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with Meesha Halm & Scott Peabody


Most people are drawn to great food, but sadly far fewer enjoy cooking because they lack
the experience, knowledge, or ability to make inspired dishes. I want to change that, which
is why I founded my company Nomiku. (Nomiku is adapted from the Japanese nomikui
[飲み食い], which means “eating and drinking.”) At Nomiku, we’re crazy about food, and
our number-one mission is to help home cooks discover the same joys we have found in
the kitchen. Cooking brings people together. It’s the original social network. At Sunday
gatherings over sweet-and-sticky ribs, we catch up with what’s going on in one another’s
life. It is also fun to search your local markets for the best ingredients and then come home
to craft dishes together. Constantly inventing new dishes and trying them out on one
another is an art as well, one that we passionately pursue at Nomiku. And finally, cooking
is entertainment. Preparing a meal at home can be as enjoyable as going out for dinner
and a movie, because the act of cooking among friends is its own show.

But home entertaining is most fun when everything is under control. If you’ve ever tried to
cook the perfect rosy medium rare steak, only to cut into it and find just the faintest hint of
pink surrounded by gray, you know how disappointing it can feel. If you are cooking steaks
for eight guests all at once and are not sure whether your steaks are raw or overcooked, you
might wish you had gotten takeout instead. I feel for you. Before home immersion circulators
existed, I’d often invite people over to socialize and just end up ordering in. Cooking for a
group felt too complicated, and I was always a little worried about not getting things just right.

Now I can prep in advance, and when it’s time to sit down to eat with my friends, it takes
only a few minutes to put together a meal. Dinner is just waiting for me, bobbing away in the
water bath, and I have the peace of mind knowing that it won’t overcook because it is being
held at a precise temperature. What’s even better is that sous vide lets me get out of the
kitchen and join my friends, rather than having to watch the stove constantly or worry that
I need to get back to cooking. I couldn’t imagine throwing a party without it.

Whether you fancy yourself an expert home cook or self-identify as a person who can’t
boil water, this book will grant you the secret password into sous vide, the greatest
culinary invention of the twenty-first century. My goal for this book is to teach you about
this remarkable cooking technique which will give you the confidence to tackle culinary
challenges, big and small, and help you become the badass cook that you never knew
you could be.

Sous vide (French for “under vacuum”) refers to a cooking method in which food is sealed
in plastic and cooked in a temperature-controlled water bath, but it isn’t an esoteric tool
relegated to the escapades of Iron Chef competitors, gearheads, and food nerds. It’s a fail-
safe cooking technique that results in amazing textures and flavors that anyone can use to
make perfectly cooked dishes, regardless of skill level or training. What you’ll soon discover

Introduction | 5
is that when you cook food at exactly the correct temperature, very little can go wrong.
Imagine not having to worry about your turkey being dry on Thanksgiving. Imagine preparing
salmon that emerges moist, jeweled toned, and delectable to even the pickiest of fish eaters.
With sous vide, even fussy desserts like crème brûlée become easy and effortless to master.
Simply put your ingredients into a bag, set the temperature, and then sit back (maybe even
pour yourself a drink) and let it do its thing. No babysitting, no heartache, and the results will
be amazing. Every time. You’ll impress your friends and even yourself with how well you’ll
cook with sous vide.


Anyone who frequents restaurants has probably eaten food that has been cooked sous vide.
It’s used everywhere from the world’s top-rated restaurants to fast-food companies. The
British Royal Navy deploys it to feed its troops on submarines twenty thousand leagues under
the sea, and it's how airlines heat up your turkey tetrazzini in the friendly skies.

The magic behind sous vide is consistent heat. Humans have sought methods to moderate
and control heat for millennia, whether it be by braising in clay pots, sealing with salt crusts,
or burying in pits of smoldering ash. From roasting over a spit to home stoves and ovens
with temperature dials, culinary innovations and advancements have been driven by the same
burning desire: the quest to tame heat. Although you and I now take these time-honored
cooking techniques for granted, Harold McGee, the acclaimed food scientist and author of
the groundbreaking book On Food and Cooking, reminds us that throughout history, people
have witnessed the invention of paradigm-breaking cooking tools that had to fight their way
into acceptance in the kitchen.

