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CODAC: Coastal Operation Data Acquisition Catamaran

Naval Architecture Research Group

Ocean Engineering Design 2007

Team Everglide
Stephanie Groleau, Team Leader
Joshua Revord
Tyler Robbins
Bob Vandedrinck

Final Report
July 2007

Letter of Transmittal
Florida Institute of Technology
Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
Marine Field Projects

Dr. Stephen Wood

Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
150 W. University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901


CODAC Naval Architecture Group

150 W. University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901


Final Design Report

Dr. Wood,
Attached please find the final design report of the CODAC naval architecture project submitted
for your review as requested. This report includes all information and data known to date, from
the conceptual design to all completed testing and data collected. It has been completed as fully
as possible with all of the information known currently.
We would like to thank the Department of Marine and Environmental Systems and the College
of Engineering for their funds, Ed Robbins of Robbins Mobile Welding for the donated material,
labor, and time, as well as the consultants Dr. Sainsbury, Dr. Wood, and Bill Battin for their
valuable time.


Stephanie Groleau


Joshua Revord


Tyler Robbins


Bob Vandedrinck



Executive Summary
The CODAC project purpose is to analyze and test the effects of hull spacing and tunnel
sections on the behavior of planing and semi-displacement catamarans. Eventually, we aim to
create an equation that relates hull spacing along with bridge spacing to a grounding effect
lift/cushioning that can be applied to improve sea keeping in full scale vessels. With the use of
the LOMAC and Displacement catamaran hulls currently owned by DMES and the design and
production of a tunnel section. The testing will include measurements of average accelerations
(indicating the smoothness of the ride), velocity, turning radius, and the behavior of the hull in
open rough water. The project will be a combination and continuation of the previous LOMAC
and displacement catamaran projects. After completing the required repairs and changes to the
hull and data is acquired, our final goal of this project is to experimentally derive an equation
relating the bridge (tunnel section) dampening with the hull spacing. This type of research and
equation has, to our knowledge, never been achieved.


Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Acronyms


1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Report Overview

2.0 Theory/Background
2.1 Viscous Drag
2.2 Fundamental Design
2.3 Grounding Effect
2.4 Wave Making/Hull Spacing Theory
2.5 Similitude

3.0 Design/Conceptual Phase

3.1 Spacing Structure Design
3.2 Tunnel Section Design
3.3 Propulsion System Design
3.4 Hull/Aesthetics Design


4.0 Materials/Purchasing
4.1 Spacing Structure/Tunnel Section
4.2 Propulsion System
4.3 Hull/Aethetics


5.0 Manufacturing/Assembly
5.1 Spacing Structure
5.2 Tunnel Section
5.3 Decks
5.4 Hulls
5.5 Propulsion
5.6 Drive Shaft
5.7 Electronics
5.8 Exhaust System
5.9 Final Assembly


6.0 Pre-Test Preparations

6.1 Engine Break-In
6.2 Electronics Package Test and Repair
6.3 Pre-Run Checklist/Procedures



6.4 Data Acquisition/Logging

7.0 Testing Results


8.0 The Future of the CODAC

8.1 Recommendations
8.2 Future Studies


9.0 Conclusions


10.0 References


Appendix A: Gantt Chart

Appendix B: Bill of Materials
Appendix C: Designs
Appendix D: Accelerometer Code
Appendix E: Company Contacts


This project would not have been achievable without the assistants of contributors.
We would like to express gratitude toward the College of Engineering for the additional $500
given to all ocean engineering senior design projects. Also we are very thankful for previous
donations from Structural Composites Inc. of West Melbourne, which also includes Eric Roehl,
Director of Testing Services, and Ron Reichard, CEO. Structural Composites provided the use of
its CNC mill, fiberglass cloth and matte donations. Furthermore, we would like to thank Ed
Robbins, owner of Robbins Mobile Welding. Our welding labor and materials are donated along
with a 0.25 inch thick 5051 aluminum 1x 3 sheet, a 1 x 3 piece of 5051 0.125 inch
aluminum, a 12 of square anodized section of tubing, and a 6 section of anodized cylindrical
tubing. We thank Plastic Design for their last minute help with the Sintra purchase for our tunnel
section. Thanks are also due to Eduardo Gonzales for his constant advice. We are grateful, as
always, to Bill Battin for his help with painting and all the little things we forgot. Finally, we
would like to thank Dr. Wood for giving us guidance and encouragement throughout the project.


List of Figures
Figure 2.2.1: Displacement Hull
Figure 2.2.2: The Guardino/Gonzalez LOMAC
Figure 2.2.3: Planing hull
Figure 2.2.4: 2006 MFP semi displacement hull
Figure 2.3.1: (FLYBOAT, 2007)
Figure 2.3.2: An example of the grounding effect in a catamaran (MARINE
Figure 3.1.1: The final product of the design allowed for the easy expansion and compression of
the hulls and created a dynamic system.
Figure 3.2.1: 3D model of the tunnel sections
Figure 5.1.1: CNC milling of structural cams
Figure 5.1.2: Completed set of cams
Figure 5.1.3: TIG welding of individual components at Robbins Mobile Welding
Figure 5.1.4: Complete spacing structure ready for assembly onto hulls
Figure 5.2.1: Side view of tunnel section enclosure system.
Figure 5.3.1: Cutting of decks
Figure 5.4.1: Sanding of hulls in preparation of painting
Figure 5.4.2: Gravity feed spray gun used for enamel coat.
Figure 5.5.1: Sealed engine mounts with aluminum base attached (right)
Figure 5.5.2: Original base plate in hull
Figure 5.5.3: Full engine mount installed in hull
Figure 5.5.4: Engine in place on mount with color coded tubing connected
Figure 5.6.1: Plastic U-Joint
Figure 5.6.2: Plastic U-Joint
Figure 5.7.1: Complete servo frame ready for installation into hull
Figure 5.7.2: Complete installation of servo systems

Figure 5.8.1: Exhaust pipes

Figure 5.8.2: Exhaust system attached to motors
Figure 5.9.1: CODAC completely assembled with engine hatches open.
Figure 6.1.1: Final Assembly after the successful pool test
Figure 6.2.1: Electronics package for data acquisition in new waterproof case
Figure 7.1: Josh attempting to re-secure the loosened motors
Figure 7.2: Bob frustrated at the corrosion


List of Acronyms
1. CNC: Computer Numerically Controlled
2. LOMAC: Littoral Operated Multipurpose Auxiliary Craft
3. CODAC: Coastal Operation Data Acquisition Catamaran
4. MFP: Marine Field Project
5. DMES: Department of Marine and Environmental Systems
6. FIT: Florida Institute of Technology


1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
Marine Field Projects (MFP) in the department of Ocean Engineering serve several purposes.
Students learn how to work in teams, develop a unique design, use current software, become
machine shop certified, build the project, and finally, analyze the results in a professional report.
The purpose of this report is to describe the 2007 MFP project that researched and tested hull
spacing on a semi-displacement hull catamaran. As a continuation of last years naval
architecture project and their, this years group, Team Everglide, aimed to build upon the
existing equipment and use it to investigate different features and characteristics of
displacement-type catamaran vessels. The team will upgrade the systems to better correlate to a
full scale vessel and try to find relationships between hull spacing and sea-keeping using
Catamaran vessels are recognized to be very stable due to the large spacing between hulls yet
very fuel efficient. Displacement-type catamarans do not have the same low accelerations like
planing hulls when they lift out of the water, have the quality of added stability due to their
round hull shape. In this years project the team will further investigated this matter of seakindliness and stability by constructing an enclosed tunnel section to join the two hulls which
though the means of grounding effects could contribute to the dampening of wave accelerations.
Additionally the team also designed a system to systematically increase hull spacing in order to
investigate at which point the hulls have their optimum performance. Both of these systems are
interchangeable between model catamarans of similar dimensions therefore enabling it to be used
in comparative studies.

