen in
human beings. In Ayurveda, the mind (or consciousness) and the body (or
physical mass) not only influence each other. Together they form the
mind-body. The universal consciousness is an intelligent, aware ocean of
energy that gives rise to the physical world we perceive through our five
senses. The true history of Ayurveda starts from the time of the Holy
Ancient mythology concept and essence of Ayurveda was revealed by the
creator of the world himself Lord Brahma.
The Vedas date back to about five thousand years. They preach the
philosophy of life. The Atharvaveda contains the principles of healing on
which Ayurveda is based. 'Ayur' means 'life' in Sanskrit. Ayurveda is the
most ancient science of healing which enhances longevity. It has influenced
many of the older traditional methods of healing including Tibetan, Chinese
and Greek medicine. Hence, Ayurveda is considered by many as the 'mother

of healing.' The hymns, the mantras and the medical information contained
in the Vedas were contributions of Rishis and munis or sages, over a period
of time.

The practical tenets of Ayurveda are divided into eight sections or branches.

Internal medicine,
Organic medicine,
Rejuvenating remedy,
Aphrodisiac remedies and
Spiritual healing.
These eight sections are called "Astanga Ayurveda".
Ayurveda is a complete or holistic system that integrates the mind,
body and spirit. For a few centuries, the tradition of Ayurveda was
dimmed due to the natural and human calamities and also by the
invasion of foreign cultures into India. The sacred texts were either
destroyed or stolen. However there were many Vaidyas or doctors in
India who managed to preserve some of the knowledge available in
these Holy Scriptures. Divine plants that sustain long life and good
health are now being rediscovered. Many renowned families of
Vaidyas, who are specialised in certain branches of Ayurveda, have
started functioning again in India. Today there is a revival of the
ancient culture and traditions inherent to Ayurveda, which is a true gift
of the ancient civilisation to the modern world.
One is impressed by the vast conceptual canvas and frame work of
Ayurveda. It is important to realise that Ayurveda is not confined to
medicine only, it tackle whole subject of life in its various

ramifications. This can be seen by the variety of topics discussed there,

such as re-birth, renunciation, salvation (Moksha), soul (Atma) etc....
The purpose of life is four - fold to achieve Dharma (Virtue), Artha
(Wealth) Kama (Enjoyment) and Moksha (Salvation). In order to attain
success in this fourfold purpose of life, it is essential to maintain life
not only in a disease-free state but also a positivity health state of body,
mind and spirit.
The emphasis on the maintains of positive health or swathe virtue, is a
distinguishing features of Ayurveda. In order to maintain positive
health, Ayurveda prescribes specified routine dinacharya, and also a
seasonal regime ritcharya in dinacharya great important is given to
diet which is to be taken in a prompt way with regard to quality,
quantity as well as frequency, emphasis is given to physical exercise
and personal hygiene.
The daily regime advocates not to suppress certain natural physical
urges like maturation, defecation, hunger, thirst, sleep etc. on the other
hand suppression of harmful psychic urges is advocated like greed,
fear, anger, vanity, jealousy, malice and excessive attachment to
anything. Equal important is given to mental health; flair ethic a
regime of sad putt (ethical life) is prescribed. Strict mental discipline
and adherence to moral values is considered a pre requisite for mental
That is named the science of life where in is laid down the good and
bad life, the happy life and what is wholesome and what is
unwholesome in relation to life.

a. Global Scenario
Even though the modern medicine had played and critically important
role in providing relief from pain and disease it had not been able to
provide a complete cure from many diseases. Further there are side

effects from many medicines. In account of the above facts, individuals

across the world are turning towards traditional medicines.
According to W.H.O. the global market of traditional therapies stands
at U.S.S. 60 Billion and is growing steadily. Global market for
medicinal herbs and herbal products is estimated to tough USS5
Trillion by 2050. This is great opportunity for Ayurveda. Export of
Ayurveda and siddha products and services offer huge potential,
considering that over 80 percent of the world population relies on the
traditional system of medicines to meet their primary health care needs.
Word demand for herbal products has been growing at the rate of 10%
- 15% per annum. There is also a growing demand for natural products
including items of medicinal value in the international market. The
medicinal plants related trade in India alone is approximately Rs. 500
Global market for herbal products, which include medicines, health
supplements, herbal beauty and toiletry products is estimated at around
US$ 50 Billion. Out of this, the market for herbal medicines alone is
estimated at around US$ 5 Billion and is expected to reach US$ 16
Billion by 2006.
The global herbal product market are mainly in Europe and North
America which together account for 63% of the world market. The
European for herbal remedies account for 45% of global market.
Germany and France are the most established marked with a share of
22% and 11% respectively. China is the major exporter of traditional
medicines to the world market. India needs to organize itself well to
get any significant share in this growing market segment. Against a
total global market of US$ 50 Billion India contributes only Rs. 500
crore. The export of value added product is only Rs. 75 crores and
mainly to markets where people of Indian Origin resides.
b .Indian Scenario

Ayurveda originated in the 10th century BC, but its current form took
shape between the 5th century BC and the 5th century AD. In Sanskrit,
Ayurveda means science of life. Ayurvedic philosophy is attached to

sacred texts, the Vedas, and based on the theory of Panchmahabhutas

all objects and living bodies are composed of the five basic elements:
earth, water, fire, air and sky. Similarly, there is a fundamental
harmony between the environment and individuals, which is perceived
as a macrocosm and micros relationship. As such, acting on one
influences the other. Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine, but
also a way of living. It is used to both prevent and cure diseases.
Ayurvedic medicine includes herbal medicines and medicinal baths. It
is widely practiced in South Asia, especially in Bangladesh, India,
Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Ayurvedic medicine is said to have originated from the ancient Hindu

sacred texts the Vedas, but these actually contain few medical
references. Modern scholars believe it evolved, gradually absorbing
influences from Buddhism and other traditions along the way.

The basis of Ayurveda is contained in two great medical compendiums

written by Charaka and Sushruta more than 2,000 years ago. These
texts cover a vast array of topics including pathology, diagnosis,
treatment, surgery, lifestyle advice and philosophy. Legend hasit that
Charakas compendium contains teachings passed down from the
Hindu god Indra. Copies of these texts, written in Sanskrit on palm
leaves, survive today and form the basis of Ayurvedic training.

Ayurvedic medicines are produced by several thousand companies in

India, but most of them are quite small, including numerous
pharmacies that compound intergradients to make their own remedies.
It is estimated that the total value of products from the entire Ayurvedic
production in India is one the order of one billion dollar (U.S). The
industry has been dominated by less than a dozen major companies for

decades, joined recently by a few others that have followed their lead,
so that there are today 30 companies doing a million dollars or more
per year in business to meet the growing demand for Ayurvedic
medicine. The products of these companies are included within the
board category of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG; which
mainly involves foods, beverages, toiletries, cigarettes etc.) Most of the
larger Ayurvedic medicine suppliers provide materials other than
Ayurvedic internal medicines, particularly in the areas of foods and
toiletries (soap, toothpaste, shampoo etc.) where there may be some
overlap with Ayurveda, such as having traditional herbal ingredients in
the composition of toiletries.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science, the origin of which can
be traced back to the Vedas, which are the oldest available classics of
the world. Vedas are the ancient books of knowledge, or science, from
India. They contain practical and scientific information on various
subjects beneficial to the humanity like health, philosophy,
engineering, astrology etc. Ayurveda is a holistic healing science which
comprises of two words, Ayu and Veda. Ayu means life and Veda
means knowledge or science. So the literal meaning of the word
Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is a science dealing not only
with treatment of diseases but is also a complete way of life.

The key suppliers in Ayurveda are Dabur, Baidyanath and Zandu,

which together have about 85% of Indias domestic market. These and
a handful of other companies are mentioned repeatedly by various
writers about the Ayurvedic business in India; a brief description is
provided for them, arranged here from oldest to newest:

Minerals and non-hormonal active ingredients used as a menopause

treatment alternative to HRT(_________). Soya is one of the main
ingredients in this product. The product also contains Ayurvedic herbs
that act like selective estrogen receptor modulators as well asparagus
root (shatavari), which reduces the frequency and intensity of hot
Ayurveda is a time tested health care system developed over a period
of time (since 500 BC) in Indian sub-continent with continuous use by
the community. It is well organized, codified and amply documented
and almost parallel to allopathic system in terms of institutional and
healthcare network in India. Ayurveda though popular in all the states
of the country, but it is comparatively more prevalent and acceptable in
Kerala, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya
Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and
Orissa, The distinguished

feature of Ayurveda is its holistic nature. It

considers a human being in totality and takes into consideration his

relationship with the environment. The unmatched heritage of this
system is a treasure house of knowledge for both preventive and
curative health care. The positive features of Ayurveda inter alia
include diversity and flexibility of remedies; natural origin of
healthcare & therapeutic modalities, large scale accessibility &
affordability; broad acceptance by a section of the general public; a
comparatively low cost; a low level of technological input and growing
economic value. The system provides not only comprehensive
treatment strategy for common as well as chronic ailments, but also
aims at enabling the body to fight the disease effectively while
promoting positive health. Due to such attributes, the system has great
potential to serve as a provider of holistic & comprehensive healthcare
that the larger sections of population in India and foreign countries.
Of late the importance of Ayurveda has been realized owing to its
natural origin and negligible toxicity of medicines, which happens to

be quite in contrast to western medical system that makes use of

chemical drugs. In post independence India, there has been
phenomenal growth of Ayurveda and as a result, a huge infrastructure
of healthcare is available in public, private and voluntary sectors.
However, in many parts of the country Ayurveda in various forms is
still the only kind of healthcare available within the financial and
physical reach of the people. Ayurveda sector in India in spite of
having a lot of diversity in many aspects still enjoys significant public
to government patronage.