In the twenty-first century, sous vide machines have ended that quest. Specifically, the thermal
immersion circulator, the element responsible for heating, circulating, and maintaining a
precise water temperature, provides a tool that can control temperature to a tenth of a
degree, resulting in extraordinary flavors and textures not possible with traditional cooking
methods. It was originally developed for use in laboratories, where precision heating was
required for scientific study. In the 1960s, the technique was adapted by hospitals as a way
to sterilize packaged foods for distribution and by large-scale commercial food ventures
concerned with improving the efficiency, safety, and storage of their products. The crossover
from industrial food service to fine dining didn’t take place until 1974, when French biochemist
George Pralus was enlisted by three-star Michelin chef Pierre Troisgois to develop a better
technique for cooking foie gras at his eponymous restaurant in Roanne, France. Pralus
discovered that sealing the fattened liver in a plastic pouch and poaching it at a precise
temperature resulted in the least loss of precious fat, so that it retained its vaunted flavor and
texture. That discovery is widely considered the birth of the modern sous vide movement.

Around the same time, another French scientist, Dr. Bruno Goussault, was making similar
discoveries working with fast-food companies and hospitals to develop sous vide techniques
utilizing pasteurization and improving shelf life. In 1986, Goussault went one step further
by teaming up with acclaimed French chef Joël Robuchon to create the first all sous vide
dining program for SNCF, the French state-owned railway. Goussault went on to bring the
technology to other large-scale commercial food-service organizations.


In the United States, vacuum packing, more commonly known as Cryovacking, after the
American company Cryovac that manufactured the plastic, has been used since the 1960s
to increase food efficiency, safety, and shelf life. But the dining public was initially skeptical
of these sterile boil-in-a-bag endeavors that were more closely associated with industrial
food-service operations, such as hospitals, airlines, and fast-food conglomerates. It wasn’t
until Pralus’s discovery and Goussault’s collaborations with the world’s most highly respected
chefs throughout Europe and in the United States that sous vide gained acceptance in
the professional kitchens. But once it did, it spread rapidly. Since the early 2000s, sous vide
has fundamentally reshaped the way that professional restaurants plan, execute, and hold
their dishes. Nearly every Michelin-starred restaurant in the world employs some sous
vide technique in its kitchen, and a great number of casual restaurants are following suit.
Without abandoning their craft, more and more professional chefs are relying on precision
heat control and applying the proper combination of temperature and time to turn out
optimally prepared meals consistently.

Despite these breakthroughs, temperature-controlled cooking remained the exclusive

domain of professional chefs. It wasn’t until the past five or six years that sous vide hit its
tipping point. The introduction of more affordable and portable immersion circulators such
as the Nomiku, which don’t require elaborate technical training or a deep-pocket budget,
lowered the bar of entry and propelled a sous vide revolution among food bloggers and
amateur chefs. This miraculous cooking method is now being used to splendid effect
everywhere from Michelin-starred restaurants to Main Street haunts to the kitchens of
a new generation of home cooks who were weaned on technology.


When it comes to cooking sous vide yourself, you can forget the fancy French name, the
history lesson, and the complex underlying science. From a cook’s perspective, it couldn’t
be easier. Here’s how it works: An immersion circulator device clamps onto the side of a
stockpot and heats and circulates the water to reach and maintain a precise temperature.
To operate it, simply fill the pot with water, set the circulator to the desired temperature,
and let the water heat up. All the cook needs to do is seal the ingredients in an airtight
food-safe plastic bag, drop the sealed ingredients into the bath when it reaches the target
temperature, and then wait for the length of time specified in the recipe for the food to cook
to perfection. Mind-blowing, right? If you can turn on a faucet and follow simple directions,
you can reap the benefits of sous vide.

Take Cover
Slow, long cooking is a hallmark of the sous vide technique. For recipes that require cooking
(or holding) the food for several hours in the bath, it’s critical that the food remain fully
submerged for the duration of the cooking time (see page 13 further explanation). For that
reason, if your sous vide unit does not come with a lid, I recommend covering the water bath
with plastic wrap or aluminum foil to minimize evaporation, thus preventing the water level
from falling too low. It’s a good idea to check the water bath every few hours. If the water
level has fallen below the machine’s minimum, add more water. Although the additional
water will briefly lower the overall temperature, that brief fluctuation will have a negligible
impact. If you notice at any point that the bag isn’t fully submerged, reseal the bag to remove
any air, adding weights to the bag if necessary.


The Flavorful Finish
Although sous vide cooking produces amazing results (namely, incomparable juiciness and
otherworldly textures), there are a few things that it just can’t do. Because the boiling point
is never reached, pasta and grains are a no-go, as is baking. Sorry, there’s no such thing as
sous vide bread. Low-temperature cooking also means a crust or a sear won’t form. In other
words, your meat won’t come out of the bag photo ready. Why, you ask?