1.2 Report Overview

This report will start out by explaining the theory behind the semi-displacement hull and the
theory behind the CODAC designs. Then the conceptual designs will be illustrated, and how
they changed into the final designs. All materials purchased will by described and the reasons
for choosing them. After, the report goes through the manufacturing stages step by step with all
changes and mistakes pointed out. Then, the report describes the testing goals and plan of
action, followed by the testing results. Finally, the team concludes the report with
recommendations for the future what the project accomplished.

2.0 Theory/Background
Before creating the project proposal, Team Everglide contacted the 2006 Naval Architecture
MFP group and Eduardo Gonzalez to come up with design ideas. After creating a list of possible
research areas, the team investigated the theories behind our proposed designs. The research
showed that in normal conditions a marine craft will perform only as good as its ability to reduce
viscous drag. In reducing this drag there are three main components that a Naval Architect looks
at to improve the move ability of his vessel. Viscous drag, fundamental fluid design, the
grounding effect, and wave making greatly affect the performance and reduce fuel consumption.
Due to the lack of comprehensive research, the team has taken part in a study that will try to
understand the dynamics involved in a common catamaran system in which hull spacing and
tunnel section dampening will be analyzed to maximize performance of a duel hull system.

2.1 Viscous Drag

Viscous drag is the first important factor in efficiency. Viscous drag is proportional to the
surface area that inhibits any median difference. In other words, when any fluid comes into
contact with any other fluid or solid that is of a difference density, the flow of the fluid resists its
movement because of inter molecular bonds. Bonds such as Metallic, Van der Wals, Ionic, and
Hydrogen bonds are just a few that are common and these bonds represent the structure of the
substance. Metallic bonds are often very strong bonds and because of this the density of metals
tends to be high because of the atomic forces are very strong and keep the atomic structure
packed tightly. In navel design, water is the median in which the most resistance is apparent as a
sea going vessel is operating. In water, which is very viscous, hydrogen bonds are the most
controlling force in a vessels performance. In analyzing the dynamics of a boat it can be seen
that overcoming the viscous effects of the water is inevitable; only by taking and improving the
smoothness of the hull and the geometry can the interaction between the water and surface of the
hull be improved. By taking away the roughness of the hull and creating a theoretically smooth
surface in the design phase, the fluid flow past the boundary layer will be kept at a minimum.

2.2 Fundamental Design

Fundamental design of a marine vessel is also a necessity to the performance of the vessel.
The design of the vessel will be determined on its required operating speed and functionality. In
order to understand, three types of marine vessels have been categorized to represent their

The first type of vessel that is apparent is the displacement type. This type of vehicle is most
affiliated with large freighters and barges that carry large amounts of cargo. These types of ships
are often heavy and their shear size makes them very hard to move. Displacement hulls often
inhibit great stability for many reasons. One reason would be that the design shape of the vessel
is to promote maximum storage and results in a more rectangular geometry. This geometry
allows for the vessel to maximize storage while minimizing its ability to operate fluidly. An
example of a displacement hull cross-section can be seen in figure 2.2.1. It can be seen that
because of its wetted surface area significant power supply would be needed to displace the
water that it will be subject to during operation.

Figure 2.2.1: Displacement Hull

The next design type of marine vehicle is a planing hull, like the LOMAC by Guardino and

Figure 2.2.2: The Guardino/Gonzalez LOMAC

A planing hull is a hull that utilizes hydrostatic forces to reduce surface friction by using
pressure differences to thrust the boat out of the water. This type of hull can be seen in various
types of recreational crafts that allow for a minimization of fuel costs with the reduction of
weight handling capacity. This type of hull is usually very light weight and inhibits an un-linear
velocity profile that is the result of a drag reduction due to an instantaneous velocity jump. This
jump is due to the pressure difference that becomes apparent at the boundary layer of the boat
due to the increase in speed. This increase applies a force to the hull and with the geometry
propels that boat out of the water and reduces the wetted surface area. A picture of a planing hull
can be seen below in figure 2.2.3.

Figure 2.2.3: Planing hull

Finally, the last type of hull is the semi displacement hull. This hull is a mixture between the
displacement and the planning hull and has the unique ability to change depending on its
operational speed. In relatively slow speeds it acts much like a displacing hull but as it increased
in speed it becomes a planning hull. This ability makes it a middle ground boat and allows the
boat to have medium haling capacity as well as speed. This semi-displacement design in a
catamaran can create a grounding effect. The CODAC hulls are modeled after the semi
displacement Glacier Bay.

Figure 2.2.4: 2006 MFP semi displacement hull

2.3 Grounding Effect

The grounding effect is one area of interest for our project. This concept can be seen in nature
when birds fly close to the water to harness the pressure fluctuations that become apparent at the
interface. This pressure difference is the result of the instantaneous compression of the air
column just above the waters surface. As a foil is placed over the water the air molecules
disperse and because of the relatively limited exit regions produce an additional force that helps
keep the object in flight. This concept is important to our project because it will allow the team
to determine whether this phenomenon affects the nature of the catamaran in operating
conditions. By allowing the tunnel section to be attached and detached the team can analyze the
vertical acceleration differences and can determine whether or not there is any significant change
in mobility of the vessel.

Figure 2.3.1: (FLYBOAT, 2007)

In figure 2.3.1, a flying boat is designed specifically to harness the grounding effect. Here the
vessel compresses the air between itself and the waters surface. Without a ground surface to
create a higher pressure from air compression the flying boat could not fly. Therefore this craft is
limited to a low elevation flying altitude unlike plains.

Figure 2.3.2: An example of the grounding effect in a catamaran (MARINE PERFORMANCE/RACE ENGINES,

The offshore racing catamaran seen in figure 2.3.2 experiences the grounding effect. Here the air
between the pontoons is slightly compressed. With a high pressure is create it will flow to areas
of lower pressure. The only available flow direction for the higher pressure air is up, thus lifting
boat or decelerating its descent.

2.4 Wave Making/Hull Spacing Theory

In addition to designing a tunnel for the grounding effect, the team designed a hull spacing
structure to cancel waves created by the hulls. Constructive and destructive wave interference is
another area of interest that contributes to the ability of a vessel to perform optimally. In being a
semi-displacement vessel the vehicle will produce two sets of waves that will result in power
loss as the boat is in motion. These wave systems will propagate and in a catamaran system will
result in either constructive or destructive interference. In displacing the hulls and changing the
spacing of the vehicle the wave trains can be manipulated into canceling out and reducing drag
as power is conserved and not wasted to wave making. In changing the hull spacing the vehicle
can be optimized in order to harness all of the power that is put in into moving the vessel and not
displacing water.

2.5 Similitude
Similitude is the process or art of accurately comparing models to full size vessels using the
Froude and Reynolds numbers. When comparing the model and the actual Glacier Bay 2665 the
team found that in order for the model to be accurately similar its current operating speed should
be increased to 17 kts (20mph) in order for the investigations with the grounding effect to be
significant. The calculations based on Froude similitude pertaining to this value can be seen
Model Length = 5.5 ft = 1.67 m
Boat Length = 26 ft = 7.92 m
Boat Max Speed = 43 mph = 37 kts = 19.22 m/s

V = Velocity
g = gravitational acceleration
L = Length of hull

3.0 Design/Conceptual Phase

This project had a good foundation in the existing displacement hull designed and produced
by Clay Danielson et. al. in 2006, but it required a large amount of brainstorming and design
work. The structure joining the two hulls and the tunnel section had to be designed from scratch;
the new propulsion and electronics systems to reach the required higher speeds also had to be
considered, and the hull itself had to be reconditioned as a whole. In order to do this more
efficiently the group split into two teams, one working on the structure and tunnel section
(Revord and Robbins), and the other on the electronics, propulsion and hull systems (Groleau
and Vandedrinck).


3.1 Spacing Structure Design

The design of the spacing structure went though many ideas and phases. Initially flat sliding
designs or single-use design were considered, but after careful thought, an intricate system of
cams and lock pins was decided upon. The individual parts were first designed in Rhino 3D and
then assembled into a single assembly. As the design reached completion, some changes were
made to the design of the individual cams and locking mechanisms as well as the mounting
systems to the decks. Rhinos .iges format made it very simple for the computer models to be
transferred to other software packages such as PTC ProEngineer or MasterCam for
manufacturing purposes. The system is designed so that every reposition of the lock pins proved
the hulls with a 2 increase in spacing.

