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HVDC Feeder Solution for Electric Railways

L. Abrahamsson, T. Kjellqvist, S. Ostlund

AbstractThe railway power supply systems in many sparsely

populated countries are relatively weak. Weak railway power
supply systems causes problems with power quality, voltage
drops, and high transmission losses.
For AC railway power supply systems with a different frequency than the public grid, high-voltage AC (HVAC) transmission lines are common, connected to the catenary by transformers. In this paper an alternative design based on an HVDC feeder
is suggested. The HVDC feeder is connected to the catenary
by converters. Such an HVDC line would also be appropriate
for DC-fed railways and AC-fed railways working at public
frequency. The converter stations between the public grid and
the HVDC feeder can be sparsely distributed, in the range of
100 km or more, whereas the converters connecting the HVDC
feeder to the catenary are distributed with a much closer spacing.
Their ratings can be lower than substation transformers or
electro-mechanical converters, since the power flow can be fully
Despite a relatively low power rating, the proposed converters
can be highly efficient due to the use of medium frequency
technology. The HVDC-based feeding system results in lower
material usage, lower losses and higher controllability compared
to present solutions.
Simulations of the proposed solution show clear advantages
regarding transmission losses and voltages compared to conventional systems, especially for cases with long distances between
feeding points to the catenary, and when there are substantial
amounts of regeneration from the trains.

A. General Problem and Paper Background

AIL transportation in the World has in recent years

risen considerably and due to needs for energy-efficiency
and to the climate changes, this increase can be expected
to continue. The increase in train services also poses larger
demands on energy supply both regarding installed power and
power and voltage quality. In general, the power demand is
critical in areas of heavy traffic, such as in metropolitan areas,
while maintaining the voltage is the main problem on the
rural parts of the main lines as well as on some industrial
freight lines. Problems with voltage drops occur in most DCfed railway power supply systems and in most AC-fed railway
power supply systems where the traffic is not dense enough to
justify very strong catenary feeders or a very dense placement
of converters/substations. There is also a strong focus on
energy efficiency.
This paper presents and suggests a new way of feeding
railway power supply systems that would improve primarily
voltage quality and reduce total power losses. The numerical
example in Section V is adapted to Swedish conditions, but the
idea in itself is applicable to any kind of railway power supply
system therefore the comparisons throughout the paper with

the three main types of electric feeding for railways; DCfeeding, low-frequency AC feeding, and public grid frequency
In this paper a feeder concept comprising a multi-terminal
HVDC (MTDC) supply line is investigated. Using HVDC
would lead to less land use for the power lines compared to
the AC transmission lines since they can be designed as cables
and thus placed alongside the railway line. The land use for
HVAC transformer stations and HVDC-to-catenary substations
are on the other hand of comparable size, whereas the material
usage is less for the in this paper suggested HVDC equipment.
B. Present Railway Power Supply System Technologies Problem Background
For thorough descriptions of railway power supply systems
and their dimensioning, please c.f. [1], [2].
1) General Railway Power Supply System Problem Background: Railway power supply systems are by practical reasons either single phase AC or DC systems. The AC systems
are either operated at the same frequency as the public power
grid or at a different frequency, normally lower frequency.
DC railway power supplies and AC power supplies with
different frequency are similar in topologies, e.g. electric
power has to be converted to be able to flow between the
public grid and the railway grid.
The denotation Connecting Equipment (CE) is here used
as a general name for a component that is either a converter
station or a transformer connected to the three-phase public
grid. AC railway grids with public frequency typically have
transformers instead of converter stations, using two of the
public grids three phases. To reduce asymmetrical loading, the
public-grid phases connected to the railway grid, are altered
for each consecutive transformer station. Because of the 120
phase angle difference, the public-grid-frequency railway with
transformers as CEs is never fed from more than one CE per
This paper focuses on loss-reduction. There are various
ways of reducing the transmission losses. Classical solutions
Reduce the distance between CEs. This reduces the railway power supply system losses by the voltage control at
the taps of the CE. Reducing the distance between feeding
points is associated with substantial cost and land usage.
Besides, classical converter stations and transformer substations can only be placed at locations where there is
access to a national grid with sufficient strength. Modern
converter stations can be programmed such that the flow
of active power is limited to what the public grid tolerates,
and such that it uses the rest of its capacity for producing