c . Kerala
The ideal geographic location of Kerala and its salubrious climate
has made external purification and rejuvenation therapies most
effective for treatment of many psychosomatic disorders. The high
humidity in Kerala helps to open up the body pores and the
medicinal oils used in

massaging get easily absorbed into the

body there by increasing the effectiveness of the treatment

Kerala is famous for its enchantingly gorgeous natural scenes and
interesting cultural heritage determining back to thousands of years.
Ayurveda and yoga are from an intrinsic part of the cultural heritage of
Kerala. Ayurveda has been exercised in all oats of India, involving
Kerala ever since time unknown and even so, considered a secure
alternative to convention modes of medicine.
Ayurveda goes with the approach of holistic remedies and benefits you
to discover a delighted and enjoyable life free of sicknesses. The
healing of Ayurveda is founded one of the belief that all the disease in a
human body arises due to imbalance in the Tridoshas such as Vata,
Kapha and Pitta. Ayurvedic treatments are provided on patients to carry
the right balance in tridoshas. Ayurvedic treatments are provided on
patients to carry the right balance in tridoshas Ayurvedic treatments
offer rejuvenation and relaxation it designed a balance between body,
mind and soul. Some in demand and affective Ayurveda Treatments

advised to the patients include body sliming therapy, Anti-Neuropathy

treatments, Rejuvenation therapy, Migraine therapy, Body
Immunization therapy, Skin and beauty therapy, Arthritis and Spondy
litis therapy, Panchakarma therapy and Sinusitis.
Sirodhara, Pizhichil, Navarakizhi, Thalapothichil, Pachakizhi and
Podikizhi are some of the Kerala special ayurvedic procedures.
Kerala is blessed with a very rich bounty of healing herbs, trees and
shrubs that have been an endless source of Ayurvedic therapies. Kerala
has advanced its own of Ayurveda Message therapies such as Elakizhi,
Dhara, Lepanam, Kativasthi, Pizhichil, Abhayangam, Thalam,
Ksheeradhoomam, Nasayam, Udvarthanam, Dhanyamla Sirovasthi,
Njavarakizhi, Snehapanam and Urovasthi. Ayurveda remedies can be
effectual in different types of complaints like skin diseases, arthritis,
motor-neuron diseases, peptic ulcer, vascular diseases, respiratory
diseases, stress, heart diseases and gynecological disorders. The
revitalising Ayurvedic massages are an essential part of therapies that
help in energizing your mind, body and soul. Time scale of Ayurveda
treatments depends on the nature of medications you require and can
diversify from one week to a month. Yoga and meditation also from an
intrinsic part of the Ayurvedic therapies and are practiced under the
supervision of yoga professionals.
The fundamentals of Ayurveda being practised and taught in
Kerala are not different from those of the rest of the country, in
their essence and philosophy. But in the present days, there indeed
is a notable difference in certain aspects of Kerala tradition of
Ayurveda. This difference pertains to the importance given to
Vagbhatas Ashtangahridayam in preference to other classical texts
by Kerala traditional physicians, the uninterrupted history of
practising the classical panchakarma therapies in all their authentic
fidelity, the innovative development of the reputed Kerala
preparatory therapies and finally the wide variety of exclusive

herbal based formulations overshadowing the use of metal and

mineral based drugs.
The development of Ayurveda in Kerala is particularly noted for its
origins in non-brahminical traditions even before the entry of
classical Ayurveda in the early centuries of the Christian era. These
two streams subsequently blended so well that it gave a unique
strength to the health care tradition of Kerala. Selected few
brahmin households, named generally as Ashtavaidyas, were
bestowed with the responsibility of maintaining the Ayurvedic
tradition by practising it as a health care service as well as by
teaching its principles in the unique gurukula tradition. The
traditional practitioners of Ayurveda considered Ashtangahridaya
as a primary text. Several commentaries were written by experts
here. More importantly, new texts were written in Kerala both in
Malayalam and Sanskrit. Sahasrayogam, Chikilsamanjari,
Vaidyamanorama are just a few examples. These and similar other
Kerala texts still remain sources of very useful information on
formulation, medicinal plants and therapies.
Another very important contribution by Kerala physicians is the
continued practice and enrichment of the panchakarma therapy.
Even when they became defunct in the rest of the country due to
socio-political reasons, Kerala retained this therapeutic wealth in
all its pristine essence. Texts were written here on its practical
aspects. More importantly, the famous Kerala special therapies
were evolved by the practitioners here. They are essentially
preparatory in nature. Dhara, mukkippizhichil, navarakkizhi, etc
are typical examples. As the practice of Ayurveda expanded in

popular acceptance in the recent past, these treatment modalities

have also become more prevalent.
There are several unique herbal formulations
described in Kerala texts. Many of them have now
received national level acclaim and they are included
in the Ayurvedic Formulary of India. One important
aspect of Kerala formulations is that the stress is
more on herbal components rather than on metals or
minerals. There is also the history of Ayurvedic
physicians developing some areas of specialisations
like pediatrics, ophthalmology, martial therapy, etc.
The Ayurvedic manufacturing sector in the state comprises nearly 760
units having GMP Certification (report by Ayurvedic medicine
manufacturers Association). Ayurvedic medicines are produced by
several thousand companies in India, but most of them are quite small.
The total export earnings of the Ayurvedic medicines in 2001-2002
were Rs.750 crores and are expected to increase by Rs.5000 crores by
2006. Medical tourism is a thriving activity in the state with huge
employment potential. Creation of an advanced multipurpose
analytical testing and standardization laboratories caters to the needs of
the Ayurvedic and pharmaceutical industry for meeting international

Under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, there is a separate

Department of Indian Systems of Medicine & Homeopathy since 1995,
which was now been renamed as the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga,
Unnani, Siddhaand Homoeopathy (AYUSH). The Department
comprises of administrative staff headed by a Secretary and system
wise technical officers headed by Advisors. The mandate of the
department is to see for overall governance of regulation, development
and growth of AYUSH systems in the country and abroad. The
department has three subordinate officers and 15 autonomous bodies in

the form of research councils, national institutes, pharmacopeia

laboratories, a national level Ayurveda academy and a hospital.
The central Department of AYUSH administers the Acts related to
regulation of education, practice and drugs of Ayurveda, Sidha, Unani
and Homeopathy through concerned state departments.

There has been a constant policy support to traditional medicine in

India. However, in order to argument the development of traditional
systems of medicine in a systematic manner, the Government of India
put in place a seperate National Policy on Indian Systems of Medicine
& Homeopathy in the year 2002. The strategies outlined in this policy
are in line to that encompassed in the WHO strategy for Traditional
Medicine. The major objectives of the national policy for Ayurveda,
yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) are :
i) To promote holistic health and expand the outreach of healthcare to
people through preventive, promotive, mitigate and curative
intervention of AYUSH;
ii) To ensure affordable AYUSH services & drugs, which are which are
safe and Efficacious;
iii)To facilitate availability of quality raw drugs, which are authentic
and contain essential components as required under pharmacopoeia
standards to help improve quality of drugs, for domestic consumption
and export;
iv)To integrate AYUSH in healthcare delivery system and national
health programmers and ensures use of the vast infrastructure of
hospitals, dispensaries and physicians;
V)To provide full opportunity for the growth and development of
AYUSH systems and utilization of the potentiality, strength and revival
of their glory.

Apart from Allopathic system, Ayurveda is one of the following

systems recognized by the Government:
i) Ayurveda
v) Naturopathy

A vast infrastructure of Ayurveda comprising teaching institutions,
registered medical practitioners, hospitals & dispensaries and drug
manufacturing units is available in the country as under:

Registered practitioners : 4,30,890

(b) Total number of Colleges: 221

(c)Admission Capacity per annum for Degree course: 12,000 approx.
(d)Postgraduate colleges: 60
(e)Admission Capacity of Postgraduate courses: 1,000 approx.
(f)Ayurveda Universities: 2
(g)Licensed Drug Manufacturing Units : 7,778
(h)Hospitals: 2,500 approx.
(i)Beds in hospitals: 45,000 approx.
(j) Dispensaries : 14000 approx

National Institutes set up by the Central Government

Following National Institutes of Ayurveda are established with the
objective to develop them state-of-the-art centers of education,
healthcare and research, which in turn could be models to be followed

i) National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur.

ii) Institute of Postgraduate Training & Research in Ayurveda, at
Gujarat Ayurvedic University, Jamnagar
iii)National Academy of Ayurveda (Rashrtiya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth),
New Delhi.
iv) All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi (in the offing)

Regulation of education & Practice

For regulation of education and practice of Ayurveda, Siddha and
Unan systems, there is a central regulatory body of statutory nature
constituted under a Parliamentary Act called Central Council of Indian
Medicine (CCIM). The Council was established under the Indian
Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 with the responsibility - (i) to ally
down standards of education, syllabi & course curricula, minimum
requirements of hospitals, faculties, equipment, clinical exposure and
examination pattern; (ii) to ensure adherence to laid down standards of
education; (iii) to maintain a Central Register of practitioners; (iv) to
recommend to the Central Government to recognition and withdrawal
of medical qualifications awarded by universities; and (v) to lay down
code of conduct, ethics and etiquette of practitioners.
In November 2003, the Act was amended for checking mushroom
growth of substandard colleges and to ensure uniform enforcement of
legal provisions for maintenance of educational standards. Now, the
Central Government is vested with the powers of granting permission
for opening of new colleges, increase of admission capacity and
starting of new or higher courses of study.

