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case: 16.3527: 3, 08/23/2016, ID: 10097118, DktEntty: 14-2, Page 14 +2, Page 143 of 261 isa G. Masso Lisa G Masso PL4.C. aS, Main Set, Sue ¥.0, Bar 1003 Payete idaho 83661 Teepe 208-682-3797 Foca 208-642:3799 ISB Na 5687 Attar for Petitines Tana Sith ne tHse UNITED STATIS DISTRECE COURT ‘pon THE DISTRICT OF LDAHO LANNY SMITH, cose No. CV 08 227-651. Petitions, (HON OF SLE v QNOODALL REPLY IN SUPPORT Oe AMENDED PETTTION FOR “LAWRENCE G. WASDEN, Hho, HABEAS CORPUS Lay Genel and BRENT REINKES ‘peat of Ilo Deparment of Cectons, espondens {ute Woodall, being ver tae and ote compen 10 1s ecard pny of pny tl pe iting ue tconstto tees of tnowledge ad bei H yi neta mae nll 1 tow wont ae ee a tanay nih wee my rote pecianation oF JULIE WOODALL-ESTETLY or AMENDED PEFTTI FOR HABEAS Comes 8 Case: 1635273, 08/2 3/2016, 10: 1009711 18, DKIEntry: 14-2, P 1-2, Page 144 of 261, 3 asm ots yearn tora ama su Aco EE 1 any Svith sated 5 A 4 va a tay oman Lana sa Nea sore ee 1d tia nanan eS re. 5 vreau yin LS owmards ‘6, Hbeiee Laany Sih iit 1 “pen es 1 ec a ein se HP vet pen wisn ania MY tn neti eet yi Kar Reba rst ater Sat ned ot at mae renga si ol owt wnt 1" oe sept marie nomnaronan gece STS rev ranean ity ans esmsncuse ping tgp et el he tio seein yen is ahi ms reat tv oy set gwen ie Gut ini eames AN acLARATION OF suas woos nant or nana FeTTINFOR AREA, eonPos 2 249 Case: 16.3521 73, 08/23/2016, ID: 10097118, DktEnty: 14.2, Page 14 sage 145 of 261 2 ses her's ns Shes ERY 1 es peti of uns. rea i vi Su tcrene ati tlt eat ne ST pre ai of ft Si ks 9a. ics Simihd confided thot Ft vn rans eae om oer msi vc fl They wees siguened fang A bythe, it vis ent oth xan a wart wi MEE Je Jeff Seth, at ys nnn oes ene ne Ke Yo jn Sith took out ie soon ie pearance iy one an en HH TNE Se gti ican poly cane ‘Xs 2 eran vrs withspsi pesos dare eae wy eaten wih a bi OnE a NYS rect foie 18, sasanen eins PE vr aw ei so ve ms a mn Whee Jef heard me anaes to ott doa ck to popu, ai tes vnc ser doe don ovement me sjecxanann on sse woonss sun rae = FOR HABEAS cones 3 250 case: 16 35273, 08/29/2016, ID: 10097118, DktEntry: 14-2, Page 146 of 261 Gros or mint Ge eu Be, D- « [i a heen neste the sno fet, and forecd me bck ita he . «6 syn dda Nove 185 Her te 9 HAE ee ats gene i Ba ea ve parma call a tlm ta se ew a ws ene auton yeme eto nie po Lael \on te Lae Arran, Ht 4 wnat os eal inorced Ff Sith mr 1986. = v White ven Hay stint als eff Sau ano a sp me wiser msnbc seen ms 8 see oy rca 1 pletion: FE g vc terete iho ie HON AE “ vor a vest sit cy, ay arene wo A a int ofa ws cme eer ei soon ate tin en ester vs ris wih lL nao HL eeu a YL _) eS se of SE = sans hough our son's walks na bury, Tan ad pt my body in foe v our sc's rome Sth abe me by my estan ines 5 secuanagion or sous woonsin gery OF AMENDED PETITIN FOR HABEAS 2st Case: 16352 16-9527, 08/23/2016, 1D: 10097118, DKIEnWy: 14-2, Page 147 of 261 a. 2. B 24. vin th a rn ct over 1stoky lis live whe he pobce arsved any Bouse ‘When wastving olay tren Kao Falls, Sait came eae tak me Lanny Sith eat imo my dos o event Jef ii Gm ecking me, and oak a sve eating fn Sih in det poet ne, eta by Lain Si nein Ah et hs pln to arn menage Lanny ie, how ia convince ef Sith stop beating Lay Sith “our sonhs severe ened ising Apres a vein a poup tse. Our son was nderthe xe of Dr Deay and De ion inguin he acoso iaged 1 coaine STS ome oti fice and ete inet forthe dats 0 tite of our co's isis, Wit my knowedg, De. Thane Sinai eke Jf Sith explain he rsa eating 0 ou 28 ene. Sih noel Dx. Th Singh a us conepion was a prod of 98 en eS at arene forthe Dow's mdr ld pats out is volt istry with se wn teil of ft Smit en ap cota ote of i adn wont te ayers er J Sith nd when hey ew “Sot omni vetully moved ut oftowm te County IP “utten Iwate 0 hide 20 hat Jeff Seth woul otis me srctanariow or SLE WOODALLIVREPLY OF AMENDED PET FORLAREAS conrus S 252 Case: 16:35273, 08/23/2016, ID: 10097118, DktEnty: 14-2, Page 148 af 261 2. 