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Sept 28, 2016



The Legal insanity of the Law Society, [Sec 16 CC] for totally subverting our archetypal form;
As expressed in this video posted 5 years ago


Marc Boyer in order to deliver my person to a lawful society.
On the understanding THAT: Mark Levy is the most qualified trustee [under Sec 337 CC] to deliver me
thru the Coronation Act process that is required to redeem this C'estui Que Vie Trust inheritance,

Mark I. Levy MD, DLFAPA - Medical Director, Forensic Psychiatrist, is being

summoned to act under his old trust of being the Chief Coroner for BC, while
now being the Director of Forensic Psychiatric Associates Medical Corporation.

a) In reference to the Exhibit A: This brief outlines exactly the same case in Canada as Australia.
The loss of all fundamental freedoms, and this world enslavement is a world conspiracy by the U.N.
[where] thru enforcement of NATO treaties, all Commonwealth leaders are trapped, yet responsible for
the total subversion of law and order, and this article correctly contends that the House of Lord's,
and /or the Pope ultimately hold a duty to undertake the power to rule on my C'estui Que Vie Trust.
1. Frankly, I'm presently knocking on the right doors to do just that, and this is why i seek a
remedy under Sec 16 CC by seeking a forensic exam of those who keep trampling on me,
because [as i read Sec 14 CC] this society is entering a pact to commit simultaneous suicide.
b) DUTY TO UNDERTAKE: Consult with, advise and assess the mental health of senior public
officials, who appear to be in a disabling mindset that motivates them to ignore the harm created by
not ceasing to blindly act on this obvious conspiracy to commit sedition, by virtually anyone who
interacts with this ongoing insanity to continue to destroy Marc Boyer, for his Spiritual /Biblical beliefs.
1. We contend THAT: With this new OPCA status, Maritime Law regulators are reacting to the
fact that it's rare for a forensic examination to rule anyone insane for their religious beliefs.
2. Under a necessity defence [Sec 8(3) CC], Mark Levy is being called to act decisively to restore
some semblance of sanity to the archetypal form before the Law Society destroys society.
PREAMBLE: As to a promise made by God, a Levite would be involved with this end times prophet.
And, Mark Levy was the first person to assess me in 2005, who is still playing the official role of a high
ranking Levite, with full training of how things were before this unconstitutional mess was introduced,
by virtue of being the Director of the Coronation Office for BC, prior to all these evil changes occurring.
1. We first met shortly after my chest plate was snapped in 2 by 2 VPD duty Sargents inside the
rectory of the Cathedral of the RC Church. I mentioned to him from the onset of this Leviticus
promise, and i'm reminding him again at the end. As in, he's being called on to act righteously.
2. From the onset, he knew i had this really rare World War Bond, and its importance. In this first
trial, [which eventually lead to JP Kingsley resigning over the compromising of his Office just
like Marc Mayrand was forced to do again, over the same seditious behaviour] he repeatedly
had to rule on my sanity, because the Crown kept calling for a Forensic exam to determine 'my multiple personality disorder', in order to stop my badgering to the fact that; 'they have no
right to treat me this way', and i always pointed to my Statement of Birth to defend this stand.
3. I was sent so many times that he agreed that they were abusing due process, and this abuse
stopped when he sent them a letter saying if he saw me again, he'd do a forensic on them.
1. ON THIS: This new OPCA status that is being imposed on me is far worse than any loss of
rights i would've had to endure had he ever declared me insane and a ward of the courts.
4. IN CONCLUSION ON THIS: [at face value] There is no one more qualified than Mark Levy
[Sec 337 CC] to deliver me thru the Coronation Act process that is required for this Daniels 12
prophecy to ever have my C'estui Que Vie Trust challenge ruled-on. Let's face it: my Aug 2nd
Mandamus also fulfills Rom 11-12, 1Cor 15, and Isaiah 3-4-40 good news prophecy to a tee.

