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Once upon a time, there lived a woman and her son, his name is Bandung Bondowoso.
They lived happily and peacely. One day, they talked together. Suddenly, Bandung Bondowoso
asked something to his mother.
Bandung Bondowoso : Mom, do you not feel lonely if we just stay in this village?
: Loneliness?! Im not felt alone since I stay here, son.
Bandung Bondowoso : Yeah.. Mom, maybe you want to marriage again? Because you still
beautiful, and of
course many man will fall in love with you.
: What are you talking about, son? I enjoy be a widow. So dont be worry,
Bandung Bondowoso : Mom.. I want to ask you something but Im afraid will make you angry.
: Why you should afraid of me, if you want ask a question to me?
Bandung Bondowoso : Actually, I want to know about my father, who is my father? Is he still a
: (just keep silent)
Bandung Bondowoso : Why you keep silent, do you angry with me?
: My son, it is the time you should know because you have adult, and I
hope you will understand it.
Bandung Bandowoso : What is the matter mom?
: Your father is still a life and he is a noble.
Bandung Bondowoso : What? My father still a life? So, where is he now?
: He is at Telatah. If you want to meet your father, find him. But I cant
accompany you, son. Would you mean it?
Bandung Bandowoso : Yes mom, I understand.
: One more, (take something inside). Show this to your father, to make
him believes on you that you are his son.
Bandung Bondowoso : OK, thank you mom. So, how about you if I go ?
: I will fine here. I bless you, son.
After Bandung Bondowoso walks for a long time, finally he comes to Pengging Kingdom
and he meet his father, his name is Prabu Damar Moyo. He is a great king, because he is too old
to lead his kingdom, Pengging. So he give his throne to his son, Bandung Bondowoso. Now,
Bandung Bondowoso to be a king of Pengging Kingdom. He want to expand his kingdom and
unite his kingdom with the others kingdom. One of the kingdom, Prambanan lead by a giant
king, his name is Prabu Baka. Prambanan will taked by Bandung Bondowoso. He prepare
Penggings soldiers, guns, and enough foods to against Prambanan Kingdom.
Prabu Baka
: Hey, Bandung, is not easy to take my kingdom. Prambanan is a big
kingdom and Im not agree if you mess my people. Step on my body
Bandung Bondowoso : What? Step on your body? This is too easy for me.
Prabu Baka
: Ok! Lets fight now!
Bandung bondowoso : With pleasure.
Bandung Bondowoso and Prabu Baka fighting, and in the fighting Prabu Baka had been
dead by Bandungs sword. Knowing Prabu Baka death, Patih of Prambanan kingdom back to


kingdom and tell to Prabu Bakas daughter, Roro Jonggrang what happen with him. Roro
Jonggrang has shocked and she sad after she hear will lost her father forever.
Next, Bandung Bondowoso come forward to Roro Jonggrang, he thought, who was the
girl in front of him. Bandung Bondowoso thought that this girl was Prabu Baka mistress.
Bandung Bondowoso : What happen with you my sweet heart?
Roro Jonggrang
: Who are you? How dare are you come to my kingdom without
Bandung Bondowoso : Hahaha.. Who am I? You dont know me? I am a King. I am Bandung
Roro Jonggrang
: What? You are Bandung Bondowoso?!
Bandung Bondowoso : Yes, I am. You look so beautiful, will you marry me?
Roro Jonggrang
: What did you say? After you killed my father, you will marry me? Its
Bandung Bondowoso : Why? Im not too bad, I am so handsome. Why you dont like me?
Roro Jonggrang
: Um.. Okey, if you want to marry me, I have a requirement. Make me
1000 of temples in a night, if you success you will marry me.
Bandung Bondowoso : Hahaha.. Are you kidding? 1000 temples in a night? What will you do
with 1000 temples? How if I make it 10 temples only?
Roro jonggrang
: No! I just want 1000 temples, just do it if you love me.
Bandung Bondowoso : OK. Ill proof you if I really love you, Ill make it in a night. I promise.
Bandung Bondowoso with his magical power send for his Jin to help him make 1000
temples in a night. So they began to make tample. But, in another palace Roro Jonggrang so
confused about it.
Roro Jonggrang
: How is it Dayang? Bandung Bondowoso will marry me if he can make
1000 temples now.
: Of course, Kanjeng. He can do it because he has a magical power.
Roro Jonggrang
: So, what should I do? I wont marry him. I dont like him. And he made
me lost my father.
: Um, but I havent idea, Kanjeng
Roro Jonggrang
: Nah! I have an idea. Please, make the other Dayang up, and as soon
pound rice. We make as if morning come. So, the Jin think that morning
will come soon. Of course they will escape.
: OK, thats good idea.
Roro Jonggrang
: Yah dayang, lets do it now, dont make it late!
: Of course.
And then, Dayang ask the other to wake the woman up. It make noisy, the cock is
crowing and the sun will shine.
: Guys!! Look the sunshine. We have to go now, if we stay here our body
will burn by sun. I dont care about this work, we should go know. Lets
guys..we go.
(Jin escape without think of the temples they make)
(the next day, at morning)
Bandung Bondowoso : Hei, Roro Jonggrang I have fulfill your requirement. So, will you marry
: Oh no! Wait a few minutes, I dont believe you have finished 1000

Bandung Bondowoso : Are you not believed with me? Lets see and account the temples.
Roro Jonggrang
: Ok, but remember with your promise, if the temples arent 1000. You
cant marry me, Bandung.
Bandung Bondowoso : OK
(Roro Jonggrang accounting)
Roro Jonggrang
: Sorry Bandung, you have made less one temple.
Bandung Bondowoso : Hah? Are you serious? Youre wrong, maybe.
Roro Jonggrang
: I have accounted it more than 10 times and I think the temples are only
Bandung Bondowoso : Um,okey one more temple again..I think I can make it for you after we
Roro Jonggrang
: No, Bandung. Its not our agreement, you have failed Bandung, you cant
marry me. So, dont come back to my kingdom anymore.
Bandung Bondowoso : After I make you 1000 temples, and this is your respond, Jonggrang?
Roro Jonggrang
: So what do you want? Say to me that you lose, Bandung.
Bandung bondowoso : Jonggrang!! You make me angry. Ok, no problem Im not married with
you! But the temples less one and I think proper complete the temple is
only you Jonggrang! Be a temple as my queen!
Roro Jonggroang
: Aaaaaaaa!!!! (be a temple)
Finished! Finallly, Bandung Bondowoso have completed 1000 temples with Roro
Jonggrang as the queen. Now, the temples often called as Candi Prambanan or Candi Sewu. And
from this story we can conclude that the right people dont waste the person who loves us even
though we didnt love him or her.

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