or consuming reactive power in order to keep the voltage

levels at desired levels [3][7].
The physical impedance of the catenary system can be decreased by connecting additional conductors in parallel to
the catenary and track, i.e. increasing the total conducting
cross section.
The transmission voltage can be increased; either by
adding a negative feeder to the catenary system or by
an additional transmission line.
The negative feeders are for AC railways normally
called either AT (auto transformer) or dual-voltage
systems [2], [8][10] and similar technology also
exist for DC railways [11].
The additional transmission line solution may vary
in voltage from country to country (these are often
referred to as centralized systems), but it is not
uncommon to have 132 kV which is the standard
in Sweden. The 132 kV feeder line has proven cost
efficient in some parts of Sweden. It is however difficult to get permissions for new overhead power lines
that require approximately 32 m broad transmission
line clearing [12].
2) DC Centralized Railway Power Supply System Remark:
Technically, using converter technology, centralized systems
would be applicable for any DC railway power supply system.
DC railways have normally low voltages, so a transmission
line with distributed active converters would be beneficial,
shown in [?]. From a modeling point-of-view, a DC feeder
line would not differ much from a DC-AT-solution [11].
3) Public Grid Frequency Railway Power Supply System
Problem Specifics: For public-frequency railway power supply
systems, there is normally no such thing as a centralized
feeding. This is because it is rare that converter stations are
being used for feeding them [6]. Without converters, the loads
are asymmetrical on the three-phase-grid.
Today, AC railways with public frequency are normally fed
from just one substation per section of catenary. Using a transmission line with distributed active converters would allow
double fed catenaries reducing voltage drops and reducing the
required capacities of each individual substation [6].
4) Low Frequency Railway Power Supply System Problem
Specifics: The current solution for the Swedish railway power
supply system is illustrated in Figure 1 showing both the
decentralized and centralized solution. Similar but not equal
topologies are valid in other 15 kV, 16 23 Hz railway power
supply systems. In the decentralized solution, the national grid
and the catenary are interconnected by means of converter
stations located with a distance of approximately 100 km.
The converter stations were originally rotating converters,
but have been gradually replaced by static converters. In the
centralized system, the overhead contact line is interconnected
to a 130 kV transmission line. The overhead contact line is fed
by step-down transformers approximately 3050 km apart. The
converter stations might then be located as far as 200 km from
each other.
Typical loss figures, estimated by experience and simulations, for a 4 MW load in the Swedish system from
public grid into the train are 5.2 % for the transmission of

power, 1.1 % transformer losses (in converter station), 1.3 %

inverter losses (in converter station), 0.4 % rectifier losses
(in converter station), 1.2 % on-board line converter module
losses (on train), and 3.1 % on-board transformer losses (on
train). Naturally, these figures varies depending on train type,
and track topography. Thus, there is a great energy-saving
potential in reducing transmission losses and conversion losses
in the railway power supply system. This paper focus on the
transmission losses, but also the power conversion is more
efficient using the suggested converter technology. Loss figures
are typically bigger for low-voltage DC systems; and slightly
smaller for transformation/conversion, but roughly the same in
catenary system, for public-frequency systems.
A. General Presentation
The power transmission capability is improved by introducing a DC based supply line [13]. The concept is illustrated in
Figure 2. Instead of connecting the rectifier and inverter backto-back as in a conventional static converter station, rectifiers
and inverters are interconnected through a distributed DC-bus
the HVDC feeder line. Typically, rectifiers are placed at
a fairly large distance, possibly replacing some existing CE.
The inverters are placed with a shorter distance depending
on the expected load on the line. Determining the optimum
rating and distance is outside the scope of this paper but the
distance will likely be in the range from 10 km, which is
similar to the distance in Sweden between the transformers
in an AT system, to 50 km, which is similar to the distance
between substations in the Swedish 132 kV-system. Models
for determining the optimal location of railway power supply
system feeders, applied on classical converter stations are
presented in [14].
In uncontrolled systems, the rating of the CE must always
be kept high to take care of high loads. As a consequence,
the installed power and, hence, the internal no-load losses
of the transformer would increase for reduced feeding-point
distances. If a conversion stage is added, so that the power
flow can be controlled, it is possible to reduce the distance
between feeding points without increasing the installed power.
B. Suggested Feeder Lines
1) General: The feeder line may be implemented
ground cable. The cable could be a 60 kV dipole
240 mm2 aluminium conductors which yields a power
dling capability of approximately 50 MW. Such a cable
the impedance
Zline = 0.1175 /km

