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Westminster Official Blood Bowl League- Rules for Season 1

Thank you for participating in Season 1 of the Westminster Official Blood Bowl League
(WOBBL)! The goal is for all Coaches (thats you!) to have fun with this wonderful game
which we believe has the perfect mix of friendliness, randomness, and competitiveness.
League Basics
1. All Coaches are required to read these rules and are expected to know them.
2. The WOBBL uses the Blood bowl rules that can be found at this link

3. The league commissioner is myself (Mike Kehs). Should you have any questions,
suggestions, complaints, etc. please direct them to me.
4. There is a no fee to join in the league. I ask that you please donate food and/or snacks
during league gatherings for use by all.
Game Basics
1. Coaches are required to have his/her own team. Each model must be clearly
identifiable in relation to their position. For example, you may not have 4 of the same
model which serves as several separate positions. Please make sure your opponent is
familiar with each model and what position they represent before each game. In addition,
each player must be numbered, either on the model or on the base.
2. Coaches should have their own d6s. Block dice will be provided, but if you have them
bring them. The League Staff encourages all participants to work on obtaining everything
needed to play games without having to borrow necessary Blood Bowl gaming supplies
such as a range ruler, pitch, throw-in templates, d8, d16 (or d20), dug outs, timer, etc., but
these are not required......although having these can lead to great benefits to your team!
(see Sponsorship Dollars for more information).
3. Cocked Dice: When players are required to roll one or multiple dice and one or more
are cocked (or those that roll off the table) then all dice must be rerolled, not just the
cocked dice. A dice is defined as cocked if it has not come to rest completely on one
side. If there is any question or debate, ask for arbitration from a third party.
4. Each Coach is required to create a team roster and provide it to me. These rosters must
be updated after each match and the most up-to-date roster must be present during each
game being played.
5. Remember that the leagues main purpose is for Coaches to have fun and become
better at the game of Blood Bowl. Therefore, do not cause any unpleasantness by means
of cheating.
6. A match report must be filled out for each WOBBL regular season and post season
7. All inducements as described in the rulebook are available to Coaches. In addition,

Coaches may take special play cards which are treated exactly like inducements and
available for that game only.
8. All advancement rolls must be made in front of your opponent, in front of League Staff
member, or not at all. Choose your skills carefully as all skill selections are final after the
match report is complete and team roster is updated.
Season 1
The WOBBL is divided into seasons. Each season is has three parts: preseason, regular
season, and play-offs/post season. Season 1 officially begins on Friday, September 21,
2012 and will conclude by Saturday, October 17.
Preseason: Preseason is a time of preparation. During this time Coaches should be putting
their teams together which include assembling, painting and numbering the models that
will represent their players. Preseason is also an opportune time for coaches to try
different races or roster combinations (positions, rerolls, fan factor, etc.) in determining
what will work best for them before committing to how their team will be set up at the
start of the regular season. This is also the time to try and get last minute Coaches to
join the league and the fun! Match reports do not have to be filled out for preseason
games, in summation, preseason is all about practice, practice and more practice. Friday,
September 21, 2012 and will conclude by Saturday, October 6.
Regular Season: The regular season lasts for 6 weeks where Coaches must complete 2
games against each other coach (see Regular Season Schedule below for more
information). These are the games that count for the purpose of the regular season is to
win matches to seed your team in the play-offs which ultimately give Coaches a chance
to go to the championship match! Match reports are required to be completed for each
game (in pencil) as the results recorded will enable the League Staff to determine who
will be seeded where in the play-offs. Be sure to go through the pre and post match
sequence as described in the rulebook! If by the end of the second half in each game the
scores are tied players can choose to call it a tie or play overtime. A tie is the default
outcome if neither Coach can agree on how to settle the game. Overtime is played just
like a regular game with the exception that the first player to score wins and there are no
team rerolls! The regular season officially begins on Saturday, October 6 and will
conclude on Saturday, November 10.
Play-offs/Post Season: The play-offs will be a win or go home style bracket which is
spread over a 1 day period. Teams will be seeded by the highest ranking team facing the
lowest ranking team and so on. In each match the team who wins will advance to the next
round, with the exception of the championship game which, of course, is the final match
of the season. Overtime must be played in the post season, ties are not allowed! Match
reports are required to be completed for each match (in pencil) and team rosters must be
updated. Please note that the inducements of star players and unlimited mercenaries are
not available for post season games. In addition, post season matches generate twice the
number of fans and gold earned by each team! The Playoffs and The championship

