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Fill in the blanks with the simple past or past continuous form of the verbs.
1. James (enter) the classroom while the teacher ..
(explain) the tenses.
2. We (wait) for Jane, when suddenly Louis .
(come) around the corner.
3. I .. (fall) asleep while I ... (watch)
TV last night.
4. He .. (pass) her a message when the teacher ..
(not look).
5. When my uncle was working (work) in the garden, an old
friend .. (pass) by to see him.
6. Robert .. (fall) off the ladder when he ...
(pick) cherries.
7. While we . (drive) to Florence the car ...
(break) down.
8. When the girls .. (arrive), the boys ... (swim).
9. While the parents .. (have) breakfast, their children .
(take) the bus to school.
10. I .. (jog) in the park, when two squirrels ..
(cross) my way.
11. Archimedes .... (discover) the theory of liquids while he
(take) a bath.
12. While she .. (speak) on the phone, the milk
(boil) over.
13. Caroline . (burn) her hand when she
(iron) her clothes.
14. When I . (do) the washing-up, I .. (break) a plate.
15. When Tom .. (arrive), Jenny ... (watch)
a documentary on TV.
16. When Albert (come) home, I .. (check) my emails.
17. While we .. (do) a sight-seeing tour, our friends
(stay) in the hotel.
18. When he (wake) up, it .. (rain) outside.
19. The phone . (ring) when I . (sit) on the toilet.
20. Tom . (break) his leg when he . (play) volleyball.
21. I . (have) dinner when I suddenly . (hear)
a loud bang.
22. When she . (go) to school, a friend ... (stop) her.
23. When Jane (do) a language course in Ireland, she ...
(visit) Dublin.
24. I (not understand) what they (talk) about.
25. When you (come) in, I .... (tidy) up my room.

26. While the children . (sleep), the nanny ..

(turn) off the lights.
27. When I (drive) home, I . (see) an accident.
28. When we .. (travel) around Scotland, we .. (meet)
some very nice people.
29. When I . (leave) the house this morning, the sun .
30. I (cycle) through the park, when I ..
(hear) a strange noise.
31. When her husband (arrive) home, Anne ..
(watch) television.
32. I . (prepare) dinner when the telephone . (ring).
33. What . (you do) when the postman . (arrive)?
34. Julie . (learn) to drive when she .. (work)
in London.
35. Where . (you sit) when the show . (begin)?
36. I .. (visit) Athens while I .. (tour) Greece.
37. It was when he .. (cross) the street that John .. (fall)
38. What .. (you see) while you (wait) for the bus?
39. Where . (you go) when your car .. (break) down?
40. Julie (meet) Peter when she .. (walk) in the park.
41. At six o'clock last night Richard ... (watch) television in her apartment.
42. After the lesson, I .. (have) some lunch and then I ..
(go) for a walk.
43. When I ... (be) a child I ... (have) a toy that ...
(look) like a dragon.
44. While Sonia . (watch) the film, somebody ..
(steal) her jacket with her passport in it.
45. At seven fifteen this morning, I .. (walk) down the High Street when I
(see) my teacher, David.
46. I (look) in the classroom and ... (see)
five students. They all .. (read) a magazine article on the wall.
47. The robber quickly ... (pick) up the money, . (run) to
the door and (rush) out onto the street.
48. While I (do) my homework last night, the telephone .
(ring). It .. (be) my mother calling me with some good news.
49. While the police .. (look for) the murderer, he .
(leave) the country with a false passport.
50. At the concert, all the parents .. (listen) politely to the children who
(try) to play their instruments.
51. When Samuel (arrive) home from work, just after midnight, his
wife .. (wait) for him with an angry expression on her face.
52. Last night, between ten o'clock and midnight, I . (can) clearly hear the
couple in the flat next to mine. They .. (hear) an argument about
what to watch on TV.

A: Hi, Mary. I (not see) you at school last Monday.
B: Hello, Bob. I (not come) on Monday. I .
(not feel) well, so I .. (decide) to go to the doctor.
A: Oh! (it be) serious?
B: No, the doctor (examine) me and (tell) me I
(have) the flu. He . (prescribe) some medicine and
.. (tell) me to go home and rest.
A: . (you stay) home all day last Monday?
B: No, only in the morning. I . (have) to work in the afternoon, and guess what?
A: What?
B: When a friend (drive) me home, he (crash) his car.
He (not see) the red light.
A: .. (anyone get) hurt?
B: Thank God, nobody (do) .
A: I'm happy to hear that. Well, Mary, I have to rush now.
Every day James Lullaby travels to London. Yesterday he .. (drive)
his car, when he .. (see) a dog in the middle of the road. The dog
(watch) the car. James (stop) and
.. (get) out of his car. As he .. (get) out,
the dog .. (run) away. James . (go)
back to his car. While he ..... (get) in the car, the dog
(appear) again and .... (sit) down in the middle of the road. James
(start) the engine, but the dog (not move).
James ... (jump) out of the car and .. (shout)
at the dog. The dog . (bark) at him and . (start) to run.
James . (follow) the dog. Suddenly, he (see) two girls
lying on the grass. They . (bleed).
James Ellis (go) on a business trip last week. He (visit)
some customers in Frankfurt. He ... (leave) home early on Monday morning
and ... (take) a taxi to the airport. He .. (get) there
at about 8 o'clock. He (check in) and ..... (go)
to the airport lounge. He . (buy) a newspaper and .
(go) to get a coffee. He . (drink) his coffee when he ..
(see) an old friend, Bob. He (be) very surprised that Bob . (be)
in London and .. (find out) that he . (start) a new job
in the city. As they .. (speak) they . (hear) an
announcement. "Would all passengers for the 9.30 flight to Frankfurt please go to boarding
gate 10." James . (say) goodbye to Bob and as they ..
(leave) Bob .. (give) him his business card and ..
(ask) him to phone when he .. (return) from Frankfurt. After

(board) James ..... (put) his briefcase in the overhead locker and ..
(sit) down. During the flight, James .. (do) some paper work and
(speak) to the woman sitting next to him. While they ...
(speak), the flight attendant ... (bring) breakfast. When the plane
. (land) in London, it was almost 11 o'clock. James ..
(take) a train to his hotel. Then he (walk) to the customer's office. He
(get) there at 1.00 pm and .. (go) to the reception desk.
The receptionist . (ask) him to wait. While he . (wait),
she ... (offer) him a drink. He and his customer ....... (talk)
all afternoon. When Bob .. (get) to his hotel at 7 o'clock that night, he
. (phone) his wife and then (go) to the
hotel restaurant.

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