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SAS Institute

Ellen Bankert, Mary Dean Lee, and Candice Lange

The Wharton Work/Life Roundtable

People find it hard to believe that working at SAS Institute, Inc., a North Carolina-based
software company, is for real. Jim Goodnight, the founder and chief executive officer, has
carefully crafted a community of employees who seem literally to live the good life at work.
From the outset, he envisioned establishing a company that would be a fun place to work, with a
stimulating environment that would encourage creativity and with extensive on-site resources so
people could be productive.
That description, though, could fit any number of companies. The difference at SAS
Institute is that Goodnight saw and went much further. He decided to demonstrate in word
and deed that his company truly cares about its employees. His guiding standard for
decisionmaking is how he himself would like to be treated.
In a quiet corner of North Carolina, theres a place that contradicts most of the
assumptions of modern business. In an era of relentless pressure, this place is an oasis of
calm. In an age of frantic competition, this place is methodical and clearheaded. In a
world of free agency, signing bonuses, and stock options, this is a place where loyalty
matters more than money.
This kingdom, a secluded realm west of Raleigh, is home to an all-but-unknown
group of software wizards whose output touches every aspect of life from what
medicines get developed to who gets a mortgage. Although this company is thoroughly
modern, there is something fairy tale-like about the place. The inhabitants are happy,
productive, well rounded in short, content in a way thats almost unheard-of today.
They are loyal to the kingdom and to its king, who in turn is the model of a benevolent
leader. The king almost unbelievably goes by the name Goodnight.
Fast Company, January 1999

Jim Goodnight emphasizes that, in his view, what he has done at SAS Institute isnt
rocket science. He often expresses amusement at how much attention and raised eyebrows he
gets for something that to him is just common sense. He does not characterize SAS Institute as
a family-friendly employer, and thats not what he set out to create. He wants people to enjoy

being at work, and most of what he does is derived from that simple philosophy. A company fact
sheet explains this employee-friendly approach:
Employee-friendly benefits reflect Dr. James Goodnights philosophy at SAS
Institute: If you treat employees as if they make a difference to the company, they will
make a difference to the company. SAS Institutes founders set out to create the kind of
workplace where employees would enjoy spending time. And even though the workforce
continues to grow year after year, its still the kind of place where people enjoy working.
Excerpt from the SAS Employee-Friendly Benefits Summary

Thats the reason SAS Institute provided childcare in the basement of its first building:
one of the few early employees needed it, and the absence of worrying that came with that
childcare was key to making sure that employee enjoyed being at work.
Messages like this email message to Jim Goodnight are common:
I started three weeks ago in the Publications Department I never imagined that
I would have a job where I look forward to coming to work in the morning and forget to
check the clock in the afternoon to see when it is time to leave. I work with a charismatic
manager and my team is full of creative and hardworking individuals who have done
their utmost to make me feel welcome. As a Liberal Arts Manager (from UNC even), I
didnt envision a software company as the ultimate job but then I guess I didnt know
enough about SAS. You have a wonderful company and I am thrilled to be here. Thank
SAS Institute employee

But is SAS Institute successful as a business?

The company and its products

Founded in 1976, SAS Institute is an international leader in data warehousing and
decision support software. Some 3,400 employees work at the companys headquarters on the
200-acre campus in Cary, North Carolina. There are another 1,900 employees scattered at offices
throughout the world. Sales in 1998 were $870 million double its revenue only six years
earlier. In 1999, they exceeded $1 billion. SAS Institute is the worlds largest privately held
software company.