match will be played and resolved on Saturday, November 17 from noon until we
complete. If additional coaches decide to play before the start of the season, playoffs
may be handled differently to limit the number of players.
The Schedule
At the start of the regular season the League Staff will release a week by week schedule
showing which teams will be facing off. Coaches are not required to play their games in
order, however only 2 regular season games can be played per week. The reasoning
behind this is due to league participants having varied real life schedules and the
League Staff understands that certain opponents may not be available on any particular
week. You are, however, encouraged to schedule your games as far as in advance as
possible to ensure you complete your schedule. Because you have six weeks to play all
your games this means your team will typically have a week off or a bye-week. If no
regular season game or challenge game (see more below under Challenge Games) is
played during the bye-week we can assume that the Coach has wisely chosen to give his
beaten up team some time off in order to heal. Thus, any players that suffered an injury
before the bye-week that would normally prohibit them from playing in their next game
will be eligible to play in their next game. A particular savvy Coach will be proactive in
completing all their games in the first 6 weeks in order save their week off right before
the playoffs so they can go into the post season at full strength! Be sure to write which
game you are playing at the top of the match report in regards to what week of your
schedule the match falls under. For example, Week 3, Week 6, etc.
Communication is the key to a successful season! One thing weve learned from season
to season is that there are times when Coaches simply cant connect to play their
scheduled games. This can be a result of poor communication or just real life situations
not permitting. If at any time you are having trouble getting in touch with a Coach, had
an unexpected emergency that would prohibit you from playing, or the like, please report
it immediately to the League Staff. Each situation will be handled on a case by case basis,
but we all need to make the effort to keep the season running smoothly. For example, if
youre trying to schedule a game with one particular Coach and cant get a hold of
him/her then move on to another game in your schedule. If you only have one game left
and the Coach you need to face is unresponsive then please report it to the League Staff.
We very well could reward you with a victory and hand that Coach a loss under the rules
of conceding! If two Coaches are obviously trying their best to make a match happen and
simply cant make it work before the end of the season or without playing two matches in
one week then let the League Staff know. We might make an exception and allow more
regular season matches to be played in a week or simply call the match a tie. Again, each
situation will be handled by the League Staff on a case by case basis. Stay in
communication; let us know what is going on. If we reach the end of the regular season
and games are unresolved and it doesnt look like anyone has made the necessary effort
then we very well might just hand out losses!
Challenge Games
Blood Bowl is a great game and league participants will obviously want to do whatever
they can to play more as well as earn more gold and SPPs. To support this aspect each

Coach can play up to 4 challenges games during the regular season. These challenge
games can be scheduled or simply simply impromptu during the week, however since the
game hasnt had time to be effectively promoted in Blood Bowl fantasy land you will
draw less fans and less the gold. To reflect this, roll a D3 for determing the amount of
fans and winnings in challenge games. Wins, losses and ties in challenge games do not
count toward your regular season record. There are no restrictions on who you can
challenge or accept challenges from, however be mindful of playing such games, a Coach
would hate to lose his most valued players in a match that wont help him get to the post
season! A match report must be filled out for each challenge game (in pencil) and you
will need to write Challenge Match at the top of the report.
Grudge Matches
If at any time during the regular season you face the same opponent more than twice you
can make an additional "foul action" each turn, though not by the same player.
Sponsorship Dollars
To encourage the hobby aspect of the game, and for Coaches to increase their Blood
Bowl gaming supplies, sponsorship dollars will be given in the form of gold pieces and
immediately added to each Coachs treasury upon completion/obtaining the below. Please
note that you can only receive sponsorship dollars in each category once per season and
after your season roster has been finalized.
Full Painted Team: All models on the roster have at least 3 colors, are based and
numbered: 50,000 gold pieces
Coach: A model that represents you or the Coach of your team (must be painted and
based): 15,000 gold pieces
Coaching Staff: Models representing a full coaching staff, i.e. one assistant coach and an
apothecary or Igor (must be painted and based): 15,000 gold pieces
Cheerleaders: Models representing at least two cheerleaders (must be painted and based):
10,000 gold pieces
Pitch: You have your own pitch and dugouts: 50,000 gold pieces
Bribe: A referee model representing the bribe inducement (must be painted and based):
5,000 gold pieces
Wizard: An appropriate model representing the wizard inducement (must be painted and
based) 5,000 gold pieces
Halfing Master Chef: An appropriate model representing the halfing master chef
inducement (must be painted and based) 5,000 gold pieces
Bloodweiser Babes: An appropriate model (or models) representing the Bloodweiser