as a

which is also used in the models presented in Section IV.

2) Sweden-specific: There are today in Sweden 9683 km
of electrified railway lines [15] and a total installed power
of 1.2 GVA [16]. Thus, the average installed power is approximately 130 kVA/km. It is reasonable to assume that the
installed power must be increased in the future to avoid power
shortage due to increased traffic. Todays system contains a
significant amount of rotary converter units which can be

Public grid
50 Hz

25 MVA
90 tonnes

25 MVA
90 tonnes
132 kV
16 32 Hz
16 MVA
70 tonnes
15 kV
16 32 Hz

100 km

50 km

Figure 1: Current Swedish railway power supply system solution. Both the decentralized and the centralized solutions are
Public grid
50 Hz

+60 kV DC
- 60 kV DC

25 MVA
45 tonnes
1025 km
15 kV
16 32 Hz

Figure 2: Visualization of the proposed solution comprising an HVDC feeder line.

heavily overloaded for extended periods of time. Thus, the

installed power will have to be increased as the rotating
converters are replaced with static converters. It is reasonable
to assume that the installed power in the future will increase
to 200 kVA/km or more a traffic density increase of about
54 %. Thus, the rating of the converter at the feeding point
will be in the range of 2 MVA to 10 MVA which is in the
same range as the line-side conversion stages in locomotives.
Reducing the weight and increasing the efficiency of the lineside conversion stage in locomotives and electrical multiple
units have been studied extensively in the past [17][22],
and the similar converter requirements, such as power rating
and AC voltage level, makes these converter types interesting
candidates for the HVDC-feeder.
C. Suggested Intermediate Frequency Transformer
The efficiency of a transformer is strongly coupled to its
ratings. It is a well established rule in transformer design that
the relative losses of a transformer is equal to its apparent
power to the power of 41 . Thus, a substation transformer is inherently more efficient compared to the step-down transformer
in a locomotive or Electric Multiple Unit (EMU). Therefore,
increasing the number of transformers in the system inherently
leads to higher losses if all other conditions, such as current
loading, magnetic flux etc, are kept the same.
A way of maintaining high efficiency when decreasing the
rating of the transformer is to increase its frequency. The per
unit weight of the transformer, if all other operating conditions
are the same, varies with frequency to the power of 34 . Per
unit losses will vary with the same exponent as long as the
losses are dominated by ohmic losses. The flux density has
to be reduced when the frequency exceeds above a certain
threshold. For a 5 MVA converter, a 400 Hz transformer is a
good choice.
The specific core losses will increase with increased transformer frequency, causing additional no-load losses. This
increase can partly be counteracted by using higher grade magnetic materials such as high silicon steel or nano-crystalline
materials. However, reducing the transformer rating, and
thereby its weight, is the most effective way of decreasing
no-load losses.
D. Suggested Converter Realization Design
A possible realization of the HVDC converter consists of
several converter cells that are series connected both on the
AC and DC side. Each cell comprise a VSC connected to
a cycloconverter via a medium frequency transformer. Cascading a high number of converter cells has several attractive
advantages. A high number of cascaded cells allows synthesis
of a high number of voltage levels at the AC terminals which
allows smaller line filter, reduced voltage stress on magnetic components and less electromagnetic emissions. Series
connection of components can be completely avoided with
a sufficiently high number of converter cells. However, the
cascaded approach inevitably results in high component count
and complex insulation systems. Increasing the number of
converter cells leads to increased transformer losses. Doubling