This duty includes assessing the mental health /moral integrity of the following, [not limited too]

1. Gregor Robertson, the Mayor of Vancouver, who contrary to the virtue of his office, is
refusing to uphold his fiduciary trust to intercede in this case file # CA 43509, where The Law
Society, [with the authority of Justice Bennett's 4/20 court ruling, under the Mayor's Authority],
holds no such right to continue to trample on this ongoing breach of contract [under my C'estui
Que Vie Trust] - originally trampled on by enforcing this 2005 Gag Order, as if it was lawful.
1. Marc Mayrand, the CEO of Elections Canada had to resign over this new ruling, because
this ruling again compromised the integrity of his Office, just like JP Kingsley had to do.
2. This Mandamus was an order for the Appeals Court Registrar Mr. Timothy Outerbridge to
1) just close the file by saying he can do nothing, and i would then able to go to the SCC to
resolve this closed Appeals case; 2) he could have delivered this Mandamus to [Madam
Bennett's superior] Chief Justice Bowman to have this seditious ruling reversed;
3) BUT to tell me that these new rules say that he 'may' reject this document, means he
chose wilfully to enforce that my only option was to tell me to submit to this seditious
ruling, pay the fine, and apply for an Application to proceed under this perverted ruling,
which would result in accepting that i have zero claim to Jesus' allotted inheritance, in
any future C'est Que Vie trust ruling - because somehow any director is given the right
to block anything; this only proves him to be just another mindless automaton to
perpetuate this seditious act. Frankly he's also committing a vexatious act of spitting in
God's face on the 1334th day [one day before God's Grace is bestowed, in Dan 12].
3. ON THIS: Records will show that on Aug 10th [after waiting the first week] i filed a courtesy
notice outlining that the option of delivering this mandamus in the Vancouver County Court
Registry was a sound measure [as outlined in this article]; AND because of a delay tactic
by Maria Little john, it took Timothy Outerbridge until Sept 16th to hand-deliver this rejection.
4. IN CONCLUSION: i hereby mandate Mark Levy to approach the Mayor, with the fact that
the Coronation Act and the Vancouver County Court cannot be destroyed [as in] these trust
/Institutions can only be parked, and in good conscience can be used in this case, because
it meets all the criteria of lore, as to why this Act and this Institution were [in deed] created.
1. He can expertly explain that by Gregor Robertson ruling on this file would result in the
House of Lords being forced to rule on his [Dan 12] C'estui Que Vie Trust settlement.
2. If this City ruled against honouring this claim, then the voice from the west of Isaiah 59
is being fulfilled. AND if he rules in favour, first good fruit [in the west] is assured,
because this new branch of Rom 11 will be grafted onto the tree of Life in Thanksgiving.
3. [think about it] Just this filing should compel, Geoff Regan as Speaker of the House of
Commons to file something in this court, and frankly, it's not my call, if no one can see
this as either an ominous or a glorious sign that God will act with speed and finality,
then i guess Paul was right in his lament of only a remnant [of his people] surviving.

2. Jody Wilson-Raybourn, acting as the MP for Granville South, who contrary to the virtue of
this office, is refusing to uphold her fiduciary trust to intercede in this newly attached case file,
of Sept 15th on this S 165441 ruling, resulting where The Mayor and the Law Society can
dishonour her Office, by Jody omitting to see the harm created [Sec 16 CC] by not objecting to
this abuse, when this was omitted in order to not protect her constituents from this sedition.
1. As to the Exhibit A This total perversion of our archetypal form is [in my case] a fraud
protected by the Attorney General, and anything this entity rules can still be reversed by
being the Justice Minister. Everything and everyone answers to this C'estui Que Vie Trust,
and it's all just smoke and mirrors to obstruct my C'estui Que Vie Trust Redemption offer.
2. Mark Levy can explain to her that she can also file something in this Vancouver County
Court file, and in this way, this could result in a situation, where any 2 or these 3 witnesses
agreeing', could result where the House of Lords being called on to rule on my C'estui Que
Vie Trust Redemption offer, on or around the time of the Day of Atonement.
3. What can i say, other than it's said: old men will have big dreams by believing in this offer.