Babe inducement (must be painted and based) 5,000 gold pieces

Fan(s): A model (or models) representing your fans (must be painted and based): 5,000
gold pieces
Dice: You have 2d6s, 3 block dice, 1d8, and 1d16 (or 1d20): 5,000 gold pieces
Templates: You have a range ruler and scatter template: 5,000 gold pieces
Running Demos: You have ran a Blood Bowl demonstration during the season to teach
someone how to play the game: 10,000 gold pieces
Customize!: Did you build your own pitch? Seriously convert your team? Have an
incredibly detailed paint scheme? Show all of your work to the League Staff to see if it
would qualify for additional sponsorship dollars! The better it is the more you get!
The Creativity Clause
The world of Blood Bowl is full of greed, gambling, corruption and politics. To reflect
this, the League Staff encourages players to showcase this aspect of the game. Use extra
money in your treasury to bet on who might win a particular match. Post cash rewards,
aka bounties, on anyone who inflicts injury on a player who danced in your end zone. Try
and convince Coaches to challenge one another in hopes of your team being able to face a
deeply injured opponent before your next schedule match. Just remember, anything
committed to during the league is considered part of the league so any gold pieces that
changes hands are expected to be fair, honest and 100% legit! The League Staff will not
tolerate cheating or treasury illegitimacy! Be advised that the League Staff can (and will!)
at anytime shut down anyone who tries to take advantage of this clause. Think you can
make 200,000 gold pieces off one match? Think again, you just got taxed by the WOBBL
Make a Wish Foundation. In other words, moderation will be used whether you like it or
Post Season
1. At the end of the season the awards will be rewarded to the players that earn them.
Each award gives the player the Fan Favorite skill and increases his/her value by 30,000
gold pieces. If a player receives two awards he/she does not receive any additional skills
though will be recognized for his greatness by resounding praise from the League Staff
and other coaches. If there is a tie for any of these awards then both players receive the
Top Passer
Awarded to the player with the most completions during the regular season.
Most Violent
Awarded to the player with the most casualties inflicted during the regular season.

Most Lethal
Awarded to the player with the most deaths inflicted during the regular season.
Top Interceptor
Awarded to the player with the most interceptions during the regular season.
Most Touchdowns
Awarded to the player with the most touchdowns during the regular season.
League Celebrity
Awarded to the player with the most SPPs at the end of the regular season.
2. A team being carried over to the next season starts with the funds accumulated in their
treasury at the end of the previous season plus 1 million gold pieces. Players from a
previous season roster can be carried over, but they must be purchased for their listed
value at the end of the season.
3. Rules of Retirement: Teams can carry over from one season to the next, but Blood
Bowl is a vicious game and will ultimately take its toll on those that suit up for the pitch
again and again. Upon the end of each season a team must retire, aka not carry over to the
next season, if the team has played for three seasons. Note that retiring a team does not
mean you cant use the same team next season. You can still play the same race with the
same models and even the same team name! It simply means that all players on that team
are returned to rookie status, have no earned SPPs, and their costs are reduced to their
initial recruitment costs. In other words they are a brand new team.

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