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Bernard de Bury - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Bernard de Bury
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bernard de Bury or Buri (20 August 1720 19 November 1785) was a French musician and court
composer of the late Baroque era.

1 Biography
2 Selected compositions
2.1 Harpsichord works
2.2 Operas and works for stage
2.3 Doubtful works
3 Sources
4 External links

Bernard de Bury was born at Versailles, a member of a family of musicians, many of whom had
appointments to the French court, and was taught music as a young boy.
He wrote his first and only harpsichord book in 1737, at the age of seventeen, and dedicated it
to his teacher, Franois Colin de Blamont, uncle of his future wife.
In 1741, he bought the charge of Claveciniste de la Chambre from Marguerite-Antoinette Couperin,
which she had inherited from her father Franois Couperin as a survivance.
In 1743, he began a successful career with his opra-ballet Les Caractres de la Folie ("Characters
of Madness") which was performed at the Acadmie Royale de Musique. His works continued to be
staged during the festivities given in Versailles, Sceaux, and Fontainebleau for more than thirty-five
years. He also wrote several cantatas and motets, notably De profundis.
De Bury received a royal pension beginning in 1779, and was ennobled by Louis XVI in 1785, a
few months before his death, which occurred at Versailles.

Selected compositions
Harpsichord works

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Premiere Livre de Pices de Clavecin (First book of harpsichord pieces), 4 suites in A, C, G,

and E (18th century):
Premire suite en la: La Minerve Les Regrets Les Grces badines La Tendre
agitation Le Plaidoyer de Cythre, 1er et 2e rondeaux.
Deuxime suite en do: La Belle Brune La Prude LEnfantine La Cythre.
Troisime suite en sol: Les Amusements, 1er et 2e rondeaux La *** ou les sentiments
1er Menuet: Zphire 2e Menuet: Flore La Pythonisse Loure La Sduisante, 1er
et 2e rondeaux .
Quatrime suite en mi: La Brillante La Dampierre La Michelon La Jeunesse

Operas and works for stage

Les Caractres de la Folie, opra-ballet, prologue & 3 acts (C. P. Duclos), f.p. Paris, Opra,
20 August 1743.
with new entre Hylas et Zlie, f.p. Paris, Opra, 6 July 1762.
Jupiter, vainquer des Titan, tragdie lyrique, (collab. Collin de Blamont), f.p. Versailles, 11
December 1745.
La nymphe de Versailles, divertissement, (Mlle de Lussan), f.p. Versailles, 19 March 1746.
Les ftes de Thtis, ballet-hroique, prologue & 2 acts, (P. C. Roy), f.p. Versailles, 14 January
Titon et l'Aurore, pastorale-hroique, prologue & 1 act, (Abb de La Marre & A. H. de
Lamotte), f.p. Versailles, Thtre des Petits Appartements, 14 January 1750.
La parque vaincue, divertissement in 1 act, (A. Tavenot), f.p. Versailles, Htel de Richelieu,
1751 (lost).
Palmyre, ballet-hroque, (S. N. R. Chamfort), f.p. Fontainebleau, 24 October 1765.
Znis et Amnasie, ballet-hroque in 1 act, (Chamfort & Duc de Vallire, collab. with J. B. de
La Borde), f.p. Fontainbleau, 2 November 1765.
Prologue for revival of: Perse by Jean-Baptiste Lully (1747), (collab. with Antoine
Dauvergne, Franois Francoeur, & Franois Rebel), revival f.p. Versailles, 17 May 1770.

Doubtful works
Divertissements attributed to de Bury, cited by Ftis:
Les Bergers de Sceaux
Les Nymphes de la Seine

Sadie, Stanley (Ed.) [1992] (1994). The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, vol. 1, A-D, chpt:

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"Bury [Bury], Bernard de" by Philip Weller, New York: MacMillan. ISBN 0-935859-92-6.
Fr.Wikipedia, Bernard de Bury

External links
Free scores by Bernard de Bury at the International Music Score Library Project

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Categories: 1720 births 1785 deaths Baroque composers French classical composers
French male classical composers French opera composers People from Versailles
18th-century classical composers French composer stubs
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