WHAT PART OF BEING IN STUPOR DON'T YOU GET? I know, it's not a compliment.
1. I'm not telling anyone what to do, other than all oath holders [who trampled on me, during
this 11 years of tribulation] need to make a choice, because this lame 'i don't understand
excuse' creates this very mesmerizing mindset that is called the spirit of death [Rom 7-8].
1. ON THIS: i accepted a long time ago that there's nothing i can do to convince anyone
that the one that they call on, is definitely not the one 'with God'; i accept that some
people will never want to redeem all debt in the world. BUT the notion where no one
rebels [when push comes to shove] is about to unfold, because not even one angel
knows what's going down, let alone when. The chosen chose; it's this free choice thing.
2. Exactly as to God's promise: The meek inherit the earth, when the new covenant is
revealed, and i personally have no clue as to how to stop this new Creation from
occurring, because it defies the timber in my Heart that i gained thru perseverance to
pursue my goal [as to Heb 11:1] thru my Faith in action being governed under an
acceptance that: Now, faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about
what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we
understand that the universe was formed at Gods command, so that what is seen was
not made out of what was visible. ON THIS: How anyone could wilfully deny this offer
to inherit this mindset called 'in the Grace of God' is simply beyond my ability to grasp.
2. The Great Deceiver has billed me as being the Antichrist, after all i am attacking him; and
apparently i'm to become a world leader by promoting a big lie, and proclaims myself to be
above God. I'm not that character, but it really does fit the twisted teachings of the Archon.
1. As i see it, the Pope declared the 2nd Commandment as no longer applicable, therefore
it's not a sin to violate it; AND in so doing he most definitely places Satan above God,
after all, it's not a sin unless it's outlined as a sin in their god's 15 commandments.
2. As most prophets: I'm no flatterer, i'm not perfect; and as to prophecy, i've never really
stopped pursuing my destiny for the past 11 years. This GAG Order really did fit this
Rom 10 prophecy, where my message or my case files were barred by any press from
publishing on anything i do. ON THIS: how can i complain: when my behaviour actually
fulfills prophecy of this messenger, when the message is still not being made public.
3. The Great Deceiver says: Never believe in anyone whose message is too beautiful,
and apparently my message that i'm the redeemer who is blessed for upholding the
good name of my Lord makes me one of these lawless ones, even when i'm trying to
fulfill all of the biggest prophecies that lead to our ultimate Salvation by the Living God
Jesus Christ occurring, and by offering this thru Love and the Gentle Spirit [1Cor 4:20].

3. As to this William Cooper video -

this means i must be this cursed one, who destroys everything as we now know it in this
world [and they are right on this point]. After all the bible is all about this evil god who
threw us out of paradise, and we would rather die than to go back to the mindset of the
ancients, because frankly i'm offering the exact opposite message that creates the exact
opposite effect of this Gen 3-4 curse. I'm evil for delivering God's solution of returning to
Paradise, where we are caretakers of the garden, and angel serve man'kind' again.
1. I really don't care if this twisted logic cannot be broken, this twisted logic has again
successfully driven evil men to destroy the creation, this time for 20+ million years;
- Starting with 1/3rd of the world being destroyed by the nuclear fires of Fukushima,
1. THINK ABOUT IT: who needs atomic bombs, when any and all unattended reactors
will become another Fukushima disaster, anywhere and everywhere in the world.

4. IN CONCLUSION: I started this quest unprepared [too early]; on faith alone i persevered,
to pursue my destiny, to get here on time; I'm filing a legitimate claim to manifest God's
Destiny, and until i see otherwise means: i might be too late, and Paul was right. So be it.

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