The company boasts some remarkable financial numbers: 1997 was the twenty-second
consecutive year of double-digit revenue growth. With 31,000 customers in 120 countries, SAS
Institute counts all but two of the largest U.S. companies as users of its products.
The Institutes core product, base SAS software, was originally
developed to analyze agricultural data on IBM mainframes at North Carolina
State University. Over the years, the SAS system became a complete information
delivery system, including more than 25 fully integrated modular applications
that allow an organization complete control over its data from data access, to
data management, to data analysis, and presentation.
Excerpt from SAS Fact Sheet

SAS Institute does business differently than most software companies. Rather than sell its
software, SAS leases to its customers a strategy of immense importance in understanding the
companys relationship to its users. The fact that leases must be renewable annually creates a
tremendous emphasis on customer satisfaction and quality. As SAS Institute sees it, the leasing
strategy helps keep the company sharp by ensuring that technological advances are driven
solely by customer needs.
Our leasing strategy has been a critical piece of the companys success. It
keeps us on our toes and forces us to be tied in very closely to our customers.
Thats not always the case in the software business.
SAS Institute manager

A key is ongoing research and development. SAS Institute reinvests more than 30 percent
of revenue in R&D.
We really focus on what the customer wants, and then we have the
resources to invest in delivering it.
SAS Institute employee

This attention to the customer has paid off: nearly 90 percent of SAS Institute customers
renew their annual leases, and 70 percent of these, on average, increase their business.

How it all began

SAS Institute puts an enormous effort into keeping on the cutting-edge of technology.
The company also puts an enormous amount into creating and sustaining its remarkable work
environment (see Exhibit 1 for a company fact sheet on the SAS employee-friendly history).
How did it all begin?
A colleague shares a story about Jim Goodnights work experience before founding SAS
Institute. It seems Goodnight worked briefly at NASA. What he found there was an environment
in which people did not communicate. Any effort to build trust was absent: NASA used
timecards to make sure that employees worked their full allotment of hours, and there were metal
detectors to ensure that employees werent stealing.
That wasnt all. At NASA, executives were supposed to be seen as different from the
rest of the workers. There were special executive parking areas. Executives had their own break
and dining area, with free, good coffee. Everyone else had to dump a quarter into a vending
machine if they wanted coffee or a soft drink.
Goodnight decided that when he started his own company, he would create a very
different environment.
The primary goal has been to create a workplace in which employees can produce great
results because they are working in a fun, stimulating, and resource-rich environment. More than
a focus on employee productivity, however, SAS Institutes focus is on employee effectiveness.
Goodnights motivation is business-related, but he and company spokespeople always
make it clear that SAS Institute is what it is because of Goodnights views on how people should
be treated.
Jim Goodnight is perceived throughout the company as a regular guy, a down-to-earth
man with a strong value system and incredible technical gifts. He is not seen as a stereotypical
CEO, and appears to value being seen as different. The director of communications tells a story
of Goodnight agreeing to be interviewed for a story in GQ on three CEOs you dont know but
should. The photographer wanted a picture of each CEO next to his car. Goodnight thought it
was odd that theyd want a picture of him by his car, a Ford station wagon. When the
communications director explained that the other CEOs might be driving something a bit fancier,
Goodnights response was to wonder aloud how those people cart their junk to the dump.
Business Week data from 1997 indicate that 79 percent of SAS respondents listed the
highest choice a great deal when asked: Do the leaders of your company support workfamily programs? Only 38 percent of respondents from all the companies totaled together listed
the highest choice.

Differentiating from the Silicon Valley

It is only over the past two years that SAS Institute has become much more in tune with
the public relations value of touting its unique work environment, and has begun to take steps to
get on various business magazine lists of family-friendly companies. The importance, according
to the company, goes beyond the corporate image with customers: it is a key factor in
recruitment and SAS Institutes retention of employees. SAS has created an environment that
seeks to bypass many of the problems faced by its rival firms in Californias Silicon Valley and
elsewhere, where churn and burn is the order of the day.
The Valley has its own proprietary ways of burning and churning its soldiers.
Sure, burnout plagues almost every corner of corporate America. In fact, its so bad on
Wall Street that the New York Stock Exchange recently installed defibrillators on the
Exchange floor to revive brokers suffering heart attacks. But Silicon Valleys maniacal,
anything-goes, startup-driven pace creates a weird bubble of a world.
In a Valley where kids out of Stanford University are racing to become
millionaires by age 30, where years of work can be wiped out if a competitor beats you to
market, no one has formally studied the burnout rate among driven Silicon Valleyites.
Yet the Valley way of life and work is the clinical definition of stress: extreme
unpredictability with little control.
Upside, July 1998