Table I: Summary of component weights for a 3 MVA system



33 Hz filter
MF Transformers (400 Hz)
Line filter (15%)
Circuit breaker

200 kg
1500 kg
25-50 kg
1500 kg
50-100 kg
900 kg
110 kg
1030 kg
ca 5-6 tonnes

the number of cascaded cells increase the transformer losses by

68 % according to the scaling rules mentioned previously. A
good compromise is to use two cascaded cells. Good harmonic
and EMI properties are achieved due to 5-level switching while
keeping the structure of the converter relatively simple and
keeping the transformer losses at an acceptable level. The
approach requires series connection of silicon devices both
in the cycloconverter and the VSC. Soft switching of all
semiconductor devices is a good condition for commutation
of several devices in series without excessive losses [23].
E. Physical Properties of Suggested Solution
The estimated weights for a 3 MVA system are shown
in Table I. The investigated system is anticipated to fit in
a standard 8 ft. container and weigh about 6 tonnes. This
should be compared to the conventional step-down transformer
used in the centralized 132 kV system. Such a transformer is
normally rated around 16 MVA and weigh 70 tonnes.
To both show the feasibility and to analyze the potential
of the suggested high voltage DC fed railway power supply
system technology, a comparison has been made between existing railway power supply system solutions and the proposed
one. Since the loads vary in distribution, sign, and size; and
the strength of the railway power supply system also varies,
four different test cases, c.f. Sections III-0aIII-0d, have been
simulated and compared, c.f. Sections V-1V-4, for proposed
and present solutions. The test cases were chosen to illustrate
the properties of the system rather than to give accurate
predictions of real traffic.
The numerical examples are inspired by the 15 kV 16 32 Hz
railway power supply system network of Sweden; when
present converters and transformer substations are replaced
with high voltage DC feeding and controlling it optimally
rather than following the classical control schemes. For details
of how the Swedish railway power supply system is constituted
and can be simulated, please refer to [8], [24][26].
For given loads, signs, and locations, the converters can
be controlled in such a way that the minimum total losses
are determined. This is done by formulating and solving
a numerical optimization problem. The solution will only
be valid in the specific time instance studied, since power
consumption and location of the trains/loads will vary over

In real-life however, it is not possible to exactly know all

momentary load levels, load positions and levels of power
conversion in the system. Therefore, a truly optimal solution is
not achievable in a future application. The benefit of determining the optimal solution is however that is sets a theoretical
upper limit on how small the losses possibly can be with a
smart control strategy. That is, the minimum losses shows the
potential of the technology but not how to implement the
a) Case A: single motoring train and 100 km between
CEs: This case was chosen to be representative for a decentralized system layout where the CEs are directly connected
to the public grid. The train is located in the middle between
two CEs representing the worst case in terms of losses and
voltage quality. The power consumed by the train is 8 MW at
unity power factor. See Figure 3.
b) Case B: single motoring train and 25 km between CEs.
When using classic converter control, the illustrated converters
should be regarded as 132 kV to 15 kV transformers.: This
case was chosen in order to be able to compare two kinds
of centralized railway power supply system solutions. The
classical one with passive transformers between the transmission line and the contact line, and the proposed one where
both converters and transformers are replaced by HVDC converter stations. The conditions are otherwise equal to Case A,
c.f. Figure 4.
c) Case C: one motoring train and one braking train
and 100 km between feeding points: This case illustrates
power flow during regenerative braking on a typical line with
CEs located 100 km from each other. Normally, feedback to
the national grid is not appreciated by public grid owners.
Therefore, in the HVDC-feeder case the impact is studied
when it is not allowed to feed back to the public grid from
the HVDC grid.
Many grid owners consider regenerative braking to be an
energy source which is unpredictable in time and size, heavily
fluctuating, and a noisy distortion.
The distance between the trains is 67 km and the distance
to the closest converter station is 17 km, for both of the
trains. The active and reactive power consumptions of the two
locomotives are the same and equal to Case A and Case B,
with the exception that one of them regenerates, and the other
one consumes, see Figure 5.
d) Case D: One motoring train and one braking train
and 25 km between feeding points: The distance between the
feeding points is the same as in Case C. Otherwise, conditions
are the same as in Case B, c.f. Figure 6.
A. Converter station
1) Proposed Converters: The converter used for the simulations is assumed to be of the type described in Section II.
In this paper, converter losses for inverter mode are modeled
as a second order polynomial according to
PLc = 0.0135I 2 + 0.0097I + 0.015