Figure 3.1.1: The final product of the design allowed for the easy expansion and compression of the hulls and
created a dynamic system.


3.2 Tunnel Section Design

Similar to the Spacing structure, the tunnel section had to also be designed from scratch and
again went though many designs before settling on a single system. It was finally decided that
the best system for our purposes was one of sliding plates. Double plates on either side will be
attached to the hulls and a middle plate will slide within them. As this section has minimal
structural significance and that the forces on it will be very small much attention did not have to
be paid to its strength. At a point in its spacing, the middle plate will need to be replaced by a
wider one in order to accommodate the larger spacing positions. This design was once again
done in Rhino 3D and exported in .iges format.

Figure 3.2.1: 3D model of the tunnel sections


3.3 Propulsion System Design

While the tunnel and spacing structures were being designed, a propulsion system that would
produce the values found in the similitude section had to be installed. With the many options
available on the model RC market for ship propulsion, it was decided that an adaptation of
readily available motors and electronics was preferable. The two options for the propulsion of
the boat were electrical and gas powered. In order to attain the speeds required by the similitude
calculations, the original Graupner 700 BB Turbo electric motors would not be sufficient. Since
no electric motors on the RC market would be sufficient, nitro-gas engines were chosen. This
added the requirement of cooling and fuel systems to the hulls as well as the need for stronger
engine mounts to withstand the torques produced by the engines. In order to accommodate this
new propulsion system, accessories such as fuel tanks, fuel lines, cooling water lines, exhaust
extensions, and other small details had to also be taken into consideration when designing the
whole system.

3.4 Hull/Aesthetics Design

The catamaran hulls also had to undergo a design phase, the layout of the new tunnel sections
and propulsion systems called for a new deck made of aluminum rather then the stained wood.
The paint on the hulls also had to be renewed due to many kinks and nicks in the surface that
would make it prone to water penetration. The decks also required a new sealing system to
reduce the water intrusion. The whole existing layout of the hulls also had to stripped and started
from scratch.


4.0 Materials/Purchasing
In order to put all of the designed parts of this project to work, the team first had to research
the options open to the team on the market and consider them carefully in relation to our budget.
In many cases a tradeoff had to found between the quality and price of certain items. A more
detailed list of suppliers and prices can be found in the Appendix B.

4.1 Spacing Structure/Tunnel Section

The main materials needed for this part of the project consisted of aluminum sheeting and
tubing which was obtained a s a donation from Robbins Mobile Welding in Melbourne, FL a
well as party purchased from other sources. This aluminum mainly consisted of 6061 aluminum
due to its good performance is the marine environment, however it was more cost effective in
certain areas to use other types of aluminum due to its availability as donations. Additionally the
traveler tracks on which the structure was to be mounted were purchased from Mc Master-Carr.
In order to produce the tunnel section enclosure a lighter material Sintra was purchased at Plastic
Design and Mfg Inc in Palm Bay, FL. The team also had to purchase the fastening hardware for
the structure at the local Ace Hardware.

4.2 Propulsion System

The new propulsion system for the boat was obtained in many separate orders from different
companies. Out main supplier was Space Coast Hobbies in Palm Bay, FL who was able to order
the specific engines (OS .18MX Marine) and accessories the team needed at discounted prices,

items purchased here include the electronics, engines, fuel systems, engine and servo mounting
hardware, and everything down to the cooling system tubes. Additionally some specific items for
the RC boating market were not available at this location so the team were able to purchase them
online at Items purchased here included the new shafts, coupler as well as the
stuffing tubes. Other minor accessories for the intakes and exhausts were purchased at Ace
Hardware once the assembly had started.

4.3 Hull/Aesthetics
The paints and primers (International Paints) for the hulls were purchased though Bill Battin
at Lewis Marine in Cocoa, FL using the FIT educational discount. Once delivered, the other
painting supplies purchased at Harbor Freight (Spray Guns and sandpaper) as well as extra
thinner/cleaner from Ace Hardware.

5.0 Manufacturing/Assembly
5.1 Spacing Structure
In order to evaluate hull spacing in regards to the performance of the boat, a dynamic system
was composed in order to allow for differential spacing. This apparatus was designed to allow
hull spacing to be controlled precisely so that it can be accurately analyzed. With this in mind,
the structure was composed of arm members that are secured with rotational cam systems. These
cam systems were originally designed in Rhinoceros and were made to use a pin system to allow
for easy contraction and compression of the hulls. To do so, the cams would connect the hulls

and a data acquisition box which would create a ridged body and allows the catamaran to be
structurally stable. The cam systems themselves were designed originally in Rhinoceros but
where then transferred into MasterCam 10.0. From there, the design was preformed on the CNC
machine in the machine shop. This process, although time consuming, yielded three cam
members the where to be utilized in our design. Each member was duplicated 4 times and
assembled in a fashion so that the members could easily rotate around each other.

Figure 5.1.1: CNC milling of structural cams


Figure 5.1.2: Completed set of cams

In the design the cams used a pin system that would allow the cams to be locked into place as
they where situated to the rectangular frame member. This pin system was manufactured by
making an L bracket and welding a spring loaded pin on the outside of the cam. All of the cam
members were connected by welded aluminum tubing and were bolted down using stainless steel
20 hex head screws.


Figure 5.1.3: TIG welding of individual components at Robbins Mobile Welding

The final result was a structure that could displace the hulls in a fashion so that the hulls
would both separate and stay parallel to the waters surface. In order to compensate for the center
of gravity of the catamaran sliding tracks were also implemented to shift the center of gravity of
the boat from bow to stern. This device made it easy to shift the acquisition box or any additional
data collection devices into a position so that the boat will perform optimally and have a proper
center of gravity.


Figure 5.1.4: Complete spacing structure ready for assembly onto hulls

5.2 Tunnel Section

The tunnel section that was originally formatted was made of .090 inch 6066 aluminum that
was cut using a band saw in the machine shop. This design was then secured using stainless steel
bolts and was to be fastened to the deck plate in which aluminum sheets could be placed into the
leaf system so that the retraction of the hulls could be preformed.
This design was the reconfigured because of weight issues. Because of the density of the
metal is so high, the aluminum would not be sufficient so re-modification had to be done in order
to reduce weight. A new material was then used was called Sintra. Sintra, which is a foam
injected PVC material that is not very dense. This material was cut using a band saw and was
fabricated the same way as the aluminum but utilized plastic nuts and bolts to reduce weight.
These bolts held together the layers of the leaf system and created a sound body.


Figure 5.2.1: Side view of tunnel section enclosure system.

5.3 Decks
In order to accommodate for the new design the old wooden decks were removed form the
catamaran and an aluminum deck was put into place. This aluminum deck was made out of .090
inch 6066 aluminum that was cut using a circular saw and a skill saw. Aluminum was used in
order to allow for the structurally integrity that would be needed to form the foundation of the
retractable bridge and tunnel section.


Figure 5.3.1: Cutting of decks

This deck system was originally going to operate as just a foundation but as the design
changed the decks had to be modified so that access to the motors could be accomplished. This
led to the separation of the decks into two separate sections so that the motors could be accessed
easily. The connection of the tunnel section and bridge section also led to the complications in
the deck fitting securely to the hulls. This was because the bridge and tunnel sections were
secured to the deck with jack nuts which obstructed the hull. Originally the hulls were fitted with
a rubber gasket that was cut to fit the hulls but this was not found to be efficient enough and
because of the jack nuts a thicker gasket was needed. After purchasing a larger gasket, an end
mill was used to cut the half inch material into a correctly fitted rubber gasket. This gasket was
then placed on the underside of the deck in order to mark the jack nuts position so that they could
be countersunk into the material. In the end, the new gasket was larger then the previous one but
offered the deck the ability to be securely fastened to the hulls.