In the spring of 1998, William M. Mercer, Incorporated one of the leading U.S. human
resources consulting organizations released a report based on a survey it conducted under cosponsorship with the Pittsburgh High Technology Council, an employers group. The Mercer
survey offered respondents ten reasons from which to select as the most significant reasons for
turnover at their companies. Participants cited the following:
1. aggressive hiring practices of competitors (cited by 54% of participants)
2. dissatisfaction with income (49%)
3. dissatisfaction with career opportunities (46%).
Other often-indicated reasons for turnover include dissatisfaction with
management practices (41%), employees' dissatisfaction with their type of work or
projects (34%), and a feeling that the organization lacks direction (22%).
PR Newswire, May 20, 1998

In the software industry, employee turnover averages as much as 20 percent and some
firms face even higher turnover rates. Many have taken to all sorts of incentives to keep
employees at their jobs.
At a time when annual turnover in some information technology shops is as high
as 30% and filling empty positions can cost anywhere from two to five times an
employees salary, IT managers are discovering that it takes more than just a paycheck to
keep their people happy, according to Brian Anderson, vice president and general
manager of the San Francisco office of Personnel Decisions International, a global
management and human resources consulting firm in Minneapolis. IT managers are also
finding that offering a buffet of softer benefits anything from on-the-job training to
days off to elegant dinners builds loyalty, makes work more enjoyable and nudges
employees to think twice about sending off a resume when a headhunter calls.
Computerworld, June 28, 1999

SAS Institutes unique work environment and family-friendly programs contribute to the
companys astonishingly low 4 percent turnover rate.
A typical software company of SASs size loses 1,000 employees per year. At
SAS, the number lost is about 130 which translates into almost 900 employees per
year whom SAS doesnt have to replace. The result: a huge reduction in expenses for
recruiting candidates, for flying them in for interviews, and for moving new hires across
the country, as well as a reduction in the amount of work time lost while jobs remain
Two independent consulting companies Hewitt Associates and the Saratoga
Institute have estimated that the cost of replacing a worker runs between 1 and 2.5
times the salary of the open job. The more sophisticated the job, the higher the cost. So,
given a factor of 1.5 (which is conservative) and an average SAS salary of $50,000, the
company arguably saves $67.5 million a year, compared with what its competitors shell
out. That comes to an extra $12,500 per year per employee that SAS can spend on
Fast Company, January 1999

The company estimates its low turnover rate translates into some $60 to $62 million in
Asked whether its important to be on the lists, Goodnight responds: Well, Id rather be
on them than not, but Id rather be reading about how great our products are. It is a sentiment
that rings true in light of how Goodnight acts, and its backed up by what the head of corporate

communications remembers: In the early days, we were almost reclusive about touting who we
were or what we did for employees. We wanted to be recognized for our products. It took us a
long time to convince Jim Goodnight that we should be talking about this other stuff.

The work environment

Several overarching features of the work environment at SAS Institute make the company
unique. Coupled with the perks often quite unusual that employees enjoy, these features
help define the special SAS culture. (Exhibit 2 presents a summary of employee-friendly
benefits at SAS.)
First and foremost is that the companys values are employee-centered. SAS Institute
seeks to send a strong message to all employees that the company truly cares about every man
and woman on its payroll, as individuals. Some of that caring is manifested in tangible things,
from the on-site healthcare facility to the piano player in the company cafeteria (or caf, as it is
called in SAS Institute literature), who helps ease the frenetic pace one so often finds at
lunchtime in other companies. It can be found in the financial planning courses that the company
offers to all who work at SAS Institute. And it can be found in the discounts on residential
property in the headquarters town of Cary Goodnight invests in real estate, completely apart
from SAS Institute, and offers 10 percent off undeveloped lots where he has an interest.
One example of employee-centeredness can be found in the fact that each employee has
his or her own office. There are no cubicles. While SAS Institute describes this as a way to
maximize productivity, it also fits in with the operating principle for Jim Goodnight: thats how
he would like it were he just an employee.
Another significant feature of the work environment is employee interdependence. SAS
Institute has structures in place to encourage and even demand teamwork. Employees will
tell you that its easy to get help when needed. Seeking out help when needed is critical to
success within the organization. One senior executive describes what it takes to fit in at the
You need to care about a sense of contribution, you need to value humility over
individual recognition, and you must want to work in an environment of total
interdependence. If you need a lot of ego or tangible compensation, this is not the place
for you.
Jeff Chambers, SAS Institute director of human resources