where I is the per-unit current on the AC-side of the converter,

and PLc is the per-unit power [27], [28]. The quadratic term

represents the resistive losses of the converter, whereas the

linear term represents constant voltage drops, and the constant
term corresponds to idling losses. The polynomial is derived
assuming inverter operation at unity power factor, which is
when the losses are the highest. This model is used for
inverter mode of the converter, regardless of cos . Operating
the converter as a rectifier will yield slightly lower losses,
in this paper modeled as 0.9 times the inverter losses, also
here regardless of cos . The per-unit losses are assumed to
be independent of the converter ratings this means that
no economies of scale are assumed for the converters. The
converter losses are discussed in more detail in [22]. The
exact numbers of loss functions like equation (2) are naturally
design-dependent, but the particular numbers in equation (2)
corresponds to the converter described in [22].
All harmonics, that can be substantial depending on the type
of vehicles on the line, are neglected.
2) Classic Converters: If static converters are used, the
terminal voltage and phase shift can be controlled freely.
However, for easy replacement and inter-operability, the static
converter is generally made to mimic the behavior of a rotating
converter. The characteristics of rotary and rotary-mimicking
converters are given in e.g. [29], [30]. The voltage is controlled
so that it is constant or slightly decreasing with increasing
reactive load.
In this paper, a lossless model of the converters is used.
3) Generally: For Cases A and C, the number of converters
per station is 2 whereas for Cases B and D where the number
of converter stations are doubled, only one converter per
station is present. This means that in all of the studied cases,
there are four converters present with installed apparent power
of 5 MVA each. Only their distribution is varied.
B. Catenary
The catenary assumed in this work is a typical arrangement in Sweden with a cross section of the contact wire
of 120 mm2 and two aluminum return conductors, each with
212 mm2 cross section area, parallel connected to the track.
The impedance of such an arrangement is [31]:
Zline = 0.20 + j0.20 /km


This arrangement is relatively weak and an extra feeder line

is often connected in parallel to the contact line to decrease
the impedance of the line.
C. Load
In this work, the vehicles are assumed to be equipped
with modern self-commutated converters capable to operate at
unity power factor at the contact line and negligible harmonic
currents. This is not representative for the current situation in
Sweden where most locomotives used for freight are equipped
with thyristor rectifiers and DC-motors. These thyristor based
locomotives will remain in traffic for the foreseeable time.
It is anticipated that the HVDC feeder will have a positive
influence on the performance of such locomotives as the
converter station may act as a PFC (power factor controller)
and effectively short circuit the reactive current close to the

OPF: node 7

OPF: node 8

OPF: node 5

d = 1.025
a = 0.980
OPF: QaG;4 = 0.188
a = 0.986
CCC: QaG,3 = 0.186

d = 1.034
a = 0.989
OPF: QaG;3 = 0.182
a = 0.986
CCC: QaG;1 = 0.186

OPF: node 6

OPF: node 4

OPF: node 3

100 km

OPF: node 1; CCC: node 1

OPF: node 2
CCC: node 3

OPF: node 9; CCC: node 2

OPF: U2a = 1.100,U4a = 1.100

CCC: U3a = 1.097

OPF: U1a = 1.100,U3a = 1.100

CCC: U1a = 1.097
ALL: PD;9/2
= 1.600
OPF: U9a = 0.878
CCC: U2a = 0.875

Figure 3: Case A: Single motoring train and 100 km between feeding points. OPF stands for Optimal Power Flow, whereas
CCC stands for Classical Converter Control.