Courses of Study
Different forms of education & training program ranging from short
& midterm to full-fledged bachelor, master and postdoctoral courses
are conducted as under at recognized teaching institutions.
1. Degree course 51/2 years (BAMS)
2. Post Graduate degree course 3 years (MD/MS)
3. Post Doctorate course (Ph.D.) Minimum 2 years
4. Short & midterm courses 2 months to 2 years
(Certificate and Diploma courses)
In India 60% of registered physicians are involved in non allopathic
systems of medicines. In addition to the nearly 4 lakh ayurvedic
parishioners, there are over 170000 homeopathic physicians; India has
about 5 lakh medical doctors (similar to the number in the US but
serving nearly 4 times as many people).Reliance on ayurvedic
medicines is heavy in certain regions in India, such as Kerala in the
South West. Many ayurvedic practioners in small villages are not
The manufacture of ayurvedic medicines has been regulated by an
Act viz., Drugs and cosmetics Act 1940 in India. The Act has approved
only the formulations contained in 55 classical texts. The prominent
classical text being following for the preparation of medicines is given
in the following table.
The total value of production from the entire industry in India is
estimated to be US$ 1 Billion in a year. The industry has been
dominated by less than 10 companies for decades. Now they have been
joined by some new companies and because of these nearly 30
companies are doing around US$ 1 million per year. The items

included in the list are broadly classified which include cosmetics and
toiletries also.
The ayurvedic industry is now broadly classified as FMCG (fast
moving consumer goods) and TSM (Traditional System of Medicines.
The Kerala along with Sitaram ,Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala, Oushadi,
Aryavaidya Pharmacy etc. mainly dealing in TSM Products. Product
sell by using aggressive marketing techniques.
The total market for herbal products, ayurvedic medicines are also part
of it, is estimated to about US$ 62 Billion. Out of which Indias
contribution is merely 2%. The expectations that by the year 2010, the
world market for herbal products would be US$ 2500 billion. All
efforts are being taken at all levels to increase the export potential of
herbal products by India to Rs. 3000 crores by 2006 and Rs. 10000
crores by 2010 (the export of the year 2002 only Rs. 500 crores).
A gift from Sitaram to the Nation for the Millennium is its new
Manufacturing Facility Constructed to follow the GMP (Good
Manufacturing Practice) in the production of Ayurvedic Medicines as
per the Notification of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of
India, and New Delhi, dated 23rd June 2000. The factory has
incorporated all the guidelines stipulated by World Health Organisation
(WHO) to produce quality herbal medicines. As this facility can be
compared with any modern drug manufacturing unit in the western
world. Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd has now received the First
GMP Certificate Vide Order No. ML4 08534/2000/DC GMP
No.1/2000/DC.KERALA. Dated 12th July 2000.

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In 1970, the Indian Medical Central Council Act was
passed to

standardise qualifications for Ayurveda and

provide accredited institutions for its study and

research. Today, more than a hundred colleges around
the country offer degree programs in traditional
Ayurvedic medicines.The state-sponsored Central
Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS) is
the primary institution for traditional medicine in India
and has conducted studies on ayurvedic elixirs,
ingredients and results. Within India, such traditional,
over-the-counter remedies remain the most popular,
accounting for almost 70% of medicinal products sold in
the country, with 30% being prescription drugs. The
herbal and ayurvedic market in India is predicted to
continue to grow at a rate of 12 to 15% per year. There
are a lot of ayurvedic medicinal units prevailing in
the major unit among them

SAPL was started in 1921 under the instructions of Maha Raja of
years of manufacturing and distribution of quality ayurvedic medicine
sat competitive and affordable prices to the customers. Considering the
increased demand for the ayurvedic medicines and facilities of
treatment and in tune with the traditional interest, SAPL has taken up
developing Ayurveda. The House of Sitaram is synonymous with
Ayurvedic healing and caring and path breaking new medicines with
their R & D, it will not be an overstatement to name them as pioneers.
This eminent institution is run by an entrepreneurial group of doctors.

Their able guidance and visionary outlook has given this institution a
prominent position in Ayurvedic research.

SAPL has started a high-tech specially ayurvedic hospital with GCP

constitutions, co-ordination departments like general medicines,
pediatrics, ophthalmology, ENT, surgery, toxicology etc and giving
prime importance for panchakarma, treatment for infertility and
physiotherapy etc at TRICHUR. Themeteoric rise of SAPL is
attributed to application of most modern technique a in the production
process introduction of stringent quality control measures, employment
of technically competent professionals and excellent organisational set
up. SAPL has bagged 6 different awards in national and international
levels so far. The company is exporting its products to Russia,
Germany, Australia and Middle East countries.
Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy is considered among the oldest
Ayurvedic institutes in Kerala. Its history dates back to 1921, when
the company started with the blessings of Maharaja of erstwhile
Kochi princely state, Rama Varma. The company was originally
registered in the name of SITARAM ANGLO AYURVEDA
PHARMACY ltd. the name was changed as SITARAM
Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd is an Ayurvedic company which
manufactures medicines in Thrissur, Kerala state. It is also the first
joint stock company in entire South India. It is the first Ayurvedic
company in India to get Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
Certificate for its production facility in Thrissur. The company has
a multi-specialty Ayurvedic hospital, which has the facilities to

practice all the eight branches (Ashtanga) of Ayurveda as described

in Ashtangahridayam. Sitaram Ayurveda laboratory also observes
strict in house standards to ensure highest quality in medicines.
The laboratory has got recognition from Kerala and India
Government Agencies. Sitaram is constructing a 100 bedded Rs10
crore invested eight storied super specialty hospital in the Thrissur,
envisaged as the first of its kind Ayurveda super specialty hospital
in the country.
The factory is operated in conformity with the guidelines of World
Health Organisation to produce quality herbal medicines. This facility
can be compared with any modern drug manufacturing facility
recognized for ISO 9001 - 2000 in south INDIA. At SAPL right from
the primary phase of collection of raw material to the final phase of
bottling, labeling, marketing etc. each step in the drug manufacturing
process is being subjected to strict quality control.
Many of the wonder drugs and effective and inexpensive traditional
medicines remained a family secret, and they vanished when these
where not passed on to anyone in the family. At the same information
available were restricted to the ancient ayurvedic texts. SAPL has
developed a modern laboratory having quality control section and R &
D section with several sophisticated instruments and highly competent
personnel. All the raw material and finished goods undergo strict
quality control test. R & D group is engaged is continuous experiments
for the improvement of process and the developing of new products.
SAPL is now manufacturing and marketing more than 40 patented
products, developed in its laboratory.

. The emblem of Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd

ASHTADALAM is a symbolic expression of their vision; Kaya
(general medicine), Bala (gynecology & pediatrics), Grita
(manacika), Udyana (ENT &dentistry), Shalya (surgeon),
Agathathondru (toxicology), Jena (genetics) and Vrishna
Scientific comprehension of Ayurvedic information and scientific
methods of preparing medicines is the main points about Sitaram
Ayurveda laboratory. The laboratory has got recognition from
Kerala and India Government Agencies. The production also
observes strict in house standards to ensure highest quality in
medicines.They have over 450 medicines; 25 of them are patented

To provide quality products at best and suitable prices
Like every business concerns profit motive is the objective of
the company
Expansion of business
To launch processed products

SAPL have always been striving to provide their customers with
the products that help they live a healthy life ranging from
KASHAYA & ARISHTAM to available at affording prices.Sitaram
is committed to other total health care solution to its customers
Implementation of modern techniques in the production
programmes, introduction of stringent quality control measures,
with out deviating from old sastric methods of production

employment of technically competent professionals, excellent

organisational setup for efficient management, devoted workforce,
and support from the Physicians. The vision and the dynamic
leadership of Dr. D. Ramanathan, Chief physician and Managing
Director is steering the unit towards greater heights. The unstinted
support from the members of Director board and the advice from
the expert management committee enable him to guide the unit in
the proper direction.