5.4 Hulls
The Existing two displacement hulls created last year by a similar OE design group had been
neglected for almost a year and needed refurbishment. First the hulls were stripped of all old
electronics and machinery and thoroughly cleaned out. The hulls were then sanded smooth using
first 120 and then 200 grit sandpaper to produce a paint ready surface. In order to do this sanding
smoothly and effectively a rotary sander was used for the large surfaces and a mouse type sander
was used for the smaller chines and curves surfaces.

Figure 5.4.1: Sanding of hulls in preparation of painting

Once sanded and cleaned with a mineral spirit based thinner, the hulls were primed using
International Pre-Kote primer for polyurethane paints using a conventional spray gun and

compressed air to produce a smooth thin layer of paint, the paint was thinned using 10% thinner
by volume (thinner used was International 216 thinner). This primer was then allowed to dry for
24 hours and was then sanded smooth using 200 grit sandpaper as required by the manufacturer.
Once sanded and again cleaned using the mineral spirit based thinner, the hulls were then spray
painted using Largo Blue International Polyurethane Topside Enamel Paint. This was done using
a gravity fed spray gun to minimize air bubbles.

Figure 5.4.2: Gravity feed spray gun used for enamel coat.

The topside enamel was again thinned using 10% 216 thinner by volume as required by the
manufactures instructions. Once painted and dried for 24 hours it was determined that one coat
of the paint was sufficient for our use and the hulls were carefully stored ready for assembly.
When sanding and painting proper health and safety precautions were taken such as the use of
respirators and disposal of all contaminated liquids and solids was done according to university

5.5 Propulsion
Last years propulsion and electronics were severely damaged due to water intrusion and had
to be completely redone. First, the new nitro powered engines had to be fitted into the hulls by
means of a new mounting system. Due to the lack of such a mounting system on the market, the
team had to design and manufacture our own engine mounts. In order for the engines to work
most efficiently, the team had to place the engines the same angle as the shaft tubes by cutting
two wood shims at 14 degrees using a miter saw at FITs Applied Research Lab wood working
shop. In order to water proof these mounts, they were coated using a West System slow
hardening epoxy which would make them resistant to any water of nitro gas in the bilges. The
aluminum engine mounts from Space Coast hobbies were then epoxied and bolted to these shims
for extra strength.

Figure 5.5.1: Sealed engine mounts with aluminum base attached (right)


Once dry, the whole mount was then epoxied and screwed into the hull on top of the existing
engine mounting plate which prior to the installation had also been removed and re-attached
using slow setting epoxy for added strength.

Figure 5.5.2: Original base plate in hull

Figure 5.5.3: Full engine mount installed in hull


This was then left to dry for over 24 hours to allow the epoxy to set to its full working
strength. With the mounts in place the engines were bolted into place with the use of bolt and
split rings to avoid them loosening due to vibrations. Additional components of the system such
as fuel tanks and cooling lines were put it at the end when all other manufacturing had taken

Figure 5.5.4: Engine in place on mount with color coded tubing connected

5.6 Drive Shaft

In order to create a functioning system the original drive shafts casings had to be re-modified
to allow for proper sealing. In order to due this the original PVC shafts were bored out, and brass
tubing was implemented to harness the shafts securely to provide an authentic seal. After
installing the shaft casings, the shafts themselves had to be modified.


In the first trial the motors were started and the original flexible shafts obtained an unwanted
jump rope action that resulted in lots of noise and vibration of the shafts. This jump rope
occurrence was the result of the high RPMs that the motor expelled and was amplified by the
mass of the propellers. This was due in part to the coil formation of the flexible shaft system. To
combat this, the shafts had to be shortened and brass tubing was used to stabilize the flexible
shaft. Once implemented into both systems, the motors were tried again. This time, the brass
tubing reduced the vibration of the shaft but compromised the port side shaft by unraveling it and
producing an unstructured member.
After analyzing the damage it was seen that the shafts could no longer reach to the mounted
motor so a new design had to be established. To do so the team incorporated plastic universal
joints which were coupled with a small section of aluminum rod. This rod section was then
attached to the motor and then to the u joints. The u joints were then attached the broken shaft so
that the motors could be reached.


Figure 5.6.1: Plastic U-Joints


Figure 5.6.2: Plastic U-Joint

The propeller was also changed due to its shear mass. The mass of the propeller was
unacceptable and as a result was a main factor in the inability of the shafts to support its inertia.
The propellers mass also resulted in random stalling of the engines and rotational torsion of the
shafts once started and stopped. The 2006 propellers were replaced with nylon propellers that
were secured to the motors by the means of friction as the old shafts were cut and reestablished.
These new propellers were less massive and contributed less apparent danger to the shafts. This
attachment yielded results but was short-lived due the fracturing of one of the universal joints.

5.7 Electronics
With the engines in place and the rudders attached now the servos for the rudder and throttle
control could be installed. As no standard servo supports or cradles are available these had to be
custom made in order to firmly hold the servos in place in order to actuate the rudders and

throttle arms. Frames were made using basswood and epoxy based adhesive to ensure strength
and durability.

Figure 5.7.1: Complete servo frame ready for installation into hull

Once hardened the whole frame was then placed transversely into the stern of the hulls as
seen in the images below, and fastened into place using also epoxy adhesive. The adhesive used
was a fast setting G5 adhesive from West Systems. The Hi-Torque JR Sport servos for the rudder
control were then mounted into this frame using the rubber shoes and screws, ensuring their
alignment with the rudder pushrod. The lower torque servos for the throttle arm control were
then attached to the same frame using fastening straps, this is sufficient as the torques and forces
on this servo are minimal. Once in place, the servos were then connected to their respective arms
using custom sized pushrods and connector pins.


Figure 5.7.2: Complete installation of servo systems

The servo wiring was then routed to the receiver which was mounted in the port hull. These
cross hull cables were then run though a waterproofing tube that connected the two hulls to
ensure no water intrusion and smooth operation of the servo cables.

5.8 Exhaust System

The original exhaust systems had to be modified in order to expel the exhaust outside of the
hulls. Initially the exhaust traveled through a magnesium muffler then into thermoplastic exhaust
tubing. Since the thermoplastic tubing was not long enough to expel the exhaust out of the hulls
and longer segments of this tubing were not available, the team had to manufacture our own
exhaust pipe.


The first attempt to create our own exhaust pipe was by connecting a high pressure hose
section to the mufflers. This hose initially worked until the exhaust began to melt the high
pressure hose at its connection with the mufflers. Secondly the team attempted to create exhaust
pipes from brass tubing. The original brass tubing was heated with a torch in order to bend it so
that it aligned with an already predrilled exhaust hole on the hull decks. Then slits were cut at the
base of the brass pipes where they would connect to the mufflers. These cuts would allow the
pipes to deform under the stresses form hose clamps which would compress the brass onto the
muffler nipples. At our first attempt of using hose clamps to connect the brass to the muffler, the
mufflers magnesium nipple chipped off.

Figure 5.8.1: Exhaust pipes

So the team needed a new way to connect the brass exhaust pipes to the mufflers. The team
used JB Weld for this second connection. JB Weld is an epoxy designed for high temperature
environments and primarily used for filling cracks in engine blocks. The JB Weld was applied at
the muffler connection and at the bass of the exhaust pipe. The JB Weld attached the exhaust
system however cracks formed at the connections with repetitive use. To strengthen the

connection JB Weld was again applied while at the same time with a string lashing. The exhaust
pipe and muffler were slowly lashed together at additional weld was applied. The lashing was
used to add fibrous structure to the weld for strength. This additional connection held until the
motors where properly tuned. Once the motors were tuned an extreme vibration occurred from a
higher output of RPMs. This completely destroyed out exhaust connection.
With the exhaust system now undergoing an extreme vibration from the motors the team
decided to give-up with the connection of the exhaust pipes to the muffler nipples. To handle the
vibration the team needed a sturdier way to join the muffler to an exhaust pipe. Therefore, the
team would clamp the exhaust pipe around the entire muffler. To do this copper tubing was
clamped around the entire muffler with hose clams then bent upward toward new exhaust vents
in the deck

Figure 5.8.2: Exhaust system attached to motors


5.9 Final Assembly

Once all of the individual components of the project were completed, they were all integrated
into one. The engines and electronics were completely placed into the hulls, and the decks were
fastened using stainless steel fasteners though the rubber seals. In order to find an approximate
location for the structure the center of buoyancy was located experimentally by manually forcing
the hulls down into water and finding the location at which the force was to be applied to so this
equally on both sides. Once in place the spacing structure was then attached to the decks and the
exhaust and air intake holes and deflectors put in place. This entire system was then put into a
test tank in order to determine the actual water lien of the catamaran and to ensure correct trim of
the vessel. With this complete it was determined that the rudder pushrods had to sealed in order
to avoid water intrusion, this was done with the use of actuator cable seals from the cycling
industry. These rubber seals allow for a certain degree of linear motion even when firmly
attached to both sides. With all the components in place, final adjustments and changes were
made to optimize the design and aesthetics such as logos and names were also put on.