The boiled-down explanation (puns always intended) is that the chemistry behind browning
meat, the Maillard reaction, happens at temperatures above boiling. Not to be confused
with caramelization, which is the browning of sugar, the Maillard reaction involves proteins
and carbohydrates. Pronounced “my-YARD" (as in, my browning reaction brings all the boys
to Maillard), it’s named for Louis-Camille Maillard, the French chemist who first described
the reaction. The science involved is complicated, but its interest to you as a cook is simple:
it’s responsible for creating the delicious, complex flavors we love in everything from meat
charred on the grill to toasted bread. So, to get that much lusted-after crust, which adds
both a boost of flavor and textural contrast, you’ll need to sear it after cooking. That means
you’re going to have pull out at least one pot or pan. You’ll see many different techniques
in the following recipes—grilling, frying, pan roasting—with the same goal in mind: golden
brown deliciousness.

You can build flavor in other ways, as well. The most straightforward method is to cook the
food in question (let’s say a steak) unadorned in the bag, remove it, and then season it before
searing. The second way is to build flavor proactively by adding aromatics, in the form of a
dry rub or marinade, directly to the bag to season the food while it cooks. In some cases, as
with Oil-Poached Trout (page 63), this means your food is ready to eat right out of the bag,
with the liquid in the bag becoming a sauce to pour on top. Other times, as in the case of
General Tso’s Chicken (page 89), the meat is seared in a skillet to get a satisfying crust, and
then the cooking marinade is reduced for a tasty glaze. Either way, the results are sensational.

Cooking by the Numbers

One of the unique things about sous vide cooking compared with such conventional
techniques as grilling, sautéing, and roasting is that you can’t rely on the sensory cues of sight,
touch, and smell that cooks normally use to determine when food is done. For that, you’ll
need to depend on a guide that calculates the proper combination of time and temperature.
Because of this, it’s important not to lower your bagged food into the water bath until it has
reached the proper temperature. Just as you need to preheat your oven for good baking
results, it’s critical for your water bath to be at the correct temperature when the food goes in.
Obviously, the amount of time it takes to heat the water bath depends on the size of the water
vessel and the desired temperature. To speed up the process, start with hot tap water. (When
you cook ingredients at different temperatures end to end, you will start with the higher
temperature and drop in a handful of ice cubes to cool down the water quickly.)

For an avid cook, this absence of the typical cues takes some initial adjustment. But once you
give yourself over to the rules and trust in the accuracy of your machine, you will be rewarded
with the same (most often vastly improved) results with a fraction of the effort.

Introduction | 9
Celsius vs. Fahrenheit
You’ll see that in this book that I’ve used Celsius as the standard temperature for the water
bath. Aside from the fact that sous vide originated in Europe, the rationale behind this is that
it allows me to avoid messy decimals. The nice integer for a slow-poached egg at 63ºC, for
instance, becomes the ungainly 145.4ºF. Though it might be tempting to round that number
down to nearest degree, those small differences can have a big impact when cooking sous
vide. If Fahrenheit is your default mode of thought, fret not; all the sous vide machines on the
market will allow you to easily toggle between Celsius and Fahrenheit. In the instances where
I call for conventional cooking methods such as frying or baking, I’ve called for Fahrenheit,
since that’s the only option for most American appliances.

Cooking Advantages: What’s in It for the Home Cook?

Like slow cookers, immersion circulators offer a hands-off approach. The radical improvement
of sous vide is in precise temperature control. This puts you in charge of both texture and
doneness. The results—succulent meats, silken fish, toothsome vegetables cooked in their
own juices, custardy eggs—will come as a revelation. A side benefit of sealing food in a bag
is lack of evaporation, which means that there’s also no loss of flavor or aroma. Sous vide
ensures that your food cooks to the perfect doneness. To illustrate this, let’s compare it to
conventional methods. Take a medium rare rib-eye steak as an example. When cooked over
the high heat of a grill, the proteins in the exterior of the meat will firm up and brown almost
immediately. At this point, the outside is cooked, but the inside is still raw. To bring the
center to the desired medium rare, or 55°C, you need to keep cooking it. This means that the
outer parts of the meat reach well done before the heat penetrates through, causing a band
of overcooked gray meat to creep in as you approach your sought-after internal temperature.
But when you cook a steak in a water bath set at 55°C, no part of the steak ever gets hotter
than medium rare. In other words, it’s impossible to overcook it. After an hour, the steak will
be a lovely rosy medium rare from edge to center and will stay that way for hours. Because
carryover cooking doesn’t apply to sous vide, resting your meat before cutting into it
becomes much less vital. I’ve indicated in the recipes when and if you need to rest the meat.
If you don’t see any note telling you otherwise, you are free to slice right in.

The accuracy of immersion circulators also lets you cook safely at very low temperatures
that allow results that would otherwise be impossible. One such sous vide marvel is the slow
breaking down of the connective tissue in tough cuts over a period of many hours, resulting
in lusciously tender meats that are still medium rare from edge to edge. The ultimate
example of this is sous vide short ribs (page 163).