2. sats ant wt ob ny wear Shand when hyo lt sea tom ji ws faced o ing okey i Si om fide sete ved, ida kow wate td, ha en my vate at plication en ATS sina a eh hot ot bt tines Sith il ms bt erie ny aan ot mem ning then. sons vents edo my Sit ing i ios Yen apenas Lamy Soi tl oud Ve ett oly ve toh a i of A Sit own tytn wo be int Lay Ss we ven vee cot is ten el an wat A Sah vedone tome hug tha ine it amy Sms awe vat pice md ht ya ae south ile i ie Sateen aes fot ofmy onsen Hay Stet vai hth unica when we aegting DA ED ved hi intel nt Sn 10 Tru hat one of this evince was wedding Lammy Sits al __/ enous to iden we cae an ef Sith Lavoie eadingotisteing ews egting ne ‘Downards? murders, because it ended se abou th teor that eh “ont i to anit jot reinfend what Jeff Sith would somes do tore, ifor when he got the oppotniy pectanavion OF JULIE WOODALLIN REPLY OF ANIENDD #ENTTIX POR HADLAS Cons 253 ‘Case: 16:25273, 08/23/2016, 1D: 10097118, OkIEnty: 14-2, Page 149 of 261 ).998 + up Toe Dyeyae\eor rsa +8 Gas aes oe 0) eg Bw. 0. estas of Hel, ne. and wet eters though ths asec ‘dahos No Stalking ews passed. 1 i peak wit Robin Sait once fle she was divorced fom Jet Smith. She od meta ding sexual interwouree wit Jef Sith he would tel eto shut up and petead abe ws me tive Lamy Smith enaent nd would ety othe voce ad ath heats of eft Smith asst men pen cout {have come frwatd now because Ido nt want Lanny Smith os the ‘wrongs of his other Jt Sait, eventhough am teed off Sith {veto believe th justin can prevall the courts have the rath of what Jef Sst i tos other vice. 1am aw 43 an 1 wil ot vn fer ‘wat eft Sta wl do ome fo testing on Lanny Smith's tbl al fone let Jeff oth paral me wit fear. The cot wil ean the th, Lanny Seth isa kind and gentle person He snot capable of made. now this fora fac bse on my relationship with Lanay Smith and tecase ofthe tie be pt his if 0 the tne ory an stop i ote, Sef Soith rom baring me. DATED This. 9 ay of Aug, 201 WOODALL [DECLARATION O€ JULIE WOODALL IN REPLY OF AMENDED PETTTIN FOR HABEAS conris 24 Case: 1€-35273, 08/23/2016, ID: 10097118, DktEnty: 14-2, Page 150 of 261 Deo Lanny’ "enow you night not remember who Iam. Lam your ex sister-in-law My maiden name was Julie Burke nd was raed © your brother in L988, We were divorced in Janay of 1986 efor that tine your brother basically teroriznd me He threatened my li tried fo i me several tines and in 1986, [was realy in fear for my life rom him, Tha same year i the sping or surer, [remember hearing the sound of your vehicle pull up front of my house on Halsey {in Maho Fal ID. {ooked ot the window aod aw you raning up omy door with your bots, Jol:ight behind you sa you stain ron of my doce whe. Jeff caught you, pushed you in font of my window and began beating you veins. | dont remember wat hoppene arta, but I wil always remember the fic tht you ted your bet to lagp me from beng het by your brother, all atthe costo being assaulted youre, have always Seen touched by the fact thst yoo were wing odo this, even though you dat ‘even know who Lvs. “Thats how Ino that you were ot the lest bit capable of the crimes you bave been charged With by the Stat, (do nt believe tht anyone who would taketh Kind of beating that you stained ony bea Would be the kind of monster who would murder these to eer ‘peopl in cot blood. But I do belive tat your bother, Jeff, would have dane this crime and ‘hen tured wound and et yu take te lame frit ‘have evderc that Jeff Smith confessed to other violent cies. Tao have eceat evidence that points o someone tying to invoke Jin stalking and harming me just few yeas ago. To me ‘hat shows tht your brother i eapable of ding violence ofa kind ha would have taken the lives of he Downards. ‘The detestive who investigated yourease has ben shown to have faked evidence and id on recordin ote nse. How do we kw tht did't bappen wid you? Tknow ta the police were ‘ive evidence by me sbout what kind of vilones Jeff was expable of towards me. But hey ‘refused olsen to me, Now two people are dead andthe wroog mani in jal. Isthere any vay you cold eal me to dlscus what we night beable to dot lp you in our ase? have repaid though PCS to enable you to eal me. have enclosed the recsp that ‘shows the mibutes goto you to call me at (208) 552-2157. Pleaeeall meas soon as youcan ‘would ike tobelp you, Qt 255 EXIT A

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