Figure 5.9.1: CODAC completely assembled with engine hatches open.

Once fully established the vehicle was now ready to obtain power that would be in the form
of gas motors. Because of the inability to access the motors properly to ignite the glow plug, the
original design for a hatch had to be aborted in order to compensate for the restricted access. This
was the result of the sliding track systems position right above the piston head. To compensate
for this the tunnel section and the deck system was cut in order to allow the frame system to
swivel around the front sliding tracks and produce a hatch system to get to the motors. This
allowed for easy access to the motors where wing nuts were place in the stern section of the
hatch to improve functioning efficiency.


6.0 Pre-Test Preparations

6.1 Engine Break-In
In order to run the engines for data acquisition purposes the engines need to be properly ran
in, in order to ensure seamless and smooth running. If this break in period is not met, engines
might run inconsistently causing errors in our data. According to the manufactures instructions in
order to fully break in the engine 5 full tanks of gas must be ran through before regular usage of
the engine. The first tank must be run though at low to medium throttle at a rich mixture using
heavy fuel to properly lubricate the moving parts; this first tank is to be consumed at the mixture
screw set at 2 full turns (720 degrees). Once the first tank is fully consumed, the mixture needle
is to be closed 30 degrees and another tank run though; this procedure is repeated for all 4
consecutive tanks (OS owners instruction manual). Throughout this break in procedure, the
team did ensure that the engine was thoroughly cooled by running the boat on water and/or
manually pumping cold water though the cylinder head by means of a hand pump. Once run in
the engines will start more swiftly and run more consistently, stalling less which enables for
more efficient and accurate data collection.


Figure 6.1.1: Final Assembly after the successful pool test

6.2 Electronics Package Test and Repair

The electronics package used in previous CODAC and LOMAC experiments has undergone
many changes and alterations since its initial design and creation by Douglas Guardino. This
package consists of multi-axis accelerometers, a GPS sensor, an optical inclinometer and a
compass heading sensor which transfer data wirelessly to any Wi-Fi enabled computer. This data
is then received by a program such as Telnet or Hyper Terminal and is stored in a text file. This
data can then be analyzed using Excel or MatLab. Currently due to the efforts of Eduardo
Gonzales the package has been placed in a water-proof case to avoid further water damage to the


Figure 6.2.1: Electronics package for data acquisition in new waterproof case

Such damage may have occurred last year on the displacement catamaran project and hence
has weakened the package as a whole. When first receiving the package the GPS antenna
connector had to be adjusted in order to get a valid GPS signal to obtain velocity and position
data, also lack of such a signal undermines the data transfer of the whole package. Once adjusted
and with all the components replaced into the case, the package was ready for a land based test to
ensure correct functioning of the data acquisition and transfer. This land test indicated that the
package itself was very unreliable transmitting only at random times. For this reason the package
could not be fully relied upon for the data acquisition. In order to obtain more accurate and
consistent data a new electronics suite should be purchased, smaller in size and with data-logging
abilities to eliminate the need for a laptop in the field.


6.3 Pre-Run Checklist/Procedures

In order to run the boat effectively and smoothly a series of procedure have to be followed
prior to the starting of the data trails. Following these steps will ensure a safe and efficient
running of the vehicle.
1. Turn on data acquisition package
2. Install data acquisition package on frame and secure
3. Undo engine hatch wing nuts
4. Undo rear bolt on front slider
5. Pull up engine hatch
6. Fill up gas tanks
7. Check operation of servos/electronics
8. Prime motors
9. Put pre-heater on starboard engine
10. Start starboard engine
11. Reduce starboard engine to idle
12. Remove pre-heater
13. Repeat 7-10 for port engine
14. Visually inspect bilges for leaks/malfunctions
15. Close engine hatch ensuring the water exhaust go over deck
16. Replace hatch wing nuts
17. Replace front slider bolts
18. Walk boat into water


6.4 Data Acquisition/Logging

With the package turned on the accelerometers and GPS sensors emit data continuously over
wireless LAN. In order for the laptop to receive the data strings it must be connected to the
wireless network called Local. Once connected using Telnet on the laptop define the file in
which to store the data by entering the following command:
set logfile x.txt
Where x is the name of the file in which the computer will log the received data. Once this
file is defined the data is accessed by using the packages IP address through the following
This will open the IP address of the electronics package and display the data on the screen
real-time as well as storing the data in the log file as specified earlier. Once complete the IP
address may be closed using the Ctrl + ] command (ie. Simultaneously holding the Ctrl and +

7.0 Testing Results

To test the CODAC prototype, the wave making atmosphere had to be proportional to the scale
model version. The analysis had to be in a semi-controlled atmosphere to achieve this. Although
a fully controlled atmosphere did not exist, a similar atmosphere was a small pond in Rhodes
Park, West Melbourne, FL. In preparing our prototype the team had to take appropriate measures


to insure that both motors could be started and the hatch cover could be fastened securely. The
team created the checklist in section 6.3 and unbolted the hatchback and attached the
instrumentation system to the bridge section. With one person holding the bridge and
instrumentation package, two others started the engines by inserting the glow plug starter and
starting the engine. In doing this each motor was ignited individually and after both were started
the hatch would then be lowered and secured. Then from there the boat would be lifted and
placed in the water were the computer would start logging data as it was operated. Unfortunately
this process did not work out as planned and during the initial try both motors were started but as
the hatch was being lowered the port side muffler was compromised and the motor mount screws
loosened. This resulted in the team trying to save the exhaust but because of the numerous times
the team had tampered with it the screws were stripped. In the end, the team was unable to resecure the port side engine. Because of the engine slippage, the shaft was then compromised and
was unable to function from that time on.

Figure 7.1: Josh attempting to re-secure the loosened motors


Additionally, the instrumentation package successfully connected to the teams computers,

but evident corrosion on the wires prevented any data from being taken. Despite the fact that
Gonzalez did short-term repairs, the package needs a lot of refurbishment if it is to be considered

Figure 7.2: Bob frustrated at the corrosion

8.0 The Future of the CODAC

8.1 Recommendations
To complete any testing of the CODAC the main priority is to repair the instrumentation
package. Currently, from prior corrosion the instrumentation package does not transmit any data.
Without this package testing cannot continue. Therefore, the priority should be to focus its
attention toward the repair and continued maintenance of the instrumentation package.
As for CODAC, a more reliable driveshaft system is required. The team recommends using a
solid shaft that has a universal joint built in. The original shaft recommended for the engine
malfunctioned and its design encompasses a form of a tightly wound spring rather than a solid

shaft design. The soiled shafts with universal joints are commonly found on gas powered RC
cars. These shafts could easily be modified for use in the CODAC.
Since the engines produce such high RPMs of around 20,000 to 60,000 the entire vessel
undergoes extreme vibrations. The future goal would be to reduce the vibrations experienced by
the vessel. One possible solution would be to remount the engines onto a rubber buffer to
dampen the accelerations of the engines. To do this the existing engine mounts would have to be
redesigned to accommodate an addition of rubber buffers.
Also, to allow for an easier control of operation speeds, the additions of a clutch and
transmission systems would allow the driveshaft to operate at lower RPMs. However, since these
additions would most likely be a large portion of ones budget they may have to be sacrificed. On
the other hand, if capitation became a problem, lower RPMs would reduce the amount of
The bridge and tunnel sections can accommodate almost any pontoon and instrumentation
designs. Therefore a possible continuation with the bridge and tunnel sections could be to create
a hydrographic ROV. To complete this, the instrumentation package would have to be repaired
and then interfaced with a DC (direct current) bottom sounder, or the bottom sounder would have
to record a time with each depth. If the bottom sounder is interfaced with the instrumentation
package it would allow for the transmission of longitude, latitude, time, and depth. By analyzing
that data a seafloor surface could be rendered using MatLab.