The SAS Institute reward system encourages interdependence. For instance, everyone in
the sales organization gets a bonus, depending on performance relative to other members of the
salesforce but relative to target.
Theres really not much competition within sales. Were not competing with each
other, but competing with our own target.
SAS Institute employee
I could definitely make a lot more money elsewhere, but I wouldnt have nearly
as much fun.
SAS Institute sales professional

SAS Institute encourages a genuine spirit of risk-taking. Many employees comment on

their ability to take risks, and most everyone agrees that it really is okay to fail. As one employee
in technical support says, We can try anything within reason here.
To be sure, there is some downside to this encouragement of risk-taking. Some
employees perceive that competition is deliberately established between work groups as a way to
create new ideas. They criticize this approach for wasting resources and setting up unnecessary
competition. But this sentiment is clearly a minority one.
Another feature of the environment is challenging work. The key reason people come to
SAS Institute is for the work and its why they stay.
Motivation is not a problem here. Everyone has a strong desire to excel.
SAS Institute employee

That the SAS Institute work environment is resource-rich also contributes to the unique
culture. Employees are given what they need to do their jobs. Everyone you talk to mentions this.
If you need something here to get your job done well, youll get it without a big
SAS Institute employee
Youre given the freedom, the flexibility, and the resources to do your job.
Because youre treated well, you treat the company well.
Fast Company, January 1999 (quote from employee)

The physical surroundings and facilities make a big difference at SAS Institute. Lots of
companies have campuses, but the amenities at the SAS campus are legion. Theres a gym,
healthcare center, and childcare center. Every floor in every building has one or more break
rooms stocked with coffee, tea, cold drinks, cookies, crackers, and other refreshments. Each
Wednesday, the break rooms are stocked with large canisters filled with M&M candies a perk
lots of employees mention, half-jokingly, as their favorite thing about working at SAS Institute.
All of the benefits and perks are available to all employees, and everyone on campus is a
SAS Institute employee: software engineers, salespeople, childcare workers, groundskeepers,
and so on. Goodnight believes strongly that people are much more committed if they are part of
the company. All employees have the same exact bonus plan potential (of course, higher-paid
people are paid out at a higher rate).
There are no designated parking spaces and no executive dining room. Goodnight and
other senior executives eat lunch regularly in one of the two company cafeterias.
One particularly notable thing about the SAS Institute work environment is that the
company sees little need to produce specific documents about the culture precisely because it is
so pervasive. While there are a few, though brief, descriptive pieces about the company in which
the SAS Institute philosophy is clearly articulated, and the philosophy does feature prominently
in some of the companys customer-focused material, theres a sense that the culture is so strong
that it doesnt need to be neatly summarized and put on a plaque.
SAS is just a very pleasant place to be. You dont see plaques on the wall telling
us that because it doesnt need to be said. The niceness surrounds you and, while a lot of
it is visible, there are subtle things done that are important, too.
SAS Institute employee

