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1. Indent
Indent is an order placed by the importers to the exports. It contains
the essential information regarding the goods to be imported i.e.
quality, quantity, packing, packaging, mode of payment, insurance,
price of good, etc.
When the price at which the goods are to be purchased by the
importer is clearly stated in an order (Indent), with no options to the
exporter, then it called "Closed Indent".
If the prices are not mentioned by the importer and it is left to the
discretion of the exporter, then it is known as "Open Indent".
Indent can be sent by the importer directly to the exporter or it may be
sent through the indent agencies.

2. Mate's Receipt
Mate's Receipt is a receipt issued by Captain / Master / Mate of the
The Mate of the ship after receiving the goods on the board and after
inspection of the goods issues this receipt.
The loading of the goods on the ship is possible only after presentation
of 'shipping order'. Mate's receipt contains details regarding name of
ship, date on which the goods are loaded, description of goods,
numbers and marks on the packages, conditions of cargo, etc. This
receipt is issued to the exporter who has to present the mate's receipt
in the office of shipping company by which he will get bill of lading.
Mate Receipt may be clean or qualified. It is qualified if there is some
defect in the cargo loaded on the ship, in such case the captain makes
adverse remark on the receipt. In case of clean receipt, the cargo in
good condition and the adverse remark is not mentioned. The bill of
lading is always prepared on the basis of mate's receipt. In short
mate's receipt is an acknowledgement of the receipt of goods on board
of the ship.

3. Bill of Landing

Bill of lading is one important shipping document necessary and useful

in export-import trade transactions. It is a document issued by the
shipping company after the shipment of goods. In simple, Bill of lading
is a contract between the exporter or the shipper and the shipping
company for the carriage of goods from the port of loading to the port
of destination.
Bill of lading is a document to title of goods and is transferable by
endorsement and delivery. Hence, it is a semi-negotiable instrument.
The bill of lading is prepared on the basis of mate's receipt. The
importer has to produce this receipt for securing the deliver of goods.
The bill of landing contains following information :1. Name and address of the exporter and the shipper.
2. Name and address of shipping company.
3. Name and address of importer or agent.
4. Quantity, weight and value of goods sent.
5. Place of loading and port of destination.
6. Date of loading of goods on the ship.
7. Mark description and number of packages.
8. Port at which the goods are to be discharged.
9. Freight paid or to be paid.
10. Signature of the issuing authority with date.
11. Any other relevant details.
Important functions of bill of landing are as follows :1. It is useful to the importer for obtaining delivery of goods from the shipping
company and port authorities.
2. It is a document of title to goods. A possessor of the bill of lading is entitled to
take the delivery of goods.

3. It is a semi negotiable document and it is transferable by endorsement and

4. It is a legal document including the contract for carrying goods.
5. It is a proof of the fact that the goods are handed over to the shipping company for
transportation to the port of destination.

4. Letter of Credit
Letter of Credit is an important document in international trade. It is for
safety and security of the exporter as regards payment for the goods
to be exported.
Letter of Credit can be defined as "an undertaking by importer's bank
stating that payment will be made to the exporter if the required
documents are presented to the bank".
Before executing an export order, the exporter of goods desires to
have adequate proof regarding the credit worthiness of the importer. It
is issued by the bank (in the importer's country) in favour of the foreign
supplier, it contains a guarantee or an undertaking by one bank that
the bill of exchange drawn on the importer will be honoured on
presentation to the extent of the amount specified in the letter. Letter
of Credit may also be issued on the strength of the business of the
importer with the bank.
The Letter of Credit also contains certain conditions such as date of bill,
date for shipment, shipment by approved vessels with approved flags
packing, etc.
The advantages of the letter of credit to the exporters are many such
as :1. Exporter gets safety and security of payment for the goods exported.
2. The exporter gets discounting facility from the bank.
3. It enables the exporter to take more initiative in promoting exports and earns
foreign exchange for his country.

5. Certificate of Origin

Certificate of Origin is an important shipping document sent by the

exporter alongwith the other document to the importer. This document
is showing or giving the information of the fact that the goods which
are exported are manufactured in a particular country i.e. the
document certifies that certain goods are manufactured within a
specific country only. It is a proof about the origin of goods exported.
This certificate is generally issued by the "Chamber of Commerce" or
"Export Promotion Council" or "Trade Association" or "Such Other
recognised body" on behalf of Government. It is issued to the exporter.
It is very useful document to save custom/import duties. As a general
rule the rate of import duty is not same for imports from all countries.
The goods imported from some other countries are subject to less
import duty. Thus, to get the benefit of saving import duty the importer
can use the Certificate of Origin, because the government of importing
country grants concession in import duty to the importer on the basis
of certificate of origin.