Objectives of the company

Objectives may be defined as the guidelines that helps in the
smooth flow of the work in an organisation. Main objective of
Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd is to provide quality ayurvedic
medicines with less cost. The other objectives are:
It carry the business of manufacturing, processing formulating,
preparing, supplying, distributing, purchasing, selling, exporting,
importing or otherwise dealing in Ayurvedic medicines, drugs,
herbal extractions compound solution , pharmaceuticals toiletries,
cosmetics products like shampoo hair oils etc.
To establish Research and Development Centre, libraries and to
promote educational institutions for the development of Ayurvedic
To create a good relation with customers
To deal and trade all raw materials used for the production
To manufacture and deal in all kinds of vetenary products

To ensure fair compensation to employees

To create complaint free product
To provide a good working condition
To give opportunity to the employees

Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy has state of the art distillation system
for manufacturing aasav and arishtas (medicated alcohols) and liquid
medicines they have their own pharmacopeia to that they created the
unique medicines which are greatly compactable to ayurvedic theme of

Name of the company


Registered Office

: Veliyannur, Trichur - 680 001, Kerala


: III/475 A, Gandhi Nagar Road

Nedupuzha. P.O., Trichur, Kerala

Specialty Hospitals

: Veliyannur Road, Trichur, Masjid Road


State of Registration


Type of Industry

: Ayurveda Industry


: Manufacturing of Ayurveda medicines


: M/S Vasu & Sivaram

Chartered Accountants
Pazhanakkavu, Trichur


: South Indian Bank

State Bank of India
Small Industries Bank of India

Authorized Capital
Unless otherwise determine by the articles the authorized share
capital of the company is Rs. 6 laces, divided into 60,000 equity shares
of Rs. 10 each with powrs to increase or decrease the same, in
accordance with the section 94 and 100 are other provisions of the
companies act 1956.

Board of Directors
Board of directors controls the day to day affairs of the company.
Directors meeting conducted weekly. There are 7 directors. Among
these one will be the chairman and one becomes managing director.
Remaining will be other

Managing Directors
Executive directors

: Dr. D. Ramanandan

Mr. Ramadurai
Adv:D.Meenakshi Sundaram


: Mr. T.K.G. Nayar

Other Directors

Dr. K.V

Dr. Vignesh Devaraj

Smt. Valli Ramanathan





n Manger












s Staff














Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Private Limited has the effort of a lot of
efficient departments behind its success in the Ayurveda field. The main
departments of SAPL are:


Purchase Department

Purchasing is the most important function of materials management.

If the size of a business concern permits there should be a separate
purchasing department and the responsibility of purchasing all type of
materials should be entrusted to the purchases department. Purchase
department plays an important role in the smooth functioning of
business. For efficient performance of this department the purchase
manager will ensure the following.
Price paid for raw material is reasonable
To purchase good quality raw material
Purchase are made after inviting the tender
Accept the quotation from supplier who supplies raw materials at
cheap rate
Providing vendor supply
Production Department
Production means creation of utilities and it covers all the activities
of procurement, allusion and utilization of resources such as labor
energy, material equipments etc, for purchasing goods. Production
management is the process of effectively planning programming,
coordinating and controlling production operations of an enterprise
which is responsible for actual transformation of material to finished
He is responsible for: Planning scheduling bulk production of the products
Procurement, preservation and issuing of raw materials.

Evaluation of raw material suppliers for inclusion in the

approved list
Ensure that only those products passed after quality control test
released for further test
Controlling non-confirming products including reprocess
Training for personals working under his control
Enforcing code of conduct and GMP for those working under
his control
Control of records relating to production & raw material
Initiation of recruitment procedure for his staff
Enforcing discipline for safe working & work environment.
Quality control Department
Quality assurance department has the primary aim of customer
satisfaction. Hence its prime duty is to ensure that any customer
complaint (which is actually customer feedback) should be taken
seriously and it should be communicated to all concerned. Problem
solving tools are employed to ensure that the problem is solved and
error proofing methods are adopted to ensure that such problems dont
occur again. Quality department checks whether the process is carried
out in concurrence with the laid down specifications and the basic
standard practice. The inferences are record and follow-up action is
initiated where ever any abnormality is found. He is responsible for:
To control all inspections and test activities
To ensure accuracy, fitness for use & legitimacy of the use of
all the test equipments.
To ensure availability of chemical and consumables required
for testing.
To ensure of test as per procedures established
To control and maintain all the test records & samples of
approved finished goods.

Quality policy
Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd owes to create a strong and
everlasting hand with the consumers by providing superior and
highest possible quality products which will delight the consumers
by delivering greater value for the money spent by them. Through
preparation, communication, employee participation and
continuous improvement in its working system, Sitaram is aims to
achieve zero complaint situations relating to the quality and
delivery of the products to the market.

Finance Department
Finance is the life blood of business. Without proper utilization of
finance there will be total confusion and the company will be at loss.
So the finance department has to do the functions of the planning,
controlling and allocating funds in a very thoughtful way. The finance
department consists of finance manager, internal auditory and assistant
manager. The functions of accounting costing, auditing, pay and
allowances, payment arrangements of plant and machinery and raw
materials are dealt with accounts department. The finance manager
deals with all the payment of taxes like central sales tax, income tax,
exercise duty etc. All the activities related to Govt. And bank is done
by accounts department. Preparation of financial statements is the
responsibility of the top management as these statements are used by
investor and financial analyst to examine the firms performance in
order to make an investment decisions.
Two basic financial statements are prepared for the purpose of
external reporting to owners, investors and creditors, they are
Balance sheet
Profit and Loss Account He is responsible for:-

Maintaining accounts of all business transactions

Cash balancing
Projecting cash flow requirement
Remitting taxes & duties collected to concerned

Maintaining register of assets.

Marketing Department
On SAPL includes lot of these types of employees to promote the
products. Advertising, sales promoters store come under the marketing
department. Marketing department of SAPL consist marketing
manager, deputy sales manager, branch manager, field operation etc.
Marketing function starts from the production and ends with sale. But
in wider sense, marketing begins and ends with the customers. Sitar am
is the market leader in the ayurvedic industry. Marketing department is
headed by marketing manager, Deputy sales manager; branch
managers, regional sales manager, area sales manager etc provide help
to marketing manager to perform his function in an effective way.
Branch doctor and other branch managers come under branch manager.
Deputy sales manager, regional sales manager, area sales manager,
sales executives and sales representatives come under marketing
manager. A short term demand forecast for a period of three months is
prepared by the sales manager on the basis of past sales and present
economic conditions. Medicines are produced according to this. There
is a store in marketing department. They are formed for the arrival of
the finished goods from production department on a daily basis and in
turn arranges for the execution of pending orders, store planning etc.
Monthly marketing requirement is forwarded to the store keeper. The

company follows dual pricing policy. Normally price revision for the
public is done within two to three years. Price charged to government
is 30% lesser than the price charged to the public. Price list for the
government and public are prepared as per the government regulations.

The store comes under marketing department. They are informed

about the arrival of the finished goods from production department on
a daily basis, and it turn arranges for the execution of pending orders,
store planning etc. The monthly requirement furnished by marketing
department is forwarded to the stores and the store keeper informs the
receipts of materials against the requirement of marketing department.
He is responsible for: Training motivating and supervision of sales representatives.
Field works in selective manner & intensive field work.
Combined field work with sales representative at least once in a
Monitoring field work of sales representatives
Evaluating daily reports of his region.
Weekly reporting to MD through marketing service manager
Ensure regular cash flow
Assisting marketing service manager to prepare annual, quarterly
sales reports
Appointment of new agencies
Visit branches with a region
Providing feedback for introduction of new product in the market.

Reasearch and Development Department

New product design and development is more often than not a

crucial factor in the survival of a company. In an industry that is
changing fast, firms must continually revise their design and
range of products. This is necessary due to continuous
technology change and development as well as other
competitors and the changing preference of customers. Without
an R&D program, the firm must rely on strategic alliances,
acquisitions, and networks to tap into the innovations of others.
This function is concerned with new product developments as
well as improvements to existing products or product lines. In
many industries, it also involves product design as well.
Improvements to existing products are often ongoing as a result
of market research or customer feedback. R & D staff aim to
work with designers to develop a usable product that can be
manufactured at a reasonable cost, sold at a competitive price
and is safe to use.
Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd is committed to provide
quality products to consumer. As a part of this strategy,
Research and Development Department has been entrusted with
checking the quality of samples from production. This facility
has the latest technology with experienced doctor at command.
All kinds of research and development take place in this
department. Lab assistants conduct research for the new
products and consult with their managers. The research is found
successful when it goes under testing. This department is
headed by research and development manager. He possesses

certain scientific qualifications. Research doctor and workers

assist him.
Functions of the R&D department
The main functions are;
1. Researches for and development of new products
2. Product maintenance and enhancement
3. Quality and regulatory compliance
4. Analyzing market conditions
5. Ensuring that whether the proposed project will suit
6. Dealing with customers complaints

Export Manager
Export manager is responsible for: Dealing with foreign customers including seeking & accepting
export orders.
Arranging shipments against export orders.
Control of personal entrusted with responsibilities of preservation
of finished goods.
General administration
Liaison with statutory agencies including renewal of permits &
Monitor complaints of all statutory requirements & control such
House keeping & sanitation authority
Issue product information to overseas customers.
Send quotations to oversees customers & follow - up.

Dispatch Department
The department which deals with packing and sending of goods to
customers. All products produced by the company have to be
dispatched properly. Dispatch department manage this functions
effectively. Dispatch Department deals with the packing and
dispatching of the products as per the production orders received
from the concerned agencies. This department deals only with the
finished products. Dispatch officer and his subordinates are engaged
in the distribution of finished products to the distributors. Before
dispatching, he has to check many things like packing, labeling,
safety etc. Since the company has distributors in many countries,
proper care should be given regarding this.

Duties of dispatch department

checking finished goods before sending to markets
Ensuring packing of goods
Preparing goods for transportation.
Preparing reports regarding finished goods and submitting as and
when required.

Products\ Services
Sitaram is producing number of ayurvedic medicines. It range will
go up to more than 600. Sitaram medicines are known for their quality.