Maintaining the work environment

Ask employees who or what is responsible for the work environment at SAS Institute,
and everyone agrees that Goodnight created the culture and still has a huge effect on how it has
evolved over time. Despite that he is no longer directly involved with most decisions related to
the SAS Institute work culture, Goodnights original vision has spawned a self-perpetuating
culture, and new decisionmakers now share his vision which governs the variety of
philosophies, strategies, and practices adopted by the company over twenty-three years. Four
practices stand out.
Hire hard recruitment philosophy. Many people inside SAS Institute attribute the
longevity of the companys culture to the heavy emphasis placed on recruiting. It is very tough to
get hired: theres a strong emphasis not only on technical skills but also on attitude. One often

hears SAS Institute people explain that we hire hard and manage easy, meaning that folks have
a lot of autonomy in their jobs. (Exhibit 3 summarizes the extensive hiring process.) In 1999,
SAS had about 20,000 applicants for roughly 200 posted open positions.
35-hour workweek. SAS Institutes written policy is that the standard workweek is
thirty-five hours.
It used to be that we had to work much longer hours to get the work that needed
to be done completed. With all the advances in technology, we dont need to spend so
much time at work.
Jim Goodnight

While most employees dont actually work thirty-five hours on a regular basis, people
talk about how the choice is there and that such a choice makes all the difference. Among
those who choose to work longer hours, theres a strong sense that they do so by choice and out
of a love for their work, as opposed to a lack of productivity or because of unreasonable
workloads. According to the 1997 Business Week data, 66 percent of SAS Institute respondents
strongly disagreed with the question: Are you expected to work long hours no matter what it
means for your personal or family life. This compares with 29 percent of all respondents.
Employee and manager surveys. SAS Institute relies heavily on employee input
through its annual employee satisfaction survey. Most of the questions seek to gauge the overall
work environment at SAS Institute, and only a few are work-life specific. Results of the survey
are posted for several weeks on the companys intranet, and each year key areas are identified for
In 1996, SAS Institute introduced its first management feedback survey, through which
all managers are rated by their direct reports. The results, which are widely discussed within the
company, are also posted on the SAS Institute intranet. Top-rated managers receive individual
Compensation system. So many benefits set SAS Institute apart from its competitors.
When it comes to pay, though, SAS employees get the average (or in some cases below the
average) for the software industry. In addition, unlike at most other software companies, there
are no stock options. Every SAS Institute employee does participate in profit sharing and is
eligible for a bonus, and the company has paid a bonus each year since its founding. Each
manager is given a pool of bonus money to divide as he or she chooses.
Goodnights view has always been that SAS Institute doesnt have to offer high salaries
to get people either to come or stay, given everything else the company provides to its
employees. He has always wanted people to come to work at SAS Institute for the work itself,
and stay with the company for the work. In the SAS Institute view, money should not be the key
motivator. People that care primarily about the money can easily be bought, the reasoning goes.

Money is not talked about, though. The companys compensation system is a somewhat
taboo subject among SAS Institute employees. Salary levels are not posted within the company,
so an employee looking to move within SAS Institute has no access to pay information. Just as
he doesnt want new hires coming for the money, Goodnight doesnt want people moving around
the company just for pay.

The role of the leader

SAS Institute is a very flat organization: there are, in essence, only four layers between
the bottom and Jim Goodnight. This means that Goodnight has a large number of direct reports.
The SAS Institute work environment was clearly initiated by Jim Goodnight himself. He
is the principal driver, though several of his direct reports play key roles. Executives at SAS
promote the culture through example.
For example, the vice president of commercial sales has two children in the SAS Institute
daycare center. After heavy travel periods its not uncommon for her to announce to her staff that
she wont be in for a few days so she can spend some time with her kids. And John Sall, the
companys number-two executive and only other owner, is very visible on campus as a man
whose work behavior promotes the companys philosophy.
While most of the major features of the culture were initiated and led from the top,
programmatic ideas typically come from the grassroots level. SAS Institutes work-life manager
explains that new ideas bubble up through the organization. If theyre specific ideas for
employee services, she has a lot of autonomy for being creative and adding things to SAS
Institutes offerings. More substantial policy change issues go through the human resources vice
president and potentially get the thumbs up or down from Goodnight.
So very much of the SAS Institute culture is the product of the CEO himself, and it is
instructive to consider Jim Goodnights leadership style which is a bit of an anomaly.
Goodnight is viewed as a silent leader, one who gives the people below a lot of
autonomy. At the same time, his is a very strong presence within the company, and most major
decisions bubble up to him as well as many smaller ones.
Is he too controlling? He appears to be very much on top of all the details of the
organization, and chooses at times to be come involved in issues that one would not typically
imagine catching the attention of a CEO. Conversely, he appears to give his direct reports a clear
direction of where SAS Institute is going on the product/technology front, and then lets them
run their own areas. Direct reports often go two or three weeks with no interaction with
Goodnight. Meanwhile, the CEO spends almost 50 percent of his time programming, so hes
very involved with the product line on a daily basis. This passion for the technological side of the
business is very clear to employees.