6. Consular Invoice
Consular Invoice is an important document used in foreign trade. It is
issued by the Trade consulate of the importing country stationed in the
exporters country. Consular is a government officer having office in
other countries. This document is also obtained by the exporter and is
sent to the importer along with other shipping documents. This invoice
is also useful for importer at the time of payment of importy duty. For
obtaining document from the consular the exporter has to pay the
prescribed fees. This document contains information about goods and
the value of goods.
Sometimes, the custom authorities desire to open the packages and
scrutinize the goods for the purpose of calculating custom duty. Due to
which there is delay in clearing the goods from dock or port. To avoid
this, one copy is sent to the custom authorities of the importing
country, second copy is retained by the consulate office for reference
and the third copy is given to the exporter which is forwarded by
exporter to the importer with other documents.

7. Bill of Entry
Bill of entry is a document required in case of import of goods. It is like
shipping bill in case of exports. A Bill of Entry is the document
testifying the fact that goods of the stated value and description in

specified quantity are entering into the country from abroad. The
customs office supplies this form which is prepared in triplicate. Three
different colours are used to prepare bill of entry. One copy is retained
by custom department, other is retained by port trust and the third is
kept by the importer.
The bill of entry is divided into three classes :1. Entry for duty free goods.
2. Entry of goods which are meant for consumption at home.
3. Entry for goods to be re-exported.
In India, all these entries are on the same form.
The contents of Bill of Entry are :1. Name and address of importer.
2. Import License number of importer.
3. Name and address of exporter.
4. Name of port where goods are to be cleared.
5. Value of goods.
6. Description of goods.
7. Rate and amount of import duty payable.
8. Other relevant details.

8. Dock's Receipt
Dock authorities issue dock's receipt once the goods are stored in the
sheds at the docks. The Clearing and Forwarding agent clears the
documents from the customs authorities. Then he approaches the Port
Trust authorities and obtains the Carting Order. The Carting Order is
the permission to cart the goods inside the docks. The goods are then
brought inside the docks. The goods may be loaded immediately on
the ship. Many-a-times immediate loading on ship is not possible. The
goods are then stored in sheds at the port or docks. The dock

authorities then issues the dock receipt as an acknowledgement for

goods received in sheds.

9. Commercial Invoice
Commercial invoice is a basic export document. It contains all the
information, which is required for preparation of all other documents. It
is the exporter's bill for goods which the importer has to pay.
Commercial invoice contains the following information :1. Name and address of exporter and importer.
2. Description of goods (weight, quality, quantity, rate, etc.)
3. Value of goods after discount, if any.
4. Net amount payable by the importer.
5. Terms and Conditions of sale
Other details of shipment to be included are :1. Name of ship on which goods are loaded.
2. Letter of Credit Number.
3. License number of exporter.
4. Bill of lading number.
5. Packaging Specifications.
6. Shipping terms and Conditions, etc.
The document used in foreign trade.
Foreign trade involves the usage of various document. Some of the
important document used in foreign trade are as follows:
I. Bill of Lading:
A bill of lading denotes an evidence of contract where the ship-owner
acknowledges the receipt of the goods on board the ship and

undertakes to carry the goods as per stated terms and conditions to

the place of destination.
A bill of lading states the name of the ship, nature of cargo, place of
loading, name of the importer and the destination. A bill of lading
acknowledges the receipt of the goods and serves as a title-to-goods.
The bill of lading may be marked "Freight paid" or " freight to pay". The
former denotes freight has been paid by the importer. There are two
types of bill of lading called a clean bill of lading and a foul bill of
lading. When the cargoes are free from defects, a clean bill of lading is
issued and when the cargoes are defective, a foul bill of lading is
II. Mate Receipt:
When goods are delivered to the captain of the ship, a Mate's Receipt
is issued by the captain to the exporter. The Mate's Receipt
acknowledges the receipt of the goods on board the ship. The
obtaining of mate's receipt enables the exporter to obtain bill of lading
from the shipping company. Mate's receipt is prepared in triplicate
where one copy is given to the exporter, the other to shipping
company and the third copy is retained by the captain of the ship.
III. Dock Receipt:
Sometimes cargoes are put in the dock for loading in the ship. On
receipt of goods, dock receipt is issued by the dock authorities. It is
generally issued after getting clearance from the custom authorities
and the payment of jetty charges.
IV. Export Pass:
The shipping bill and the application to export are presented before the
custom office for the sake of getting an export pass. Export pass is a
permission to ship the cargo and it is issued by the custom authorities.
The port authority will not allow to load cargoes in the ship unless
export pass is obtained from the custom office.
V. Export License:
Export license is issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of
India. It is issued to the exporter to export cargoes. Depending on
nature of cargo, various types of licenses are issued.