A. The Main Product Range

Asavas/Arishtas: - Asavas and arishtas are integral part of Kashaya
kalpanas. They belong to Sandhana Kalpana. The medicines prepared
in shrutha kashayadravya is called arishtas and that prepared in bilied
and cooled, pure water is called asavas.The essence of the medicines is
dissolved into the self generated sura to make an effective medicine.
Some of Asavas and Aristas are given below:Abhayarishtam, amruthartishtam, aravindasavam, arjunarishtam,
asokarishtam, balarishtam, chandanasavam, dhanawantharishtam,
dasamoolarishtam, gulguluasavam, kanakasava etc.

Medicated Oils - The medicated oils will act according to the

properties of integridents incorporated in each preparation. Usually, the
medicated oils are for external application and message. They are of
different types:Aditya pakathailam, amruthadithailam, amuthailam, asaneladi thailam,
balahatadi thailam,, chandandi thailam, balathailam, chinchadi thailam,
thekaarajathailam, sahacharadi thailam.
Ghuthams (mediated ghees) - Ghruthams are combination facts and
aqueous extract of medicinal plants.The medicinal active principles are
normally soluble in facts and hence transferred in to ghees. They are again
divided in to several types as follows:Amruthaprasam ghrutham, asokaghrutham, brahmi ghrutham,
dadimadi ghrutha, jathyadi ghrutham, kalyanaka ghrutham,
panchagavya ghrutham, sukumaram ghrutham, vrusha ghrutha,
Kwadhas (concentrated decotions) :- In ayurvedic system of
treatment kwadhas are the important basic ingredient which is used as
such or used in the preparations of arishtams,thailams,

kuzhambus,lehas and gulikas. Sitaram has an impressive list of almost

all the kwadhas as manufactured by them.
Amruthotharam kwadham, ashtavargam kwadham, brihathyadi
kashayam, chitakadi kashayam, dasamoolam kwadham, elekanadi
kwadham, karappan kwadham.

Tablets - All ingredients of tablets are to be scientifically purified

prior to mixing. The product is shaped and dried up in shadows as
direct sunlight is not advisable. They are:-

Ashtakshari tablet, Chanheradi tablet, eladi tablet, goodchandi tablet,

karutha gulika, navayasam tablet.

Choornams (medicinal powders) - The choornas may be of a

single drug, or a combination of 3 or more drugs, they are:Avipathi choornam, ashta choornam, eladi choornam, nasika
choornam, rasnadi choornam.
Kuzhambu - These are prepared exclusively for complaints in
eyes.These medicines are use to infections in the eye as well as a
preventive measure to guard against infections.They are:Elaneer kuzhambu, karpooradi kuzhambu, narayanamrutham

Powders of Kwadha (kashayas) - In preparation of choornas, ie the

powdered medicinal herbs of all the kwadhas indicated in our list by
scientific metjos there by enabling our customers to prepare the
kwadhas at their residence as and when needed.

Bhasmaksharas - The only bhasmam and ksharam are given

below:Aviltholadi bhasmam, kalyana ksharam]

Kriya Krams - Lasunaksherram, Pacchakizi, navarakkizhi, Pichu,



Take care: the Energy Supplement : A preparation bottled to provide
you that extra punch you need in life. Energy being required by
all age groups and having no gender bias, this product can be taken
by all people. This product is beneficial for ones general good
health and its great taste will appeal very much to the children.
Aller G : This chewable tablets guard you against allergic cough;
sneezing; running nose; pollen allergy; dust allergy etc. It has not
side effect like sedation.
By cough : This cough syrup containing 21 herb extracts; protects
one from various irritating coughs like; smokers cough;
productive cough; dry cough to nigh cough. With no side effects
like sedation; this provides instant relief.
My Man: This herbal product gives one the right kind of power from
the lnside in this strenuous world; performance gets affected in all
areas of life. This product assures the user adequate power to satisfy
his woman. Being herbal; the side effect profile too is negligible.
Stoma Cool: This antacid tablet prevents the gastric irritation, burning
sensation, stomach irritation, by offering excellent comfort in way of
cooling your stomach and chest.

Release: Thus preparation closly follows the text and authentically

offers your body a painless state. This smoothing balm preparation is
excellent to release your pains from your body.
Herba Cals: This sweet herbal calcium candy is meant to rectify the
calcium deficiency in children and women. The sweet taste makes this
a favourite of children. An added advantage is that, being herbal; it is
ensured that regular usage of this does not result in kidney bladder
stone, unlike other calcium tablets.
Narasimham Oil: This oil is the one and only solution to ones hair
problems. This is prescribed in the ayurvedic text Ashtanga hriday.
This oil is an excellent remedy for hair loss, graying of hair and
brittleness etc.
Narasimham Tablet: This enigmatic tablet provides one with the
strength of a buffalo, as declared in the ayurvedic text Ashtanga


BY R & D
Allerkhand Tablet: To fight against all infections. Effective in
all skin diseases,

specially eczema, skin diseases due to

poison, sneezing, running nose, irritation of nose and other

nasal/head diseases.
Ashtra Plus : Highly invigorating medicine for males.
Effective in male infertility, fatigue, lack of vigor, vitality, sperm
count and mobility of sperms.
Dasamool Cough Syrup P: A natural expectorant, Swasagora,
Kasa soola, parsive soola, prashta soola, kshovha thirka soola
and jawaea.
Ksheeraguluchi Aavarthi : All kinds of vatha raktha vikaras,
vatha pitha vikaras.

Nilstone tablet : It is highly diuretic, asmari,

Psora Herb Oil :Recommended in complaints of all skin
diseases, particularly psoriasis, itching, scaling of skin.
Osteon C.G. Tablet : For all inflammatory conditions. All
kinds of vatarktha, other rheumatic complaints, pain in joints
Seurf Herbal Oil : Advised in problems of dandruff, itches,
baldness, falling of hair, seborroehae, flextural dermatitis,
scaling, nasal complaints like sinuitis, head ache etc.
Sitaram Hairtone : It cures headache, eye diseases, dandruff
and all kinds of vatha, pitha and kapha vikaras, stimulate hair
Sitaram Thengin Pookula Lehyam : The ideal medicine to
be taken for body

care in post natal period. Highly effective in

back aches, and also help to keep body healthy and beautiful.


A.P HAR TABLET- Amla Pitha Dosha Reliever
ANTUSSIN CAPSULE - Cough Relief in Capsule
ASTHRA PLUS -Effective in male fertility, fatigue lack of vigor
and vitality.
C.H QUATH -A Natural health supplement. The age old
chyavanaprasam in kashayam form
Cardiocalm is effective in hypertension & related complaints.
Beneficial in constipation, anuresis and peripheral Oedema.

For effective management of NIDDM

Effectively relieves complaints of indigestion, constipation.
Osteon C.G is effective in osteoporosis & arthritis. Provides
mobility in rheumatic conditions. Rich in calcium source
Non steroidal herbal preparation for toxical use clears skin
patches.Psora Herb Oil restores original skin texture. Devoid of
itching & scaling
Safest laxative. Effective in habitual constipation. Especially for
cardiac patients. Effective in ophthalmology related ailments.
Beneficial for piles patients.
Rakthamruth is ideal haematinic for all age groups. Haematinic
tonic, increase H.B Count. Rich in iron source. Blood purifier and
detox agent.
Restores tranquilty.Anti stress effect and anti lethargic effect.
Effectively relieves anxiety. Safe for long term use.Somna sap
ensures sound sleep.

T.A.tab is effective in anemic condition. Devoid of side effects like

gastric irritation and constipation. Beneficial for both young & old.

Sitaram Specialty Hospital

The multi bed hospital is specializing in the pancha karma therapy.
The hospital is first of its kind to couple physiotherapy with ayurvedic
treatments. It houses its own yoga centre. Patients from all over the
world visit Sitaram regularly for its renowned treatments in all the
departments of medicine.Sitaram has florished mainly because of the
mouth to mouth publicity of its faithful patients who has been cured
mentally ,physically and emotionally by the panel of experienced
doctores. All the doctors have more than 30 years of experience.
Sitaram Ayurveda hospital specialize in the treatment of
"Thalaneerirakam" ,"Sthree rogangal" , depression, "asthitheymanam",
The Hospital conducts every second saturday , a medical camp in
which famous child specialist of kerala is attending to the children.
It is the motto of the hospital to conduct free medical camp on all the
medically important days like diabetic day,heart day etc. and on
National Holidays like Republic day ,Independance day etc.
The Hospital became the role model in the treatment of mentally
retarded children by successfully conducting camps aimed at children
of special needs.