OPF: node 13
CCC: node 2

OPF: node 14
CCC: node 4

OPF: node 9

OPF: node 10

d = 0.000
a = 0.000
OPF: QaG;5 = 0.000
a = 0.835
CCC: QaG,1 = 0.048

OPF: PD;10
= 0.866
a = 0.836
OPF: QaG;6 = 0.029
a = 0.709
CCC: P3,4
CCC: Qa3,4 = 0.107

OPF: node 6
node 5
OPF: node 1
CCC: node 1

OPF: node 17
CCC: node 5

OPF: U2a = 1.100,U6a = 1.100

CCC: U3a = 1.094

OPF: node 16
CCC: node 8

OPF: node 11

OPF: node 12

OPF: PD;11
= 0.858
a = 0.828
OPF: QaG;7 = 0.036
a = 0.709
CCC: P7,6
CCC: Qa7,6 = 0.107

OPF: node 7
25 km

OPF: PD;12
= 0.000
a = 0.000
OPF: QaG;8 = 0.000
a = 0.835
CCC: QaG,9 = 0.048

OPF: node 8

OPF: node 3
CCC: node 7

OPF: node 4
CCC: node 9

OPF: node 2
CCC: node 3

OPF: U1a = 1.100,U5a = 1.100

CCC: U1a = 1.099

OPF: node 15
CCC: node 6

ALL: PD;17/5
= 1.600
a = 1.057
OPF: U17
CCC: U5a = 1.051

OPF: U4a = 1.100,U8a = 1.100

CCC: U9a = 1.099
OPF: U3a = 1.100,U7a = 1.100
CCC: U7a = 1.094

Figure 4: Case B: Single motoring train and 25 km between feeding points.

OPF: node 7

OPF: node 8

OPF: node 5

d = 0.900
a = 0.939
OPF: QaG;3 = 0.077
a = 0.346
CCC: QaG;1 = 0.272

d = 1.210
a = 1.162
OPF: QaG;4 = 0.145
a = 0.800
CCC: QaG;4 = 0.726

OPF: node 6

OPF: node 4

OPF: node 3

100 km

OPF: node 1; CCC: node 1

OPF: node 2
CCC: node 4

OPF: node 10; CCC: node 3

OPF: node 9
CCC: node 2
= 1.600
ALL: PD;10/3
a = 1.012
OPF: U10
CCC: U3a = 0.982

= 1.600
ALL: PD;9/2
OPF: U9a = 1.162
CCC: U2a = 1.147

OPF: U1a = 1.100,U3a = 1.100

CCC: U1a = 1.105

OPF: U2a = 1.099,U4a = 1.100

CCC: U4a = 1.088

Figure 5: Case C: One motoring train and one braking train and 100 km between feeding points and unidirectional power flow.
OPF: node 13
CCC: node 2