Dr. Goodnight spends a lot of his time programming, which is very cool.
SAS Institute employee

Asked how he can afford to spend so much time on programming, and told that most
other CEOs wouldnt do the same, he responds: I dont know what they do all day. Probably
poking their noses in where it doesnt belong.
Goodnight appears to be a leader who gathers the input of his direct reports, but not in a
typical team fashion.
Recently, SAS was considering a substantial investment opportunity. Jim asked
many of his direct reports for their input, and he listens well. Hes not looking for
consensus, though. He takes it all in and then makes a decision fairly quickly. In this
case, he decided not to go with it.
SAS Institute manager

Also, his direct reports rarely come together to meet as a team.

I hate meetings. I think most of them are a waste of time.
Im the boss that doesnt like to manage much. I like to do start-up stuff and then
move on to something else. I like the creative side of things.
Jim Goodnight
I wouldnt say this to Jim because he would die, but this is a meeting-oriented
culture. We probably could use more meetings of the department heads, but thats not
Jims management style.
SAS Institute senior manager

Goodnights business for growing the business is to look out over only a short two- to
three-year horizon, given how rapidly technology changes. He assesses developing technologies,
invests in some heavily, and give people the latitude to make them work.
Jims approach is to place some bets on multiple technologies in the hopes that
one will prove right. Since he started the company, his vision has been incredibly
SAS Institute R&D manager

All the evidence points to the fact that SAS Institute is doing things right. The company
continues to grow, and employees are thrilled to have their jobs. SAS Institute has made the top
of most of the lists various business magazines publish about the best places to work. In both
years of the Fortune Best Places to Work survey, SAS Institute finished third. In the 1997
Business Week survey, SAS Institute ranked fourth within its comparison group overall, and at
the very top of the list if you take only employee opinion into account (that is, rather than
including the employer survey on programs and policies). And SAS Institute has been on the
Working Mother Best 100 list ten times since 1989, and has been recognized as a Top 10
company six of those times.
Of course, the entire SAS Institute story does leave a lingering question: could a similar utopia
be created at a company that has to answer to shareholders?

Exhibit 1: SAS Institute Fact Sheet Employee-Friendly History

SAS Institute, Inc. has a solid record of providing an employee friendly work environment since
the company was founded in 1976. The programs have grown in depth and breadth throughout
the companys history, and the Institute continues to explore ways in which SAS Institute can
best meet the needs of employees
4. 23 consecutive years profit sharing plan
5. 23 consecutive years discretionary bonus for employees in December
6. 23 consecutive years 35-hour work week and flexible work schedule. Employees who are
parents particularly enjoy this benefit because it allows them to participate in special events
at their childrens schools. Some parents choose to arrange their work schedule to that they
are able to meet their children at the school bus stop every afternoon and be a part of afterschool activities.
7. 23 years work-friendly perks, including Friday breakfast goodies; Wednesday M&Ms;
fresh fruit on Mondays; generous break rooms stocked with soft drinks, juices, coffee, tea,
crackers and peanut butter; winter company-wide party; spring family picnic; family
Halloween party; and numerous family activities throughout the year.
8. 19 years company-sponsored on-site childcare staffed by employees. Two centers serve
the needs of 328 children ages 6 weeks to 5 years of age. When the new Bright Horizons
Child Care Center opened in April 1996, the total number of children rose to 500. Qualified
employees at regional offices receive subsidized childcare at a comparable center near their
9. 14 years self-funded on-site healthcare center staffed with family nurse practitioners (two
full-time physicians joined the staff in 1995)
10. 15 years on-site recreation and fitness center
11. 15 years wellness program
12. 14 years company subsidized on-site caf
13. 14 years self-funded indemnity plan with low deductible
14. 10 years additional paid week off between Christmas and New Years Day
15. 9 years Employee Assistance Program
16. 7 years Work-Life Initiatives Department
17. 6 years eldercare program, Generation to Generation