Sitaram Foundation

The charitable trust of Sitaram Group is known as SITARAM

RESEARCH FOUNDATION (SRF) which is having a registered head
office at Door.No.XXV/395/39B, IVth floor, Pathayappura, Round
south, Thrissur-680001.The trust is having an expanded area of
operations all over the world.The main objectives of the trust are based
on Charity, Health and education. The trust is created for the upliftment
of Ayurveda, Yoga and other traditional complementary medicines
(TCM).It is trying to propagate and promote authentic Ayurveda and its
branches and all allied sciences globally. The trust aims on research in
Ayurveda related to the diseases such as Diabetes(prameha) , blood
pressure, hypertension, hypotension, rheumatoid arthritis(amavatham) ,
vatharaktham , asthma(thamaka swasam) , infertility (anapathyatha) ,
life style and degenerative diseases , etc. and it promotes Yoga and
other allied activities. The trust also conducts medical camps and
several other related charitable activities. The main objective of the
trust includes the promotion and propagation of authentic Ayurveda.
Research in Ayurveda for its global acceptance and to improve the
world health through Ayurveda, yoga and traditional complementary
Promotion of medicinal plants globally. To educate the people in good
and healthy life style for happy, harmonious and healthy living
To spread the knowledge of Ayurveda, yoga and other traditional
complementary systems through educational institutions, teaching
centers, conferences, journals etc. To improve the knowledge data
base of Ayurveda, yoga, and other Traditional Complementary
To conduct medical camps and related charitable activities for the
benefit of the public.To setup educational institutions, medicinal plant

gardens, herbarium, to develop tourist spots to educate the science of

Ayurveda, clinic, medical institutions and libraries and enter into tie up
with similar educational, cultural and social organisation. To provide
free medical and professional aid to needy people. To raise funds for
the attainment of the objects of the trust by way of donations,
subscriptions and collections
To accept donations in cash or in kind such as land, building and other
immovable, auction able claims over properties, bequeathed
endowments, donations in the nature of Gold, silver or other precious
metals/ornaments.To accept grants, aids and other facilities/rewards
from government, or private institutions and private parties on such
terms and conditions To set up hostels for boys and girls, homes for
senior citizens, homes for the destitute and provide necessary health
It shall be lawful and competent for the trustees to give donation to
other charitable trusts and other institutions and the trust shall be for
the benefit of all persons belonging to whatever community
irrespective of cast, creed etc.
The trust also aims at an exclusive training mission by launching
Sitaram Power coaching which includes both professional and
ayurvedic trainings.The objectives of the trust will not include
objectives involving the carrying on of any activity for the profit
within the meaning of Income Tax Act 1961

Achievements & Awards

The vision and the dynamic leadership of Dr. D. Ramanathan, Chief
physician and Managing Director is steering the unit towards greater
heights. The unstinted support from the members of Director board and

the advice from the expert management committee enable him to guide
the unit in the proper direction.
A gift from Sitaram to the Nation for the Millennium is its new
Manufacturing Facility Constructed to follow the GMP (Good
Manufacturing Practice) in the production of Ayurvedic Medicines as
per the Notification of Ministry of Health &Family Welfare,
Government of India, New Delhi, dated 23rd June 2000. The factory
has incorporated all the guidelines stipulated by World Health
Organisation (WHO) to produce quality herbal medicines. As this
facility can be compared with any modern drug manufacturing unit in
the western world. Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd has now received
the First GMP Certificate Vide Order NO:ML4.08534 /2000/ DC
GMP.NO:1/2000/DC. KERALA. Dated 12th July 2000.
1. Worlds First Ayurvedic company to be awarded the GMP
certification as per the guidelines by the WHO.
2. South Indias First Ayurvedic company to be awarded the ISO
9001:2000 certifications.
3. Recipient - National Award for Best SSI Unit 2005.
4. Recipient - Udyog Rattan award by the Institute of Economic
Studies, New Delhi.
5. Central Govt. approved R & D centre
6. Best pharmacy award for Sitaram Ayurveda Speciality Hospital
World's 1st GMP in Ayurveda
First ISO 9001-2000 in South India
National Best SSI Award 2005

A gift from Sitaram to the Nation For the Millennium is its new
Manufacturing Facility Constructed to follow the GMP {Good
Manufacturing Practice} in the production of Ayurvedic Medicines as
per the Notification of Ministry of Health &Family Welfare, Govt of
India, New Delhi, dated 23rd June 2000. The factory has incorporated
all the guidelines stipulated by World Health Organisation {WHO} to
produce quality herbal medicines..
Each and every raw material and prepared medicine undergo strict
quality control tests at our laboratory. Medicines come out of our
factory for sales only if the tests give utmost satisfaction. At the same
time, researches are continuously conducted for new Ayurvedic
medical combinations for better results. Unlike modern medicine,
scientifically prepared Ayurvedic medicines have no side effects, which
is really noteworthy. Dasamool Cough Syrup, Asthra Plus,
Triphalannabedi Tablet Allerkhand etc. are the medicines developed by
our R & D wing which are highly appreciated and hailed among the
medical field and experts.
The meteoric rise of SITARAM is attributed to the following:
Implementation of modern techniques in the production programmes,
introduction of stringent quality control measures, without deviating
from old sastric methods of production employment of technically
competent professionals, excellent organisational setup for efficient
management, devoted workforce, and support from the Physicians.



Brand awareness and effectiveness of Sitaram Ayurvedic

product\services are analysed and interpreted in this chapter. In the
present study, data are collected from 50 customers using products and
services of Sitaram limited with the help of questionnaire, specially
developed for this study. Out of this 50 respondents , 32 were male and
18 were female.
Following tables shown the classification of male and female
customers on the basis of age, area of residence, marital satus,
qualification and monthly income.


Socio-Economic Profile of Respondents


The customers covered under the study were classified in to 6. The categories to
which they belong are below 20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60 and above 60. Table
4.1 present age wise classification. The analysis of table reveals that customer
belonging to the age group below 20 include only one male respondent. At the
same time 20-30 age group shows 11 customers, among them 64percent are male
and 36.36percent of female. Those whose belong to the age group of 30-40 are 9
customer, consist 66.67 percent of male and 33.33 percent of female. In the case
of 40-80 age group, 70.59 percent male and 29.41percent female represent out of
17 customers. The age group 50-60 consist of 9 customers, out of this 44.44
percent and 55.6 percent male and female respectively. The last age group is
above 60, covers only 3 customers, they represent 6.67percent male and
33.37percent female. Thus, the majority of the customers covered in this study
are in the age group of 40-50.

Table 4.1
Age wise classification



Below 20












Above 60




















(Figure in brackets denote percentage to total)

source: Field Survey

Figure 4.1

1% 10%



Below 20

Area of Residence
On the basis of area of residence, customers are grouped in to three
categorised via, urban, semi-urban and rural. Table 4.2 depicts
locality wise classification.
From the table it can be observed that there are 12 customers in the
group of rural area; of which 75 percent are male and 25 percent are
female. The next group in the locality wise classification is semi-urban,
among this group male and female represent 60.6 percent and
36.4percen of total 33 customers. There are 5 numbers of customer in
the last group-urban area. Those who belong to this group contain 60
percent male and female respondents. Thus the largest group is in
semi-urban area and smallest rural area. Urban area group stands in
between them.
Table 4.2

Area wise classification of Respondents





























(Figure in brackets denote percentage to total)

source: Field Survey

Figure 4.2





Educational Qualification of respondents.

Education that acquires a person to make better choices with confidence is a
very important . Factors to be anakysed are of6 groups - High School, Plus
Two/PDC, Diploma Technical, Graduation, Post-Graduation and others.
They are described in table 4.3.
In table 4.3, it is revealed that 10 customers have high school qualification
out of which 70 percent are male and 30 percent are female. Second
category is Plus Two/PDC total number of customers in this group is 13,
among these male and female are 61.54 percent and 38.46percent
respectively. There are 8 customers in the category of Diploma/Technical,
those who belong to this group contain 75percent male and 25 percent
female. 11 customers belong to the graduation group; it consist of 63.64
percent f male and 36.36 percent of female respondents. At the same the
category. Post-graduation group consist of 5 respondents among them 60
percent are male and 40 percent are female. Last category is others group;
there is only 3 customers out of which male and female are 33.33 percent
and 66.67percent respectively. In this classification Plus Two/ PDC
customers are more and the smallest group is others.

Table- 4.3

Educational Qualification wise classification of







High school





























Plus Two\PDC
Post graduation

(Figure in brackets denote percentage to total)

source: Field Survey

Figure 4.3




High school
Plue two\ PDC


Diploma Technical
Post graduation

Marital Status
As marital status of the customers too effects the buying behavior of
the customers a lot. Depending upon customers purchase intensity, the
brand loyalty of the product\ services increases.In the table 4.4, among
50 customers, 80percent were married and 20pecent were single.

Table 4.4
Marital Status























Figure 4.4




Occupation is another variable which affect the purchasing behavior of
people. In case of occupation wise classification, the categories to which
customers belong to are government employee, private employee
Business/Professionals, students and others. They are shown in table 4.5.Table
indicates that out of 50 sample, government employees represents 10, out of
this 60 percent are male and 40 percent are female. In the case of private
employees, male and female represents 55.6 percent and 44.4 percent
respectively, of total 9 customers of this category. Third category is
Business/Professionals category contains 11 customers, in this case 90.9
percent are male and 9.1 percent are female. 8 customers are coming under
student group, out of this males are 75 percent and female are 25 percent .
The rest of the 12 customers belong to others category among them, 41.7
percent and 58.3 percent denote the male and female respectively. In short
others groups are more. Business/Professionals comes nearest to them.