OPF: node 14
CCC: node 4

OPF: node 9

OPF: node 10

d = 0.730
a = 0.755
OPF: QaG;5 = 0.010
a = 0.039
CCC: QaG;1 = 0.031

OPF: PD;10
= 0.600
a = 0.622
OPF: QaG;6 = 0.029
a = 0.624
CCC: P5,4
CCC: Qa5,4 = 0.060

OPF: node 6
node 5

OPF: node 17
CCC: node 3

OPF: node 1
CCC: node 1

ALL: PD;17/3
= 1.600
a = 1.139
OPF: U17
CCC: U3a = 1.138

OPF: U1a = 1.100,U5a = 1.100

CCC: U1a = 1.099

OPF: node 16
CCC: node 9

OPF: node 15
CCC: node 6
OPF: node 11

OPF: node 12

OPF: PD;11
= 0.679
a = 0.653
OPF: QaG;7 = 0.066
a = 0.669
CCC: P7,6
CCC: Qa7,6 = 0.116

OPF: node 7
25 km

OPF: node 2
CCC: node 5

= 0.879
OPF: PD;12
a = 0.848
OPF: QaG;8 = 0.076
CCC: PG;10
= 0.086
CCC: QaG;10 = 0.118

OPF: node 8

OPF: node 3
CCC: node 7

OPF: node 4
CCC: node 10

OPF: node 18
CCC: node 8

OPF: U2a = 1.100,U6a = 1.100

CCC: U5a = 1.100
OPF: U3a = 1.091,U7a = 1.092
CCC: U7a = 1.095

ALL: PD;18/8
= 1.600
a = 1.051
OPF: U18
CCC: U8a = 1.054

OPF: U4a = 1.097,U8a = 1.097

a = 1.098
CCC: U10

Figure 6: Case D: One motoring train and one braking train and 25 km between feeding point and bidirectional power flow.
When using classic converter control, the illustrated converters should be regarded as 132 kV to 15 kV transformers.

locomotive, reducing losses and improving voltage quality. In

this case it should be noted, that the PFC would only affect
the voltage phase shift, but not focus on filtering out any
possible distortion. Reduced reactive currents in the system
will increase the power factor if everything else remains
constant. In this paper only the fundamental frequency power
flow has been studied.

Table II: Summary of results with OPF control

Case A
Base voltage
Base power
Min. voltage
Max. voltage
Conversion losses
Transmission losses AC
Transmission losses DC
Total losses


Case B

Case C

15 kV

Case D


D. Grid Topology
The multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) grid is mainly radial,
with converter stations spread along the DC cable. As can
be seen in e.g. Figure 4, the radial DC grid is parallel to
the contact line, and they are connected to each other by
the use of these converters. The DC grid is connected to the
public grid in the left-hand-side end of the DC cable, can be
imagined to be located outside the upper left part of Figure 4.
This is the explanation for the slightly bigger power inflows
in the left-hand-side converter stations in Figures 3 and 4.
As a consequence, in order to even out the losses between
the converters, this is compensated for by a slightly greater
reactive power production in the right-hand-sided converter
In the proposed solution, the impedances between catenaries
and converters results in extra nodes, whereas in the classical
cases, these small impedances are included in the rotary
converter modeling. The mathematical models used in this
paper are presented in [32].
For all calculations, the computation software GAMS [33]
have been used. For the cases where systems of equations
were about to be solved, a CNS problem class was defined,
and the problem was solved using the CONOPT [34] solver
algorithm. For the cases when optimization were about to
be done the OPF cases with our suggested solution
the problem was modeled as an MINLP problem using the
local solver algorithm BONMIN [34]. Global solvers like
COUENNE [34] have been tried for test cases when the
respective solutions corresponded very well. Due to extensive
computation times, global solving can however not be done
for all the studied cases. In all the optimization problems, both
the voltage magnitude and the phase of the converters were
controllable with regard to installed apparent power. Moreover,
the converters could be either online or offline, and rectifying
or inverting; giving rise to different loss functions. This all
was subject to minimization of the total power losses in the
1) Case A: The optimal point of operation is displayed
in Figure 3 with results marked OPF, whereas the classical
converter solutions are marked CCC (Classical Converter
Control) in the same figure. The voltages at the pantograph
are for both railway feeding solutions between 13.1 kV and
13.2 kV, which means that the performance of the locomotive
will, depending on type, be slightly reduced [35]. However, the
voltage quality is acceptable. The total losses are dominated
by AC transmission losses as seen in Table II.