Documents required for an international sale can vary significantly
from transaction to transaction, depending on the destination and
the product being shipped. At a minimum, there will be two
documents: the invoice and the transport document. The buyer
will usually provide the seller with a list of documents needed to
get the goods into his country as expeditiously and inexpensively
as possible. Some documentary requirements are not open to
negotiation, as they are needed by the importer to clear customs
at the port of destination. This presentation discusses
documentation in relation to export letters of credit.
When the letter of credit payment method is used for an export
sale, each document presented under the terms and conditions of
the letter of credit must:
1) Conform to all L/C terms and conditions.
2) Comply with the UCP 500.
3) Agree with the data content of every other document.
For the following documents listed, the number in parenthesis
refers to the relevant UCP 500 article.
Almost every letter of credit presentation and documentary
collection is accompanied by a draft. This demand for payment is
drawn by the seller on the payee. The payee on a letter of credit
draft is almost always a bank. For a documentary collection it
would be the buyer.
The accounting document claiming payment from the buyer.
Normally an export invoice would include:
- Sellers name and address
- Buyers name and address
- Issue Date
- Invoice Number
- Shipping marks and numbers
- Term of Sale: e.g. FOB, etc.
- Shipping information
- Info required by L/C
- Country of Origin
- L/C number
- Merchandise description, P.O. number, unit price, and total price
For exchange control and balance of payments reasons, some

countries do not allow the import of merchandise unless

accompanied by a certificate issued by one of its officials in the
exporters country. These certificates evidence that the shipment
meets certain statutory or other regulations of the importing
country. A visaed invoice is an original or copy of an invoice,
which has been originally signed and/or stamped by a consulate
Every export sale should be covered by insurance. Who provides
the coverage depends on the INCOTERM used. Insurance
coverage on exports is a complicated issue that we can not fully
cover on this site. For more information on export insurance, we
suggest that you contact your business insurance agent or freight
forwarder as to who can provide insurance on an as needed
basis or by blanket policy on an annual basis.
When a letter of credit calls for a document to be issued as a
certificate, that document must be signed. Certificates come in a
many different forms depending on the product and the country of
destination. L/Cs often require that certificates be issued by
reputable third party inspection surveyors such as the Societe
Generale de Surveillance (SGS) or the US Department of
Agriculture. It is important to remember that each certificate
required by an L/C will increase the cost of goods sold. Some of
the most common certificates are discussed below.
Certificates should always be issued before the goods are
shipped. Certificates issued after the goods arrived in the country
of import defeat the purpose of the letter of credit.
A signed statement certifying the country of origin of the goods
being sold is sometimes required by regulation in the buyers
country. This document may be as simple as a certificate signed
by the seller. Certain countries may require it to be issued by a
third party such a Chamber of Commerce, or be notarized,
legalized, or visaed by their Embassy or Consulate.
An independent firm would usually conduct the inspection to
ensure that the merchandise conforms to the buyers criteria.
Inspection certificates should be based on quantifiable criteria.
When an L/C is the method of payment, the criteria should be
specifically spelled out in the letter of credit.

Not synonymous to a packing list. This document breaks down the

shipment by weight. This is generally needed only if a certificate
is required.
This certificate is issued by the US Department of Agriculture and
covers grade and condition for agricultural products. It provides
evidence that the produce was in good condition at the date and
time of inspection and can be useful in the event of a damage
Numerous foreign governments and buyers require a phyto for
fresh plants and plant products. This certificate states that the
product has been inspected and is free of harmful pests and plant
diseases. They are issued by the USDA Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service.
PACKING LIST (UCP Articles 20, 21)
A mirror of the merchandise covered by the invoice, the packing
list omit prices, but itemizes the merchandise by number of
cartons, packages, etc., and the contents of each. It generally
does not have to be signed unless called for in the L/C.