Table- 4.5
Occupation wise classification of respondents

Govt. Employee



Private. Employee

























(Figure in brackets denote percentage to total)

source: Field Survey

Figure 4.5





Private Employee
Business\ profession



Income wise classification

Table- 4.6
Income level of respondents





Below 10,000




Above 25,000
























(Figure in brackets denote percentage to total)

source: Field Survey

Figure 4.6

Below Rs10000




Above 25000

Income is an important variable that also influence the purchase

decision.Classification of customers based on monthly income involves 5

categories. They are below Rs. 10000, Rs. 10000-Rs. 15000, Rs. 15000-Rs.
20000, Rs. 20000-Rs. 25000 and above 25000 Table 4.6 depicts the income
wise classification.
It can be seen that in the case of below 10000 category, out of 9 customers,
male and female are 55.6 percent and 44.4 percent respectively. In the next
category of Rs. 10000- Rs. 15000, there are 9 customers, out of which 44.4
percent are male and 55.6 percent are female. Those who belong to the
category of Rs. 15000 - Rs. 20000 are 11 customers among this group male
and female representation are 63.64 percent and 36.36 percent. 13 customers
comes under the category Rs. 25000 and above consists of only male
customers represents cent percent. Thus, majority of customers comes under
the income group. Rs. 10000 and below. Next biggest income group are Rs.
15000 - Rs. 20000.

Usage Pattern
Here it is attempted to know the usage pattern of Ayurvedic
products\services.The table 4.7 shows the data of regular usage of
Ayurveda products, on the basis of classification almost always, sometimes,
almost never often and rarely. The table depicts that 44 percent of them
responded as they used it always . 36 percent represent as they sometimes
used it, 10 percent are of an opinion of that they used it ofently and the rest 6
percent and 2 percent stated as they rarely and almost never it respectively.
From the table it can be found that majority of them used Ayurveda
producst \services in their daily life.

Table- 4.7
Usage Pattern

Almost Always











Almost never




source: Field Survey

Reasons for choosing Ayurveda Products\services
Usually people buy a product to satisfy certain demands and meets their
specific requirements. This table 4.9 depicts that customers were asked to
express the reason for choosing Sitar am Ayurvedic products\services. For this
purpose they were asked to rank the given options 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. For analysis
purpose weight age is assigned for each rank namely 5 for 1, 4 for 2, 3 for 3, 2
for 4 and 1 for 5 respectively, the average weighted score is calculated. Based
on the average weighted score, rank has given to each of the reasons.
From the table 4.8, it can be observed that no side effects score Ist rank
(15) the comes effectiveness (12.93), credibility (8.13), emotional
attachment (7.2) and previous experience (6.73) in the place of IInd, IIIrd,
IVth and Vth rank respectively.

Table 4.8
Reasons for choosing Ayurveda Products\services.



No side effects













source: Field Survey
Type of Products/Services
The important products\services preferred to purchaseare analysed in Table
4.9.For this purpose the customers were asked rank then in the given options
I, II, III, IV, V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI &XII .For analysis purpose weightage is
assigned for each rank namely 12 for 1, 11for 2, 10 for 3, 9 for 4, 8 for 5,7 for
6,6 for75 for 2, 4 for 9 ,3 for 10,2 for 11 and 1 for 12 respectively. Then
average weighted score is calculated. Based on the average weighted score,
rank has given to each of the products\services.
From the table, it can be observed that Dasamool Cough Syrup score Ist
rank (9.23), Asawas/Arishtas (7.89), Ghuthams (6.05), Sitaram Hair Tone
(5.36), Choornams (4.23), Anmti-Obesity(4.08), Ashtra Plus (3.64), Prora
Herb Oil (2.85), Ksheergulachi Aavasti (2.33) ,Abhyanbam(2.09)Allerkhand
Tablet (1.20) and Sitaram Tengin Pookula Lehyam (1.05) in the place of
IInd, IIIrd, IVth, Vth, VIth, VIIth, VIIIth, IXth , Xth,XIth and XIIth
respectively. Mostly the customers are dasamool cough syrup which is a
natural expectorant. It can be used by all age group. Among the listed 10
product the least used product was Sitaram Thengin Pookula Lehyam.
Table 4.9
Types of Product\Services



Dasamool cough








Sitaram hair tonic









Asthra Plus



Psora Herb oil








Allerkhand Table



Sitaram Tengin




Pookula Lehyam

source: Field Survey

Source of Inspiration
Source of inspirationis an important factor of which help the customers to
know the overall features and benefitsof branded ayurvedic
products\services of Sitaram, which in turn help them to select the
products\services according to their needs. The sources of inspiration
includes Prescription by doctor, Advertisement through media, Friends and
relatives, Previous users and Own experience.The table 4.10 revealed the source

of inspiration to one customers in using the brand.18 percent of customers

got an inspiration from the doctors prescription. 40 percent stated as they
inspire by the advertisement through various medias such as newspapers,
maganisines, websites, etc. 20 percent of them responds as they got
inspiration from friends and relatives. 14 percent inspired by the opinion
given by the previous uses and the rest 8 percent represent as they got
inspired from their own experience. Majority of them have got ispiration
from advertisement through media.

Table 4.10
Source of Inspiration
Source of inspiration

Number of


Prescription by doctor





Friends and relatives



Previous users


Own experience



through media


source: Field Survey

Periodicity of purchases
Number of purchase indicates the intensity of purchase\usage. Periodicity of
purchase is specified as daily, weekly, monthly and Not any particular pattern it
is varied in nature. From the table 4.12, among them 60 percent of customer
opines that they purchased it daily, 20 percent of the customers purchased it
weekly. 8 percent of them stated they purchase if fortnightly. 10 percent
remarks as they monthly purchase it and 2 percent particulars pattern, it is
varied in nature.Majority of the customers daily used it.

Table 4.11
Periodicity of purchases

Number of











Not any particular pattern



it is varied in nature

source: Field Survey

Periodicity of usage
Here periodicity of usage indicates the length of time of using
products\services increase in the number of hours of use indicate the
increase and intensity in the use of product\services. From the Table 4.13
It can be seen that majority ie.64 percent have been using it for more than 5
years and rest of them use it as 4 percent customers used it less than 1 year,
12percent used it in between 1-2 years and 20percent used it in between 2-5

Periodicity of usage

Number of customers


Less than 1 year



1-2 years
2-5 years
More than 5 years


source: Field Survey

Factors influencing Sitaram Ayurvedic Products\Services

Major factors attracted to purchase product and services are Received value and
quality, Trust worthiness, Distinctiveness, Social Image, Brand loyalty and customer
satisfaction, Goodwill and reputation and Eliminates imitations. They are analysed
in Table 4.14. From the table it can be observed that customers were asked to

express their views about factors influencing them to purchase the branded
products\services. For this purpose they were asked to rank the given options
I, II, III, IV ,V,VI and VII. For analysis purpose weightage is assigned for

each rank namely 7 for 1, 6 for 2, 5 for 3, 4 for 4 ,3 for 5,2 for6 and 7 for
1respectively, the average weighted score is calculated. Based on the average
weighted score, rank has given to each of the factors.
From the table it can be observed that received value and quality possess
the Ist rank (11.89). Followed by other factors such astrust worthiness (10.07),
distinctiveness (9.53), social image (5.50), brand loyalty and customer
satisfaction (5.14), good will and reputation (4.25) and eliminates limitation
(3.57) in the place of IInd, IIIrd, IVth, Vth and VIth rank respectively.

Factors influencing Sitaran Ayurvedic Products\Services
Received value and quality
Trust worthiness
Social Image
Brand loyalty and customer







Goodwill and reputation
Eliminates imitations

source: Field Survey

Opinion regarding Sitaram products\services

Here it attempted to know whether customers have favorable opinion or not.
From analysis of Table 4.15. Out of 50 customers, majority ie.38percent of
them have excellent 28percent have excellent, 18percent have good and
18percent very good. Only few of them have only unfavorable opinion.

Table 4.14
Opinion regarding Sitaram products\services


Number of customers



Very good
Not good
No opinion



source: Field Survey

Risk\Problems connected with availability of products

Table 4.15
Risk\Problems connected with availability of products

Number of customers







Out of stock
Delay in delivery
Not as per expected
quality and quantity
Limited offers\prizes

source: Field Survey

The important factor that causes the brand which must be studied deeply to
overcome various future perspectives are Expensive, Out of stock,Delay in
delivery Not as per expected quality and quantity and Limited offers\prizes The
table 4.16 it is analysed that majority of the customers ie about 36percent are
of the opnino that problem of limite offers\prizes with the
product\services.among them 30percent reveled that expensive are the
Ayurvedic products\services. Out of stock and delay in delivery are another
riks\problem related with availability ie about 12percent and 10percent
repectively.At last the customers opined about the risk\problem about the
quality of the products\services.

