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Angeles Police
Protective League

October 11, 2016 408-499-6195
[email protected]

Tom Saggau
[email protected]

LAPPL Statement on the LA Police Commission’s

Latest Effort to Appease Anti-Police Activists

Los Angeles, CA—Unfortunately, the Police Commission is once again pandering to

a small group of professional protesters that have built a cottage industry out of
attending and disrupting weekly police commission meetings. It's sad. The
commissioners are missing in action when it comes to ensuring neighborhoods
have minimum patrol staffing levels or when it comes to improving officer safety.
They proffer zero solutions on reducing violent crime and they avoid any
condemnation of those intent on breaking the law, possessing a gun, or shooting
and killing a police officer.

The commission has become nothing more than a group of pandering apologists
in support of misinformed professional protestors. These latest batch of proposals
are more of the same, solutions in search of a problem.

Once again, the Commission has failed to seek any input from the nearly 10,000
members of the LAPPL prior to making their decision. It has become quite
apparent that the Commission does not want or value the perspective of the
police officers who risk their lives daily to help keep Los Angeles residents safe.

About the LAPPL: Formed in 1923, the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) represents the more than
9,900 dedicated and professional sworn members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The LAPPL serves to
advance the interests of LAPD officers through legislative and legal advocacy, political action and education. The
LAPPL can be found on the Web at


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