Classification of Documents: (Used in International Trade)

The international Trade documents may be classified as under
a.Commercial documents
b.Official documents
c.Insurance documents
d.Transport documents
e.Financial and financing documents
a.Commercial documents:


An invoice is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer,indicating the

products, quantities and agreed prices for products or serviceswith which the seller has
already provided the Buyer. An invoice indicatesthat, unless paid in advance, payment is
due by the buyer to the seller,according to the agreed terms. Invoices are often called
a)Proforma Invoice:It is a memorandum of the terms of a contract of sale wherein the
seller gives the quotation to the potential buyer. If the buyer approves its terms, he sends
a definite order for supply.Such an invoice is marked with the word Proforma Invoice.
b)Commercial Invoice:A commercial invoice is a bill for the goodsfrom the seller to the
buyer. Commercial invoice are utilized bycustoms officials to determine the value of the
goods in order toassess customs duties and taxes.
c)Certified Invoice:An invoice bearing a signed statement by someonein the importers
country who has inspected the goods and found thatthe goods are in accordance with the
specific contract of the proforma and that the goods are of a specific country of origin.
Certificate of origin:It is a specified document certifying the country of originof the
merchandise required by certain foreign countries for tariff purposes.This certificate is
issued by Chamber of Commerce, Trade Association or anyother authorized body of the
exporting country and it sometimes requires thesignature of the consul of the country to
which it is destined.
Weight notes or certificates: This certificate indicates the weight of the goodsissued by a
public agency. It can be evidenced by means of a separatedocument, or by a weight
stamp/declaration of weight superimposed on thetransport document by the carrier or his
Packing List:The exporter must prepare a packing list showing description of items,
number of containers/boxes with specification of net weight & grossweight etc. to enable
the importer of the goods to check the shipment.
Quality or Inspection certificate:This is a certificate declaring that the goodshave been
examined and found to be in accordance with the contract of sale. Itis signed by the
manufacturer or supplier or any recognized independentinspection body as required by
the importer.

Consular Invoice:
It is an invoice made out in a specially printed form of theexporter and is shown before
the consul of importing country stationed in theexporters country as being correct in all
respect. The consular of theimporting country then certifies the invoice. A consular

invoice enables theimporter country to have all accurate record of the merchandise
Legalized Invoice:
Some Middle East countries require that the commercial invoice should be countersigned
and stamped by the authorized officer in their Embassy or the consulate in the exporters
country instead of consular invoice.
Black-listed Certificate:
Under this certificate, the exporter has to provide aBlack-listed certificate evidencing that
all parties involved including the bank and shipping line are not black-listed. Due to
strained political relation or anyother reasons some countries do not allow transactions
with some particular countries. These countries and the exporters are treated as Blacklisted.
Health, Veterinary and Sanitary Certificate/Photo Sanitary Certificate,Certificate of Analysis
: This certificate is generally needed in purchase of foodstuff, hides and livestock and in
the use of packing materials. It is issued by the recognized health authorities in the
exporting countries. The certificate confirms that the shipment meets the required health,
veterinary and sanitary standards.
c.Insurance documents
There are some risks of damage, loss or destruction of goods during the time of
transit.Marine Insurance plays a very vital role in this respect. The scope of Marine
Insuranceextends to Sea, Land and Air conveyances only in respect of good from one
country toanother country or one place to another place with short distance through the
vessel, craftwhich the goods are carried or conveyed. Marine insurance comprises of the
Marine Cargo Insurance
Marine Hull Insurance
There are various types of marine insurance policies, which differ in respect of the
cover provided to the insured. The main types are as follows:
i)Floating policy:A floating policy is a contract of insurance means to cover a number of
shipments, the details of which are not finalized when theinsurance contract is concluded.
Under the floating policy, insurance cover is given in general terms and details of
shipments are declaredsubsequently and endorsed in the policy.
ii)Time policy:It covers the subject matter of insurance for a period of time.
iii)Voyage policy:It insures the subject matter from one place to another irrespective of
the length of time taken.