But the appeal of sous vide isn’t just the ability to produce flawless, restaurant-quality meals
at home. It also gives the home cook peace of mind. With immersion circulators, you’ll never
go wrong because you apply exact science to the cooking process. Traditional cooking
techniques over high heat depend on the cook to determine the correct temperature and
length of time required to cook food properly. Sous vide removes the guesswork. By setting
the temperature of the water bath to the desired internal temperature of the food once it
is cooked, it’s impossible to overcook the food, even if you forget about it. This ability to
extend the cooking time for most foods without any negative impact is a godsend for people
with busy and often unpredictable schedules. It’s also a game changer for entertaining. Read
more about that and about other meal planning strategies on page 15.


I consider steak the gold standard of sous vide cooking because it ensures reliable, exact cooking for a cut of
meat where doneness counts for everything. This amount of control not only means that I can make my perfect
steak every time, but that you can customize your perfect steak every time, too. I consider 55°C (131°F) the ideal
temperature for medium rare when cooking rib eye and other tender steak cuts (for example, strip, top sirloin,
tenderloin, and porterhouse). That said, experiment with temperature and let your own taste be your guide.
You’ll find that even a few degrees up or down can make a dramatic difference. If you or your guests prefer your
meat more done, try cooking it at 60°F (140°F) for medium and 65°C (149°F) for medium well. The results will
still be far juicier than conventionally cooked steaks.

SERVES 4 as a main course | SOUS VIDE COOKING TIME: 1 hour (or up to 5 hours) | ACTIVE PREP TIME: 10 minutes, plus 12 minutes
to rest

2 (1-inch-thick) boneless 1 tablespoon canola or

rib-eye steaks (about other mild vegetable oil
1 pound each), preferably 2 tablespoons unsalted
with fat cap intact If you intend to chill and reheat the steak, I recommend
salting the meat after it comes out of the bag (see
Salt and freshly ground 4 to 6 thyme sprigs page 117 for an explanation). The cooked steak can be
black pepper
1 clove garlic, lightly chilled in the bag in an ice water bath (see page 14)
crushed for 20 minutes and then refrigerated for up to 1 week.
Reheat in a 55°C (131°F) water bath for 20 minutes and
then proceed to the searing step. You can also reheat
the fridge-temperature steak directly in the sauté pan or
skillet by adding an additional 5 minutes while basting
and turning the meat.


Meats | 145

Preheat your sous vide water bath to 55ºC (131ºF). order) off to the side of the pan. The butter will sizzle and
brown immediately and the thyme will crackle and pop.
Season the steaks with salt and pepper and then place in
Once the butter has turned completely brown and has
a gallon-size freezer-safe ziplock bag and seal using the
stopped sizzling (meaning all of the water has cooked out),
water displacement method (see page 12).
baste the meat: tilt the pan to accumulate the fat on one
When the water reaches the target temperature, lower the side, then, using a metal spoon, scoop up the brown butter
bagged steaks into the water bath (making sure the bag is and distribute it evenly over the meat. As you baste, be sure
fully submerged) and cook for 1 hour. to flip the meat to brown both sides again as above until
the entire surface is a deep, almost mahogany brown, about
When the steaks are ready, remove the bag from the water
30 seconds per side. Depending on the strength of the
bath and let them rest for 10 minutes. Transfer the steaks
burner, you may need to flip the meat more than once;
from the bag to a platter or tray and pat the meat
just make sure it doesn’t rest on any one side longer than
thoroughly dry with paper towels.
1 minute or it will begin to overcook.
Heat a large, heavy sauté pan or cast-iron skillet over
Transfer the meat to a platter or tray and wait for at least
medium-high heat. Once the pan is hot, add the oil and swirl
2 minutes before slicing to allow the juices to redistribute
to coat the bottom. Let the oil heat until it shimmers and
after the high-heat searing. Enjoy your steak perfection.
sends off wisps of smoke, 30 to 60 seconds. Place the meat
in the pan and sear until the underside is browned, 30 to
60 seconds. Using tongs, flip the steaks over and brown the
second side, 30 to 60 seconds longer. If the steaks have PRO TIP
their fat caps, use tongs to hold both steaks upright on their The technique of basting the steak with butter while in
sides, fat pressed against the pan, and render until the fat is the pan is an excellent method any time you want to
crisp and browned, 1 to 2 minutes. achieve a beautifully uniform sear on the stove top. I use
When the steaks are browned on both sides, or after the fat it again in Beef Tenderloin in Red Wine Sauce (page 155).
caps are crisped, add the butter, thyme, and garlic (in that


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