Exhibit 2: SAS Institute Fact Sheet Employee-Friendly Benefits Summary (excerpts)

The Institute provides a generous benefit package to all U.S. employees, which includes

Paid sick leave

Two weeks paid vacation for all employees, with an additional week for employees who
have been with the company five years or more
Paid holidays (with an additional paid week off between Christmas and New Years Day)
Fully paid health insurance (also available for dependents and domestic partners)
Profit-sharing retirement plan
Paid education and training expenses

All U.S. employees also get to take advantage of these other employee-friendly benefits:

On-site healthcare center (no cost to employees and their covered dependents)
On-site recreation and fitness center (no cost to employees, family, domestic partners)
Extensive wellness program
On-site childcare
Company subsidized caf award-winning gourmet cuisine and a piano player to help
create a relaxed atmosphere; breakfast and lunch available
Elder Care program
Flexible work environment and 35-hour workweek
Annual bonuses
Other fun perks include free fresh fruit every Monday; M&Ms on Wednesday, and breakfast
goodies every Friday; break rooms stocked with complimentary soft drinks, juices, crackers,
coffee, and tea, as well as first aid supplies; and employee events and celebrations, including
the annual Family Picnic, the elegant Winter Party, and end-of-the-month parties.

The Institutes employee-friendly philosophies are not limited to headquarters and other United
States offices. Because the needs of employees in other countries vary greatly depending on that
countrys culture, each office tailors its benefits to best suit the needs of those employees.

In Heidelberg, Germany, European headquarters, public transportation is the norm for all
citizens, and is a significant expense for commuters. The Institute pays 100 percent of the
public transportation costs for all employees in that office.
In the Madrid, Spain, office, SAS Institute presents a birthday gift to each employee,
provides lunch tickets redeemable at area restaurants, and funds an inter-company football

Exhibit 3: SAS Interview and Hiring Process

1. Posting of position
2. Applications accepted (immediately; this open period is typically open for two weeks)
3. Position closes.
4. During and after the open period, Human Resources sifts through applications and
provides the hiring manager with qualified applicants to the hiring manager. This process
lasts for roughly ten days. Qualified applicants must demonstrate certain skills
requirements via the application.
5. Over approximately one week, the hiring manager conducts phone interviews with applicants
to determine who should be brought in for a face-to-face interview.
6. Human Resource schedules First Round interviews immediately upon receipt of the hiring
managers candidate list.
7. The hiring manager interviews candidates. These interviews typically also involve members
of the work team, as well as people outside the specific reporting group who will work with
the person in the position. Second and third interviews, along with skills assessment testing,
are not uncommon.
8. The hiring manager selects a candidate and Human Resources offers the position.
9. The candidate begins working for SAS either on the 1st or 16th of the month.
The candidate is interviewed to discuss required skill sets, but also to look for personal and
cultural fit within the company. SAS looks to match attitudes related to teamwork and
work/life balance. Specifically, the company looks for people who value camaraderie, who enjoy
being part of a winning team more than being recognized as an individual star, and who
understand the holistic personal benefits of working within a company that has a philosophy of
work/life balance. While SAS does not believe the company can teach attitude and life
philosophy, it does teach and enhance professional skills related to these areas through
professional training programs.

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