8.2 Future Studies

There are many possibilities for the future of the CODAC, and the LOMAC also. Repair on
the damaged electrical and mechanical systems of the CODAC must be completed first, and
several spots must be further water-proofed. A basket must be designed to properly hold the
instrumentation package at all hull spacings. Additionally, the Guardino/Gonzales
instrumentation package has many connections and wires that are rusted to due age and water
damage. Finally, the bridge section can be fit to the LOMAC by unbolting it from the CODAC
decks and creating a similar deck for the LOMAC.
After these are completed, systematic testing can be done on the CODAC finding the
accelerations at every notch in the cams. Then this can be repeated with the tunnel section to see
if the tunnel has a dampening effect. These tests should be repeated on the LOMAC in similar
conditions. Finally, a formula can be found for each type of hull, planing and semidisplacement, to find the optimum spacing and be scaled to full-size vessels.
Another test is measuring the turning radius of each the LOMAC and CODAC and different hull
spacings. Brendan Keanes Masters Thesis strain gages could also be used to measure drag at
different hull spacings on each hull. Overall, there is manufacturing, design, and research work
to do comparing the planing and semi-displacement hulls.

9.0 Conclusions
Overall, the CODAC team completed everything possible in the given time frame. Although
successful data acquisition could not be completed due to mechanical failures, this MFP project


did meet the goals of learning how to work in teams, developing a unique design, using current
software, becoming machine shop certified, and building the project. The groundwork has been
laid for valuable research of planing and displacement hull catamarans. Hopefully, next years
Naval Architecture group can successfully compare the LOMAC and CODAC and develop a
formula to be published. What is most important, however, is that the CODAC team learned
how to work independently and gain real engineering experience that will be a large influence in
a professional engineering career.


10.0 References
Cengel, Yunus A. Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications. 2006
Danielson, et al. 2006 Naval Architecture MFP Final Report
FLYBOAT, June 5 2007,


Appendix A: Gantt Chart


Note: Current Gantt Chart on CD


Appendix B: Bill of Materials

Note: All student and consulting hours attached in CD form





In line-fuel filters

Space Coast Hobbies



blue fuel filters tubing

Space Coast Hobbies



Standard Servos

Space Coast Hobbies



Fuel tanks

Space Coast Hobbies



Shaft and casing

Space Coast Hobbies



High torque servos

Space Coast Hobbies



O.S .18CVR Mx Marine

Space Coast Hobbies



75 MHz Fm Receiver

Space Coast Hobbies



hole punch












index divider








mechanical pencils








Largo blue paint

Lewis Marine




Lewis Marine



I gal. 15% Fuel

Space Coast Hobbies



Os A3 Glow Plugs

Space Coast Hobbies



Air filter

Space Coast Hobbies



250cc fuel bottle

Space Coast Hobbies



fuel tubing

Space Coast Hobbies



flush pump

Space Coast Hobbies



Glow starter

Space Coast Hobbies




After run oil

Space Coast Hobbies



Plug wrench

Space Coast Hobbies



Marine sealants

West Marine



O.S .18 Muffler

Space Coast Hobbies



header gasket

Space Coast Hobbies



Fm Rx Crystal

Space Coast Hobbies



Exhaust deflectors

Space Coast Hobbies


Alloy engine mounts

Space Coast Hobbies



Screw kit engine mounts

Space Coast Hobbies



Flex drive cables



prop dogs


motor couplers



Shaft stuffing tube



Sheet metal

Alro Metals



2" tracks

McMaster Carr



1.75" tracks

McMaster Carr



Brochures Copy Center

FIT Copy Center




Fasteners Various

Ace Hardware



Fasteners Various

Ace Hardware



Sintra Plastic Sheet 1/4"

Plastics Design



Boat logo

Boat US



Boat Letter Kit

West Marine



Fasteners Various

Ace Hardware



Rubber Gasket

Ace Hardware




Paint Thinner

Ace Hardware



Air Hose Connector

Ace Hardware



220 Sandpaper

Harbor Freight Tools




150 Sandpaper

Harbor Freight Tools



Gravity Air Gun

Harbor Freight Tools



Return Air Filter

Space Coast Hobbies




Solder Kwik Link

Space Coast Hobbies



Air Filter

Space Coast Hobbies



Push Rod w/ kwik link

Space Coast Hobbies



Lithium Grease

Ace Hardware



Fasteners Various

Ace Hardware



Rubber Sheet

McMaster Carr



Fasteners Various/paint

Ace Hardware



Epoxy SPRY paint

Ace Hardware



Plastic Tubing

Ace Hardware



Copper Tubbing

Home Depot





hours labor

Robbins Welding

1'x3'x.25'' 5051 Al

Robbins Welding





25 per sqr




1'x3'x.125'' 5051 Al

Robbins Welding

15 per sqr

12' square anodized


Robbins Welding

30 per 6 ft

10' cyl. Anodized tubing

Robbins Welding



2'' L-tubes

Robbins Welding


1'' L-tubes

Robbins Welding

hours labor

Dyer Matlock



Spray paint gun, etc..

Bill Battin




Robbins Mobil
Total Donations

Dyer Matlock

Total Donations





Donated Materials
Donated Labor



Dr. Stephen Wood




Eduardo Gonzalez



Bill Battin



Clay Danielson






Stephanie Groleau




Joshua Revord




Tyler Robbins




Bob Vandedrinck




John Amero


Total Hours $





Appendix C: Designs

Item: Gear Cam 1 for Retractable Bridge Section

Material used: Aluminum 5052
Quantity: 4





Item: Gear Cam 2 for Retractable Bridge Section

Material used: Aluminum 5052
Quantity: 4





Modifications to design

This modification to the design allowed for easy pin connection to the cams. It was spring loaded and
welded together.


Item: Hull Stabilizers

Material used: Aluminum 5052 (Base)
Quantity: 4







Item: Extendible Hull Sleeves

Material used: U brackets, Aluminum
Quantity: 4






The new design promotes the translation forward and aft of the boat and was created out of two u


Item: Retractable Tunnel Section

Material used: Aluminum 5052(Base), 6061 T6 (Sleeves)
Quantity: 4





Final Product

The final product of the design allowed for the easy expansion and compression of the hulls and created
a dynamic system.


This picture depicts the final render of the design in which we would fabricate

In final production of the decks and tunnel section had to be cut to allow easy access to the motors. This
allowed the bridge section to pivot about the front tracks by removing the aft friction bolts.