iv)Mixed policy:It covers both a voyage and a period of time exceeding 30days.
v)Open cover or Blank policy: This policy is automatically covers all theshipments of the
exporter up to an estimated amount during a given period.
vi)Specific policy: A specific policy is a contract of insurance, which coversa specific
vii)Valued policy:A valued policy is one, which specifies the agreed value
of merchandise insured.
viii)Unvalued policy:In this type of policy, the value of the merchandiseinsured is not
specified. The insurable value of the goods is ascertainedlater on subject to the limit of
the sum insured.
d.Transport Documents:
This document indicates that the goods, which are delivered to the named
shippers,airlines or transporters, must be carried to a named port, airport or place of
delivery.Following transport documents are being used at present in the international
:i)Airway Bill/Air consignment Note:
This document confirms the delivery of goods to an airline or its agent for transportation
by air to a named consigneeaccording to the defined and agreed terms.
ii)Mates Receipt:
It is a prima facie evidence of the quantity and condition of thegoods received. When the
goods are delivered to the shipping company for transportation, at first a temporary
receipt is issued by the ships Chief Officer acknowledging the delivery of the goods
alongside the carrying vessel which isknown as Mates Receipt. On the basis of Mates
receipt, the shipper has to paythe port dues and other charges.
iii)Bill of Lading:
A bill of lading is a document which is issued y the transportationcarrier to the shipper
acknowledging that they have received the shipment of goods and that they have been
placed on board a particular vessel which is boundfor a particular destination and states
the terms in which these goods received areto be carried. Normally a bill of lading
contains the port of shipment and of destination, the name of consignee, the number,
contents and identification marks of the goods shipped and the amount of freight paid
or to pay.The bill of lading serves three main purposes,
as a document of title of the goods
as a receipt from the shipping company and
as a contract for transportation of the goods.

Classification of Bill of lading:

Clear and clause of dirty or foul Bills of lading:
On board or shipper and Received for shipment Bill of lading
Through or Port to Port Bill of lading
Stale Bill of lading
Charter Party Bill of lading
Negotiable or Non negotiable and straight or order Bill of lading
Liner Bill of lading
House bill of lading
Short form or Blank Back Bill of Lading
Third Party Bill of lading
Combined Transport Bill of Lading
iv)Railway consignment Note/Railway Receipt:
When the exporter or his agentdelivers a consignment to the railway authorities for its
onward carriage to anamed destination, they issued a receipt, indicating the details of the
consignmentand destination to which they would carry it. This document is called the
RailConsignment Note or Railway Receipt.

v)Roadway Bill:
It is an internationally approved document of transaction when goods are being sent by
road through the countries that had ratified the CMR (Convention Merchandise Routers).
vi)Post Parcel Documents:
It is a receipt issued by Post Office for the parcel. The post office has received for direct
delivery to the addressee. It is not a document of title of goods and generally contains the
post office stamp.
e.Financial and financing documents
There are some documents used for payment in international trade transaction such as:

Bill of Exchange
Promissory Note
Trust Receipt
Letter of Credit
Bill of Exchange:Bill of Exchange is one of the key financial instruments inInternational
Trade. It is an instrument by which sellers can obtain the payment fromtheir buyers for
the invoiced value of goods.As per section 5 of the Negotiable Instrument Act. 1881, A
bill of Exchange is aninstrument in writing containing an unconditional order, signed by
the market,directing a certain person to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable
futuretime a certain sum of money only to, or to the order of, a certain person or
the bearer of the instrument.
Features of a Bill of exchange:
a . I t m u s t b e u n c o n d i t i o n a l o r d e r.
b.It must be written order.
c.Addressed by one person to another. The term person includescorporations,
partnerships as well as natural persons.
d . D u l l y s i g n e d b y t h e p e r s o n g i v i n g t h e o r d e r.
e.Bill must be payable on demand or on a determinable date.
f . T h e B i l l o f E x c h a n g e m u s t b e m a k e p a y a b l e t o o r d e r o r t o bearer.
g.It must indicate the payment of a certain sum
Parties of a Bill of exchange:
There are six parties involved in a bill of exchange. They are:
a.The Drawer:
b.The drawee:
c . T h e P a y e e :
d.The endorser:
e.The endorsee:
f.The acceptor:
Promissory Note:
It is a negotiable instrument. As per section 4 of the NegotiableInstrument Act. 1881, A
promissory note is an instrument in writing (not being a bank-note or a currency note)
containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the maker, to pay on demand or at a
fixed or determinable future time a certain sum of money only to, or to the order of a
certain person, or to the bearer of the instrument.
Features of a promissory note:
a)It must be unconditional promise
b)Must be written by one person to another

c)Must be signed by the maker

d)Promise to pay a sum of certain money to, or to the order a specific person
or the bearer.
e)Promissory note payable to the makers ord er must be endorsed bythe maker.
Trust Receipt:
The trust Receipt is a receipt for goods, documents of title to goods,securities, etc.
executed by a person, signifying that he has received the specifiedgoods, title etc and will
be holding them in trust for the person or institution fromwhom her has received them.
The person who executes the receipt is called thetrustee. The trustee undertakes to keep
the goods fully insured against all risks andensure overall safety of the goods entrusted to

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