What Is Marketing

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What is marketing?

Teachers name

: Walter Sez
: Commerce Engineer.
: 1.
: Ursula Henrquez T.
: November 6th, 2013.

1. - What is marketing? Why is it important?

Marketing is finding out about your customers and competitors so that
you can provide the right product at the right price. Marketing is the
process of determining the needs and wants of consumers and deliver
products that satisfy those needs and wants.
Marketing is important for making decisions about the product offering.
2. - Read this article about marketing. Match the questions
(1-6) with the paragraphs (a-f)
1) How do I meet my objectives?

2) What do I want to achieve?

3) What is marketing?

4) How do I communicate my message?

5) How do I find out this information?

6) What do I need to know?

3- Match the highlighted words and phrases in the text with

the definitions (1-8)
1) Ways of telling people about your products
2) The part of the total market that buys your products


3) Knowledge of your companys products

Product awareness
4) Other companies that sell similar products
5) Finding out about the market


6) To introduce a new product to the market


7) The kind of people you are interested in selling to



8) A plan you use in order to achieve something


4. - Look at the text again. Find and underline

1) Two market research methods:

Interviews to find out about the attitude of people.

Questionnaires to find out about their shopping habits.

2) Three marketing objectives:

Find new customers

Take customers from your competitors
Persuade your customers to use more of your products.

6.- Work in pairs. Do some research. Think of a product you

know or buy regularly, and about how the company markets it.
Who is its target market? What are its objectives? Find out what
you can about the company. What is its market share? Who are
its competitors?

Product (Service): Audi is a German automobile manufacturer,

designs, engineers, manufactures and distributes automobiles.
Target market: People from upper middle class.

Objectives: Its objective is to implement innovations in the vehicle

based on new technologies.
Market share: 33.5% of the market premium segment.
Competitors: Ferrari, Dodge, Porsche, Lexus and Pontiac.

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