Appendix D: Accelerometer Program

The following is the accelerometer code by Brendan Keane from the Naval Architecture 2006 MFP final
#include <p18f458.h>
#include <delays.h>
#include <usart.h>
#include <i2c.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <adc.h>
#include <timers.h>
unsigned char status, buffer[80], temp[10];
char charbuff[10], ackstat = 0;
doug, time = 0, timelast;
unsigned long before, after;
rom char
"Initilazation Status ";
rom char
"Socket Initilazation Status ";
rom char
"Waiting for connection";
rom char
"Connection Established";
rom char welcomeMsg[]
"Good Morning";
// high interupts
void int_handle (void);
#pragma code HIGH_INTERRUPT_VECTOR = 0x8
void high_ISR (void)
goto int_handle
#pragma code
#pragma interrupt int_handle
void int_handle (void)
INTCON = 0b10100000;

// This code is writen assuming a 40MHz Fosc.


void i2cTx( unsigned char control, unsigned char addressHigh,

unsigned char addressLow, unsigned char *array,
unsigned char length)
unsigned char count;
while ( SSPCON2bits.SEN );
control = control & 0xFE;
WriteI2C ( control);
if ( SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT ) // test received ack bit state
ackstat += 1;
// bus device responded with NOT ACK
WriteI2C ( addressHigh);
if ( SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT ) // test received ack bit state
ackstat += 1;
// bus device responded with NOT ACK
WriteI2C ( addressLow);
for(count = 0; count < length; count++){
if ( SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT ) // test received ack bit state
ackstat += 1;
// bus device responded with NOT ACK
WriteI2C ( array[count]);
if ( SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT ) // test received ack bit state
ackstat += 1;
// bus device responded with NOT ACK
while ( SSPCON2bits.PEN );
unsigned char * i2cRx( unsigned char control,
unsigned char addressHigh,
unsigned char addressLow,
unsigned char *array,
unsigned char length)
unsigned char count;

while ( SSPCON2bits.SEN );
control = control & 0xFE;
WriteI2C ( control);
if ( SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT ) // test received ack bit state
ackstat += 1;

// bus device responded with NOT ACK

WriteI2C (addressHigh);
if ( SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT ) // test received ack bit state
ackstat += 1;

// bus device responded with NOT ACK

WriteI2C ( addressLow);
if ( SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT ) // test received ack bit state
ackstat += 1;

// bus device responded with NOT ACK

while ( SSPCON2bits.PEN );
control = control | 0x01;
while ( SSPCON2bits.SEN );
WriteI2C ( control);
if ( SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT ) // test received ack bit state
ackstat += 1;

// bus device responded with NOT ACK

SSPCON2bits.RCEN = 1;
for(count = 0; count < length; count++){
array[count] = ReadI2C();
if (count == length -1){

while ( SSPCON2bits.PEN );

unsigned char InitWiznet( unsigned char control)

unsigned char data;
// initilise IINCHIP
// Gatway Address
buffer[0] = 192;
buffer[1] = 168;
buffer[2] = 1;
buffer[3] = 1;
// Subnet Mask
buffer[4] = 255;
buffer[5] = 255;
buffer[6] = 255;
buffer[7] = 0;



//MAC Address
buffer[8] = 0x00;
buffer[9] = 0xA0;
buffer[10] = 0x24;
buffer[11] = 0xBB;
buffer[12] = 0xD8;
buffer[13] = 0x6A;
// IP Address
buffer[14] = 192;
buffer[15] = 168;
buffer[16] = 1;
buffer[17] = 50;




// Initial Retry Timer - value

buffer[18] = 0x03;
//92 100ms
buffer[19] = 0xE8;
//Retry Count
buffer[20] = 255;


// RX data Memory size

buffer[21] = 0b000011; //95 8kb to ch 0
// TX data Memory size
buffer[22] = 0b000011; //96 8kb to ch 0


//Write all that to the IINCHIP

i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x80, buffer, 23);
buffer[0] = 0x01;
//Sends the initialze command
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x00, buffer, 1);

//Checks status of initilazation

i2cRx( control, 0x00, 0x04, &data, 1);
//Returns the result of the initilazation
unsigned char initSocketCh0(

unsigned char control,

unsigned char hport,
unsigned char lport)

unsigned char data;
// set SOPR register
data = 0x01; //TCP communications
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0xA1, &data, 1);
// set SPR registers, sets the port to listen on
buffer[0] = hport;
buffer[1] = lport;
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0xAE, buffer, 2);
// set TOSR register to 1
// data alreadyt = 1 so it will not be set again
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0xB1, &data, 1);
// set transmisoin pointers
memset(buffer, 0, 10); // set first 10 buffer locations to 0
// set C0_TW_PR 01 - 04 to 0
// set C0_TR_PR 01 - 04 to 0
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x40, buffer, 8);
// set C0_TA_PR 01 - 04 to 0
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x18, buffer, 4);
// initilise socket
data = 0b00000010;
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x00, &data, 1);
//clear interupts
data = 0xFF;

i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x08, &data, 1);

//check if socket initilized
i2cRx( control, 0x00, 0x04, &data, 1);
void stringUARTS(char * string, unsigned char length){
unsigned char x;
for( x = 0; x < length; x++){
while (BusyUSART());
int reciveData(unsigned char control)
unsigned char C0_RW_PR[4], C0_RR_PR[4], data, adhigh, adlow,
rxlength = 0;
unsigned int
counter, rstart, rend;

memset(C0_RW_PR, 0, 4);
memset(C0_RR_PR, 0, 4);
// get pointers for recived data
//check shadow pointer C0_SRW_PR
i2cRx( control, 0x01, 0xE0, &data, 1);
//wait 20 clock cycles
//Get the C0_RW_PR pointers
i2cRx( control, 0x00, 0x10, C0_RW_PR, 4);
//check shadow pointer C0_SRR_PR
i2cRx( control, 0x01, 0xE1, &data, 1);
//wait 20 clock cycles
//Get the C0_RR_PR pointers
i2cRx( control, 0x00, 0x14, C0_RR_PR, 4);

//Convert pointer into offsets


rstart = C0_RR_PR[2];
rstart = rstart << 8;
rstart &= 0x1F00;
rstart += C0_RR_PR[3];
rend = C0_RW_PR[2] ;
rend = rend << 8;
rend &= 0x1F00;
rend += C0_RW_PR[3];

//Find lenght of information in buffer

if(rend > rstart){
counter = rend - rstart;
data = 0;
counter = (rend + 0x1FFF) - rstart;
data = 1;
if(rend == rstart){
rxlength = 0;
adhigh = rstart >> 8;
adhigh += 0x60;
adlow = rstart & 0x00FF;
if( counter < 80){
rxlength = counter;
rxlength = 80;
if ( (rstart + rxlength) > 0x1FFF){
rxlength = 0x2000 - rstart;
i2cRx( control, adhigh, adlow, buffer, rxlength);
stringUARTS((char *)buffer, rxlength);
rstart += rxlength;
if (rstart > 0x1FFF){
rstart -= 0x2000;
counter -= rxlength;

i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x14, C0_RW_PR, 4);
data = 0b01000000;
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x00, &data, 1);
void trasmitData(

unsigned char control, unsigned char * string,

unsigned char length){
unsigned char C0_TW_PR[4], data, adhigh, adlow, txlength, offset = 0;
unsigned char * TW;
unsigned int

counter, tstart, tend;

unsigned long C0_TW;



TW = (unsigned char *)&C0_TW;

// get pointers for recived data
//check shadow pointer C0_STW_PR
i2cRx( control, 0x01, 0xF0, &data, 1);
//wait 20 clock cycles
//Get the C0_TW_PR pointers
i2cRx( control, 0x00, 0x40, C0_TW_PR, 4);
y = 3;
for(y = 3; y >= 0; y--){
TW[y] = C0_TW_PR[3 - y];
before = C0_TW;
C0_TW += length;
after = C0_TW;
//Convert pointer into offsets
tstart = C0_TW_PR[2];
tstart = tstart << 8;
tstart &= 0x1F00;
tstart += C0_TW_PR[3];
adhigh = tstart >> 8;

adhigh += 0x40;
adlow = tstart & 0x00FF;
if ( (tstart + length) > 0x1FFF)
txlength = 0x2000 - tstart;
txlength = length;
i2cTx( control, adhigh, adlow, string + offset, txlength);
tstart += txlength;
if (tstart > 0x1FFF){
tstart -= 0x2000;
length -= txlength;
offset += txlength;
for(y = 3; y >= 0; y--){
C0_TW_PR[y]= TW[3 - y] ;
// Update the C0_TW_PR pointers
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x40, C0_TW_PR, 4);
// Execute a send comand
data = 0b00100000;
i2cTx( control, 0x00, 0x00, &data, 1);
char * asciAcell(int value, char * string){
int letter;
if (value < 0){
value = value * -1;
string[0] = 45;
string[0] = 32;
letter = value / 1000;
value = value - (1000 * letter);
string[1] = letter + 48;
string[2] = 46;
letter = value / 100;
value = value - (100 * letter);
string[3] = letter + 48;
letter = value / 10;
value = value - (10 * letter);