Table III: Summary of results with classical railway feeding

Case A
Base voltage
Base power
Min. voltage
Max. voltage
Transmission losses


Case B

Case C

15 kV

Case D


The transmission losses are slightly bigger in the classical

feeding solution, whereas the the pantograph voltage levels
typically are the same, c.f. Table III and Figure 3.
2) Case B: The solutions for both optimum point of
operation and classical control is displayed in Figure 4. The
voltage at the pantograph is now above 15.7 kV which means
that the performance of the locomotive is unaffected [35].
The losses are still dominated by transmission losses but both
transmission losses and conversion losses are of the same
magnitude. The total losses in the system are slightly higher
than one fourth compared to Case A, c.f. Table II.
The transmission losses are slightly bigger in the classical
feeding solution, whereas the the pantograph voltage levels
typically are the same. c.f. Table III and Figure 4.
3) Case C: The optimum point of operation is displayed
in Figure 5 together with the solutions of the classical study.
About 60 % of the power is regenerated to the HVDC line
and fed back to the motoring train. The remaining regenerated
power is transmitted through the contact line. The AC losses
are almost halved in the OPF case compared to the classical
one, c.f. Tables III and II. In the OPF case, the converter losses
are less than half of the transmission losses. Voltage levels are
above 15 kV for the OPF study, and not far from it in the
classical feeding study.
4) Case D: The optimum point of operation is displayed
in Figure 6 as well as the classical feeding solution. The AC
transmission losses are almost as big for the OPF as for the
classical case, and the conversion losses are substantial, about
85 % of the transmission losses.
The regenerative energy is fed back to the feeder line
by the two leftmost converter stations in Figure 6 and
fed to the consuming train by the two rightmost converter stations in Figure 6. The HVAC line in the classical centralized solution almost does an equally good job.
Only a small amount of power flows through the catenary
between the two converters/transformers in the middle of
Figure 6, i.e. 0.138- j0.084 p.u. with classical feeding, and
0.167- j0.075 p.u. in the OPF case. This is due to the combination of a relatively weak contact line and high efficiency

converter. The total losses are 70 % compared to Case C for

OPF and 27 % for classical feeding, keeping in mind the
conversion losses are unconsidered for classical feeding in this
In this paper the possibilities of introducing a high voltage
DC feeder for railway power supplies have been investigated.
The OPF solution shows a theoretical lower limit on losses, the
simulated results of the existing system shows a practical upper
bound on losses of a future railway power supply system. We
propose standardized, small, low-weight, compact, converters
to be distributed along the catenaries at proper distances.
The proposed system shows significant advantages in terms
of lower raw material usage, lower losses and increased
voltage quality compared to conventional feeder solutions. The
proposed system handles regenerative braking well also over
large distances, and is superior to the state of the art solution
in terms of land and material usage. The proposed system
is inherently redundant. Thus, a station can easily be taken
off-line for maintenance etc. The small size and weight of
the converter enclosure means that it can be easily installed
and replaced. The medium frequency transformer is a key
technology to allow light and high efficiency converters with
relatively small rating (in the order of megawatts).
Simulations show that there is a significant difference in
the power flow between a system with converter control
according to Swedish regulations and the optimal solution.
The difference is most pronounced in the case with regenerative braking and comparatively long inter-converter distances,
where the AC transmission losses are more than twice the
losses of the optimal solution. The difference is caused by
a significant power flow through the contact line instead of
through the HVDC-feeder. These results indicates that with
HVDC-supplied railways, the inter-converter distances can be
larger without causing unbearable losses.
It is however not necessary with a top level, centrally
managed, power control in order to utilize the HVDC-feeder in
a close-to-optimal way. A quest for future studies might be to
examine control rules based upon traffic in the power system
section being controlled, and power system measurements
from the adjacent power sections.
If one converter saturates at very dense traffic conditions
there will be a neighboring converter that steps in, which has
been confirmed in simulations, but not presented here.
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