Promotional measures

Table 4.16
Promotional measures




Advertisement and
























Co-marketing programs











public relation
activities through
various medias
Consumer education by
conducting seminars and

(Figure in brackets denote percentage to total)

source: Field Survey

Awareness about promotional measures adopted by Sitaram Ayurvedic

products\services. The customers awareness about various promotional
measures introduced by Sitaram Ayurvedic limited are analysed in the Table
4.16. The important promotional measures are Advertisment and public
relation activities through various medias, Customer education by
conducting conference and seminars and Co-marketing programs. Majority
of them ie about 80 percent have knowledge about advertisement and public
relation activities through various medias and about 25 percent have good
knowledge about the Customer education by conducting conference and
seminars. They have only poor knowledge about co-marketing programs.
Perception of Customers about Brand Awareness and its Effectiveness

Table 4.17
Perception of Customers about Brand Awareness and its







Brand awareness
creates trust
worthiness and












leads to purchase
Allow savings of
time and energy
through identical







































repurchasing and
create a positive
and prominent
meaning in the
mind of
products creates
brand monopoly
in the target
Reduce the wide
selection and

(Figure in brackets denote percentage to total)

source: Field Survey

Perception of customers towards brand awareness and its effectiveness are

analysed from their experience of using branded products\services as shown in
Table 4.17.
From the table 4.17 it can be found that majority ie 24percent of them are
agreed that brand awareness promotes purchase intensity leads to brand
equity and loyalty which in turn increases the profitability reputation of the
organisation. About 26percent also agreed that brand awareness reduce
choice of selection among wide range of products\services and create

of each statement offered under the rating of brand awareness


The study proved that the brand has almost got good awareness
level among the consumers. Among the 50 samples taken almost
always used the product. Although they got an inspiration from the
media advertisement, which paves the way that advertisement is
effective marketing tool.As the basic step of creating the brand
awareness has been successfully done by the firm itself, now it is much
easier for the firm to penetrate into the market by having a good place
in the minds of the consumer. The study in the company proved to be a
good experience as the researcher was able to get a lot idea about the
various aspects dealt within and outside the firm. This study has
proved that there is good level of brand awareness among the
consumers and the brand Sitaram is having a good future in the
Ayurveda industry although the competition is tightening day by day.
This study provides a summary of the findings, suggestion and
conclusion of the study.


The major findings emerged out of the present study are summarized
I Socio-Economic Profile of customers
Gender wise classification revealed that 64 percent are male ang
36percent age female.
Age wise classification showed that majority of the respondents
are in the age group 40-50 represents the middle age people who
are more aware about the traditional Ayurvedic medicines and
Area wise classification of the respondents showed that , majority
of the customer ie about 66percent covered in the study are
residency in semi-urban area.
Marital statuses of the customers showed that 80percent of the
respondents are married.
Educational wise classification of respondents showed that
majority 26percent of them have Plus Two\PDC, followed by
Majority of the respondents are business\professionals about
24percent shown by occupation wise classification.
Income wise classification shown that majority ie26percent
belongs to the income group of Rs.20,000-25,000.
II Brand Awareness and its Effectiveness
Majority of them responded that they regularly used it in their
daily life ,weekly and fortnightly.
Almost all customers using branded Ayurvedic products\services
in their daily life. Major reason for choosing them are they have
no side effects, other important reasons influences them for using
them are its credibility, previous experience and emotional
attachment associated with it.

Types of Ayurvedic products\services preferred to purchase

them in the order of their importance Dasamool cough
syrup, Asavas/Arishtas, Ghuthams, Sitaram hair tonic,
Choornams, Anti-Obesity, Asthra Plus, Psora Herb oil,
Ksheeraguluchi Aavasti, Abhyanbam, Allerkhand Table and
Sitaram Thengin Pookula Lehyam. All of them are well
informed about all this Ayurvedic products\services.
Majority of them got inspiration from advertisement
through various medias such as newspapers, television,
magazines, websites, etc Other important sources of
inspiration are friends\relatives, doctors prescription etc...
Important factors attracted by the customers to choose the
Sitaram limited products\services due to its perceived
quality and value. Other major factors in the order of their
importance are trustworthiness, distinctiveness, social
image, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, goodwill
and reputation and eliminate imitation.
Majority of them have excellent and good opinion
regarding products\services, which indicates its increased
brand value and high and high rate of brand awareness.
Major problems\risks regarding their products\services
pointed out by customers are limited
offers\prizes,expensive,out of stock, delay in delivery and at
last as its not as per the expected quality. The organisation
should take adequate steps for solving it.
Majority of the customer aware about the advertisement and
public relation activities through various media adopted by
the organisation. They also know about the various
seminars and conference conducted by the Sitaram limited.

But they are less aware about the co-marketing programs

conducted by the Sitaram limited.
The analysis based on the perception of the customers using
branded Ayurvedic products\services, majority of them have
strong argument with the statements given , then, it can
concluded that- Brand awareness promotes purchases
intensity leads to brand equity and loyalty which in turn
increases the profitability and reputation of the


Based on the findings of the study , the following suggestions are made
for promoting brand awareness
Better solution for promoting more and more brand awareness is to
make proper and effective communication about the branded
products\services to its customers. Marketing department Sitaram
limited should also concentraded on the co-marketing\co-branded
programs by tie-up with various educational, socio-cultural
organisation for increasing the sales along with advertisement and
promotional measures. Promotional products drive traffic to booth the
tradeshows, improve response rates on direct mail campaigns, increase
referrals, return business, employee morale, encourage or retain brand
loyalty the consumer remind the consumer that the product exist. Also
the organisation must tries to promote business through word-ofmouth communication strategy which have a synergistic effect in the
growth of the brand. Opening new customer service centers for
consulting arrangements made to visit the factory and appointing field
staff are very helpful for creating and increasing the awareness among
the existing and prospective customers, which help them to know more
and more about the Ayurvedic products\services and it will induce
them to acquire it. Conducting free medical camps for needy persons
and related charitable activities should also helps in increase its brand
As per the customers view points the Ayurvedic products\services are
very much expensive, even though they use it due it its value and
quality. Also because of its effectiveness without any side effects.More
over semi-urban people suggested that as they use the
products\services to a certain extend no offers\prizes were allowing to
the prospective customers.Also the company should take necessary

measure to make awre of the youth about the positive aspects of

Ayurvedic products\services.
From the view of the overall study ,the firm should utilize its full
capacity to provide maximum customers satisfication and this results in
the process of brand building.More empirical studies need to be done
on the dimensions of the brand awareness of the products
\services.Different dimensions brand awareness are likely to have
interactive effects.

Creating brand awareness is one of the key step in promoting a
product. Brand awareness is developed through enhanced perceived
quality, brand loyalty and brand equity, which cannot be either
destroyed or build in a short run but can be created in long run through
careful designing marketing investments . .
From the findingsof the study it has proved that the brand of Sitaram
has got good awareness level among the consumers in the district of
Thrissur. As there exists a lot of big brands in the ayurvedic field it is
really important that there is a good brand name maintained by
Sitaram. This is the only way out of better their market for the
products. All the consumers who were selected as the samples heard
the name of brand quite well and this is a good sign to the company.
Especially in the field medicines, only if the brand is popular among
consumers the company can accept great demand for the products. So
from the project done it was clear that the brand of Sitaramproducts\
services is quite well known and this is a sign of bright future for the


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Dear Respondent,
The data collected will be strictly used for research purposes. Please put a
sin the appropriate bubble except ranks and descriptive question.
I. Personal Details
1. Name:
2. Gender


3. Marital Status


4. Age

Below 20
30- 40
50 - 60

Above 60

5. Locality Urban
Semi urban
6. Educational Qualification
High School
Diploma / Technical
Post Graduation
7. Occupation
Govt. Employees
Others (specify)............................
8. Monthly Income(Rs.)
Below 10,000
15,000 20,000
Above 25,000

II. Brand Awareness

9. Are you regularly using Ayurveda Product?
a. Almost Always
b .Sometimes
c .Almost never

Plus Two /PDC
Private Employees

20,000 25,000

d. Often
e. Rarely

Reasons for choosing Ayurveda products (Rank them in the order of
a. Effectiveness
c.Previous Experience
b.No side effects
d .Credibility
e.Emotional attachment
11. Source of inspiration for using Sitaram Ayurveda Products / Services
a. Prescription by doctor
b.Advertisement through
c. Friends and relatives
d.Previous users
e. Own experience

12. Type of products and services preferred to purchase (Rank them in the
order of importance)
a Asavas/Arishtas
b Ghuthams
c Choornams
d Sitaram Hairton
e Dasamool cough syrup
f Sitaram Tengin Pookula Lehyam
g ksheeraguluchi Aavastui
h Allerkhand Tablet
i Asthra Plus
j PsoraHerb Oil
l. abyambham

Frequency of purchases done by you in a month

b. Weekly
d. Monthly
e. Not any particular pattern, it is varied in natural
Periodicity of use
a. Less than 1 year
b.1 - 2 years
c. 2 - 5 years
d. More than 5 years
15. State the which of the factors of Sitaram branded products/services
influenced by you so much. (Rank them in the order of importance).

a. Trust worthiness
b.Social image
c. Distinctiveness
d Perceived value and quality
e. Good will and reputation
f. Eliminates imitations
g. Brand loyalty and customer satisfaction
State your opinion regarding of Sitaram products/services
a. Excellent
b.Very good
c. Good
d.Not Good
e. No opinion
17. Did you suffer anyone of the following risks/problems connected with the
availability of Sitaram Products
a. Not as per expected quality
b. Expensive
and quantity
c. Out of Stock
d. Delay in delivery
e. Limited offers/Prizes
19.Do your know the following promotional measures taken by Sitaram Ltd.

Fully Aware Partial Aware Slightly aware

Not aware


a.Advertisement and public

relation activitie

b.Effective communication

c .Consumer education
d.Co-marketing programmes
e.Conference and seminars

20.Indicate your rating towards the following statements with regards to brand
awareness of Sitaram products

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree


a.Brand awareness creates trust worthiness

and creditability leads to purchase intensity
b.Allow savings of time and energy through
identical repurchasing and loyalty
c Brand awareness.Create a positive and
prominent meaning inthe mind of consumers
d.Branded products creates brand monopoly
in the target market
e..Reduce the wide selection and choice

Suggestions if any.

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