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TCA is a data model that supports the entry and management of entities that
you interact with. So lets revisit the concept.Trading Community Architecture
is a Very flexible, very robust model which defines the components involve in
trading within in E-business Suite.The implementation of technology and
applications to allow users to create and maintain relationships among
entities,The universal data schema for customers, prospects, suppliers,
distributors, resellers, consortiums, bank across all Oracle EBS applications
TCA not only allows for the tracking of relationships between the
implementing organization and its trading partners, but also tracks
relationships between the trading partners themselves.

The related tables are as follows:

HZ_PARTIES : Stores information about parties.

HZ_FINANCIAL_PROFILE : Stores information about the financial

HZ_CREDIT_RATINGS : Stores information about the credit rating of


HZ_REFERENCES : Stores information about reference given by one

party about another.

HZ_CERTIFICATIONS : Stores information about the certifications given

by other parties.


HZ_PERSON_PROFILES : Stores details information about people.

HZ_PERSON_LANGUAGES :Stores information about the language that
a person speaks, reads or writes

HZ_PERSON_INTEREST : Stores information about a persons personal


HZ_ CITIZENSHIP : Stores information about a persons claimed


HZ_EDUCATIONS : Store information about a person educations.

HZ_EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY : Stores information about where the

person has been employed.


The tables are as follows:

HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES : Stores details information about

credit rating, financial statistics, socio-economic and corporate linkage
HZ_STOCK_MARKETS :Stores information about the selling and
buying of financial instruments.

HZ_SECURITY_ISSUED : Stores information about financial

instruments such as stocks and bonds that has been issued by the

HZ_INDUSTRIAL_CLASS_APP : It is a intersection tables that link

industrial classifications stores in HZ_INDUSTRIAL_CLASSES .

HZ_INDUSTRIAL_CLASSES : Stores information about names and

descriptions of industrial classifications.

HZ_FINANCIAL_REPORTS : Store information details of financial

reports that describe the financial status of the party.

HZ_INDUSTRIAL_REFERENCE : Stores information about industrial

reference for organization.


HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS : Stores information about the relationship, if a

party becomes a customer. Basically stores information about
customer accounts.
HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL : Stores information about customer
sites. One customer can have more then multiple sites.

HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL : Stores information about site uses or

business purpose. A Single customer site can have multiple sites uses
such as Bill To or Ship To.

HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE_ALL : Stores information about relationships

between customer accounts.

HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES : Stores information about the roles that

parties perform in customer accounts.

HZ_BILLING_PREFERENCES : It describe the invoicing format

preferred by customer accounts or customer account sites.

HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES : Stores credit information for a customer

account and customer account sites.

HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS : Stores profile amount limits for every

currency defined for a customer account or customer account site

HZ_CUST_PROF_CLASS_AMTS :Stores customer profile class amount

limits for currency.

HZ_CUST_PROFILE_CLASSES : Stores standard credit profile classes.


HZ_CONTACT_POINTS : Stores electronic methods of communicating

with entities such as parties, party site. Each record in this table
represents s different means of contacting an entity.
HZ_CUST_CONTACT_POINTS : This table is used to tie a contact point
to a customer account, customer account site or customer account
HZ_CONTACT_RESTRICTIONS : It stores information about
restrictions on contacting parties.


HZ_PARTIES_SITES : Stores information about parties and

locations. Because there is a many-to-many relationship between
parties and locations.

HZ_PARTIES_SITE_USES : Stores information about the party site

uses and business purposes. A party site can have multiple site uses
such as bill to or ship to and each site is stores as a record in this

HZ_LOCATIONS : Stores information about the locations, namely,

address information

HZ_LOC_ASSIGNMENTS : It ties locations stored in HZ_LOCATIONS to


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