string[4] = letter + 48;

string[5] = value + 48;
char * getacell(char chan, char * outputB){
int acell;
unsigned int acell_16 = 0 ;
char x;
short long voltage;
if( chan == 0)
if( chan == 1)
if( chan == 2)
if( chan == 3)
for( x = 0; x < 16; x++){
acell = ReadADC();
acell_16 += acell;
acell = acell_16 >> 4;
doug = acell;
acell -= 511;
voltage = acell;
voltage = voltage * 1000;
voltage = voltage / 204; //205
acell = voltage;
asciAcell(acell, outputB);
outputB[6] = 32;
if( chan == 0)
outputB[7] = 90;
if( chan == 1)
outputB[7] = 89;
if( chan == 2)
outputB[7] = 90;
if( chan == 3)
outputB[7] = 88;
outputB[8] = 13;
outputB[9] = 10;
char * getanalog(char * outputB){

int NS = 0, EW = 0, power = 0, NS16 = 0, EW16 = 0, power16 = 0, x;

char stringL;
short long voltage;
for( x = 0; x < 16; x++){
NS = ReadADC();
NS16 += NS;
for( x = 0; x < 16; x++){
EW = ReadADC();
EW16 += EW;
NS = NS16 >> 4;
EW = EW16 >> 4;
for( x = 0; x < 16; x++){
power = ReadADC();
power16 += power;
power = power16 >> 4;
itoa( NS, charbuff);
strcpy(outputB, charbuff);
stringL = strlen(outputB);
outputB[stringL] = 32;
outputB[stringL+1] = 0;
itoa( EW, charbuff);
strcat(outputB, charbuff);
stringL = strlen(outputB);
outputB[stringL] = 32;
outputB[stringL+1] = 0;
voltage = power;
voltage = voltage * 1000;
voltage = voltage / 205;
power = voltage;
asciAcell(power, charbuff);
charbuff[6] = 32;
charbuff[7] = 86;
charbuff[8] = 0;

strcat(outputB, charbuff);
stringL = strlen(outputB);
outputB[stringL] = 32;
outputB[stringL+1] = 0;
return (outputB);
void main (void){
unsigned char wiznet = 0b10101010, length;
unsigned int y;
int pitch, roll;
// initialize PIC periferals

USART_TX_INT_OFF & // TX interrupt off

// RX interrupt off
// Asychronos mode
// 8-Bit
// Continous recive
//Low Baud rate formula
//set approximately 9.6 kbs


SSPADD = 99;

// I2C master mode 100kHz mode


TRISE = 0x0F;

T0_16BIT &
T0_PS_1_1 );

LATD = 255;
WriteUSART( 12 );
// wait for screen to finish clearing

while (BusyUSART());
putrsUSART( welcomeMsg);
// wait .5 sec and then clear screen
WriteUSART( 12 );
// wait for screen to finish clearing
status = 0;
// initilase the IINCHIP
status = InitWiznet(wiznet);
// clear buffer
memset(buffer, 0, 80);
// out puts result of initilazation to LCD
// a resut of 1 means the system initilized
while (BusyUSART());
putrsUSART( initStMsg );
while (BusyUSART());
btoa(status, charbuff) );
while (BusyUSART());
WriteUSART( 10 );
// socket initilazation
// setting ch0 listen on port 23 for a connection
status = initSocketCh0( wiznet, 0, 23);
// clear buffer
memset(buffer, 0, 10);
// out puts result of initilazation to LCD
// a result of 2 means the socket initilizes
while (BusyUSART());
putrsUSART( socketInitStMsg );
while (BusyUSART());
putsUSART( btoa(status, charbuff));
while (BusyUSART());
WriteUSART( 10 );
// now listen for a connection wait for a connection;
buffer[0] = 0b00001000;

i2cTx( wiznet, 0x00, 0x00, buffer, 1);

while (BusyUSART());
putrsUSART( WaitConectMsg);
while (BusyUSART());
WriteUSART( 10 );

// check the Socket State Reister for ch0

// a value of 0x06 means a connection has bee established
while (status != 0x06){
// before connecting display the accellerations for calabration
getacell(0, charbuff);
charbuff[8] = 13;
while (BusyUSART());
stringUARTS(charbuff, 9);
getacell(1, charbuff);
charbuff[8] = 13;
while (BusyUSART());
stringUARTS(charbuff, 9);
getacell(2, charbuff);
charbuff[8] = 13;
while (BusyUSART());
while (BusyUSART());
stringUARTS(charbuff, 9);
getacell(3, charbuff);
charbuff[8] = 13;
while (BusyUSART());
while (BusyUSART());
stringUARTS(charbuff, 9);
getanalog((char *) buffer);
length = strlen((char *)buffer);
while (BusyUSART());
while (BusyUSART());
stringUARTS((char *)buffer, length);
i2cRx( 0x08, 0x00, 0xA0, (unsigned char *)&pitch, 2);
itoa( pitch, (char *)buffer);

length = strlen((char *)buffer);

buffer[length] = 13;
length ++;
buffer[length] = 0;
stringUARTS((char *)buffer, length);
// wait .2 sec
WriteUSART( 12 );
// wait for screen to finish clearing
i2cRx( wiznet, 0x00, 0xA0, &status, 1);
while (BusyUSART());
putrsUSART( conectEstabMsg);
// wait 1 sec and then clear screen
WriteUSART( 12 );
// wait for screen to finish clearing

INTCON = 0b10100000;


// while the connection is open do all this stuff

while (status == 0x06){
// check the recive buffer to see if ther is any incomming data
// for the LCD screen and output it
if(time > 1000) time = 0;
timelast = time;
// reduces the number of transmissions
if ( timelast % 40 == 0){
getacell(0, charbuff);
charbuff[8] = 32;
charbuff[9] = 0;
strcpy((char * )buffer, charbuff);

getacell(1, charbuff);
charbuff[8] = 32;
charbuff[9] = 0;
strcat((char * )buffer, charbuff);
getacell(2, charbuff);
charbuff[8] = 32;
charbuff[9] = 0;
strcat((char * )buffer, charbuff);
getacell(3, charbuff);
charbuff[8] = 32;
charbuff[9] = 0;
strcat((char * )buffer, charbuff);
length = strlen((char *) buffer);
getanalog ((char *)buffer);
i2cRx( 0x08, 0x00, 0xA0, (unsigned char *)&pitch, 2);
itoa( pitch, charbuff);
strcat((char * )buffer, charbuff);
length = strlen((char *)buffer);
buffer[length] = 32;
buffer[length] = 0;
itoa( timelast, charbuff);
strcat((char * )buffer, charbuff);
length = strlen((char *)buffer);
if(timelast == 1000){
buffer[length] = 32;
length ++;
buffer[length] = 10;
length ++;
buffer[length] = 13;
length ++;
if( timelast == 1000){ // 275
// access the GPS and get last update
i2cRx( 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, buffer, 80);

// transmit the last updata

length = strlen((char *)buffer);
trasmitData(wiznet,buffer, length);
time -= 1000;
// Check the current conection status
i2cRx( wiznet, 0x00, 0xA0, &status, 1);

Appendix E: Company Contacts

Dr. Stephen Wood: (Professor) (321-674-7244)

Gave personal insight

Dr. John Sainsbury: (Professor) (321-674-7411)
Helped with Naval Architect questions
Dyer Matlock: (Masters in education & E.E) (321-725-0783)
Reviewed the structural design
Eddie Robbins: (Welder) (321-956-9978)
Helped with materials, assembly design, & manufacturing
John Amero: (School Machinist) (321-674-7228)
Helped with CNC programming and machine shop training
Bill Battin : (Research Associate) (321-674-7618)
Assisted with sanding, painting, and waste disposal

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